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Kianna Rojas

Ethics Performance Task

I believe the purpose of the Code of Ethics and Principles of Professional Conduct of the
Education Profession of Florida is to ensure that all educators treat their students, collogues,
parents, and other members of the community with utmost respect and make sure that their
students have opportunities in succeeding. No student should be restricted from their learning
by things that include race, sex, sexuality, religion, and many other things that fall under the
same personal category. Having these codes and rules when working in the educational field
academic also sets the expectations they have as teachers, administration, and staff to
establish all students’ academic potential. Lastly, educators are seen as role models to these
students and a classroom is meant to serve as a safe space away from home and it is
important for students to feel a sense of community within their school and classroom.

I demonstrated being an ethical educator throughout this semester. One example is my

implementation of group related work and having a mix of students working together. It was
during my CT Observation #2, where I demonstrated this at a more detailed level. The lesson
was Math, more specifically, measuring objects using standard and non-standard tools. I
went about this by creating 5 stations around the classroom, each with a different object to
measure and a different tool to measure with. Along with this, I split up the class into 5
different groups. When thinking about how to group them, I wanted to make sure to have a
variety of students in one group. This includes different instructional levels, different needs,
and even social background. My students were already sat in table groups arranged in this
way, but I did do some adjusting that I believe would work out a bit better. In my class I have
4 or 5 Deaf and Hard of Hearing students (DHH) with one needing an interpreter. So, first, I
wanted them to be separated with in the groups, so each group had one DHH student. The
reasoning behind this is that the DHH students do not feel excluded in their own group and
have the chance to work with their other classmates. Secondly, based on of the DHH
student’s instruction level, (if they were lower, middle or higher), I formed the rest of the
group with students from each level, in order to get a blend of mental mindsets and solving
when collaborating with each other. This also included ELL students. Lastly, I took into
consideration the students who may get distracted from each other and who work very well
together. A specific example was with two students. One was more talkative, while the other
was quieter. I placed them together in a group because while opposites, they did work well
with each other and the quieter student did speak more and was more comfortable with
sharing when with them.

This specific example mentioned connected with the principle “ Shall not harass or
discriminate against any student on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national or
ethnic origin, political beliefs, marital status, handicapping condition, sexual orientation, or
social and family background and shall make reasonable effort to assure that each student is
protected from harassment or discrimination.” I wanted to ensure that students did not have
the feeling of being left out or signaled out, so I made sure that every student in the group
had the chance to express themselves comfortably in a group environment. Student should
not be restricted from learning and I want to make sure that every student has an equal
opportunity in succeeding not only in the classroom, but outside of the classroom as well. As
Kianna Rojas

previously stated, I want the classroom to be their safe space where they can be themselves
and grow as learners and people.

Students in the orange and blue cape are higher

level students. The student in the green shirt near
the top left is a middle level student.

Student in the purple is a high level and DHH

student. The two students to their left are middle
level students

Student in the grey is a higher-level student. The

student to the right next to the pink shirt student is a
middle level student. The pink shirt student is a lower
level and ELL student. Lastly, the student in the red is
a lower/middle level.

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