Quiz 4 A-Choose The Correct Answer :: Answers

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Wellsite Course Name: Time:20 Min

Quiz 4

A- Choose the correct Answer (Answers):

1- The equation used to calculate Pipe Capacity

a- ID2 x L (ft)/1029.4

b- (ID2 - OD2 ) x L (ft)/1029.4

c- (OD2- ID2 ) x L (ft)/1029.4

d- None of the above

2- The Traces which used to check the lag (Select all that apply)

a. Lentile
b. Carbide
c. Rock cutting
d. Hcl

3- Lag is dependent on (Select all that apply)

a. The volume of fluid that needs to be circulated

b. Shale shaker
c. Volume of mud in reserve tank
d. The output of the rig pumps

4- The volume of fluid contained within the drill string is the

a. Hole volume
b. Annular volume
c. Pipe capacity
d. Pump out put

5- The volume of fluid in the space between the drillstring and the Borehole (Annulus)

a. Hole volume
b. Annular volume
c. Pipe capacity
d. Pump out put

6- According to the number of cylinders, the pump has two type (Select all that apply)

a. Triplex
b. Duplex
c. Single
d. None of the above
Wellsite Course Name: Time:20 Min

7- Lag check should be run in the case of the following

a. Cavings observed across the shakers

b. Salt formations are being drilled with fresh or salt water based mud
c. Soft formations are encountered and fractures may be forming
d. All of the above

a. = Annular Volume/Pump out put
b. = Annular Volume X Pump out put
c. = Annular Volume / Pump Rate
d. = Annular Volume X Pump Rate

9- Pump out put (POP) of triplex pump with a liner diameter 5”, stroke length 12” and the
efficiency 93% equal
a. 0.0983 bbl/stk
b. 3.0501 bbl/stk
c. 0.9861 bbl/stk
d. 0.0677 bbl/stk

10- The picture below represents

a. Sigle acting pump
b. Circulating system
c. Triplex pump
d. Double acting pump

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