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Faculty, Humanities and Social Sciences Strand

UST Angelicum College
What is the legacy
of your family?
“Two or more persons who share resources, share responsibility
for decisions, share values and goals and have a commitment to
each other over time.” – Medina, 2001.
The social interaction of teens is within the confines of the four
walls of their houses. They learn about values, beliefs, and the
world from their families.
There is a transactional relationship
between teenagers and their parents.

As described by Eric Berne, “the unit of

social intercourse is called a transaction. If
two or more people encounter and began to
acknowledge each other’s presence, it is
called transactional stimulus, and when they
reacted upon the stimulus, it is now called
transactional response.”

For example, when a parent reacts in a hostile

way to a child, the child may also react
negatively to this transaction. This cycle may
continue and affect their relationship.
Therefore, parenting is one of the many
factors affecting the healthy development of
teenagers. The way parents communicate and
interact with their children can either hinder
or foster adolescent growth and development.

According to Diana Baumrind, there are

four parenting styles that influence children’s
development based on two aspects of
parenting behaviour: control and warmth.
It refers to how parents manage their
children’s behaviour which may range
from overly-demanding to giving hardly
any rules or demands.
Parental warmth refers to whether
parents are accepting and
responsive or rejecting and
unresponsive to their children.

Authoritarian parents express little affection and

warmth to their children. They are strict
disciplinarians who are punitive and rigid with
their rules. According to research, children with
authoritarian parents are more likely to become
rebellious or dependent.

Permissive parents are warm; however, they set

no clear rules for their children. Thus, when they
reach adolescence, they realize that there are no
clear boundaries and there will be no
consequences for their actions. Adolescents with
permissive parents become moody, immature,
dependent and has low self-control.

Authoritative parents are firm and warm and set

limits with their children. They also set clear goals
and encourage their children to be independent and
to learn to engage in discussions and negotiations.
Research shows that children with authoritative
parents become competent, cooperative, likeable,
and autonomous.

Uninvolved parents express little interest in their

children. They do not put demands on their
children and they only see themselves as providers
of basic needs. They are emotional detached, and at
some point, are guilty of neglect. Research shows
that children of uninvolved parents develop
impulsive behaviors with self-regulation issues.

Understanding the different parenting styles is important in developing children’s
social competence and their future relationships. The involvement of parents is
crucial in their development as they search for personal identities.
 Communicate

 Learn to appreciate

 Share activities

 Be committed

 Show support to each other

 Accept each member as he/she is

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