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Provide your own
discussion in the blank spaces. This activity will be rated according to the rubrics below:

Note: Answer will be rated as a whole, not per item but in case of corrections it will be specified by the
CF in each item.
5 Excellent If the answer is definitely of high quality which is free from any form of
errors in terms of grammar, sentence and idea construction.
4 Very Satisfactory If the answer is of quality but has slightly form of errors in terms of
grammar, sentence and idea construction.

3 Satisfactory If the answer is of quality but most often have a form of errors in terms
of grammar, sentence and idea construction.

2 Fair If the answer is of low quality and most often have a form of errors in
terms of grammar, sentence, and difficulty in idea construction.

1 Needs Improvement If the answer is of very low quality and always have a form of errors in
terms of grammar, sentence, and difficulty in idea construction which
needs immediate improvement.
1 2 3 4 5
1. Grammar (This refers to correct sentence, punctuation, and idea
2. The depth of Analysis (This refers to the learner's level of analysis
based on the interview conducted which can be manifested in how
they interpret the interviewee's response during the interview).
3. Correctness (This refers to the complete details given in the papers
based on following instruction given by the teacher).
Range of Means Scores
4.20 – 5.00 = 25
3.14 – 4.19 = 18
2.60 – 3.90 = 12
1.00 – 1.79 = 3
1. Based on the description and analysis for this topic, would Boeing be better described as a global firm
or a transnational firm? Discuss.
Answer: After reading the topic, Boeing would be better describe as a transnational firm because of the
way they do business. They move material, people and ideas across national boundaries. Components
from Boeing’s worldwide supply chain come together on an assembly line in Everett, Washington.
Although components come from throughout the world, about 35% of the 787 structure comes from
Japanese companies. They also have cross-cultural learning and that makes them a transnational firm.

There are three primary ways to achieve competitive advantage. Provide an example not included in the
text for each, support your choices (use APA format 6 th edition in proper citation and referencing).


Amadeo (2019) shows that one of the path on having competitive advantage is

through product differentiation. It is basically offering a product to the market that is

diverse than its competitors. One example is the Coca-cola products. Coke Zero, light

brew, non-fat frozen yogurts are some of the products they made available for the

consumers. There are many competitors in the soda marketing, numerous players in

the caffeinated soda market but Coca-cola is trying to obtain competitive advantage by

edging itself from the market by offering a product that is supposed to taste equivalent

to its usual products.

Cost Leadership

Amadeo (2019) states that firms deliver reasonable value at a lower price.

Companies do this by steadily improving operational efficiency. Typically this means

paying less to its staff. Some compensate for lower salaries by offering intangible

benefits such as stock options, benefits, or opportunities for promotion. Others take

advantage of the surpluses of unskilled labor. As these companies expand, they can

reap the benefits of economies of scale and buy in bulk. Walmart and Costco are strong

examples of leadership on costs. But sometimes, they pay less than the cost of living for

their workers. Lower rules on minimum wages challenge its benefit.


Amadeo (2019) believes that this ensures that the company's executives better

understand and represent their target market than anyone else. To do so, they use

either cost leadership or distinction. Choosing a very particular target market is the
secret to a good focal strategy. Often it is a tiny niche not served by bigger companies.

Community banks , for example, use a concentration approach to achieve strategic

advantage over sustainability. They target small local companies, or individuals with a

high net worth. Their target market loves the personal touch big banks couldn't offer.

Customers are willing to pay for that service a little more in fees. Those banks use a

focus strategy differentiation form.


Amadeo, K. (2019). What is competitive advantage? Three strategies that work.

Retrieved from


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