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1. Give a background about Don Quixote from paragraph 1.

Don Quixote lived in the village La Mancha.It is stated that he is nearing the age
of 50. It seems that his life was not put well together based on his meals.

2. How did Don Quixote’s passion for reading books on chivalry affect his day-to-
day life?

He became delusional, to the point he completely believes that the fantastical

contents of his novel are reality. It clouded his judgments and made him
hallucinate. It made him prone to make bad decisions and violence.
3. Explain how the excerpt below sets expectations for the succeeding events in the
novel: “…(book chivalry) so possessed his mind that the whole fabric of invention
and fancy he read of was true, that to him no history in the world had more reality
in it”

In this excerpt it explains how Don Quixote sees his books, he sees it as reality.
This gave hints how delusional he really was and the things we would do for the
sake of chivalry. How he is willing to do anything to be this version of the knight
that was described in his books.
4. Explain the significance of the changes Don Quixote made in the names of those
involved in his playing knight.

It emphasized his desire to be a knight. Without the changes, it wouldn’t prove

the fact that we wanted to be a knight. These changes made story and his
adventure interesting and unique.

5. In paragraph 4, what tone did the author used in commenting on Don Quixote? Is
this tone effective or not? Why?

The author tone in paragraph 4 is like somewhat mocking Don Quixote. He

explains his way of thinking as in a jokingly matter. It is effective because it
makes the readers laugh at Don Quixote’s foolishness.
6. How would the farm girl react once she finds out that Don Quixote plans to have
her as his maiden?
I think she would cringe and feel creeped out. If I were in her place, I would feel
that way because having a stranger fancy you without you knowing is creepy. I
would feel disgusted and scared at the same time.
7. To what extent can Don Quixote be considered crazy?
I think he is borderline crazy. He is delusional and starts seeing hallucinations,
He is too addicted to his books and has no sense of reality.
8. What problems will Don Quixote likely encounter as he embarks on his make-
believe adventures?
The problems that Do Quixote would likely encounter on his adventures are
problems about his delusions and being prone to violence. I think Don Quixote’s
mental health isn’t really the best , so going out on his “knightly” adventures is
not the best idea.
9. If Don Quixote were a real person in contemporary times, what would be his
battlecry or motto? Why do you say so?

I think his motto would be “just do it”. He is spontaneous in a way and will do
anything he wants to do. He doesn’t care what other people think as long he gets
to be a knight which is his dream.

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