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1202 Workmanship and Quality Control

It is the Contractor's responsibility to produce work, which conforms in quality, quantity and accuracy
of dimensions to the requirements of the Specifications and Drawings. The Contractor must implement
his own quality control system with experienced staff, together with all necessary facilities, to ensure
adequate supervision and positive control of the Works at all times.

The Contractor shall develop a Quality Control System (QCS) in consultation with and entirely to the
satisfaction of the Engineer and shall be described in a Quality Control Manual (QCM)

The QCM shall be in a suitable binding so that it can be updated from time to time and shall include
inter alia:
• The Contractors general approach to providing a QCS;
• The quality control organisation with details of staffing and inter-relationships and
responsibilities within the Contractor’s organisation and with the Engineer;
• A detailed description of the request system for checking completed works and for the
inspection of elements when required prior to performing works;
• Methods and frequency of testing for all elements of the works;
• Reporting procedures;
• Procedures for rectifying deficiencies identified;

Standard Formats proposed for use in the system with a description of how they are to be
used during the project;
The purpose of the QCM is for the Contractor to provide records that demonstrate to the Engineer, in the
fullness of time, that all the requirements of this Specification have been met.
1207 Existing Public Utilities
The Contractor shall co-operate with the public utility authorities in the removal and relocation of any
underground or overhead services or facilities so as to safeguard and minimise disruption to the
1208 Remedial Work
(a) Earthworks
Where excavated material has been allowed to spill over the edge of existing slopes, this surplus material
shall be removed and the vegetation of the slope reinstated

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