The Jump Shrug: A Progressive Exercise Into Weightlifting Derivatives

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The Jump Shrug: A Progressive Exercise Into Weightlifting Derivatives


DOI: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000064


19 3,834

5 authors, including:

Timothy J. Suchomel Brad H. DeWeese

Carroll University East Tennessee State University


George Beckham Ambrose J Serrano

California State University, Monterey Bay United States Olympic Committee


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The Jump Shrug: A

Progressive Exercise Into
Weightlifting Derivatives
Timothy J. Suchomel, MS, CSCS, USAW,1 Brad H. DeWeese, EdD, CSCS, NSCA-CPT,1
George K. Beckham, MA, CSCS,1 Ambrose J. Serrano, MA, CSCS, HFS,2
and Christopher J. Sole, MS, CSCS, USAW, USATF-11
Center of Excellence for Sport Science and Coach Education, Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences,
East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee; and 2United States Olympic Training Center, Lake Placid,
New York

ABSTRACT ankle joints. This exercise can be per- and extensor masses of forearm, bra-
formed from a static starting position chioradialis, trapezius, splenius capitis,
or with a countermovement, at varying splenius cervicis, levator scapulae, in-
starting positions, from the mid-thigh fraspinatus, serratus posterior inferior,
THAT CAN BE USED TO TEACH THE and above/below the knee (16). rhomboid major, rhomboid minor,
and the supraspinatus.
OR AS A STAND-ALONE TRAINING MUSCLES INVOLVED  Descending phase of the counter-
EXERCISE. THE BALLISTIC NATURE The muscles involved in this move- movement (lower extremity): ham-
OF THIS EXERCISE ALLOWS ment are similar to those described in strings group (biceps femoris,
ATHLETES TO PRODUCE HIGH previous articles regarding related semimembranosus, and semitendino-
AMOUNTS OF LOWER EXTREMITY weightlifting derivatives (3–6): sus), gluteus maximus, quadriceps
POWER, AN ESSENTIAL COMPO-  Static stability in starting position
group (rectus femoris, vastus lateralis,
NENT TO ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE. and throughout eccentric/concentric
vastus medialis, and vastus interme-
phases before the second pull (torso
dius), gastrocnemius, soleus, tibialis
and upper extremity musculature):
TYPE OF EXERCISE erector spinae group (iliocostalis, posterior, flexor hallucis longus, flexor
he jump shrug (JS) is an explo- longissimus, and spinalis), deep digitorum, peroneus longus, and the

T sive lower-body exercise that can

be used to enhance lower-body
muscular power. In addition, this exer-
spinal muscles (rotators, interspi-
nales, multifidus, and intertransver-
sarii), rectus abdominis, transverse
peroneus brevis.
 Ascending phase from the lowest bar
position and propulsive phase from
cise can be used as part of the teaching abdominis, external obliques, inter- the mid-thigh position (second pull;
progression of the clean and snatch, nal obliques, quadratus lumborum, full body): trapezius, splenius capitis,
while emphasizing the second pull and triceps brachii (long head), deltoid, splenius cervicis, levator scapulae,
complete extension of the hip, knee, and subscapularis, latissimus dorsi, flexor rhomboid minor, rhomboid major,

Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association Strength and Conditioning Journal | 43
Exercise Technique

serratus posterior superior, posterior a distance that is preferred for either will exist in the starting position of the
deltoid, teres minor, teres major, erec- the clean or snatch variation (5,7). In bar. Specifically, the starting position
tor spinae group (iliocostalis, long- addition, the athletes should consider bar height will be slightly higher when
issimus, and spinalis), deep spinal using the hook grip or lifting straps to using a snatch grip because of the
muscles (rotators, interspinales, multi- prevent losing control of the bar wider hand spacing (5,7).
fidus, and intertransversarii), rectus when heavier loads are used (7).  At this point, regardless of if the ath-
abdominis, transverse abdominis,  After the athlete has properly placed lete is performing a quick counter-
external obliques, internal obliques, their hands on the bar, the athlete movement or holding the lowest
quadriceps group (rectus femoris, should remove the bar from the rack position, the athlete should be cued
vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and or boxes and stand with their feet in to rotate their elbows out and flex
vastus intermedius), gluteus maximus, a position that is similar to what is their wrists to keep the bar close to
hamstrings group (biceps femoris, used during partial pulling move- their body during the lift.
semimembranosus, semitendinosus), ments and/or jumping movements.  Finally, it should be verbalized to the
gastrocnemius, soleus, tibialis poste- The athlete’s feet should be approx- athlete that they should drive
rior, flexor hallucis longus, flexor dig- imately hip width apart with their through their heels before the pro-
itorum, peroneus longus, and the toes slightly open if preferred. pulsive phase of the exercise to
peroneus brevis.  The athlete should start in the power ensure proper muscle activation.
position (1,9,13). Their knees should
be slightly bent and they should main-
The JS is an exercise that has the DESCENDING PHASE OF THE
tain isometric contractions with pos-
potential to enhance lower extremity COUNTERMOVEMENT
terior musculature to retain an erect
power (15,18). Furthermore, the JS  As the athlete descends during the
and upright posture. Specifically, the
can serve as a teaching tool to improve countermovement, he/she should
shoulders should be retracted and
the technical aspects of the second maintain a “big chest” and tight back
depressed while maintaining a “tight
pull phase of weightlifting movements. by contracting posterior musculature
back” and “big chest.”
Previous research suggests that the JS  The bar should be in the power posi- isometrically. The athlete should
may produce greater force (18), veloc- also continue to drive through their
tion (1,9,13) that is located below the
ity (18), and power (17,18) as compared heels (3).
hip fold on the upper part of the thighs
with the hang power clean and hang  The athlete should fold forward at
(Figure 1). Specifically, the hips, knees,
high pull at the same absolute loads. the hip while keeping their knees
and ankles should be within the ranges
Thus, this exercise should be consid- in a slightly bent position and push-
of 140–1508, 120–1308, and 60–708,
ered as a primary exercise to train ing their hips backward.
respectively (4). When changing grips
lower-body power and complement  The athlete should keep their eyes
between the clean and snatch, it
other exercises used within the strength up and continue to look forward
should be noted that small differences
and conditioning program. Because of while they maintain proper posture
its ability to produce high levels of force, and keep the bar close while lower-
velocity, and power, this exercise may ing it down their thighs.
be implemented in various phases  To reach the lowered countermove-
throughout the training year. ment position (Figure 2), the bar
Another aspect of the JS that may result should be lowered to a position just
in greater overload is the fact that it above knee level (12) before starting
does not require the athlete to elevate the ascending and propulsive phases.
the bar past their hips. Therefore, an  To achieve the greatest stretch-
athlete may have the ability to use more shortening cycle benefits during the
weight than he/she would typically use countermovement variation, this
during a clean, snatch, or other weight- phase of the JS should not be per-
lifting variation that requires the bar to formed slowly. However, the descend-
be elevated. As a result, this will allow ing phase of the countermovement
the athlete to overload a ballistic exer- should be performed in a controlled
cise that may ultimately contribute to manner while maintaining proper pos-
greater rate of force development. ture throughout the movement.
 For the static-start variation, the bar
STARTING POSITION should be held in the lowest position
 Before achieving the starting position, for 2–3 seconds to allow the effects
the athlete should place their hands Figure 1. Starting position for the jump of the stretch-shortening cycle to
on the bar using an overhand grip at shrug. dissipate.

44 VOLUME 36 | NUMBER 3 | JUNE 2014

thigh. As the athlete returns to the proper vertical force generation dur-
original starting position, they should ing the triple extension movement.
use the momentum created by the  The athlete may position the hips too
countermovement to build up the far forward instead of focusing on
intensity into an explosive jump. driving vertically through the heels.
 At this point, the athlete should This may cause a looping of the bar-
explosively extend their hips, knees, bell away from the athlete’s body.
and ankles to perform an explosive  The athlete may not finish the full
jump and leave the platform or triple extension of the hip, knee, and
lifting surface. In addition, the athlete ankle joints. This will prevent the abil-
should simultaneously shrug their ity to produce maximum force.
shoulders (8,10,11,18) (Figure 3).  The athlete may not aggressively
 The athlete should be instructed to shrug during the jump portion of
jump as high as possible while keep- the exercise. The lack of this move-
ing the bar close to their body. ment may limit the specific transfer
 Finally, the athlete should land in an to other weightlifting derivatives.
athletic position and control the  The athlete may not land in an ath-
position of the bar. letic position while controlling the
movement of the bar.
Figure 2. Barbell position above the
knee between the counter- COMMON MISTAKES OF THE
movement and propulsive JUMP SHRUG DISCUSSION
phases of the jump shrug.  The athlete may begin the second The JS is a clean and snatch variation
pull movement too early when tran- that can be used in the teaching pro-
ASCENDING PHASE OF THE sitioning to the power position. Spe- gression for each exercise. Previous
COUNTERMOVEMENT cifically, the athlete may begin to pull research indicates that the JS can pro-
 From the lowered countermove- and jump before the bar reaches the duce high amounts of force, velocity,
ment position, the athlete should power position. This will prevent the and power (18). As a result, the JS
begin to return to the mid-thigh may be implemented as a primary exer-
(power) position by driving through cise to enhance lower-body muscular
their heels, keeping the bar close to power because of its emphasis on the
their body, and maintaining proper second pull phase of traditional weight-
posture. lifting movements. The ballistic nature
 The athlete’s knees should re-bend of the JS requires an athlete to perform
and their torso should return to an full extension of the hip, knee, and ankle
upright position. joints during the second pull phase to
 The hips of the athlete should begin leave the platform or lifting surface.
to move back to their original posi- Newton et al. (14) indicates that athletes
tion as the athlete guides the bar back should perform exercises that allow
up their thighs to the power position. them to accelerate against a resistance
 The ascending phase ends when the throughout the entire movement. By
athlete returns from the lowered implementing the JS into an athlete’s
countermovement position back to strength and conditioning regimen, the
the original starting position previ- strength and conditioning practitioner
ously mentioned. will be providing a less technical exercise
 This phase of the JS is a transition to that will allow their athletes to effec-
the following propulsive phase and tively train lower-body muscular power.
should be performed in a controlled
manner. The intensity of the move- PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
ment will build up to the mid-thigh The JS is a weightlifting movement
(power) position before the propul- derivative that can be implemented in
sive phase. most blocks of training. The goal of
the training block will determine the vol-
PROPULSIVE PHASE ume of sets and repetitions that should
 The final phase of the JS begins when Figure 3. Finish of the propulsive phase be prescribed. Although the loading rec-
the athlete returns to the mid-thigh and triple extension for the ommendations for the JS within the cur-
(power) position from lower on the jump shrug. rent literature are somewhat limited, the

Strength and Conditioning Journal | 45

Exercise Technique

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