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The Deputy General Manager,
Human Resource Division Please affix
[Manpower Planning & Recruitment Section] your recent P/P
Corporation Bank, Corporate Office size photograph
Mangaladevi Temple Road
Pandeshwar, MANGALORE-575001

Dear Sir,

I hereby submit my application for the post of Marketing Officer in the prescribed format as per details
furnished below:
[in block letters please]
1 Name of the applicant
2 Name of Father/Husband
3 Address for correspondence

4 E-Mail ID
5 Mobile contact Number
6 Telephone

7 Permanent Address

8 Date of birth [DDMMYYYY] 9 Age in years [as on 01.04.2010]

10 Nationality :
11 Religion:
Town/village District State/UT
12 Place of birth

13 a. Mother Tongue:
b. Languages known To Speak To Read To Write

14 Category [put X mark in Scheduled Scheduled Other Backward General Physically

the appropriate column] Caste Tribe classes Handicapped

VH= Visually Handicapped HI= Hearing Impaired OPH = Orthopaedically Handicapped

% of Disability [ in the case of Physically %

challenged] :

15. Educational Qualifications [SSC onwards] Please enclose self-attested copy of certificates
Month & %age of
Examination Name of Subjects Class/Division
Year of marks
passed Institute/University studied obtained
passing obtained

16. Particulars of graduation currently pursuing [Semester-wise performance]

%age of
Examination Subjects Month Class/Division whether first
Name of Institute/University marks
passed studied & Year obtained attempt

I Semester

II Semester

III Semester

IV Semester

V Semester

VI Semester

17. Additional Diplomas/ Qualifications:

Please furnish for reference, the following details of TWO respectable persons, NOT related to you.

1) Name 2) Name

Address Address

Pin Pin
Occupation Occupation
Contact No. Contact No.
with STD code with STD code
Mobile No. Mobile No.


Have you ever been arrested, prosecuted, kept under detention or bound down/fined/
convicted by a Court of Law or any case pending against you for any offence involving moral
turpitude? If yes, give full details.
Have you ever been debarred/disqualified by any Institution from appearing at its
examination/selection or debarred in any manner from any examination, or rusticated by any
University or any other educational authority/Institution? If yes, give full details.
Is any case pending against you in any University or any other educational authority/Institution
at the time of filling up this attestation form? If yes, give full details.

Declaration: I hereby declare that all statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief. I understand in the event of any information being found false or incorrect at any stage or not
satisfying the eligibility criteria according to the requirement, my candidature/appointment is liable to be cancelled
/terminated. I am willing to serve any where in India. I agree that Bank has the right to transfer me to any part of the
country at its discretion. I undertake to abide by all the terms and conditions relating to this recruitment process stipulated
by the Bank.

I undertake to abide by the stipulation of the bank that Officers so recruited shall execute an agreement to serve the Bank
for a minimum period of 2 years after joining and furnish to the Bank a Bank Guarantee for Rs.50000/- [Rupees fifty
thousand only] or a Fixed Deposit of our Bank for a period of 2 years for the aforesaid amount by assigning the same in
favour of the Bank. In the event of the Officer leaving the services of the Bank before completion of two years period, the
amount so held as security deposit would be forfeited, in addition to payment of 3 months pay towards notice period.


Place: Full Name & Signature of the applicant

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