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A Graphical and Semi-Quantitative Technique for Investigating Vertical Electrical

Sounding (VES) Curves for Indices of Confined Fractured Basement Column.

Adebayo O. Ojo, M.Sc.1* and Martins O. Olorunfemi, Ph.D.2

Department of Geosciences, University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos, Nigeria.
Department of Geology, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.


ABSTRACT important lithological unit which contributes

significantly to the productiveness and yields of
Although, the mathematical analysis for the boreholes (Olayinka and Oladipo, 1994).
quantitative interpretation of resistivity data is However, to image this important hydrogeological
most highly developed for the Vertical Electrical unit in the subsurface, the Vertical Electrical
Sounding (VES) technique adopting the Sounding (VES) technique of the electrical
Schlumberger array, the modeling and resistivity method utilizing the Schlumberger
interpretation of VES curve is inextricably linked electrode configuration has been highly favoured
with the principle of equivalence and suppression, because of its field logistic advantages in addition
which makes it inherently non-unique. A typical to the fact that it yields useful information about
geological situation in which suppression could be the subsurface condition (Sheriff, 1992;
encountered is in a basement complex profile Olorunfemi and Fasuyi, 1993; Patra and Nath,
involving a fractured column sandwiched between 1999).
an upper and bottom fresh basement columns
commonly referred to as confined fractured The first step in the conventional method of
basement. Delineation of such confined fractured interpretation of Schlumberger VES dataset
column on the VES curve through the involves the plotting of the measured apparent
conventional method of visual inspection can be resistivity values (in ohm-meter) against half the
highly subjective. In an attempt to resolve this spread length or electrode spacing (in meter) on
detectability problem, an improved identification a log-log graph sheet to obtain a sounding curve.
technique involving the numerical computation of The sounding curve is then interpreted using the
the first and second derivative of the apparent partial curve matching technique which involves
resistivity dataset has been developed. The segment by segment matching of the VES curve
efficacy of the newly developed technique is with two layer model master curves and
tested on both synthetic and field observed VES associated auxiliary curves to obtain the layer
dataset. parameters (i.e., the layer resistivity and
(Keywords: VES, confined fractured basement, semi-
quantitative interpretation) At this stage of interpretation, the number of
segment fitted to the VES curve is a function of
the number of layers that can be visually
INTRODUCTION identified by the interpreter. This is highly
subjective as it depends on the interpreter’s
Identifying a good site for groundwater experience and expertise especially in a
development in water scare basement complex geologically complex environment. However, a
terrain is a challenging task. In hard rock terrain, layer whose resistivity is intermediate between
groundwater occurs in media with secondary that of the enclosing layers without appreciable
porosity (developed due to weathering, fracturing, thickness will be suppressed. Such layer will not
faulting, etc.), which are highly variable and vary reflect on the VES curve and will automatically be
sharply within very short distances, contributing to missed out of interpretation consideration. This
near-surface inhomogeneity. In a typical generally leads to misinterpretation of the VES
basement complex environment, fractured curve. A typical geological unit that is susceptible
basement columns have been identified as a very
The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology –537– Volume 14. Number 2. November 2013 (Fall)
to being suppressed is a confined fractured is obviously segmented and displaced along the
basement column (which is a potentially good rising basements segment is observed (Figure 2).
aquiferous layer in the subsurface) sandwiched
between two fresh basement columns in areas In this case, the whole curve is correctly
underlain by crystalline basement rocks interpreted as a five-layer HKH-type curve.
(Olorunfemi and Faluyi, 1993; Olayinka and However, when the confined fractured basement
Oladipo, 1994; Ademilua and Olorunfemi, 2010). is suppressed the resultant VES curve is not
segmented and displaced, the VES curve can be
Example of a multilayered earth model containing erroneously viewed/interpreted as either a four-
a confined fractured basement column typical in a layer HA type curve or a three-layer H-type curve
basement complex terrain is shown in Figure 1. as the case may be. Figure 3 presents
superimposed VES curves resulting from two
For a five-layer earth model (Figure 1) with different five-layer geologic models. The figure
resistivity combination ρ1 > ρ2 < ρ3 > ρ4 < ρ5, illustrates a situation where a five-layer geologic
when the confined fractured basement column model containing a confined fractured basement
and the overlying and underlying fresh basement column resulted into a three-layer VES curve.
layers are detectable on the VES curve, a typical This is a classic case of suppression which this
resistivity depth sounding HKH-type curve which study is aimed to address.

Figure 1: A Typical Five-Layer Earth Model Containing a Confined Fractured Basement Column in a
Basement Complex Terrain.

The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology –538– Volume 14. Number 2. November 2013 (Fall)
Figure 2: Geoelectric Signature of a Typical Basement Profile Containing a Confined Fractured
Basement Column in a Basement Complex Terrain.

Figure 3: Superimposed VES Curves of Two Five-layer Geologic Models Containing a Confined
Fractured Basement Column.
The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology –539– Volume 14. Number 2. November 2013 (Fall)
METHODOLOGY confined fractured column coincides with the
trough of the second derivative curve while the
A forward modeling computer software peak corresponds to the end of the inflection.
(SyntheticVES) developed by the authors (Ojo There is a coincidence in the inflections for both
and Olorunfemi, 2013) for generating theoretical the VES and the second derivative curves.
Schlumberger Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES)
curves was used to compute theoretical apparent To determine if the newly developed technique
resistivity dataset for series of five-layer geologic has any form of advantage over the conventional
models (Figure 1) containing a confined fractured method of visual inspection, in resolving a
basement column with varying geoelectric confined basement fracture, the generated VES
parameters. curves from different geologic models A, B and C
(Figure 4) and their respective geoelectric
The logarithms of the generated VES dataset parameters display in Tables 1 - 3 were subjected
from the different multilayered earth models (i.e. to visual inspection aided by fitting parallel
apparent resistivity values for specific electrode inclined ( ) lines to the rising segments of
spacing (AB/2) values) were first computed. the VES curves at large electrode spacing and
Subsequently, the second derivative of the check if an inflection typical of the confined
resistivity dataset was then computed from the fractured basement columns was identifiable
logarithm VES dataset numerically using between the two fitted lines while simultaneously
Equation 1 recurrently (twice) to compute the checking if an inflection is also observed along
second derivative of the theoretical apparent the second derivative curve of the VES dataset.
resistivity dataset and their respective electrode
spacing values using Equation 2. Table 1: Geologic Model and Geoelectric
Parameter for Model A.



where is the apparent resistivity value of

Table 2: Geologic Model and Geoelectric
data point i; is the electrode spacing value Parameter for Model B.
for data point i; is the apparent resistivity
value of the next data point i+1 and is the
electrode spacing value for the next data point

A superposed plot of the VES curves, and the

second derivative curve was made and the
segment of the VES curve corresponding to the
rising basement segments on the derivative Table 3: Geologic Model and Geoelectric
curves was then analyzed for indices of the Parameter for Model C.
confined fractured basement column.
Conventionally, a confined fractured basement
column is imaged as an inflection along the rising
segments of the VES curve (Olorunfemi and
Fasuyi, 1993) (see also Figure 2). While the
fresh basement columns display VES curve
segments that rise to up to 450 with respect to the
horizontal axis and are somewhat parallel. As
shown in Figure 2, the beginning of the inflection
on the VES curve which characterizes the

The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology –540– Volume 14. Number 2. November 2013 (Fall)
Figure 4: Superimposed VES Curves Generated for Geologic Models A, B and C.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION VES dataset are presented in Tables 4 - 6 and a

superposed plot of the VES curve and the second
The computed VES dataset using the derivative curve are presented in Figures 5 - 7.
SyntheticVES software, the logarithm of the VES
dataset, the first and second derivative of the

The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology –541– Volume 14. Number 2. November 2013 (Fall)
Table 4: Computed Dataset for Geologic Model A.

Table 5: Computed Dataset for Geologic Model B.

The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology –542– Volume 14. Number 2. November 2013 (Fall)
Table 6: Computed Dataset for Geologic Model C.

Figure 5: Superposed Curve of VES data and Second Derivative of the VES data for Model A.
The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology –543– Volume 14. Number 2. November 2013 (Fall)
Figure 6: Superposed Curve of VES data and Second Derivative of the VES data for Model B.

Figure 7: Superposed Curve of VES data and Second Derivative of the VES data for Model C.
The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology –544– Volume 14. Number 2. November 2013 (Fall)
For model A, the geoelectric parameters are layer HA-type VES curve due to suppression of
presented in Table 1, the computed VES dataset the confined fractured basement column.
using the Synthetic VES software, the logarithm Therefore, from the visual inspection method
of the VES dataset, the first and second alone, this curve would be basically interpreted as
derivative of the VES dataset are presented in a four layer HA-type curve. However, the second
Table 4 and a superposed plot of the VES curve derivative curve imaged the supposed position of
and the second derivative curve are presented in the inflection on the VES curve whose limits are
Figure 4. Using the visual inspection method defined by the trough and peak of the second
aided by fitting parallel inclined lines to derivative curve (see Figure 6) on the rising
the rising segments of the VES curve as segment of the VES curve. This position is also
denoted by a box in Figure 5, it can be observed marked out by two dotted vertical lines in Figure
that the inflection (denoted by an arrow on Figure 6.
5) characterizing the presence of the confined
fractured basement column is easily identifiable Model C is a five-layer geologic model containing
on the VES curve. This is a case where the a confined fractured basement column in which
confined fractured basement column is not the theoretically computed VES dataset are
suppressed and the VES curve displays the HKH- plotted but the inflection characterizing the
type curve. The inflection on the VES curve presence of the confined fractured basement
typifying the confined fractured basement column is not identifiable on the VES curve due to
coincides with an inflection on the second suppression. The geoelectric parameters of this
derivative curve whose trough coincides with the model are presented in Table 3. The computed
beginning of the inflection on the VES curve while theoretical VES dataset using the Synthetic VES
its peak coincides with the end of the inflection. software, the logarithm of the VES dataset, the
This makes the position of the inflection first and second derivative of the VES dataset are
characterizing the presence of the confined computed and presented in Table 6. The
fractured basement column on the VES curve superposed plot of the VES curve and the second
easily identifiable on the second derivative curve derivative curve are presented in Figure 7. This is
as also marked out by the two dotted vertical lines another case where the confined fractured
in Figure 5. basement column is suppressed on the VES as
can be clearly observed from the visual inspection
Model B is a case where a five-layer geologic of the VES curve in Figure 7. Fitting a parallel
model containing a confined fractured basement inclined line to the rising basement
column is modelled and the theoretically segment of the VES curve within the box in
computed VES dataset was plotted but the Figure 7, shows that the VES curve is neither
inflection characterizing the presence of the segmented nor displaced; hence, the inflection
confined fractured basement column is not characterizing the presence of the confined
visually discernible on the VES curve due to fractured basement column on the VES curve is
geoelectric suppression of the layer. The not identifiable. In this case, a five-layer geologic
geoelectric parameters of this model are model which is expected to display an HKH-type
presented in Table 2, the computed VES dataset depth sounding curve now manifest as a three-
using the Synthetic VES software, the logarithm layer H-type VES curve due to suppression of the
of the VES dataset, the first and second confined fractured basement column. The
derivative of the VES dataset are presented in confined fractured basement column has been
Table 5 and a superposed plot of the VES curve merged with the two basement segments and the
and the second derivative curve are presented in three different layers have been imaged as a
Figure 6. By fitting parallel inclined lines to single layer. Therefore, using the conventional
the rising basement segments of the VES curve visual inspection method, this curve would be
as denoted by a box in Figure 6, it is observed basically interpreted as a three layer curve.
that the VES curve is only segmented but not However, the second derivative curve imaged the
displaced (indicating an inflection), hence, the supposed position of the inflection on the VES
inflection characterizing the presence of the curve whose limits are defined by the trough and
confined fractured basement column is not peak of the second derivative curve (see Figure
identifiable on the VES curve. A five-layer 7) on the rising segment of the VES curve. This
geologic model which is expected to display an position is also marked out by two dotted vertical
HKH-type depth sounding curve display a four- lines in Figure 4.

The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology –545– Volume 14. Number 2. November 2013 (Fall)
Field Example presence of the confined fractured basement
column on the field VES curve and its position
To illustrate the efficacy of the newly developed was imaged on the second derivative curve. This
technique on field VES data, four VES dataset is denoted by an inflection whose trough
acquired from Ile-Ife and Akure, Southwest, coincides with the beginning of the inflection
Nigeria and interpreted to contain confined typifying the confined fractured basement on the
fractured basement column was utilized. The field VES curves while its peak also coincides
interpreted geoelectric model, the field VES curve with the end of the inflection thereby marking the
and the second derivative curve of each of the position of the fractured basement column. The
field example are presented in Figures 8 to 11. field examples showed that the newly developed
technique can serve as an alternative way to
As has been previously observed on the synthetic cross check if a field VES curve contains a
VES examples, the inflection (denoted by an confined fractured basement column as illustrated
arrow on Figures 8 – 11) characterizing the in Figures 8, 9 and 10.

Figure 8: Field Example One Showing Field VES Curve and Second Derivative Curve and Interpreted
Geoelectric Model.
The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology –546– Volume 14. Number 2. November 2013 (Fall)
Figure 9: Field Example Two Showing Field VES Curve and Second Derivative Curve and Interpreted
Geoelectric Model.

The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology –547– Volume 14. Number 2. November 2013 (Fall)
Figure 10: Field Example Three Showing Field VES Curve and Second Derivative Curve and Interpreted
Geoelectric Model.

The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology –548– Volume 14. Number 2. November 2013 (Fall)
Figure 11: Field Example Four Showing Field VES Curve and Second Derivative Curve and Interpreted
Geoelectric Model.

The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology –549– Volume 14. Number 2. November 2013 (Fall)
CONCLUSION University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. He is currently an
Assistant Lecturer in the Department of
A graphical and semi-quantitative technique for Geosciences of the University of Lagos, Akoka,
investigating Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) Lagos, Nigeria and is researching to earn a Ph.D.
curves for indices of confined fractured basement degree in Applied Geophysics.
column have been developed and the efficacy of
the newly developed technique has been tested Olorunfemi Martins Olusola, is a Professor of
on synthetic VES dataset generated from some Applied Geophysics in the Department of
multilayered earth models and field Geology, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. He
measurements. This newly developed technique received his B.Sc., from the University of Ife, Ile-
can serve as a very useful aid in the interpretation Ife, Nigeria with first class honors, after which he
of VES curve most especially in the event of proceeded to the University of Birmingham, U.K.,
geoelectric suppression of confined basement for his M.Sc. and Ph.D., both in Applied
columns. Geophysics. He has edited several journals at
the local, national, and international levels. He
researches in groundwater, environmental,
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Adebayo Oluwaseun Ojo, received a Diploma in

Computer Technology, a Bachelor of Science
(B.Sc.) degree in Engineering Physics, and a
Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree in Applied
Geophysics, from the Obafemi Awolowo
The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology –550– Volume 14. Number 2. November 2013 (Fall)

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