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(Web Based)

Prepared For
Mam Mariam Azam

Prepared By
Saman Mumtaz

November 2019

COMSATS University Islamabad, Sahiwal Campus


I am going to build an online application portal to facilitate students and teachers. The online

system that handles the different kind of inquiries of students in the form of application. This

is a web based-application. Students face difficulties in manual based application here users

have facility to submit their problem through online application without physical appearance.

Application can be of different types e.g. new student card, course drop, course withdraw,

transport queries, etc. Submitted application can be forward to respective batch advisors or

faculty members. This all process will be controlled by portal administrator. Sometimes students

do not know whom to concern, how to solve the problems. Sometime there is communication

flaws between teachers and students so due to these flaws a small tiny problem takes much more

time and effort then required so a web based application should be developed that overcome

flaws in some context. Being a part of technology world people want to resolve their problem on

click. Students and teachers have energy own regularly in their schedule. This may cause clash

between students and teachers. Here users have the facility to submit their problem through

online application without any physical appearance. Students can register their application to the

administration through the proper channel. Admin give control to the designated people of the

university to take their responsibilities to solve the problem.

Table of Contents

1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................1
Introduction & History...........................................................................1
Clear Statement of the problem...........................................................2
2 EXISTING APPLICATIONS...............................................................5
3 METHODOLOGY & WORKPLAN....................................................6
Requirements Gathering Techniques.....................................................6
Requirement Analysis.........................................................................6
4 SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION.........................................................12
5 SYSTEM TESTING............................................................................16
Test Cases............................................................................................16
6 CONCLUSION & FUTURE WORK..................................................18
Future Work..............................................................................18
In this section, i will introduce this application, software tools, problem statement, objectives,

scope of this application, proposed application and motivation of this proposed solution.

Introduction & History

In the tough times of today, students do not want manual work but they prefer online and

automate things. To increase the work productivity of students and faculty, web application is

suitable for them, students can send application from any place.

Online Application Portal (OAP) is a secure web based application that allows the students of the

university to send their queries in the form of proper application to the administration.

Application will travel automatically to the respective batch advisor of the student. The main

advantage of this product is that it is easy to use, provide simple interaction system, there is no

requirement of additional hardware set up or to download any software and as well as it is web

based application. OAP is a form of real-time application in which students can send the

application and faculty can accept/reject application through this application portal. It is a web

based application that facilitates all the students of the University for Official queries with

respective batch advisor/administrator /head of department.

Online Application Portal has following features:

• No Software Installation

• One Click & Go

• Security and Privacy

Since this project is a browser-based, users can access this tool from multiple platforms like

Windows, Linux, Mac and Android based mobile phones to submit the application. This web

online application portal solution requires high-speed internet connection at all user sites.

1.1 Clear Statement of the problem

Students faced many difficulties in manual system. New comers literally have no idea about the

environment, usually they have more queries & sometimes students do not know by whom to

concern, how to solve the problems. Sometime there is communication flaw between teachers

and students so due to these flaws a small tiny problem takes much more time and effort then

required so a web based application should be developed that overcome flaws in some context.

Being a part of technology world people want to resolve their problem on click. Students and

teachers have every own regularity in their schedule. This may cause clash between students and

teachers. I am going to build an online application portal to facilitate students and teachers. In

order to fulfill these requirements, Online Application Portal is especially developed.

1.2 Introduction to the Software tools

The “Adobe Dreamweaver” is the software that is used in the backend for overall developing this

project. Bootstrap framework v.3.0 is using for Graphical user interface and MVC framework

v.5.0 for backend implementation. “Xampp” is using for database.

Xampp: XAMPP is a free and open source cross-platform web server solution stack package

developed by Apache Friends, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server, MariaDB

database, and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming languages.

Model: Model contains the application logic, represents the things in the application.

View: Views present the data to the user.

Controllers: The controller decides what to do with the various user actions.

1.3 Objectives

The objectives are important to achieve the goal. The main objectives of this project are:

1. Provide the facility of submit online Application.

2. Faculty can accept or reject the application.

3. Provide platform to resolve issues through this application portal.

4. It saves the time of students and faculty.

5. User friendly interface.

1.4 Significance

Online application saves significant amount of energy and time. Despite the existence of many

Online Application portals, the following features are the motivational source of our project:

 Cost optimization in terms of developing and deploying the overall application.

 Students can resolve their problem in less time and without any consultation with


 This application is really very helpful for any organization to conduct secure

communication from wherever they are, with just internet connection.

 All the activities are under the control of an organization.

 Online system Administration can also cooperate and resolve the problems of students

polite way.

1.5 Scope of Proposed Solution

Online Application Portal (OAP) is developing for COMSATS University Islamabad, Sahiwal

Campus to replace old paper work. Online Application Portal (OAP) is to build upon the existing

Cu Online system in order to efficiently provide the facility of online applications for students

and also provide the ease of processing for faculty and administration efficiently control this

whole process via OAP. This increase in efficiency of application process, take feedback from

students. It provides a mechanism to edit the application which makes the system flexible.


From the perspective of web application portal, Virtual University Pakistan's first

University based completely on modern Information and Communication. Virtual

University has a web-based online application system for students and faculty members.


Figure 1: Virtual University (Existing Application) [1]

Chevening is the UK government’s international awards scheme aimed at developing

global leaders. The recipients of which are personally selected by British Embassies and

High Commissions through the application portal throughout the world. [2]

Figure 2: Chevening (Existing Application) [2]


In this section, we will discuss requirement analysis and methods that have chosen for

implementation of this project in an effective way.

3.1 Requirements Gathering Techniques

The techniques I have used to collect requirements are observations and interviews.

3.2 Requirement Analysis

Requirements analysis is the process of planning, forecasting and studying the overall

former needs of the application requirements.

Requirements of the online application portal are as follows:

1. The Portal will display all the kind of applications.

2. Application should be send to faculty.

3. Application status should be visible.

4. All the application should be visible on faculty side with exact date and time.

5. Application should be mark legally by faculty.

6. Every Application should travel through proper channel.

7. Ensure that student’s identity should be visible.

8. Application shall provide better response and performance.

9. Application must be user interactive.

3.3 Proposed Application Architecture

In this system architecture the request will send to the server using web services and then

the data will store or fetch from the Xamp database.

Figure 3: Proposed Application Architecture

3.4 Adopted Methodology

Incremental model is used to develop this project, in which we divided our work in multiple

modules. All these modules are further divided into more easily managed modules which made

up the actual implementation of the requirements.

Reason behind using this model is:

 It is easy to test and debug the product during iterations.

 Software released in increments over time is more likely to satisfy changing user

requirements than if it were planned as a single overall release at the end of the same


Figure 4: Adopted Methodology

3.5 Application Procedure

Figure 5: Application Procedure (Sequence Diagram)

3.6 Data Flow Diagram

A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data through

an information system, modeling its process aspects. A DFD shows what kind of

information will be input to and output from the system, where the data will come from

and go to, and where the data will be stored. It does not show information about the

timing of process or information about whether processes will operate in sequence or in


Figure 6: Data Flow Diagram

3.7 Entity Relationship Diagram

An entity relationship model, also called an entity-relationship (ER) diagram, is a

graphical representation of entities and their relationships to each other, typically used in

computing in regard to the organization of data within databases or information systems.

An entity is a piece of data-an object or concept about which data is stored.

Figure 7: Entity Relationship Diagram (1)


In this chapter, we’ll focus on an implementation of “Online Application Portal”

application where administrator and user can perform many activities on android

application and as well as on web application.


This phase involves changing design specifications into executable programs. When the

design is there, developers can have an idea on looks of application.


Figure 8: Login Page for faculty & Students (Screenshot)

Figure 9: Home (Screenshot)

Figure 10: Application Types (Screenshot)

Figure 11: Batch advisor Inbox (Screenshot)

Figure 12: DCO Inbox (Screenshot)

Figure 13: Digital Signature (Screenshot)


In this section, we will discuss the testing phase of developed application “Online

Application Portal” in different manner to know that how much efficient and effective

application is.

5.1Test Cases

Test Cases Objectives

To make sure that user can easily

understand and can use the application

2 Make sure that user can easily login

Make sure that administrator can easily
manage users.
Make sure that user can view application
formats on student side.
Make sure sending application sent/
received successfully.
Make sure submitted application display on
faculty side.
Make sure that application is legally accept
through digital signature

Table 1: Testing Cases

5.2Testing Results


All the graphical user

interface options display Test successful None

Enter valid login user email

address and password and Test successful None

then press login
Students can view

application formats on Test successful None

student side.
Application sent/ received
Test successful None
Application is legally accept
Test successful None
through digital signature
Run application in different
Test successful None

Table 2: Testing Results


We will discuss the results and discussions of this framework “Online Application

Portal” with conclude remarks and will also discuss related future work of this



“Online Application Portal” is developed for multiple platforms with web application

specially designed for COMSATS University. Online Application Portal (OAP) is a

secure web based application that allows the students of the university to send their

queries in the form of proper application to the faculty. The main advantage of this

product is that it is easy to use, provide simple interaction system, there is no requirement

of additional hardware set up or to download any software and as well as it is web based

application. OAP is a form of real-time application in which students can send the

application and faculty can accept/reject application through this application portal.

Application facilitates all the students of the university for Official queries/permissions

with respective batch advisor/administrator /head of department. It will improve the

performance of organization and protect users from time expenses. It is professionally


6.2 Future Work

In next our first preference is to enhance this application by providing more new features

that are as follows:

• E-Mail Facility

• Custom Applications

• Android Application













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