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Methodology and Approach:

To complete Phase-1 “Digitization tool development for existing data/projects for creating a detailed
of historical and projects” in the time frame of 8 months the following activities would be performed.
These activities are distributed in two phase, Phase-0 and Phase-1 and then the Phase-1 is linked with
Phase-5. The details of the activities and the workflow is described and illustrated as follow:

Phase 0: Following activities will be performed in the phase-0 of the project connecting the process
to the Phase-1 of the project.
1. Survey: Survey will be conducted for the identification of the data that needs to be
digitized. It includes data type, data entry methods and all the historic data that is not
available in digitized form. This data will be collected from P&DD, C&W, LG,
PHED, ID, HD, ED, Contractor/Bidder offices and other relevant departments.
2. Identification and Selection of Digitization Tools: Based on the collected data in
step 1, digitization tools will be identified and selected to be developed.
3. Selection of third-party tools for the development of Digitization Tools: Different
third-party tools will be selected to be used for the development of identified and
selected Digitization Tools in step 2. Different third-party tools that would be
considered in the developmental stage of the project includes Python, MySQL,
SendGrid, Twilio etc.

Indentification &
Selection of 3rd-Party
Survey Selection of
tools for Development
Digitization Tools

Figure 1: Activities Workflow in Phase-0 corresponding to Phase-1

Phase 1: After completion of the phase-0 the following activities will be performed, and the process
would be connected to the phase-5 of the project. This phase of the project (Phase-1) will go parallel
with phase 2,3 and 4 of the project.
4. Development/Adoption Phase of the Digitization Tools: This is step 1 of phase-1
where the development of the selected tools in step 2 of phase-0 will be completed.
The data collected from P&DD, C&W, LG, PHED, ID, HD, ED, Contractor/Bidder
offices and other relevant departments will be used as input in this stage and the tools
will be developed to make the data from the mentioned departments and historical
projects compatible for digitization and also the integration (phase-3).
5. Trial Tests: The developed tools will be tested for the designed performance and
functions. In this step the Digitization Tools will be checked for errors and the passed
from different trails.
6. Optimization of the developed Digitization Tools: The Digitization Tools
developed will be optimized for desired results. This step will be repeated and passed
through different debugging process based on the occurred errors if any. The tool will
also be checked on different platforms especially the one identified and selected in
step 2 of Phase-0.

Test Trial

(If Failed)



Figure 2: Trial and Error for Successful Product

7. Documentation of the Project: After successful run and completion of the
Digitization Tools the phase-1 will be documented in different documents including
user manual for end users and code with instructions for developers and operators at
the back end.
Phase of the Digitization Trial Tests

Optimization of the
Documentation of the
developed Digitization

Figure 3:Activities Workflow in Phase-1 after Phase-0

Phase 5: Using the documentation in step 7 of Phase-1 the knowledge will be transferred to the
stakeholders of the project.
8. Linking the Phase-1 with Phase-5 of the project: This step comes under step 7 of
the Phase-1. The Phase-1 will be linked with Phase-5 of the project which includes
the transfer of knowledge or training of stakeholder and development of self-learning
material with the help of documentation done in step 7 of Phase-1 along with physical
training of individuals.

Identificaiton &
Selection of Digitization

Selection of 3rd-Party
tools for development

Phase 1 Development of tools

Phase 2 Testing Trials

Phase 0

Phase 3 Optimization of Tools

Documentation of the
Phase 4 Phase 5

Figure 4: Workflow of Complete Phase-1 of the Project

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