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Products that crossed my mind are all Personal Protective equipment, or also known as “PPE”.
It may be not on your trend list of products, but hey, it is mandatory in this time of crisis. PPE
includes facial masks (product 1); eye protections such as face shields and goggles (product 2);
clothing such as gowns, aprons and shoe covers (product 3). Personal protective equipment is
special equipment you wear to create a barrier between you and germs. This barrier reduces
the chance of touching, being exposed to, and spreading germs.

Alcohol and Disinfectants (product 4and 5) also crossed my mind, for these are very important
and also mandatory to our current policies for our new normal.

Marketing strategies can be found in many ways with these products, there can be a release in
a new developed PPE, improved facial mask and a much more effective alcohols and


These are the products and services in the Philippines that get in my nerves, and irritate me so
much. THEREFORE I DEMAND IMPROVEMENTS! First is, COMPANIES that has products and
services with mobile, fixed line and broadband networks and communication services;
TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES. When I say they suck at providing best quality, I truly mean
it. No wonder why our president is after them companies. These companies need not of
innovating; they just need a just and honest service for their customers.

Second product and services for me is, our favourite French fry snack shack. POTATO CORNER.
It hurts me so much that as a kid, I loved their food without thinking that their flavours have not
innovated for years. There are no brand new flavours to taste for. This company should focus
on their global competition and should strictly be aware of their lack of innovation.

Lastly is, TRANSPORTATION. Our public transportation needs innovation, with new
technologies. Due to global warming, not mentioning that we live in a tropical country (which is
very hot per say.)

PACE SETTING, Regardless of the situation and position you are in, always remember that you
can’t do everything on your own. Good leaders recognise that delegation does more than
simply passing the task to someone else. It is trusting and believing that your employees are
able to handle the task given to them.

VISIONARY, When you focus your energy on what matters, you do not become distracted by
external forces. As a result, you always have your vision and your ultimate goal in mind and you
remind it to others as well no matter how difficult the situation is

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