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De La Salle University- Dasmariñas

Dasmariñas City, Cavite



Patricia R. Sierra ARC 53

Task#2: Read and create a reaction paper from about the four architecture influencers from
the powerpoint. Discuss the planning and design principles and its importance to the future of

There has been multiple architecture influencers that have managed to redefine
the field of architecture and it’s relationship with the user and it’s environment. It’s various
visual languages have shown the possibilities of what the field could be and teaches us
how we could better understand the built environment. The task was for us to react to
four architecture influencers namely, Alvar Aaalto, Jean Nouvel, Antonio Toledo and Leandro

Alvar Aalto was an architect and furniture designer of the Modernist Era. Although I have
my own criticisms of the architectural style during that era, I find it amazing how he
approached this art movement in a humane way, and applying different styles in the
process (his main feature is the similarities with Nordic Classicism), thus giving birth to a
distinct style that represents him as a designer and a creative.

I also enjoyed the fact that he has his own guiding design principle (gesamtkunstwerk),
which is something that I have not come up on my own just yet. This design principle,
which has probably been developed and crafted through years of experience, has also
helped in defining his identity as an architect. It also emphasizes the fact that the structure
shouldn’t be the only exception in representing a work of art, but also it’s interiors and
furnishings, displaying his most profound expression of modern architecture.

He refined what it is to be a modernist architect during his time. He blended two styles so
seamlessly, ending up with one cohesive and visually sound structure. Not only that, but
his take on modernism respects and harmonizes with the surrounding flora and designed
with great care. All in all, his take on modernism is both holistic and aesthetically

Jean Nouvel however, is the perfect representation that architecture is not merely for
aesthetic appeal. This is where most of my criticisms of modern architecture come to light.
Most of the projects perceived to be iconic, eccentric and beautiful, is in reality, poorly
executed, and their grand designs are just a manifestation of the designer’s ego. They do
not actually strive for the space to be functional, efficient or structurally sound, but only
prefer it to represent their vision and nothing else.

When we design structures, we must remember that the needs of the user come first. If
you design a space that’s uninhabitable and only want to create something beautiful, then
you should have not become an architect. Even though architecture has grown and
changed, along with its advancements in building technology, we must not forget the very
basic aspects of what makes architecture the field it is known to be.

Antonio Toledo is another architecture influencer. He studied in the East Coast of United
States. During that time, the architectural style of American structures were heavily
influenced by Neoclassicism (the revival of classical features). He eventually took these
influences to the Philippines which then paved the way for the emergence of Neoclassical
designs in government buildings. Although, as a Filipino, I hoped that he could’ve given a
more Filipino twist into his design, or somewhat a more different depiction from the
western design that we’ve been used to.

Despite that, he’s an excellent architect because until today his work is still socially and
culturally relevant, and is still functioning as government buildings. That means his
buildings have have withstood the test of time.

Last but not the least, is the renowned architect Leandro V. Locsin . There’s no Filipino
architecture student that doesn’t know him. Ar. Locsin is a National Artist for Architecture
after all, and he has made many of the iconic structures in the Philippines today. If
anything, he is one of the excellent architects of his time who truly transformed and
redefined Filipino architecture.

His utilization of Brutalist architecture is very well executed, because he used concrete to
his advantage (which was cheap in the Philippines) and his designs have never felt out of
place nor inhumane, compared to western brutalist buildings. If anything, his buildings
became more prominent as time went by, dominant concrete facades contrasting next to
the steel and glass buildings of newer buildings. It has character and is truly deserving of
the popularity it has today.

Some works might exemplify the classic brutalist style, but some, like the parish church in
Bel-Air, Makati has a more dynamic look. Unlike Toledo, It is very enlightening to see
Locsin put his western architecture knowledge and apply it to a more vernacular context
such as: his neo-vernacular interpretation of a nipa hut, which is a blend of modern and
traditional architecture.

His design of the Philippine Stock Exchange building is truly breathtaking, from it’s
entourage and the view itself shows the creativity and ingenuity of Filipino architects. His
works were truly iconic and will continue to inspire me.

In conclusion, these architectural influencers has imparted a great deal of knowledge to us

architecture students. Whether it was inspirational or a precautionary tale it shows how
much passion, creativity and difficulty it is to master our craft. Architects take a long time
to design their buildings, and even a longer time to create their magnus opus. This means
that we should not be in a rush when designing buildings, and that we shouldn’t rush into
making something “iconic” or “significant”. Every design is important and should be well
thought of and at the end of the day- the people whoa re going to use it, is the topmost
consideration of all.

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