Road Report Comments - Pavement Report

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Package Item Discipline Report/Drawing and Number - Atkins Revision & Date Comments Response

The design period considered for flexible pavement is 20 years

The existing and future traffic flows for Colombo port city are estimated based on traffic modelling. Traffic
demand was carried out for the design year 2040 for the development traffic and include for light vehicles

Pavement design (Design Report Comments)

and buses. Assumptions have been necessitated for heavy trucks, medium trucks and light trucks based on
the hierarchy of the road and knowledge of the region.
Road and Pavement System

The pavement design life is considered from year 2020 to 2039 in order to provide a robust pavement
Package -IA

thickness. With the absence of growth factor, the growth factor has been considered as 6% for the first 10
years. Assuming 2020 as opening year, from 2020-2029, 6% growth considered. It is assumed there is no
growth in commercial vehicles after 2029
26.04.2019_1A_RP_Appendix B-Pavement
Design Report_RPT Based on Local Experience, adjustment to design traffic volume based on lane width and number of lanes are
suggested to use recommended factors
The Process of ADT needs to be clarified. The Bus traffic was taken was lesser from the PHV calculation for all
the roads

Backend ADT calculations are required for arriving on 2020 and for calculating the Standard axles factor in
ESAL as highlighted in the above figure. Based on what scenario the number of standard axles are assumed
during the construction period of first 10 years (as mentioned in section 2.9 of pavement design report)
The reference for values considered for Initial and terminal serviceability is required
The layer Co-efficient considered for the pavement design is not as per the AASHTO standards

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