Case Digest Module 3 Civil Law

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MODULE 3 1. No.

The marriage between Pepito and Norma did not fall on an

CIVIL LAW REVIEW – ATTY. RABUYA instance that exempts them from getting a valid marriage
license. The five-year common-law cohabitation period, which
1. Ninal v. Bayadog (2011) - ALULOD is counted back from the date of celebration of marriage,
should be a period of legal union had it not been for the
Facts: absence of the marriage. This 5-year period should be the years
immediately before the day of the marriage and it should be a
         Pepito Niñal was married to Teodulfa Bellones oin
period of cohabitation characterized by exclusivity — meaning
1974. Teodulfa was shot by Pepito. After 20 months, Pepito
no third party was involved at any time within the 5 years and
married respondent Norma Badayag without a valid marriage
continuity — that is unbroken. In this case, at the time of
license. Instead, they executed an Affidavit stating that they
Pepito and respondent's marriage, it cannot be said that they
had lived as husband and wife for at least 5 years, exempting
have lived with each other as husband and wife for at least five
them from getting a marriage license.
years prior to their wedding day. From the time Pepito's first
         In 1997, Pepito died in a car accident. The heirs of marriage was dissolved to the time of his marriage with
Pepito filed filed a petition for declaration of nullity of the respondent, only about twenty months had elapsed. Even
marriage of Pepito to Norma alleging that the said marriage assuming that Pepito and his first wife had separated in fact,
was void for lack of a marriage license. and thereafter both Pepito and respondent had started living
with each other that has already lasted for five years, the fact
         RTC Judge in Cebu City dismissed he petition after remains that their five-year period cohabitation was not the
finding that the Family Code is "rather silent, obscure, cohabitation contemplated by law. It should be in the nature of
insufficient" to resolve the issues on this case. Thus, the lower a perfect union that is valid under the law but rendered
court ruled that petitioners should have filed the action to imperfect only by the absence of the marriage contract.
declare null and void their father's marriage to respondent
before his death, applying by analogy Article 47 of the Family  
2. Yes. Article 47 pertains to the grounds, periods and persons
Issue: who can file an annulment suit, not a suit for declaration of
nullity of marriage. The Code is silent as to who can file a
1. Whether the marriage of Pepito and Norma is valid. petition to declare the nullity of a marriage. Voidable and void
marriages are not identical.
2. May the heirs of a deceased person file a petition for the
declaration of nullity of his marriage after his death?
Voidable Marriage Void Marriage
annulable is valid is considered as having never Only the parties to Any proper interested party
until otherwise to have taken place and cannot a voidable marriage may attack
declared by the be the source of rights can assail it
the property regime have no legal effects except
generally ratified or Can never be ratified governing voidable those declared by law
confirmed by free marriages is concerning the properties of the
cohabitation or generally conjugal alleged spouses, regarding co-
prescription partnership and the ownership or ownership
children conceived through actual joint
before its contribution,  and its effect on
cannot be assailed can be attacked collaterally annulment are the children born to such void
collaterally except legitimate. marriages as provided in
in a direct Article 50 in relation to Article
proceeding   43 and 44 as well as Article 51,
53 and 54 of the Family Code
can be assailed only can be questioned even after
during the lifetime the death of either party  
of the parties and
not after death of Jurisprudence under the Civil Code states that no
either, in which judicial decree is necessary in order to establish the nullity of a
case the parties and marriage.  "A void marriage does not require a judicial decree
their offspring will to restore the parties to their original rights or to make the
be left as if the marriage void but though no sentence of avoidance be
marriage had been absolutely necessary, yet as well for the sake of good order of
perfectly valid society as for the peace of mind of all concerned, it is expedient
that the nullity of the marriage should be ascertained and
declared by the decree of a court of competent jurisdiction." 
Action prescribes the action or defense for nullity "Under ordinary circumstances, the effect of a void marriage,
is imprescriptible so far as concerns the conferring of legal rights upon the
parties, is as though no marriage had ever taken place. And
therefore, being good for no legal purpose, its invalidity can be husband and wife for at least 5years. The couple got married on
maintained in any proceeding in which the fact of marriage the same date, with Judge Bernabe of the MTC of Pasig City.
may be material, either direct or collateral, in any civil court Nevertheless, after the ceremony, petitioner and respondent
between any parties at any time, whether before or after the went back to their respective homes and did not live together as
death of either or both the husband and the wife, and upon husband and wife.
mere proof of the facts rendering such marriage void, it will be
disregarded or treated as non-existent by the courts." It is not  In November 1995, respondent gave birth to a child named
like a voidable marriage which cannot be collaterally attacked Reinna Tricia A. De Castro. Since the child’s birth, respondent
except in direct proceeding instituted during the lifetime of the has been the one supporting her out of her income as a
parties so that on the death of either, the marriage cannot be government dentist and from her private practice.
impeached, and is made good ab initio.  But Article 40 of the
Family Code expressly provides that there must be a judicial  In June 1998, respondent filed a complaint for support against
declaration of the nullity of a previous marriage, though void, petitioner before the RTC, alleging that petitioner has “reneged
before a party can enter into a second marriage  and such on his responsibility/obligation to financially support her “as
absolute nullity can be based only on a final judgment to that his wife and Reinna Tricia as his child.”
effect.  For the same reason, the law makes either the action or
defense for the declaration of absolute nullity of marriage Petitioner denied that he is married to respondent,
imprescriptible. Corollarily, if the death of either party would claiming that their marriage is void ab initio since the marriage
extinguish the cause of action or the ground for defense, then was facilitated by a fake affidavit; and that he was merely
the same cannot be considered imprescriptible. prevailed upon by respondent to sign the marriage contract to
save her from embarrassment and possible administrative
prosecution due to her pregnant state; and that he was not able
2. De Castro v. Assidao-De Castro (2008) - ARANAS to get parental advice from his parents before he got married.
He also averred that they never lived together as husband and
FACTS: wife and that he has never seen nor acknowledged the child.

In 1991, petitioner and respondent became sweethearts.   RTC ruled that the marriage is not valid as it was
They applied for a marriage license with the Office of the Civil solemnized without a marriage license. However, it declared
Registrar of Pasig City in September 1994. They had their first petitioner as the natural father of the child, and thus obliged to
sexual relation sometime in October 1994, and had regularly give her support.
engaged in sex thereafter. When the couple went back to the
Office of the Civil Registrar, the marriage license had already CA denied the appeal. Prompted by the rule that a
expired. In order to push through with the plan they executed marriage is presumed to be subsisting until a judicial
an affidavit dated stating that they had been living together as declaration of nullity has been made, the appellate court
declared that the child was born during the subsistence and  
validity of the parties’ marriage. In addition, CA frowned upon
petitioner’s refusal to undergo DNA testing to prove the RULING:
paternity and filiation, as well as his refusal to state with
certainty the last time he had carnal knowledge with 1. The Court holds that the trial court had jurisdiction to
respondent, saying that petitioner’s “forgetfulness should not determine the validity of the marriage between petitioner and
be used as a vehicle to relieve him of his obligation and reward respondent. The validity of a void marriage may be collaterally
him of his being irresponsible.” Moreover, CA noted the attacked. Thus, in Niñal v. Bayadog, 328 SCRA 122 (2000),
affidavit dated 7 April 1998 executed by petitioner, wherein he we held: However, other than for purposes of remarriage, no
voluntarily admitted that he is the legitimate father of the child. judicial action is necessary to declare a marriage an absolute
nullity. For other purposes, such as but not limited to
 CA also ruled that since this case is an action for support, it determination of heirship, legitimacy or illegitimacy of a child,
was improper for the RTC to declare the marriage of petitioner settlement of estate, dissolution of property regime, or a
and respondent as null and void in the very same case. There criminal case for that matter, the court may pass upon the
was no participation of the State, through the prosecuting validity of marriage even in a suit not directly instituted to
attorney or fiscal, to see to it that there is no collusion between question the same so long as it is essential to the determination
the parties, as required by the Family Code in actions for of the case. This is without prejudice to any issue that may
declaration of nullity of a marriage. The burden of proof to arise in the case. When such need arises, a final judgment of
show that the marriage is void rests upon petitioner, but it is a declaration of nullity is necessary even if the purpose is other
matter that can be raised in an action for declaration of nullity, than to remarry. The clause “on the basis of a final judgment
and not in the instant proceedings. The proceedings before the declaring such previous marriage void” in Article 40 of the
trial court should have been limited to the obligation of Family Code connotes that such final judgment need not be
petitioner to support the child and his wife on the basis of the obtained only for purpose of remarriage.
marriage apparently and voluntarily entered into by petitioner
and respondent. In Nicdao Cariño v. Yee Cariño, 351 SCRA 127
(2001), the Court ruled that it is clothed with sufficient
ISSUES: authority to pass upon the validity of two marriages despite the
main case being a claim for death benefits. Reiterating Niñal,
1. whether the trial court had the jurisdiction to determine we held that the Court may pass upon the validity of a marriage
the validity of the marriage between petitioner and even in a suit not directly instituted to question the validity of
respondent in an action for support said marriage, so long as it is essential to the determination of
the case. However, evidence must be adduced, testimonial or
2. whether the child is the daughter of petitioner. documentary, to prove the existence of grounds rendering such
a marriage an absolute nullity.
Under the Family Code, the absence of any of the  2. Anent the second issue, we find that the child is petitioner’s
essential or formal requisites shall render the marriage void ab illegitimate daughter, and therefore entitled to support.
initio, whereas a defect in any of the essential requisites shall Illegitimate children may establish their illegitimate filiation in
render the marriage voidable. In the instant case, it is clear the same way and on the same evidence as legitimate children.
from the evidence presented that petitioner and respondent did Thus, one can prove illegitimate filiation through the record of
not have a marriage license when they contracted their birth appearing in the civil register or a final judgment, an
marriage. Instead, they presented an affidavit stating that they admission of legitimate filiation in a public document or a
had been living together for more than five years. However, private handwritten instrument and signed by the parent
respondent herself in effect admitted the falsity of the affidavit concerned, or the open and continuous possession of the status
when she was asked during cross examination, thus—ATTY. of a legitimate child, or any other means allowed by the Rules
CARPIO: QBut despite of (sic) the fact that you have not been of Court and special laws.
living together as husband and wife for the last five years on or
before March 13, 1995, you signed the Affidavit, is that
correct? AYes, sir. 3. Cariño v. Yee Cariño (2001) – CAMPOS
Facts: During the lifetime of SP04 Santiago S Carino he
The falsity of the affidavit cannot be considered as a contracted two marriages, the first was on June 20, 1969, with
mere irregularity in the formal requisites of marriage. The law petitioner Susan NICDAO-CARINO, with whom he had two
dispenses with the marriage license requirement for a man and children, and the second was on Novermber 10, 1992, with
a woman who have lived together and exclusively with each respodent Susan YEE-CARINO with whom he had no children
other as husband and wife for a continuous and unbroken in their ten year cohabitation way back in 1982.
period of at least five years before the marriage. The aim of this
provision is to avoid exposing the parties to humiliation, shame In 1988 SP04 Santiago S Carino became ill and bedridden due
and embarrassment concomitant with the scandalous to diabetes complicated by pulmonary tuberculoses and
cohabitation of persons outside a valid marriage due to the eventually passed away on Novermber 13, 1992 under the care
publication of every applicant’s name for a marriage license. In of Susan YEE.
the instant case, there was no “scandalous cohabitation” to
protect; in fact, there was no cohabitation at all. The false Susan Nicdao was able to collect a total of P146,000.00 from
affidavit which petitioner and respondent executed so they MBAI, PCCUI, Commutation, NAPOCOLM and Pag-inig
could push through with the marriage has no value whatsoever; while Susan Yea received a total of P21,000.00 from GSIS
it is a mere scrap of paper. They were not exempt from the Life, Burial and SSS.
marriage license requirement. Their failure to obtain and
present a marriage license renders their marriage void ab initio. On December 14, 1993 respodent Susan Yee filed a case for
collection of sum of money against Susan Nicdao. Petitioner
failed to file her answer and was declared in default.
remarriage on the basis solely of a final judgment declaring
Susan Yee admitted that her marriage with the deceased took such previous marriage void. Meaning, where the absolute
place during the subsistence of the marriage between petitioner nullity of a previous marriage is sought to be invoked for
and deceased and with judicial declaration of nullity of purposes of contracting a second marriage, the sole basis
marriage. But she claims that she had no knowledge of the acceptable in law, for said projected marriage to be free from
previous marriage and only became aware of it at the funeral of legal infirmity, is a final judgment declaring the previous
the deceased where she met petitioner who introduced herself marriage void.
as the wife of the deceased. To support her claim she presented
a certification from the Local Civil Registrar of San Juan, However, for purposes other than remarriage, no judicial action
Metro Manila: is necessary to declare a marriage an absolute nullity. For other
purposes, such as but not limited to the determination of
“This is to certify that this Office has no record of marriage heirship, legitimacy or illegitimacy of a child, settlement of
license of the spouses SANTIAGO CARINO and SUSAN estate, dissolution of property regime, or a criminal case for
NICDAO, who are married in this municipality on June 20, that matter, the court may pass upon the validity of marriage
1969. Hence, we cannot issue as requested a true copy or even after the death of the parties thereto, and even in a suit not
transcription of Marriage License number from the records of directly instituted to question the validity of said marriage, so
this archives. long as it is essential to the determination of the case.
This certification is issued upon the request of Mrs. Susan Yee
Cariño for whatever legal purpose it may serve.” It is clear therefore that the Court is clothed with sufficient
authority to pass upon the validity of the two marriages in this
RTC: Rule in favor of Susan YEE. case, as the same is essential to the determination of who is
CA: Affirmed the ruling of the RTC rightfully entitled to the subject “death benefits” of the
Petitioner argues that the doctrine in Vda. De Conseugra vs
GSIS is applicable to the case at bar. Under the Civil Code, which was the law in force when the
marriage of petitioner Susan Nicdao and the deceased was
Issues: W/N the Supreme Court may upon the validity of the solemnized in 1969, a valid marriage license is a requisite of
two marriages- Yes marriage,and the absence thereof, subject to certain
W/N Susan Yee is entitled to the death benefits of SP04 exceptions,renders the marriage void ab initio.
Carino- No
In the case at bar, there is no question that the marriage of
Ruling: Under Article 40 of the Family Code, the absolute petitioner and the deceased does not fall within the marriages
nullity of a previous marriage may be invoked for purposes of exempt from the license requirement. A marriage license,
therefore, was indispensable to the validity of their marriage. Considering that the two marriages are void ab initio, the
This notwithstanding, the records reveal that the marriage applicable property regime would not be absolute community
contract of petitioner and the deceased bears no marriage or conjugal partnership of property, but rather, be governed by
license number and, as certified by the Local Civil Registrar of the provisions of Articles 147 and 148 of the Family Code on
San Juan, Metro Manila, their office has no record of such “Property Regime of Unions Without Marriage.”
marriage license. In Republic v. Court of Appeals, he Court
held that such a certification is adequate to prove the non- The disputed P146,000.00 from MBAI [AFP Mutual Benefit
issuance of a marriage license. Absent any circumstance of Association, Inc.], NAPOLCOM, Commutation, Pag-ibig, and
suspicion, as in the present case, the certification issued by the PCCUI, are clearly renumerations, incentives and benefits from
local civil registrar enjoys probative value, he being the officer governmental agencies earned by the deceased as a police
charged under the law to keep a record of all data relative to the officer. Unless respondent Susan Yee presents proof to the
issuance of a marriage license. contrary, it could not be said that she contributed money,
property or industry in the acquisition of these monetary
It does not follow from the foregoing disquisition, however, benefits. Hence, they are not owned in common by respondent
that since the marriage of petitioner and the deceased is and the deceased, but belong to the deceased alone and
declared void ab initio, the “death benefits” under scrutiny respondent has no right whatsoever to claim the same. By
would now be awarded to respondent Susan Yee. To reiterate, intestate succession, the said “death benefits” of the deceased
under Article 40 of the Family Code, for purposes of shall pass to his legal heirs. And, respondent, not being the
remarriage, there must first be a prior judicial declaration of the legal wife of the deceased is not one of them.
nullity of a previous marriage, though void, before a party can
enter into a second marriage, otherwise, the second marriage As to the property regime of petitioner Susan Nicdao and the
would also be void. deceased, Article 147 of the Family Code governs. This article
applies to unions of parties who are legally capacitated and not
Accordingly, the declaration in the instant case of nullity of the barred by any impediment to contract marriage, but whose
previous marriage of the deceased and petitioner Susan Nicdao marriage is nonetheless void for other reasons, like the absence
does not validate the second marriage of the deceased with of a marriage license. Article 147 of the Family Code reads –
respondent Susan Yee. The fact remains that their marriage
was solemnized without first obtaining a judicial decree Art. 147. When a man and a woman who are capacitated to
declaring the marriage of petitioner Susan Nicdao and the marry each other, live exclusively with each other as husband
deceased void. Hence, the marriage of respondent Susan Yee and wife without the benefit of marriage or under a void
and the deceased is, likewise, void ab initio. marriage, their wages and salaries shall be owned by them in
equal shares and the property acquired by both of them through
their work or industry shall be governed by the rules on co- 3. Elise showed her Certificate of Live Birth
ownership. signed by Eliseo as her father as proof.
4. Elise sought her appointment as administratrix
In contrast to Article 148, under the foregoing article, wages of her late father’s estate.
and salaries earned by either party during the cohabitation shall b. Claiming that the venue of the petition was improperly
be owned by the parties in equal shares and will be divided laid, Amelia, together with her children, Jenneth and
equally between them, even if only one party earned the wages Jennifer, opposed the issuance of the letters of
and the other did not contribute thereto administration by filing an Opposition/Motion to
3. Garcia-Quiazon v. Belen (2013) 1. Eliseo was a resident of Capas, Tarlac and not
Facts:  of Las Piñas City, at the time of his death.
2. Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 73 of the Revised
1. Petition for Letters of Administration of the Estate of Rules of Court, the petition for settlement of
Eliseo Quiazon (Eliseo) was filed by herein respondents decedent’s estate should have been filed in
who are Eliseo’s common-law wife and daughter. Capas, Tarlac and not in Las Piñas City.
2. The petition was opposed by herein petitioners Amelia 3. Averred that there are no factual and legal bases
Garcia-Quaizon (Amelia) to whom Eliseo was married. for Elise to be appointed administratix of
3. Amelia was joined by her children, Jenneth Quiazon Eliseo’s estate.
(Jenneth) and Maria Jennifer Quiazon (Jennifer).
4. Eliseo died intestate on December 12, 1992. RTC: Directed issuance of Letters of Administration to Elise
5. On 12 September 1994, Maria Lourdes Elise Quiazon
(Elise), represented by her mother, Ma. Lourdes Belen CA: Affirmed decision.
(Lourdes), filed a Petition for Letters of Administration Issues:
before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Las Piñas I. THE COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED IN
1. Elise claims that she is the natural child of OF LAS PIÑAS AND THEREFORE, THE PETITION FOR
Eliseo having been conceived and born at the LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION WAS PROPERLY
time when her parents were both capacitated to FILED WITH THE RTC OF LAS PIÑAS;
marry each other.
2. Elise impugned the validity of Eliseo’s marriage II. THE COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED IN
to Amelia by claiming that it was bigamous for DECLARING THAT AMELIA GARCIA-QUIAZON WAS
having been contracted during the subsistence of NOT LEGALLY MARRIED TO ELISEO QUIAZON DUE
the latter’s marriage with one Filipito Sandico TO PREEXISTING MARRIAGE; AND
III. THE COURT OF APPEALS OVERLOOKED THE FACT effect was the Civil Code, and not the Family Code, making the
ADMINISTRATION. Relevant to the foregoing, there is no doubt that Elise, whose
successional rights would be prejudiced by her father’s
Ruling: marriage to Amelia, may impugn the existence of such
1) Eliseo Quiazon was a resident of Las Pinas at the time of his marriage even after the death of her father. The said marriage
death. may be questioned directly by filing an action attacking the
validity thereof, or collaterally by raising it as an issue in a
Under Section 1, Rule 73 of the Rules of Court, the petition for proceeding for the settlement of the estate of the deceased
letters of administration of the estate of a decedent should be spouse, such as in the case at bar. Ineluctably, Elise, as a
filed in the RTC of the province where the decedent resides at compulsory heir, has a cause of action for the declaration of the
the time of his death. absolute nullity of the void marriage of Eliseo and Amelia, and
The term "resides" connotes ex vi termini "actual residence" as the death of either party to the said marriage does not
distinguished from "legal residence or domicile." extinguish such cause of action.
Viewed in light of the foregoing principles, the Court of
Appeals cannot be faulted for affirming the ruling of the RTC Having established the right of Elise to impugn Eliseo’s
that the venue for the settlement of the estate of Eliseo was marriage to Amelia, we now proceed to determine whether or
properly laid in Las Piñas City. It is evident from the records not the decedent’s marriage to Amelia is void for being
that during his lifetime, Eliseo resided at No. 26 Everlasting bigamous.
Road, Phase 5, Pilar Village, Las Piñas City. For this reason,
the venue for the settlement of his estate may be laid in the said Contrary to the position taken by the petitioners, the existence
city. of a previous marriage between Amelia and Filipito was
sufficiently established by no less than the Certificate of
2) No GAOD. Marriage. Consequently, in the absence of any showing that
such marriage had been dissolved at the time Amelia and
In a void marriage, it was though no marriage has taken place,
Eliseo’s marriage was solemnized, the inescapable conclusion
thus, it cannot be the source of rights. Any interested party may
is that the latter marriage is bigamous and, therefore, void ab
attack the marriage directly or collaterally. A void marriage can
be questioned even beyond the lifetime of the parties to the
marriage. It must be pointed out that at the time of the
celebration of the marriage of Eliseo and Amelia, the law in
3) In the instant case, Elise, as a compulsory heir who stands to parents on April 1998. Because of her findings, she filed a
be benefited by the distribution of Eliseo’s estate, is deemed to petition to correct the entries in the birth record of Patrick  with
be an interested party. RTC of Himamaylan Negros Occidental.
 With the overwhelming evidence on record produced
Her contention is that Patrick could not have been legitimated
by Elise to prove her filiation to Eliseo, the petitioners’
by the subsequent marriage of Lucille and Pablo because such
pounding on her lack of interest in the administration of
is bigamous (their marriage was subsisting at that time). She
the decedent’s estate, is just a desperate attempt to sway
prayed for the correction of Patrick’s legitimation,
this Court to reverse the findings of the Court of
acknowledgment of the father, and use of Braza as last name.
She also asked that Patrick be submitted to DNA testing and to
 Right of Elise founded on her right as a compulsory declare Lucilleand Pablo’s marriage as bigamous. 
heir, who, under the law, is entitled to her legitimate
after the debts of the estate are satisfied. Respondent filed a motion to dismiss alleging that the case
 Having a vested right in the distribution of Eliseo’s special proceeding for correction of entry and the court does
estate as one of his natural children, Elise can rightfully not have jurisdiction to annul her marriage, impugn legitimacy
be considered as an interested party within the purview and order DNA testing because the court is not acting as a
of the law. family court.Thus it  should instead be ventilated in an ordinary
action. RTC granted the motion to dismiss. Petitioners filed a
5. Braza v. The City Civil Registrar of Himamaylan motion for reconsideration but was denied so they filed this
City, Negros Occidental (2009) CHAVEZ  present action.


            Ma. Cristina and Pablo Braza were married on Jan. 4, Whether or not the RTC has jurisdiction to annul the
1978. They had three children namely Josef, Janelle and marriage of respondent and impugn legitimacy of respondent’s
Gian.However Pablo died on April 2002 in a vehicular accident child in a petition to correct entries in the local civil register?
in Indonesia. During his wake, the respondent Lucille
introduced her son Patrick as Pablo’s child. Naturally Ma. RULING:
Cristina inquired as to the veracity of Lucille’s claim. She
            The petitioners in this case aver the court may pass
acquired a copy of Patrick’s birth certificate from the Civil
upon the validity of marriage and legitimacy of child in an
Registrar of Himamaylan City. It reflects that the child was
action to correct entries in civil registrar. As basis, they cited
born on Jan. 1, 1996 but was registered late a year after. It has
Cariño v. Carino, Lee v. CA and Republic v. Kho, alleging that
an annotation wherein Pablo acknowledge the child as his, and
even substantial errors,such as those sought to be corrected in
that the child was legitimated by a subsequent marriage of his
the present case, can be the subject of a petition under Rule This petition for review on certiorari assails the Decision dated
108.  August 17, 2004 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV
No. 61762 and its subsequent Resolution dated September 13,
However, the Supreme Court held the contrary. In a 2005, which affirmed the Decision of the Regional Trial Court
special proceeding for correction of entry under Rule 108, the (RTC) of Quezon City, Branch 89 declaring petitioner
trial court has no jurisdiction to nullify marriages and rule on Estrellita Juliano-Llave s (Estrellita) marriage to Sen. Mamintal
legitimacy and filiation.Under these rules, only correction of A.J. Tamano (Sen. Tamano) as void ab initio.
clerical, spelling, typographical and other innocuous errors in
the civil registry may be allowed.  A clerical error is one which FACTS:
is visible to the eyes or obvious to the understanding; an error
made by a clerk or a transcriber; a mistake in copying or Around 11 months before his death, Sen. Tamano married
writing, or a harmless change such as a correction of name that Estrellita twice – initially under the Islamic laws and tradition
is clearly misspelled or of a misstatement of the occupation of on May 27, 1993 in Cotabato City and, subsequently, under a
the parent.  Substantial or contentious alterations may be civil ceremony officiated by an RTC Judge at Malabang, Lanao
allowed only in adversarial proceedings, in which all interested del Sur on June 2, 1993. In their marriage contracts, Sen.
parties are impleaded and due process is properly observed. Tamano’s civil status was indicated as “divorced”. Since then,
Estrellita has been representing herself to the whole world as
Moreover, the petitioners seek to nullify the marriage of Sen. Tamano s wife, and upon his death, his widow.
respondent and Pablo and impugn their child’s filiation and to On November 23, 1994, private respondents Haja Putri
subject him to DNA testing. They contend that these are merely Zorayda A. Tamano (Zorayda) and her son Adib Ahmad A.
incidental to the main petition which is correction of entry Tamano (Adib), in their own behalf and in behalf of the rest of
under Rule 108. However the court held that the applicable rule Sen. Tamano s legitimate children with Zorayda, filed a
is under A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC Art. 171 of the Family Code, complaint with the RTC of Quezon City for the declaration of
the petition should be filed in a Family Court as expressly nullity of marriage between Estrellita and Sen. Tamano for
provided in said Code. Finally, the court lso ruled that validity being bigamous. The complaint alleged that Sen. Tamano
of marriages as well as legitimacy and filiation can be married Zorayda on May 31, 1958 under civil rites, and that
questioned only in a direct action seasonably filed by the this marriage remained subsisting when he married Estrellita in
proper party, and not through collateral attack such as what the 1993.
petitioners strive for in this case.

6. Juliano-Llave v. Republic (2011) - GARCIA Whether the marriage between Estrellita and the late Sen.
Tamano was bigamous.
HELD: Facts: Petitioner Minoru Fujiki is a Japanese national who
marrie drespodent Maria Paz Marinay in the Philippines on
Yes.  January 23, 2004. The marriage did not sit well with
The civil code governs the marriage of Zorayda and late Sen. petitioner’s parents. Thus, Fujiki could not bring his wife to
Tamano; their marriage was never invalidated by PD 1083. Japan where he resides.
Sen. Tamano’s subsequent marriage to Estrellita is void ab
initio.          In 2008, Marinay met another Japanese, Sinichi
Maekara. Without the first marriage being dissolved Marinay
RATIO: and Maekara were married on May 15, 2008 in Quezon City,
Philippines. Maekara brought Marinay to Japan. Marinay
The marriage between the late Sen. Tamano and Zorayda was allegedly suffered physical abuse from Maekara. She left
celebrated in 1958, solemnized under civil and Muslim rites. Maekara and started to contact Fujiki.
The only law in force governing marriage relationships
between Muslims and non-Muslims alike was the Civil Code of          Fujiki helped Marinay obtain a judgment from a family
1950, under the provisions of which only one marriage can court in Japan which declared the marriage between Marinay
exist at any given time. Under the marriage provisions of the and Maekara void on the ground of bigamy. On January 14,
Civil Code, divorce is not recognized except during the 2011 Fujiki filed a petition in the RTC entitled “Judicial
effectivity of Republic Act No. 394 which was not availed of Recognition of Foreign Judgement ( Decree of Absoulute
during its effectivity. Nullity of Marriage). Fujiki prayed that:
As far as Estrellita is concerned, Sen. Tamano s prior marriage
to Zorayda has been severed by way of divorce under PD 1083, 1. The Japanese Family court judgment be recognized
the law that codified Muslim personal laws. However, PD 1083
cannot benefit Estrellita. Firstly, Article 13(1) thereof provides 2. that the bigamous marriage between Marinay and Maekara
that the law applies to “marriage and divorce wherein both be declared void  ab initio
parties are Muslims, or wherein only the male party is a
Muslim and the marriage is solemnized in accordance with 3. for the RTC to direct the ;ocal Civil Registrar of Quezon
Muslim law or this Code in any part of the Philippines.” But City to annotate the Japane Family Court judgment on the
Article 13 of PD 1083 does not provide for a situation where Certificate of Marriage bwteen Marinay and Maekara and to
the parties were married both in civil and Muslim rites.” endorse such annotation to the NSO

RTC:  Dismissed the petition. Cited Sec. 2 of A.M. No. 02-11-

7. Fujiki v. Marinay (2013) - LIM 10-SC
(a) Who may file – A petition for declaration of abosolute 3.W/N the RTC can recognize the foreign judgment in a
nullity of void marriage may be filed solely by the husband or proceeding for cancellation or correction of entries in the Civil
the wife. Registry under Rule 108 of the Rules of Court.

Petitioner argued that A.Mo. No. 02-11-10-SC is not applicable Ruling:

in a petition for recognition of Foreign judgment which seeks
to establlish a status, a right or a particular fact. 1. No. The Rule on Declaration of Absolute Nullity of Void
Marriages and Annulment of Voidable Marriages (A.M. No.
He further argued that Rule 108 of the Rules of Court is 02-11-10-SC) does not apply in a petition to recognize a
applicable. Section 2 of Rule 108 provides that entries in the foreign judgment relating to the status of a marriage where one
civil registry relating to "marriages," "judgments of annulments of the parties is a citizen of a foreign country.
of marriage" and "judgments declaring marriages void from the
beginning" are subject to cancellation or correction. For Philippine courts to recognize a foreign judgment relating
to the status of a marriage where one of the parties is a citizen
Comment of the OSG:  The Solicitor General argued that of a foreign country, the petitioner only needs to prove the
Fujiki, as the spouse of the first marriage, is an injured party foreign judgment as a fact under the Rules of Court. To be
who can sue to declare the bigamous marriage between more specific, a copy of the foreign judgment may be admitted
Marinay and Maekara void. The Solicitor General cited in evidence and proven as a fact under Rule 132, Sections 24
Juliano-Llave v. Republic which held that Section 2(a) of A.M. and 25, in relation to Rule 39, Section 48(b) of the Rules of
No. 02-11-10-SC does not apply in cases of bigamy. And Ninal Court.
vs Bayadog which declared that:
Petitioner may prove the Japanese Family Court judgment
“the validity of a void marriage may be collaterally attacked.” through (1) an official publication or (2) a certification or copy
attested by the officer who has custody of the judgment. If the
Issues: office which has custody is in a foreign country such as Japan,
the certification may be made by the proper diplomatic or
1.W/N the Rule on Declaration of Absolute Nullity of Void consular officer of the Philippine foreign service in Japan and
Marriages and Annulment of Voidable Marriages is applicable. authenticated by the seal of office. 
2.W/N a husband or wife of a prior marriage can file a petition To hold that A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC applies to a petition for
to recognize a foreign judgment nullfying the subsequent recognition of foreign judgment would mean that the trial court
marriage between his or her spouse and a foreign citizen on the and the parties should follow its provisions, including the form
ground of bigamy. and contents of the petition,the service of summons,the
investigation of the public prosecutor, the setting of pre- entry of a bigamous marriage in the civil registry, which
trial,the trial and the judgment of the trial court. compromises the public record of his marriage.

2 and 3. Since the recognition of a foreign judgment only Section 2(a) of A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC does not preclude a
requires proof of fact of the judgment, it may be made in a spouse of a subsisting marriage to question the validity of a
special proceeding for cancellation or correction of entries in subsequent marriage on the ground of bigamy. On the contrary,
the civil registry under Rule 108 of the Rules of Court. Rule 1, when Section 2(a) states that "a petition for declaration of
Section 3 of the Rules of Court provides that "a special absolute nullity of void marriage may be filed solely by the
proceeding is a remedy by which a party seeks to establish a husband or the wife"—it refers to the husband or the wife of
status, a right, or a particular fact." Rule 108 creates a remedy the subsisting marriage. Under Article 35(4) of the Family
to rectify facts of a person’s life which are recorded by the Code, bigamous marriages are void from the beginning. Thus,
State pursuant to the Civil Register Law or Act No. 3753. the parties in a bigamous marriage are neither the husband nor
These are facts of public consequence such as birth, death or the wife under the law. The husband or the wife of the prior
marriage, which the State has an interest in recording. As noted subsisting marriage is the one who has the personality to file a
by the Solicitor General, in Corpuz v. Sto. Tomas this Court petition for declaration of absolute nullity of void marriage
declared that "[t]he recognition of the foreign divorce decree under Section 2(a) of A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC.
may be made in a Rule 108 proceeding itself, as the object of
special proceedings (such as that in Rule 108 of the Rules of If anyone can file a criminal action which leads to the
Court) is precisely to establish the status or right of a party or a declaration of nullity of a bigamous marriage, there is more
particular fact."  reason to confer personality to sue on the husband or the wife
of a subsisting marriage. The prior spouse does not only share
Rule 108, Section 1 of the Rules of Court states: in the public interest of prosecuting and preventing crimes, he
is also personally interested in the purely civil aspect of
Sec. 1.Who may file petition. — Any person interested in any protecting his marriage.
act, event, order or decree concerning the civil status of persons
which has been recorded in the civil register, may file a Braza vs. The City Civil Registrar of Himamaylan City is not
verified petition for the cancellation or correction of any entry applicable because Braza does not involve a recognition of a
relating thereto, with the Regional Trial Court of the province foreign judgment nullifying a bigamous marriage where one of
where the corresponding civil registry is located. the parties is a citizen of the foreign country.

There is no doubt that the prior spouse has a personal and To be sure, a petition for correction or cancellation of an entry
material interest in maintaining the integrity of the marriage he in the civil registry cannot substitute for an action to invalidate
contracted and the property relations arising from it. There is a marriage. A direct action is necessary to prevent
also no doubt that he is interested in the cancellation of an circumvention of the substantive and procedural safeguards of
marriage under the Family Code, A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC and married to another woman, named Gina Gaerlan. This was
other related laws. evidence by a marriage contract registered with the NSO in
1987. Alice filed the criminal complaint for bigamy against
However, this safegaurds do not apply in a petition for Norberto.
correction or cancellation of a civil registry entry based on the
recognition of a foreign judgment annulling a marriage where      Norberto claimed that Alice knew about the first marriage.
one of the parties is a citizen of the foreign country. There is This was only a retaliation of Alice since he found that she was
neither circumvention of the substantive and procedural having an affair with another man.
safeguards of marriage under Philippine law, nor of the
jurisdiction of Family Courts under R.A. No. 8369. A          Both the RTC and CA convicted Norberto of the crime
recognition of a foreign judgment is not an action to nullify a of bigamy.
In the recognition of foreign judgments, Philippine courts are
incompetent to substitute their judgment on how a case was Ruling:
decided under foreign law. They cannot decide on the "family
rights and duties, or on the status, condition and legal capacity"          Norberto was convicted of the crime of bigamy. All the
of the foreign citizen who is a party to the foreign judgment. requisites of the crime of bigamy were present in this case.
Thus, Philippine courts are limited to the question of whether
         For an accused to be convicted of this crime, the
to extend the effect of a foreign judgment in the Philippines. In
prosecution must prove all of the following elements: [first,]
a foreign judgment relating to the status of a marriage
that the offender has been legally married; [second,] that the
involving a citizen of a foreign country, Philippine courts only
first marriage has not been legally dissolved or, in case his or
decide whether to extend its effect to the Filipino party, under
her spouse is absent, the absent spouse could not yet be
the rule of lex nationalii expressed in Article 15 of the Civil
presumed dead according to the Civil Code; [third,] that he
contracts a second or subsequent marriage; and [lastly,] that the
second or subsequent marriage has all the essential requisites
8. Vitangcol v. People (2016);  - ALULOD for validity.

Facts:          Petitioner was still legally married to Gina when he

married Alice. The marriage with Gina was one solemnized
         Alice Eduardo married petitioner Norberto Vitangcol at under the provisions of the Civil Code. Article 53 of the Civil
the Manila Cathedral in Intramuros in 1994. After some time, Code enumerates the requisites of marriage, the absence of any
Alice began hearing rumors that Norberto was previously of which renders the marriage void from the beginning:
Article 53. No marriage shall be solemnized unless all these Facts: On June 24, 1970 Angelina M. Castro and Edwin F.
requisites are complied with Cardenas were married in a civol ceremony performed by
Judge Pablo M. Malvar, City Court Judge of Pasay City. The
(1) Legal capacity of the contracting parties; marriage was celebrated without the knowledge of Castro’s
(2) Their consent, freely given;
       Cardenas personally attended to the processing of the
(3) Authority of the person performing the marriage; and documents required for the celebration of the marriage
including the procurement of the marriage license.
(4) A marriage license, except in a marriage of exceptional
character.        The couple did not immediately live together as
husband and wife since the marriage was unknown to Castro’s
  To prove that a marriage was solemnized without a parents. Thus, it was only March 1871, when Castro discovered
marriage license, “the law requires that the absence of such she was pregnant, that the couple decided to live together.
marriage license must be apparent on the marriage contract, or However, their cohabitation last only 4 months. They parted
at the very least, supported by a certification from the local ways.
civil registrar that no such marriage license was issued to the
parties. The Certification does not prove that petitioner’s first        On October 19, 1971, Castro gave birth. The baby was
marriage was solemnized without a marriage license. It does adopted by Catro’s brother.
not categorically state that Marriage License No. 8683519 does
not exist.        The baby is now in the United States. Desiring to
follow her daughter, Castro wanted to put in order her marital
         Moreover, petitioner admitted the authenticity of his status before leaving for the US. She thus consulted a lawyer,
signature appearing on the marriage contract between him and Atty. Pulgar, regarding the possible annulment of her marriage.
his first wife, Gina. The marriage contract between petitioner
and Gina is a positive piece of evidence as to the existence of        They discovered that there was no marriage license
petitioner’s first marriage. This should be given greater issued to Cardenas prior to the celebration of their marriage.
credence than documents testifying merely as to the absence of
any record of the marriage.        As proof Angelina Castro offered in evidence a
certification from the Civil Registrar of Pasig:

9. Republic v. CA and Castro (1994); - ARANAS “This is to certify that the names EDWIN F. CARDENAS and
ANGELINA M. CASTRO who were allegedly married in the
Pasay City Court on June 21, 1970 under an alleged
(s)upportive marriage license no. 3196182 allegedly issued in specified tenor is found to exist in the records of his office,
the municipality on June 20, 1970 cannot be located as said accompanied by a certificate as above provided, is admissible
license no. 3196182 does not appear from our records.” Issued as evidence that the records of his office contain no such record
upon request of Mr. Ed Atanacio. or entry.

       TRIAL COURT: Denied the petition. The certification The above Rule authorized the custodian of documents to
is inadequate to establish the alleged non-issuance of a certify that despite diligent search, a particular document does
marriage license prior to the celebration of the marriage bwteen not exist in his office or that a particular entry of a specified
the parties. tenor was not to be found in a register. As custodians of public
documents, civil registrars are public officers charged with the
       COURT OF APPEALS: REVERSED. It declared the duty, inter alia, of maintaining a register book where they are
marriage between the contracting parties null and void and required to enter all applications for marriage licenses,
directed the Civil Registrar of Pasig to cancel the the subject including the names of the applicants, the date the marriage
marriage contract. license was issued and such other relevant data.

Issues:   The certification of "due search and inability to find" issued by

the civil registrar of Pasig enjoys probative value, he being the
Whether or not the evidence presented by proavte respondent is officer charged under the law to keep a record of all data
sufficient to establish that no marriage license was issued. relative to the issuance of a marriage license.
Ruling: Yes the evidence is sufficient. The fact that private respondent Castro offered only her
testimony in support of her petition is, in itself, not a ground to
Petitioner posits that the certification of the local civil registrar deny her petition. The failure to offer any other witness to
of due search and inability to find a record or entry to the effect corroborate her testimony is mainly due to the peculiar
that marriage license no. 3196182 was issued to the parties is circumstances of the case. It will be remembered that the
not adequate to prove its non-issuance. subject marriage was a civil ceremony performed by a judge of
a city court. The subject marriage is one of those commonly
We hold otherwise. The presentation of such certification in
known as a "secret marriage" — a legally non-existent phrase
court is sanctioned by Section 29, Rule 132 of the Rules of
but ordinarily used to refer to a civil marriage celebrated
Court, viz.:
without the knowledge of the relatives and/or friends of either
Sec. 29.Proof of lack of record. — A written statement signed or both of the contracting parties. The records show that the
by an officer having custody of an official record or by his marriage between Castro and Cardenas was initially unknown
deputy, that after diligent search, no record or entry of a to the parents of the former. 
reception were jointly shared by his and defendant’s parents.
10. Sevilla v.Cardenas (2006); - CAMPOS After the church wedding, he and defendant resided in his
house at Brixton Hills until their first son, Jose Gabriel, was
FACTS: born in March 1970. As his parents continued to support him
financially, he and defendant lived in Spain for some time, for
Jaime O. Sevilla filed a complaint before the RTC, claiming his medical studies. Eventually, their marital relationship
that on 19 May 1969, through machinations, duress and turned bad because it became difficult for him to be married he
intimidation employed upon him by Carmelita N. Cardenas and being a medical student at that time. They started living apart
the latter’s father, retired Colonel Jose Cardenas of the AFP, he in 1976, but they underwent family counseling before they
and Carmelita went to the City Hall of Manila and they were eventually separated in 1978. It was during this time when
introduced to a certain Reverend Cirilo D. Gonzales, a defendant’s second son was born whose paternity plaintiff
supposed Minister of the Gospel. On the said date, the father of questioned. Plaintiff obtained a divorce decree against
Carmelita caused him and Carmelita to sign a marriage contract defendant in the United States in 1981 and later secured a
before the said Minister of the Gospel. According to Jaime, he judicial separation of their conjugal partnership in 1983.
never applied for a marriage license for his supposed marriage
to Carmelita and never did they obtain any marriage license  
from any Civil Registry, consequently, no marriage license was
presented to the solemnizing officer. “That although marriage For her part, Carmelita refuted these allegations of Jaime, and
license no. 2770792 allegedly issued in San Juan, Rizal on May claims that she and Jaime were married civilly on 19 May
19, 1969 was indicated in the marriage contract, the same was 1969, and in a church ceremony thereafter on 31 May 1969.
fictitious for he never applied for any marriage license.” Upon Both marriages were registered with the local civil registry of
verifications made by him through his lawyer with the Civil Manila and the National Statistics Office. He is estopped from
Registry of San Juan, a Certification was issued Local Civil invoking the lack of marriage license after having been married
Registrar of San Juan, that “no marriage license no. 2770792 to her for 25 years.
was ever issued by said office.”
(Chika from RTC decision: A model, Carmelita, according to
On May 31, 1969, he and defendant were again wed, this time her, was compelled by her family to join the Mutya ng
in church rites, before Monsignor Juan Velasco at the Most Pilipinas beauty pageant when plaintiff who was afraid to lose
Holy Redeemer Parish Church in Brixton Hills, Quezon City, her, asked her to run away with him to Baguio. Because she
where they executed another marriage contract (Exh. “F”) with loved plaintiff, she turned back on her family and decided to
the same marriage license no. 2770792 used and indicated. follow plaintiff in Baguio. When they came back to Manila,
Preparations and expenses for the church wedding and she and plaintiff proceeded to the latter’s home in Brixton Hills
where plaintiff’s mother, Mrs. Sevilla, told her not to worry. lived in Spain for about four and a half years, and during all
Her parents were hostile when they learned of the elopement, those times, her mother-in-law would send some financial
but Mrs. Sevilla convinced them that she will take care of support on and off, while defendant worked as an English
everything, and promised to support plaintiff and defendant. As teacher. Plaintiff, who was supposed to be studying, did
plaintiff was still fearful he may lose her, he asked her to marry nothing. Their marriage became unbearable, as plaintiff
him in civil rites, without the knowledge of her family, more so physically and verbally abused her, and this led to a break up in
her father. On May 19, 1969, before a minister and where she their marriage. Later, she learned that plaintiff married one
was made to sign documents. After the civil wedding, they had Angela Garcia in 1991 in the United States.)
lunch and later each went home separately. On May 31, 1969,
they had the church wedding, which the Sevilla family alone  
prepared and arranged, since defendant’s mother just came
from hospital. Her family did not participate in the wedding  
preparations. Defendant further stated that there was no sexual
consummation during their honeymoon and that it was after RTC: declared marriage null and void for lack of the requisite
two months when they finally had sex. She learned from Dr. marriage license.
Escudero, plaintiff’s physician and one of their wedding
CA:  disagreed with RTC --- “In People v. De Guzman (G.R.
sponsors that plaintiff was undergoing psychiatric therapy since
No. 106025, February 9, 1994), the Supreme Court explained
age 12 (TSN, 11-2-98, p. 15) for some traumatic problem
that: “The presumption of regularity of official acts may be
compounded by his drug habit. She found out plaintiff has
rebutted by affirmative evidence of irregularity or failure to
unusual sexual behavior by his obsession over her knees of
perform a duty. The presumption, however, prevails until it is
which he would take endless pictures of. Moreover, plaintiff
overcome by no less than clear and convincing evidence to the
preferred to have sex with her in between the knees which she
contrary. Thus, unless the presumption is rebutted, it becomes
called “intrafemural sex,” while real sex between them was far
conclusive.” In this case, We note that a certain Perlita
and between like 8 months, hence, abnormal. During their
Mercader of the local civil registry of San Juan testified that
marriage, plaintiff exhibited weird sexual behavior which
they “failed to locate the book wherein marriage license no.
defendant attributed to plaintiff’s drug addiction (TSN, 11-5-
2770792 is registered,” for the reason that “the employee
98, pp. 5-8). A compulsive liar, plaintiff has a bad temper who
handling is already retired.” With said testimony We cannot
breaks things when he had tantrums. Plaintiff took drugs like
therefore just presume that the marriage license specified in the
amphetamines, benzedrine and the like, “speed” drugs that kept
parties’ marriage contract was not issued for in the end the
him from sleep and then would take barbiturates or downers,
failure of the office of the local civil registrar of San Juan to
like “mogadon.” Defendant tried very hard to keep plaintiff
produce a copy of the marriage license was attributable not to
away from drugs but failed as it has become a habit to him.
the fact that no such marriage license was issued but rather,
They had no fixed home since they often moved and partly
because it “failed to locate the book wherein marriage license
no. 2770792 is registered.” Simply put, if the pertinent book the said person was not presented in evidence. It does not
were available for scrutiny, there is a strong possibility that it appear on record that the former custodian of the logbook was
would have contained an entry on marriage license no. deceased or missing, or that his testimony could not be secured.
2720792. This belies the claim that all efforts to locate the logbook or
prove the material contents therein, had been exerted.
ISSUE: Whether or not the certifications from the Local Civil
Registrar of San Juan stating that no Marriage License No. Given the documentary and testimonial evidence to the effect
2770792 as appearing in the marriage contract of the parties that utmost efforts were not exerted to locate the logbook
was issued, are sufficient to declare their marriage as null and where Marriage License No. 2770792 may have been entered,
void ab initio. the presumption of regularity of performance of official
function by the Local Civil Registrar in issuing the
RULING: certifications, is effectively rebutted. According to Section
3(m), Rule 131 of the Rules of Court, the presumption that
No. SC agreed with CA. The certification to be issued by the official duty has been regularly performed is among the
Local Civil Registrar must categorically state that the disputable presumptions. The presumption of regularity of
document does not exist in his office or the particular entry official acts may be rebutted by affirmative evidence of
could not be found in the register despite diligent search. Such irregularity or failure to perform a duty. The presumption of
certification shall be sufficient proof of lack or absence of regularity of performance of official duty is disputable and can
record as stated in Section 28, Rule 132 of the Rules of Court.  be overcome by other evidence as in the case at bar where the
presumption has been effectively defeated by the tenor of the
Note that the first two certifications bear the statement that first and second certifications.
“hope and understand our loaded work cannot give you our full
force locating the above problem.” It could be easily implied Moreover, the absence of the logbook is not conclusive proof
from the said statement that the Office of the Local Civil of non-issuance of Marriage License No. 2770792. It can also
Registrar could not exert its best efforts to locate and determine mean, as we believed true in the case at bar, that the logbook
the existence of Marriage License No. 2770792 due to its just cannot be found. In the absence of showing of diligent
“loaded work.” Likewise, both certifications failed to state with efforts to search for the said logbook, we cannot easily accept
absolute certainty whether or not such license was issued. that absence of the same also means non-existence or falsity of
entries therein.
This implication is confirmed in the testimony of the
representative from the Office of the Local Civil Registrar of The rule is settled that every intendment of the law or fact leans
San Juan, Ms. Perlita Mercader, who stated that they cannot toward the validity of the marriage, the indissolubility of the
locate the logbook due to the fact that the person in charge of marriage bonds. The courts look upon this presumption with
the said logbook had already retired. Further, the testimony of great favor. It is not to be lightly repelled; on the contrary, the
presumption is of great weight. The Court is mindful of the  Sometime in the afternoon of May 31, 1972, petitioner's
policy of the 1987 Constitution to protect and strengthen the parents summoned one Eusebio Colongon, now
family as the basic autonomous social institution and marriage deceased, then clerk in the office of the municipal
as the foundation of the family. Thus, any doubt should be treasurer, instructing said clerk to arrange and prepare
resolved in favor of the validity of the marriage. whatever necessary papers were required for the
intended marriage between petitioner and respondent
Our Constitution is committed to the policy of strengthening supposedly to take place at around midnight of June 1,
the family as a basic social institution. Our family law is based 1972 so as to exclude the public from witnessing the
on the policy that marriage is not a mere contract, but a social marriage ceremony;
institution in which the State is vitally interested. The State can  Petitioner and Respondent thereafter exchanged marital
find no stronger anchor than on good, solid and happy families. vows in a marriage ceremony which actually took place
The break-up of families weakens our social and moral fabric; at around 3:00 o'clock before dawn of June 1, 1972, on
hence, their preservation is not the concern of the family account that there was a public dance held in the town
members alone. plaza which is just situated adjacent to the church
whereas the venue of the wedding, and the dance only
“The basis of human society throughout the civilized world is x finished at around 2:00 o'clock of same early morning
x x marriage. Marriage in this jurisdiction is not only a civil of June 1, 1972;
contract, but it is a new relation, an institution in the
 Petitioner has never gone to the office of the Local
maintenance of which the public is deeply interested.
Civil Registrar to apply for marriage license and had
Consequently, every intendment of the law leans toward
not seen much less signed any papers or documents in
legalizing matrimony. Persons dwelling together in apparent
connection with the procurement of a marriage license;
matrimony are presumed, in the absence of any counter-
 Among the pieces of evidence presented by petitioner is
presumption or evidence special to the case, to be in fact
a Certification5 issued by the Municipal Civil Registrar
of Arteche, Eastern Samar which attested to the fact
that the Office of the Local Civil Registrar has neither
11. Kho v. Republic (2016); - CATIPON record nor copy of a marriage license issued to
petitioner and respondent with respect to their marriage
celebrated on June 1, 1972.
The present petition arose from a Petition for Declaration of Respondent filed her Answer praying that the petition be
Nullity of Marriage filed by herein petitioner with the RTC of outrightly dismissed for lack of cause of action
Oras, Eastern Samar:
 There is no evidence to prove petitioner's allegation that ART 53. No marriage shall be solemnized unless all these
their marriage was celebrated without the requisite requisites are complied with:
marriage license (1) Legal capacity of the contracting parties;
 On the contrary, both petitioner and respondent
personally appeared before the local civil registrar and (2) Their consent, freely given;
secured a marriage license which they presented before (3) Authority of the person performing the
their marriage was solemnized. marriage; and
(4) A marriage license, except in a marriage of
RTC: Petitioner’s evidence sufficiently established the absence exceptional character.
of the requisite marriage license when the marriage between Under the Civil Code, marriages of exceptional character are
petitioner and respondent was celebrated. Marriage null and covered by Chapter 2, Title 111, comprising Articles 72 to 79.
void ab initio. These marriages are:
(1) marriages in articulo mortis or at the point of death
CA: Reversed. Marriage valid and subsisting during peace or war;
 Presumption that marriage license was issued for that (2) marriages in remote places;
purpose and petitioner failed to overcome such
presumption (3) consular marriages;
(4) ratification of marital cohabitation;
Issue: Whether or not CA failed to give due credence to (5) religious ratification of a civil marriage;
petitioner's evidence which established the absence or lack of (6) Mohammedan or pagan marriages; and
marriage license at the time that petitioner and respondent's
marriage was solemnized. (7) mixed marriages. Petitioner's and respondent's
marriage does not fall under any of these exceptions.
Ruling: The Court finds for the petitioner.
Petitioner was able to present a Certification issued by the
The marriage of petitioner and respondent was celebrated on Municipal Civil Registrar of Arteche, Eastern Samar attesting
June 1, 1972, prior to the effectivity of the Family Code.12 that the Office of the Local Civil Registrar "has no record nor
Hence, the Civil Code governs their union. Accordingly, copy of any marriage license ever issued in favor of Raquel G.
Article 53 of the Civil Code spells out the essential requisites Kho [petitioner] and Veronica M. Borata [respondent] whose
of marriage as a contract, to wit: marriage was celebrated on June 1, 1972." Thus, on the basis of
such Certification, the presumed validity of the marriage of
petitioner and respondent has been overcome and it becomes
the burden of respondent to prove that their marriage is valid as ·        On June 29, 1987, a petition was filed by petitioner naming
it is she who alleges such validity. As found by the RTC, as one of the heirs oppositor Antonio A Esman and describing
respondent was not able to discharge that burden. the latter as ‘husband of the deceased’.

·        On April 4, 1988, an amended petition was filed by petitioner

Based on the Certification issued by the Municipal Civil
naming as one of the surviving heirs Antonio A. Esman and
Registrar of Arteche, Eastern Samar, coupled with respondent's
now describing the latter as the live-in partner of the deceased’
failure to produce a copy of the alleged marriage license or of
after finding out that the marriage between oppositor and the
any evidence to show that such license was ever issued, the
decedent was a ‘nullity for want of a marriage license.
only conclusion that can be reached is that no valid marriage
license was, in fact, issued. Contrary to the ruling of the CA, it ·        decedent died on June 2, 1987 without a will leaving no
cannot be said that there was a simple defect, not a total descendants nor ascendants.
absence, in the requirements of the law which would not affect
the validity of the marriage. The fact remains that respondent ·        She was survived by her two brothers Tomas and Ireneo, her
failed to prove that the subject marriage license was issued and nephew Salvador and her husband-oppositor Antonio A.
the law is clear that a marriage which is performed without the Esman.
corresponding marriage license is null and void.
·        However, the husband’s capacity to inherit and administer
Indeed, all the evidence cited by the CA to show that a the property of the decedent is now being questioned in view of
wedding ceremony was conducted and a marriage contract was the discovery by the petitioner that the marriage between
signed does not operate to cure the absence of a valid marriage oppositor and the decedent was celebrated without a marriage
license.33 As cited above, Article 80(3) of the Civil Code license.
clearly provides that a marriage solemnized without a license is
void from the beginning, except marriages of exceptional Issue: whether or not the marriage between Graciana
character under Articles 72 to 79 of the same Code. As earlier Geronimo and Antonio A. Esman was valid.
stated, petitioner's and respondent's marriage cannot be
characterized as among the exceptions.
Dispositive Portion: Petition granted.
         Judgment of the trial court by public respondent stated
that the non-indication of the number could only serve to prove
12. Geronimo v. CA (1993) and - CHAVEZ
that the number was not recorded. It could not be accepted as
Facts: convincing proof of non issuance of the required marriage
license. The issue of validity of the marriage in question This is exactly what happened to Marriage License
because there is nothing in the law requires that the marriage No.5038770 which the appellant refused to acknowledge.
license number would be indicated in the marriage contract Thus, it appears that while marriage License No. 5038770 was
itself requisitioned and received by the Municipality of Pateros on
October 09, 1953 thru the Office of the Provincial Treasurer of
  Rizal (as explained by Mrs. Julita Reyes and borne out by
Exhibits “1” and “2”) and later used by Antonio A. Esman and
Petitioner contends that there was no marriage license obtained Graciana Geronimo in their marriage on January 07,
by the spouses Esman because the copies of the marriage 1955,another marriage license bearing the same number (No.
contract he presented did not state the marriage license number. 5038770)was also issued to the municipality of Pasig in
The flaw in such reasoning is all too obvious. Moreover, this October, 1959(Exhibit “L-1”).
was refuted by the respondent when he presented a copy of the
marriage contract on file with the National Archives and  
Records Section where the marriage license number (No. 13. Diaz-Salgado v. Anson (2016) - GARCIA
5038770, dated 7 January 1955) does appear. Petitioner tried to
assail this piece of evidence by presenting Exhibit “V,” a FACTS: Luis Anson filed a Complaint  against Jo-Ann Diaz-
certification of the Office of the Local Civil Registrar of Pasay Salgado and Gerard Salgado (Spouses Salgado) seeking the
City that Marriage License No. 5038770 was issued on 1 annulment of the three Unilateral Deeds of Sale and the Deed
October 1976 in favor of Edwin G. Tolentino and Evangelina of Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate of the Deceased Severina
Guadiz. This was sufficiently explained by the Court of De Asis.
Appeals thus:
Luis alleged in his complaint that he is the surviving spouse of
“It is a known fact, and it is of judicial notice, that all printed the late Severina de Asis-Anson. They were married in a civil
accountable forms of the Government like the Marriage ceremony on December 28, 1966. Prior to the celebration of
License (Municipal Form 95-A) come from the National their marriage, Severina gave birth to their daughter, Maria
Printing Office and are printed with serial numbers. These Luisa on December 30, 1965 while Jo-Ann is Severina’s
forms are distributed upon proper requisition by the daughter from a previous relationship.
city/municipal treasurers concerned. But the serial numbers
printed or used in a particular year are the same numbers used During his marital union with Severina, they acquired several
in the succeeding years when thesame forms are again printed real properties, because there was no marriage settlement
for distribution. However, the distribution of the serially- between him and Severina, the above-listed properties pertain
numbered forms do not follow the same pattern. to their conjugal partnership. But without his knowledge and
consent, Severina executed three separate Unilateral Deeds of
Sale transferring the properties in favor of Jo-Ann, who
secured new certificates of title over the said properties. When marriage contract is not only a prima facie proof of marriage,
Severina died Maria Luisa executed a Deed of Extrajudicial but is also a prima facie evidence of the facts stated therein.
Settlement of Estate of Deceased Severina de Asis adjudicating
herself as Severina’s sole heir. She secured new TCTs over the Consequently, the entries made in Luis and Severina’s
properties. marriage contract are prima facie proof that at the time of their
marriage, no marriage license was exhibited to the solemnizing
Luis claimed that because of the preceding acts, he was officer for the reason that their marriage is of an exceptional
divested of his lawful share in the conjugal properties and of character under Article 77 of the Civil Code.
his inheritance as a compulsory heir of Severina. The Spouses
in defense raised the nullity of the marriage which took effect Article 77 of the Civil Code provides:
prior the effectively of the family code for lack of marriage
license. Art. 77. In case two persons married in accordance with law
desire to ratify their union in conformity with the regulations,
RTC and CA rendered its Decision in favor of Luis. rites, or practices of any church, sect, or religion, it shall no
longer be necessary to comply with the requirements of
ISSUES: Chapter 1 of this Title and any ratification made shall merely
be considered as a purely religious ceremony.
1) Is the marriage celebrated prior the effectivity of the FC
valid in the absence of marriage license? The foregoing provision pertains to a religious ceremony
performed with the purpose of ratifying a marriage which was
2) What governs their property relations? solemnized civilly. In the eyes of the law, the marriage already
exists; the subsequent ceremony is undertaken merely to
HELD: conform to religious practices. Thus, the parties are exempted
from complying with the required issuance of marriage license
1) No. The Court finds that their marriage is void ab initio for insofar as the subsequent religious ceremony is concerned. For
lack of marriage license. A cursory examination of the this exemption to be applicable, it is sine qua non that: (1) the
marriage contract of Luis and Severina reveals that no marriage parties to the religious ceremony must already be married to
license number was indicated therein. It also appears therein each other in accordance with law (civil marriage); and (2) the
that no marriage license was exhibited to the solemnizing ratifying ceremony is purely religious in nature.
officer with Article 77 of Republic Act No. 386 (Civil Code)
being cited as the reason therefor. Applied to the present case however, it is clear that Luis and
Severina were not married to each other prior to the civil
The reference to Article 77 of the Civil Code in the marriage ceremony officiated on December 28, 1966 – the only date of
contract is not dismissible. Being a public document, the marriage appearing on the records.
Being that the ceremony held on December 28, 1966 was the also started getting angry at him for no reason. They returend
only marriage ceremony between the parties and this was not to the Philippines after Liezl was released from detention due
solemnized pursuant to any ratifying religious rite, practice or to overtsaying in Japan. Liezl confessed to Liberato her
regulation but a civil one officiated by the mayor, this marriage romantic affir with a Japanese Man. She did not end the affair
does not fall under the purview of Article 77 of the Civil Code. which caused respondent such stress that he was hospitalized.
It is evident that the twin requirements of the provision, which Liezl chose to walk away from their marriage.
are: prior civil marriage between the parties and a ratifying
religious ceremony, were not complied with. There is no prior          They reconlized after Liberato made efforts to woo
ceremony to ratify. Thus, this marriage is not of an exceptional Liezl back. However, respondent found Liezl’s japanese lover
character and a marriage license is required for Luis and in their house and to his surprise he was introduced by Leizl as
Severina’s marriage to be valid. her elder brother. Leizl left respondent a second time.

2) Valdez v RTC Quezon City held that in a void marriage,          Liberato decided to file a petition for declaration of
regardless of the cause thereof, the property relations of the nullity of marriage under Artilce 36 of the Family Code.
parties during the period of cohabitation is governed by the
provisions of Art 147 or Art 148 as the case may be, of the          RTC: Void ab initio. Relied on the testimony of expert
Family Code. Also, attesting that his marriage with Severina witness Dr. Pacita Tudla a clinical psychologist. Dr. Tuda
was subsisting and valid, he knowingly contracted to a found Liezl was afflicted with histronic personality disorder.
subsequent marriage abroad, and the Court finds such Dr. Tudla found that Liezl’s psychological incapacity existed
suspicious and fraudulent thereby tainting his credibility. prior to the marriage because she grew up irritable, hardheaded
and more fond of friends than family. This was rooted on
Liezl’s poor upbringing. Liezl’s father resorted to corporal
14. Republic v. Mola Cruz (2018); - LIM punishment while her mother tolerated her whims. Dr. Tudla
found her incapacity too grave that it seriously impaired her
Facts: Liberato P Mola Cruz and Liezl S. Conag were married relationship with her husband and caused 
on August 30, 2002 in Bacolod City. They started out as
textmates because of Liezl’s sister. Liezl left for Japan to work Issue: Whether Liezl's psychological incapacity to comply
as an entertainer for six months. They got married after Liezl with her marital obligations was sufficiently established by the
returned home. They lived for some time in Manila where totality of evidence presented by respondent.
Liberato worked, but later moved to Japan where Liezl again
secured a contract as an entertainer and respondent found work Ruling: In Santos v. Court of Appeals, the Court explained
as construction worker. It was while living in Japan when psychological incapacity as follows:
Liberato noticed changes in Liezl. She began going out without
his perimission and started giving him the cold treatment. Leizl
"Psychological incapacity" should refer to no less than a mental (c) sufficiently proven by experts and (d) clearly explained in
(not physical) incapacity that causes a party to be truly the decision.
incognitive of the basic marital covenants that concomitantly
must be assumed and discharged by the parties to the marriage (3) The incapacity must be proven to be existing at "the time of
which, as so expressed by Article 68 of the Family Code, the celebration" of the marriage.
include their mutual obligations to live together, observe love,
respect and fidelity and render help and support. There is (4) Such incapacity must also be shown to be medically or
hardly any doubt that the intendment of the law has been to clinically permanent or incurable. (5) Such illness must be
confine the meaning of "psychological incapacity" to the most grave enough to bring about the disability of the party to
serious cases of personality disorders clearly demonstrative of assume the essential obligations of marriage.
an utter insensitivity or inability to give meaning and
significance to the marriage. (6) The essential marital obligations must be those embraced
by Articles 68 up to 71 of the Family Code as regards the
Further, "x x x psychological incapacity pertains to the inability husband and wife, as well as Articles 220, 221 and 225 of the
to understand the obligations of marriage, as opposed to a mere same Code in regard to parents and their children. Such
inability to comply with them x x x." noncomplied marital obligation(s) must also be stated in the
petition, proven by evidence and included in the text of the
         Jurisprudence consistently adhered to the guidelines in decision.
appreciating psychological incapacity cases set in Molina. We
quote the fairly recent iteration of the guidelines in Republic v. (7) Interpretations given by the National Appellate Matrimonial
Pangasinan for reference: Tribunal of the Catholic Church in the Philippines, while not
controlling or decisive, should be given great respect by our
         Psychological incapacity must be characterized by (a) courts.
gravity, (b) juridical antecedence, and (c) incurability.
Thereafter, in Molina, the Court laid down more definitive (8) The trial court must order the prosecuting attorney or fiscal
guidelines in the disposition of psychological incapacity cases, and the Solicitor General to appear as counsel for the state. No
to wit: decision shall be handed down unless the Solicitor General
issues a certification, which will be quoted in the decision,
 ( 1) Burden of proof to show the nullity of the marriage briefly stating therein his reasons for his agreement or
belongs to the plaintiff. opposition, as the case may be, to the petition.

(2) The root cause of the psychological incapacity must be: (a)          In addition, the Court is mindful that the Molina
medically or clinically identified, (b) alleged in the complaint, guidelines should no longer be viewed as a stringent code
which all nullity cases on the ground of psychological
incapacity should meet with exactitude, in consonance with the aid in determining whether Liezl is indeed psychologically
Family Code's ideal to appreciate allegations of psychological incapacitated to meet essential marital functions. Clearly,
incapacity on a case-to-case basis and "to allow some petitioner has no basis to assail Dr. Tudla' s psychological
resiliency in its application" as legally designed. findings as wanting evidentiary support.

         Lest it be misunderstood, we are not suggesting the          Even the failure of an expert to conduct personal
abandonment of Molina in this case. We simply declare that, as examination of the couple will not perforce result to the
aptly stated by Justice Dante 0. Tinga in Antonio v. Reyes, there expert's opinion becoming unreliable, as petitioner advances. In
is need to emphasize other perspectives as well which should Kalaw, a case also involving a petition for declaration of nullity
govern the disposition of petitions for declaration of nullity of marriage wherein the expert witnesses declared the
under Article 36. At the risk of being redundant, we reiterate respondent spouse therein as suffering from narcissistic
once more the principle that each case must be judged, not on personality disorder without personally examining the latter
the basis of a priori assumptions, predilections or albeit with the support of the medical findings of the
generalizations . but according to its own facts. And, to repeat respondent spouse's own clinical psychologist. In said case, the
for emphasis, courts should interpret the provision on a case-to- Court had the occasion to re-emphasize that such lack of
case basis; guided by experience, the findings of experts and personal examination does not per se invalidate the experts'
researchers in psychological disciplines, and by decisions of findings of psychological incapacity.
church tribunals.
         The Court respects the RTC's appreciation of
         The CA decision itself recognized and Our own review respondent's testimony during trial on what transpired before
of Dr. Tudla's psychological report confirms, contrary to and during the marriage, considering that "[t]he totality of the
petitioner's allegation, that Dr. Tudla personally interviewed behavior of one spouse during the cohabitation and marriage is
both spouses regarding their personal and familial generally and genuinely witnessed mainly by the other."
circumstances before and after the celebration of their
marriage. Information gathered from the spouses was then          The fact that Liezl's disorder manifested itself through
verified by Dr. Tudla with Ma. Luisa Conag, Liezl's youngest actions that occurred after the marriage was celebrated does not
sister,  a close relation privy to Liezl's personal history before mean, as ,petitioner argues, that there is no psychological
and after she got married. Dr. Tudla then based her incapacity to speak of.
psychological evaluation and conclusions on all the
information she gathered. Her findings were, thus, properly          To entitle a petitioner spouse to a declaration of the
anchored on a holistic psychological evaluation of the parties nullity of his or her marriage, the totality of the evidence must
as individuals and as a married couple under a factual milieu sufficiently prove that the respondent spouse's psychological
verified with an independent informant. The courts a quo incapacity was grave, incurable and existing prior to the time of
properly accorded credence to the report and utilized it as an the marriage. The incapacity must be grave or serious such that
the party would be incapable of carrying out the ordinary duties fully appreciated Liezl 's psychological evaluation that revealed
required in marriage; it must be rooted in the history of the her unconsciousness of her disorder. Together with its
party antedating the marriage, although the overt rootedness in Liezl 's personality since her teens, the CA came
manifestations may emerge only after the marriage; and it must to agree with the expert findings that any medical or behavioral
be incurable or, even if it were otherwise, the cure would be treatment of her disorder would prove ineffective. 
beyond the means of the party involved. "There must be proof
of a natal or supervening disabling factor in the person - an
adverse integral element in the personality structure that 15. Tani-Dela Fuente v. Dela Fuente, Jr., - ALULOD
effectively incapacitates the person from really accepting and
thereby complying with the obligations essential to the Facts: 
marriage - which must be linked with the manifestations of the
psychological incapacity." Petitioner Maria Teresa and respondent Rodolfo were
UST students when they became sweethearts. Soon, they got
         The CA explained that Liezl's histrionic personality married. Maria Teresa worked at the UST Treasurer’s Office
disorder was the cause of her inability to discharge her marital while Rodolfo was unable to finish college but found a word at
obligations to love, respect and give concern, support and his family business.
fidelity to her husband. The CA also narrated how the disorder
was evidenced by Liezl's actions after the marriage was          Maria Teresa filed a declaration of nullity of marriage.
celebrated, starting from when she and petitioner lived together She claimed that she noticed that Rodolfo was an introvert,
in Japan. The gravity of her disorder is shown by appreciating prone to jealousy and had no ambition. He was so jealous of
the totality of her actions after she got married. Liezl was everyone. He would skip work and stalk her. At some point, he
unable to accommodate the fact that she was already married pointed a gun to her 15-year old cousin who was living with
into the way she wanted to live her life, and essentially treated them because he was under the impression that the cousin was
petitioner as a manipulable inconvenience that she could ignore her lover. He treated him as a sex slave. They would have sex
or threaten to accede to her desires. It is er failre to discharge 4-5 times a day. He sometimes tied her to the bed or poke her
the basic obliagtions of marriage. with things. Maria Teresa felt that she was being molested and
maltreated. There was a time that Rodolfo pointed a gun at her.
         CA: Decision affirmed
Dr. Lopez, a clinical psychologist, was presented as an
clear that Liezl is truly in cognitive of her marital expert witness. He conducted an in-depth interview with Maria
responsibilities. Theresa and two common friends of the couple since Rodolfo
refused to cooperate.
         The disorder was found by the CA to have begun when
Liezl was an adolescent and continued well into adulthood. It
         Dr. Lopez found that Rodolfo was suffering with antecedence, and (c) incurability.” Furthermore, the incapacity
paranoid personality disorder manifested by Rodolfo’s “should refer to no less than a mental (not physical) incapacity
damaging behavior like reckless driving and extreme jealousy; that causes a party to be truly incognitive of the basic marital
his being distrustful and suspicious; his severe doubts and covenants that concomitantly must be assumed and discharged
distrust of friends and relatives of Maria Teresa; his being by the parties to the marriage.
irresponsible and lack of remorse; his resistance to treatment;
and his emotional coldness and severe immaturity. He          In Republic v CA and Molina, guidelines in interpreting
explained that Rodolfo’s personality disorder was most and applying Article 36, FC were provided.
probably caused by a pathogenic parental model. Rodolfo’s
family background showed that his father was a psychiatric          (1) The burden of proof to show the nullity of the
patient, and Rodolfo might have developed psychic marriage belongs to the plaintiff. Any doubt should be resolved
contamination called double insanity, a symptom similar to his in favor of the existence and continuation of the marriage and
father’s. against its dissolution and nullity. This is rooted in the fact that
both our Constitution and our laws cherish the validity of
         RTC annulled the marriage of Maria Teresa and marriage and unity of the family. Thus, our Constitution
Rodolfo. The OSG opposed on the grounds that Dr. Lopez’s devotes an entire Article on the Family, recognizing it “as the
conclusion was considered as a hearsay and that it did not foundation of the nation.” It decrees marriage as legally
follow the standards set forth in the Molina case. “inviolable,” thereby protecting it from dissolution at the whim
of the parties. Both the family and marriage are to be
Issue: “protected” by the state.

         Whether or not Rodolfo is psychologically The Family Code echoes this constitutional edict on marriage
incapacitated to perform his marital obligations with Maria and the family and emphasizes their permanence, inviolability
Teresa and that whether it can be proven even if the expert and solidarity.
witness was not able to conduct in-depth interview with
Rodolfo.  (2) The root cause of the psychological incapacity must be
(a) medically or clinically identified, (b) alleged in the
Ruling: complaint, (c) sufficiently proven by experts and (d) clearly
explained in the decision. Article 36 of the Family Code
         Yes, Rodolfo is psychologically incapacitated to requires that the incapacity must be psychological — not
perform his marital obligations with Maria Teresa. physical, although its manifestations and/or symptoms may be
physical. The evidence must convince the court that the parties,
         In Santos v. CA, declared that “psychological or one of them, was mentally or psychically ill to such an
incapacity must be characterized by (a) gravity, (b) juridical extent that the person could not have known the obligations he
was assuming, or knowing them, could not have given valid or inability, not a refusal, neglect or difficulty, much less ill
assumption thereof. Although no example of such incapacity will. In other words, there is a natal or supervening disabling
need be given here so as not to limit the application of the factor in the person, an adverse integral element in the
provision under the principle of ejusdem generis, nevertheless personality structure that effectively incapacitates the person
such root cause must be identified as a psychological illness from really accepting and thereby complying with the
and its incapacitating nature fully explained. Expert evidence obligations essential to marriage.
may be given by qualified psychiatrists and clinical
psychologists.  (6) The essential marital obligations must be those embraced
by Articles 68 up to 71 of the Family Code as regards the
 (3) The incapacity must be proven to be existing at “the time husband and wife as well as Articles 220, 221 and 225 of the
of the celebration” of the marriage. The evidence must show same Code in regard to parents and their children. Such non-
that the illness was existing when the parties exchanged their “I complied marital obligation(s) must also be stated in the
do’s.” The manifestation of the illness need not be perceivable petition, proven by evidence and included in the text of the
at such time, but the illness itself must have attached at such decision.
moment, or prior thereto.
 (7) Interpretations given by the National Appellate
 (4) Such incapacity must also be shown to be medically or Matrimonial Tribunal of the Catholic Church in the
clinically permanent or incurable. Such incurability may be Philippines, while not controlling or decisive, should be given
absolute or even relative only in regard to the other spouse, not great respect by our courts. It is clear that Article 36 was taken
necessarily absolutely against everyone of the same sex. by the Family Code Revision Committee from Canon 1095 of
Furthermore, such incapacity must be relevant to the the New Code of Canon Law, which became effective in 1983
assumption of marriage obligations, not necessarily to those not and which provides:
related to marriage, like the exercise of a profession or
employment in a job. Hence, a pediatrician may be effective in “The following are incapable of contracting marriage: Those
diagnosing illnesses of children and prescribing medicine to who are unable to assume the essential obligations of marriage
cure them but may not be psychologically capacitated to due to causes of psychological nature.”
procreate, bear and raise his/her own children as an essential
obligation of marriage.  Since the purpose of including such provision in our Family
Code is to harmonize our civil laws with the religious faith of
 (5) Such illness must be grave enough to bring about the our people, it stands to reason that to achieve such
disability of the party to assume the essential obligations of harmonization, great persuasive weight should be given to
marriage. Thus, “mild characterological peculiarities, mood decisions of such appellate tribunal. Ideally — subject to our
changes, occasional emotional outbursts” cannot be accepted as law on evidence — what is decreed as canonically invalid
root causes. The illness must be shown as downright incapacity should also be decreed civilly void.
 This is one instance where, in view of the evident source and          Marcos v. Marcos emphasizes that Molina does not
purpose of the Family Code provision, contemporaneous require a physician to examine a person and declare him/her to
religious interpretation is to be given persuasive effect. Here, be psychologically incapacitated. What matters is that the
the State and the Church — while remaining independent, totality of evidence presented establishes the party’s
separate and apart from each other — shall walk together in psychological condition.
synodal cadence towards the same goal of protecting and
cherishing marriage and the family as the inviolable base of the          As to root cause, this must have been caused by a
nation. pathogenic parental model.

 (8) The trial court must order the prosecuting attorney or          The juridical antecedence was also sufficiently proven
fiscal and the Solicitor General to appear as counsel for the during the trial. Maria Teresa attested that she noticed that
state. No decision shall be handed down unless the Solicitor Rodolfo was jealous. She believed that he would change after
General issues a certification, which will be quoted in the they got married, however, this did not happen.
decision, briefly stating therein his reasons for his agreement or
opposition, as the case may be, to the petition. The Solicitor          The incurability and severity was discussed by Dr.
General, along with the prosecuting attorney, shall submit to Lopez. Also, Maria Teresa consulted with a lawyer, a priest
the court such certification within fifteen (15) days from the and a doctor and suggested couple counselling but this was
date the case is deemed submitted for resolution of the court. refused by Rodolfo. Rodolfo was apathetic about their
The Solicitor General shall discharge the equivalent function of marriage. He repeatedly harassed the petitioner which show his
the defensor vinculi contemplated under Canon 1095. need to intimidate and dominate her, a classic case of coercive
control which is a form of psychological abuse, 
         There was sufficient compliance with Molina to warrant
the nullity of petitioner’s marriage with respondent.

         Camacho-Reyes v. Reyes states that the non-

examination of one of the parties will not automatically render 16. Antonio v. Reyes (2006); - ARANAS
as hearsay or invalidate the findings of the examining
psychiatrist or psychologist, since “marriage, by its very FACTS:
definition, necessarily involves only two persons. The totality
of the behavior of one spouse during the cohabitation and  Antonio and Reyes first got married at Manila City Hall and
marriage is generally and genuinely witnessed mainly by the subsequently in church on December 8, 1990. A child was born
other. in April 1991 but died 5 months later.  Antonio could no longer
take her constant lying, insecurities and jealousies over him so
he separated from her in August 1991. He attempted
reconciliation but since her behavior did not change, he finally as to her character and personality. Her fantastic ability to
left her for good in November 1991. Only after their marriage invent and fabricate stories and personalities enabled her to live
that he learned about her child with another man. in a world of make-believe. This made her psychologically
incapacitated as it rendered her incapable of giving meaning
He then filed a petition in 1993 to have his marriage with and significance to her marriage.
Reyes declared null and void under Article 36 of the Family
Code.  The case sufficiently satisfies the Molina guidelines:

 The trial court gave credence to Antonio's evidence and thus First, that Antonio had sufficiently overcome his burden in
declared the marriage null and void. proving the psychological incapacity of his wife;

Court of Appeals reversed the trial court's decision.  It held that Second, that the root cause of Reyes' psychological incapacity
the totality of evidence presented was insufficient to establish has been medically or clinically identified that was sufficiently
Reyes' psychological incapacity. It declared that the proven by experts, and was clearly explained in the trial court's
requirements in the 1997 Molina case had not been satisfied. decision;

ISSUE: Third, that she fabricated friends and made up letters before she
married him prove that her psychological incapacity was have
Whether or not Antonio has established his cause of action for existed even before the celebration of marriage;
declaration of nullity under Article 36 of the Family Code and,
generally, under the Molina guidelines. Fourth, that the gravity of Reyes' psychological incapacity was
considered so grave that a restrictive clause was appended to
 RULING: the sentence of nullity prohibited by the National Appellate
Matrimonial Tribunal from contracting marriage without their
Yes. The petitioner, aside  from his own testimony, presented a consent;
psychiatrist and clinical psychologist who attested that constant
lying and extreme jealousy of Reyes is abnormal and Fifth, that she being an inveterate pathological liar makes her
pathological and corroborated his allegations on his wife's unable to commit the basic tenets of relationship between
behavior, which amounts to psychological incapacity. spouses based on love, trust, and respect.

The factual findings of the trial court are deemed binding on Sixth, that the CA clearly erred when it failed to take into
the SC, owing to the great weight accorded to the opinion of consideration the fact that the marriage was annulled by the
the primary trier of facts. As such, it must be considered that Catholic Church. However, it is the factual findings of the
respondent had consistently lied about many material aspects
judicial trier of facts, and not of the canonical courts, that are The trial court declared the marriage void. On appeal, the Court
accorded significant recognition by this Court. of Appeals affirmed the trial court’s decision.

Seventh, that Reyes' case is incurable considering that Antonio

Hence, the instant petition.
tried to reconcile with her but her behavior remains unchanged.

17. Chi Ming Tsoi v. CA (1997); - CAMPOS W/N petitioner is psychologically incapacitated?
On 22 May 1988, Chi Ming Tsoi and the Gina got married. RULING:
Although they slept in the same bed since May 22, 1988 until Yes. Senseless and protracted refusal to consummate the
March 15, 1989, no sexual intercourse took place. Because of marriage is equivalent to psychological incapacity.
this, they submitted themselves for medical examinations. She
was found healthy, normal and still a virgin. Her husband’s
examination was kept confidential. Appellant admitted that he did not have sexual relations with
his wife after almost ten months of cohabitation, and it appears
that he is not suffering from any physical disability. Such
The plaintiff claims, that the defendant is impotent, a closet abnormal reluctance or unwillingness to consummate his
homosexual, and that the defendant married her, a Filipino marriage is strongly indicative of a serious personality disorder
citizen, to acquire or maintain his residency status here in the which to the mind of the Court clearly demonstrates an ‘utter
country and to publicly maintain the appearance of a normal insensitivity or inability to give meaning and significance to the
man. The plaintiff is not willing to reconcile with her husband. marriage’ within the meaning of Article 36 of the Family Code.

The defendant claims that should the marriage be annulled, it is Petitioner further contends that respondent court erred in
his wife’s fault. He claims no defect on his part, as he was holding that the alleged refusal of both the petitioner and the
found not to be impotent, and any differences between the two private respondent to have sex with each other constitutes
of them can still be reconciled. He admitted that they have not psychological incapacity of both. However, neither the trial
had intercourse since their marriage until their separation court nor the respondent court made a finding on who between
because his wife avoided him. He added that his wife filed this petitioner and private respondent refuses to have sexual contact
case against him because she is afraid that she will be forced to with the other. But the fact remains that there has never been
return the pieces of jewellery of his mother, and, that the coitus between them. At any rate, since the action to declare the
defendant, will consummate their marriage. marriage void may be filed by either party,  the question of
who refuses to have sex with the other becomes immaterial.
Marcos Regime. Brenda was part of the Philippine Air
One of the essential marital obligations under the Family Code Force and worked as a security escort of Imee Marcos.
is “to procreate children based on the universal principle that 2. After the EDSA Revolution, they both sought a
procreation of children through sexual cooperation is the basic discharge from the military service.
end of marriage.” In the case at bar, the senseless and 2. Wilson then engaged in different business ventures but
protracted refusal of one of the parties to fulfil the above these did not prosper. Due to his failure to engage in any
marital obligation is equivalent to psychological incapacity. gainful employment, they would often quarrel, and he
The petition is DENIED. would often hit her. He also forced her into sexual
intercourse despite her weariness. He was also abusive
towards their children.
18. Marcos v. Marcos (2000); 2. In 1992, they were living separately.
After suffering physical abuse at the hands of her husband, 2. After they separated, they had other violent
Brenda Marcos is seeking to have her marriage to Wilson confrontations.
Marcos declared null and void. The Court ruled that although a 2. Brenda filed for a declaration of nullity. She cited a
personal medical or psychological examination of Wilson is case study by Social Worker Sonia Millan, where their
not a requirement for a declaration of psychological incapacity, children described their father as cruel and physically
the totality of the evidence Brenda presented does not show abusive. She also underwent psychological evaluation, but
such incapacity. her husband did not.
2. The RTC found the appellant to be psychologically
Important People: Brenda Marcos and Wilson Marcos incapacitated to perform his marital obligations mainly
because of his failure to find work to support his family
FACTS: (In order of chronological events) and his violent attitude towards appellee and their
1. Brenda and Wilson were married twice: 2. The CA reversed the ruling of the RTC, holding that the
a. September 6, 1982 - Solemnized by Judge Eriberto root cause of the spouse’s psychological incapacity
H. Espiritu at the Municipal Court of Pasig should be medically or clinically identified and
b. May 8, 1983 - Solemnized by Rev. Eduardo L. sufficiently proven by experts. Because Wilson was not
Eleazar, Command Chaplain, at the Presidential subjected to psychological evaluation, the CA ruled that
Security Command Chapel in Malacanang Park, there was not enough evidence to support a finding of
Manila psychological incapacity.
2. They had five children together.
2. Wilson was part of the AFP and worked under the ISSUES:
Presidential Security Command in Malacañang during the
1. Whether or not the CA could set aside the findings by Petitioner Veronico Tenebro contracted marriage with private
the RTC of psychological incapacity of respondent simply complainant Leticia Ancajas on April 10, 1990. The two were
because the respondent did not subject himself to wed by Judge Alfredo B. Perez, Jr. of the City Trial Court of
psychological evaluation. Lapu-lapu City. Tenebro and Ancajas lived together
2. Whether or not the totality of evidence presented and continuously and without interruption until the latter part of
the demeanor of all the witnesses should be the basis of the 1991, when Tenebro informed Ancajas that he had been
determination of the merits of the Petition previously married to a certain Hilda Villareyes on November
10, 1986. Tenebro showed Ancajas a photocopy of a marriage
HOLDING: contract between him and Villareyes. Invoking this previous
1. No. What is important is the presence of evidence that marriage, petitioner thereafter left the conjugal dwelling which
can adequately establish the party’s psychological he shared with Ancajas, stating that he was going to cohabit
condition. For indeed, if the totality of evidence presented with Villareyes.
is enough to sustain a finding of psychological On January 25, 1993, petitioner contracted yet another
incapacity, then actual medical examination of the marriage, this one with a certain Nilda Villegas, before Judge
person concerned need not be resorted to. German Lee, Jr. of the Regional Trial Court of Cebu City,
2. No, the totality of his acts does not lead to a conclusion Branch 15. When Ancajas learned of this third marriage, she
of psychological capacity on his part. There is no showing verified from Villareyes whether the latter was indeed married
that his “defects” were already present at the inception to petitioner. In a handwritten letter, Villareyes confirmed that
of the marriage or that they are incurable. The behavior petitioner, Veronico Tenebro, was indeed her husband.
of respondent can be attributed to the fact that he had lost Ancajas thereafter filed a complaint for bigamy against
his job and was not gainfully employed for a period of petitioner.
more than six years. His alleged psychological illness was The trial court rendered a decision finding the accused guilty
traced only to said period and not to the inception of the beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of bigamy. On appeal,
marriage. Equally important, there is no evidence showing the Court of Appeals affirmed the decision of the trial court.
that his condition is incurable, especially now that he is
gainfully employed as a taxi driver. At best, the grounds Issue:
cited by the petitioner are grounds for legal separation and
not a declaration of nullity. Whether or not the court erred in convicting the accused for the
crime of bigamy despite clear proof that the marriage between
19. Tenebro v. CA (2004) - CHAVEZ the accused and private complainant had been declared null and
void ab initio and without legal force and effect
As such, an individual who contracts a second or subsequent FACTS: The accused, Vincent Mercado was in lawful
marriage during the subsistence of a valid marriage is wedlock with Ma. Thelma Oliva in a marriage ceremony
criminally liable for bigamy, notwithstanding the subsequent solemnized on April 10, 1976. Despite the prior marriage he
declaration that the second marriage is void ab initio on the got married to complainant Ma. Consuelo Tan on June 27,
ground of psychological incapacity. 1991. On October 5, 1992, a letter-complaint for bigamy was
As a second or subsequent marriage contracted during the filed by complainant through counsel with the City Prosecutor
subsistence of petitioner’s valid marriage to Villareyes, of Bacolod City, which eventually resulted [in] the institution
petitioner’s marriage to Ancajas would be null and void ab of the present case before this Court against said accused, Dr.
initio completely regardless of petitioner’s psychological Vincent G. Mercado, on March 1, 1993 in an Information dated
capacity or incapacity. Since a marriage contracted during the January 22, 1993. On November 13, 1992, or more than a
subsistence of a valid marriage is automatically void, the month after the bigamy case was lodged in the Prosecutor’s
nullity of this second marriage is not per se an argument for the Office, accused filed an action for Declaration of Nullity of
avoidance of criminal liability for bigamy. Marriage against Ma. Thelma V. Oliva in RTC-Br. 22, Cebu
Thus, as soon as the second marriage to Ancajas was celebrated City, and in a Decision dated May 6, 1993 the marriage
on April 10, 1990, during the subsistence of the valid first between Vincent G. Mercado and Ma. Thelma V. Oliva was
marriage, the crime of bigamy had already been consummated. declared null and void. Despite this, the Trial Court charged
Moreover, the declaration of the nullity of the second marriage Vincent with bigamy since his prior marriage was still
on the ground of psychological incapacity is not an indicator subsisting at the time he had contracted his second marriage.
that petitioner’s marriage to Ancajas lacks the essential The Court of Appeals affirmed the ruling of the trial court. The
requisites for validity. In this case, all the essential and formal petitioner then filed a case to the Supreme Court.
requisites for the validity of marriage were satisfied by ISSUE: Is the judicial declaration of nullity of a prior marriage
petitioner and Ancajas. Both were over eighteen years of age, necessary for remarriage?
and they voluntarily contracted the second marriage with the RULING: Yes. The Supreme Court denied the petition and
required license before Judge Alfredo B. Perez, Jr. of the City affirmed the assailed decision. Under Article 40 of the Family
Trial Court of Lapu-lapu City, in the presence of at least two Code, ‘the absolute nullity of a previous marriage may be
witnesses. The decision of the Court of Appeals convicting invoked for purposes of remarriage on the basis solely of a
petitioner Veronico Tenebro of the crime of Bigamy is final judgment declaring such previous marriage void.’ But
AFFIRMED. here, the final judgment declaring null and void accused’s
previous marriage came not before the celebration of the
second marriage, but after, when the case for bigamy against
accused was already tried in court. And what constitutes the
20. Mercado v. Tan (2000); - GARCIA crime of bigamy is the act of any person who shall contract a
second subsequent marriage ‘before’ the former marriage has
been legally dissolved. HELD: Morigo’s marriage with Barrete is void ab initio
considering that there was no actual marriage ceremony
It is now settled that the fact that the first marriage is void from performed between them by a solemnizing officer instead they
the beginning is not a defense in a bigamy charge. As with a just merely signed a marriage contract. The petitioner does not
voidable marriage, there must be a judicial declaration of the need to file declaration of the nullity of his marriage when he
nullity of a marriage before contracting the second marriage. contracted his second marriage with Lumbago.  Hence, he did
not commit bigamy and is acquitted in the case filed.

21. Morigo v. People (2005); - LIM

22. Castillo v. De Leon Castillo (2016); - ALULOD
FACTS: Lucio Morigo and Lucia Barrete were boardmates in
Bohol for four years. The lost contacts when the school year Facts:
ended. When Lucio received a card from Lucia Barrete from
Singapore, constant communication took place between them.          Respondent Lea De Leon-Castillo married Benjamin
They later became sweethearts. In 1986, Lucia returned to the Bautista in 1972. In 1979, she also married petitioner Renato
Philippines but left again for Canada to work there. While in Castillo. In 2001, Castillo filed before the RTC a Petition for
Canada, they maintained constant communication. In 1990, Declaration of Nullity of Marriage praying that his marriage to
Lucia came back to the Philippines and proposed to petition be Lea be declared void on the ground that Lea has subsisting
appellant to join her in Canada. Both agreed to get married, marriage with Bautista and her psychological incapacity.
thus they were married on August 30, 1990 in Bohol. Lucia However, the issue on psychological incapacity was not
reported back to her work in Canada leaving appellant Lucio pursued.
behind. On August 19, 1991, Lucia filed with the Ontario Court
a petition for divorce against appellant which was granted on          Lea opposed the Petition, and contended among others
January 17, 1992 and to take effect on February 17, 1992. On that her marriage to Bautista was null and void as they had not
October 4, 1992, appellant Lucio Morigo married Maria secured any license therefor, and neither of them was a member
Jececha Lumbago in Bohol. On September 21, 1993, accused of the denomination to which the solemnizing officer belonged.
filed a complaint for judicial declaration of nullity of the first
marriage on the ground that no marriage ceremony actually          In 2002, Leah filed an action to declare her first
took place. marriage void. The RTC rendered its Decision declaring that it
was indeed null and void ab initio. A Certificate of Finality was
also issued.
ISSUE: Whether Morigo must have filed declaration for the
nullity of his marriage with Barrete before his second marriage          The RTC rendered the marriage of Lea and Renato
in order to be free from the bigamy case. bigamous, rendering it void under Art. 41, FC.
         The CA reversed RTC’s decision opining that since
both marriages happened before the effectivity of the FC, the Cannot be ratified Can be ratified by cohabitation
Civil Code is applicable. The CC does not state that a judicial
decree is necessary in order to establish the nullity of a
marriage. no conjugal partnership there is conjugal partnership and
and the offspring are the children conceived before
Issue: natural children by legal the decree of annulment are
fiction considered legitimate
Whether or not the CA is correct in reversing the decision of
the RTC.
no judicial decree to there must be a judicial decree
Ruling: establish the invalidity is
         No. The subsequent marriage of Lea to Renato is valid
in view of the invalidity of her first marriage to Bautista
because of the absence of a marriage license. That there was no
The Supreme Court has held in the cases of People v.
judicial declaration that the first marriage was void ab initio
Mendoza, People v. Aragon, and Odayat v. Amante, that the
before the second marriage was contracted is immaterial as this
Civil Code contains no express provision on the necessity of a
is not a requirement under the Civil Code.
judicial declaration of nullity of a void marriage. the
         The validity of a marriage and all its incidents must be requirement of a judicial decree of nullity does not apply to
determined in accordance with the law in effect at the time of marriages that were celebrated before the effectivity of the
its celebration. Family Code, particularly if the children of the parties were
born while the Civil Code was in force.

Moreover, we find that the provisions of the Family

Comparison of Void and Voidable Marriages under the Code cannot be retroactively applied to the present case, for to
CC as discussed in the case do so would prejudice the vested rights of petitioner and of her
Void Marriage Voidable Marriage
23. Diño v. Diño v. (2011) - ARANAS
Nonexistent; no marriage Valid until annulled by a
from the beginning competent court DOCTRINE:
Article 50 of the Family Code does not apply to marriages be issued upon compliance with Articles 50 and 51 of the
which are declared void ab initio under Article 36 of the Family Code.
Family Code, which should be declared void without waiting
for the liquidation of the properties of the parties. In this case,  Trial court, upon motion for partial reconsideration of
petitioner’s marriage to respondent was declared void under petitioner, modified its decision holding that a decree of
Article 36 of the Family Code and not under Article 40 or 45. absolute nullity of marriage shall be issued after liquidation,
Thus, what governs the liquidation of properties owned in partition and distribution of the parties’ properties under
common by petitioner and respondent are the rules on co- Article 147 of the Family Code.

Whether the trial court erred when it ordered that adecree of

absolute nullity of marriage shall only be issued after
liquidation, partition, and distribution of the parties’ properties
 FACTS: under Article 147 of the Family Code.

 Alain M. Diño (petitioner) and Ma. Caridad L. HELD:

Diño(respondent) got married on 14 January 1998 before
Mayor Vergel Aguilar of Las Piñas City. Yes. The trial court’s decision is affirmed with modification.
Decree of absolute nullity of the marriage shall be issued upon
On 30 May 2001, petitioner filed an action for Declaration of finality of the trial court’s decision without waiting for the
Nullity of Marriage against respondent, citing psychological liquidation, partition, and distribution of the parties’ properties
incapacity under Article 36 of the Family Code. under Article 147 of the Family Code.

Dr. Nedy L. Tayag (Dr. Tayag) submitted a psychological

report establishing that respondent was suffering from
Narcissistic Personality Disorder which was incurable and RATIO:
deeply ingrained in her system since her early formative years.
 The Court has ruled in Valdes v. RTC that in a void marriage,
The trial court granted the petition on the ground that regardless of its cause, the property relations of the parties
respondent was psychologically incapacitated to comply with during the period of cohabitation is governed either by Article
the essential marital obligations at the time of the celebration of 147 or Article 148 of the Family Code. Article 147 of the
the marriage and declared their marriage void ab initio. It Family Code applies to union of parties who are legally
ordered that a decree of absolute nullity of marriage shall only capacitated and not barred by any impediment to contract
marriage, but whose marriage is nonetheless void, such as  It is clear from Article 50 of the Family Code that Section
petitioner and respondent in the case before the Court. 19(1) of the Rule applies only to marriages which are declared
void ab initio or annulled by final judgment under Articles 40
For Article 147 of the Family Code to apply, the following and 45 of the Family Code. In short, Article 50 of the Family
elements must be present: Code does not apply to marriages which are declared void ab
initio under Article 36 of the Family Code, which should be
 The man and the woman must be capacitated to marry each declared void without waiting for the liquidation of the
other; properties of the parties.
They live exclusively with each other as husband and wife; and  In both instances under Articles 40 and 45, the marriages are
governed either by absolute community of property or conjugal
Their union is without the benefit of marriage, or their marriage partnership of gains unless the parties agree to a complete
is void. separation of property in a marriage settlement entered into
before the marriage. Since the property relations of the parties
All these elements are present in this case and there is no
is governed by absolute community of property or conjugal
question that Article 147 of the Family Code applies to the
partnership of gains, there is a need to liquidate, partition and
property relations between petitioner and respondent.
distribute the properties before a decree of annulment could be
The trial court erred in ordering that a decree of absolute nullity issued. That is not the case for annulment of marriage under
of marriage shall be issued only after liquidation, partition and Article 36 of the Family Code because the marriage is
distribution of the parties’ properties under Article 147 of the governed by the ordinary rules on co-ownership.
Family Code. The ruling has no basis because Section 19(1) of
 In this case, petitioner’s marriage to respondent was declared
the Rule does not apply to cases governed under Articles 147
void under Article 36 of the Family Code and not under Article
and 148 of the Family Code. Section 19(1) of the Rule
40 or 45. Thus, what governs the liquidation of properties
owned in common by petitioner and respondent are the rules on
Sec. 19. Decision. – (1) If the court renders a decision granting co-ownership. In Valdes, the Court ruled that the property
the petition, it shall declare therein that the decree of absolute relations of parties in a void marriage during the period of
nullity or decree of annulment shall be issued by the court only cohabitation is governed either by Article 147 or Article 148 of
after compliance with Articles 50 and 51 of the Family Code as the Family Code. The rules on co-ownership apply and the
implemented under the Rule on Liquidation, Partition and properties of the spouses should be liquidated in accordance
Distribution of Properties. with the Civil Code provisions on co-ownership. Under Article
496 of the Civil Code, “[p]artition may be made by agreement
between the parties or by judicial proceedings. x x x.” It is not
necessary to liquidate the properties of the spouses in the same Tina that he was already married but nevertheless, she
proceeding for declaration of nullity of marriage. agreed to marry him
 Manuel stated that he declared he was single in his
marriage with Tina because he believed in good faith
24. Manuel v. People (2005); - CAMPOS that his first marriage was invalid, that he did not know
On July 28, 1975, Eduardo Manuel married Rubylus Gaa that he had to go to the court to seek nullification of his
before Msgr. Feliciano Santos in Makati. first marriage before marrying Tina
 Rubylus Gaa was charged with estafa in 1975 and  He further claimed that he was only forced to marry his
thereafter imprisoned Manuel only visited his wife after first wife because she threatened to commit suicide
three months and never saw her again unless he did so
 Manuel met Tina Gandalera in Dagupan City on ISSUE
January 1996. Whether or not Eduardo Manuel is guilty of Bigamy
 Tina was then 21 years old, a computer secretarial
student while Manuel was 39. HELD
 Manuel visited Tina in Baguio City. Eventually, despite Yes. Article 349 provides that the penalty of prison mayor shall
Tina’s resistance, Eduardo succeeded in having his way be imposed upon any person who shall contract a second or
with her and proposed marriage on several occasions, subsequent marriage before the former marriage has been
assuring Tina that he was single dissolved, or before the absent spouse has been declared
 Manuel even brought his parents to Baguio City to meet presumptively dead by means of a judgment rendered in the
Tina’s parents, and was assured by them that their son proper proceedings.
was still single For the accused to be guilty of bigamy, prosecution is burdened
to prove the felony:
 Tina agreed to marry Manuel, April 22, 1996 before
1. He/she has been legally married
Judge Antonio Reyes, the Presiding Judge of the RTC
2. He/she contracts a subsequent marriage without the
of Baguio City
former marriage having been lawfully dissolved
 For three years, the couple was happy until Manuel
only went to their house twice or thrice a year and when
It is the burden of the petitioner to prove his defense that when
Tina asks for money, Manuel would slap her.
he married he was of the well-grounded belief that his first wife
 January 2001, Eduardo left and did not return and was already dead, as he had not heard from her for more than
stopped giving financial support to Tina On August 20 years since 1975. Eduardo Manuel failed to discharge his
2001, Tina made inquiries from the NSO in Manila and burden since there is no judicial declaration of presumptive
learned that Eduardo was previously married death was shown.
 Eduardo testified that he met Tina in 1995 in a bar
where she worked as GRO. He said that he informed
Article 41 of the Family Code amended the rules on the death and funeral benefits. She claimed that Bailon
presumptive death on Article 390 and 391 of the Civil Code contracted three marriages in his lifetime, the first with
which states that before the spouse present may contract a Alice, the second with her mother Elisa, and the third
subsequent marriage, he or she must institute summary with respondent, all of whom are still alive; she,
proceedings for the declaration of the presumptive death of together with her siblings, paid for Bailon’s medical
absentee spouse without prejudice to the effect of the and funeral expenses; and all the documents
reappearance of the absentee spouse submitted by respondent to the SSS in support of her
claims are spurious.
25. SSS v. Jarque Vda. De Bailon (2006); -  In support of her claim, Cecilia and her sister Norma
Facts: Bailon Chavez (Norma) submitted an Affidavit dated
February 13, 199915 averring that they are two of nine
 On April 25, 1955, Clemente G. Bailon (Bailon) and children of Bailon and Elisa who cohabited as
Alice P. Diaz (Alice) contracted marriage in Barcelona, husband and wife as early as 1958; and they were
Sorsogon. More than 15 years later or on October 9, reserving their right to file the necessary court action
1970, Bailon filed before the then Court of First to contest the marriage between Bailon and respondent
Instance (CFI) of Sorsogon a petition7 to declare Alice as they personally know that Alice is "still very much
presumptively dead. By Order of December 10, 1970,8 alive."
the CFI granted the petition.  In the meantime, on April 5, 1999, a certain Hermes P.
 Close to 13 years after his wife Alice was declared Diaz, claiming to be the brother and guardian of "Aliz
presumptively dead or on August 8, 1983, Bailon P. Diaz," filed before the SSS a claim for death benefits
contracted marriage with Teresita Jarque (respondent) accruing from Bailon’s death, he further attesting in a
in Casiguran, Sorsogon. sworn statement18 that it was Norma who defrayed
 On January 30, 1998, Bailon, who was a member of the Bailon’s funeral expenses.
Social Security System (SSS) since 1960 and a retiree  Elisa and seven of her children subsequently filed
pensioner thereof effective July 1994, died. claims for death benefits as Bailon’s beneficiaries
 Respondent thereupon filed a claim for funeral benefits, before the SSS.
and was granted P12,000 by the SSS. Respondent filed
on March 11, 1998 an additional claim for death SSS RULING
benefits, which was also granted by the SSS on April 6,
1998.  Atty. Marites C. de la Torre of the Legal Unit of the
 Cecilia Bailon-Yap (Cecilia), who claimed to be a SSS Bicol Cluster, Naga City recommended the
daughter of Bailon and one Elisa Jayona (Elisa) cancellation of payment of death pension benefits to
contested before the SSS the release to respondent of respondent and the issuance of an order for the refund
of the amount paid to her from February 1998 to May 5. In the meantime, the SSS Sorsogon Branch,
1999 representing such benefits; the denial of the claim by letter of August 16, 2000, advised
of Alice on the ground that she was not dependent upon respondent that as Cecilia and Norma were
Bailon for support during his lifetime; and the payment the ones who defrayed Bailon’s funeral
of the balance of the five-year guaranteed pension to expenses, she should return the P12,000
Bailon’s beneficiaries according to the order of paid to her.
preference provided under the law, after the amount 6. In a separate letter dated September 7,
erroneously paid to respondent has been collected. The 1999, the SSS advised respondent of the
pertinent portions of the Memorandum read: cancellation of her monthly pension for
death benefits in view of the opinion
1. Alice Diaz never disappeared. The court rendered by its legal department that her
must have been misled by misrepresentation marriage with Bailon was void as it was
in declaring the first wife, Aliz [sic] Diaz, as contracted while the latter’s marriage with
presumptively dead. Alice was still subsisting; and the
2. The Order of the court in the "Petition to December 10, 1970 CFI Order declaring
Declare Alice Diaz Presumptively Dead," Alice presumptively dead did not become
did not become final. The presence of Alice final, her "presence" being "contrary
[sic] Diaz, is contrary proof that rendered it proof" against the validity of the order. It
invalid. thus requested respondent to return the
3. It was the deceased member who abandoned amount of P24,000 representing the total
his wife, Aliz [sic] Diaz. He, being in bad amount of monthly pension she had received
faith, and is the deserting spouse, his from the SSS from February 1998 to May
remarriage is void, being bigamous. 1999.
4. In this case, it is the deceased member who
was the deserting spouse and who RESPONDENT’s PROTEST
remarried, thus his marriage to Teresita Respondent protested the cancellation of her monthly pension
Jarque, for the second time was void as it for death benefits by letter to the SSS dated October 12, 1999.24
was bigamous. To require affidavit of In a subsequent letter dated November 27, 199925 to the SSC,
reappearance to terminate the second she reiterated her request for the release of her monthly
marriage is not necessary as there is no pension, asserting that her marriage with Bailon was not
disappearance of Alice Diaz, the first wife, declared before any court of justice as bigamous or unlawful,
and a voidable marriage to speak of. hence, it remained valid and subsisting for all legal intents and
purposes as in fact Bailon designated her as his beneficiary.
SSS’ RULING ON THE PROTEST Commission finds, and so holds, that petitioner Teresita
The SSS, however, by letter to respondent dated January 21, Jarque-Bailon is NOT THE LEGITIMATE SPOUSE and
2000,26 maintained the denial of her claim for and the primary beneficiary of SSS member Clemente Bailon.
discontinuance of payment of monthly pension. It advised her, Accordingly, the petitioner is hereby ordered to refund to the
however, that she was not deprived of her right to file a petition SSS the amount of P24,000.00 representing the death
with the SSC. benefit she received therefrom for the period February 1998
until May 1999 as well as P12,000.00 representing the
In the meantime, respondent informed the SSS that she was The SSS is hereby ordered to pay Alice (a.k.a. Aliz) Diaz-
returning, under protest, the amount of P12,000 representing Bailon the appropriate death benefit arising from the demise of
the funeral benefits she received, she alleging that Norma and SSS member Clemente Bailon in accordance with Section 8(e)
her siblings "forcibly and coercively prevented her from and (k) as well as Section 13 of the SS Law, as amended, and
spending any amount during Bailon’s wake. its prevailing rules and regulations and to inform this
Commission of its compliance herewith.
After the SSS filed its Answer to respondent’s petition, and the PETITION FOR REVIEW ON THE COURT OF
parties filed their respective Position Papers, one Alicia P. Diaz APPEALS
filed an Affidavit30 dated August 14, 2002 with the SSS Naga By Decision of June 23, 2004, the CA reversed and set aside
Branch attesting that she is the widow of Bailon; she had only the April 2, 2003 Resolution and June 4, 2003 Order of the
recently come to know of the petition filed by Bailon to SSC and thus ordered the SSS to pay respondent all the pension
declare her presumptively dead; it is not true that she benefits due her.
disappeared as Bailon could have easily located her, she Nowhere does the law contemplates the possibility that
having stayed at her parents’ residence in Barcelona, respondent SSS may validly declare the second marriage null
Sorsogon after she found out that Bailon was having an and void on the basis alone of its own investigation and declare
extramarital affair; and Bailon used to visit her even after their that the decision of the RTC declaring one to be presumptively
separation. dead is without basis.
Respondent SSS cannot arrogate upon itself the authority to
SSC’s DECISION review the decision of the regular courts under the pretext of
By Resolution of April 2, 2003, the SSC found that the determining the actual and lawful beneficiaries of its members.
marriage of respondent to Bailon was void and, therefore, she It is not correct to conclude that simply because the filing of
was "just a common-law-wife”. the Affidavit of Reappearance with the Civil Registry where
parties to the subsequent marriage reside is already inutile, the
respondent SSS has now the authority to review the decision of
the RTC and consequently declare the second marriage null
and void beneficiary of Bailon.

WHETHER THE NO SSC is empowered to settle

ISSUES HELD RATIO HONORABLE any dispute with respect to
COURT OF SSS coverage, benefits and
WHETHER THE NO It bears reiterating that a APPEALS contributions, there is no
DECISION OF THE voidable marriage cannot GRAVELY ABUSED doubt. In so exercising
HONORABLE be assailed collaterally ITS DISCRETION such power, however, it
COURT OF except in a direct AMOUNTING TO cannot review, much less
APPEALS IS proceeding. Consequently, LACK OF reverse, decisions
CONTRARY TO such marriages can be JURISDICTION rendered by courts of law
LAW assailed only during the as it did in the case at bar
lifetime of the parties and when it declared that the
Doctrine:  not after the death of December 10, 1970 CFI
Article 83, of the either, in which case the Order was obtained
Civil Code parties and their offspring through fraud and
Article 87, will be left as if the subsequently disregarded
Paragraph 2 of the marriage had been the same, making its own
Civil Code perfectly valid. Upon the findings with respect to the
death of either, the validity of Bailon and
marriage cannot be Alice’s marriage on the
impeached, and is made one hand and the invalidity
good ab initio. of Bailon and respondent’s
marriage on the other.
In the case at bar, as no
step was taken to nullify, in In interfering with and
accordance with law, passing upon the CFI
Bailon’s and respondent’s Order, the SSC virtually
marriage prior to the acted as an appellate
former’s death in 1998, court. The law does not
respondent is rightfully give the SSC unfettered
the dependent spouse- discretion to trifle with
orders of regular courts in
- Celerina and Ricardo got married on June 18, 1980. They
the exercise of its authority rented an apartment in San Juan, MM and a year after their
to determine the marriage they went to Tarlac and went into a buy and sell
beneficiaries of the SSS. business, which failed.
- To recover financially, Celerina sought respondent’s
permission to work in HK as domestic helper. In Feb. 1995,
DECISION: Petition denied.
she applied in an employment agency in Manila then left
Tarlac after 2 months and was never heard from again.
26. Santos v. Santos (2014); - CHAVEZ - He tried looking for Celerina at her parent’s house in Cubao,
Action: Petition for review on certiorari filed by Celerina J. through her relatives and friends but no one gave him
Santos, assailing the Court of Appeals' resolutions dated information.
November 28, 2008 and March 5, 2009. Court of Appeals - From the time he filed petiotion before RTC, Celerina was
dismissed the petition for the annulment of the trial court's not heard from for 12 years already. He believed that Celerina
judgment declaring her presumptively dead. has passed away.
Summary: Celerina was declared presumptively dead after her According to Petioner Celerina:
husband had filed a petition for declaration of absence or - Her true residence was in Neptune Extension, Congressional
presumptive death for the purpose of remarriage. According to Avenue, Quezon City, which is their conjugal dwelling since
the husband, she was unheard of for 12 years. Petitioner sought 1989 until Ricardo left in May 2008.
nullification of said Order declaring her presumptively dead,
arguing that she was never missing in the first place and that - She never resided in Tarlac.
her husband committed extrinsic fraud in declaring that her - She also never left and worked as a domestic helper abroad.
whereabouts for 12 years were unknown to him. CA ruled that Neither did she go to an employment agency in February 1995.
annulment of judgment was wrong remedy and that she should
- Ricardo left the conjugal dwelling in May 2008 to cohabit
have filed an Affidavit of reappearance before the Civil
with another woman.
Registry. Court ruled to reverse CA. 
- Celerina referred to a joint affidavit executed by their children
Case was remanded to CA for determination of the existence of
to support her contention that Ricardo made false allegations in
extrinsic fraud, grounds for nullity/annulment
his petition.
of the first marriage, and the merits of the petition.
Procedural History:
- On July 27, 2007, the Regional Trial Court of Tarlac City
According to respondent Ricardo: declared petitioner Celerina J. Santos (Celerina) presumptively
dead after her husband, respondent Ricardo T. Santos absent and the spouse seeking the declaration of presumptive
(Ricardo), had filed a petition for declaration of absence or death actually has a well-founded belief of the spouse's death.
presumptive death for the purpose of remarriage on June 15, - She added that it would be inappropriate to file an affidavit of
2007. reappearance if she did not disappear in the first place and that
- Ricardo remarried on September 17, 2008. an action for annulment of judgment is proper when the
- On November 17, 2008, Celerina filed a petition for declaration of presumptive death is obtained fraudulently.
annulment of judgment before CA on the grounds of extrinsic RATIO:
fraud and lack of jurisdiction. - Annulment of judgment is the remedy when the Regional
(1) She argued that she was deprived her day in court when Trial Court's judgment, order, or resolution has become final,
Ricardo, despite his knowledge of her true residence, and the "remedies of new trial, appeal, petition for relief (or
misrepresented to the court that she was a resident of Tarlac other appropriate remedies) are no longer available through no
City. fault of the petitioner."
(2) court did not acquire jurisdiction over Ricardo's petition - There are 2 grounds for annulment of judgment (1) extrinsic
because it had never been published in a newspaper fraud and (2) lack of jurisdiction.
(3) Office of the Solicitor General and the Provincial “ It is extrinsic or collateral when a litigant commits acts
Prosecutor's Office were not furnished copies of Ricardo's outside of the trial which prevents a party from having a real
petition contest, or from presenting all of his case, such that there is no
- CA dismissed Celerina's petition for annulment of judgment fair submission of the controversy.
for being a wrong mode of remedy. - The choice of remedy is important because remedies carry
According to CA, the proper remedy was to file a sworn with them certain admissions, presumptions, and conditions.
statement before the civil registry, declaring her reappearance - The Family Code provides that it is the proof of absence of a
in accordance with Article 42 of the Family Code. spouse for four consecutive years, coupled with a well-founded
- MR filed, likewise denied belief by the present spouse that the absent spouse is already
dead, that constitutes a justification for a second marriage
Issue: WON the correct remedy is an annulment of judgment during the subsistence of another marriage.
(of RTC’s declaration of petitioner’s absence or presumptive
death) instead of merely filing an Affidavit of Reappearance – - It also provides that the second marriage is in danger of being
YES terminated by the presumptively dead spouse when he or she
- In filing petition for review on certiorari, Celerina argued that
filing an affidavit of reappearance under Article 42 of the Article 42. The subsequent marriage referred to in the
Family Code is appropriate only when the spouse is actually preceding Article shall be automatically terminated by the
recording of the affidavit of reappearance of the absent spouse, Celerina's choice to file an action for annulment of judgment
unless there is a judgment annulling the previous marriage or will, therefore, lie.
declaring it void ab initio. Fallo: Court ruled to reverse CA. Case was remanded to CA
- In other words, the Family Code provides the presumptively for determination of the existence of extrinsic fraud, grounds
dead spouse with the remedy of terminating the subsequent for nullity/annulment of the first marriage, and the merits of the
marriage by mere reappearance. However, the filing of an petition.
affidavit of reappearance is an admission on the part of the first
spouse that his or her marriage to the present spouse was
terminated when he or she was declared absent or 27. Tadeo-Matias v. Republic (2018) - GARCIA
presumptively dead.
Moreover, a close reading of the entire Article 42 reveals that FACTS: On April 10, 2012, petitioner Estrellita Tadeo-Matias
the termination of the subsequent marriage by reappearance is filed before the RTC of Tarlac City a petition for the
subject to several conditions: (1) the non-existence of a declaration of presumptive death of her husband, Wilfredo N.
judgment annulling the previous marriage or declaring it void Matias (Wilfredo).
ab initio; (2) recording in the civil registry of the residence of
the parties to the subsequent marriage of the sworn statement  The allegations of the petition read:
of fact and circumstances of reappearance; (3) due notice to the 1. Petitioner is of legal age, married to Wilfredo, Filipino
spouses of the subsequent marriage of the fact of reappearance; and currently a resident of 106 Molave street, Zone B,
and (4) the fact of reappearance must either be undisputed or San Miguel, Tarlac City;
judicially determined. 2. Wilfredo] is of legal age, a member of the Philippine
Constabulary and was assigned in Arayat, Pampanga
The existence of these conditions means that reappearance does since August 24, 1967;
not always immediately cause the subsequent marriage's 3. The petitioner and Wilfredo entered into a lawful
termination. marriage on January 7, 1968 in Imbo, Anda,
- A Petition for Declaration of Absolute Nullity of Void Pangasinan;
Marriages may be filed solely by the husband or wife. This 4. After the solemnization of their marriage vows, the
means that even if Celerina is a real party in interest who couple put up their conjugal home at 106 Molave street,
stands to be benefited or injured by the outcome of an action to Zone B, San Miguel, Tarlac City;
nullify the second marriage, this remedy is not available to her. 5. Wilfredo continued to serve the Philippines and on
September 15, 1979, he set out from their conjugal
- Therefore, for the purpose of not only terminating the
home to again serve as a member of the Philippine
subsequent marriage but also of nullifying the effects of the
declaration of presumptive death and the subsequent marriage,
mere filing of an affidavit of reappearance would not suffice.
6. Wilfredo never came back from his tour of duty in The Republic questioned the decision of the RTC via a petition
Arayat, Pampanga since 1979 and he never made for certiorari before the CA.
contact or communicated with the petitioner nor to his
relatives;  CA Ruling: Set aside RTC decision. Held:
7. That according to the service record of Wilfredo issued
by the National Police Commission, Wilfredo was  1)  It held that the RTC erred when it declared
already declared missing since 1979; Wilfredo presumptively dead on the basis of Article 41 of
8. Petitioner constantly pestered the then Philippine the Family Code. According to the CA, Article 41 of the
Constabulary for any news regarding her beloved FC does not apply to the petition as it was clear that
husband Wilfredo, but the Philippine Constabulary had petitioner does not seek to remarry. If anything, the petition
no answer to his whereabouts, [neither] did they have was invoking the presumption of death established under
any news of him going AWOL, all they know was he Articles 390 and 391 of the Civil Code, and not that
was assigned to a place frequented by the New People's provided for under Article 41 of the FC.
9. Weeks became years and years became decades, but the  2)  The petition to declare Wilfredo presumptively
petitioner never gave up hope, and after more than three dead should have been dismissed by the RTC. The RTC is
(3) decades of waiting, the [petitioner is still hopeful, without authority to take cognizance of a petition whose
but the times had been tough on her, especially with a sole purpose is to have a person declared presumptively
meager source of income coupled with her age, it is dead under either Article 390 or Article 391 of the Civil
now necessary for her to request for the benefits that Code. As been held by jurisprudence, Articles 390 and 391
rightfully belong to her in order to survive; of the Civil Code merely express rules of evidence that
10. That one of the requirements to attain the claim of allow a court or a tribunal to presume that a person is dead
benefits is for a proof of death or at least a declaration —which presumption may be invoked in any action or
of presumptive death by the Honorable Court; proceeding, but itself cannot be the subject of an
11. That this petition is being filed not for any other independent action or proceeding.
purpose but solely to claim for the benefit under P.D.
Hence, this appeal.
No. 1638 as amended.
RTC Ruling: Declared WILFREDO N. MATIAS absent or
presumptively dead under Article 41 of the Family Code of the 1)  W/N the petition for declaration of presumptive death is based
Philippines for purposes of claiming financial benefits due to on Art 41 of the FC or Art 390 or 391 of the CC
him as former military officer.
2)  W/N the petition for declaration of presumptive death should  
be granted Here, petitioner was forthright that she was not seeking the
  declaration of the presumptive death of Wilfredo as a
RULING: The petition for the declaration of presumptive prerequisite for remarriage. In her petition for the declaration
death filed by the petitioner is not an authorized suit and should of presumptive death, petitioner categorically stated that the
have been dismissed by the RTC. The RTC's decision must, same was filed "not for any other purpose but solely to claim
therefore, be set aside. for the benefit under P.D. No. 1638 as amended."
1) The petition for the declaration of presumptive death filed Given that her petition for the declaration of presumptive death
by petitioner is not an action that would have warranted the was not filed for the purpose of remarriage, petitioner was
application of Article 41 of the FC because petitioner was not clearly relying on the presumption of death under either Article
seeking to remarry. A reading of Article 41 of the FC shows 390 or Article 391 of the Civil Code as the basis of her petition.
that the presumption of death established therein is only Articles 390 and 391 of the Civil Code express the general rule
applicable for the purpose of contracting a valid subsequent regarding presumptions of death for any civil purpose, to wit:
marriage under the said law. Thus:  
  Art. 390. After an absence of seven years, it being
Art. 41. A marriage contracted by any person during unknown whether or not the absentee still lives, he shall
subsistence of a previous marriage shall be null and void, be presumed dead for all purposes, except for those of
unless before the celebration of the subsequent marriage, succession.
the prior spouse had been absent for four consecutive The absentee shall not be presumed dead for the purpose
years and the spouse present has a well-founded belief of opening his succession till after an absence of ten
that the absent spouse was already dead. In case of years. If he disappeared after the age of seventy-five
disappearance where there is danger of death under the years, an absence of five years shall be sufficient in order
circumstances set forth in the provisions of Article 391 of that his succession may be opened.
the Civil Code, an absence of only two years shall be  
sufficient. Art. 391. The following shall be presumed dead for all
  purposes, including the division of the estate among the
For the purpose of contracting the subsequent marriage heirs:
under the preceding paragraph the spouse present must (1) A person on board a vessel lost during a sea voyage,
institute a summary proceeding as provided in this Code or an aeroplane which is missing, who has not been heard
for the declaration of presumptive death of the absentee, of for four years since the loss of the vessel or aeroplane;
without prejudice to the effect of reappearance of the (2) A person in the armed forces who has taken part in
absent spouse. war, and has been missing for four years;
(3) A person who has been in danger of death under other  
circumstances and his existence has not been known for 1.   The PVAO and the AFP can decide claims of death
four years. benefits of a missing soldier without requiring the claimant to
  first produce a court declaration of the presumptive death of
Verily, the RTC's use of Article 41 of the FC as its basis in such soldier. In such claims, the PVAO and the AFP can make
declaring the presumptive death of Wilfredo was misleading their own determination, on the basis of evidence presented by
and grossly improper. The petition for the declaration of the claimant, whether the presumption of death under Articles
presumptive death filed by petitioner was based on the Civil 390 and 391 of the Civil Code may be applied or not. It must
Code, and not on Article 41 of the FC. be stressed that the presumption of death under Articles 390
  and 391 of the Civil Code arises by operation of law, without
need of a court declaration, once the factual conditions
2) Since the petition filed by the petitioner merely seeks the mentioned in the said articles are established. Hence, requiring
declaration of presumptive death of Wilfredo under the Civil the claimant to further secure a court declaration in order to
Code, the RTC should have dismissed such petition outright. establish the presumptive death of a missing soldier is not
This is because, in our jurisdiction, a petition whose sole proper and contravenes established jurisprudence on the matter.
objective is to have a person declared presumptively dead  
under the Civil Code is not regarded as a valid suit and no court 2.   In order to avail of the presumption, therefore, the
has any authority to take cognizance of the same. claimant need only present before the PVAO or the appropriate
  office of the AFP, as the case may be, any "evidence" which
Few points the Court is minded to make: shows that the concerned soldier had been missing for such
The present controversy stemmed from the misconception that number of years and/or under the circumstances prescribed
a court declaration is required in order to establish a person as under Articles 390 and 391 of the Civil Code. Obviously, the
presumptively dead for purposes of claiming his death benefits "evidence" referred to here excludes a court declaration of
as a military serviceman under pertinent laws. This presumptive death.
misconception is what moved petitioner to file her misguided  
petition for the declaration of presumptive death of Wilfredo 3.   The PVAO or the AFP, as the case may be, may then
and what ultimately exposed her to unnecessary difficulties in weigh the evidence submitted by the claimant and determine
prosecuting an otherwise simple claim for death benefits either their sufficiency to establish the requisite factual conditions
before the Philippine Veterans' Affairs Office (PVAO) or the specified under Article 390 or 391 of the Civil Code in order
Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). for the presumption of death to arise. If the PVAO or the AFP
  determines that the evidence submitted by the claimant is
Hence, the Court issued the following guidelines to aid the sufficient, they should not hesitate to apply the presumption of
public, PVAO and the AFP in making or dealing with claims of death and pay the latter's claim. 4. If the PVAO or the AFP
death benefits which are similar to that of the petitioner:
determines that the evidence submitted by the claimant is not
sufficient to invoke the presumption of death under the Civil
Code and denies the latter's claim by reason thereof, the
claimant may file an appeal with the Office of the President
(OP) pursuant to the principle of exhaustion of administrative

If the OP denies the appeal, the claimant may next seek

recourse via a petition for review with the CA under Rule 43 of
the Rules of the Court. And finally, should such recourse still
fail, the claimant may file an appeal by certiorari with the
Supreme Court.

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