Kids Box 2ed 1 My Home Booklet PDF

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* @ What colour is it? Follow and colour. Then say. 6/0 49 1 8 8 @© How old are you? Read and draw the candles. Then say. Se & & © colour the balloons. Then sing. 6-0-0 | Lean sing @ raimbour, &) Sing a raimbous, Sing a rainbows to- you. ce Listen to the story. Look and colour the faces. 1 GOW cx» © Colour the stars. Use your favourite colours. are | @ | can name some characters and some colours. (1) @ I can say hello, goodbye, and my name. (1,2, 5) © I can count from 1-10 and say my age. (2,5) @ | can use the Kid's Box CD-ROM. (3, 4) @ | can use my picture dictionary. (4, 6) @ | can review my learning at home using My Home Booklet. (4,6) @ 1 can act out the story. (5,7) © | can sing the song. (6,7) @© Look, read and colour.Then say. dpaa e222 ay C\ { FR FR Gee ver , AphpE © How old is he/she? Count ond write. Then say. ‘ rr She's eight. ) (Fe © Order the pictures. Then tell the story. & Sing the song: Mr Star, Mr Star. ay Look and colour the faces. © Draw three objects that you use in the classroom. QO tT / 4 4 \ 6 R =— 4 & ™| Can @ | can name some school objects and characters. (1) @ | can say my friends’ names and ages. (1,2, 5) @ I can count things. (2) @ I can use the Kid's Box CD-ROM. (3, 4) @ | can use my picture dictionary (4,6) @ | can review my learning at home using My Home Booklet. (4, 6) @ | can act out the story. (5,7) © | can sing a song. (6,7) ° a brown hin & a ned bike @ yellors train @ a green comyvuter, a qrey computer, @ black computer a grey bike an orange pencil, a shite can @ am orange ball a black can © Where is it? Look and match. Then say. = oO amass dyert SV i aplertlrtahle ie on the table © Read and write. Then sing the song. Momty iom't here, Monty ont there, He ion't on the: AT table. He ion’t under the ‘ Oh, where io Monty? I> he in the & 9 . 9 lo he rect to- the 2? Look! Look! Look! Oh, where io Monty? of Listen to the story. © Draw your favourite toy. re 2 © @ BD & LO. & Fe 4. o D. po —0— eB @ I can name some toys and colours. (1) @ I can say where things are. (1,5) © | can add two numbers. (2) @ | can use the Kid's Box CD-ROM. (3,4) © I can use my picture dictionary. (4,6) @ I can review my learning at home using My Home Booklet. (4,6) @ | can act out the story. (5,7) @ I can sing the song. (6,7) @ © Look, read and circle. Then say. 2 He's beautiful g - pune: he’s han Bicza) He's ugl Ly.) le’s old. : ‘> young. He's sad. She's young. She's sad, He's hapyuy. g She's ugly. She's beautiful © Order the pictures. Then tell the story. @ & Sing the song: Young or old, happy or sad. a aU Look and colour the faces. 0 oo) © Draw someone from your family. Lj @ | can name some members of my family (1,5) @ | can describe people and talk about feelings. (1,5) @ I can use the Kid's Box CD-ROM. (3, 4) I can use my picture dictionary. (4,6) @ | can review my learning at home using My Home Booklet. (4,6) @ | can act out the story (5,7) @ | can sing the song. (6,7) © I can draw my family. (7) © © Read, find and circle. Then say. OTe aay ita O Theyre omatt. Do Owe pie @ t's dean. Rey op O Theyre dirty. Dy Be, O Theyre rhon SQLS © Read and complete. Then sing. My name's Meera, amd thio io my 3. It's a long Lio h. My mame’s Lervry, amd, thie io my Bs. It's a hapyuy iv. My name's Stella, amd thio is my WS. It's a clean a _. My name's Suey, amd, thio is muy PS. It's a big o_. My name's Mro Stan, amd, thio io my ER. It's a beautiful ovo. My name's Simon, and thio io my &S. It'sa small_ows_. @ & Listen to the story. ee Look and colour the faces. 1 GOW cx» © Draw your pet or a friend’s pet. Then write. QE SB OA, eS E Ze s Lon ed @ I can name some pets. (1,2) @ | can describe animals and objects. (1,2) @ I can talk about my sees.) I can use the Kid's Box CD-ROM. (3, 4) @ I can use my picture dictionary, (4, 6) @ I can review my learning at home using My Home Booklet. (4,6) @ I can act out the story (5,7) @ I can sing the song. (6,7) : @© Write the words, draw and colour. I've got orange PR hair : I've got yellows § @ —__. I've gota red wy I've got qreen wag — I've got a purple : © Read and circle true answers. @ Hare yougat green hain? You Ihame (Wo, | Ramen't) O Hae you got brown hain? Yeo, |hawe. No, | haven't. © Have you gota pimk mouth? Yeo, lhave. Ne, | haven't. @O Have you got blue eyes? Ye, Ihave. No, | hanen't. O Have yougotadinty face? Yeo, |hawe. No, | haven't. @® Order the pictures. Then tell the story. o® Sing the song: I’m a very ugly monster. a © Draw your face. Then write. we G8 os Pr b I've got Te got Py a } ww recon) | My progress ) @ | can name some parts of my face. (1,2) @ I can describe and draw my face. (1,2, 7) @ I can use the Kid’s Box CD-ROM. (3, 4) @ I can use my picture dictionary (4, I can review my learning at home using My Home Booklet. (4,6) © 1 can play a pairwork game. (5,7) @ | can act out the story (5,7) @ I can sing the song. (6,7) i rt * @ Look and write the words. Then say. (clephamt ginalfe Rinne monkey make tiger ) oe 8 @© Look and write the words. Then say. @ They've got four tego. snakes Gers) © They haven't got long tailo. hippos monkeyo © They've got big mouth. giraffes —_cnocodilen O They haven't got big eanc. —elenhamto. smaheo © Read and write. Then sing the song. Let's all do the Sy} show. Move your hands amd fet! Let's all de the ($3 dance. Move your a_m_ and t_q_! Let's all do the SD shake. Move your h_a_ amd t_i_! Let's all do the 4B smile. Shors your big urhite t_e hi Let's all do the *—R laugh, and open your big cleam muh! rss) & Listen to the story. er Look and colour the faces. © Draw a big animal and a small animal. Then write. Cat fae Gt & yh © ww wr > i i u The in big. I The io omoalll. J @ | can name some wild animals. (1) @ | can describe animals’ bodies. (1,2) © I can talk about where animals live. (2) @ | can use the Kid's Box CD-ROM. (3,4) @ I can use my picture dictionary. (4,6) @ I can review my learning at home using My Home Booklet. (4,6) @ | can act out the story (5,7) @ I can sing the song. (6,7) @© Look and write. Then say. {jacket shoes shoes skint socks trousers T-shint | © Look at the pictures, read and circle. Then say. o Che's qo/ He's got a blue skint. @ She's got / He's qot white shoes. © She's got / She hasn't gat socko. @O He'n got / He haom't got socko. @© Order the pictures. Then tell the story. z & Sing the song: He’s got a blue jacket. a, Look and colour the faces. © Draw yourself today.Write the clothes words. eS a Tf & ws aie re A fo * 4 - Repeats 50 I can name some clothes. (1) @ I can say what someone is wearing, (1,5) © I can use the Kid’s Box CD-ROM. (3,4) @ | can use my picture dictionary. (4,6) @ | can review my learning at home using My Home Booklet. (4, 6) @© | can act out the story. (5,7) @ | can sing the song. (6, 7) @ | can draw my favourite clothes. (7) Z * © Read, find and write the numbers. Then say. come 2 ae pay toni 1 Cu i mm Bp © Read, find and write can or can’t. Then say. @ He com fiok. oa © They play basketball. 2 song. 0 sre nide a horse. 7 On ee © Read and write. Then sing the song. Do the Mackmarn song, let's all do the Maokman Ride a YO b. . Play Be GP bla, pany, pany. Now: let's 63> ». » Ploy (Gl f. , the @P gq __. Play, play, polar, @® Listen to the story. eG Look and colour the faces. © Draw your mum and dad.Then write. BH %& ye) My mun come ag My daca ga @ | can name some fun activities. (1) @ | can say what people can and can't do. (1,5) @ I can talk about exercise and working in teams. (2,5) @ | can use the Kid's Box CD-ROM. (3, 4) @ | can use my picture dictionary. (4, 6) @ | can review my learning at home using My Home Booklet. (4,6) @ | can act out the story. (5,7) @ I can sing the song. (6,7) @ @© Read, find and colour. Then say. ov black lovuy a qreen motorbike: Aas anorange plane red bus g a blue boat @ purple helicopien rs Se BS << © Look and complete the sentences. Then say. BB. Vm shining acon. nah Im ev planes 2 _—$— $e Vm a horse, © Order the pictures. Then tell the story. Look and colour the faces. IK: con) ce © Draw your favourite vehicle. Then write. lat E> se eS eH & S Re sa @ I can name some vehicles. (1) @ | can say how I'm travelling. ) © Ican use the Kid's Box CD-ROM. (3,4) @ I can use my picture dictionary. a I can review my learning at home using My Home Booklet. (4,6) @ I can play @ pairwork game. (5,7) @ | can act out the story. (5,7) @ | can sing the song. (6,7) Fs) © What are they doing? Look, read and match. Then say. oo She's dees rennes It’s liotemimy toe music. © Order the pictures. Then tell the story. FUP @ & Sing the song: Where’s Grandpa? = @ | can name some rooms in my house. (1) @ 1 can say what someone is doing. (1,5) © I can use the Kid's Box CD-ROM. (3, 4) @ I can use my picture dictionary. (4,6) @ I can review my learning at home using My Home Booklet. (4,6) @ 1 can act out the story. (5,7) @ | can sing the song. (6,7) © | can talk about fruit in paintings. (6,7) @© Write the letters and match. Then say. t man oo & Rh CP ee Sie Be & na_a ice _neo_ @© Read, find and circle. Say what you like / don’t like. I Bike / don't like ice cream. {the / Cont tid) applan Cas,” Ous’ I tike / don't like chocolate. v Oy" oe 8 8 © Mike / don't like fiok. 9 oe I tike / dow't like bananas. < I like / dom't like burgers. © Read and write. Then sing the song. Do you like (F __hananan 9 Yeo, yeor yoo Do you like a” 2 Yeo, yer, yer. Do- you like 9 Yeo, yoo, yea. Do you like 9 Yeo, yoo, ye. Do you like @ 9 Yeo, yoo, yoo Do you like @y No, no nl Ge” Look and colour the faces. © Draw some food. Then write. Q-—-“ @ &@ @ e@ ay G | ¥ Yiu ioe @ | can name some food. (1) @ | can say what | like and don't like. (1,5) © | can read and use information in tables. (2) @ I can use the Kid's Box CD-ROM. (3,4) @ I can use my picture dictionary, (4,6) @ I can review my learning at home using My Home Booklet. (4,6) @ | can act out the story. (5, 7) @© | can sing the song. (6.7) @ Picture dictionary % ‘avourite toys 3 @Y £% qrandfathen qnamdmethen father mother brother sister & ACT sy ui Ri: ft e! 0) ea yi @: Q: i

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