Jean Watson

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- Watson calls for joining science with humanities

- Understanding cultures is a requisite for caring science and a mind-body-spiritual
- Transpersonal caring - holistic, covering not only the mental and emotional aspects but also

1. Moral commitment, intentionality and caritas consciousness by the nurse enhances human
dignity which allows a person to create or cocreate their own meaning of existence (humans
will be aware of their value)

2. Conscious will of the nurse is needed to show significance to the patient. An I-thou
relationship should be honored rather than an I-it relationship (don't treat patient as a mere
object, because they have value too)

3. Through genuine presence and caring moment (actions, words, etc) can help enhance
transpersonal caring connection

4. Transpersonal spirit to sprit level of connection comes from the actions, gestures, etc. That
was translated to nursing human art.

5. The caring-healing modalities within the context of transpersonal caring/caritas

consciousness potentiate harmony, wholeness, and unity of being by releasing some of the
disharmony, that is, the blocked energy that interferes with natural healing processes; thus
the nurse helps another through this process to access the healer within, in the fullest sense
of Nightingale’s view of nursing.

xx. Nurses who practice transpersonal caring show a genuine desire to be present and
centered in their interactions with their patients.

xx. Watson (2013) describes a transpersonal nurse as one who "has the ability to center
consciousness and intentionality on caring, healing, and wholeness, rather than on
disease, illness and pathology."Transpersonal caring focuses on helping patients a chive a
more complete sense of harmony within the mind, body and spirit through the use caring

6. Ongoing personal and professional development and spiritual growth, as well as personal
spiritual practice, assist the nurse in entering into this deeper level of professional healing
practice, allowing for awakening to a transpersonal condition of the world and fuller
actualization of the “ontological competencies” necessary at this level of advanced practice

xx. so this type of process is more on the spiritual side siguro  another level of
professionalism which is very important pud
xx. spiritual growth is often defined by your connection with your soul and others

These factors can help in a Nurse's render of care:

 Life History
 Previous Experiences
 Opportunities for focused studies
 Having lived through or experienced various human conditions
 Having imagined others feelings in various circumstances
 Work with other cultures
 Fundamental understanding of humanities
 Exploration of one's own value's deep beliefs
 Relationship with self, others and the world

Personal growth experiences help the nurse to have morally grounded decisions and understanding of
different situations that they might encounter

 Psychotherapy - treatments that can help with mental health problems, emotional challenges,
and some psychiatric disorders
 Transpersonal Psychology- understanding transcendent states of consciousness
 Meditation
 Bioenergetics work - believes that Every physical expression of the body has meaning.

"Wounded Healer"

 Treat patients because we ourselves are "wounded"

 Empathize with the patient
 Form a connection between the patient based on common experiences

Theoretical Assertions

1. Nursing

1. Nursing consists of knowledge, thought, values, philosophy, commitment, and

action, with some degree of passion

2. Watson’s theory states that nursing involves going beyond the trim of nursing,
which simply includes procedures, tasks, and techniques

3. The core of nursing involves the Caritas processes and the transpersonal caring

1. The nurse-patient relationship

4. There must be emotional involvement and commitment to the healing of the

5. Humans must not be treated as objects to be examined

1. Nurses must connect with the spirit of the other (person) through the
process of caring and healing

2. Person

1. Personhood, self, human being

2. A unity of mind/body/spirit/nature

3. An embodied spirit

4. A valued person to be cared for, respected, nurtured, understood, and assisted

5. Human is viewed as greater than and different from the sum of his or her parts.

3. Health

1. Unity and harmony within the mind, body, and soul

2. Associated with the degree of congruence between the self as perceived and the
self as experienced

3. A higher level of psychophysical and social function, freedom from any form of
diseases, or an attempt to be from disease

4. The metaphysical potential for self-healing

5. Illness is not necessarily a disease

1. Illness is a subjective turmoil or disharmony within a person’s inner self or


6. Healing, then, means regaining the wholeness disrupted by that turmoil

1. It’s a spiritual function

4. Environment

1. Healing spaces; a sense of belonging

2. Emphasized personal connection

1. Caring and healing

3. The environment is nonphysical

1. It stems from the nurse him/herself

4. The nurse must attend to supportive, protective, and/or corrective mental,

physical, societal, and spiritual environments

5. Create and sustain an environment where they feel that they are cared for and
supported (spiritually or otherwise)

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