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DLMS Implementation Guide

4-Quadrant-/Combi meter LZQJ-XC according to VDEW-Specifications 2.1.2

Edition: 04.03.2013
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EMH is certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 and endeavour to

improve their products continually.

The contents of this manual and the technical specifications may be

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Table of contents
1 Introduction....................................................................................................... 4
2 References, abbreviations, and definitions ................................................... 5
2.1 Applied standards and regulations ..................................................................... 5
2.2 Abbreviations ...................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Definitions ........................................................................................................... 6
3 Physical layer.................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Optical interface.................................................................................................. 7
3.2 Serial interfaces and communication modules ................................................... 7
4 Data link layer (HDLC) ...................................................................................... 8
4.1 HDLC (High-level Data Link Control) addressing ............................................... 8
4.2 HDLC protocol parameters/parameter negotiation ............................................. 9
4.3 HDLC connection establishment and disconnection......................................... 10
4.4 Time-out protection........................................................................................... 10
5 Application layer (COSEM) ............................................................................ 11
5.1 Application association establishment .............................................................. 11
5.1.1 COSEM application context name .................................................................... 11
5.1.2 COSEM authentification mechanism name ...................................................... 11
5.1.3 COSEM conformance block ............................................................................. 11
5.1.4 Maximum receive PDU sizes ............................................................................ 11
5.2 Access levels and password protection ............................................................ 12
6 Data objects .................................................................................................... 13
6.1 SN Referencing ................................................................................................ 13
6.2 Used interface classes ..................................................................................... 13
6.3 List of all data objects ....................................................................................... 13
6.4 Used data types................................................................................................ 14
6.5 Additional information on certain data objects .................................................. 14
6.5.1 Energy or demand related registers ................................................................. 14
6.5.2 Measuring data besides energy related registers ............................................. 14
6.5.3 Additional (static) data and data administrated by the user .............................. 15
6.5.4 Date/time information (meter clock) .................................................................. 15
6.5.5 Load profile(s)................................................................................................... 15
6.5.6 Historical values (performing a reset/cumulation) ............................................. 16
6.5.7 Operation log book ........................................................................................... 17
6.5.8 User log book ................................................................................................... 17
6.5.9 Billing period counter ........................................................................................ 17
6.6 Reading and writing data objects via DLMS ..................................................... 18
6.6.1 Reading data .................................................................................................... 18
6.6.2 Writing data ...................................................................................................... 18
6.6.3 Static and dynamic meter data – general recommendations ............................ 18
7 Appendix ......................................................................................................... 20
7.1 Available data objects....................................................................................... 20
7.2 Example of data reading and writing ................................................................ 25

EMH metering 3
Introduction DLMS Implementation Guide

1 Introduction
The DLMS protocol stack (Device Language Message Specification accord. to IEC
62056) is used in this meter for data access in addition to the protocol according to IEC
62056-21 (former IEC 61107).
DLMS provides a number of options, therefore the purpose of this document is to give all
necessary information to communicate with the meter via DLMS.
An example of a DLMS data transfer from and to the meter is included in the appendix of
this document.
Knowledge of the DLMS standard is assumed when using this document.
DLMS is based on the layer oriented communication model. For the sake of clarity this
document is also based on this model.
This document and the specified data therein are valid for all LZQJ-XC firmware versions
from 2.xx upward.
Minor details of the DLMS implementation of the meter might be subject of change
without notice for later firmware versions.

4 EMH metering
DLMS Implementation Guide References, abbreviations, and definitions

2 References, abbreviations, and definitions

2.1 Applied standards and regulations

IEC 62056-21:2002 Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control
(EN 62056-21:2002) – Part 21: Direct local data exchange

IEC 62056-42:2002 Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control
(EN 62056-42:2002) – Part 42: Physical layer services and procedures for
connection-oriented asynchronous data exchange
IEC 62056- Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control
46:2002+A1:2006 – Part 46: Data link layer using HDLC protocol
(EN 62056-
IEC 62056-53:2006 Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control
(EN 62056-53:2007) – Part 53: COSEM application layer

IEC 62056-61:2006 Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control
(EN 62056-61:2007) – Part 61: Object identification system (OBIS)

IEC 62056-62:2006 Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control
(EN 62056-62:2007) – Part 62: Interface classes

ISO/IEC 13239:2002 Information technology – Telecommunications and

information exchange between systems – High-level
data link control (HDLC) procedures
VDEW-Specifications 2.1.2 Electronic load profile meter

2.2 Abbreviations
AARQ Application association request
APDU Application layer protocol data unit
COSEM Companion specification for energy metering
CTT Conformance test tool
DLMS Device language message specification
HDLC High-level data link control (see ISO/IEC 13239)
IC(s) Interface class(es)
LSB Least significant bit
OBIS Object identification system (see IEC 62056-61)
PCB Printed circuit board
RR Receive Ready
SN Short name(s) (referencing)
SNRM Set normal response mode
UA Unnumbered acknowledge

EMH metering 5
References, abbreviations, and definitions DLMS Implementation Guide

2.3 Definitions
1. Hexadecimal numbers are characterised by the index “16” or by the prefix “0x”.
Example: 3F16 = 0x3F = 63.
2. All data type terms are in accordance with IEC 62056-53.
3. Following the client-server-model, the meter is referenced as the server whereas
any DLMS communication counterpart is referenced as the client in this document.
4. The term short name (SN) is sometimes used synonymously to the base name of
an instance of an interface class.
5. OBIS codes are noted in the following manner: A-B:C.D.E*F. Note that the
specification of all six “value groups” (A...F) are mandatory when using DLMS.

6 EMH metering
DLMS Implementation Guide Physical layer

3 Physical layer
The application of the DLMS protocol is possible on all communication interfaces of the
Note that the communication via DLMS is an optional part of configuration of the LZQJ-
XC meter.
See the LZQJ-XC product manual for further details about the interfaces of the meter.

3.1 Optical interface

On this interface the access to the DLMS protocol is possible via mode E according to
IEC 62056-21.
According to this standard, the used baud rate during the DLMS communication is
always negotiated between client and server in this case.

3.2 Serial interfaces and communication modules

In this document, “serial interfaces” of the LZQJ-XC meter are either the serial interface
mounted directly on the meter main PCB (Printed Circuit Board) or the interface(s) which
are supplied by the exchangeable communication modules.
For these interfaces, different hardware options are possible: CL0 (20 mA), RS232,
RS485 or (supplied by a communication module) PSTN or GSM telephone interfaces.
Independent from the used hardware option of the interface, two different ways to access
the DLMS protocol stack can be chosen with the configuration of the meter:
• The access via mode E according to IEC 62056-21 with or without baud rate
• The direct access to DLMS according to IEC 62056-46. Note that according to this
standard no change of the baud rate or the data format (one start bit, 8 data bits, no
parity bit, one stop bit) must occur during the DLMS communication when using the
direct access to DLMS.

EMH metering 7
Data link layer (HDLC) DLMS Implementation Guide

4 Data link layer (HDLC)

4.1 HDLC (High-level Data Link Control) addressing

According to IEC 62056-46 the HDLC address of the meter may consist of 1, 2 or 4
bytes. The valid range of usable addresses and the meaning of the addresses (i.e.
logical and physical address) are also part of this standard.
Both parts of the meter address (logical and physical) can be changed by the DLMS
client itself.
The physical device address is an attribute of the IC (Interface Class) HDLC setup (IC
The corresponding OBIS (Object Identification System ) codes for the instances of these
IC are 0-0:22.0.0*255 for the serial interface mounted on the meter main board, 0-
1:22.0.0*255 for the optical interface, and 0-2:22.0.0*255 for the interface(s) supplied by
the communication module.
The logical device address is accessible via the objects with OBIS codes 0-0:96.1.128*0
for the serial interface mounted on the meter main board, 0-0:96.1.128*1 for the optical
interface, and 0-0:96.1.128*2 for the interface(s) supplied by the communication
The length of the used address (1, 2 or 4 byte) arises automatically from the values of
the addresses. This is shown in the following table.
According to IEC 62056-53, the presence of the “Management Logical Device” with
logical address “116” is mandatory for every physical device. This is not affected by the
configuration value of the logical device. Since this, the SAP assignment list (with OBIS
code 0-0: always has two entries. The object list tables and the access rights
on these two logical devices are identical.
All addresses are initially set to the default value 000016 if not configured otherwise.

Table 1: Address settings

Setting of the logical Setting of the physical Used address-length

address address (byte)
000016 000016 1
(used logical address: no physical address (1 byte logical, 0 byte phys.
001016) address 1)
000016 001016 – 007D16 1
(used logical address: no physical address (1 byte logical, 0 byte phys.
001016) address)
000016 007E16 – 3FFD16 4
(used logical address: (2 bytes logical, 2 bytes
001016) phys. address)
001016 – 007E16 000016 1
no physical address (1 byte logical, 0 byte phys.
007F16 – 3FFE16 000016 4
(used physical address: (2 bytes logical,
001016) 2 bytes phys. address)
001016 – 007E16 001016 – 007D16 2
(1 byte logical, 1 byte phys.

In these cases the value of the physical device address has no specific meaning for the
8 EMH metering
DLMS Implementation Guide Data link layer (HDLC)

Setting of the logical Setting of the physical Used address-length

address address (byte)

007F16 – 3FFE16 001016 – 3FFD16 4

(2 bytes logical, 2 bytes
001016 – 3FFE16 007E16 – 3FFD16 phys. address)

The HDLC address of the client always consists of one byte. Valid client addresses are
1016, 2016, and 5016. Each of these addresses allows access to a certain access level.
See Chapter 5.2 on Page 12.

4.2 HDLC protocol parameters/parameter negotiation

The values of the HDLC parameters used by the meter are accessible via the IEC HDLC
setup IC (IC id 23). The corresponding OBIS codes are 0-0:22.0.0*255 for the serial
interface, 0-1:22.0.0*255 for the optical interface and 0-2:22.0.0*255 for the interface(s)
supplied by the communication module.
Refer to IEC 62056-62 for further details.
The initial values of the attributes of IEC HDLC setup IC can be found in the following
table. Note that the initial values of some parameters may be chosen by the
configuration of the meter and may therefore differ from the values given in the table.
Also the data types used according to the definition of this IC are noted in the table. Note
that version 1 is used for representing this IC.

Table 2: Initial values oft he attributes

Initial value
Attribute Remark/meaning
(incl. data type)
(octet-string[6]) 0, 0, 22, 0,
logical_name OBIS code
0, 255
(enum) 4 (depends on the
comm_speed baud rate
configuration of the meter)
negotiable parameter (see
window_size_transmit (unsigned) 1
negotiable parameter (see
window_size_receive (unsigned) 1
max_info_field_length_tran negotiable parameter (see
(long-unsigned) 2030
smit below)
max_info_field_length_rece negotiable parameter (see
(long-unsigned) 128
ive below)
(long-unsigned) 300
inter_octet_time_out (depends on the unit: milliseconds
configuration of the meter)
(long-unsigned) 15
inactivity_time_out (depends on the unit: seconds
configuration of the meter)
(long-unsigned) 1016
device_address (depends on the physical device address
configuration of the meter)

Four of these parameters may be changed by the client separately for both the optical
and the serial interface of the meter: The comm_speed (baud rate),
inter_octet_time_out, the inactivity_time_out and the device_address.
The access to the comm_speed attribute (i.e. the baud rate) is restricted to the usage of
the serial interfaces with direct access to DLMS.

EMH metering 9
Data link layer (HDLC) DLMS Implementation Guide

Note that the baud rate is negotiated between client and server when using mode E
according to IEC 62056-21. Thus it is not necessary to set the baud rate in this case.
For the enumeration of the baud rates in this case, see IEC 62056-62.
If the inactivity_timeout is set to 0, the meter considers a value of 120 seconds for this
Any successful change of one of these parameters becomes effective with the next
HDLC connection establishment.
The negotiation of the window_size and the max_info_field_length parameters
between client and server during the connection phase described in IEC 62056-46 is
fully supported by the meter.

4.3 HDLC connection establishment and disconnection

A successful exchange of valid SNRM (Set Normal Response Mode request) and UA
(Unnumbered Acknowledge response) HDLC frames leads to the establishment of a
HDLC connection between client and server.
The negotiation of some parameters (see Chapter 4.2 on Page 9) may be part of this
connection phase.
The existence of a valid HDLC connection between client and server is indicated on the
meter display by the communication display.
According to IEC 62056-46, two reasons may lead to the disconnection between client
and server:
• The exchange of DISC (disconnect request) and UA HDLC frames between client
and server.
• The occurence of an inactivity timeout failure (see Chapter 4.2 on Page 9).

4.4 Time-out protection

To avoid unintentional disconnection due to an inactivity timeout failure (see Chapter 4.3
on Page 10) the meter will immediately respond to any valid HDLC RR (receive ready)
frame sent by the client with a valid RR frame itself.
Note that such an exchange of RR frames between client and server is only necessary
when there is no data transmission at all between client and server. Thus this exchange
does only affect the HDLC layer, not the COSEM (Companion Specification for Energy
Metering) layer.
Note also that – due to the fact that the server must not send unrequested HDLC frames
– the responsibility to avoid unintentional disconnection in the described manner is on
the client side. The client should also avoid an “endless” exchange of RR frames in the
described manner.
This feature allows to keep the connection even when no data is exchanged between
client and server.

10 EMH metering
DLMS Implementation Guide Application layer (COSEM)

5 Application layer (COSEM)

5.1 Application association establishment

According to IEC 62056-53 the specification of the COSEM application context name
and the COSEM authentification context name included the AARQ (Application
Association Request) sent by the client is necessary for the establishment of a valid
application association.
According to the same standard, the intersection of the COSEM conformance blocks of
the client and the server must not be empty.

5.1.1 COSEM application context name

The meter supports the COSEM application context name with context_id=2 (short
name referencing, no ciphering used).
All other context names are rejected.

5.1.2 COSEM authentification mechanism name

The meter supports lowest level security mechanism (mechanism_id=0, no password

required) and the low level security mechanism (mechanism_id=1, static password
Other security mechanisms are rejected by the meter.

5.1.3 COSEM conformance block

The services (see IEC 62056-53 for details) provided by the meter are:
• read
• write

• parameterised-access

Following IEC 62056-53, this leads to a value of the COSEM conformance block of

5.1.4 Maximum receive PDU sizes

According to IEC 62056-53, the value of the maximum size of an APDU acceptable by
the client is part of the xDLMS-initiate.request sent by the client.
It is strongly recommended that this value is set to (unsigned16) 0x00 0x00 in the
xDLMS-initiate.request. According to IEC 62056-53 this signals that there is no limit of
the acceptable APDU size on the client side at all.
The maximum size of a received APDU which can be processed by the server is 200
bytes. This value is part of the xDLMS-Initiate.response sent by the meter. Longer
APDUs sent to the meter will be rejected.

Due to a failure in the DLMS conformance test tool (CTT), this service must not be
noted in the conformance block. Regardlessly, this service should be noted in the
conformance block included in the AARQ of the client to be compliant with higher
firmware versions of the meter after correction of the CTT.
EMH metering 11
Application layer (COSEM) DLMS Implementation Guide

5.2 Access levels and password protection

The meter provides three different access levels. These are identified by the
corresponding HDLC address of the client as described in the VDEW-Specifications
Details of these DLMS access levels can be found below.

Table 3: DLMS access levels

Client HDLC Security

Access level Access rights
address mechanism
no password
1016 public client read
static password 3
2016 service level read and write
static password 4
4016 service level read and write
5016 calibration level read and write
status required

The password of the service level can be independently chosen for both interfaces of the
All passwords are initially set to (octet-string[8]) 3016, 3016, 3016, 3016, 3016, 3016, 3016,
3016 (corresponding to the ASCII string “00000000”). Note that the initially set passwords
are part of the meter configuration.
These passwords may be changed by using the method “change_LLS_secret” of the
Association SN IC
(IC id12) when a connection on the service level is established on the accordant
interface (see IEC 62056-62 for details). The new password is valid after the next
disconnection of the current association.
Every password must be at least one character long and have a maximum length of 8
The password protection of the service level cannot be deactivated.

Depending from configuration
Depending from configuration
12 EMH metering
DLMS Implementation Guide Data objects

6 Data objects

6.1 SN Referencing
The meter supports the short name referencing according to IEC 62056-53 and -62. This
means that all accessible objects (attributes and methods) are directly addressable via
their SN.
The assignment of all COSEM objects of the meter to the related IC, their SN, and their
OBIS codes are listed in the Association SN IC (IC id 12).
It is strongly recommended to read this object list after each reconfiguration of the meter.
The appendix of this document provides a list of all possible data objects readable via
DLMS. Also the IC used and the SN assignment are listed in this table. See Chapter 7.1
on Page 20.

6.2 Used interface classes

All used interface classes (ICs), their id, and their versions are listed below. Furthermore,
the optional methods of theses ICs supported by the meter are listed.
All ICs are used according to IEC 62056-62.
It is strongly recommended that any client implementation designated to communicate
with the meter supports all these IC definitions.

Table 4: Used interface classes

IC id Version
optional methods
Data 1 0 —
Register 3 0 —
Extended register 4 0 —
Profile generic 7 1 (a) capture
Clock 8 0
Association SN 12 1 change_LLS_secret
SAP assignment 17 0 -—
IEC HDLC setup 23 1 —

6.3 List of all data objects

A list of all available data objects are supplied in the appendix of this document (see
Chapter 7.1 on Page 20).

The data objects given in this list represent the maximum extent of DLMS objects
available. The occurence of some of these objects and some of the used OBIS codes
are affected by the configuration of the meter.
According to IEC 62056-62, the effectively available data objects and their associated
OBIS codes for a particular meter configuration are listed in the Association SN IC
(IC id 12).
It is strongly recommended to read this object list after each reconfiguration of the

The application of this method for this IC is only possible for the instance with OBIS
code 1-0:98.1.0*126. See Chapter 6.5.6 on Page 17 for details.
EMH metering 13
Data objects DLMS Implementation Guide

6.4 Used data types

All data types used are in accordance with IEC 62056-53 and are listed below. For
further information on the data types, please see IEC 62056-53.
It is strongly recommended that any client implementation designated to communicate
with the meter supports all these data types.

Table 5: Data types acc. to IEC 62056-53

Type description Tag

null-data 0 (0016)
array 1 (0116)
structure 2 (0216)
boolean 3 (0316)
double-long 4 (0416)
double-long-unsigned 6 (0616)
octet-string 9 (0916)
integer 15 (0F16)
long 16 (1016)
unsigned 17 (1116)
long-unsigned 18 (1216)
long64 20 (1416)
long64-unsigned 21 (1516)
enum 22 (1616)
float32 23 (1716)
float64 24 (1816)

6.5 Additional information on certain data objects

6.5.1 Energy or demand related registers

All energy or demand related registers (specified by their specific OBIS codes) are
mapped either in register IC (IC id 3) or in extended register IC (IC id 4).
These ICs also provide information on the scaler factor and the unit of the captured
values. Note that the extended register IC also provides information on the time when
the value was captured.

The assignment of a certain energy register (i.e. a certain OBIS code) to a SN may be
changed by reconfiguration of the meter.

6.5.2 Measuring data besides energy related registers

Besides energy consumption data, the meter provides information about phase failures,
over limit consumption, battery operating time, instantaneous values, etc.
This data is stored in the register IC (IC id 3).
Additional information on some of these registers can be found in the LZQJ-XC product
manual (e.g. meaning of the content of the error register).

14 EMH metering
DLMS Implementation Guide Data objects

6.5.3 Additional (static) data and data administrated by the user

Amongst others, in this group the following data objects are included:
• the unique meter identification according to IEC 62056-62
• 10 writable identification registers (OBIS codes 1-0:0.0.0*255 up to 1-0:0.0.9*255)
• measurement and registration periods for the load profile and the maximum demand
• transformer ratios for current and voltage
• the representations of the Association SN IC (IC id 12) and the SAP assignment
IC (IC id 17)

All these objects are stored either in the data IC (IC id 1) or in the register IC (IC id 3).

6.5.4 Date/time information (meter clock)

All information related to the real time clock (RTC) of the meter is accessible via the
clock IC (IC id 8, OBIS code 0-0:1.0.0*255).
The direct setting of the date/time information is possible when writing to the attribute
time of this IC.
Synchronisation of the time is also possible when using the methods adjust_to_quarter
or adjust_to_minute.
All data objects including time and/or date information (recent or historical) are structured
as a octet-string[12] as described in IEC 62056-62 (data type date_time).
All time stamps given or accepted by the meter in the DLMS context have an accuracy of
one second. This is also valid for the usage of time stamps of load profile, log books and
historical values.

6.5.5 Load profile(s)

The load profiles are mapped on the profile generic IC (IC id 7). The mapping on this IC
is completely in accordance with the VDEW-Specifications 2.1.2.
Therefore the timestamp and the status of each registration period is captured
additionally to the energy related values.
According to IEC 62056-62 all captured data objects are listed in the attribute
capture_objects of this IC. All captured objects of the load profiles (except for time
and status) are represented seperately in IC extended register. These representations
can be unambiguously identified by their OBIS code together with the thereby used IC
(extended register).
Note that related information (e.g. scaler factors and units of the captured objects) is only
accessible via these captured objects themselves. According to the definition of the
profile generic IC this information is not included in the attributes of this IC in any way.
Also according to IEC 62056-62, selective access is possible to the attribute buffer with
an access selector value of 1. The used parameter range_descriptor may carry
information about the period requested as well as the registers requested (“columns”).
The information about the period requested is contained in the parameters from_value
and to_value of the range_descriptor. Both values must be formatted as data type
date_time. Note that the values of second and hundreths of second that are part of
this data type will be ignored by the meter for this purpose.
One or both of these date_time values might be replaced by (octet string[12])
FF16,...,FF16 to characterise the value as unspecified.

EMH metering 15
Data objects DLMS Implementation Guide

In order to minimize the data volume during a load profile readout, the following three
compression algorithms can be applied to the data included in the attribute buffer
according to IEC 62056-62:
1. Every time stamp information might be replaced by the data type null-data, if it can
be unambiguously calculated by the previous time stamp and the capture period.
2. If the load profile status is captured, the replacement of a value with data-type null-
data is allowed if it is equal to the previous value.
3. Any value (except for time stamps and status) might be expressed in the shortest
corresponding data type.

Note that the application of these three compression rules is an optional feature of the
meter firmware. Note also that the application of just one or two of these rules is
arbitrarily configurable.
It is strongly recommended that any client implementation designated to communicate
with the meter supports these compression algorithms for the load profile data.

Example for this data compression algorithm used for load profile values:
The assumed capture period is 15 minutes in this example. Three buffer entries shall be
Original (uncompressed) data:

Table 6: Original data

Time stamp Status Value (energy feed)

(octet-string [12]) (double-long-unsigned) (long-unsigned)
2006-01-07; 16:45 0080000016 13C516
(octet-string [12]) (double-long-unsigned) (long-unsigned)
2006-01-07; 17:00 0080000016 13C516
(octet-string [12]) (double-long-unsigned) (long-unsigned)
2006-01-07; 17:06 0000005016 00D316

Compressed data:

Table 7: Compressed data

Time stamp Status Value (energy feed)

(octet-string [12]) (double-long-unsigned) (long-unsigned)
2006-01-07; 16:45 0080000016 13C516
(null-data) (null-data) (long-unsigned)
0016 0016 13C516
⇒ see compression rule a) ⇒ see compression rule b)
(octet-string [12]) (double-long-unsigned) (unsigned)
2006-01-07; 17:06 0000005016 D316
⇒ see compression rule c)

6.5.6 Historical values (performing a reset/cumulation)

Up to the 15 most recent historical values of the energy related registers are mapped to
the profile generic IC (IC id 7). Additionally the billing period counter and the
timestamps of the billing period resets are captured.
The mapping on this IC is in accordance with the VDEW Specifications 2.1.2. The OBIS
code of this representation is 1-0:98.1.0*126.
Note that for the maximum demand registers also the timestamps of the maximum
demands are also captured.

16 EMH metering
DLMS Implementation Guide Data objects

According to IEC 62056-62, selective access is possible to the attribute buffer with a
access selector value
of 1. The used parameter range_descriptor may carry information about the registers
requested (“columns”) only.
Any request of a certain time period will be ignored by the meter when using the
selective acccess service for the historical values. Thus it is only possible to read all
stored historical values of a certain register altogether.
Use of the method capture is possible for this IC if an association on the service level is
established. The usage of this method is equivalent to a reset (cumulation). The effects
and any restrictions of such a reset can be found in the LZQJ-XC product manual.

6.5.7 Operation log book

The operation log book (OBIS code 1-0:99.98.0*255) is mapped to the profile generic
IC (IC id 7).
The captured data for this log book are the time and the value of the error code object
according to VDEW-Specifications 2.1.2. Following this document, also the LSB of the
error code is captured separately in data type boolean.
According to IEC 62056-61, selective access is possible to the attribute buffer with a
access selector value
of 1. The thereby used parameter range_descriptor may carry information about the
time period requested.
The information about the period requested is contained in the parameters from_value
and to_value of the range_descriptor. Both values must be formatted as data type
date_time. Note that the values of second and hundredths of second that are part of
this data typ will be ignored for this purpose.
One or both of these date_time values might be replaced by (octet string[12])
FF16,...,FF16 to characterise these values as unspecified.
Any request of a certain captured object (“column”) will be ignored by the server.

6.5.8 User log book

The user log book (OBIS code 1-0:99.200.0*255) is mapped to the profile generic IC
(IC id 7).
The captured data for this log book are the time and the value of the user defined status
Details about the captured status register can be found in the product manual.
According to IEC 62056-61, selective access is possible to the attribute buffer with a
access selector value
of 1. The thereby used parameter range_descriptor may carry information about the
time period requested.
The information about the period requested is contained in the parameters from_value
and to_value of the range_descriptor. Both values must be formatted as data type
date_time. Note that the values of second and hundredths of second that are part of
this data typ will be ignored for this purpose.
One or both of these date_time values might be replaced by (octet string[12])
FF16,...,FF16 to characterise these values as unspecified.
Any request of a certain captured object (“column”) will be ignored by the server.

6.5.9 Billing period counter

The billing period counter value is the total number of the performed resets
Note that according to the VDEW-Specifications 2.1.2 this value is always expressed as
a “mod 100” value. Therefore the value “99” for this register is followed by the value “0”
when a reset (cumulation) is performed.

EMH metering 17
Data objects DLMS Implementation Guide

6.6 Reading and writing data objects via DLMS

6.6.1 Reading data

The number of seperate readRequests in one single APDU is limited to a maximum of

32. Any attempt to address more than 32 data objects in a single readRequest-APDU
will be rejected by the meter.
Any readRequest-APDU may contain separate readRequests with or without selective
access in arbitrary order without any restrictions.
Note that a readRequest-APDU including one or more requests which use selective
access might excess the maximum receive PDU size of the server (see Chapter 5.1.4
on Page 11).

6.6.2 Writing data

Writing the following data objects respectively using the following methods is possible via
• direct setting of time/date (see Chapter 6.5.4 on Page 15)
• synchronisation of time/date (see Chapter 6.5.4 on Page 15)
• meter identifications (see Chapter 6.5.3 on Page 15)
• baud rate (see Chapter 4.2 on Page 9)
• HDLC timeout parameters (see Chapter 4.2 on Page 9)
• HDLC device addresses (see Chapter 4.1 on Page 8)
• user password (see Chapter 5.2 on Page 12)
• performing a reset (cumulation) (see Chapter 6.5.6 on Page 16)

Note that only one SN may be addressed in each writeRequest-APDU. Any attempt to
write more than one data object in a single writeRequest-APDU will be rejected.
Writing data to the meter via DLMS is only possible on the service access level. Thus
no data can be written to the meter without knowing the required password for this level.
(See Chapter 5.2 on Page 12 for further details.)
No configuration data (e.g. registration periods, tariff information, DST information, or
OBIS codes) can be written via DLMS to the meter.

6.6.3 Static and dynamic meter data – general recommendations

When using DLMS, it is possible and recommendable to distinguish easily between
static and dynamic data respectively attributes.
Static attributes are those attributes, which are not updated by the meter itself (for
example configuration data).
Whereas dynamic attributes carry a process value, which is updated by the meter itself.
Thus it is possible to optimise the client implementation by reading static attributes only
once from the meter for each configuration. These attributes may be stored then by the
client system to have faster access to these data when they are needed.
For the LZQJ-XC DLMS implementation, only the following attributes may be dynamic.
All other attributes are static and thus may only be changed by a reconfiguration of the

18 EMH metering
DLMS Implementation Guide Data objects

Table 8: Dynamic attributes

IC Attribute
Register value
Extended register status
Profile generic

A reconfiguration of the meter may be easily detected by the client by reading the
complete checksum (OBIS 0-0:96.90.255*255, SN 0x0090) directly after each
connection establishment. This checksum does only change if a reconfiguration of the
meter is performed.

EMH metering 19
Appendix DLMS Implementation Guide

7 Appendix

7.1 Available data objects

The data objects given in the list below represent the maximum extent of DLMS objects
available. The occurence of some of these objects and some of the used OBIS codes
are affected by the configuration of the meter.
Extensions of this list may be subject of change without notice.

According to IEC 62056-62, the effectively available data objects and their associated
OBIS codes for a particular meter configuration are listed in the Association SN IC (IC
id 12).
It is strongly recommended to read this object list after each reconfiguration of the meter.

Table 9: DLMS objects available

SN IC OBIS Meaning
id A B C D E F
0x0040 1 0 0 96 90 0 255 checksum PAR (manufacturer [EMH] specific OBIS code)
0x0050 1 0 0 96 90 1 255 checksum SET (manufacturer [EMH] specific OBIS code)
0x0060 1 0 0 96 90 2 255 checksum ROM (manufacturer [EMH] specific OBIS code)
0x0070 1 0 0 96 90 3 255 checksum System (manufacturer [EMH] specific OBIS code)
0x0090 1 0 0 96 90 255 255 complete checksum (manufacturer [EMH] specific OBIS code)
0x0100 3 1 5 3 8 2 255 energy register (configurable contents according to OBIS code,
example: 1-5-3-8-2-255 = channel 5, positive reactive energy, tariff 2)
0x0130 3 1 ... ... ... ... 255 energy register (configurable contents according to OBIS code)
... 3 1 ... ... ... ... 255 ...
... 3 1 ... ... ... ... 255 ...
0x09A0 3 1 ... ... ... ... 255 energy register (configurable contents according to OBIS code)
0x09D0 3 1 ... ... ... ... 255 energy register (configurable contents according to OBIS code)
0x0A00 4 1 1 1 6 1 255 maximum demand register including timestamp
(configurable contents according to OBIS code,
example: 1-1-1-6-1-255 = channel 1, positive active energy, tariff 1)
0x0A40 4 1 ... ... 6 ... 255 maximum demand register including timestamp
(configurable contents according to OBIS code)
... 4 1 ... ... 6 ... 255 ...
... 4 1 ... ... 6 ... 255 ...
0x1180 4 1 ... ... 6 ... 255 maximum demand register including timestamp
(configurable contents according to OBIS code)
0x11C0 4 1 ... ... 6 ... 255 maximum demand register including timestamp
(configurable contents according to OBIS code)
0x1200 3 1 1 1 2 1 255 cumulative (sum of the reset maximum demand)
(configurable contents according to OBIS code,
example: 1-1-1-2-1-255 = channel 1, positive active energy, tariff 1)
0x1230 3 1 ... ... 2 ... 255 cumulative (sum of the reset maximum demand)
(configurable contents according to OBIS code)

20 EMH metering
DLMS Implementation Guide Appendix

SN IC OBIS Meaning
id A B C D E F
... 3 1 ... ... 2 ... 255 ...
... 3 1 ... ... 2 ... 255 ...
0x17A0 3 1 ... ... 2 ... 255 cumulative (sum of the reset maximum demand)
(configurable contents according to OBIS code)
0x17D0 3 1 ... ... 2 ... 255 cumulative (sum of the reset maximum demand)
(configurable contents according to OBIS code)
0x1800 3 1 1 1 4 1 255 average value of the current measurement period
(configurable contents according to OBIS code,
example: 1-1-1-4-1-255 = channel 1, positive active energy, tariff 1)
0x1830 3 1 ... ... 4 ... 255 average value of the current measurement period
(configurable contents according to OBIS code)
... 3 1 ... ... 4 ... 255 ...
... 3 1 ... ... 4 ... 255 ...
0x1DA0 3 1 ... ... 4 ... 255 average value of the current measurement period
(configurable contents according to OBIS code)
0x1DD0 3 1 ... ... 4 ... 255 average value of the current measurement period
(configurable contents according to OBIS code)
0x1E00 3 1 1 1 5 1 255 average value of the last measurement period
(configurable contents according to OBIS code,
example: 1-1-1-5-1-255 = channel 1, positive active energy, tariff 1)
0x1E30 3 1 ... ... 5 ... 255 average value of the last measurement period
(configurable contents according to OBIS code)
... 3 1 ... ... 5 ... 255 ...
... 3 1 ... ... 5 ... 255 ...
0x23A0 3 1 ... ... 5 ... 255 average value of the last measurement period
(configurable contents according to OBIS code)
0x23D0 3 1 ... ... 5 ... 255 average value of the last measurement period
(configurable contents according to OBIS code)
0x4000 3 0 0 97 97 0 255 error register
0x4030 3 0 0 96 7 0 255 number of power failure events (all phases)
0x4060 3 0 0 96 7 1 255 number of power failure events (phase L1)
0x4090 3 0 0 96 7 2 255 number of power failure events (phase L2)
0x40C0 3 0 0 96 7 3 255 number of power failure events (phase L3)
0x40F0 3 0 0 96 3 0 255 state of input/output control signals
0x4120 3 0 0 96 4 0 255 state of internal control signals
0x4150 3 0 0 96 5 0 255 internal operating status
0x4180 3 1 0 0 1 0 255 billing period counter
0x41B0 3 1 0 94 49 2 24 load profile / log book status register
(country [german] specific OBIS code according to VDEW spec. 2.1.2)
0x41E0 3 0 0 96 6 0 255 battery use time counter
0x4210 3 1 0 96 54 0 255 RCR relay status
(manufacturer [EMH] specific OBIS code)

EMH metering 21
Appendix DLMS Implementation Guide

SN IC OBIS Meaning
id A B C D E F
0x4240 3 1 0 1 36 0 1 active power over limit occurence counter
0x4270 3 1 0 1 36 90 1 active power over limit occurence counter with monthly reset
0x4800 2 0 0 96 2 0 255 number of parameter changing’s
0x4810 2 0 0 96 2 1 255 timestamp last parameter changing
0x4820 2 0 0 96 86 0 255 installation check register
0x4A50 3 1 1 14 25 0 255 instantaneous value: frequency
0x4A80 3 1 1 32 25 0 255 instantaneous value: voltage L1
0x4AB0 3 1 1 52 25 0 255 instantaneous value: voltage L2
0x4AE0 3 1 1 72 25 0 255 instantaneous value: voltage L3
0x4B40 3 1 1 31 25 0 255 instantaneous value: current L1
0x4B70 3 1 1 51 25 0 255 instantaneous value: current L2
0x4BA0 3 1 1 71 25 0 255 instantaneous value: current L3
0x4C00 3 1 1 21 25 0 255 instantaneous value: positive active power L1
0x4C30 3 1 1 41 25 0 255 instantaneous value: positive active power L2
0x4C60 3 1 1 61 25 0 255 instantaneous value: positive active power L3
0x4C90 3 1 1 1 25 0 255 instantaneous value: positive active power (all phases)
0x4CC0 3 1 1 23 25 0 255 instantaneous value: positive reactive power L1
0x4CF0 3 1 1 43 25 0 255 instantaneous value: positive reactive power L2
0x4D20 3 1 1 63 25 0 255 instantaneous value: positive reactive power L3
0x4D50 3 1 1 3 25 0 255 instantaneous value: positive reactive power (all phases)
0x4D80 3 1 1 29 25 0 255 instantaneous value: positive apparent power L1
0x4DB0 3 1 1 49 25 0 255 instantaneous value: positive apparent power L2
0x4DE0 3 1 1 69 25 0 255 instantaneous value: positive apparent power L3
0x4E10 3 1 1 9 25 0 255 instantaneous value: positive apparent power (all phases)
0x4E40 3 1 1 33 25 0 255 instantaneous value: power factor L1
0x4E70 3 1 1 53 25 0 255 instantaneous value: power factor L2
0x4EA0 3 1 1 73 25 0 255 instantaneous value: power factor L3
0x4ED0 3 1 1 13 25 0 255 instantaneous value: power factor (all phases)
0x4F00 8 0 0 1 0 0 255 clock (including date and time information)
0x5000 7 1 0 99 1 0 255 first load profile
0x5100 4 1 1 1 29 0 255 captured data of first load profile
(configurable contents according to OBIS,
example: 1-1-1-29-0-255 = positive active power, energy feed)
0x5140 4 1 ... ... ... ... 255 captured data of first load profile
(configurable contents according to OBIS)
... 4 1 ... ... ... ... 255 ...
0x58C0 4 1 ... ... ... ... 255 captured data of first load profile
(configurable contents according to OBIS)
0x6800 7 1 0 99 2 0 255 second load profile
0x6900 4 1 1 1 5 0 255 captured data of second load profile
(configurable contents according to OBIS,
example: 1-1-1-5-0-255 = positive active power, average value)
22 EMH metering
DLMS Implementation Guide Appendix

SN IC OBIS Meaning
id A B C D E F
0x6940 4 1 ... ... ... ... 255 captured data of second load profile
(configurable contents according to OBIS)
... 4 1 ... ... ... ... 255 ...
0x77C0 4 1 ... ... ... ... 255 captured data of second load profile
(configurable contents according to OBIS)
0x8000 7 1 0 98 1 0 126 historical values
0x8080 7 1 0 99 98 0 255 operation log book
0x8100 7 1 0 99 200 0 255 user defined log book
(manufacturer [EMH] specific OBIS code)
0x9000 7 1 0 99 130 0 255 third load profile
0x9100 4 1 ... ... ... ... 255 captured data of third load profile
0x9140 4 1 ... ... ... ... 255 captured data of third load profile
... 4 1 ... ... ... ... 255 ...
0x9780 4 1 ... ... ... ... 255 captured data of third load profile
0xC000 1 0 0 96 1 0 255 manufacturing number
0xC010 1 1 0 0 0 0 255 identification register 0
0xC020 1 1 0 0 0 1 255 identification register 1
0xC030 1 1 0 0 0 2 255 identification register 2
0xC040 1 1 0 0 0 3 255 identification register 3
0xC050 1 1 0 0 0 4 255 identification register 4
0xC060 1 1 0 0 0 5 255 identification register 5
0xC070 1 1 0 0 0 6 255 identification register 6
0xC080 1 1 0 0 0 7 255 identification register 7
0xC090 1 1 0 0 0 8 255 identification register 8
0xC0A0 1 1 0 0 0 9 255 identification register 9
0xC0B0 1 1 0 0 2 0 255 firmware version
0xC0F0 1 1 0 0 2 1 255 parameter record number
0xC100 1 1 0 0 2 2 255 time switch program number
0xC110 1 1 0 0 2 3 255 RCR program number
0xC120 1 0 0 96 1 128 0 logical HDLC device address for the serial interface
mounted on the meter main board
(manufacturer [EMH] specific OBIS code)
0xC130 1 0 0 96 1 128 1 logical HDLC device address for optical interface
(manufacturer [EMH] specific OBIS code)
0xC140 1 0 0 96 2 128 1 logical HDLC device address for the interface
supplied by the communication module
(manufacturer [EMH] specific OBIS code)
0xC800 3 1 0 0 8 0 255 measurement period for maximum demand registers
0xC830 3 1 0 0 8 4 255 measurement period for first load profile
0xC860 3 1 0 0 8 5 255 measurement period for second load profile
0xC890 3 1 0 0 4 2 255 transformer ratio current
0xC920 3 1 0 0 4 3 255 transformer ratio voltage
EMH metering 23
Appendix DLMS Implementation Guide

SN IC OBIS Meaning
id A B C D E F
0xC950 3 1 0 1 35 0 1 active power over limit threshold
(see also 1-0:1-36-0*1 and 1-0:1-36-90*1)
0xC980 3 1 0 0 3 3 255 active energy: output pulse constant
0xC9B0 3 1 0 0 3 4 255 reactive energy: output pulse constant
0xE000 23 0 0 22 0 0 255 HDLC parameters for serial interface mounted on the meter board
0xE048 23 0 1 22 0 0 255 HDLC parameters for optical interface
0xE090 23 0 2 22 0 0 255 HDLC parameters for the interface
supplied by the communication module
0xFA00 12 0 0 40 0 0 255 IC SN association
0xFC00 17 0 0 41 0 0 255 IC SAP assignment
0xFD00 1 0 0 42 0 0 255 logical device name

24 EMH metering
DLMS Implementation Guide Appendix

7.2 Example of data reading and writing

Assumptions for this example server address = 0x10
client address = 0x20  Access to the service level
(password protection).
Negotiation of the client_max_receive_pdu_size HDC
Notation --> data from client to server (request)
<-- data from server to client (response)

--> SNRM including proposed parameter (client_max_receive_pdu_size=240)

--> 0x7E, 0xA0, 0x0F, 0x21, 0x41, 0x93, 0x01, 0x37, 0x81, 0x80, 0x03, 0x06, 0x01,
0xF0, 0xEC, 0x15, 0x7E
<-- UA including negotiated parameters
<-- 0x7E, 0xA0, 0x1E, 0x41, 0x21, 0x73, 0x0D, 0x6F, 0x81, 0x80, 0x12, 0x05, 0x01,
0xF0, 0x06, 0x01, 0x80, 0x07, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x08, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x01, 0xD8, 0x47, 0x7E
Comment: HDLC-Connection established succesfully

--> AARQ (access on service level, password=“00000000“)

--> 0x7E, 0xA0, 0x44, 0x21, 0x41, 0x10, 0x30, 0x57, 0xE6, 0xE6, 0x00, 0x60, 0x36,
0xA1, 0x09, 0x06, 0x07, 0x60, 0x85, 0x74, 0x05, 0x08, 0x01, 0x02, 0x8A, 0x02,
0x07, 0x80, 0x8B, 0x07, 0x60, 0x85, 0x74, 0x05, 0x08, 0x02, 0x01, 0xAC, 0x0A,
0x80, 0x08, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0xBE, 0x10, 0x04,
0x0E, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x5F, 0x1F, 0x04, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xED, 0x8C, 0x7E
<-- AARE (establishment of COSEM-connection acknowledged)
<-- 0x7E, 0xA0, 0x37, 0x41, 0x21, 0x30, 0xA2, 0x69, 0xE6, 0xE7, 0x00, 0x61, 0x29,
0xA1, 0x09, 0x06, 0x07, 0x60, 0x85, 0x74, 0x05, 0x08, 0x01, 0x02, 0xA2, 0x03,
0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0xA3, 0x05, 0xA1, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0xBE, 0x10, 0x04,
0x0E, 0x08, 0x00, 0x06, 0x5F, 0x1F, 0x04, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xC8,
0xFA, 0x00, 0xDD, 0x72, 0x7E
Comment: COSEM-Connection established succesfully

--> Read-Request (attribute "time" of IC 8 "clock")

--> 0x7E, 0xA0, 0x11, 0x21, 0x41, 0x32, 0x61, 0xEE, 0xE6, 0xE6, 0x00, 0x05, 0x01,
0x02, 0x4F, 0x08, 0xCE, 0xDA, 0x7E
<-- Read-Response (date: 2006-02-28, time: 09:55:35.00, deviation to UTC:
+60min, daylight saving time not active)
<-- 0x7E, 0xA0, 0x1D, 0x41, 0x21, 0x52, 0x4B, 0x7A, 0xE6, 0xE7, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x01,
0x00, 0x09, 0x0C, 0x07, 0xD6, 0x02, 0x1C, 0x02, 0x09, 0x37, 0x23, 0xFF, 0x00,
0x3C, 0x00, 0xCB, 0xED, 0x7E
Comment: Read-Request answered successfully

--> Write-Request (attribute "time" of IC 8 "clock", date: 2006-02-28, time:

10:55:35.00, deviation to UTC: +60min, daylight saving time not active)
--> 0x7E, 0xA0, 0x20, 0x21, 0x41, 0x54, 0x18, 0xB8, 0xE6, 0xE6, 0x00, 0x06, 0x01,
0x02, 0x4F, 0x08, 0x01, 0x09, 0x0C, 0x07, 0xD6, 0x02, 0x1C, 0x02, 0x0A, 0x37,
0x23, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x65, 0xDB, 0x7E
<-- Write-Response (Write-Request acknowledged)
<-- 0x7E, 0xA0, 0x0F, 0x41, 0x21, 0x74, 0xA8, 0xC4, 0xE6, 0xE7, 0x00, 0x0D, 0x01,
0x00, 0x07, 0xE4, 0x7E
Comment: Write-Request answered successfully
EMH metering 25
Appendix DLMS Implementation Guide

--> DISC
--> 0x7E, 0xA0, 0x07, 0x21, 0x21, 0x53, 0x80, 0x71, 0x7E
<-- UA
<--0x7E, 0xA0, 0x07, 0x21, 0x21, 0x73, 0x82, 0x50, 0x7E
Comment: Abort of COSEM-Connection and HDLC-Connection acknowledged

26 EMH metering

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