Identification: Postoperative

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Identification and Management

Stepben J. Miller, DPM

BODY TEMPERATIJRE AND trolled about a reference set point by a complex

REGUIATION thermal regulatory system thought to be seated in
the hypothalamus.
Claude Bernard, a 1,9th century French scientist,
felt that a delicate equilibrium is responsible for
maintaining the stability of the body's inrernal Table 1
environment, He termed this condition milieu
interieur and it is approximately synonymous DYNAMIC THERMAT EQUILIBRIUM
with the term homeostasis. BODYHEAT PRODUCTION BODY HEAT LOSS
Homeostasis was the word coined by the Metabolism Convection-radiation-
American physiologist Valter Cannon, and refers vaporization
to the maintenance of a steady state or equilibri- - Exercise - Sweating/panting
um within the body. The purpose of any homeo- - Shivering - Change in temperature
- Unconscior-rs tensing gradient
static mechanism is the preserwation of the con-
of muscles - Cooler environment
stancy of the internal environment. Body - Higher basal rate - Decrezrsed clothing
temperature is an example of a homeostatic - Disease - Increased air movement
mechanism. In the hierarchy of homeostasis, tem- - Specific dynamic action - Increased radiatlon
- Food surface
perature regulation has the highest priority, sub-
servient only to respiration. It supercedes acid- Adapted from Hockman CHr Temperature regulation: Central Ner-
\rolrs system mechanisms. In Godon (.ed) Internatiot'tal S_ymposium
base balance, food balance, fluid volume on Maligndnt Ht-pefthennia. Springfield, 11, Charles Ti'romas. 1973.
maintenance, peripheral circulation and sleep.
To maintain temperature homeostasis, the
body's core temperature must be delicately main-
tained within a set range, under conditions of A single numerical figure (98.6" F) for normal
varying thermal loads as detected by multiple core body temperature seldom fits the clinical sit-
thermal sensors. A reference point temperature uation. Instead, a range of normal between 97.1'
may be fixed or otherwise, and is thought to be and 99.5" F has been established as being more
seated in the hypothalamus. This reference point appropriate because the range may be extended
is used during regulation for comparison to deter- in either direction by a variety of benign condi-
mine the appropriate responses in adjusting for tions. Most people exhibit a diurnal fluctuation in
detected temperature deviations. This reference is body temperature, with the lowest reading
called the set point or set temperature. occurring between 4:00 am and 6:00 am and the
Body temperature is an important and vital highest reading between B:00 pm and 11:00 pm.
indicator of body homeostasis. (Table 1) It is con- The variation ranges from 0.9" tct 2.7" F.

FEVER challenged as an inaccurate technique. There are
a number of key factors to review when evaluat-
in body tempera-
Fever is the abnormal elevation ing a postoperative temperature elevation. These
ture which results from a disturbance of the factors are outlined in Table 2. One of the most
thermo-regulatory mechanism. \7hen temperature accurate devices for measuring body temperature
rises above the normal range, it is important to is the tympanic thermometer. It is important to
take into account normal fluctuation such as those use this accurate device when monitoring a
caused by diurnal variation, menstruation) or patient for potential malignant hyperthermia.
exercise, all of which may appreciably add to the
core body temperature under non-pathological EVALUATING PO STOPERATIVE
A more accurate definition of fever is an
increase in temperature over what is normal for a Temperature elevation can be an important sign
given individual at that particular time of day, and of potential complications. However, some ambi-
not merely an isolated temperature greater than guity exists regarding the significance of postoper-
98.5" F. It has been shown that temperature
changes may occur postoperatively after extensive
foot surgery, not associated with pathological
conditions. An€slhetic --'lI

Blmd tEnstusion I closed abscess*
readions li,-
Table 2 atetefuis ll

-'l Ji
',[-'- **"'oI hrx::""
Important Factors to Remember When DGinlrc l
ake$ I

Evaluating Postoperative Fever Benion d@rative lryd 1,",",1"'I""

of nomal
post;nohhesla overeh@t
Age eostoperative
General Health
Length of Surgery
Type of anesthesia
Surgical trauma Figure 1. Causes of postoperative Temperature Elevations
Time since surgery
Drug therapy
Laboratory results ative temperature changes. (Figure 1)
Status of Patient During the first few hours after general anes-
Pain thesia it is not unusual to observe a drop in body
Signs of lnfection tempefature of up to 2" F, more so in children.
Urinary retention This is really a continuation of intraoperative
Constipation hypothermia caused by interference with the
hypothalamic thermoregulatory mechanism by
general anesthesia. It is more pronounced in
MONITORING BODY TEMPERAIURE longer cases utilizing general anesthesia. The
body must then expend great effort in order to
Body temperature is generally measured using reduce this heat deficit in the immediate postop-
one of three common devices: the mercury-glass erative period. The most dramalic manifestation of
thermometer, the disposable thermal-sensitive this is in the intense shivering observed as the
color indication thermometer, or the electronic body attempts to regain control of its set point.
thermometer with disposable jackets. Each of However, even without shivering, there is a con-
these devices has its own margin of error, which siderable increase in oxlrgen consumption at this
must be considered when evaluating results. time. This increase is most likely indicative of the
Temperature can be taken either orally, in the non-shivering thermogenesis taking place as the
axilla, or rectally, although the latter has been body attempts to raise its temperature.

In the absence of clinical signs and symp- the lower extremities, particularly the soleal
toms of a postoperative complication, a tempera, sinuses.
ture rise of less than 2" F within the first 24 to 29 A significant temperature elevation of about
hours is probably a postanesthesia overshoot, 102" to 103" F either at or after 72 hours with
which is actually a category of benign postopera- associated signs of drainage erythema and persis-
tive fever as was described by Roe. In one group tent pain at the wound site should alert the sur-
of patients, Roe found that this phenomenon was geon to a potential infection development. Char-
not observed when the body temperature was acteristically, the pain which should be abating at
successfully prevented from falling during the this time postoperatively, is actually exacerbated
operation. Halothane has been proven not to be and difficult to control with strong analgesic. Suf-
responsible for this phenomenon. For this reason, ficient time has elapsed for micro-organisms pre-
the patient must be kept as warm as possible dur- sent in the wound site to proliferate in sufficient
ing general anesthesia. numbers to cause inflammation, release of pyro-
When mild postoperative temperature gens and fever.
increases of less than 2'' F are seen approximately Fever secondary to postoperative infection
48 to 52 hours and 72 to 78 hours postoperative- does not have to be limited to the wound itself.
ly, and there is an absence of any sign of compli- Other infection processes should be considered.
cations, one may fairly make the diagnosis of true Most frequently seen are lower respiratory tract
benign postoperative fever. These temperature infection, urinary tract infection and bacteremia.
elevations are thought to be caused by the leuko- Other differential diagnoses include: drug fever,
cyte pyrogens released during the inflammatory constipation, excessive pain, and benign
reaction, after a threshold amount of tissue injury. postoperative fever. Fever has also been observed
No treatment is necessary for this temperature ele- post "cathelerization of the urethra". This is some-
vation, only obserwation and supportive therapy times called a "catheter fever" and should be
are required, and further investigation is unneces- observed for 24 hours with appropriate cultures
sary. For greater temperature increases, evaluation taken to rule out the introduction of bladder
of postoperative fever can entail a lengthy differ- sepsis. (Table 3)
ential diagnosis that must be narrowed by the
interpretation of available data and the applica-
tion of clinical experience. Table 3
The concept of set point helps explain the
chiil phase, characteristic of most sustained fevers.
It is simply the body's attempt to catch up to the CHANGES
new thermostat setting by way of its normal ther- Heat pyrexia I
moregulatory processes and effector mechanisms. Intraoperative


[il]:ffi]*lRerthermia ]
Postoperative hypothcrmia )
ershoot t
Postanesthesia or First 12 - 24 hours
Higher fevers within the first twelve hours of Atelectasis pneumonitis I
surgery accompanied by cyanosis, hyperpnea,
hypercapnia, hypoxia, tachycardia and decreased Thrombophlebitis I
breath sounds point to possible atelectasis or a Pulmonary emholjsm > Second 24 hours
Benign postoperative ieu". J
developing pneumonitis. The temperature charac-
teristically peaks at about 102' F. If the postopera- Postoperative infection )
tive fever is slightly higher, 103' to 704" F, and is Third 24 hours
seen an),-!vhere along the postoperative course, H:IIT,*diil:J,.""",i
notably within the first 48 hours, accompanied by Constipation
more severe signs of respiratory distress then the DrLrg fever
diagnosis of pulmonary embolism secondary to a
Other Causes
thrombophlebitic process should be considered.
The embolus most likelv comes from the veins of F.t*"''i::i*
on o"'on
] Appropriate
to the Situation

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pathological process instigating it. The use of
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a malor pathologic condition has been ruled out. arir e p21isn1..7 f uul siltg I l:160. 1o52.
Mild fevers of iess than 2" F require no pharma- Goldberg MJ, Roe CF: Temperature changes during anestliesie and
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<r al.ratiun. Anttu Rcu .Vcd. 25:)--. l')-<.


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