Dilova Angliyska

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Издательская группа «Основа» —
«Электронные книги»

УДК 37.016
ББК 74.268.1Англ

Алексеєнко О. О.
А47 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів
профільних і спеціалізованих шкіл. Плани-конспекти  —
Х. : Вид. група «Основа», 2011. — 320 c.
ISBN 978-617-00-0975-3.
Посібник ставить за мету надати допомогу вчителям профільних класів
і класів з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови загальноосвітніх на-
вчальних закладів у підготовці та проведенні занять в 10–11  класах за
посібниками Business English Essentials, Book 1, Book 2 (укл. О. Біленька,
А. Павлюк, О.Чепурна). Автори пропонують базову основу планів-кон­
спектів, які включають фрагменти аутентичних текстів; завдання для
перевірки рівня засвоєння матеріалу, проведення дискусій, самостійної
роботи, допомагають учням набувати навичок пошукової, творчої роботи
УДК 37.016
ББК 74.268.1Англ

Навчальне видання
Алексеєнко Ольга Олександрівна

Ділова англійська мова.

Посібник для 10–11 класів
профільних і спеціалізованих шкіл.
Головний редактор О. С. Любченко
Редактор А. Л. Мирошніченко
Відповідальний за видання Ю. М. Афанасенко
Технічний редактор О. В. Лєбєдєва
Коректор О. М. Журенко

Підп. до друку 14.07.2011. Формат 60×90/16.

Папір офсет. Гарнітура Шкільна. Друк офсет.
Ум. друк. арк. 20,00. Зам. № 11-06/18-06.

ТОВ «Видавнича група “Основа”»

61001, м. Харків, вул. Плеханівська, 66
тел. (057) 731-96-33
е-mail: office@osnova.com.ua
Свідоцтво суб’єкта видавничої справи
Свідоцтво ДК № 2911 від 25.07.2007 р.

© Алексеєнко О. О., 2011

ISBN 978-617-00-0975-3 © ТОВ «Видавнича група “Основа”», 2011
10 клас
І семестр
Тема 1. Зустріч ділового партнера. Розмова по телефону
Урок 1 ..................................................................................    6
Урок 2 ..................................................................................   10
Урок 3..................................................................................   13
Урок 4..................................................................................   18
Урок 5..................................................................................   22
Урок 6..................................................................................   28
Урок 7..................................................................................   32
Тема 2. Ділова поїздка. Відрядження
Урок 8 ..................................................................................   39
Урок 9 ..................................................................................   44
Урок 10 ................................................................................   49
Урок 11 ................................................................................   53
Урок 12 ................................................................................   56
Урок 13 ................................................................................   59
Урок 14 ................................................................................   66
Урок 15 ................................................................................   69

ІІ семестр
Тема 3. В офісі. Структура компанії. Стилі управління
Урок 16 ................................................................................   74
Урок 17 ................................................................................   78
Урок 18 ................................................................................   83
Урок 19 ................................................................................   87
Урок 20 ................................................................................   91
Урок 21 ................................................................................   95
Урок 22 ................................................................................   98
Урок 23 ................................................................................ 101
Урок 24 ................................................................................ 105
Тема4. Пошук роботи. Працевлаштуван­ня
Урок 25 ................................................................................ 112
Урок 26 ................................................................................ 114
Урок 27 ................................................................................ 119
Урок 28 ................................................................................ 123
Урок 29 ................................................................................ 127
Урок 30 ................................................................................ 134
Урок 31 ................................................................................ 138
Урок 32 ................................................................................ 143
Урок 33 ................................................................................ 148
4 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

11 клас
І семестр
Тема 1. Оптова та роздрібна торгівля. Укладання договорів купівлі-
продажу. Маркетинг та реклама
Урок 1.................................................................................. 152
Урок 2.................................................................................. 156
Урок 3.................................................................................. 162
Урок 4.................................................................................. 169
Урок 5.................................................................................. 174
Урок 6.................................................................................. 181
Урок 7.................................................................................. 185
Урок 8.................................................................................. 189
Тема 2. Гроші. Банк
Урок 9 .................................................................................. 196
Урок 10 ................................................................................ 200
Урок 11 ................................................................................ 203
Урок 12 ................................................................................ 208
Урок 13 ................................................................................ 214
Урок 14 ................................................................................ 218
Урок 15 ................................................................................ 222

ІІ семестр
Тема 3. Захист прав споживачів. Бізнес і навколишнє середовище
Урок 16 ................................................................................ 235
Урок 17 ................................................................................ 241
Урок 18 ................................................................................ 246
Урок 19 ................................................................................ 255
Урок 20 ................................................................................ 257
Урок 21 ................................................................................ 261
Урок 22 ................................................................................ 264
Урок 23 ................................................................................ 267
Урок 24 ................................................................................ 272
Тема 4. Як розпочати власний бізнес
Урок 25 ................................................................................ 278
Урок 26 ................................................................................ 282
Урок 27 ................................................................................ 287
Урок 28 ................................................................................ 293
Урок 29 ................................................................................ 297
Урок 30 ................................................................................ 305
Урок 31 ................................................................................ 308
Урок 32 ................................................................................ 310
Урок 33 ................................................................................ 315
10 клас
До посібника з англійської мови
Business English Essentials, book 1
(укл. О. Біленька, А. Павлюк, О.Чепурна —
Тернопіль: Видавництво Карп’юка, 2003)

І семестр
Тема 1. Зустріч ділового партнера.
Розмова по телефону

Урок 1
Основна інформація про тему. Слова і вирази до розділу
Цілі: організувати ознайомлення учнів з новими лексичними
одиницями — економічними поняттями й дати визначення еконо-
мічних термінів, тренувати у вживанні лексичного матеріалу; сти-
мулювати комунікативну мотивацію шляхом указання на сферу
вживання нової лексики; формувати соціокультурну компетенцію,
прищеплювати працелюбність.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Meeting a  business partner. Te­
lephoning. Background information. Additional phrases
ªª Game. Objectives: Introduce yourself
Walk around the room and try to talk to each person very briefly.
• Greet the other person and introduce yourself.
• Say where you work and what your job is.
• Find out the name, company and job the other person.
ªª How do you explain these words?
• colleagues
• co-workers
• superiors
• subordinates
• a prospective client

IІ. Main part

ªª Read and discuss ‘Background Information’.
In business, people have to deal in person with all kinds of people.
You may have to use English when talking to different people within
your company who don’t speak your language: these may be colleagues
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 1 7

or co-workers, superiors or subordinates  — who may work with you

in your own department, in another part of the building or in another
branch. And you may also have to deal in English with people from out-
side the organization: clients, suppliers, visitors and members of the
public. Moreover, these people may be friends, acquaintances or stran-
gers — people of your own age, or people who are younger or older than
you. The relationship you have with a person determines the kind of
language you use.
This relationship may even affect what you say when you meet
people: for example, it’s not appropriate to say “Hi, how are you!” when
meeting the Managing Director of a  large company or to say “Good
morning, it’s a great pleasure to meet you” when being introduced to
a person you’ll be working closely with in the same team.
Remember that people form an impression of you from the way
you speak and behave-not just from the way you do your work. People
in different countries have different ideas of what sounds friendly,
polite or sincere — and of what sounds rude or unfriendly! Good man-
ners in your culture may be considered bad manners in another.
Remember also that your body language, gestures and expression
may tell people more about you than the words you use.

If you don’t have experience of making phone calls in English,
making a business call can be a worrying experience. If you have to call
someone you already know, you may actually enjoy making the call —
but remember that long-distance calls are expensive.
Or you may have to make a first-time business call to a prospec-
tive client: not easy in English! Making a phone call to a stranger can
be quite stressful, especially if they speak English better than you.
Most business people, unless they feel very confident, prepare for
an important phone call in a foreign language by making notes in ad-
vance. And during the call they make notes while they’re talking to
help them to remember what was said.
Although it’s quick and convenient to phone someone to give them
information or to ask questions, the disadvantage is that there is no­
thing in writing to help you to remember what was said. It’s essential to
make notes and often when an agreement is reached on the phone, one of
the speakers will send a fax to confirm the main points that were made.
As it’s so easy to be misunderstood when talking on the phone it’s
a good idea to repeat any important information (especially numbers
and names) back to the other person to make sure you’ve got it right.
Always make sure you know the name of the person you’re talking to.
If necessary, ask them to spell it out to you, so that you can make sure
8 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

you’ve got it right — and try to use their name during the call. And
make sure they know your name too.
It’s important to sound interested, helpful and alert when answer-
ing the phone. You may have to make or receive calls to or from regu-
lar customers and prospective customers, so a good telephone manner
not only makes an impression in business, but it also helps to make
ªª Read expressions (a–h). They can all be used in the first few mi­
nutes of a meeting. Match them with the functions 1–8.
a) Good to see you again!
b) I’m Jan Davis, the Human Resources Manager.
c) I’m sorry. I didn’t catch your name. Can you say it again?
d) I’m sorry, I don’t know your name.
e) Hi! How are you?
f) This is Carla Suarez. She is in charge of export.
g) Good morning. Pleased to meet you.
h) Nice to meet you at last!
1. Greet someone you’ve never met before.
2. Check someone’s name if you didn’t hear it very well.
3. Greet someone you often meet.
4. Greet someone you haven’t met though you have had contact with
them by phone or email.
5. Greet someone you’ve met before, some time ago.
6. Introduce yourself.
7. Introduce a colleague.
8. Ask someone what their name is.
Keys: a 5, b 6, c 2, d 8, e 3, f 7, g 1, h 4.
ªª What can you say and how could you say?
ªª Speaking.
This is (Taylor) calling.
Ivanenko speaking
Who’s calling, please?
Could you put me through to Mr … ?
I’m putting you through.
The line is engaged.
Can you hold on?
I’ll see if he is in.
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 1 9

Mr. … is on the other line.

Mr. … is out at the moment.
Could you take a message?
Will you spell your name?
Could I speak to Mr … , please?
Hold on, please, the number is engaged.
Hold the line, please.
Is there any message?
I’ll call back later.
Your voice is fading and there’s some background noise interfer-
ing. We had a very bad connection.
I want to book a call to / to place a call / at New York for 8 p.m.
What number are you calling from?
I’m terribly sorry that you have been disconnected.
I’ll call you back as soon as there is another circuit open.
I’ll ring you as soon as I have your number again.
You’ve got the wrong number.
Sorry to have troubled you.
I’m sorry to have bothered you.
That’s quite all right.
There is no one by name of Smith here. Mr … is not available.
Can you speak louder, please? I can’t here you.
Can you speak slower, please? I can’t follow you.
Can you say it again?
My office number is 66-75-43.
The telephone is quite dead.
The city is not on STD (Subscriber Trunk Dialling)
ISD (International Subscriber Dialing)

Illustrative Dialogues
1. —  Can I speak to Mr Spider, please?
— Hold the line, please.
2. —  Could I talk to Frank Black, please?
— Hang on a moment. I’ll just see if he is in.
3. —  Sorry, Mr White is out. Can I take a message?
—  It’s Tom Buller here. Would you ask him to call back?
4. —  Sorry, Mr Black is not here. But he’ll be back soon.
—  Can you tell him to ring me up when he gets back?
— OK!
5. —  Can I have your name, please?
—  Smith.
—  Sorry, would you spell it?
— OK. S-M-I-T-H.
10 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

III. Home Assignment

ªª II level — ‘Background Information’, make up 5 questions to text;
ªª III level — Telephone Conversational Phrases, make up dialogue.
ªª IV level — говорити на теми ‘A friendship founded on business
is better than a business founded on friendship. Rockefeller’; ‘Te­
lephone was first invented for women and then for business’.

IV. Sum Up

Урок 2
Комунікативна практика. Зустріч. Знайомство.
Привітання. Подяка. Прощання.
Форми звертання в англомовних країнах.
Правила ведення телефонної розмови
Цілі: навчати усних форм спілкування у діловому стилі, пред-
ставити діалог або полілог як взірець ділового стилю мовлення;
розвивати мовленнєву компетенцію (діалогічне і монологічне мов-
лення); закріпити активну лексику та використовувати її у трену-
вальних ситуаціях та рольових іграх; формувати соціокультурну
компетенцію та критерії справжніх ділових якостей.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Communication Practice. Greeting.
Telephone conversations with the British firms.
ªª Dictation with pair-checking
1. Привіт, як справи?
2. Пробачте, я не знаю вашого імені.
3. Це Карла Суарез. Вона займається експортом (be in charge of).
4. Пробачте, але я не запам’ятав вашого імені. Скажіть його знову.
5. Доброго ранку! Радий зустрітися з Вами.
6. Я — Йен Девіс, менеджер Хьюман Ресорсез.
7. Нарешті, рад побачити Вас.
8. Добре, що ми побачились знову.
ªª Checking on the home task
‘A friendship founded on business is better than a business found-
ed on friendship.’ Rockefeller; ‘Telephone was first invented for wo­
men and then for business’.
ªª Pair dialogues using Telephone Conversational Phrases
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 2 11

IІ. Main part

ªª Pre-reading task. Match the words with the phrases. Pair work.
Mister (Mr), Mistress (Mrs), Miss, Ms [miz], Doctor (Dr), Sir,
Madam, Officer, Father, My Lord, Professor, Ladies and Gentlemen.
Forms of address
The most frequently used forms of address are:
• to a man e.g. Mister Johnson, Mr Smith.
• to a married woman e.g. Mrs Joseph, Mrs Green.
• to an unmarried woman e.g. Miss Dee, Miss White.
• to a  woman not depending on her marital status e.g. Ms Lee,
Ms White.
• to a medical doctor e.g. Doctor (use alone)
• to a person with the degree of Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of
Science (the surname is always included)
e.g. Dr Brown.
• to unfamiliar people;
• to clients in a restaurant;
• to customers
• to a man
• to a woman (ma‘am)
• to a policeman.
• to a priest.
• to a peer, a bishop, a British judge.
• to a University teacher at the highest level, as a formal opening
of a speech.
ªª While-reading task. Practice
1. Ex. 1 — pair work — Translate the Ukrainian phrases into English.
A. Excuse me. Dolores Cotton?
В. Yes?
A. Hi. I’m Brad Jordan from Orange Computers. How do you do?
В. How do you do? Рада познайомитись з вами Бред. Дякую, що
прийшли зустріти нас.
A. It’s a pleasure. Якою була подорож?
В. Все було добре. Я  лише трохи втомилась і  трохи погано
почувалась в літаку. Oh, I’d like you to meet Ron Eng. He’s our Sales
A. How do you do, Ron?
2. Continue the dialogue.
1) What will Ron say?
2) Discuss their plans, using phrases from this Unit.
12 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

3. Ex. 2 — pair work — Complete the dialogue.

A. Bob Crawford?
A. Hello. I’m Helen Kirby from General Technologies. How do you
A. It’s a pleasure. Did you have a good trip?
A.: Oh, let me introduce you to Charlie Vitto. He’s our financial
4. Ex. 3  — pair work  — Complete the conversation between Louis
and Annette. Write questions from the won in brackets.
Annette. Hello (1) Are you Mr Navarro?
(Mr / you / are / Navarro)
Louis. That’s right. Louis Navarro.
A. Nice to meet you. I’m Annette Marinetti, from Australia.
L. Good to meet you, too. (2) ?
(from / are / Sydney / you)
A. Yes, I am. (3) ?
(from / what / of / you / are / part / Spain)
L. I’m from Bilbao, in the North. (4) ?
(do / do / you / what)
A. I’m a wine importer. Here’s my card.
L. So, tell me, (5) ?
(do / import / you / wine / Spanish)
A. No. Not at the moment.
L. That’s terrible!
A. Well, tell me about your wines. (6)
(do / come / from / where / they)
L. From the Bilbao region. This one’s a Gran Reserva. (7)
(you / do / to / want / it / taste)
A. Yes, thank you. (8) ?
(year / is / it / what)
L. 1990. Here you are. (9) ?
(you / do / it / like )
A. Yes, I do! It’s fantastic!
ªª Post-reading task
1. Introduce the staff of your company, using phrases:
Let me introduce my staff to you. This is … .
He (She) is … .
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 3 13

I’d like you to meet He (She) is … .

May I introduce … to you? He (She) is … .
2. Ask a representative of a foreign firm:
• What company he represents; about his official position in the
company; what country (town) he comes from.
• If he would like something to drink, offer him a cup of coffee (tea,
• Ask him about his plans for tomorrow; fix an appointment for to-
morrow; say “good-bye”.
3. Meeting new business partners
What do you do when someone you haven’t met before visits you
in you office? In what order do you do these things? Mark your an-
swers and then discuss your ideas with the rest of the group.
• Hand over your business card
• Shake hands with your visitor
• Greet the visitor with a formal greeting
• Introduce yourself
• Ask about their journey to your company
• Ask about your visitor’s company and work
• Invite your visitor to sit down
• Be ready to meet your visitor at the appointed time
• Say good morning or good afternoon
• Offer something to drink
• Get down to business

ІV. Home Assignment

ªª II level — Forms of address, скласти речення.
ªª III level — speak about a representative of a foreign firm.
ªª IV level — Introduce the staff of your company.

IV. Sum Up

Урок 3
Комунікативна практика. Правила ведення телефонної
розмови. Замовлення по телефону квитків, місць у готелі
Цілі: навчати усних форм спілкування у діловому стилі, пред-
ставити діалог або полілог як взірець ділового стилю мовлення;
розвивати мовленнєву компетенцію (діалогічне і монологічне мов-
лення); закріпити активну лексику та використовувати її у трену-
вальних ситуаціях та рольових іграх; формувати соціокультурну
компетенцію та критерії справжніх ділових якостей.
14 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Communication Practice. Telepho­
ne conversational formulas
ªª Mini group discussion
• Invention of telephone has been the best invention ever;
• It’s better to talk face-to-face than to chat on the telephone.

IІ. Main part

ªª Pre-reading task. Fill in the missing phrases.
a) because the other person may not understand
b) by giving your name
с) before you call
d) figures, names, quantities
e) you’re given by

Useful Tips
Telephone techniques:
Identify yourself (1) … and your position in the company.
Make sure you’re talking to the right person.
Say right away you’re calling about. Be brief, and don’t waste
If it’s a bad line, say that you’ll call back at once. Then start the
call again.
Speak slowly and clearly, but in a  friendly voice. Smile while
you’re speaking. Your listener can ‘hear’ your smile.
Don’t try to be funny — you may be misunderstood.
Don’t use technical terms or abbreviation, (2) … these as well as
you do.
Give important information, like (3) …, dates and so on, slowly
and carefully.
Don’t interrupt the other person even if you think you know what
he or she is going to say, let them finish what they want to say.
Don’t phone during the other person’s lunch hour — find out what
time it is in the other country (4) …
Note down all the important information (5) … the other person.
Send a following-up fax or letter to confirm any important details
(especially prices and numbers), so that you both have a written record
of them.
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 3 15

ªª Ex. 1  — pair work. Fill the gaps with the phrases from the list
which fit best in the following sentences:
be over get through look up hang up
call back give up pick up
cut off hang on put through

1. The phone’s ringing. Why don’t you … the receiver?

2. I’m afraid she isn’t available at the moment. Can you … later?
3. Can you … their number in the directory, please?
4. I’m afraid she’s with a client, shall I … you … to her secretary?
5. Hello? Are you still there? I think we were … for a moment.
6. Mr Green never seems to be in his office. I’ve been trying to … to
him all morning.
7. Could you … for a moment? I’ll just find out for you.
8. If the telephonist says ‘Thank you so much for calling’ and plays
me that awful electronic music again, I’ll … .
9. If you get a wrong number, it’s polite to say ‘I’m sorry, I’ve dialed
the wrong number’ before you … .
10. If an American telephonist asks ‘Are you through?’, she wants to
know if your call … .
ªª Substitute the phrases from the previous box for the following
be finished lift return the call replace the receiver
connect with disconnect stop trying
find reach wait

ªª Ex. 2  — pair work. Fill the gaps with suitable words from the
Area code; busy (US) / engaged (GB;) dialing (US) / dialing (GB);
off the hook; collect call (US) / transferred charge call (GB); person-to-
person call (US) / personal call (GB); ringing.
1. To make a call: first listen for the … tone and dial the number.
2. With any luck, you’ll hear a tone telling you that the number is … .
3. If the other phone is being used you’ll hear the … tone.
4. To make an international call: first dial the international code,
then the country code, then the … and finally the number you re-
5. If you want the other person to pay for the call you can make a … .
6. If you want to talk to a particular person you can make a … .
7. If you don’t want to be interrupted, you can leave the phone … .
16 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

ªª Post-reading task. Pair work. Your business partner is calling

you. Make up a conversation:
a) запитайте англійською, яку компанію він представляє;
b) вибачтесь, скажіть, що ви зайняті й попросіть його подзвонити
вам пізніше;
c) запитайте, з якого міста він вам телефонує, який його телефон-
ний номер і код міста;
d) скажіть, що зателефонуєте йому через 2 години.
ªª Retell the text:
The language used for speaking on the telephone is basically very
similar to that of ordinary conversation, but limited in certain im-
portant respects by the special situation, which imposes a number of
restrictions. Attention may be called to some of the chief differences
between formal and informal telephone conversations. The most nota-
ble difference is that a formal telephone conversation is conducted at
a much more formal level because the people speaking are taking care
to maintain the high level of politeness usually felt appropriate in this
kind of discussion. Another difference is that the formal discussion is
very precise and factual, keeping to the point and never straying off
into the chatty vagueness which is found at times in informal telephone
conversations. Finally, there is of course a considerable difference in
the vocabulary, with more technical terms than one would expect to
find in the average informal telephone conversation, and a  mixture
of formal and informal words and phrases. Informal chatty telephone
calls usually take place between friends who have nothing in particu-
lar to discuss and are simply engaging in a bit of social pleasantness.
Good business practice
Meeting New Business Partners
The first few seconds at a first meeting are the most important, so
it is vital to create the right impression.
• Dress appropriately (it is better to be conservative).
• Check your appearance just before you meet.
• Greet your partners in a warm and friendly manner.
• Introduce everyone who is present, or have them introduce them-
• Speak clearly, especially when giving important information.
• Remember that foreign names are often difficult to catch.
• Show interest in the other person by making eye contact when
they are speaking.
• Try to relax — taking a slow deep breath can help.
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 3 17

ªª Extra Reading and Discussion

Ken Taylor is a partner in Axiom (www.axiamskills.com), a com­
muni­cations consultancy in London, and is the author of 50 Ways to
Improve Your Business English (Langenscheidt, ISBN978-3-S26-
5U88-5). Contact: KTaylor868@aol. com
We are often very stressed at work, and telephone calls always
seem to come when we are doing something important. We try to deal
with the caller quickly so we can get back to our work. Of course there
is nothing wrong with being efficient. But the way you end a  call is
very important. You don’t want your caller to feel that you are trying
to end the call too quickly. During the call, you try to establish a good
feeling with the caller. This can easily be de­stroyed if the call ends bad-
ly or awkwardly. Here are five steps to end a call in a positive way.
1. Confirm key points
Summarize the key details and agreements made. Get the other
person to confirm these. Ask if you have left anything out. This is
especially important when you are working in a foreign language. It
gives you the chance to correct any misunderstandings or omissions.
“So I’ll find out about the exact costs and send you an e-mail
by Friday. You’ll then make a decision whether to take the seminar
by the beginning of next month. OK? Is that right? Good. Was there
anything I’ve left out?’’
2. Say “thank you”
Say “thank you” to your callers for their time, for their help, for
their calls, for their questions or for their or­ders. This shows respect
for their efforts and apprecia­tion for their part in the call. Show that
the call has been a successful one.
“Well, thank you very much for taking the time to go through
this with me. I think we’ve cleared up any questions and we both know
what the next steps are”.
3. Look forward
Look forward to the next time you contact each other. Be specific
about dates and times if you can. Ask for help in making future con-
tacts. get permission to contact the caller later if necessary.
“I look forward to hearing from you in the first week of April,
then. If I need to get in touch before that, what is the best time to call?
And is this the best number to call?”
4. Be positive
End positively. You want the caller to put down the phone and
think, “That was a  good call. What a  pleas­ant person to deal with”.
Mention something that came up in the small talk during the call.
18 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

“Have a good weekend”.

‘’Enjoy your holiday”.
“Have a good time at the theatre tomorrow.
Try to avoid saying, “Have a nice day. This has become overused
and sounds rather mechanical — as if you didn’t really mean it.
5. Say “goodbye”
Show clearly that the call is over. There is nothing worse than an
awkward silence at the end of a con­versation — it can ruin an other-
wise good call.
“Right. That’s all, I think. Nice talking to you. Bye”.
Remember that saying words like “right” or “OK” or “so” shows
that you want to finish. “Nice talking to you” is short for “It was nice
talking to you”, and is a pleasant way of creating good feelings. “Bye”
is friend­lier and less formal than “Goodbye”.
If you really want to make a good final impression, be the last to
put the phone down. Wait until the other person hangs up. and then
replace the receiver. It allows the other caller to say something he has
suddenly re­membered, and it avoids a “cut-off” feeling. So listen for
the click at the other end before hanging up.
(Business Spotlight)

III. Home Assignment

ªª II level  — Make the plan of the text: Formal And Informal Te­
lephone Conversations
ªª III level — Retell the text: Formal And Informal Telephone Con-
ªª IV level — говорити на теми ‘Invention of telephone has been the
best invention ever’, ‘It’s better to talk face-to-face than to chat
on the telephone’.

IV. Sum Up

Урок 4
Практикум. Good business practice.
Рольові ігри та творча робота учнів
Цілі: закріпити активну лексику та використовувати її у тре-
нувальних ситуаціях та рольових іграх; розвивати мовленнєву
компетенцію (діалогічне і  монологічне мовлення); формувати со-
ціокультурну компетенцію та критерії справжніх ділових якостей,
розвивати креативне мислення.
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 4 19

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Greeting. Telephone conversations.
2. Talking about Steps How to Meet New Business Partners
• Dress appropriately (it is better to be conservative).
• Check your appearance just before you meet.
• Greet your partners in a warm and friendly manner.
• Introduce everyone who is present, or have them introduce them-
• Speak clearly, especially when giving important information.
• Remember that foreign names are often difficult to catch.
• Show interest in the other person by making eye contact when
they are speaking.
• Try to relax — taking a slow deep breath can help.

IІ. Main part

ªª Group Work
Objective: Meet a new business partner.
In each situation below, a host receives a visitor from abroad. Take
turns to play host and visitor. Before you start, decide which country
each of you is from and in which country you are meeting. You can use
real personal information or invent new identities. Act out the greet-
ing and introductions, and if appropriate, make some general conver-
Conversational ideas
The weather (home and away)
The visit (travel, reason for visit)
The visitor (family, home life, leisure, interests)
First impressions (likes and dislikes, food and drink)
Places, travel, holidays (city you are in, other)
Work (general, current projects, future plans)
Sports and leisure (interests)
News (local or global)
1. Work in pairs. One of you is the host and other one is the visitor.
Choose one of the topics from “Conversational Ideas” and talk to-
gether for three minutes. Then change partners and roles.
20 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

2. Work in pairs. Imagine that your business partner from England

is ringing you up. Discuss:
a) the date of his arrival;
b) reserving a room in a hotel for some days.

To simulate the situation of a telephone conversation, the people

on the phone must sit back-to-back so that they can’t see each other’s
Perform your conversations in class. Other students are going
to comment on them afterwards. While listening they have to think
about these questions:
• Does each speaker sound agreeable and efficient?
• Do they sound natural and sincere?
• Does each speaker’s tone create the right impression?
• Are they speaking clearly?
• Is the information they’re giving correct?
• Have they both covered all the essential points?
• Is it the kind of call you would like to receive yourself?

ªª Pair work

Telephoning problems
Read the typical telephoning problems 1–6. How would you deal
with them? Discuss the strategies you might use. Then choose any ex-
pressions (a–j) that might help you.
1. You didn’t hear the caller’s name.
2. The other person speaks very fast and it’s hard to understand.
3. The line is bad / your mobile phone signal is weak.
4. The caller is though to the wrong person or wrong department.
5. It is difficult to explain complex things on the phone.
6. The other person is asking for information you don’t have in front
of you.
a) Can you say that again slowly, please?
b) I’m afraid I can’t help you with that.
c) Can you spell that, please?
d) Just hold on a moment, please.
e) Could I send you the details by email / fax?
f) Can I call you back?
g) I’m afraid I can’t hear you very well.
h) I think you have the wrong number.
i) Sorry, I didn’t catch that.
j) Just a moment. I’ll transfer you (to…)
Keys: 1 c, i; 2 a; 3 f, g; 4 b, h; 5 e; 6 d, j.
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 4 21

Good Business Practice

Telephoning problems
Many people nowadays avoid the telephone and prefer to send
emails instead. But calling is more effective in a number situation.
What are they? (Brainstorming)
• Dealing with urgent problems.
• Getting an immediate response.
• Discussions and joint decision-making.
• Making personal contact with your business partners.
Before making a call:
• Ask yourself: What is the purpose of this call?
• Ask yourself: Who am I going to speak to? What do they need to
know? How can they help me?
• Prepare what you want to say.
• Predict any problems you could have (e.g. the person you want
isn’t there).
During the call:
• Speak clearly and check that the other person understands you.
• Don’t let the other person rush you.
• Respond frequently (saying: yes, mm, OK) so the other person
knows you are still there.
• Make notes during the call.
• Check that you have understood correctly.
• Repeat important information, especially names and numbers.
• Confirm any arrangements.
• Always be polite and friendly.
• Smile while talking.
After the call:
• Send an email to confirm what you said.
Culture at work
ªª Dealing with unclear situations
Some cultures try to avoid unclear situations, but others can to­
lerate a lack of certainly.
Avoid unclear situations
• Rules Prefer to work with fixed rules and procedures
• Precautions Predict future problems and take precautions against
• Strategies Find out as much as possible by asking questions or
researching different sources
Tolerate unclear situations
• Rules Prefer to have flexible ways of working
22 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

• Precautions Don’t take many precautions and react when prob-

lems arise
• Strategies Be happy to wait and see how future situations will de-

III. Home Assignment

ªª Feedback
ªª Describe what happened in the different meetings.
What did you talk about?
Did the host offer something to drink?
Was your partner polite?
What should he / she say to be more polite?

VI. Sum Up
Think about your performance on the tasks. Were you able to:
• introduce yourself?
• talk about your job?
• meet a new business partner?

Урок 5
Основи ділового листування.
Ділова кореспонденція. Лист-запрошення
Цілі: дати поняття про основи ділового спілкування; розвивати
навички ділового листування; стимулювати комунікативну моти-
вацію шляхом указання на сферу вживання нової лексики; форму-
вати соціокультурну компетенцію шляхом встановлення контактів
із зарубіжними партнерами у майбутньому, що в цілому сприятиме
діалогу культур у процесі міжнародного співробітництва; прищеп­
лювати працелюбність.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Business Correspondence. Letter of
ªª What do you think? Getting things done in time
a) Which of the following strategies do you use to make sure you do
things on time?
• make a list of things to do
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 5 23

• estimate the time you need for each task

• break down tasks into steps
• decide on the order in which to complete tasks
• draw a workflow diagram
• put high priority tasks first
• think about how to do things faster
• other ideas
b) Whether you are planning a special project or simply organizing
your routine working day, the following steps can help you to
meet your deadlines and stay in control.
Make a list of dos and don’ts of these steps.
Possible answers:
• Make a list of tasks (things you must achieve).
• Break down the tasks into shorter steps or actions.
• Set a deadline for completing each action.
• Do the most urgent tasks first.
• Predict and try to prevent problems.
• Check your list regularly and make sure you are on track to meet
your deadlines.
• Don’t put off tasks because they are difficult or you don’t like
• Don’t concentrate too much on one task and forget all the others.

IІ. Main part

ªª Pre-reading task. Talking about urgency
Which of the following sentences expresses the greatest priority?
Put them in order from greatest to least priority.
a) I’d like to get everything done before April, if possible.
b) This is urgent — we must do it right away.
c) It’s important to confirm the numbers by the end of the month.
d) We need to book as more as possible.
e) There’s no rush — we can do that any time.
Keys: 1 b, 2 d, 3 c, 4 a, 5 e.

ªª While-reading task
1. Read the article and make a list of business correspondence.
2. Read the article again and name the rules of writing business cor-
24 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

Business correspondence includes all kinds of commercial letters,
inquiries, replies to inquiries, Letters of Credit (L / C), invoices, Bills
of Lading (B / L), Bills of Exchange or drafts, letters of insurance, ex-
planatory letters, orders, letters of packing, letters of shipment, let-
ters of delivery, offers, letters of complaint, replies to those of men-
tioned above, etc.
Rules and traditions of correspondence vary in time but some ba-
sic principles of a commercial letter remain unchanged.
A private business letter is written by hand, each paragraph be-
gins with an indented line. But if a letter is sent by an organization it
is typed on the form of this organization. In this case it is not neces-
sary to use indented lines.
A letter can be typed on the organization’s form. Any form has its
letter-head printed typographically. The letter-head bears the name of
organization or firm, sending this letter, its address, address for te­
legrams, telephone, telex, fax. If you do not use the form, write your
address (as a sender) on the upper right side of the letter. Do not indi-
cate your name here; it will follow your signature. Ukrainian names of
foreign trade organizations are not translated into foreign languages.
They are written with Latin letters using English transcription. Your
telephone number may be written below.
The address of the recipient (inside address) is written on the left
above, under the reference. Lower, the name of the firm is written
under which the number of the house, street, city or town, state or
a country are indicated, the last element should be the country.
The salutation is written on the left (not in the centre).
The salutation “Dear Sir” is appropriate, when you write to a real
person if you do not know him. If you know this person, you should
write “Dear Mr Jones”, for example.
If the letter is addressed to a firm, the salutation should be “Dear
Sirs’. In modern business correspondence it is needless to use any ­other
forms of politeness.
In the subscription the expression “Yours faithfully” is usually
used if you are not acquainted with the person(s) or “Yours sincerely”
if you write to a man (a woman) whom you know at least by correspon­
dence. In American English the above expressions are rarely used.
More common are the expressions “Sincerely yours”, or simply “Sin-
cerely”, and sometimes “Very truly yours”.
The signature is affixed by hand above the typed name of the au-
thor. It is not obligatory to indicate your position. If near the signa-
ture there are two letters “p.p”. (per pro) it means that the letter is “by
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 5 25

The heading may be written above the main text of the letter. The
heading indicates short contents of the letter or its subject.
If some material is added to the letter the words “Enclosure”
(“Enclosures”) or the abbreviation “End” (додаток або додатки) is
written in the left lower corner of the letter. You can also use the
expression “We enclose…” (додаємо…).

ªª Post-reading task
Think and use 7 Steps of planning a business letter.
Planning a Letter: 7 Steps
1. Write down your aim: what is the purpose of this letter?
2. Assemble all the relevant information and documents: copies of
previous correspondence, reports, figures, etc.
3. Arrange the points in order of importance. Decide which points
are irrelevant and can be left out. Make rough notes.
4. Write an outline in note form. Check it through considering these
• Have you left any important points out?
• Can the order of presentation be made clearer?
• Have you included anything that is not relevant?
5. Write a first draft, leaving plenty of space for changes and revi-
6. Revise your first draft by considering these questions:
• information: Does it cover all the essential points?
Is the information relevant, correct and complete?
• English: Are the grammar, spelling and punctuation cor-
• Style: Does it look attractive?
Does it sound natural and sincere?
Will it give the reader the right impression?
Is it the kind of letter you would like to receive yourself?
7. Write, type or dictate your final version.
Write a letter to your foreign partner. In your letter:
• introduce yourself;
• say ‘thank you’ to your partner for the information he has given
your in the previous letter;
• assure your partner that you are ready for long cooperation with
his firm.

III. Home Assignment

ªª II level — do a written translation
26 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

Sample Letter of Invitation

Mr. George Smith
Export Sales Manager
Woodman Industries Ltd.
55, Riverside Rd.
Dear Mr. Smith,
It has been a long time since we had the pleasure of seeing you. We
understand from your previous letter that you will be visiting Ukraine
next month and we do hope you will find it possible to visit us then.
We shall be very glad if you would hold a seminar for our managers on
“Management of Woodworking Industry”, 10 November at 10 am till
12 noon. We usually have a short lecture about 40 minutes in length,
followed by discussion. About 30 people might be there. You could talk
on any subject in connection with your work. Then we should like to
share opinions on projects of our future co­operation.
If you cannot come on this particular day, we could arrange for
the seminar to be transferred to another day of the week, beginning
8 November or even the following week, if you wished. Of course we
shall arrange accommodation for you in a hotel.
We hope that you will be able to accept this invitation. We look
forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Ivan Dudar Sales Manager
ªª III level — explain the terms: hotel reservation; the invitation of
a partner; to decline an invitation of your partner; ask for your
partner’s agreement to put off a visit on other dates.
Business relations presuppose the occasions when you or your
business p arrange visits of exchange (when you want to arrange nego-
tiations or business cc and have the necessity of amplification of some
details) or saying in other words you arrange a business trip. In such
occasions you begin to correspond with your partner.
The first part of this correspondence includes the invitation of
a partner.
e.g.: 1) We appreciate the pleasure of inviting you to visit our
2) We should like to arrange for a visit to Ukraine (England)
of Mr. … (name, position).
After that both sides come into agreement about dates of arrival
and departure; reservation of tickets and rooms in a hotel as well as
about financial details.
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 5 27

If you need to decline an invitation of your partner on different

reasons you can do it using such phrases:
e.g.: 1) Thank you very much for your kind invitation, but…
2) We wish we could accept your delightful invitation but…
3) I very much regret that I have to decline your kind invita-
tion owing to…
4) I am very sorry that I  am unable to accept your invita-
5) Because of some urgent business appointments I  am re-
ally not able to make a trip to Kyiv in the near future.
In most cases you may ask for your partner’s agreement to put off
a visit on other dates.
e.g.: My new official duties make me change my plans for the near-
est future and I find, unfortunately, that it will be impossible for me
to leave the country in the first half of 2003. As I am still interested
in visiting your firm I have to ask you to put off my trip, if possible.
I shall be pleased to make a definite suggestion to this effect at some
later date.
It would be polite to say “thank you” to your partner arranging
your visit in advance.
e.g.: Thank you very much for your kind willingness to assist
in the arrangements connected with my visit to Great Britain. I  am
pleased to inform you that I  am perfectly satisfied with all arrange-
ments made so far by your firm. I am truly grateful for your interest
in this matter.
Hotel reservation is usually the duty of accepting side. It has to
be done in advance.
e.g.: 1) Further to my letter of <date> I am pleased to inform you
that reservations have been made for Mr. <name> visit as
follows: Monday, 10th November, London — Kyiv flight
UK 801  Departure London Airport 09.30, arrival Kyiv
Airport 11.30.
2) I should be most grateful if you would reserve me a sin-
gle room (with a  bathroom if possible) from <date> to
<date> inclusive. Please, confirm the booking and tell
me the terms.
ªª IV level — Imagine that you are a receptionist at the hotel. Write
the reply to Peter (See the booking letter by Peter Cooper ).
I would like to reserve a room at your hotel. I am arriving in Lon-
don on 10th October and I hope to stay for five nights, leaving on 16th
October. I would like a room with a bathroom and a balcony. Is it pos-
sible to have a room with a view over the Houses of Parliament and Big
28 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

Ben? Could you confirm this? Please, let me know if you have rooms
available for these dates. I  would also be grateful if you tell me the
prices for rooms.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully
Peter Cooper
1. Thank him for his enquiry.
2. Say you are pleased to confirm his reservation for the room he
wants and for the dates he wants.
3. Tell him that all rooms have a bathroom and a view on the central
part of London.
The room is 90 pounds per night.
4. End the letter saying that you look forward to welcoming him to
your hotel. Finish with “Yours sincerely. Receptionist”.

IV. Sum Up

Урок 6
Практикум з граматики. Порядок слів у реченні.
Артиклі. Іменник. Злічувані і незлічувані іменники
Цілі: сприяти розширенню словникового запасу і вдосконален-
ню набутих граматичних навичок за темами: Порядок слів у речен-
ні / Артиклі / Іменник / Злічувані і незлічувані іменники та через
розвиток усних та писемних мовленнєвих навичок у сфері ділового
спілкування; стимулювати комунікативну мотивацію шляхом ука-
зання на сферу вживання нової лексики; формувати соціокультур-
ну компетенцію, прищеплювати працелюбність.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Grammar Practice. Articles. Nouns.
Countable / uncountable nouns
ªª Good business practice
Discuss Good business relations in group of 4 and make sugges-
To develop a  mutual (взаємний) understanding with your
business partners, it will be important to devote some time to getting
to know them through small talk and conversation.
• Be aware of how important small talk is in the cultures you do
business with.
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 6 29

• If you find small talk difficult, prepare some topics before the
• Avoid topics that could arouse strong feelings (e.g. politics and
• Prepare some questions; use open questions (What? Where?
• Listen and respond to the other person — don’t talk too much!
• Even if the meeting is difficult, always stay calm and polite.
• After the meeting, say a  warm goodbye and talk about the next

IІ. Main part

ªª Underline the correct words.
1. Where’s a / the fax they sent this morning? I can’t find it.
2. I have an / the appointment at a / the bank.
3. I had a / the very good holiday. A / The weather was marvelous.
4. I’ve been working so hard that I need а / the break.
5. They are a  / the largest manufacturers of light bulbs in a  / the
6. A / The presentation was a / the great success.
7. Can I give you a / the lift to the station?
8. I think I need a / the new pair of glasses.
9. We need to reach a / the decision as soon as possible.
10. There must be an / the answer to a / the problem.
11. Mike is an / the accountant. He works on another / the other side
of town.
12. His office is a / the biggest one in a / the building.
ªª Put either a / an, the or a dash (–) to show no article.
1. The Italians have given us a lot of (-) business.
2. … most people thought that it was … very good product.
3. I like to drink … glass of… wine in … evening.
4. I wish I could speak … English like … English.
5. As soon as … Helen gets off… plane, ask her to give me … call.
6. … smoking is not permitted in this area.
7. There’s … visitor at… reception desk.
8. When I  arrived at … airport, I  had … drink and waited for …
9. I want … action, not … words.
10. … person with … MBA usually gets … good job.
11. I’ll get you … coffee from … machine.
12. Marie comes from … France.
30 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

ªª Put underlined words into the plural form.
I. He is a businessman.
2. I received a photo of this city.
3. Send the fax to him.
4. A big company needs a well-qualified manager.
5. The delivery must not be delayed; it’s the duty of your firm.
6. Sales representative must be a creative person.

Countable / uncountable nouns

ªª Look at the underlined noun in each sentence. Write S  if it has
a specific, countable meaning, or G — general, uncountable mean-
1. a) Do you see this material? This is unbreakable glass. (G)
b) What a beautiful wine glass! Where did you get it? (S)
2. a) In this job, experience is more important than qualifica-
b) This is going to be an experience I’ll remember for a  long
2. a) Claire runs a business designing company websites.
b) It’s not good for business when interest rates are too high.
4. a) You should meet Mark — he’s had a very interesting life,
b) Life is complicated sometimes.

ªª Underline the correct words.

1. How much / How many pages are there on your website?
2. Is / Are there many / much banks with a head office in Geneva?
3. Is / Are there many / much traffic in Geneva?
4. How much / How many information have we got about this com-
5. Where is / are the goods we ordered?
6. There is / are some people waiting for you in reception.
7. We bought some new equipment / equipments last month.
8. We bought some new machine / machines last month.
9. This is an equipment / a piece of equipment that controls the speed
of rotation.
10. This is a machine / a piece of machine that controls the speed of
11. He gave me an / some advice which was / were really useful.
12. I’m afraid we haven’t got much / many time.
13. The news is / are on at nine. There may be an / some information
about Davos.
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 6 31

14. We have some / any blue ones in stock, but we don’t have some /
any red ones.
15. You can choose some / any colour you want.
ªª Complete the sentences with the word a, an, some, much or many.
1. That’s a good idea.
2. Well, that’s … progress, I suppose.
3. We do some business in Poland, but not … .
4. We have a few customers in Poland, but not … .
5. I’d like to make … inquiry about training courses you offer at your
6. Can I have … information about trains to Paris?
7. I’ll see you in an hour. I don’t have … more e-mails to write.
8. I’ll see you in an hour. I don’t have … more work to do.
9. Do you have … trouble with the unions in your factory?
10. Do you have … difficulties with the unions in your factory?
II. I need to claim … expenses for my trip last month.
12. We didn’t study … economics at university, just a little.

III. Home Assignment

ªª II level — Underline the correct words in this dialogue.
Angela. Jack, have you got (1) a / some moment for a chat?
Jack. Of course, go ahead. Now’s a good time.
Angela. There (2) is / are (3) an / some important work that we
need to do over the next few months. It should be (4) an / some inte­
resting job and I think you’re the best (5) person / people to do it.
Jack. Oh, really?
Angela. Yes. Well, (6) an / a piece of empty land has come onto
the market on the other side of the town.
Jack. Uh, huh…
Angela. And, as you know, we haven’t got (7) many / much space
at our present site. Well, we think it’s (8) an / some ideal opportunity
to expand.
Jack. Yeah. We don’t have much room here.
Angela. Well, we’re thinking about building completely new of-
fices. We’d like you to do (9) a / some research on the whole idea, and
then write (10) a / some report on whether to go ahead or not. Are you
Jack. Well, I  haven’t got (11) much / many experience of this
kind of thing. I…
Angela. I know, but there really isn’t anyone else here who is suit-
Jack. Oh…
32 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

Angela. And we need to make (12) a progress / progress on this as

quickly as possible. We’re taking on fifteen new people in March.
Jack. Um, right, but there (13) is / are (14) many / a lot of (15) in­
formation / informations to collect. I…
Angela. Well, with this new responsibility we might consider re-
viewing your salary.
Jack. Well, OK, it sounds like (16) an / a interesting challenge.
I’ll do it.
ªª III–IV levels — write a composition ‘Invention of telephone has
been the best invention ever’.

IV. Sum Up

Урок 7
Практикум з граматики. Числівники. Теперішні часи
дієслова. Робота з текстом для читання
Цілі: сприяти розширенню словникового запасу і  вдоскона-
ленню набутих граматичних навичок за темами: Числівники /
Теперішні часи дієслова та через розвиток усних та писемних мов-
леннєвих навичок у сфері ділового спілкування; стимулювати ко-
мунікативну мотивацію шляхом указання на сферу вживання нової
лексики; формувати соціокультурну компетенцію, прищеплювати

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Grammar Practice. Numerals.
Present Tenses

IІ. Main part

ªª Put sentences in two columns Present simple or Present Continu­
1. We hold four meeting a year. / regular events and processes /
2. Our company manufactures mobile phones. / facts that will not
change /
3. The conference starts at 9:30 am. / timetables schedules events /
4. I’m working on a project to promote sales. / events happening now /
5. Our sales are growing fast. / = /
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 7 33

6. We’re attending a training course this week. / temporary situa-

tion /
7. My colleague isn’t coming to the meeting. / future arrangements /
ªª Which sentences has the following uses?
ªª Make up 5 questions to each sentence and negative form.
Training Exercises
ªª Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
I (1) … (work) for a company that (2) … (make) office furniture.
We (3) … (sell) to companies all over Europe, so I often (4) … (travel)
in my job. Right now I  (5) … (plan) a  trip to Cyprus, which is a  new
market for us. I (6) … (meet) some prospective distributors there next
week. Some people (7) … (say) that it’s difficult to enter a new market.
But I (8) … (not think) it’s going to be a problem for us. We (9) … (have)
good contacts in the region who (10) … (know) the local conditions.
Keys: 1 work; 2 makes; 3 sell; 4 travel; 5 am planning; 6 am meet-
ing; 7 say; 8 don’t think; 9 have; 10 know.
ªª Look at the underline verb phrases. Is the verb form correct? If
not, correct it.
Hi, Sam
(1) I am needing your help. (2) We’re thinking of buying some new
equipment. (3) I  now (4) you’re having some experience of this, and
(5) I’m hoping you can give me some advice. (6) We are currently try­
ing out the Servex Multijob X15, which (7) we have on loan from head
office, but it’s too big for our needs. (8) Servex is also making a small
model: the X12. Is that the model (9) you are using at the moment? If
so, what (10) are you thinking about it? (11) Are you liking it?
Many thanks for you help.
Best regards
Keys: 1 need; 2 +; 3 +; 4 you have; 5 +; 6 +; 7 +; 8 makes; 9 +;
10 do you think; 11 Do you like.
ªª Giving numbers
Since large numbers are difficult to understand, you can help
your audience by writing them down. When describing large amounts,
round the figures up pr down (as appropriate) or give an approximate
ªª Match the numbers (a–h) with the expressions for approximate or
rounded numbers 1–8.
a) 495,803 1) only about twenty thousand
34 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

b) 69 per sent 2) just over a thousand

c) 1041 3) more than six hundred dollars
d) 21,560 4) nearly half a million
e) 267,000 5) nearly everybody
f) 98,4 per sent of people 6) approximately a quarter of a mil-
g) $604 7) just under eighty billon
h) 79,766,922,603 8) roughly two thirds

Keys: a 4, b 8, c 2, d 1, e 6, f 5, g 3, h 7.

ªª Which expressions indicate an amount is relatively small?

ªª Which one(s) indicate you think an amount is too much?

ªª Extra Language Translation and Discussion

You mean… You should say… Why not?
артист performer artist artist = худож­
Фестиваль зібрав The festival has brought ник
артистів з різних together performers
регіонів from different regions
новела short story, novella novel novel = роман
Диккенс написал Dickens wrote five
п’ять різдвяних Christmas novellas,
новел, з яких «Різд­ of which A Christmas
вяна пісня» є найві­ Carol (1843) is the most
домішою famous
продукти food(s) products products =
(харчування) We need to buy some товари, про­
Треба купити про­ food and drinks дукція
дукти та напої
ретируватися make oneself scarce retire retire = вийти
Він вирішив, що кра­ He decided it would be на пенсію
ще ретируватися advisable to make him-
self scarce
симпатичный nice sympa- sympathetic =
Вона симпатична She is very nice thetic чуйний, спів­
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 7 35

How do you say “notice” in Ukrainian?
The most common and basic use of “notice” is as a  verb, which
is translated as помітити or звернути увагу. “Really? I  haven’t
noticed”. — «Справді? A я й не помітив(ла)».
As a noun, “notice” often refers to the advance warn­ing employees
give to their employers  — or vice versa  — before ending a  working
relationship. In Russian, one speaks of строк подави заяви про
звільнення here: “I have to give two weeks’ notice”. — «Мені треба
подати заяву про звільнення за два тижні». We also use the phrase
“hand in one’s notice” (подати заяву про звільнення). In this sense
of advance warn­ing, “notice” is also used in the phrases “at short
notice” (“I had to cancel the appointment at short notice” — «Я був
змушений терміново вімінити зустріч») and “until further notice”
(до подальшого повідомлення).
A notice is also a  written public announcement, such as a  no-
smoking notice, and it is best translated as вивіска, знак, оголошення
“I’m sorry, this is a  no-smoking area; didn’t you see the notice?”  —
«Це зона для тих, хто не палить, ви не бачили знак?» The place in
a company where notices are displayed is called a “notice-board” (дош­
ка оголошень)
How do you say “meet” in Ukrainian?
The verb “meet” is commonly used to mean “get together to
discuss work topics”. In this sense, it is translated as провести нараду,
зустріч. “When are we meeting today?” — «На який час призначена
сьогоднішня зустріч?»
It is also used to mean “get to know someone for the first time”
and is translated as знайомитися. “Where did you meet her?” — «Де
ви з нею позна­йомилися?»
“Meet” is often used in the sense of “pick up”, in which case it is
translated as зустріти-. “I will meet you at the airport. — «Я зустріну
вас в аеропорті».
We also use “meet” in the sense of “arrange to see someone”: “I can’t
make it this evening; I’m meeting someone for dinner. This is best
translated into Ukrainian as домовитися з будь-ким or зустрічатися
з будь-ким. «Сьогодні увечері я не зможу цього зробити, я домовився
(лася) про вечерю».
In numerous collocations, “meet” is used in the sense of “fulfill”.
“Meet expectations” is translated as справдити сподівання, “meet
(a) demand” as задовольнити попит, “meet sb.’s demands” as
задовольнити будь-чиї протреби, “meet certain conditions” as
відповідати певним вимогам, “meet a  deadline” as завершувати
36 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

роботу вчасно, “meet a claim” as задовільняти претензію and “meet

a bill” as погасити рахунок.
(Business Spotlight)

III. Home Assignment

ªª II level — make your sentences with FALSE FRIENDS.
ªª III level — speak about TRICKY TRANSLATIONS.
ªª IV level — tasks for reading:
ªª Read the article and choose one of these titles for it:
When in Rome… Problems that business people face
Travelling abroad… Doing business in Europe
Good manners, good business… I didn’t mean to be rude!
Nobody actually wants to cause offence but, as business becomes
ever more international, it is increasingly easy to get it wrong. There
may be a single European market but it does not mean that managers
behave the same in Greece as they do in Denmark.
In many European countries handshaking is an automatic ges-
ture. In France good manners require that on arriving at a  business
meeting a manager shakes hands with everyone present. This can be
a demanding task and, in a crowded room, may require gymnastic abi­
lity if the farthest hand is to be reached.
Handshaking is almost as popular in other countries  — includ-
ing Germany, Belgium and Italy. But Northern Europeans, such as the
British and Scandinavians, are not quite so fond of physical demon-
strations of friendliness.
In Europe the most common challenge is not the content of the
food, but the way you behave as you eat. Some things are just not done.
In France it is not good manners to raise tricky questions of business
over the main course. Business has its place after the cheese course.
Unless you are prepared to eat in silence you have to talk about some-
thing — something, that is, other than the business deal which you are
continually chewing over in your head.
Italians give similar importance to the whole process of business
entertaining. In fact, in Italy the biggest fear, as course after course
appears, is that you entirely forget you are there on business. If you
have the energy, you can always do the polite thing when the meal fi-
nally ends, and offer to pay. Then, after a lively discussion, you must
remember the next polite thing to do — let your host pick up the bill.
In Germany, as you walk sadly back to your hotel room, you may
wonder why your apparently friendly hosts have not invited you out
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 7 37

for the evening. Don’t worry, it is probably nothing personal. Ger-

mans do not entertain business people with quite the same enthusiasm
as some of their European counterparts.
The German are also notable for the amount of formality they
bring to business. As an outsider, it is often difficult to know whether
colleagues have been working together for 30 years or have just met
in the lift. If you used to call people by their first names this can be
a little strange. To the Germans, titles are important. Forgetting that
someone should be called Herr Doctor or Frau Direktoring might cause
serious offence. It is equally offensive to call them by a title they do
not possess.
In Italy the question of title is further confused by the fact that
everyone with a university degree can be called Dottore — and engi-
neers, lawyers and architects may also expect to be called by their pro-
fessional titles.
These cultural challenges exist side by side with the problems
of doing business in a foreign language. Language, of course, is full
of difficulties — disaster may be only a syllable away. But the more
you know of the culture of the country you are dealing with, the less
likely you are to get into difficulties. It is worth the effort. It might
be rather hard to explain that the reason you lost the contact was not
the product or the price, but the fact that you offended your hosts in
a  light-hearted comment. Good manners are admired: they can also
make or break the deal.
ªª Decide if these statements are true or false, according to the writer:
1. In France you are expected to shake hands with everyone you
2. People in Britain shake hands just as much as people in Germany.
3. In France people prefer talking about business during meals.
4. It is not polite to insist on paying for a meal if you are in Italy.
5. Visitors to Germany never get taken out for meals.
6. German business people don’t like to be called by their surnames.
7. Make sure you know what the titles of the German people you meet
8. Italian professionals are usually addressed by their titles.
9. A humorous remark always goes down well all over the world.
ªª Discuss these questions:
1. Which of the ideas in the article do you disagree with?
2. What would you tell a  foreign visitor about “good manners” in
your country?
3. How much do you think international business is improved by
knowing about foreign people’s customs?
38 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

The Internet, a  global computer network which embraces mil-
lions of users all over the world, began in the United States in 1969 as
a military experiment. It was designed to survive a nuclear war. Infor-
mation sent over the Internet takes the shortest path available from
one computer to another. Because of this, any two computers on the
Internet will be able to stay in touch with each other as long as there
is a single route between them. This technology is called packet swith-
ing. Owing to this technology, if some computers on the network are
knocked out (by a  nuclear explosion, for example), information will
just route around them. One such packet-swithing network which has
already survived a war is the Iraqi computer network which was not
knocked out during the Gulf War.
Most of the Internet host computers (more than 50 %) are in the
United States, while the rest are located in more than 100 other count­
ries. Although the number of host computers can be counted fairly
accurately, nobody knows exactly how many people use the Internet,
there are millions worldwide, and their number is growing by thou-
sands each month.
The most popular Internet service is e-mail. Most of the people
who have access to the Internet, use the network only for sending and
receiving e-mail messages. However, other popular services are avail-
able on the Internet: reading USENET News, using the World Wide
Web, telnet, FTP, and Gopher.
In many developing countries the Internet may provide business-
men with a reliable alternative to the expensive and unreliable telecom-
munications systems of these countries. Commercial users can commu-
nicate cheaply over the Internet with the rest of the world. When they
send e-mail messages, they only have to pay for phone calls to their
local service providers, not for calls across their countries or around
the world. But who actually pays for sending e-mail messages over the
Internet long distances, around the world? The answer is very simple;
users pay their service provider a monthly or hourly fee. Part of this
fee goes towards its costs to connect to a larger service provider, and
part of the fee received by the larger provider goes to cover its cost of
running a worldwide network of wires and wireless stations.
But saving money is only the first step. If people see that they
can make money from the Internet, commercial use of this network
will drastically increase. For example, some western architecture com-
panies and garment centers already transmit their basic designs and
concepts over the Internet into China, where they are reworked and re-
fined by skilled — but inexpensive — Chinese computer-aided-design
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 8 39

However, some problems remain. The most important is securi-

ty. When you send an e-mail message to somebody, this message can
travel through many different networks and computers. The data is
constantly being directed towards its destination by special computers
called routers. However, because of this, it is possible to get into any
of the computers along the route, intercept and even change the data
being sent over the Internet. In spite of the fact that there are many
good encoding programs available, nearly all the information being
sent over the Internet is transmitted without any form of encoding,
i.e. “in the clear”. But when it becomes necessary to send important
information over the network, these encoding program may be useful.
Some American banks and companies even conduct transactions over
the Internet. However, there are still both commercial and technical
problems which will take time to be resolved.
ªª Answer the questions.
1. What is the Internet?
2. What was the Internet originally designed for?
3. What country are most of the Internet host computers in?
4. What is the most popular Internet service?
5. Whom do you have to pay for sending e-mail messages?

IV. Sum Up

Тема 2. Ділова поїздка. Відрядження

Урок 8
Основна інформація про тему. Слова і вирази до розділу
Цілі: організувати ознайомлення учнів з новими лексичними
одиницями — економічними поняттями й дати визначення еконо-
мічних термінів, тренувати у вживанні лексичного матеріалу; сти-
мулювати комунікативну мотивацію шляхом указання на сферу
вживання нової лексики; формувати соціокультурну компетенцію,
прищеплювати працелюбність.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Business Trip. Background infor­
mation. Additional phrases
40 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

ªª Culture at work Being Direct

When asking people to do things, you can be either direct or indirect.
In some cultures, it is possible to be very direct without being impolite.
In other cultures, it is considered rude and aggressive to be too direct.
ªª Look at the following ways to make the same request. Which
would you use to talk to a colleague?
Very indirect — I’m so sorry to trouble you. I wonder if you would
mind getting me those figures?
— Do you think you could possibly get me those figures, please?
— Would you please get me those figures?
— Can you get me those figures?
Very direct — Get me those figures.

IІ. Main part

ªª Read and discuss ‘Background Information’.
Explain the expressions in bold.
Being a businessman you have to travel much, to meet many peo-
ple, to arrange business deals and personal relations. It means you
will often arrange business trips. Before you have a business trip you
should do the following steps: prepare all business documents neces-
sary for your meeting with a foreign partner.
If you visit your business partner for the first time you should take
advertising materials representing your firm and its products. Today,
many people make all their travel arrangements over the phone. They
call the travel agent and book their flight, and then give their credit
card number to pay for the plane ticket, if you are going to travel by
plane. It is the fastest way of travelling and it is helpful if you are
short of time, but it is rather expensive. If your destination is not far
from your town (city) you can travel by car or by train. It is a slower
way of travelling) but it is cheaper and quite comfortable.
If a  visa is necessary, some travel agents take their customers’
passports to the embassy’s visa department. You should also have
medical insurance documents with you when you are going to visit
your foreign partner.
It’s not a  good idea to carry lots of cash with you, so traveler’s
cheques are a safe way to take money abroad. It’s easy to change them
at the bank for foreign currency during your trip.
When people travel they almost always stay at hotels or guest-
houses, so you should make a hotel reservation in advance by letter,
telephone or e-mail. Let the hotel manager know the day and the time
of your departure, or you may arrive at the hotel and be told that there
are no rooms available.
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 8 41

If you travel abroad you must go through the customs inspection.

The customs officials check your luggage and ask you to fill in the
customs declaration form. Some of your things may be subjected to
duty; some of them are duty free. If you have foreign currency you
would indicate the sum in your declaration.
If you don’t want to use public transport during your business
trip you have to agree with accepting side to provide you with a car or
you may ask about a good car rental company. In this case don’t for-
get to take your driving license — you can’t drive without it! You also
have to arrange insurance documents and take them too.
ªª Try to understand the importance of these kinds of reply.
Replies to inquires are an important stage in business dealings.
Great care must be taken to ensure that the customer receives the in-
formation. Careful treatment of customers’ inquiries can significantly
help in winning order. On the other hand, inability to deal with inquir-
ies can lead to loss of valuable orders.
Replying to letters of enquiry:
• Thank the writer for his / her inquiry;
• Let the writer know as soon as possible if you have the product or
can provide service he / she is enquiring about;
• Encourage or persuade your prospective customer to do business
with you;
• If you do not have what the enquirer has asked for, but have an
alternative, offer it to him;
• Your correspondent may be asking about a  product you do not
make or a service you do not give. If this is so, tell him and if pos-
sible refer him elsewhere;
• Make sure that you enclose current catalogues and price-lists if
you are sending them;
• And if you are sending samples, let your customer know they will
follow the letter immediately by separate post;
• Always thank the customer for writing to you. If you have not
done so in the beginning of the letter, you can do so at the end.
You should also encourage further enquiries.

ªª Here are the examples of phrases and patterns used in replies to

1. In reply to your request for our Catalogue №… we enclose a copy
herewith, and we hope you may find it useful.
У відповідь на Ваше прохання про каталог №… ми додаємо
копію і сподіваємось, що вона буде корисною для Вас.
42 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

2. We were very pleased to receive your letter in reply to our adver-

tisement in…
Ми були дуже раді отримати Вашого листа у  відповідь на
нашу рекламу в …
3. As requested, we enclose our illustrated catalogue. We should
like to draw your attention particularly to our model… which is
the latest word in…
Як Ви просили, ми додаємо наш ілюстрований каталог. Ми
б  хотіли привернути Вашу увагу, зокрема, до нашої моделі,
яка є останнім словом…
4. We are certain that a trial order will give you full satisfaction and
we shall be very glad to hear from you…
Ми впевнені, що пробне замовлення повністю задовольнить
Вас і ми будемо раді почути Вас…
5. It gives me great pleasure to send you our catalogue which con-
tains all technical details about the model you inspected.
Із великим задоволенням надсилаю Вам наш каталог, який
містить усі технічні деталі про модель, яку Ви оглянули.
6. We thank you for your inquiry, in reply to which we are sending
you our illustrated catalogue of…
Дякуємо за Ваш запит, у  відповідь на який надсилаємо Вам
наш ілюстрований каталог…
7. We much appreciate your offer…
Ми дуже цінуємо Вашу пропозицію…
8. We are very gratified to learn from your letter that you are inte­
rested in…
Ми раді дізнатися з Вашого листа, що Ви зацікавлені в…
9. In reply to your letter of 6th June we confirm… We want to thank
you very much for your inquiry and hope that our prices will in-
duce you to place an order.
У відповідь на Ваш лист від 6  червня ми підтверджуємо…
Ми вдячні Вам за Ваш запит і  сподіваємося, що наші ціни
сприятимуть розміщенню Вашого замовлення.
10. We are obliged for your letter of May 19, in which you inquire…
Дякуємо за Ваш лист від 19 травня, в якому Ви запитуєте…
11. We shall be only too pleased to supply you with…
Ми будемо дуже раді забезпечити Вас…
12. May we use opportunity to draw your attention to…
Чи могли б ми привернути Вашу увагу до…
13. We should appreciate it very much if you could send us…
Ми будемо вдячні, якщо Ви надішлете нам…
14. We can promise delivery in four weeks if we receive your order
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 8 43

Якщо Ви надішлете своє замовлення негайно, ми обіцяємо

доставку через 4 тижні
15. We hope that our offer will interest you.
Ми сподіваємося, що наша пропозиція зацікавить Вас.
16. As we are extremely busy at present, it would help us to give you
prompt deliver if you could send us your order as soon as possible.
Оскільки ми дуже зайняті в даний час, ми зможемо здійснити
негайну доставку, якщо Ви надішлете нам Ваше замовлення
якомога швидше.
17. We are awaiting your instructions with interest.
Із цікавістю очікуємо Ваших інструкцій.
18. Kindly let us know if you would like…
Повідомте, будь ласка, якщо Ви бажаєте…
Objective: Get things done on time.
Group of 3–4. 10 minutes per meeting.
Look at the projects below. Hold a  short planning meeting with
your team to discuss each one and make an action plan. Assign a dif-
ferent person to lead each discussion.
The leader’s role:
• Get the team to break down each project into a series of steps or
• Assign each action to someone in your team.
• Keep to the time limit.
• Record the decisions and actions on the following form:
Action points Deadline Person responsible
1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4.
Project 1
Replace all the desks in your office.
Budget? Requirements? Suppliers? Timescale?
Project 2
Organise a party for a colleague who is leaving in two weeks.
Time? Food and drink? Gifts? Place?
Project 3
Organise a  training day for your team next month. The trainer
will come from the USA to run a course in-company.
Date? Trainer’s accommodation? Training room? Copies of train­
ing manual?
44 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

• Did each leader get the job done effectively, politely and within
the time limit?
• Was there anything they could done better?

III. Home Assignment

ªª II level — ‘Background Information’, make up 5 questions to text;
ªª III level — Make your own examples of phrases and patterns used
in replies to inquiries;
ªª IV level — Make your own examples of phrases and patterns used
in replies to inquiries.

IV. Sum Up

Урок 9
Комунікативна практика. Прибуття в країну. На митниці
Цілі: навчати усних форм спілкування у діловому стилі, пред-
ставити діалог або полілог як взірець ділового стилю мовлення;
розвивати мовленнєву компетенцію (діалогічне і монологічне мов-
лення); закріпити активну лексику та використовувати її у трену-
вальних ситуаціях і рольових іграх; формувати соціокультурну
компетенцію та критерії справжніх ділових якостей.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Communication Practice. Buying
a ticket. At the check-in-desk. At the customs
ªª Sharing ideas about what to do at the customs, at the hotel and
how you understand the words travel, journey or trip?

IІ. Main part

ªª Fill in the gaps.
a) reception desk; b) At the Customs;
c) At the Hotel; d) are permitted;
e) a registration form to fill in; f) trifles;
g) fixed quote; h) are prohibited;
i) to pay duty; j) the border.
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 9 45

(1) … . There is a list of certain goods which (2) … to carry through

the border (so-called the Duty-Free Quota List). According to the list
you may take personal things, a few (3) … for the family, a bottle of
perfume, some bottles of alcohol drinks, a  carton of cigarettes and
some other things for personal use. If you have the goods above the
(4) …, you will have (5) … on each extra article.
There is also a list of goods which (6) … to carry through (7) … (so-
called the Prohibited Articles List). According to this list such things
as gold, silver, valuables, pieces of art, weapon, drugs and some others
are prohibited to carry through the border.
(8) … . If you have made a hotel reservation in advance, on arrival
you have to confirm your reservation at the (9) … . The receptionist
will give you (10) … and sign (the form is filled in block letters).
At large hotels you may ask for any service by telephone. You tell
the telephone operator if you want to be called at a certain time; you
call room service when you want a meal or drinks or if you need some-
thing (e.g.: to clean or iron your suit or your dress).
ªª Travel, journey, or trip? The general activity of moving from
place to place is travel.
E.g.: He came home after years of foreign travel. If a person moves
from place to place over a period of time we speak of travels. E.g.: Did
you go to Rome during your travels? A journey is the time spent and the
distance covered in going from one particular place to another. E.g.: //
was. a long journey by train. A trip is a short journey, especially for
pleasure or for a particular purpose. E.g.: / think, I’ll take a trip to see
him. He is going to have a business trip to Japan.
(From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)
ªª Complete each sentence with the word travel, trip, or journey.
1. Thank you for visiting us, and have a safe … home.
2. How was your … to London last weekend? Did you have a  good
3. When we were in London, we went on a sightseeing … round the
4. I … a lot for my business deals.
5. How many business … do you make every year, on average?
6. How long does the … to Brighton take by train?
7. It was a very long , because there was a lot of traffic on the road.
ªª Imagine that you are buying a ticket from London to Kyiv. Com-
plete the dialogue with a  travel agent. Be ready to perform the
dialogue at the lesson.
46 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

Travel agent (ТА). Good afternoon. Can I help you?

You. (Привітайтесь. Запитайте, чи можна купити 1 квиток
економ-класу до Києва на вівторок, 7 жовтня.)
ТА. Let me see… I’m very sorry, sir. There are no seats left for
Kyiv on Tuesday.
You. (Запитайте, чи залишились ще квитки на той самий
рейс на середу.)
ТА. Just a  minute, sir… Yes. There are some seats left for
You. (Скажіть, що середа вас влаштовує. Запитайте про ціну
ТА. It’s 198 pounds, sir, including airport taxes… Here you are.
You. (Запитайте про номер рейсу, час відбуття і прибуття
в Київ. Подякуйте.)
ªª Match the words in the box.
visa cheques
foreign department
insurance licence
driving documents
credit ticket
travel agent
plane rental company
traveller’s currency
car card

ªª Complete each sentence 1–8 with an ending (a–h).

1. Please take a seat until a) you leave
2. They won’t accept our order unless b) Dr Rihal is ready to see
3. Helen wants to see you before c) you’ll have left
4. You won’t see Helen. By the time d) we give a bank guaran-
she arrives tee
5. As soon as Helen arrives e) have finished and we
can talk
6. I can’t wait! This time next week I’ll f) I’ll ask her to phone
7. I’ll have a suntan next time we g) have just come back
meet! I’ll from Greek
8. Sorry about this. In a few moments h) be lying on a beach in
I’ll Greece
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 9 47

ªª Making an effective presentation
An effective presentation
• is relevant to the audience and tells them what they need to know
• is clear and easy to follow
• has an introduction in which the objectives are made clear
• has a clearly-defined structure with three or four main points
• is usually accompanied by helpful visuals
• ends with a strong summary
• fits the time schedule
Reading and writing. Structuring a presentation
ªª Read phrases (a–g). They can be used for organizing and sequenc-
ing points in a  presentation. At which step in the presentation
would you use each phrase? Match phrases (a–g) with steps 1–7 in
the framework.
a) My second points is…
b) So, first I’m going to tell you about…
c) My objective is to…
d) Now let me summarise the main points again.
e) The subject of my presentation is…
f) I’ve divided my work into three parts. First,… Second,… And
g) Now I’ll come to my first point.

III. Home Assignment

ªª II level — Complete these conversations. Use the phrases in the box.
Fine. I’ll pay by Visa, then.For one night
I’d like to book a single room. Do you accept Visa cards?
For Tuesday 5 May
I’d like to pay my bill, please
Could you give me an early morning call?
You have a reservation for me

Receptionist. Riverside Hotel. Good afternoon. How can I help you?

Caller. Hello. (1)
Receptionist. Yes, certainly. When is that for?
Caller. (2)
Receptionist. And for how long?
Caller. (3)
Receptionist. One night. Could I have your name, please, madam?
48 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

Caller. Yes, it’s Helen Barnes.

Receptionist. Fine. I’ll reserve the room for you right now.
Caller. Thank you very much.
Guest. Hello. My name’s Helen Barnes (4)
Receptionist. Oh, yes. Good evening, Mrs. Barnes. Welcome to
the Riverside Hotel. Could you fill in this form, please?
Guest. Sure.
Receptionist. Please could you sign here? Thank you. Here’s your key.
Guest. Thanks. (5)
Receptionist. Yes, of course. At what time?
Guest. At 6.15, please.
Guest. Good morning. (6)
Receptionist. Certainly, madam. Just a moment, please. Did you
have anything from the mini-bar?
Guest. No, nothing.
ªª III level — Peter Eliot is welcoming Bob Watson, a visitor from
Toronto, Canada. Read the conversation. What questions do you
think they asked?
Peter . Watson? How do you do.
Mr. Watson. How do you do, Mr. Eliot.
Peter. Do come into my office. Did you have any problems finding us?
Mr. Watson. No, none at all. I walked here. My hotel is only a few
minutes away.
Peter. Oh really? Which (1) ?
Mr. Watson. I’m staying at The Garrick. It’s in King Street. Do
you know it?
Peter. I know the name. What (2) ?
Mr. Watson. Oh, it’s very pleasant. I  always stay there when
I come to London. I like the fact that it’s small and friendly.
Peter. How often (3) ?
Mr. Watson. Quite often. Four or five times a year. What about
you? (4) ?
Peter. Yes, I do quite a lot of travelling — mostly in Europe, but I go
to Canada and the States as well — about two or three times a year.
Mr. Watson. That’s interesting (5) ?
Peter. No, I’ve never been to Toronto, but I had a wonderful holi-
day on Vancouver Island not long ago.
Mr. Watson. Really? That’s where I was born. I lived there until
I was twenty. Which (6) ?
(from “International Express”)
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 10 49

ªª IV level — do a written translation

Before I  talk about the qualities I  believe a  multiculturalist
needs to have, I should perhaps explain the term ‘multiculturalist’,
or ‘multicultural person’. A  multiculturalist is someone who can
adapt successfully to living in a culture different from their own, the
sort of person we could describe as a citizen of the world, or a member
of the global community. In my opinion there are four key qualities
you need in order to be a  multiculturalist. The first is to be open-
minded. This means not judging one culture as better than another,
or believing that the way things are done in your culture is the best
way or the only way of doing things. In other words, not being in any
way ‘ethnocentric’.
Second, you must be adaptable. To live successfully in another
culture, particularly in one that is very different from your own, you
have to adapt to differences, not only visible differences of food, cli-
mate, and customs, but also to the invisible differences — the differ-
ent ways in which people of other cultures understand and interpret
the world, and their different values.
Third, you need to be sensitive. That means being able to see
things from the other person’s point of view and being careful to
avoid doing things that people of another culture might find strange
or unacceptable or offensive, even if in your culture such things are
quite OK.
Fourth and I  think this is closely related to the three qualities
I have mentioned already, you need to be interested in other cultures.
In my view a multiculturalist is a person who has a genuine interest in
people of other cultures, who wants to learn their language, find out
about their country and its history, and develop real understanding of
their culture. Perhaps it’s this quality, more than any other that best
describes a multiculturalist.

IV. Sum Up

Урок 10
Комунікативна практика. В аеропорту. Розклад руху
Цілі: навчати усних форм спілкування у діловому стилі, пред-
ставити діалог або полілог як взірець ділового стилю мовлення;
розвивати мовленнєву компетенцію (діалогічне і монологічне мов-
лення); закріпити активну лексику та використовувати її у трену-
вальних ситуаціях і рольових іграх; формувати соціокультурну
компетенцію та критерії справжніх ділових якостей.
50 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Communication Practice. Travel ar­
ªª Structure for a short presentation. Match phrases (a–g) with steps
1–7 in the framework.
Seven easy steps to an effective presentation
Step 1: Introduction —
Step 2: Purpose of the presentation —
Step 3: Menu of main points —
Step 4: Start section 1 —
Step 5: Start section 2 —
Step 6: Start section 3 —
Step 7: Summary and conclusion —
a) My second points is…
b) So, first I’m going to tell you about…
c) My objective is to…
d) Now let me summarize the main points again.
e) The subject of my presentation is…
f) I’ve divided my work into three parts. First,… Second,… And
g) Now I’ll come to my first point.

IІ. Main part

ªª Group work. Make a  word map for one of these topic, then talk
about a business trip and travel arrangements:

Arranging Free
Airport Hotel
a trip Time

During the
Before the

After the





to go
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 10 51


Documents Places to contact Ways of paying

ªª Group Work. Be ready to exchange information. Think of a group
For new countries joining the European Union, and older ones get-
ting used to their burgundy passports, becoming ‘Europeans’ is a bit
like marrying into a large, eccentric, diverse family. Europeans have
a lot in common but their differences, not their similarities attract the
attention of sociologists and market researchers, and are more inter-
• 35 % of Germans live alone; but only 9 % of Spaniards. Perhaps
this explains why Spaniards lead in Europe in the habit of going
out for a drink.
• The British attend more adult evening classes than anyone else
in Europe, and the Belgians least. So it can’t just be the dark eve-
nings. There are no figures on how many Britons go for a drink
afterwards. If there were, they might be up at the top with Spain!
• The British think black cats are lucky. Every other European
country regards them as unlucky.
• The Dutch and Germans are the greatest caravanners, but the
Germans like bigger beds in their caravans.
• The French are most athletic Europeans. Next come the Dutch.
But the Belgians, just over the border, play fewest sports.
• The Germans spend twice as much on heating as the Spaniards.
Well, of course they do, it’s colder.
• Dutch husbands do the household shopping a lot more often than
Italians or Spaniards. Women, you have been warned!
• Only the British put their knives and forks at 06.30  on the
plate when they are finished. Everyone else puts them between
09.15 and 07.25. The British also put salt in the pot with the sin-
gle hole. This causes visitors considerable confusion.
• The French are the champion public transport commuters (peo-
ple who travel a  long distance from home to work every day) of
Europe. If you hate commuting, go and live in the Netherlands,
where journeys to work are shorter than anywhere else.
• The amount of direct eye-contact between strangers is three times
greater among Spaniards than it is among the British or Swedes.
Sharing a lift is torture for both the British and the Swedish.
52 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

• No European country really agrees with any other about how to

make good coffee. German, Belgian, French, Italian, Greek, and
Spanish roasting methods are all different.
• There are exceptions to all these rules. Approach them in the spirit
of my 8-year-old daughter. ‘If you don’t understand each other’s
language, you just laugh a lot, and eat, and point at things.’ Vive
(Adapted from an article by Libby Purves,
a British journalist reporting on some amusing differences between
Europeans discovered by the French market research company Mintel
and by Richard Hill, the author of “We Europeans”)
ªª Exercise 1. Underline the answer you think is correct.
1. The colour of European Community passports is pink / blue / bur-
2. The percentage of Germans who live alone is 9 % / 26 % / 35 %.
3. The Spaniards / Belgians / British go out for a drink more than
other Europeans.
4. Adult evening classes are most popular with the Germans / Bri­
tish / Belgians.
5. In Britain black cats are lucky / unlucky.
6. The British / Germans / Dutch have the biggest beds in their cara-
7. The most athletic people in Europe are the British / Belgians /
8. Italian / Dutch / Spanish husbands do the household shopping
most often.
9. The French / Germans / British use public transport the most to
travel to work.
10. German, French, and Italian methods of roasting coffee are the
same / different.
ªª Exercise 2. Discuss your answers to the questions.
1. Have you experienced any of the differences described in the arti-
2. What other differences have you discovered between people from
other countries?
ªª Exercise 3. Work in groups.
1. List any stereotyped ideas other nationalities may have about
your country an its people.
2. Choose two nationalities. How do people in your country view
3. Do you think national stereotypes help us to understand other na-
tionalities, o do they create problems between nationalities?
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 11 53

III. Home Assignment

ªª Compositions or presentations on the topics
• A man travels the world over in search of what he needs, and re-
turns home to find it. (Moore)
• The world is a book, and those who do not travel, read only a page.
(St. Augustine)

IV. Sum Up

Урок 11
Рольові ігри та творча робота учнів
Цілі: закріпити активну лексику та використовувати її у тре-
нувальних ситуаціях і рольових іграх; розвивати мовленнєву ком-
петенцію (діалогічне і  монологічне мовлення); формувати соціо-
культурну компетенцію та критерії справжніх ділових якостей,
розвивати креативне мислення.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Role-play
ªª Presenting students’ ideas about topics
• A man travels the world over in search of what he needs, and re-
turns home to find it. (Moore)
• The world is a book, and those who do not travel, read only a page.
(St. Augustine)
ªª Use these phrases to complete the sentences below:
By bullet train; by luxury liner; by Concorde; by bus; by coach;
by car ferry; on a  bullet train; on a  luxury liner; on a  jumbo jet; on
a double-decker bus; on an air-conditioned bus; on a car ferry.
1. a) The fastest way of getting from Kyoto to Tokyo is by bullet
b) I’ve been on an express train, but I’ve never been … .
2. a) The most comfortable way of travelling is … .
b) I’d love to spend a holiday … .
3. a) Concorde is very fast, but you are more comfortable … .
b) You could take a jumbo jet, but it’s quicker … .
4. a) You can get about sixty passengers … .
b) For short journeys it’s convenient to travel … .
54 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

5. a) We drove to the airport … .

b) We were taken to the airport … .
6. a) If you are taking the family, it’s cheaper to go … .
b) You can relax and take it easy … .

IІ. Main part

Role-play. Dealing with the problems
ªª Match expressions (a–j) with one or more of the functions 1–5.
1. Introduce the problem a) Perhaps we could talk to them.
2. Ask for clarification b) That’ll result in even more expense.
3. Predict the consequences c) I’ll get back to you soon as I can.
(4 answers) d) Couldn’t we bring in some people?
4. Suggest possible actions e) How do you mean exactly?
(2 answers) f) It could be very dangerous.
5. Promise action g) I’m afraid we’ve got a problem.
(2 answers) h) I’m going to call a crisis meeting.
i) It’ll mean lengthy negotiations.
j) It might turn violent
Keys: 1 g; 2 e; 3 j, i, f, b; 4 h, d; 5 c, a.
Clarification — n / the act of making sth clearer or easier to un-
derstand, or an explanation that makes sth clearer; SYN explanation
Consequence — n / sth that happens as a result of particular ac-
tion or set of conditions.
Negotiations — official discussions between the representatives
of opposing groups who are trying to reach an agreement, especially in
business or politics.
ªª Work in pairs. You go on a business trip.
Role-play booking a flight (a train) reserving a room and a Proce-
dure at the check-in desk (the customs) at the airport.
Objective: Sequence points and make a summary
ªª Pair work
Partner A: Look at presentation A.
Partner B: Look at presentation B.
Look at three points you are going to cover. Think about the order
in which you will present these points.
Presentation A: You are presenting your company to a group of
potential investors.
Main points:
• Our strategic objectives and plans for the future growth
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 11 55

• Company history — reasons for our success

• Financial performance
Presentation B: You are presenting your marketing plans to
a joint venture partner.
Main points:
• Plans for breaking into future markets
• Current markets and markets shares
• Overview of company activities and products
ªª Practice. With your partner, practise introducing and ending
each section in the section in the sequence you have chosen. Try to
use some of the expressions from either the table lesson 9 or from
the listening.
Example: First, I’m going to give you some general information
about the company.
So, that was something about the company. Now I’ll move on to…
• What action did you suggest to deal with this problem?
• What action did you promise?
• Were you helpful and polite?
• Did you use appropriate language for the telephone?

III. Home Assignment

ªª II level — revise the vocabulary REPLIES TO INQUIRES
ªª III level and IV level — do a written translation
Pet Products Ltd,
180 London Road
Exeter EX4 4JY
25th May, 2010
Dear Sir,
We read your advertisement in the “Pet Magazine” of 25th De-
cember. We are interested in buying your equipment for producing pet
food. Would you kindly send us more information about this equip-
• price (please quote GIF Odessa price)
• dates of delivery
• terms of payment
• guarantees
• if the price includes the cost of equipment installation and staff
56 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

Our company specializes in distributing pet products in Ukraine.

We have more than 50 dealers and representatives in different regions
and would like to start producing pet food in Ukraine. If your equip-
ment meets our requirements, and we receive a favourable offer, we
will be able to place a large order for your equipment.
Your early reply would be appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
Export-Import Manager

IV. Sum Up

Урок 12
Основи ділового листування. Листи-привітання.
Письмовий запит і лист-відповідь. Практикум.
Good business practice
Цілі: дати поняття про основи ділового спілкування; розвивати
навички ділового листування; стимулювати комунікативну моти-
вацію шляхом указання на сферу вживання нової лексики; форму-
вати соціокультурну компетенцію шляхом встановлення контактів
із зарубіжними партнерами у майбутньому, що в цілому сприятиме
діалогу культур у процесі міжнародного співробітництва; прищеп­
лювати працелюбність.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Business Correspondence. Inquiry.
Replies to inquiries. Letter of congratulation
ªª Cards for checking REPLIES TO INQUIRES
CARD 1. How to say it in English?
1. У відповідь на Ваше прохання про каталог №… ми додаємо
копію і сподіваємось, що вона буде корисною для Вас.
2. Ми були дуже раді отримати Вашого листа у  відповідь на
нашу рекламу в …
3. Як Ви просили, ми додаємо наш ілюстрований каталог. Ми б
хотіли привернути Вашу увагу, зокрема, до нашої моделі, яка
є останнім словом…
4. Ми впевнені, що пробне замовлення повністю задовольнить
Вас, і ми будемо раді почути Вас…
5. Із великим задоволенням надсилаю Вам наш каталог, який
містить усі технічні деталі про модель, яку Ви оглянули.
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 12 57

6. Дякуємо за Ваш запит, у  відповідь на який надсилаємо Вам

наш ілюстрований каталог…
7. Ми дуже цінуємо Вашу пропозицію…
8 Ми раді дізнатися з Вашого листа, що Ви зацікавлені в…
9. У відповідь на Ваш лист від 6  червня ми підтверджуємо…
Ми вдячні Вам за Ваш запит і  сподіваємося, що наші ціни
сприятимуть розміщенню Вашого замовлення.
10. Дякуємо за Ваш лист від 19 травня, в якому Ви запитуєте…

CARD 2. How to say it in English?

1. Ми будемо дуже раді забезпечити Вас…
2. Чи могли б ми привернути Вашу увагу до…
3. Ми будемо вдячні, якщо Ви надішлете нам…
4. Якщо Ви надішлете своє замовлення негайно, ми обіцяємо
доставку через 4 тижнi.
5. Ми сподіваємося, що наша пропозиція зацікавить Вас.
6. Оскільки ми дуже зайняті в даний час, ми зможемо здійснити
негайну доставку, якщо Ви надішлете нам Ваше замовлення
якомога швидше.
7. Із цікавістю очікуємо Ваших інструкцій.
8. Повідомте, будь ласка, якщо Ви бажаєте…

ªª A whole presentation. What expressions do you use to:

a) introduce the first section? __________________________
b) end the first section? _______________________________
c) introduce the second section? _ _______________________
d) introduce the third section? _ ________________________
e) introduce the summing up? __________________________

IІ. Main part

ªª Group work. Read the sample Reply to Inquiry Letter and write
down a similar inquiry for equipment you need:
a) to make furniture;
b) to open a new line of skin care products.
Dear Sir,
We thank you for your inquiry of 5th June, and we have pleasure
in submitting herewith two copies of our Export Price List together
with some publicity material. Our usual discount is 5 % but if an order
is exceptionally large we are prepared to increase the discount.
All items in our range are carried in stock, enabling us to effect
dispatch of orders within 10 to 14 days of receipt of the order. We hope
58 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

that our products will meet your approval and we will have the plea­
sure of receiving your order instruction.
Yours faithfully,
Sales Manager
ªª Answer the questions on the text:
1. What is inquiry?
2. What information does it give?
3. Do you need to follow a strict order writing inquiry?
ªª Background information about …. Give a title to the article.
If you want to keep your relations with business partner for a long
time, take every possibility to send him congratulations on this or that
occasion -on promotion, on a new appointment, the establishment of
a new business, the award of an honor, on birthday, on New Year or
Christmas, etc.
The congratulatory message should be sincere and brief. To write
a letter of congratulation is one of the best ways to promote good will.
Whatever the occasion, your letter is sure to be well received. It may
be either short and formal or conversational and informal, depending
on the circumstances and the relationship between you and your re-
ªª Group work. Read the sample LETTERS OF CONGRATULATION
and write down the letters of congratulation.
• on promotion,
• on the award of an honor,
• on birthday.
1. Formal letter of congratulation upon a promotion
Dear Mr Roberts,
I am writing to convey my warm congratulations on your appoint-
ment to the Board of Electrical Industries Ltd.
My fellow directors and I  are delighted that the many years of
service you have given to your Company should at last have been re-
warded in this way and we join in sending you our very best wishes for
the future.
Yours sincerely,
Jack Nicholson
2 Informal letter of congratulation on the award of a  public
Dear Charles,
On looking through the Camford Times this morning I came across
your name in the New Year Honours List and hasten to add my con-
gratulations to the many you will be receiving.
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 13 59

The award will give pleasure to a wide circle of people who know
you and your work.Your services to local industry and commerce over
many years have been quite outstanding and it is very gratifying to
know that these have now been so suitably rewarded.
Warm regards and best wishes.
Yours as ever,
Norman Dee
3. Letter acknowledging congratulations
Dear Mr. Fleming,
Thank you for your letter conveying congratulations on the award
of my OBE.
I am of course happy that anything I may have been able to do for
commercial education in my limited field should have been rewarded
by a public honour, but at the same time I regard the award as being
less of a  tribute to me personally than to the work of my college as
a whole — work in which I have always enjoyed the willing help and
support of many colleagues.
Yours sincerely,
Harold Jackson

III Home Assignment

ªª II level — Background information, make up 5 questions to text;
ªª III–IV level — Write down a reply to inquiry of your partner.

IV. Sum Up

Урок 13
Практикум з граматики. Модальні дієслова.
Майбутні часи. Питальні речення
Цілі: сприяти розширенню словникового запасу і вдосконален-
ню набутих граматичних навичок за темами через розвиток усних
та писемних мовленнєвих навичок у  сфері ділового спілкування;
стимулювати комунікативну мотивацію шляхом указання на сфе-
ру вживання нової лексики; формувати соціокультурну компетен-
цію, прищеплювати працелюбність.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Grammar Practice. Modals. Future
forms. Question forms
60 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

IІ. Main part

ªª Change the underlined verb phrases to an appropriate future form
where necessary.
In my presentation this morning, (1) I’m giving you an overview
of our plans for the new office building. (2) I’m just outlining the main
points briefly and then (3) you have the chance to study the drawings
and to ask questions.
OK — so this is the plan.
As you know, (4) we’re expending our staff we’re predicting that
(5)  we have 1,400  staff altogether by the end of next year. The new
building (6) is able to accommodate up to 2,000, so (7) there is plenty
of room for future expansion…
Now (8) I’m just going over the schedule for the move. Ideally, we
want to move everyone in by 15th August. However, (9) this is perhaps
difficult because of all the building work that (10) we have to complete
by then. (11) We’re meeting with the builders on Monday and (12) we’re
trying to get a commitment from them to complete by mid August…
So, to come back to the schedule. The main building work (13) starts
on 1st March and the first stage (14) takes maybe 8–10 weeks. This is
the stage where (15) we possibly see some delays, because (16) we are
dependent on subcontractors and the delivery of materials. But if all
goes well, we expect to start the second stage by mid May. (17) That
part takes a further ten weeks, which brings us up to the end of July.
Then, hopefully, (18) we start the third stage — the internal painting
and equipping of the new offices — at the beginning of August.
Keys: 1 I’ll / I’m going to; 2 I’ll just outline / I’m just going to;
3 you will have; 4 no change; 5 we’ll have; 6 will be able to; 7 there will
be; 8 I’ll just go over; 9 this may be / could be; 10 we have to / we will
have to; 11 no change; 12 we’re going to try; 13 no change; 14 may /
could / might take; 15 we may / might / could see; 16 we’ll be / we are
going to be; 17 will take / is going to take; 18 we’ll start.
ªª Analysis
• Was the presentation clear?
• Were the Introduction and summary effective?
• How well did the speaker organise and structure the main
Can, could, would have the following uses.
a) Requests
Students think about examples:
• Can you help me, please?
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 13 61

• Could you please send me your comments?

• Would you ask her to call me?
b) Typical responses
Students think about examples:
• Yes, of course. That’s no problem.
• I’m afraid I can’t help you.
• That could be rather difficult.
c) Offers and invitations
Students think about examples:
• Can you join us for lunch?
• Would your colleague like to come too?
• Could you come for dinner at Friday?
• Can, could and may are used to express permission.
• May I / Could I make a photocopy of this?
• You can use this phone if you like.
• I’m afraid you can’t smoke here.
d) Typical responses
Students think about examples:
• Of course you can.
• I’m sorry, you can’t.
Could, may and might are used to express uncertainly.
Students think about examples:
• There could be some delays.
• We might lose the sale.
Should can be used to express probability.
Students think about examples:
• I should be there by midday (= I expect to be)
We use will to express certainty about the future.
• I’ll definitely be late.
Question forms
ªª Write the questions for the answers. The key information is in
We’re leaving on Friday at 4 pm.
4. I’m having dinner with our Japanese partners.
5. We employ 6,000 staff.
6. We’ve known each other for six years.
7. I didn’t tell you because it was confidential.
8. I recommended the more expensive model.
9. It cost $12,000.
10. We’ve decided not to do anything.
62 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

ªª Make these questions more polite.

1. How much are they going to pay you?
2. Where’s the accounts department?
3. Can I leave my coat here?
4. What did you pay for your coat?
5. What’s your name? I can’t remember.
Keys: 1 Could you tell me / Would you mind telling me…; 2 Could
you tell me…; 3 Do you mind if I…; 4 Could you tell me / Would you
mind telling me…; 5 Could you please tell me…

ªª Add appropriate question tags.

• You don’t know my colleague, Tom?
• We met last year?
• You’ll phone me when you arrive?
• You’re Jacques Leconte?
• You weren’t on holiday last week?

ªª Extra Language Grammar at Work

Basic functions
Tag questions, which occur mostly in conversation or in informal
writing, are used to invite the listener to agree or to check whether
something is true.
Tag questions (also called question tags) are attached to state-
ments. They usually consist of an auxiliary verb and a  subject pro-
noun. The subject pronoun at the end of the tag question refers back to
the subject of the statement:
• Jill wrote this, didn’t she?
• It’s cold, isn’t it?
Following “there is / there are” statements, the tag question ends
in “there”:
• There are far too many people here, aren’t there?
• There isn’t any paper left, is there?
The verb used in the tag question depends on what verb is used in
the statement. If the statement contains a form of “be” or an auxiliary
verb, this is also used in the tag ques­tion. Otherwise, a form of “do” is
used (as in normal ques­tion formation):
• She’s very creative, isn’t she?
• He can’t be serious, can he?
• That makes sense, doesn’t it?
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 13 63

Mixed tag questions

In this structure, negative tag questions are attached to affir­
mative statements; affirmative tag questions are attached to negative
statements. Negative tag questions are almost al­ways contracted:
• The presentation was excellent, wasn’t it?
• Tony doesn’t drive a BMW, does he?
• We won’t be getting a bonus this year, will we?
• They should have let us known sooner, shouldn’t they?
Statements containing negative or restrictive adverbs, such as
“never”, “rarely”, “nothing” or “hardly”, are followed by an affirma-
tive tag question:
• You never know, do you?
• Nothing has happened, has it?
• He hardly said a word all day, did he?
After statements with “I am”, the tag question is “aren’t I?” (not
“amn’t I”):
• I’m late, aren’t I?
After statements with “may”, we use “mightn’t” (not “mayn’t”)
in the tag question:
• They may have forgotten our appointment, mightn’t they?
The speaker’s voice lets the listener know the purpose of a  tag
question. Most tag questions are used to ask the lis­tener to agree with
the speaker’s statement. The voice goes down in the tag question:
• That was a boring meeting, wasn’t it?
If the tag question is used to check whether something is in fact
true (that is, if the speaker is not sure), the voice goes up in the tag
• They haven’t fired Tom, have they?
Same-way tag questions
Sometimes, a positive statement is followed by an affirmative tag
question. This type of sentence, often introduced by the word “so”,
typically expresses interest, surprise or anger:
• So the meeting has been cancelled again, has it?
• You got the contract then, did you?
• So he thinks I’m an idiot, does he?
American-English usage
Note that tag questions are less common in American than in
British English. To check information, American speak­ers often add
“right?” to a statement instead:
• You want me to look at this, right?
64 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

Further aspects
What other uses of tag questions are there, and how do we reply
to tag questions?
Requests and orders
We can use a sentence with a tag question to tell or ask someone
to do something. The tag question makes us sound friendlier and more
We can add a positive tag question with “will” or “would” to an
• Open that door for me, would you?
• Keep your voices down, will you?
• Don’t forget to switch off the computer, will you?
To make a polite invitation, we can add “won’t you”:
• Come out for a drink with us after work, won’t you?
• Do let me know if I can help you, won’t you?
To make an informal request, we can use the mixed-tag-ques­tion
• You’ll remember to send me those files, won’t you?
• You couldn’t lend me Ђ10, could you?
Tag questions with “shall” can be used to make suggestions:
• I’ll make us some coffee, shall I? (not “will I?”)
Suggestions with “Let’s” are followed by the tag question “shall we?”
• Let’s take a look at the catalogue, shall we?
Replying to tag questions
We often reply to tag questions with a short answer or a similar
short phrase. If we agree with a positive statement, we reply with “yes”
and a positive phrase. If we agree with a negative statement, we reply
with “no” and a negative phrase:
• The meeting room’s on the first floor, isn’t it?
• Yes, it is. / Yes, that’s right.
• You haven’t finished the report, have you?
• No, I haven’t. / No, not yet.
If we disagree with a positive statement, we reply with “no” and
a negative phrase. If we disagree with a negative state­ment, we reply
with “yes” and a positive phrase. In both cases, it is polite to add some
further information:
• The ladies’ toilets are over there, aren’t they?
• No, they aren’t. They’re one floor down. — That phone call wasn’t
for me, was it?
(Business Spotlight)
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 13 65

III. Home Assignment

ªª II level — Match the statements on the left with the tag questions
on the right.
a) They made the right decision, 1. are you?
b) He should have told us, 2. did they?
c) They hardly took any notice of us, 3. shouldn’t he?
d) He shouldn’t have waited so long, 4. aren’t you?
e) Excuse me, you’re Mr Knightley, 5. should he?
f) So you’re retiring in July, 6. didn’t they?

ªª III level — Complete the sentences at the top with a tag question.
Then match them with a reply at the bottom.
a) You won't tell anybody, ...............................................?
b) Let's ask Michael, .......................................................?
c) There's been another delay, ..........................................?
d) Jack studied economics, ...............................................?
e) You've met Paul, ........................................................?
f) Do have another sandwich, ...........................................?
1. Yes, good idea
2. No, I haven't. Hi, I'm Tina
3. Yes, I think he did
4. No, of course I won't
5. Thanks, maybe I will
6. Yes, I'm afraid there has

ªª IV level — Complete the sentences by putting the verbs in brack-

ets into the most appropriate future form. Choose between will,
going to and the Present Continuous.
1. Have you heard the news? Vivendi is going to buy (buy) Seagram.
2. I … (meet) Andrea at nine next Thursday morning outside the sta-
3. I’ve just had a call from Richard — he … (be) late.
4. Next year … (be) the company’s centenary year.
5. This taxi driver is terrible. He … (have) an accident.
6. In the future video-conferences (probably replace) many inter-
national meetings.
66 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

7. We … (test) the new machine sometime next week.

8. I … (go) to Manchester on Friday.
9. Would you mind waiting for a moment? I … (not be) long.

IV. Sum Up

Урок 14
Семестрова контрольна робота
Цілі: провести контроль оволодіння учнями мовною і мовлен-
нєвою компетенцією в межах вивчених тем за семестр; розвивати
творчий потенціал учнів; виховувати самостійність та активність.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Terminal test
Test introduction
II. Main part
Terminal test. HOs
I variant
ªª Complete the letter, using a / an, the, or no article (–).
Dear Sirs
Re: Vacant post at (1) … Office of Fair Trading
I am writing to apply for (2) … post of Case Office, as advertised in
(3) … Economist on (4) … 7th February.
As you can see from (5) … attached CV, I am (6) … Dutch national
with (7) … Masters Degree in Economics from (8) … University of Rot-
terdam. Since graduating, I have been working for (9) … .
McAllisters, (10) … investment bank in London, where I  am in
charge of (11) … project management team. (12) … goal of our team
is to help (13) … companies to achieve (14) … successful mergers. I be-
lieve this experience has given me (15) … valuable experience in … .
Keys: 1 the, 2 the, 3 The, 4 –, 5 the, 6 a, 7 a, 8 the, 9 –, 10 an, 11 a,
12 The, 13 –, 14 –, 15 –.
ªª Complete the sentences with can, can’t, could, couldn’tt or be able to.
1. I’m afraid I can’t help you at the moment.
2. I don’t think I’ll … come to the meeting.
3. The negotiations broke down because we … agree on the price.
4. I … see you were having problems, so I didn’t interrupt.
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 14 67

5. If you … make a firm order today, we should … ship by Friday.

6. I find Portuguese very difficult. I … understand it, but I … speak
7. Sorry, I … see you next week, but I might … make the week after.
8. A. Will you … go to the training seminar?
B. No, I … — I’m very busy.
9. I’m sorry I … come to your talk yesterday. I had to sort out a prob-
10. I … ski really well when I was in my twenties, but now I’m out of
ªª Compare travelling by bus, by car, by train, by plane using the
adjectives given below. Make as many sentences as possible.
fast / slow
cheap / expensive
comfortable / uncomfortable
enjoyable / tiring
safe / dangerous
easy / difficult
good / bad
ªª Read the following extract from a  guidebook to Thailand. Fill
in the gaps with can / can’t, must, mustn’t, should, or shouldn’t.
(Sometimes more than one answer is correct.)
UK visitors must apply for a  visa. You (1) … enter the country
without one.
Customs Regulations
You (2) … bring in up to 200 cigarettes.
You (3) … bring in guns or drugs.
You (4) … bring in one litre of wine or spirits.
Cars (5) … be brought into Thailand for personal use, but you
(6) … , have a valid Driving Licence.
You (7) … have at least US $250 with you. If you don’t you (8) …
enter the country.
Advice to travellers
It’s usually very hot in Thailand, so you (9) … bring summer
You (10) … drink tap water. (It’s not always dangerous, but it’s
safer to buy bottled drinking water.)
Traveller’s cheques get a better exchange rate than cash, so you
(11) … bring traveller’s cheques with you.
You (12) … tip taxi drivers. They don’t expect tips, and they might
be embarrassed.
68 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

You (13) … make international phone calls from hotels as they are
very expensive.
You (14) … use the government telephone offices.
You (15) … have medical insurance.
II variant
ªª Complete the letter, using a / an, the, or no article (–).
Hollywood has learned to love the DVD.
For most of (1) … people who run Hollywood, (2) … romance of
film is linked to (3) … movie theatres and (4) … movie stars. But nowa-
days, (5) … great many people watch films at (6) … home. Thanks to
(7) … DVD, and its ability to store (8) … three-hour movie with (9) …
high quality on (10) … small disc, Hollywood now earns more money
from (11) … home entertainment that from (12) … showing of films in
(13) … cinemas.
Keys: 1 the, 2 the, 3 –, 4 –, 5 a, 6 –, 7 the, 8 a, 9 , 10 a, 11 –, 12 the,
13 –.
ªª A businessman is describing his trip to Lagos. Complete the text
with had to, didn’t have to, couldn’t, should have or shouldn’t
have. Each phrase is used twice.
«I (1) should have travelled on the 10 am flight, but when I got
to the airport they told me that the flight was overbooked and I (2) …
catch a later flight. Then at the check-in desk they told me that I (3) …
take both my bags as hand luggage, so I (4) … let one of them go in the
hold, which was very annoying as I had my diary in it, and it delayed
me by nearly an hour at baggage reclaim at the other end.
When I got on the plane I wanted to use my laptop, but of course
I (5) … until after take off. The flight attendant told me to turn it off
and said that I (6) … known not to use it. To be honest I’d just forgot-
ten, and he (7) … been so rude. Er, it was quite late when I finally left
Lagos airport, so it was lucky I  (8) … go to any meetings that after-
noon. And, looking back at what happened, I (9) … travelled with that
airline — they have a lot of problems with overbooking. And my com-
pany was paying for the flight so I (10) … choose the cheapest option’.
ªª Compare travelling by bus, by car, by train, by plane using the
adjectives given below. Make as many sentences as possible.
fast / slow
cheap / expensive
comfortable / uncomfortable
enjoyable / tiring
safe / dangerous
easy / difficult
good / bad
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 15 69

ªª Read the following extract from a  guidebook to Thailand. Fill

in the gaps with can / can’t, must, mustn’t, should, or shouldn’t.
(Sometimes more than one answer is correct.)
UK visitors must apply for a  visa. You (1) … enter the country
without one.
Customs Regulations
You (2) … bring in up to 200 cigarettes.
You (3) … bring in guns or drugs.
You (4) … bring in one litre of wine or spirits.
Cars (5) … be brought into Thailand for personal use, but you
(6) … , have a valid Driving Licence.
You (7) … have at least US $250 with you. If you don’t you (8) …
enter the country.
Advice to travellers
It’s usually very hot in Thailand, so you (9) … bring summer
You (10) … drink tap water. (It’s not always dangerous, but it’s
safer to buy bottled drinking water.)
Traveller’s cheques get a better exchange rate than cash, so you
(11) … bring traveller’s cheques with you.
You (12) … tip taxi drivers. They don’t expect tips, and they might
be embarrassed.
You (13) … make international phone calls from hotels as they are
very expensive.
You (14) … use the government telephone offices.
You (15) … have medical insurance.

V. Sum Up

Урок 15
Підсумковий урок. Робота з текстом для читання
Цілі: опрацювати тексти із завданнями на перевірку розуміння
прочитаного; продовжити навчання читання текстів публіцистич-
ного і науково-популярного характеру з метою отримання інформа-
ції з теми на рівні повного або часткового розуміння; розширювати
активний словниковий запас учнів; формувати критерії справжніх
ділових якостей.
70 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Reading. We Europeans. Cultural
Differences in body language.
ªª Useful tips preparing a presentation
Start by thinking about your audience: who they are and what
they want to know.
Make structured plan for your talk.
• Write the introduction so that you can make a clear and confident
• Prepare a  few visuals to save words and someone reading aloud
from the script.
• Keep the visuals simple: make sure information is large and clear
to illustrate what you want to say.
• Try to use colour and add some pictures to your visuals.
• Don’t try to write the whole presentation word by word: it is more
difficult to understand
• Don’t use too many visuals — about one for each minute of talk-
ing time is enough.
• Don’t make visuals too complex or give too many details.
• Don’t include too much text or too many figures.

IІ. Main part

ªª Group Work. Be ready to exchange information. Think of a group
Understanding the ‘body language’ of different nationalities  —
the way they use gestures, eye-contact, and touching to communicate
without words — is an important part of communicating across cul-
tures. In his book Foreign Bodies, Oxford University research psy-
chologist, Dr Peter Collett, examines some of the differences among
Gesture. Dr Collett suggests that if we compare the way differ-
ent European nations use gestures, they fall into three groups. In the
first group are the Nordic nations — the Swedes, Finns, Norwegians,
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 15 71

and Danes — who use gestures very little. The second group includes
nations such as the British, Germans, Dutch, Belgians, and Russians.
They use some gestures, for example, when they are excited, or want
to communicate over long distances, or to insult each other. The third
group includes the Italians, Greeks, French, Spanish, and Portuguese.
They use gestures a lot, to emphasize what they are saying, and to hold
the other person’s attention. ‘Even when they are silent’, says Dr Col-
lett, ‘their hands are often busy sending messages through the medi-
um of manual semaphore.’
Personal Space. People’s sense of ‘personal space’ — the distance
that separates them from another person — also varies between peo-
ple of different nationalities. What feels right for one nationality may
feel uncomfortable for another. British zoologist, Desmond Morris,
has identified three ‘personal space’ zones in Europe. In countries
such as Spain, France, Italy, and Greece, people stand close enough to
each other easily. Morris calls this the ‘elbow zone’. In East European
countries such as Poland, Hungary, and Romania, people stand a little
more distant. Morris calls this the ‘wrist zone’ because they are close
enough to touch wrists. In Britain, Holland, Belgium, Germany, and
the Scandinavian countries, people prefer to stand further away from
each other, and they do not generally touch. This he calls the ‘finger-
tips zone’.
Eye-contact. Another cultural difference between nationalities is
the amount of eye-contact between people. Ii countries where people
stand close to each other, in Morris’s elbow zone, eye-contact is more
frequent and lasts longer. Mediterranean countries, says Dr Collett,
are ‘high-look’ cultures whereas north European-countries are ‘low-
look’ cultures. Children who grow up in a low-look culture learn that
it is rude to look too long at another person. In a  high-look culture,
eye-contact, like physical contact and gestures, is a natural way of ex-
pressing your feelings and relating to other people. This explains why,
for example, north Europeans visiting south European countries may
feel uncomfortable at the way people look at them.

ªª Discuss those questions.

1. Which nationalities in Europe normally use
a) a lot of gestures when they speak?
b) very few gestures when they speak?
2. In conversation, why might a  north European move away from,
and a  south European more closer to, the person they’re talk-
ing to?
3. Why might north Europeans visiting Mediterranean countries
feel uncomfortable at the way people look at them?
72 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

Group work
1. Meet business partners
• Introduce yourself
• Talk about your job
• Meet a new business partner
2. Get things done
• Talk about urgency
• Persuade people to do things
• Get things done on time
3. Make a short presentation
• Prepare a short introduction
• Sequence points and make a summary
• Give a short presentation

III. Home Assignment

ªª Learn new vocabulary.
Words and Phrases
1. The <firm’s name> is a  research and consultancy organization
with a worldwide membership.
<Назва фірми> є дослідницькою і консультативною організа­
цією з широким представництвом у всьому світі.
2. The <…> company was established to satisfy its members’ needs
in up-to-day quality information on…
Компанію <…> було засновано для задоволення потреб її чле­
нів щодо сучасної і високоякісної інформації з…
3. As you may know, we are one of the largest firms in the country,
producing <… > as well as <…>.
Як Вам можливо відомо, ми — одна з найбільших у країні фірм,
що виробляють <…>, а також <…>.
4. Our firm is active in all areas of <field> .
Наша фірма активно діє у всіх сферах <галузь>.
5. It has been very successful in recent years in producing and sell-
Вона досить успішно працювала в останні роки у виробництві
і продажу…
6. We pride ourselves on providing all our customers with the high-
est quality production and personalized service.
Ми пишаємося тим, що забезпечуємо всіх своїх клієнтів
продукцією найвищої якості і  персоналізованим обслугову­
10 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 15 73

7. It is very interesting for us to introduce our firm and to learn

about your company.
Ми дуже зацікавлені в  тому, щоб представити нашу фірму
і дізнатись детальніше про Вашу компанію.
8. It would be most helpful to know in which fields you are particu-
larly interested and whether you would like to receive regular in-
formation about our activity.
Нам би дуже хотілося дізнатись, в яких саме сферах діяльності
Ви зацікавлені і чи бажаєте Ви регулярно отримувати інфор­
мацію про нашу діяльність.
9. We look forward to beginning the dialogue and then to expanding
our increasingly beneficial relations.
Ми розраховуємо на початок діалогу і, згодом, на поступове
розширення наших взаємовигідних стосунків.
10. I hope that the future will bring us closer collaboration.
Я сподіваюсь, що у  майбутньому ми матимемо більш тісну
11. We would welcome the opportunity to co-operate with you.
Ми радіємо можливості співпраці з Вами.

IV. Sum Up
ІІ семестр
Тема 3. В офісі. Структура компанії.
Стилі управління

Урок 16
Основна інформація про тему. Слова та вирази до розділу
Цілі: організувати ознайомлення учнів з новими лексичними
одиницями — економічними поняттями й дати визначення еконо-
мічних термінів, тренувати у вживанні лексичного матеріалу; сти-
мулювати комунікативну мотивацію шляхом указання на сферу
вживання нової лексики; формувати соціокультурну компетенцію,
прищеплювати працелюбність.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. In the office. Company structure.
Management Styles. Background information. Additional phrases

IІ. Main part

ªª Group work. Read ‘Background Information’ and try to explain
the expressions in bold.
Make a Word Map ‘Office’
Talking about an office of a big company we imagine a high build-
ing or even a sky-scraper belonging to a business corporation or a big
enterprise. Such office includes many departments and every depart-
ment has its own office (a special room). Office is a room or building
where written work, accounts, sales statistics, business letters are
kept (especially in connection with a business or organizational. E.g.:
the manager’s office; the company is moving to new offices in central
London. There are some kinds of offices: a receptionist’s office (a sec-
retary office); an executive’s office, a  principal’s office (or a  chief’s
office); etc.
In every office you can see a desk (or some desks), a telephone (and
office intercom), some office cupboards, including many drawers for
files, folders and multipurpose shelves, a computer, a printer, some-
times a photocopier, swivel chairs.
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 16 75

In executive’s office besides the desk you can see a conference ta-
ble for different meetings and appointments, some chairs, a two seater
sofa or a conference grouping for visitors, a safe for confidential do­
cuments, some cabinets for files (folders), a bar (drinks cabinet). On
the executive’s desk there is a desk mat (blotter), appointments diary,
a calendar, a desk set, a telephone, an office intercom, a desk lamp.
On the secretary’s desk you will usually see a shorthand pad, a let-
ter tray, a  stack (set) of forms, a  typewriter, a  pen and pencil tray,
an internal telephone list, a  telephone and intercom, a  fax machine,
a computer, a customer card index, a calculator, etc.
Secretary is an employee in an office, usually working for another
person, dealing with letters, typing, filing and making appointments
and arrangements and doing many other important errands.
ªª Make a list of different ways of communicating in writing.
Different ways of communicating in writing
In a LETTER, the emphasis is on a high quality appearance. Let-
ters have to be typed or word-processed accurately on the company’s
headed paper with a  smart, clear layout. International mail tends to
be slow and in some countries the post is unreliable. Important docu-
ments or valuable items can be sent by registered mail — or they can
be sent by courier.
A FAX is facsimile copy of a document which is transmitted by
normal telephone lines to another fax machine. Some faxes are exactly
like letters, some are printed on special fax forms rather like memos,
others are simply handwritten messages. The sender of a fax can’t be
certain if the message has been received perfectly — sometimes lines
get missed or are illegible. A fax is not usually a legally binding docu-
E-MAIL (electronic mail) is a  way of sending messages between
computers. The message appears on a screen and can be printed out if
necessary. To make e-mail more “personal” some people use punctua-
tion to add happy {: -) or unhappy {: -( faces to their message!
In a TELEX readers often overlook some errors of spelling and
grammar. Abbreviations such as TKS (Thanks) and RGDS (Regards)
are common in telexes. The sender knows when each telex has been
transmitted and received. A  telex can be a  legally binding docu-
International mail within a company or between branches of the
same firm is usually in the form of MEMOS: These may be brief hand-
written notes or longer, word-processed letters. Most firms use special
memo pads for internal message. A memo to a senior English-speaking
member of staff may need as much care as a letter to a client. The style
76 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

that is used depends on the practice within the company and on the
relationship between the people involved.

ªª Draw the company hierarchy.

In business organization structure means the relationship bet­
ween positions and people who hold the positions. Organization struc-
ture is very important because it provides an efficient work system as
well as a system of communication.
Most companies are made up of three groups of people: the
shareholders (who provide the capital), the management and the
The management structure of a typical company is shown in this
organisation chart.
At the top of the company hierarchy is the Board of Directors,
headed by the Chairperson or President. The Board is responsible
for policy decisions and strategy. It will usually appoint a Managing
Director or Chief Executive Officer, who has to overall responsibility
for the running of the business. Senior managers or company officers
head the various departments or functions within the company, which
may include the following:
• Marketing
• Sales
• Public Relations Information Technology or IT Personnel or Hu-
man Resources
• Finance Production
• Research and Development or R&D
Historically, line structure is the oldest type of organization
structure. The main idea of it is direct vertical relationship between
the positions and tasks of each level, and the positions and tasks above
and bellows each level. For example, a sales manager may be in a line
position between a vice-president of marketing and a salesman. Thus
a  vice-president of marketing has direct authority over a  salesman.
This chain of command simplifies the problems of giving and taking
When a business grows in size and becomes more complex, there is
a need for specialists. In such a case administrators may organize staff
departments and add staff specialists to do specific work.
These people are usually busy with services; they are not tied in
with the company product. The activities of the staff departments
include an accounting, personnel, credit and advertising. Generally,
they do not give orders to other departments.
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 16 77

International Business Styles

The characteristics of management often vary according to na-
tional culture, which can determine how managers are trained, how
they lead people and how they approach their jobs.
The amount of responsibility of any individual in a company de-
pends on the position that he or she occupies in its hierarchy. Manag-
ers, for example, are responsible for leading the people directly under
them, who are called subordinates. To do this successfully, they must
use their authority, which is the right to take decisions and give or-
ders. Managers often delegate authority. This means that employees
at lower levels in the company hierarchy can use their initiative, which
is make decisions without asking their manager.
• hierarchy — a system of organization in which people or things
are divided into levels of importance. (Exam Dictionary, Long­
man, 2006)
ªª Discuss ‘Background Information’.

III. Home Assignment

ªª II level  — Paul is an administrative assistant in an office. How
many of these statements are true about him in his job.
1. He works at a computer most of the time, where he writes letters
and reports.
2. He answers phone calls, takes messages and sends faxes.
3. He makes a lot of phone calls, especially to retailers.
3. He does a  lot of general paper work, e.g. filing reports, writing
memos, answering letters.
4. He arranges meetings for his boss and other managers of the com-
5. He sells the factory furniture.
6. He checks the goods when they come off the assembly line.
7. He sends invoices to customers. (=papers showing products sold
and the money to pay).
8. He shows visitors around the factory.
10. He controls the financial situation of the company.
ªª III level — do a written translation.
Dear Susan,
Well, I’ve got the job! And I  seem to need most of the things
I learned in College.
They wanted to know my shorthand and typing speeds, and what
kind of a typewriter I was used to , and whether I could use a word pro­
cessor as well. Because my boss, Mr. Sutherland, is away from the
78 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

­ ffice a lot. He often dictates on to a cassette tape, so they wanted to

know if I could manage audio typing. But they also gave me a short-
hand notebook. They explained that I would often be making appoint-
ments for Mr. Sutherland, so I must keep his diary. I’ll also be typing
his correspondence and when he is away I may have to sign some of his
letters. I’ll also be responsible for circulating memos to other members
of the staff, and when I go to meetings I’ll be taking the minutes. Be-
cause I’ll be buying the stamps and coffee and so on, I’ll deal with the
petty cash and keep the post book. They also want me to screen callers
to the office, so that Mr. Sutherland doesn’t get disturbed when he’s
busy. And I’ll have to do some proof reading (of catalogues, press re-
leases, and things like that). So I think I’ll keep busy!
It all sounds fascinating, and I’m terribly excited!
ªª IV level — Image that you are in one of these groups of people: the
shareholders (who provide the capital), the management and the
workforce and write a letter about your duties.

IV. Revision
Meeting a  business partner. Telephoning. Background informa-
tion. Additional phrases

V. Sum Up

Урок 17
Комунікативна практика. Обов’язки секретаря.
Засідання. Робота в офісі
Цілі: навчати усних форм спілкування у діловому стилі, пред-
ставити діалог або полілог як взірець ділового стилю мовлення;
розвивати мовленнєву компетенцію (діалогічне і монологічне мов-
лення); закріпити активну лексику та використовувати її у трену-
вальних ситуаціях та рольових іграх; формувати соціокультурну
компетенцію та критерії справжніх ділових якостей.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Communication Practice. Office
Talks. Boss and Secretary
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 17 79

ªª Imagine that you’re writing a letter to a client. Write down the

words you would write in place of these sentences which were spo-
ken on the phone.
1. “Oh, do you think you could call me about this next week?” Could
you please telephone me about this next week?
2. “Do you think you could confirm it by fax?” Would … .
3. “Sorry, but we can’t give you a  special discount. I  regret to say
that … .
4. “If you like, we can send you a sample of this product. Please let us
know if … .
5. Will it be OK to ship the order in two separate consignments?”
With your permission, we propose … .
6. “Thanks a lot for all your help. It was very kind of you. Thank you
7. “There may be some questions about our literature  — if so, can
I help at all?” If you … .
8. “Terribly sorry, but you can’t amend an order over the telephone.
Unfortunately, … .

IІ. Main part

Language Vocabulary
The Presentation
1. flip chart 12. graph
2. stand / tripod 13. podium
3. pie chart 14. (meeting) participant
4. table 15. refreshments
5. microphone 16. (data) projector
6. speaker / presenter 17. extension cord
7. remote control 18. socket
8. laser pointer 19. handout
9. loudspeaker 20. mobile phone / cell phone
10. (pull-down) screen US
11. slide

ªª Getting ready. Use the words from the list to complete the text.
Andrea Alberts is a  bit nervous because she’ll be the first (a)  …
at the meeting, so she checks that she has everything she needs.
Her presentation is on her laptop, which will be connected to a (b) …
at the centre of the room. This allows her to show her presentation
on the (c) … at the front wall. She’ll use a  (d) … to switch from one
Power-point (e) … to the next. By speaking into a  (f) … , she can be
80 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

sure everyone will be able to hear her, and a  set of external (g) …
will carry the sound to the back of the room. In case her compu-
ter should fail, Andrea has set up a  (h) in the corner. On it, she has
the main elements of her talk; the product names are arranged in a
(i) … and the market share is illustrated with a (j) … . She’ll also dis-
tribute the information in her presentation on a three-page (k) … .
ªª Make your own talk.
ªª Read and talk about office work.
Ефективного робочого дня не може бути без ідеально
організованого робочого місця. DAGMAR TAYLOR познайомить вас
ближче з офісною лексикою.
A question of organization
After a hectic day at work, Valerie’s desk looks as if it has been
hit by a bomb. So before she leaves the office, she gathers up all the
papers and documents, then sorts them and puts each in the proper
place. She places documents she still has to work on in her in tray. She
punches holes in the margins of the documents she is finished with and
files them in ring binders that she keeps in a cabinet. If she has papers
that she wants to keep together, she puts them into transparent plas-
tic pocket files, or she joins them with staples or paper clips. Valerie
keeps confidential documents and reports in hanging files in the filing
cabinet next to her desk. She throws away the pages that she no longer
needs or runs them through the shredder. Pens, along with the scis-
sors, the ruler and pencils, belong in the desk organizer.
It is getting late, and if Valerie doesn’t hurry, she’ll miss happy
hour at the pub. She quickly checks her e-mails one last time. In the
morning, she has to go and see a client, so she makes sure that she has
the correct time and the client’s address in her PDA, and the presenta-
tion and the other files she’ll need on her notebook. She then turns it
off and packs it in its bag along with the adapter and the mouse.
As soon as she gets back from the client, Valerie will have to or-
ganize a conference call with the London office. With such im­portant
appointments ahead, being well-prepared is essential. She has made
a list of things she has to do the next day, but she also writes herself
a reminder and the phone numbers that she’ll need on a Post-it that
she sticks on to her phone. Valerie also re­members to check the fax
machine and printer in the next room. There is hardly any paper left
in the printer, so she goes to the storeroom to get more. Satisfied, she
closes the cabinets, and has a last look around the office. It’s now quar-
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 17 81

ter past seven and Valerie is looking forward to a  well-earned drink

and to spending the evening with her friends.
QUIZ: What to use?
ªª Choose the correct answer for each question.
1. Where do you put unwanted confidential documents?
a) in the in trav b) in the shredder
c) in a docking station
2. How do you put holes at the edge of a piece of paper?
a) punch them in b) stamp them in
c) clip them in
3. What do you use to connect papers and documents?
a) pocket folders b) paper clips c) adapters
4. Where do you keep ring binders?
a) in a hanging file b) in a cabinet c) on a laptop
5. Where do you keep a record of your appointments?
a) on a printer b) in the storeroom
c) in your PDA
(Business Spotlight)

ІV. Home Assignment

ªª II level — Making requests, offering to help and asking for per-
mission. Match a line in A with a line in B.
1. Um, I wonder if you could lend a) Sure, you just press this
me an umbrella. I need to go button here
out for a little while
2. Would you mind telling me b) Why certainly, I’d be glad
how to put it up? to. Mine’s over there
3. I’m expecting a call from To- c) Excuse me, Mr. Brown, is it
kyo at 1.30. I’d like you to take all right if I leave the office
a message for me, plea at 4.30 this afternoon1?
4. Yes, Chris? d) I’m sorry, but I’m having
lunch at 1.30
5. 4.30? Oh, yes, that should be e) Oh, thanks very much, Mr.
OK Brown

ªª III level — Read the following texts. Choose one of the titles for
each text which describes different processes.
a) Starting a record player.
b) Using a personal computer.
82 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

c) Typing a report.
d) Making a paper airplane.
1. First of all you have to put the plug in. And be careful not to for-
get to take this covers off. Now you first switch this on here and
also you switch this on. Now I take one of these and push it into
this slot. Like this. Is that clear? It only takes a few second to load.
And then I can select what I’m going to be working on. Right, then
I click this; little thing on here. You see that arrow? And then the
whole thing starts up. And now I’m ready for serious work. When
I’ve finished whatever job I’ve been doing, I have to take care to
save it like this. Then I take this out and put it away and then I can
use another one of these and repeat the same general procedure,
leaving it on all the while
2. You take a piece of paper. A4 size will do. First you fold it all the
way down the middle. And then unfold the corners at one end.
Then you fold in the corners so that they meet the original crease.
Now fold in the new edges so that they meet the center crease.
And then fold once again to meet the centre crease. Next, fold the
point so meet the side edge. Now comes the tricky bit. Fold the
edge twice, to give it some weight and then make a double fold.
Then you need a pair of scissors. You need to cut outs small sec-
tion not far back from the nose and fold down the wings. Now to
throw it you need to hook an average size rubber band in the cut-
out section and grasp the end Stretch back and let go. I hope you
have fun with it.
3. First of all make sure the machine is plugged in. And then
switched on. We then open it up here and, by the way, don’t forget
to move the control arm clear. Take what you want to hear our of
the sleeve and place it on the spindle. At this stage you may have
to check that the correct speed has been selected. If not, of course,
you have to select it. Then switch the control to automatic. And as
long as the thing is on, that’s it Just lean back and enjoy it.
4. Now to start off with you use A4 paper. OK? You have to make
one top copy an^ then two extra copies. And you should type in
double spacing on one side of the paper only. OK? Now you have to
leave a 40 millimetre margin on the left-hand side. About 25 mil-
limetres at the right. And 25 millimetres at the top and the bot-
tom. Don’t type part of a word on one line and then part of it on
the next, please. And don’t type hyphen at the end or the start of
a line. Now number the pages in the centre of each page at the top.
Use a separate page for each of the tables. All right. The number
of tl table and the heading should be immediately above the ta-
ble. Don’t indent the fir paragraph after a heading. Don’t under-
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 18 83

line the headings. Only underline the won that are underlined in
the manuscript. And finally, the contents page is to be typed last
when the page numbers are known.
ªª IV level — Make a small talk about office work.

IV. Revision
Communication Practice. Greeting. Telephone conversations with
the British firms

V. Sum Up

Урок 18
Комунікативна практика. Знайомство з фірмою. Види
компаній. Форми організації бізнесу. Стилі управління
Цілі: навчати усних форм спілкування у діловому стилі, пред-
ставити діалог або полілог як взірець ділового стилю мовлення;
розвивати мовленнєву компетенцію (діалогічне і монологічне мов-
лення); закріпити активну лексику та використовувати її у трену-
вальних ситуаціях і рольових іграх; формувати соціокультурну
компетенцію та критерії справжніх ділових якостей.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Communication Practice. Business
appointment. What is a compan
ªª What qualities does a person need to be a manager of a company?
• General education • Ability to make decision
• Motivation to work • Communication skill
• Foreign languages • Punctuality
• Flexibility • Fantasy
• Ability to cope under pres-

IІ. Main part

ªª Pre-reading task. Pair-work
Get the meanings of the names of the different positions in a com-
84 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

Director Board Chairman President Accountant Manager Secretary


________________ ? is a person who manages the affairs of a busi-

ness company.
________________ ? is a group of people controlling a company
or some other organization.
________________ ? is a  permanent president of a  committee,
board of directors of a company.
________________ ? is the head of a business firm or a bank.
________________ ? is a person whose profession is to keep or in-
spect financial accounts.
________________ ? is a person controlling a business.
________________ ? is an employee in an office, usually working
for another person, dealing with letters, typing, filing and making ap-
pointments and arrangements.
________________ ? is a person who audits accounts.
ªª While-reading task. Read the text and try to imagine the struc-
ture of the company.
Company is a  corporate enterprise that has a  legal identity se­
parate (from that of its members; it operates as one single unit, in
the success of which all the members participate. An incorporated
company is a legal person in its own right, able to own property and to
sue and be sued in its own name. A company may have limited liability
so the liability of the members for the company is debt’s is limited. An
unlimited company is one in which the liability of the members is not
limited in any way. There are various different types of companies:
a chartered company is one formed under Royal Charter in Great Bri­
tain. Chartered companies, however, are now rare, unless a charter is
required for prestige purposes, as it might be for a  new university.
A joint-stock company is a company in which the members pool their
stock, trading on the basis of their joint stock. This differs from the
earlier merchant corporations or regulated companies of the 14th
century, in which each member traded with his own stock but agreed
to obey the rules of the company.
A registered company is the most common type of company.
A  company may be registered either as a  public limited company or
a private company. A public limited company must have a name end-
ing with the initials “plc” and have an authorized share capital. The
regulation of such companies is stricter than that of private compa-
nies. Most public companies are converted from private companies,
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 18 85

under the re-registration procedure laid down in the Companies Act.

A private company is any registered company that is not a public com-
pany. The shares of a private company may not be offered to the public
for sale. A statutory company is a company formed by special Act of
parliament in Great Britain. These are generally public utilities that
were either not nationalized or that have been privatized.
Many companies open a branch office to improve distribution in
countries when a  good market exists. The first step, of course, is to
find suitable premises in a good location, where the rent is reasonable
and transport to retailers and distributors is fast and easy to arrange.
Local conditions including fire precautions and safety regulations
must be met; a manager must be appointed and staff must be found.
A decision must be made about whether the branch office is to
hold stock or not. The success or failure of this enterprise will depend
on the relationship of the branch office to the Head Office, and that
must be established before any of the details are considered.
ªª Work in groups. Discuss these more general questions:
1. What percentages of people working, approximately, are engaged
in each of the sectors in your country?
2. Which sector is contracting? Which is growing? Which is staying
the same?
3. In which sector are the most companies, businesses or enterprises
in your region located, would you say?
4. Which sectors do your parents (or do you expect to) work in?
5. Which areas of the economy in your country are changing most?
6. Which areas have the most people working in them?
7. Which areas are the most important?
8. Which sectors can we not do without?
III. Home Assignment
ªª II–III level — Render into Ukrainian.
1. The Managing Director is accountable to the board and is respon-
sible for running the company.
2. The subsidiaries report to the Export Sales Department which is
accountable to the Board.
3. The Managing Director is assisted by four executive departments.
4. Human Resources Department is responsible for personnel, train-
ing and management development.
5. Finance Department takes care of corporate finance and accounting.
6. Purchasing Manager buys all the things that the company needs.
7. Sales Director is in charge of the people who sell the products of
the company.
8. Sales Manager is responsible for supplying goods to customers.
86 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

9. The head of the Accounts Department is responsible for all the

money in the company, handles payments from customers and
wages for staff.
10. The person who greets a visitor and tells him or her to get to the
right office is the receptionist.
11. Accountants are the employees who check a company’s financial
12. Clerks are the employees responsible for carrying out general of-
fice duties, filling in forms and keeping statistics.
ªª IV level  — Read this text about International Business Styles.
Paragraphs 1–5  contain advice for business leaders. Choose the
appropriate heading for each paragraph from the list below.
a) A leader should be a good teacher and communicator.
b) A leader must manage time and use it effectively.
c) A leader must have technical competence.
d) A leader must provide vision.
e) A leader must be visible and approachable.
f) A leader should be introspective.
g) A leader should be dependable.
h) A leader should be open-minded.
i) A leader should have a sense of humour.
1. In large organizations, leaders should spend no more than four
hours a day in their offices. The rest of the time, they should be
out with their people, talking to lower level employees and get-
ting their feedback on problem areas. They should be making
short speeches and handing out awards. They should be travelling
widely throughout their organizations.
2. The best leaders are those whose minds are never closed and who are
eager to deal with new issues. Leaders should not change their minds
too frequently after a major decision has been made, but if they ne­
ver reconsider, they are beginning to show a degree of rigidity and
inflexibility that creates problems for the organizations.
3. Executives must take a  disciplined approach to their schedules,
their post, their telephone calls, their travel schedules and their
meetings. Staying busy and working long hours a not necessarily
a measurement of leadership effectiveness.
4. Leaders may run efficient organizations, but they do not really
serve the long-term interests of the institution unless they plan,
set goals and provide strategic perception.
5. The leader must be willing to pass on skills, to share insights and
experiences, and, to work very closely with people to help them
mature and be creative.
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 19 87

IV. Revision
Communication Practice. Telephone conversational formulas
V. Sum Up

Урок 19
Рольові ігри та творча робота учнів
Цілі: закріпити активну лексику та використовувати її у тре-
нувальних ситуаціях і рольових іграх; розвивати мовленнєву ком-
петенцію (діалогічне і  монологічне мовлення); формувати соціо-
культурну компетенцію та критерії справжніх ділових якостей,
розвивати креативне мислення.
І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Role-play

IІ. Main part

ªª Work in pairs. Read the agenda for one-to-one meeting between
two managers, Kate Thomas and David Williams and role-play
a one-to-one meeting.
To David Willams
Agenda for meeting on April 15
Guidelines for реорlе who travel abroad on our behalf, arising
from J.L.’s trip to Germany & F.E.’s trip to Japan. Advance to cover
anticipated expenses:
• How much should the advance be?
• When should it be paid?
• How should they pay their on-the-spot expenses when abroad?
Air travel:
• Who should book & pay for the tickets?
• Who should check dates & times?
• What class: club (business) or economy?
• Who should have copies of it?
• What details should be on it?
• What kind oft accommodation should we book?
Any other business.
88 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

ªª Work in groups of four. Each group should consist of two pairs.

You’ll be m playing a meeting between a client and a salesperson
discussing the idea of using your school, college or institution as
a venue for a seminar or conference.
1. Spin a coin to decide which pair will play the role of salespeople
(Pair A, who a “selling” the venue) or clients (Pair B, the confe­
rence organizers).
2. Pair A. Decide how well your college can cater for a  seminar or
conference. How many participants can be comfortably accommo-
dated in the premises? What facility can you offer? How will you
deal with accommodation for the delegates?
Pair B. Make a list of the requirements you have for your semi-
nar / conferee. What facilities will you require?
3. Phone the other pair to confirm or discuss the arrangements for
the meeting.
4. Pair A. Draft an agenda for the meeting.
Pair B. Draft a list of questions you will ask the salespeople.
5. One member of Pair A goes to meet one member of Pair B to have
a one-to-one meeting. Imagine that you already know each other,
and you haven’t met for quite a while. Make notes as you go along
on the decisions you reach. The other member of each pair will be
sitting in on the meeting and making notes as ‘Observers’. They
should not participate in the meeting.
If you’re an Observer, note down…
• what the client and salesperson did well
• what they did less well
• what they forgot to do
• what you would do differently
• any other comments on their meeting
6. At the end of the meeting the Observers give their feedback. Also,
compare the notes the client and salesperson made: did they note
down the same point?
7. Change roles and hold the meetings again, so that the Observers
can themselves receive feedback as client and salesperson.
ªª Work in groups. Think about department you would like to work
in. Draw an organization chart. Use these phrases to give a short
presentation about your department.
Describing the activity of a department
My department deals with / is responsible for marketing / admi­
nistration, etc. We organize tests / studies / research.
We work with customers / suppliers / subsidiaries / other compa-
nies in the group.
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 19 89

Describing the staffing of a department

There are … people in the department.
Pierre Bookos is in charge of the department.
I am one of the managers / technicians / secretaries / engineers.
Describing the equipment / premises of a department
We have a large office / three laboratories / a small building. We
use computers / fax / e-mail a lot.
We have a  well-equipped laboratory / a  lot of technical equip-

1. Interview the owner or manager of a retail store in your area. Ask
him or her if most of the products in the store come through direct
or indirect marketing channels. Do any products come through
more than one wholesaler? If so, give an example, identifying the
types of wholesalers involved. Write a brief report entitled, ‘The
Marketing Channels for (name of store), a Local Retail Store.’
Share your findings with the class.
2. Sharing students’ ideas
Role-play. HO Negotiating from Intelligent Business
ªª Try to use the following language in your discussion.
Make proposals Respond
Let’s … That’s fine with me.
Why don’t we…? OK — it’s a deal?
I suggest we… Maybe another option would be …
I think we should… I think it might be better to…
How about…? I’m sorry — I can’t agree to that.
No way!
ªª Work in pairs. You are going to role-play a  sales meeting of
a salesperson and a customer. Student A should look at task 1 and
student B at task 2.
ªª Now student A should look at task 3 and student N at 1.
ªª Work in groups of three. You are going to take part in a telephone
sales negotiation. Student A is the ‘Buyer’ and student B is the
‘Seller’, and student C is the ‘Observer’.

III. Home Assignment

ªª Read the text describing company structure. Then choose the cor-
rect answer to the questions.
SBS stands for Siemens Business Services. It is a division of the
famous German company Siemens. It is only about five years old but is
90 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

already responsible for a considerable part of Siemens’ turnover. How?

Siemens had the idea in 1995. A whole department of Siemens was at
the time responsible for the information and communication activities
of Siemens. The idea was to offer this service not only inside the com-
pany but outside too. SBS is now one of the world’s leading providers
in the area of electronic business solutions and services.
Friedrich Froeschi is the CEO and SBS is now an independent divi-
sion with 33,000 employees in 88 countries and turnover of €5.8 bil-
lion. One of its largest customers is the British government. SBS or-
ganizes and manages the passports and national savings accounts for
Britain. In Europe its main competitors are IBM, Cap Gemini, and
EDS. With growth in this marker of at least 15  % the future looks
bright for this German service company.
1. What is the activity of SBS?
a) electronic engineering
b) printing
c) database management
2. Which company does Friedrich Froeschi manage?
a) Siemens Business Services
b) Siemens
c) IBM
3. One of its largest customers is:
a) EDS
b) SBS
c) the British government
4. €5.8 billion represents:
a) Siemens turnover
b) SBS’s turnover
c) SBS’s profit
5. SBS manages electronic services for:
a) IBM
b) British passports
c) 88 countries
6. SBS is:
a) a branch of Siemens
b) a department of Siemens
c) a division of Siemens
ªª Find words in the Siemens text which match these definitions.
1. a computer application for keeping records _ ________________
2. annual sales __________________________________________
3. clients _ _____________________________________________
4. companies in the same market _ __________________________
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 20 91

5. a document for travelling from one country to another ________

6. an increase __________________________________________
ªª Look at this list of words. Match pairs of words, as in the exam-
ples, to make the expressions defined below.
sales annual company development
office human research marketing
stock market resources managing
head parent director production
site public relations turnover

1. a department in charge of finding new ideas

research + development = Research and Development
2. a person in charge of a company
managing + director = Managing Director
3. a firm which owns subsidiaries
4. a department in charge of finding and increasing the number of
5. a factory or a plant
6. department in charge of recruitment, training, and personnel
7. the administrative and central building of a company
8. the value of a public company is quoted here
9. the total sales of a company for a year
10. the department of a company which is in charge of external com-

IV. Revision
Greeting. Telephone conversations. Role-play

V. Sum Up

Урок 20
Основи ділового листування.
Телеграми. Електронна пошта
Цілі: дати поняття про основи ділового спілкування; розвивати
навички ділового листування; стимулювати комунікативну моти-
вацію шляхом указання на сферу вживання нової лексики; форму-
вати соціокультурну компетенцію шляхом встановлення контактів
із зарубіжними партнерами у майбутньому, що в цілому сприятиме
діалогу культур у  процесі міжнародного співробітництва; прище-
плювати працелюбність.
92 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Business Correspondence. Writing
Telegrams. E-mails (Electronic Addresses)

IІ. Main part

What do you think?
Most people receive a lot of emails each day. They want to be able
to read and understand your message quickly. Look at these hints for
making an email easier to read. Put them in order of importance.
• Keep the message short.
• Write simple sentences.
• Put the main message near the start.
• Put important requests in the first paragraph.
• Use polite phrases to build a good relationship with the other person.
ªª Learning to learn
Business Correspondence
The telegram should be as brief as it is consistent with clearness,
which is absolutely essential. Telegrams are expensive, and every word
eliminated from a message means a saving; but elimination of words at
the expense of clearness is poor economy.
There are some abbreviations:
about –ABT; degrees — DGS; information — INFO; from — FM;
maximum — MAX; message — MSG; minimum — MIN; miles — MLS;
number — NO; per day — PD; position — PSN, POSSN; regarding —
RE; situation — SIT.
What is termed “telegraphic English” may also be used:
IF POSSIBLE — якщо можливо
IF AVAILABLE — якщо є наявними
ON ARRIVAL — після прибуття
PLEASE ARRANGE — прошу підготувати
PLEASE CONFIRM — прошу підтвердити
PLEASE INVITE — прошу запросити
PLEASE WIRE — прошу телеграфувати
PLEASE NOMINATE — прошу призначити
PLEASE SUPPLY — прошу доставити
PLEASE INFORM — прошу проінформувати
REQUEST INSTRUCTIONS — прошу інструкцій
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 20 93

e.g.: We regret we cannot accept your price. — REGRET PRICE

Our competitors are in a very strong position. — COMPETI-
To avoid misreading, essential figures should be stated in words.
A telegram should always be confirmed by letter the same day, ei-
ther by repeating the words of telegram, or by sending a carbon copy.
Lengthy messages that are urgent may be sent by letter telegram.
The rate charged is much lower than that for ordinary telegrams.
Samples of Telegrams
E-mail addresses are very interesting. At first glance, they are
not properly understood to novice, but these short sets of numbers,
letters, and symbols can assure their owners of e-mail from anywhere
in the world. The most important symbol in an e-mail address is the
@ sign, which separates the personal user’s identification (user ID) on
the left, from the domain, or machine address, on the right. Here’s an
example of e-mail address: ahbsc@cuatvm.cuat.edu
The part to the left of the @ is a personnel user ID (AHBSC), which
stands for Alan H. Brown, Somewhere College. The part immediately af-
ter the @ shows the machine. Many universities use VM machine (VM =
virtual machine), so the machine address is CUATVM, which means “City
University of Any-Town Virtual Machine”. Then there is a dot to separate
the different “domains” or “subdomains” within the address. After the dot,
we have the name of the institution, City University of Any-Town (CUAT),
and finally we have the domain EDU which stands for “education”.
Domains can be:
EDU — for education
GOV — for government
COM — for commercial
MIL — for military
NET — for Internet or related network service provider
ORG — for organisation, probably non-profit
ComputerServe addresses are all ©Compuserve.com.
94 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

There are searching servers:


ªª Translate into English
Дата, адреса та підпис у  телеграмах  — безкоштовні. Кожне
слово, довге чи коротке, а також кожна цифра, підраховуються для
оплати. Між реченнями можна ставити крапку, але вона вважаєть-
ся словом, яке оплачується.
ªª Paraphrase the following message to suitable telegraphic form.
The pellets of veneer you ordered is out of warehouse at present,
but we hope to be able to supply it next week.
ªª Work in groups. Make up your own e-mail address.
Write a letter to your partner using e-mail.

III. Home Assignment

ªª Translate into English
ªª Complete the sentences with a  word from the list below. At the
end of each sentence write adj. (adjective) or adv (adverb) to show
how the word in the gap is being used.
good well fast fast hard hard hardly late late monthly
1. We’re going to introduce a monthly newsletter for all employees.
2. I’m sorry, your goods are going to arrive about a week … .
3. That flight time is too … Haven’t you got anything earlier?
4. Everything’s fine. The meeting is going very … .
5. I was so tired that I could … keep my eyes open)
6. The hotel was … but we didn’t like the food in the restaurant … .
7. It’s a … choice, but I think Caria is the better candidate … .
8. I had to work very … to get everything finished on time … .
9. I’m sorry, I don’t understand. You’re talking too … .
10. We’ll have to make a … exit if things start going wrong … .
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 21 95

V Revision
Business Correspondence. Letter of invitation.

IV. Sum Up

Урок 21
Основи ділового листування. Листи-представлення фірми
Цілі: сприяти розширенню словникового запасу і вдосконален-
ню набутих граматичних навичок за темами Герундій та Інфінітив
через розвиток усних та писемних мовленнєвих навичок у сфері ді-
лового спілкування; стимулювати комунікативну мотивацію шля-
хом указання на сферу вживання нової лексики; формувати соціо-
культурну компетенцію, прищеплювати працелюбність.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Business Correspondence. Letter of

IІ. Main part

Business Correspondence
1. Read the text and put the extracts in the right order.
If you are writing to your partner for the first time it would be po-
lite to start your correspondence with introduction of your firm. First
of all you have to describe you organization in short and to re­present
its aims and tasks in the sphere of international business activity.
Then you may praise your firm or represent its advantages among the
other firms. You can also send an advertising booklet representing
your products and a sphere of activity. If you are not acquainted with
your partner quite well it would be better to find out what kind of busi-
ness activity this company represents and what possibilities of future
co-operation you can get. At the end of the letter you should express
your hopes for fruitful co-activity.
ªª Match the words and translation. Pair work. Words and Phrases
1. The < firm’s name> is a  research and consultancy organization
with a worldwide membership.
<Назва фірми> є  дослідницькою і  консультативною органі­
зацією з широким представництвом у всьому світі.
96 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

2. The <… > company was established to satisfy its members’ needs
in up-to-day quality information on…
Компанію <…> було засновано для задоволення потреб її членів
щодо сучасної і високоякісної інформації з …
3. As you may know, we are one of the largest firms in the country,
producing <…> as well as <…>.
Як Вам можливо відомо, ми — одна з найбільших у країні фірм,
що виробляють <…>, а також <…>.
4. Our firm is active in all areas of <field> .
Наша фірма активно діє у всіх сферах <галузь>.
5. It has been very successful in recent years in producing and sell-
ing …
Вона досить успішно працювала в останні роки у виробництві
і продажу…
6. We pride ourselves on providing all our customers with the high-
est quality production and personalized service.
Ми пишаємося тим, що забезпечуємо всіх своїх клієнтів про­
дукцією найвищої якості і  персоналізованим обслуговуван­
7. It is very interesting for us to introduce our firm and to learn
about your company.
Ми дуже зацікавлені в  тому, щоб представити нашу фірму
і дізнатись детальніше про Вашу компанію.
8. It would be most helpful to know in which fields you are particu-
larly interested and whether you would like to receive regular in-
formation about our activity.
Нам би дуже хотілося дізнатись, в яких саме сферах діяльності
Ви зацікавлені і  чи бажаєте Ви регулярно отримувати
інформацію про нашу діяльність.
9. We look forward to beginning the dialogue and then to expanding
our increasingly beneficial relations.
Ми розраховуємо на початок діалогу і, згодом, на поступове
розширення наших взаємовигідних стосунків.
10. I hope that the future will bring us closer collaboration.
Я сподіваюсь, що у  майбутньому ми матимемо більш тісну
11. We would welcome the opportunity to co-operate with you.
Ми радіємо можливості співпраці з Вами.

а) <Назва фірми> є дослідницькою і консультативною орга­ніза­

цією з широким представництвом у всьому світі.
b) Компанію <…> було засновано для задоволення потреб її чле­
нів щодо сучасної і високоякісної інформації з…
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 21 97

c) Як Вам можливо відомо, ми — одна з найбільших у країні фірм,

що виробляють <…>, а також <…>.
d) Наша фірма активно діє у всіх сферах <галузь>.
e) Вона досить успішно працювала в останні роки у виробництві
і продажу…
f) Ми пишаємося тим, що забезпечуємо всіх своїх клієнтів про­
дукцією найвищої якості і персоналізованим обслуговуванням.
g) Ми дуже зацікавлені в  тому, щоб представити нашу фірму
і дізнатись детальніше про Вашу компанію.
h) Нам би дуже хотілося дізнатись, в яких саме сферах діяльнос­
ті Ви зацікавлені і чи бажаєте Ви регулярно отримувати ін­
формацію про нашу діяльність.
i) Ми розраховуємо на початок діалогу і, згодом, на поступове
розширення наших взаємовигідних стосунків.
j) Я  сподіваюсь, що у  майбутньому ми матимемо більш тісну
k) Ми радіємо можливості співпраці з Вами.
ªª Translate this letter into English.
Ми — невелика на даний момент, проте енергійна група моло-
дих людей, збираємось розширювати свою діяльність в найближчі
роки. Для того, щоб Ви змогли дізнатися більше про нашу компа-
нію, я  беру на себе сміливість (I am taking the liberty of) вкласти
у конверт буклет, який дає уявлення про історію, структуру і плани
нашої компанії. Ми розраховуємо встановити тісні і теплі (cordial)
взаємовідносини з Вашою фірмою.

ІІІ. Home Assignment

ªª II level — Do a written translation.
Sample Letter of Introduction of the Firm
Ukrlis Ltd.
12 Vesela Street
Lviv, Ukraine
September 8, 2002
Maidstone Woodcraft Ltd
1456 Pine Avenue
Maidstone, Kent England
Dear Sirs,
We are small but energetic company producing raw materials for
furniture production. We were established in 1998 and since then we
have become one of the leading companies in our region.
We provide our customers with the highest quality production
and satisfy growing demands of modern market.
98 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

So that you may know a little more about our company we enclose
a booklet we have recently published, giving the history, our achieve-
ments, representing our products and plans of our company. If you
need any further information about our activities, please contact us:
our telephone number is 48769540; e-mail: ukrlis@com.ua.
It would be most helpful to get some information about your com-
pany and spheres of its activity.
We look forward to building successful co-operation in the future.
Yours faithfully,

ªª III–IV level — Think of a firm you would like to have and write
down a letter of introduction of the firm.

IV. Revision
Grammar Practice. Articles. Nouns. Countable / uncountable

V. Sum Up

Урок 22
Практикум з граматики. Прикметники. Прийменники
Цілі: сприяти розширенню словникового запасу і  вдоскона-
ленню набутих граматичних навичок за темами: Прикметники,
Прийменники через розвиток усних та писемних мовленнєвих на-
вичок у сфері ділового спілкування; стимулювати комунікативну
мотивацію шляхом указання на сферу вживання нової лексики;
формувати соціокультурну компетенцію, прищеплювати праце-

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Grammar practice. Adjectives. Pre­

IІ. Main part

Grammar reference: Comparatives and superlatives, p 92
ªª Dictation “Comparatives and superlatives”
• Telephone costs are lower than they were 10 years ago.
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 22 99

• This model is easier to use.

• The X100 is more economical to run.
• Call me if you need any further / farther details.
• This model is bigger than that one.
• This model is the same price as that one.
• This model isn’t as expensive as that one.
• This model is the heaviest of the three.
• This project is the most / least successful nowadays.
• This product is the best / worst of the lot.
ªª Translate sentences into your language; make up 5 questions.
Training Exercises
ªª Write the adjectives in the comparative form to complete the
Some online retailers (a person or business that sells goods to cus­
tomers in a shop) are (1) … (good) than others. Online CD retailers usu-
ally have (2) … (user-friendly) websites and (3) … (powerful) facilities
to help you find the CD you want. Generally, online prices are (4) …
(low) than on the high street. Some retailers charge a lot for delivery,
but it can still be (5) … (cheap) overall than buying from a store. When
you buy online, there’s a (6) … (great) chance that it won’t be what you
want. You have the right to return the goods, but retailers are (7) …
(happy) to take goods back than others.
ªª Write the adjectives in the superlative form.
The TX is the model I  recommend for our company car fleet
(автопарк). It offers the (1) … (good) value money and is the (2) …
(economical) to run. Of the models we looked at, we found this one to
be the (3) … (comfortable) to drive over long distances. There is plenty
of room, even for the (4) … (tall) drivers. It was also the (5) … (easy) to
park. Consumer reports show that this model is the (6) … (reliable) car
in its class.
ªª Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.
1. You can buy an exercise bike for your home that is as good than
the ones in the gym.
2. Expensive machines are usually more stronger.
3. You can adjust (звикнути) the speed to go more fast or more
4. It’s better to train regularly for short periods as to spend too long
on one session (a period of time used for a particular activity).
5. The worse thing you can do is to try to go too fast before you are
really fit.
6. Exercising in front of the TV is least boring than going to the gym.
100 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

ªª Underline the correct adjective.

1. I couldn’t do any more work last night I was just so tired / tiring.
2. I don’t think the audience liked the talk. They looked bored / boring.
3. I don’t think the audience liked the talk. It was a bit bored / boring.
4. Your new multimedia project sounds really excited / exciting.
5. You look worried / worrying. Is anything the matter?
6. Their profits last year were extremely large / enormous.
7. Their profits last year were absolutely large / enormous.
8. The sales figures last month were very bad / terrible.
9. Warsaw is absolutely cold / freezing at this time of year.

III Home Assignment

ªª II level — Underline the correct words.
1. The new line should be so profitable as / as profitable as the old
2. This handset is the most profitable / the more profitable we’ve ever
3. This version of the programme is the most recent / recenter.
4. The guarantee is a year longer than / that with our older models.
5. Nothing is worse / worst than missing a flight because of traffic.
6. This printer is one of the best / better on the market.
7. The meeting wasn’t long as / as long as I thought.
8. Today the share price is more bad / worse than it was yesterday.
9. I’m sorry, the journey took longer than / the longest we expected.
10. We’ll be there soon It’s not much fewer / further.
ªª III level  — Complete the sentences with one of these words too,
enough, so, such, much, many, little, few.
1. Is your coffee too hot? Would you like a little more milk?
2. I had … trouble finding somewhere to park that I arrived late.
3. I had … problems finding somewhere to park that I arrived late.
4. There were … replies to the last mailing that we won’t do another.
5. I had … cash on me that I couldn’t even buy a sandwich.
6. The price of their shares is … high to buy any more right now.
7. We’re making … progress that we should finish a week early.
8. We’re expecting a lot of people. This room won’t be large … .
9. I couldn’t do any work on the train. I  was … tired that I  fell
10. She speaks … quickly for me to understand.
11. They pay … late that we won’t receive the money until June.
12. That’s … a good idea. It’ll save us thousands of dollars.
ªª IV level — Underline the correct words.
1. Sorry, I was out of the office this morning / in this morning.
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 23 101

2. I’ll give you a call next week / at next week.

3. Bye, I’ll see you the day after tomorrow / the next day.
4. We have a security guard to look after the premises at the night /
at night.
5. It’s very important to arrive at meetings on time / in time in this
6. If you arrive on time / in time we can talk a little before the meet-
ing starts.
7. The joint venture has been operating successfully for / during
three years.
8. We had one or two problems for / during the summer, but things
are OK now.
9. I started working here since two years / two years ago.
10. The market crashed. Luckily I had sold my shares a few months
ago / before.
11. During / While the meeting I made a lot of notes.
12. During / While she was talking I made a lot of notes.
13. It happened during / while dot-corn shares were booming in
14. It happened during / while the dot-corn boom of 2000.
15. We have to finish this project by / until the end of the month.
16. I have to work late. I’ll be here until / by eight this evening.
17. We reviewed the training plans, and after / then talked about the
18. We had lunch, and afterwards / after I  showed them round the
19. Afterwards / After lunch I showed them round the factory.
20. I can’t talk now. I’ll call you later / afterwards today.

IV. Sum Up

Урок 23
Практикум з граматики. Прислівники. Минулі часи
Цілі: сприяти розширенню словникового запасу і  вдоскона-
ленню набутих граматичних навичок за темами: Прислівники,
Минулі часи через розвиток усних та писемних мовленнєвих на-
вичок у сфері ділового спілкування; стимулювати комунікативну
мотивацію шляхом указання на сферу вживання нової лексики;
формувати соціокультурну компетенцію, прищеплювати праце-
102 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Grammar practice. Adverbs. Past

IІ. Main part

ªª Complete this e-mail choosing the correct preposition from the
list below: to, towards, by, over, in, past, to, through, of, in front
of, on
I variant
Hi there!
Here are the directions (1) to our head office.
Take the A34 from Oxford and then join the M4 (2) … London not
Wales. Come off the M4 (3) … junction 12 and continue straight ahead.
Continue (4) … the next two roundabouts, go (5) … a BP garage (6) …
your right and you’ll come to some traffic lights. You are now (7) …
Reading. Go straight (8) … the traffic lights and (9) … the next set of
lights, turn right. Henry Street is the 5th road (10) … the left. Follow
the road to the end and the office is (11) … you! There is a long drive
(12) … the side of the office — you can park there.
If you have any problems give me a call, but it’s very easy really!
II variant
Thanks for sending me the artwork for the magazine advert.
I have a few comments about the layout (1) on the I page. The photo-
graph (2) … the top looks good, but instead of being (3) … the middle
I think it should be (4) … the left, (5) … to the text. Then (6) … the other
corner we could have the company logo.
Did you know there’s going to be an article about our company
(7) … the same magazine? I hope it will be (8) … the page directly (9) …
but that isn’t (10) … my hands.
Can you also give the artwork (11) … Steve for his comments? He
should be back (12) … work on Monday.
Grammar exercises
ªª Change the adjectives to adverbs where necessary.
Next year is expected to be a (1) … (bad) year for car sales. During
the 1990s, the industry grew (2) … (marginal — a marginal change or
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 23 103

difference is too small to be important) by 1.3 per sent per year. But

since 1999, global volumes have seen a (3) … (moderate) fall. Demand
for cars in new markets like China has risen (4) … (dramatic), in the
rest of the world, it has been (5) … (flat). The problem is that there
are too many car manufacturers, and the situation is getting (6)  …
(steady) worse. The rising demand in (7) … (fast) growing markets like
China will (8) … ( increasing) be met by (9) … (local) firms and not by
the (10) … (big) players such as Ford and Toyota.
Keys: 1 –, 2 marginally, 3 –, 4 dramatically, 5 –, 6 steadily, 7 –,
8 increasing, 9 –, 10 –.
ªª Complete each gap with a suitable word.
1. Jobs in manufacturing … sharply between 1980 and 1984.
2. During the mid-1980s, employment … steady at around 5.3m.
3. This was followed by another rapid … from 1990 to 1992.
4. During the mid-1990s, the numbers … slightly.
5. By 2003, the number had reached a … point of 3.75 million.
Keys: 1 fell / dropped / declined / decreased; 2 remained; 3 fall /
drop / decline / decrease; 4  rose / increased / went up / improved;
5 low.

ªª Extra task for stronger students: try to explain why.

ªª Complete the sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into ei-
ther the Past Simple or Past Continuous. Sometimes the same
tense is used twice; sometimes different tenses are used.
1. What did you eat (eat) when you went (go) to Paris?
2. While I was negotiating (negotiate) the contract, my boss phoned
(phone) me to say that he wanted completely different condi-
3. The last time something like this … (happen), she (call) a  press
conference immediately.
4. Anne … (explain) her proposal when Pedro … (interrupt) her.
5. We never got the chance to interview him. While we (investigate)
the incident, he … (resign).
6. When he … (finish) reading the article, he … (give) it to me.
7. Everyone (wait) for the meeting to begin when he … (call) to say
that he was stuck in a traffic jam.
8. When I … (clean) the piece I … (drop) it by mistake.

III. Home Assignment

ªª II level  — Underline the correct words. This exercise includes
­examples of the past perfect, used to, the past simple and past
104 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

1. While I looked / was looking for my keys, I suddenly remembered

I left / had left them at home.
2. In those days the unions used to / had used to go on strike when-
ever there was / / was being a problem.
3. After they were buying / had bought the company, they started /
were starting to make a lot of people redundant.
4. Jack used to have / was having a Mac, but then he used to change /
changed to a PC.
5. I asked about my package in reception, but they said / were saying
that it still | hadn’t arrived / wasn’t arriving.
6. I was sure that I used to lock / had locked the door to my office last
night, but it was / had been open this morning.
7. I’m sure that the winters used to be / had been colder when I was
a child. I remember that we used to walk / were walking to school
in the snow every winter.
8. I had gone / went back to the restaurant to look for my umbrella,
but found / was / finding that someone took / had taken it.

ªª III level — Underline the correct word.

1. I’m really angry about / with them for not letting us know sooner.
2. I’ve spoken to Robert and I’m reasonably happy with / for all the
3. I’m really happy with / for Maggie, she deserved to get promoted.
4. I’m a bit annoyed about / with all this confusion with the wrong
5. I’m a bit annoyed about / with them for sending the wrong invoices.
6. I’m sorry about / for what happened yesterday.
7. I’m sorry about / for arriving so late — I got delayed in traffic.
8. I feel very sorry about / for Frances. She didn’t deserve to be
treated like that.
9. Low inflation is good at / for / with every sector of the economy.
10. She’d be excellent in Human Resources, she’s really good at / for /
with people.
11. Richard, can you help us with this translation? You’re good at /
for / with French.
12. If you need to refer the decision upwards, who are you responsible
for / to!
13. As head of department, how many staff are you responsible for / to!
14. Who is responsible for / to the Scandinavian market?

ªª IV level — Underline the correct words

1. At / In first sight it looks like a good deal, but we need more de-
tails at / in a hurry
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 24 105

2. A. Shall we try using a different supplier by / for a change?

B. It’s up / out to you.
3. Are you paying by / in cash or by / in credit card?
4. The house next door is for / at sale. It’s been on / in the market for
5. Very few Board members are at / in favour of the merger. In / On
the whole, they think it will create more problems than it solves.
6. We need to keep in / on touch with the situation as it develops.
7. Are you here on / for business or on / for pleasure?
8. A. Did you do it by / on purpose?
B. No, of course not, I did it by / on mistake.
9. By / In financial terms they’re not doing well. They’re $10m in /
out of debt.
10. A. Patrick, it’s Paul Brock from Tyco at / on the phone.
B. Can you put him at / on hold while I look for his file? OK, I’ve
found it — I’ll take it at / on the other line.

IV. Sum Up

Урок 24
Робота з текстом для читання
Цілі: опрацювати тексти із завданнями на перевірку розуміння
прочитаного; продовжити навчання читання текстів публіцистич-
ного і науково-популярного характеру з метою отримання інформа-
ції з теми на рівні повного або часткового розуміння; розширювати
активний словниковий запас учнів; формувати критерії справжніх
ділових якостей.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Reading. The Philips People

IІ. Main part

Royal Philips Electronics is managed by the Board of Manage-
ment, which looks after the general direction and long-term strategy
of the Philips group as a whole. The Supervisory Board monitors the
general course of business of the Philips group as well as advising the
Board of Management and supervising its policies. These policies are
106 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

implemented by the Group Management Committee, which consists of

the members of the Board of Management, chairmen of most of the
product divisions and some other key officers. The Group Management
Committee also serves to ensure that business issues and practices are
shared across the various activities in the group.
The company’s creed is ‘Let’s make things better’. It is committed
to making better products and systems and contributing to improving
the quality of people’s work and life. One recent example of this is its
‘Genie’ mobile phone. To dial a number you just have to say it aloud. Its
Web TV Internet terminal brings the excitement of cyberspace into the
living room. And on travels around the world, whether passing the Eif-
fel Tower in Paris, walking across London’s Tower Bridge, or witness-
ing the beauty of the ancient pyramids of Giza, you don’t have to won-
der any more who lit these world famous landmarks, it was Philips.
(http: / / www.news.philips.com)
ªª Match the words from the text with their corresponding defini-
1) an innovation a) a planned series of actions
2) a patent b) main offices
3) diversification c) a place or address
4) a range d) the introduction of a new idea
5) headquarters e) a selection or series
6) a location f) making different types of products
7) a strategy g) an agreed course of action
8) a policy h) the right to make or sell an invention

ªª In pairs, replace the words in italics with the words used in the
1. Gerard Philips set up (established) a company in Eindhoven.
2. The company initially specialised in (c…) making carbon-filament
3. Developments in new lighting technologies fuelled a steady plan
for growth (P… of e…).
4. In 1983 it introduced (l…) the compact disc onto the market.
5. Each day its factories produce (t…o…) a total of 50 million inte-
grated circuits.
6. Royal Philips Electronics is run (m…) by the Board of Manage-
7. The Supervisory Board carefully watches (m…) the general course
of business.
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 24 107

8. Policies are put into practice (i…) by the Group Management Com-
9. The Group Management Committee consists of members of the
Board of Management and chairmen of most of the product sec­
tors (d…).
10. The Group Management Committee serves to ensure that im-
portant matters (i…) and ways of doing business (p…) are shared
across the company.
ªª Now check your answers with the text.
ªª Extra Reading and Speaking
DEBORAH CAPRAS радить починати ділові e-mails кількома
фразами особистого характеру.
1. Being formal
(a) Making small talk
• We hope you had a pleasant trip back…
• We heard about the hot weather you’ve been having. I hope
you’re surviving!
• We’re sorry to hear that you haven’t been well and hope you
are feeling much better now.
(b) Moving on to business
• As (you) requested, we’re sending you…
• As we discussed in the meeting, we will organize…
• We’re writing to inform you…
2. Being informal
(a) Making small talk
• How’s it going? Not too busy, I hope?
• Did you see the match last night? Shame Greece lost!
• How was the trip to Japan?
• Hope the flight wasn’t too bumpy!
• It’s pretty hot in your neck of the woods right now. I  hope
your office has air conditioning?
• Glad you’re feeling better.
• Hope you’re well!
(b) Moving on to business
• Anyway, back to work!
• Just wanted to let you know that…
• Just wondering if you have the information yet…
• By the way (BTW), Julie has confirmed the dates for the Lon-
don event…
• I was wondering if you’d heard anything more about the re-
108 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

Building relationships: If you have a lot of con­tact with the same
customer, business partner or colleague via e-mail, try to build a rela-
tionship by adding a few lines of small talk to some of your e-mails —
usually in the opening lines or as a closing paragraph.
Safe topics: In more formal relationships, you have to be careful
about the topics of small talk. The weather, holidays, sports and hob-
bies are usually safe. Try to refer to things that you know will inte­rest
your partner and that show you have paid attention to him or her dur-
ing a visit or meeting. If you know someone has been on a trip or on
holiday, refer to it in your open­ing line. If someone has been ill, you
could say that you are sorry to hear they were ill, but don’t ask for any
details of their illness. That is best done face-to-face — if at all.
Formal language: In formal e-mails, the plural form “we” is of-
ten used. Also, try to use more elegant vocabulary, such as, “We hope
you had a pleasant trip”, rather than the more casual, “Hope the flight
wasn’t too bumpy!”
Informal language: In informal e-mails, use “I” rather than “we”.
You can also leave out the personal pronoun sometimes: “I Hope you’re
well”. If you use “just”, you can leave out “I”, as well as the inflect-
ed form of the auxiliary verb “be”: “Ґm Glad you’re feeling better”;
“I was Just wondering…”
Signal words: Show that you are moving on to business matters
by starting a new paragraph. Signal that you are changing the subject
by writ­ing, “As (you) requested, or, in informal e-mails, “By the way,
…” or “Anyway, …”
Frequency: When an e-mail exchange consists of several e-mails
over a short period, you do not need to add small talk to every e-mail.

Webcites by Deborah Capras

If you can write and send an e-mail, you can create a website on
the internet. Many web-hosting com­panies offer software tools that
help you to build a  site, such as a  WYSIWYG editor. You can even
choose a template complete with images and start post­ing content in
just a few minutes — and often for free!
But if you create your company website using the above tools, you
might seem like an amateur. Looking professional starts with the site’s
URL. A company web­site should have its own domain, which usually
includes some form of the firm’s name.
Companies can pay an internet service provider (ISP), the firm
that provides the internet connection, or a  web-hosting company to
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 24 109

register a  domain name. Such firms can host the website by provid-
ing the hardware, such as a dedicated server, and often the software.
The costs usually depend on the type of site and the amount of storage
space and traffic. If your site has a lot of vis­itors, you may have to pay
for extra bandwidth.
Another alternative is for a  company to hire its own web deve­
loper to take care of the front end of a site, in other words, what the
users see and use, and an IT spe­cialist to program the back end, which
is the server side of the website. Using free, open-source software will
keep costs down. Once the site is online, a good content management
system (CMS) should require little or no knowledge of programming or
scripting to change and update the content. If you are selling products
or services over the internet, your site will need security technolo­gy,
such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), for exchanging payment details
between the server and website.
Today, web designers worry less about the size of the homepage,
because dial-up connections are less com­mon. Broadband services such
as Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) technologies offer faster access to the
inter­net, and web pages load much more quickly. Streaming audio or
video content, as well as downloading or up­loading large files, is rarely
a problem.
The Web 2.0  trend has seen a  rapid increase in user-generated
content, such as blogs, podcasts and videos, on many sites. With the
help of a web feed format, such as Really Simple Syndication (RSS).
users can receive podcasts or other content automatically. A  news
aggre­gator, also called feed reader, allows users to get up­dates from
different sites without having to visit them. If you need page impres-
sions for advertising, you may decide against such feeds. Or you may
find another way to make money with your site.
Is there a negative side to such developments? Some industry ana-
lysts say that growing traffic may slow down the internet by 2011.
Other internet experts are less worried. Speaking to the BBC, Brit-
ish scientist Tim Berners-Lee, widely recognized as the creator of the
Web, was confident that computer scientists “are going to look at new
technologies and completely new ideas” to improve the Web.
(Business Spotlight)
ªª In short. Find the right abbreviation for each sentence.
a) I’ve forgotten the address of that website. What’s the … again?
b) You can download the report as a … file.
c) What’s the … tag for making the text bold?
d) E-commerce sites require … for payment.
110 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

e) Use the … feed to get this podcast regu­larly.

f) It’s much simpler to update the site with our new
g) Videos download much faster now that I have a … connection.
Keys: a) URL; b) PDF; c) HTML; d) SSL; e) RSS; f) CMS; g) DSL.
ªª Getting started. Choose the correct word.
a) The site has been high / up / on since 1 July 2008.
b) Users’ computers must be set to accept posts / tools / cookies.
c) Our site loads quickly, as we only clear the cache / scripting /
domain every hour.
d) The number of hits / tags / blogs to the site is in­creasing rapidly!
e) When we aggregate / generate / stream videos, they are trans-
ferred much faster.
f) The free software was terrible. It was full of bugs / traffic /
g) All our hyperlinks / templates / dial-ups are marked in blue.
Keys: a) up; b) cookies; c) cache; d) hits; e) stream; f) bugs; g) hy-

III. Home Assignment

ªª II level — Read and translate the text.
(Adapted from Peter Drucker
“The Practice of Management”)
Two sayings sum up the “spirit of an organization”. One is the
inscription on Andrew Carnegie’s tombstone:
Here lies a man
Who knew how to enlist
In his service
Better men than himself
The other is the slogan of the drive to find jobs for the physically
handicapped: “It’s the abilities, not the disabilities, which count”.
Management by objective tells a  manager what he ought to do.
The proper organization of his job enables him to do it, but it is the
spirit of the organization that determines whether he will do it or not.
It is the spirit that motivates, that calls upon a man’s reserves of dedi-
cation and effort, that decides whether he will give his best or do just
enough to get by.
It is the purpose of an organization to “make common men do un-
common things” — said Lord Beveridge. No organization can depend
on genius; the supply is always scarce and always unpredictable. But
it is the test of an organization that it makes ordinary human beings
perform better than they are capable of, that it brings out whatever
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 24 111

strength there is in its members and uses it to make all other members
perform better. It is the test of an organization that it neutralizes the
weaknesses of its members.
Altogether the test of a good spirit is not that “people get along
together”; it is performance, not conformance. “Good human rela-
tions” not grounded in the satisfaction of good performance and the
harmony of proper working relations are actually poor human rela-
tions and result in poor spirit. They do not make people grow; they
make them conform and contract. I shall never forget the university
president who once said to me: “It is my job to make it possible for the
first-rate teacher to teach. Whether he gets along with his colleagues
or with me — and very few really good teachers do either — is irre­
levant. We certainly have a collection of problem children here — but,
boy, do they teach”.
ªª III level — Make a plan and retell the text.
(Adapted from S. McCartney)
From the earliest time people have been trying to do several things
simultaneously. They can read a book, cook dinner, talk on the phone,
and do many other things at the same time. As cars have become avail-
able, the time of multitasking has increased: people drive, listen to the
radio, eat, and smoke in their cars at the same time.
Now an arsenal of new technology (from notebook computers to
cellular phones and portable televisions) makes it possible for every-
one to multitask all day.
The computer industry introduced the word “multitasking” into
the vocabulary. Mainframe computers that handled networks were
the original multitaskers. Apple’s and Microsoft’s software turned
millions of personal computers into multitaskers. Today millions of
people can set their personal computers to multitask while they are
themselves multitasking: talking on the phone, receiving faxes, and
looking through newspapers at the same time.
While multitasking is not bad for computers, it may be a bad thing
for some people. Psychologists say it is possible for the human brain to
process two or more tasks at the same time, but only one of them re-
ceives full attention. Multitasking makes people’s stressful
lives even more stressful. Experts say that although a lot of peo-
ple believe that multitasking enhances their productivity, in fact it
can reduce it.
Because of the limitation of the human brain, multitaskings can
lead to many mistakes. Indeed, a person who is doing several things at
a time may put the wrong number in a spreadsheet or send a message to
112 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

the wrong e-mail address. Moreover, people on the other end of the line
don’t usually like to talk to a person who is doing something else while
talking to them. It may alienate the people from the multitasker.
Multitaskers also like to do more than one thing at once even
in their leisure time. They cannot watch television without reading
a newspaper or have dinner without watching TV.
Now multitasking takes place nearly everywhere. A lot of business-
men and managers are never far from their notebook computers and
cellular telephones. They are almost always doing two or three things
at once, driving and dialing, speaking and typing on their computers.
On airplanes they are using their notebook computers to answer e-mail
messages. While driving, they are speaking on their cellular phones.
“Why wait?” they ask. “That’s the world we live in right now”.
ªª IV level — Are you a multitasker? Why / why not?

IV. Sum Up

Тема4. Пошук роботи. Працевлаштуван­ня

Урок 25
Основна інформація про тему. Слова та вирази до розділу
Цілі: організувати ознайомлення учнів з новими лексичними
одиницями — економічними поняттями й дати визначення еконо-
мічних термінів, тренувати у вживанні лексичного матеріалу; сти-
мулювати комунікативну мотивацію шляхом указання на сферу
вживання нової лексики; формувати соціокультурну компетенцію,
прищеплювати працелюбність.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Background Information
ªª Pair work. How do you explain the terms from the text?
• curriculum vitae
• resume
• traditional one-to-one interviews
• panel interviews
• ‘deep-end’ interviews
• progress interviews
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 25 113

IІ. Main part

ªª Read and discuss ‘Background Information’.
In different countries, different conventions apply to the process of
job applications and interviews. In most parts of the world, it’s common
to submit a typed or laserprinted CV (curriculum vitae — British Eng-
lish) or resume (American English). This contains all the unchanging in-
formation about you: your education, background and work experience.
This usually accompanies a letter of application, which in some countries
is expected to be handwritten, not word-processed. A supplementary in-
formation sheet containing information relevant to this particular job
may also be required, though this is not used in some countries.
Many companies expect all your personal information to be en-
tered on a standard application form.
Unfortunately, no two application forms are alike, and filling in
each one may present unexpected difficulties. Some personal depart-
ments believe that the CV and application letter give a better impres-
sion of candidate than a form.
There are different kinds of interviews: traditional one-to-one
interviews, panel interviews where one or more candidates are inter-
viewed by a panel of interviewers and even ‘deep-end’ interviews where
applicants have to demonstrate how they can cope in actual business
situations. The atmosphere of interview may vary from the informal
to the formal and interviewers may take a  friendly, neutral or even
hostile approach. Different interviewers use different techniques and
the only rules that applicants should be aware of may be ‘Expect the
unexpected’ and ‘Be yourself!’
Progress interviews are interviews where employees have a chance
to review the work they are doing and to set objectives for the future.
Such interviews usually take place after a new employee has working
with a company for several months, and after that they may take place
once or twice a year.
ªª Learn the steps How to write resume:
1. Name, address, home phone, business (or message) phone.
List this information prominently at the top of the page. Be sure
to give useful phone numbers; a  prospective employer should
know where to reach you, day or evening. If you do not wish your
present employer to know you are job hunting, ask someone to
take messages for you when you are at work.
2. Position objective, as specific and brief a job title as possible.
3. Qualifications in brief: a short summary highlighting your educa-
tion, experience, and skills to capture the attention of and assure
114 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

the reader that you can do the job. Elaboration (but not repetition)
is included in the body of the resume.
4. Experience summary.
5. Educational background (can go before work experience if it is
more job-related).
The purpose of this background is to indicate general and specific
training for a job. A person who has little or no educational train-
ing would omit this item.
College name, City, State, Degrees, Majors, Dates. If you received
no degree or you are presently attending college, give the number
of units completed (or say ‘degree candidate’), major, date, place.
High school. List if you have not attended college. Add dates and
areas of speciality.
6. Personal paragraph. You may wish to include a statement describ-
ing personal attitudes towards work that make you a valuable and
unique employee.

ªª Group Composition ‘There is no real wealth but the labour of man’
Useful Tips:
• make a plan
• collect any ideas
• don’t forget about using linking words

III. Home Assignment

ªª Composition ‘When you hire people that are smaller than you are,
you prove that you are smaller than they are’

IV. Sum Up

Урок 26
Комунікативна практика.
Оголошення про роботу. У бюро працевлаштування
Цілі: навчати усних форм спілкування у діловому стилі, пред-
ставити діалог або полілог як взірець ділового стилю мовлення;
розвивати мовленнєву компетенцію (діалогічне і монологічне мов-
лення); закріпити активну лексику та використовувати її у трену-
вальних ситуаціях і рольових іграх; формувати соціокультурну
компетенцію та критерії справжніх ділових якостей.
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 26 115

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Communication practice. Job Va­
ªª Work in pairs. Complete the word map with the words from the
box. Use your dictionary to check the new words.
candidate experience interview personal details
job title qualifications salary working conditions

Job Vacancy

job advertisements short list CV

job re- career ways of appoint- letter of ap-

quirements prospects paying ment plication

IІ. Main part

Communication practice
ªª Write down your answers and go over them just before you go into
the interview.
The Interview
• What do I do well?
• What are my good points?
• Why would I like this job?
• Hobbies? Interests?
• What do I like doing and why?
• What do I not like doing and why?
• School activities? School subjects?
• Previous job?
• Part-time work?
You will want to ask questions too:
• The job itself?
• Training?
• Prospects for advancement?
• Educational opportunities?
• Can I see where I would be working?
• Hours? Money? Conditions?
116 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

ªª Get some information to give advice to your friend who is going

to be interviewed:
Getting the job you want can sometimes depend on the success of
the job interview. During the interview the employer will try to find
out what kind of person you are, what experience you have, and how
you can fit into the job situation.
After you have got an appointment, review the information that
you wrote on your application form and resume. Practice talking about
your education and previous job experience both in the USA and your
native country. Be prepared to explain your skills and abilities specifi-
Go to the interview alone; don’t take your friends or children with
you. Plan to arrive about ten minutes before the appointment time.
Wear appropriate clothing: a  neat appearance will make a  good im-
During the interview look directly at the interviewer and answer
all of his / her questions as specifically as you can. Ask any questions
that you have about the job, such as hours, salary, or job benefits. Write
down these questions before you go to the interview. Before you leave,
there should be a clear understanding about all aspects of the job.
At the close of the interview, express your thanks and make sure
that the interviewer knows how to contact you if he / she wants to hire
ªª Read the dialogue and perform them in pairs:
—  Sit down, please, Mr. Sloan. We have your letter in answer to
our advertisement. I’d like to talk with you about your qualifications
for the position.
—  (Mr. Sloan, taking a seat) I suppose you have received a great
many replies to your advertisement.
—  I haven’t counted the exact number of replies, but I would say
that at least fifty persons answered. Naturally, many who wrote don’t
have the qualifications we require — but we is have picked out the ten
or twelve best replies and plan to interview these applicants. Your let-
ter was among the ten or twelve we picked out.
—  I am very glad to know that my letter was acceptable. It is
sometimes very difficult to answer a newspaper advertisement well.
— As to your letter, Mr. Sloan. I would say that it was one of the
best we received. I am always amazed at the poor letters most people
write when applying for a position. They use any old kind of writing
paper that seems to be handy. They write illegibly and include many
personal factors which are not important. At the same time they fail
to state simply and clearly their qualifications for a job. Incidentally,
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 26 117

you mentioned in your letter that you had already done considerable
work in selling.
—  I was Field Representative for five years of the large commer-
cial schools. I enrolled new students for the school.
—  What did your work consist of exactly?
— The school supplied me with leads, which were generally sim-
ply the names of prospective students who had telephoned or written
to the school requesting information. I had to visit such students in
their homes, talk with their parents, etc. The job also involved some
public relations work, since I had to visit high schools and talk with
student groups about the advantages of commercial training.
— This job for which we are interviewing applicants is some-
what similar  — except, of course, you would be selling typewrit-
ers rather than commercial courses. We pay a straight commission
often per cent on all sales, with a drawing account of fifty dollars
a week to start. Your school experience would be very useful, since
in this job you would also call upon schools and colleges. You would
visit typewriting classes, demonstrate new machines, and talk with
school officials and commercial teachers in an effort to interest
them in buying our typewriters. The job occasionally involves some
—  I’m prepared to travel if necessary. As I  stated in my letter,
I have my own car.
— That is important. We give you an allowance for all automo-
bile and travelling expenses.
—  I am sure that I could do the work well. I also feel that I have
the necessary qualifications.
—  Frankly, Mr. Sloan, I  was very favorably impressed by your
letter. Since talking with you I feel even more strongly that you are
perhaps the right man for the job. However, we naturally want to in-
terview the remainder of the applicants before we make any final deci-
—  I included the names of several references in my letter; I can
also send you copies of personal recommendations from my last two
—  Incidentally, in that connection, the young man whom I in-
terviewed just before you sent along two letters of reference with his
application. One was from the minister of his church and the other
from his Sunday School teacher. I told him that the two references
proved that he was a  good person on Sundays but I  was more inte­
rested in his conduct on weekdays. He laughed and thought it was
a  good joke. If we decided to hire you, Mr. Sloan, when could you
start working?
118 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

—  I could start almost immediately. I  would like to give my

present employer a week or ten days’ notice, but otherwise I would be
free to begin any time.
— That’s fine. (Rising to indicate end of interview.) You’ll no
doubt hear from us, Mr. Sloan, writing the next five days. As soon as we
have interviewed the remainder of the applicants we will make our final
decision. We can telephone you or send you a telegram. Thank you very
much for coming in to see us. It has been a real pleasure to talk with you.
— Thank you, Sir! Then I’ll wait to hear from you.
(From magazine “Life Lines”)

ІV. Home Assignment

ªª Rewrite the dialogues into passive.
1. Art Miranda. How do you do? It’s Paula Chandler, isn’t it?
Paula Chandler. Yes. How do you do?
Art. Have a  seat. I’m Art Miranda, and I  have your application
form here. I just want to check the information.
Paula. Fine, sure.
Art. You’re applying for the position of export sales representa-
tive, aren’t you?
Paula. Yes, I am.
Art. You aren’t from Connecticut, are you?
Paula. No, I’m from Massachusetts.
Art. You got a  bachelor’s degree in business administration at
college, didn’t you?
Paula. Yes, that’s right.
Art. But you didn’t get a master’s degree, did you?
Paula. No, I didn’t. I started working when I was 22.
Art. I see. You have worked in international sales, haven’t you?
Paula. Yes, I’ve been a sales representative in Latin America for
two companies.
Art. But you haven’t worked in the Middle East, haven’t you?
Paula. No, I haven’t, but I’d like to.
Art. You can’t speak Arabic or French, can you?
Paula. No, but I can read and speak Spanish very well.
Art. I’m sure you can learn another language quickly, can’t you?
Paula. Sure! I’d like to learn Arabic or French.
(From “AmericanStreamline”)
2. — Are you working?
—  Yes, I am.
—  What do you do exactly?
—  I’m a mechanic. I work in a small auto shop with three mecha­
nics and supervise all auto repairs. I diagnose problems, make repairs
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 27 119

and also check all the repairs in the shop. I have experience with both
American and foreign cars.
— How long have you been working there?
—  For three years.
—  What other jobs have you had? And what did you do?
—  I was a maintenance mechanic in a plastics factory. I repaired
the production machinery. I also did all the general maintenance work
and made all electrical repairs.
— How long were you there?
—  For about three years.
— Tell me about your education and any special training
you’ve had.
—  I graduated from high school in Colombia in 1980. After high
school I  went to a  university for one year and studied engineering.
Now I’m studying English at Alemany Community College.
—  What other skills do you have?
—  I can do general book-keeping and billing.
—  Why do you want to change your job?
— The auto shop I work in is very small. There is little room for
—  What hours can you work?
—  I prefer to work days, but I could work any hours.
(From Howard Romann, Barbara Foley “Life Lines”)

IV. Sum Up

Урок 27
Комунікативна практика.
Співбесіда з керівником організації
Цілі: навчати усних форм спілкування у діловому стилі, пред-
ставити діалог або полілог як взірець ділового стилю мовлення;
розвивати мовленнєву компетенцію (діалогічне і монологічне мов-
лення); закріпити активну лексику та використовувати її у трену-
вальних ситуаціях і рольових іграх; формувати соціокультурну
компетенцію та критерії справжніх ділових якостей.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Communication practice. At the in­
120 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

IІ. Main part

Communication practice
ªª Pair work. Discuss the ideas.
Before The Interview
1. Find out all you can about the company.
2. Find out the interviewer’s name and office phone number.
3. Find out where the interview is.
4. Find out how to get there and how long it will take you to get
5. Make sure you know what the job involves.
6. Dress to look clean and neat.
At The Interview
1. Arrive early. Call ahead if you’re delayed.
2. Shake hand firmly.
3. Try to smile and show confidence.
4. Ask questions and show interest in the job.
5. Be polite, listen carefully, and speak clearly.
1. Don’t panic. (Breathe deeply and remember your good points)
2. Don’t slouch or look bored.(Stand and sit straight; make eye con-
3. Don’t smoke or chew gum.
4. Don’t give one-word answer or say you don’t care what you do.

Make a good first impression:
• Type the letter neatly on good stationery.
• Check for spelling mistakes. Use a dictionary if you are not sure
of a word, or use a computer spelling-checker.
• Follow standard, business-letter format. Address the letter and
envelope clearly.

ªª Answer the following questions. Think of a job you would like to

have in future. Make up a conversation with your partner.
1. What is your future profession? / What is your profession (occu-
2. Do you have a dilemma in choosing your profession (occupation)?
3. What subjects have you always given your preference to?
4. Did your parents (friends) impose their views, likes and dislikes
on you?
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 27 121

5. When did you make a choice to become a lawyer / an economist /

an accountant?
6. What do you have to do to master English?
7. What is your regular business?
8. Do you have big personnel (staff)?
9. How do you earn your living?
10. What special education does your profession require?
11. How many hours a day do you work?
12. What is your salary?
13. What are the merits and demerits of your job? Give the reasons.
ªª March each sentence or word with the best meaning. Then speak
about your future profession accountant
Surgeon a) a person who practices law, especially a barrister or
Lawyer b) a worker who makes and repairs, especially the
wooden parts of buildings and other structures of
Journalist c) a person whose profession is to keep and examine
business accounts
Carpenter d) a person who designs and supervises the construc-
tion of the buildings
Barber e) a doctor who performs operations
Architect f) a person engaged in journalism (work of writing for
editing or publishing journals)
Nurse g) a person who cares for people who are ill or injured
Turner h) employee in an office, who deals with correspond-
ence, keeps records, makes arrangements and ap-
pointments for a particular member of the staff
Secretary i) a person whose trade is shaving and cutting men’s
Bricklayer j) a workman who builds with bricks a person who
works at lather
Engineer k) a person who writes lectures on economics or politi-
cal economy
Economist l) an artist who makes sculptures
Sculptor m) a person who works in a branch of engineering
n) a person who designs engines, machines, bridges,
o) a skilled or trained person who controls communica-
122 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

III. Home Assignment

ªª II–III level — Following is a list of reasons a person may have for
leaving or changing a job. Talk about each reason and check the
ones you think are acceptable to give to an interviewer:
• I don’t like the job I have.
• There isn’t much room for advancement.
• I was laid off because business was slow.
• I didn’t get along with the boss.
• I’m bored with my job.
• I want to work on a job that is more interesting.
• My job is a long way from my house. I’d like to get something closer.
• My job is a long way from my house. I have trouble getting to work
on time.
• The pay is very low.
• I hurt my back and I’m unable to do heavy work.
ªª IV level — Read the reports of the interviewers and complete the
forms, given after the texts.
Good afternoon. This is Gus Morrison calling from Glasgow. Now,
most of the people I’ve talked to today have been pretty hopeless. One
of them was obviously lying when he filled in the application form. Do
you know, he claimed to speak German, but when I started talking to
him in German, he couldn’t understand!
Well, now, the best of the bunch was er…where is it…er Duncan Mc-
Cabe (that’s D-U-N-C-A-N M-C-C-A-B-E). He’s quite young, he’s only
21 and he’s a graduate of Edinburgh…Edinburgh University. He’s got
an MA and it’s in modern languages. Now, he’s been working for the
publicity department of Glasgow City Council for about a year. He speaks
fluent French and his German is quite good too. He’s a very pleasant lad,
he seems a bit shy when you first talk to him, but when you get to know
him he’s got a lovely sense of humour, and I think he’s very bright, he’s
very eager and I think he’d Fit in well with your people down in London.
Now unfortunately he’s not available until September 1st.
But if you want to contact him, his address is 145 Pentland (I’ll
spell that, that’s P-E-N-T-L-A-N-D) Pentland Gardens, Glasgow, and
the postcode is G5 8TG, and his phone number is 041 667 8092.
Report form:
Best candidate:
Work experience:
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 28 123

Lama Steele: Hello, this is Laura Steele, I’m calling from Sheffield.
I’ve spent this morning interviewing four candidates and the best one is
a Mrs. Sylvia Sabbatini (that’s S-Y-L-V-I-A S-A-B-B-A-T-I-N-I). Now,
she’s 25, she’s married and has been working for Johnson Brothers,
in Marketing since leaving school. She has a lovely personality — very
cheerful and bright. She speaks Italian fluently (her father is Italian,
her mother is English). Her qualifications on paper are not all that good,
she left school at 16 to do a secretarial course, but she’s a very intelli-
gent young woman — she impressed me very much. She’s been married
for two years, no children, and her husband has just got a job in London,
so she’d be able to start work in London more or less right away.
Her address is 78  Pennine Avenue, Pennine (P-E-N-N-I-N-E)
­Avenue, Huddersfield (that’s H-U-D-D-E-R-S-F-I-E-L-D), and the
postcode is LS34 7QT. Her telephone number is 0484 078432.
Report form:
Best candidate:
Work experience:

IV. Sum Up

Урок 28
Рольові ігри та творча робота учнів
Цілі: закріпити активну лексику та використовувати її у тре-
нувальних ситуаціях та рольових іграх; розвивати мовленнєву
компетенцію (діалогічне і  монологічне мовлення); формувати со-
ціокультурну компетенцію та критерії справжніх ділових якостей,
розвивати креативне мислення.
124 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Role-play

IІ. Main part

ªª Work in pairs. Imagine that a friend is about to start a new job.
Decide which are the six most important pieces of advice that
you’d give to your friend for their first day at work. Which of
these tips do you disagree with?
• Arrive twenty minutes early.
• Wear your smartest clothes (not trousers if you’re a woman).
• Go to the hairdresser’s the day before.
• Smile at everybody you meet.
• Make a note of everything anyone tells you.
• Show your new colleagues pictures of your family.
• If you’re a smoker, don’t smoke in an office you share with some-
• Enquire about the company pension scheme.
• Ask who the trade union representative is.
• Add two more pieces of advice you’d give to someone starting
a new job.
1. Interview the owner or manager of a retail store in your area. Ask
him or her if most of the products in the store come through direct
or indirect marketing channels. Do any products come through
more than one wholesaler? If so, give an example, identifying the
types of wholesalers involved. Write a brief report entitled, ‘The
Marketing Channels for (name of store), a  Local Retail Store’.
Share your findings with the class.
2. Sharing students’ ideas
ªª Try to use the following language in your discussion.
Make proposals… Respond
Let’s… That’s fine with me.
Why don’t we…? OK — it’s a deal?
I suggest we… Maybe another option would be…
I think we should… I think it might be better to…
How about…? I’m sorry — I can’t agree to that.
No way!
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 28 125

ªª Work in pairs. You are going to role-play a  sales meeting of

a salesperson and a customer. Student A should look at task 1 and
student B at task 2.
ªª Now student A should look at task 3 and student N at 1.
ªª Work in groups of three. You are going to take part in a telephone
sales negotiation. Student A is the ‘Buyer’ and student B is the
‘Seller’, and student C is the ‘Observer’.

Objective: Talk about your job
ªª Take turns to ask the questions below. Answer your partner’s
questions as fully as you can. Be ready to tell the rest of the group
something your partner’s job.
1. Who do you work for?
2. What type of company is that?
3. What do you do in your job?
4. What else does your job involve?
5. What are you working on at that moment?

ªª Try to use the following language when answering your partner’s

• I work for…
• I’m in charge of / responsible for…
• I report to…
• I manage…
• My job involves…
1. Did you understand your partner?
2. Did you check understanding?
3. What can you tell the rest of the group about your partner?
4. Check that your partner gives an accurate report about you.

III. Home Assignment

ªª II level — Replace the words and expressions in italics with words
from the box which are similar in meaning, in the correct form.
department store applicant subordinate CV
corporate culture interview head-hunter
decision-making headquarters range

There were hundreds of (1) people who sent letters of applica­

tion / applicants for the post of Chief Buyer in one of our (2) large
126 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

city c­ entre outlets selling a variety, of different products /… Our Per-

sonnel Department couldn’t possibly study all the (3) documents con­
taining education and employment history… which we received. They
had to call on the services of a (4) search firm … to help them compile
a short list of the most suitable people to (5) meet with to talk about
their experience and qualifications … We were looking for someone
with good communication and organisational skills. Furthermore
this is a position that requires someone who is capable of (6) deciding
what action to take … and can get (7) the people who work under him /
her … to reach their objectives. The job involves monitoring perform-
ance and ensuring that our large (8) variety of products … is always
up to date. The final selection process was organised at our (9) main
office … . The successful candidate is now being given extensive train-
ing in order to help him to adapt to our (10) company philosophy and
style of working … .

ªª III level–IV level — Complete the extract from the letter of appli-
cation below, using an expression from A in the correct form and
a preposition from B.
A to believe to result to report to benefit to collaborate
to apply to work to be involved to succeed to be responsible
B from in to on for (× 2) with

I am writing to (1) apply for the position of Senior Computer Pro-

grammer. As you can see in my enclosed curriculum vitae, I already
hold the position of Team Manager where I (2) … three programmers
who (3) … me directly. As an additional part of my job I have to (4) …
other Team Managers from different divisions of the company. I have
recently (5) …a  major research and development project where my
team was asked to (6) … a new network application for the compa-
ny’s accounts department. During this project we (7) … were solving
a  number of complex technical problems. This programme is now in
the final stages and once completes will (8) … considerable savings in
both cost and time. While I am happy in my present position, I would
welcome the challenge of managing a bigger team. I firmly (9) … the
value of teamwork and power sharing which I know are important ele-
ments in the working environment of your company. Moreover, I feel
sure that on both a personal and professional level I would be able to
(10) … the opportunity of working for a company with such a well-es-
tablished international reputation.

IV. Sum Up
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 29 127

Урок 29
Основи ділового листування. Анкета. Резюме.
Лист-супро­від. Автобіографія. Лист-заява.
Рекомендаційний лист
Цілі: дати поняття про основи ділового спілкування; розвивати
навички ділового листування; стимулювати комунікативну моти-
вацію шляхом указання на сферу вживання нової лексики; форму-
вати соціокультурну компетенцію шляхом встановлення контактів
із зарубіжними партнерами у майбутньому, що в цілому сприятиме
діалогу культур у процесі міжнародного співробітництва; прищеп­
лювати працелюбність.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson
ªª Discussing students’ notes on these points:
• What kind of impression did each person make?
• If they sounded co-operative, how did this help the negotiation?
• If they sounded unhelpful, how did this affect the progress of the
• What advice would you give the participants to improve their ne-
gotiating styles?
• How far was the transaction successful, in your opinion?
• Any other comments on their negotiation?

IІ. Main part

Business Correspondence
ªª Read and translate the text.
Raymond Roussel is a  French computer programmer working
in Great Britain. He read the “Chemical Machinery” advertisement.
He decided to send an application letter to Peter Field. He phoned
Mr. Field telling him that he wanted to be an applicant for the post and
that he would send an application letter and his curriculum vitae. Here
is his application letter. Use his letter as an example to write down
your own application letter.
Flat 9, 25 Newcastle Road Conselt
Co Durham DU4 3ME
5 January 1992
128 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

Mr. Field
Staff Controller
Chemical Machinery
Apdo 235,
Dear Mr. Field
Application for the post of Divisional Software Engineering Manager
Further to our telephone conversation this morning, I  can con-
firm that I wish to apply for this post. I enclose a copy of my CV.
You will see that I have added the name of one of my referees, Mrs
Helen Andrews. You may contact her at any time. If you require other
referees, perhaps you will be so kind as to let me know.
I can come to Lille for interview at almost any time, provided
I have at least three days’ notice.
Yours sincerely
Raymond Roussel
Raymond also sent his CV. There are many “right” ways to write
a CV. Raymond has made his short and simple. He knows that all busi-
ness documents must be easy to read and understand. That is why he
has divided it into sections and tabulated it: the main headings are on
the left of the page, the sub-headings a little further to the right. We
can see at once where each section starts and ends.
Make up your own CV.
Home address:
Date and place of birth:
Marital status:
Secondary education:
Further education:
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 29 129

ªª Read this text. Translate it into Ukrainian. Make 5  questions

to it.
What is a resume? What information should it include? Did you
overwrite resume? What kind of job were you applying for?
A resume should show an applicant’s qualifications for a  speci­
fic job. It would include your name, address, and telephone number;
an employment objective; educational and training data; and a list of
previous work experience. The list should start with your present job
or with your last job that shows qualifications for the work you want
All of this data should be listed in an easy-to-read form. If pos­
sible, all of the information should be on one page. Type your resume
on standard size (8 1/2 × 11) business stationery.
The interviewer usually sees the resume before he sees the appli-
cant. The resume gives the first impression of the applicant to the em-
ployer. It should be neat and well organized.
It is usually a good idea to attach the resume to the letter of appli-
cation. Always send it with a cover letter, never send it alone. An ap-
plicant should bring additional copies of her resume to the interview.
The job applicant should always rewrite and revise the resume to
fit the specific job that she is applying for.
ªª Read each sentence. If it is true, write T. If it is false, write F.
1. The same resume should be submitted for all jobs.
2. Always send a cover letter with your resume.
3. Resumes should only include information about job experience.
4. The way a resume looks can make an impression on the employer.
5. Bring a  copy of your resume with you when you go to an inter-
(From magazine “Life Lines”)
ªª Work in pairs. Discuss these questions:
• What impression do you try to give in an application letter?
• Should an application letter be handwritten, typed, or laser-printed?
• How important is a well-presented CV or resume?
• Do you always tell absolute truth in application letters?
ªª Write your own letter of application, the resume and recommen-
dation letter.

III. Home Assignment

ªª Read and translate the following texts make a presentation.
130 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

I variant


A resume is also referred to by, and sometimes even labelled with,
the Latin terms curriculum vitae (the course of one’s life) or vita brevis
(a short life) or simply vita. Whatever name it bears this document
presents, usually on one or two pages and in the form of a list, a sum-
mary of an applicant’s job objective, education, work experience, per-
sonal experiences, extracurricular activities, achievements, honours,
etc. Sent out with a cover letter that is addressed to a specific person
in the company, the resume is intended to introduce the applicant to
a  potential employer and to elicit a  request for further information
about the applicant and ultimately for an interview.
Under such headings as Education, Work Experience, and Extra­
curricular Activities, the items are usually listed in reverse chrono-
logical order, starting with the most recent and ending with the earli-
est. The items that the applicant chooses to list should be pertinent to
the kind of job being sought. The cover letter that accompanies the
resume should call attention to those items that are especially perti-
nent to the particular job that is being applied for.
The resume and the cover letter should be neatly, and attractive-
ly typed on good heavy paper. The physical appearance alone of these
documents could make a crucial impression on the reader. You cannot
afford to be careless in preparing these documents. Remember that
you are trying to sell yourself and the service you have to offer. So in
listing your assets and achievements do not misrepresent yourself, ei-
ther by exaggerating or by downplaying your merits. Do not brag: let
the facts speak for themselves. For example, if you mention that you
have a four-year Grade Point Average of 3.8, you do not have to boast
that you have been an excellent student. The resume usually mentions
that letters of reference and transcripts of academic work are avail-
able upon request. In the case of students who are applying for a job,
the resume sometimes gives the address of the school’s placement of-
fice where the interested employer can write for the applicant’s dos-
sier, which is a  collection of such documents as transcripts, letters
of reference, and samples of one’s writing. If your resume and cover
letter move the potential employer to write for your dossier, you will
have reached an important stage in the process of applying for a job.
The next important step is to gain an invitation to a face-to-face in-
There are two kinds of basic resumes: chronological and func-
tional. If your work experience was fairly continuous and in related
areas, use a chronological resume, which lists your work experience in
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 29 131

reverse order. A functional resume, developed on the basis of three or

four skill areas, can be used if you were in and out of the job market
at various times or if your work experience does not appear directly
related to the job for which you are applying. Writing both kinds of
resumes may benefit you, because this exercise gives you two different
perspectives on yourself.
There is no one-and-only way to write a  resume, but some good
basic guidelines to follow are: (1) be brief. (2) be clear, (3) be neat.
(4)  be honest. The best resume describes your qualifications on only
one page.
Usually people send a resume with an individual letter addressed
to a specific person in a company. Sometimes the resume is attached to
an application or requested after an application has been received. The
general idea is to give the employer a preview of you before an inter-
view takes place.

How to write resume:

1. Name, address, home phone, business (or message) phone.
List this information prominently at the top of the page. Be sure
to give useful phone numbers; a  prospective employer should
know where to reach you, day or evening. If you do not wish your
present employer to know you are job hunting, ask someone to
take messages for you when you are at work.
2. Position objective, as specific and brief a job title as possible.
3. Qualifications in brief: a short summary highlighting your educa-
tion, experience, and skills to capture the attention of and assure
the reader that you can do the job. Elaboration (but not repetition)
is included in the body of the resume.
4. Experience summary.
5. Educational background (can go before work experience if it is
more job-related).
The purpose of this background is to indicate general and specific
training for a job. A person who has little or no educational train-
ing would omit this item.
College name, City, State, Degrees, Majors, Dates. If you received
no degree or you are presently attending college, give the number
of units completed (or say ‘degree candidate’), major, date,
High school. List if you have not attended college. Add dates and
areas of speciality.
6. Personal paragraph. You may wish to include a statement describ-
ing personal attitudes towards work that make you a valuable and
unique employee.
132 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

II variant
The type of presentation may be:
Chronological. Begin with your most recent job and work back-
ward. In this type of resume, you may wish to include a section on com-
munity service, military service, or whatever applies.
Functional. The information is arranged by areas of competence, ex-
pertise, or effectiveness, such as public relations, management, organisa-
tion, program development, sales. List several key functions that are related
to your position objective. Follow each category with the businesslike action
words you’ve collected, such as “planned” and “classified”; then give a sum-
mary of the type of things you accomplished. You may either list employers
and dates at the end or note them on the company’s application form.
Combination of chronological and functional. If this format suits
your experience, be sure that special skills relevant to your position
objective are highlighted.
The letter of application can be as important as the CV in that it
often provides the first direct contact between a candidate and an em-
ployer. If this letter is not well written and presented, it will make
a  poor impression. The letter of application normally contains four
paragraphs in which you should:
• confirm that you wish to apply and say where you learned about
the job
• say why you are interested in the position and relate your inte­
rests to those of the company
• show that you can contribute to the job by highlighting your most
relevant skills and experience
• indicate your willingness to attend an interview (and possibly say
when you would be free to attend).
In this- document a person presents a summary of facts of his or
her biography as accepted in Ukraine. It includes:
1. The name of the document
2. A text where one gives his or her
• name in full
• date of birth
• place of birth
• summary of education, work experience (in chronological or-
der), personal experience, social activities
• information about the family
3. Date
4. Signature
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 29 133

RECOMMENDATION (Рекомендаційний лист)

The letter of recommendation may be either personal or general.
The personal type is addressed to some person or firm by some writer
who is recommending someone for a position. It may be written at the
request of the one seeking the position or in answer to inquiry of the
prospective employer.
It should give definitely and clearly the information which would
help the employer most in determining the applicant’s fitness for the
position. There should be no vague statements and no over-stressing
of good qualities to make the applicant seem super­human. The general
type of recommendation, which is placed in the hands of the one re­
commended, is not much in favour at present and does not carry much
weight because the tendency of the writer is to give only favourable
facts. The employer of today prefers to send a questionnaire to refer-
ences given by the applicant. In this way he gets information which
might be omitted from the regular letter of recommendation. Of
course, he interprets failure of a reference to answer the questionnaire
or any item of it as unfavourable to the candidate.
When you give a recommendation to somebody you take moral re-
sponsibility for professional, business and other qualities of the per-
son recommended. You can ask your partner to recommend somebody
in this way:
e.g.: Mr <name> proposes spending a month in our firm starting
<date> as a consultant. It is customary under these circumstances to
ask for letters of reference. We would appreciate it, therefore, if you
could send us a short statement of your opinion of the technical com-
petence and character of Mr <…> in order to support my request for
his appointment.
When you recommend somebody to your partner, use these phrases:
• I am just writing a few lines to introduce Mr <name>.
• It gives us a great pleasure to introduce Mr <name>.
• I am glad to say a word of recommendation on behalf of Mr <…>.
• I can sincerely recommend Mr <…> as a  highly responsible and
reliable man.
• It is pleasure to write on behalf of Mr <…> who combines the qual-
ities of technical training and practical efficiency.
• I am glad to write you concerning Mr <…>. I have been associated
with him rather closely as he is one of my colleagues. I am pleased to
say that I know him to be a man of unusual ability and irreproach-
able character. He is hard­working, loyal and trustworthy in every
way. It is my opinion that he would be a credit to your firm.
IV. Sum Up
134 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

Урок 30
Практикум з граматики. Займенники. Часи групи Perfect
Цілі: сприяти розширенню словникового запасу і вдосконален-
ню набутих граматичних навичок за темами: Займенники, Часи
групи Perfect через розвиток усних та писемних мовленнєвих на-
вичок у  сфері ділового спілкування; стимулювати комунікативну
мотивацію шляхом указання на сферу вживання нової лексики;
формувати соціокультурну компетенцію, прищеплювати праце-

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Grammar practice. Pronouns. Per-
fect Tenses

IІ. Main part

ªª Complete the sentences using the most appropriate words from
the list below.
anyone anything anything everyone everything
someone something something no one nothing

1. It’s just not right. Something is worrying me about this.

2. The office is empty. There’s … here except me.
3. I’m sorry; I don’t think there’s … I can do to help you.
4. (the telephone line is dead) Hello? Is there … there?
5 seems to be wrong with the printer. It’s not working.
6. There’s … to see you. Shall I ask them to wait?
7. I see that … has a copy of the agenda, so let’s begin.
8. (before moving on to the next point in a meeting) Is there … else?
9. Good, is going according to the plan.
10. No, I’ve decided … you could say would make me change my
ªª Tasks for the I and II variants. Underline the correct words.
I variant
1. We can’t blame anyone / no one but ourselves for this mess.
2. There’s anything / nothing in the post for you this morning.
3. There isn’t anything / nothing in the post for you this morning.
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 30 135

4. Anyone / Someone called for you earlier, but I don’t know who.
5. Isn’t there anywhere / nowhere to go that’s open at this time of
6. Can I ask you anything / something!
7. There’s anyone / someone on the phone to speak to you.
8. You can do anything / something you want, it won’t make any dif-
9. Sorry, I don’t know anything / nothing about it.
10. No one / Someone knew what to do, so I used my own initiative.
II variant
1. They offer reasonable prices, but I’m not sure about their / theirs
2. Excuse me, is this your / yours seat?
3. Excuse me, is this seat your / yours?
4. Is this pen yours / your’s or mine?
5. We do all ourselves / our own design and printing.
6. We do all the design and printing ourselves / our own.
7. The office at the end of the corridor is my / mine.
8. My / mine office is at the end of the corridor.
9. It’s not really her / hers decision.
10. The committee had its / it’s final meeting yesterday.

Perfect Tenses
ªª Alan is talking about his first job. Complete what he says with the
best form of the verb in brackets. Choose between the past simple,
past continuous or past perfect.
—  So, Alan, why did you quit your last job?
—  Well, at the time 1(1) was working (work) as a financial officer
for an International Accountancy firm in London. I (2) … (be) in the
same company for three years.
— How (3) … (you / get) the job?
—  Just after I (4) … (finish) university I (5) … (go) to a job fair.
I still (6) (decide) what I wanted to do and I was interested to see what
kind of jobs there (7) … (be) at the fair. While I (8) … (look) at informa-
tion on one of the stands for a large international accountancy firm,
someone (9) …(give) me an application form to fill in. I thought this
might be a good career opportunity for me as I (10)… (already / take)
some accountancy exams for my degree. So I  (11) … (complete) the
form and (12) … (send) it off. They (13) … (interview) me the following
week and I got the job. At first, I (14) … (feel) satisfied with the job,
but as time went by, things (15) … (change) and I began to hate work-
ing there.
136 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

—  So what (16) … (go) wrong?

—  Well, the situation was this: I (17) … (work) for a person who
was very difficult, er … very demanding… never satisfied. What’s
more, my job (18) … (become) too repetitive and I really wanted to do
something more creative. So, that’s why I resigned… I (19) … (not have)
­another job to go to, but I knew I (20) … (have) to make a change.
ªª Complete the sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into
a form of the present perfect. Use contractions where possible.
1. Are you sure it isn’t working? Have you tried (you / try) it?
2. I … (never / see) such a boring presentation.
3. Luckily, our customers … (not / complain) about the price rise.
4. We … (already / spend) quite a lot of money on this project.
5. (they / reply) to your last e-mail?
6. I … (not / get) the figures to hand — can I call you back later?
7. Unemployment … (go / up) by 2 % since January.
8. I’m sorry, she’s not here. She … (just / leave).
9. Their shares … (fall) by 15 % since the merger.
10. (you / ever / take) the Eurostar to Brussels?

ІІІ. Home Assignment

ªª II level — Complete the sentences with a suitable time expression
from the list below:
already yet ever never just for since always

1. The goods will be with you soon. They’ve already left our ware-
2. I’ve … had a great idea! Why don’t we launch a new range of co­
3. We’ve known each other … more than twenty years.
4. I’ve … used my credit card on the Internet. I don’t think it’s safe.
5. I haven’t had a  chance to speak to Magda … but I’m sure she’ll
6. I’ve … worked in insurance, ever since leaving university.
7. I’m sorry he hasn’t called you back. He’s been in a  meeting …
8. Have you … been to Sao Paulo? It’s completely different from Rio.
ªª III level — Fill in the blanks:
Art Miranda. Come in. Have a seat. It’s Gary Praton, isn’t it?
Gary Praton. Yes, Gary Alan Praton.
Art. And I’m Art Miranda. Well, I’ve looked over your applica-
tion. Can I just check the information?
Gary. Yes, of course.
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 30 137

Art. You’re applying for a secretarial position, ?

Gary. Yes, in the export manager’s office.
Art. You aren’t from Darien, ?
Gary. No, I’m from Fairfield.
Art. You didn’t go to a secretarial school, ?
Gary. No, I didn’t.
Art. But you learned to type in high school, ?
Gary. Right.
Art. You can take shorthand, ?
Gary. Yes, I studied it in high school.
Art. I see. But you can’t speak any foreign languages, ?
Gary. No, I can’t.
Atr. You’ve worked as a secretary for four years, ?
Gary. Yes.
Art. But you haven’t stayed with one company for much
time, ?
Gary. No, I haven’t. I’ve worked at some awful places.
(From “AmericanStreamline”)

ªª IV level — Complete the dialogue with question words and ques-

tion phrases from the list below. Talk about this new job.
whose how often how far how long how many
how much what (×2) which (×2) what kind of

—  So, tell me about your new job. (1) What kind of ‘work is it?
—  It’s in sales, like my last job, but it’s a bigger company.
—  Really? (2) … people work there?
—  I suppose there are about 60 people in our office.
— Oh, yeah. And (3) … holiday can you take a year?
— Twenty-four days a year plus public holidays.
— Oh, that’s much better than your last job. And (4) … is it from
your home?
—  Well, it’s really not that far and I don’t have to catch the train
to work every morning, which is great.
— Oh, lucky you. So, (5) … does it take you to get to work in the
morning now?
— About 20 minutes by car.
—  Wow. It sounds perfect. (6) … time do you start work in the
138 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

— About nine. But sometimes I  have to go on sales trips at the

weekends as well.
— Oh? (7) … idea was that?
—  I don’t know, it’s just something you have to do.
— And (8) … do you have to do it?
— About once a month, I think. They’re going to give me a com-
pany car.
—  Really! (9) … model are they going to give you?
— A Golf, I think — and I can choose the colour.
— Oh, and (10) … colours are there?
—  Well, I can choose between black and dark blue.
— Only two! So, (11) … one do you prefer?
—  Well, dark blue sounds better than black.
— Hmm, yeah. Well, congratulations, I’m sure you’ll do really

IV. Sum Up

Урок 31
Робота з текстом для читання
Цілі: опрацювати тексти із завданнями на перевірку розуміння
прочитаного; продовжити навчання читання текстів публіцистич-
ного і науково-популярного характеру з метою отримання інформа-
ції з теми на рівні повного або часткового розуміння; розширювати
активний словниковий запас учнів; формувати критерії справжніх
ділових якостей.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Reading. Job in America. The major
problems of a working mother

IІ. Main part

ªª Pre-reading task
Pair work. Look at the title of this article and predict the main
idea. Share your ideas with the explanations with other pairs.
ªª While-reading task
Read and decide if these sentences are true or false.
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 31 139

Job in America

Many Americans change jobs during their lifetime. In fact, some

Americans even change careers one or more times. For example, some-
one who has been a teacher for fifteen years might decide to quit that
profession in order to begin a restaurant business. Or a banker might
decide to go back to school to study law. You sometimes meet older
Americans who have tried several careers in their lifetime.
The Small Business Administration is a US government agency es-
tablished in 1953. It lends money to small business to help them grow.
The Small Business Administration also helps small businesses receive
government contracts.
Before World War II, most American women did not work out-
side the home. Between 1941  and 1945, more than 6  million women
took jobs outside the home for the first time. Since then, the number
of women in the workplace has greatly increased. In most American fa­
milies, both the husband and wife must work in order to afford a home
or a college education for their children.
As recently as 1970, public opinion polls indicated that most
American men did not want their wives to work outside the home. But
today, most husbands approve of their wives having a  job. In fact,
the majority of American wives now work outside the home. About
60 % of mothers with children under the age of six are now employed.
And about 70 % of mothers with school-age children are now work-
ing, too.
American teenages often take job in the summer, when they are
not going to school. Many teenagers work as counsellors in summer
camps for young children. Some
teens may work in supermarkets or in fast-food restaurants. ­Other
have jobs as messengers, delivery people, or sales clerks. Occasionally,
teenagers work at some of these jobs during the school year as well as
during the summer.
Traditionally, America’s fast-food companies hire teenagers.
While teenagers provide cheap labor, they are sometimes unreliable.
Consequently, fast-food companies are looking into another source of
cheap labor — the elderly. Older people are less likely to skip a day of
work or quit without giving notice, but because they have not been
brought up with computers, they view the high-tech fast-food counter
with terror. Training centers are being opened in order to teach older
people how to operate computerized equipment, and how to use a cal-
In the United States, about 5 % of all jobs are in agriculture, fish-
ing, and mining. About 25 % are in manufacturing and construction.
140 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

The rest of the jobs are in service professions, such as teaching, sell-
ing, and medicine.
Many Americans retire at the age of 65. Some retire at a younger
age, and other choose never to retire. The federal government provides
social security (money each month) for workers who retire.
There are many organization of retired people in the United
States. Some of the members of these groups volunteer their time to
help people in a  particular kind of business. Other groups of retired
people work for educational, social, religious, or political causes.
(From “Family Album, USA”
by Atvin Cooperman and George Lefferts)
1. Americans never change jobs during their lifetime.
2. The Small Business Administration is a US government agency
established in 1953.
3. Before World War II, most American women worked outside the
4. In most American families, both husband and wife must work in
order to afford a home or college education for their children.
5. Nowadays most of American husbands do not approve of their
wives having a job.
6. American teenagers do not like to take job during their vaca-
7. American teenagers never work during the school year.
8. America’s fast-food companies hire only teenagers.
9. Many Americans retire at the age of 60.
10. The federal government provides social security for workers who
11. Groups of retired Americans work for educational, social, reli-
gious, or political causes.
ªª Post-reading task
1. Text closed. Correct each false statement.
2. Read the text and fill in the missing sentences.
• Her biggest expense is child care.
• If a child gets sick, the mother must make special arrangements
for the child to be cared for at home, or she must stay home from
• I believe that even though she faces major obstacles, these obsta-
cles are not insurmountable
The major problems of a working mother
The major problems a working mother faces concern her. She must
either find a reliable person who will be loving toward the children or
a  good day-care center where the children can go. … While at work,
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 31 141

the mother may worry about her children. She may wonder if they are
safe, if they are learning the values she wants them to have, and if
her absence is hurting them emotionally. She may also regret not be-
ing able to take them to after-school activities or participate in family
activities with them.
Even though a mother is frequently forced into working for eco-
nomic reasons, she soon discovers that there are added expenses. ….
Another expense is transportation. This may include purchasing and
maintaining a car. Yet another expense is clothing, such as uniform
or stylish suits to maintain a professional appearance. Finally, if her
company does not have a subsidized cafeteria, she will have to pay for
food in restaurants.
After a mother takes into account all of the above problems and
perhaps other problems unique to her situation, she must decide if
a job is worth it … . Many mothers do work and manage a family very
successfully. In conclusion, it is a woman’s right to make this choice,
and only the woman herself should decide this matter.
(From “Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL”
by J. Gear and H. Gear)

III. Home Assignment

ªª Try to explain the underline words.
ªª Make a plan and speak about how to be in a job interview.

Незабаром ви маєте йти на співбесіду? MARTY NEMKO на-
дасть вам декілька порад.
It wasn’t easy, but you’ve managed to get an interview for a new
job. Now what?

Before the interview

Check the organization’s Web site and Google it, using Google.
com’s web search and its “groups” search. This searches online discus-
sion groups — a source of inside information. Ask the administrative
assistant who arranged your interview if there’s anything you might
read to get a better sense of the job or the organization.
Prepare a one-minute answer to “Tell us about your­self”. This is
not the time to talk about how much you enjoy fly-fishing. Concen-
trate on the parts of yourself most relevant to the job.
Prepare three PAR stories: a Problem you faced at work, how you
Approached it, and its positive Resolu­tion. A  PAR story should be
30 to 60 seconds long.
142 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

Prepare a  few questions to ask. Don’t ask about salary or the

amount of paid vacation. Ask about aspects of the job, the organiza-
tion, its products and services.
During the interview
Early in the interview, ask one or both of these ques­tions: “After
the first month, what would you expect me to have accomplished?” and
“What is the most important skill I need to succeed at this job?” Tell
the inter­viewer about a  weakness of yours that might be relevant to
the job. If it is likely to make you fail in the job, it’s better for you and
the employer to know this at the be­ginning. For example, if I were ap-
plying for a job. I’d say, “I’m not much of a team player. Give me some­
thing to do and it will get done, but when I have to work on a team,
I find myself getting impatient”.
If asked about salary, try answering with, “It depends on the
nature of the position. What salary range have you budgeted for?”
If forced to give an answer, respond with a  range that starts slight-
ly above the minimum you’d accept and ends with a  number that’s
15 percent higher than that. So if the lowest you’d accept is $60,000,
say: “Low 60s to low 70s, depending on the position”.
If, at the end of the interview, you think it went well, say, “I
think I  can really do a  good job for you. What do you think?” That
gives the interviewer a chance to raise any objections, which you can
then counter.
After the interview
Write a thank-you letter, in which you remind the in­terviewer of
things he or she liked. For example, “I am glad you appreciated my
experience in coordinating a direct-mail campaign”. Also correct any
mistakes you may have made. For example, “You had asked me about
e-mail campaigns. After thinking it over, I [insert improved answer].
End by saying something like, “I’m enthusiastic about the position and
look forward to working with you”.
If you don’t get the job, don’t call to ask why. It will only make
the employer defensive. Call to say, “I would have loved to work for
you and want to let you know that if a similar position comes up, I’d
welcome the opportunity to interview for it”.
MARTY NEMKO is one of America’s top career coaches. The au-
thor of Cool Careers for Dummies (Wiley, ISBN 978-0-470-11774-3,
$19.99), he has been advising clients for more than 20  years. He is
based in Oakland, California. Contact: mnemko@comcast.net or www.
(Business Spotlight)
IV. Sum Up
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 32 143

Урок 32
Семестрова контрольна робота
Цілі: провести контроль оволодіння учнями мовною і мовлен-
нєвою компетенцією в межах вивчених тем за семестр; розвивати
творчий потенціал учнів; виховувати самостійність та активність.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Terminal Test

IІ. Main part

Situation: Roger Fellner is 35  years old. He’s been working for
the same company since he left university in 1996. That’s a long time
to be with one com­pany! He’s bored and feels it’s high time to rethink
his career. Join Roger as he looks for his dream job. Will he find it?
1. Get to work — get a job!
Roger is thinking about the type of work he wants. Complete his
thoughts with either “job” or “work”.
a) I definitely don’t want a part-time … .
b) I want to … full-time.
с) I might think about project ….
d) Maybe I could do some voluntary … for a while.
e) I’ve always had a nine-to-five … .
f) In my line of…, I don’t expect to have much free time.
g) I should look at …-sharing opportunities.
h) I want more … satisfaction.
i) I’m going to use the internet for my … search.
2. Making use of the Web
Roger posts his profile on a job-search site. Choose an adjective or
a noun from one of the boxes to create word partnerships that complete
his professional details.
• academic • ability
• interpersonal • experience
• track • knowledge
• proficiency
Highly motivated financial expert with six years’ (a) hands-on
… at an international investment company. I  can offer a  successful
144 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

(b) record … in corporate finance and accounting and have (c) in-depth

… of European, Asian and American accounting procedures. I also can
demonstrate (d) proven … in global investments, as our group has made
a record profit for the past four years. My excellent (e) skills … allow
me to communicate at all levels of an organization.
Because I  attended university in France, I  speak French with
(f) near-native … .
In addition, I  have a  strong (g) background … in history, which
helps me to understand market developments in context.

3. An active career
Roger sends his CV to several potential employers. He tries to use
different words to describe the tasks he has performed. Help him to
find synonyms for the verbs in these sentences.
a) Managed five international projects.
1) routed 2) supervised 3) connected
b) Administered a budget of €16 million.
1) overdid 2) oversaw 3) overlooked
c) Lowered costs considerably.
1) claimed 2) hiked 3) cut
d) Achieved a ten per cent increase in profits.
1) recognized 2) realized 3) regarded
e) Improved efficiency in team.
1) elevated 2) enhanced 3) entered
f) Won lucrative international contracts.
1) secured 2) sampled 3) succeeded

4. On a daily basis
Well done Roger — he is offered his dream job! On his first day,
Roger finds out exactly what his duties are. Complete the verbs by
adding the missing vowels.
The position involves…
a) tr…v…lling a lot
b) d…ling with customers
c) pr…s…nting information
d) sch…d…ling meetings
e) s…rting out problems
f) m…ting tight deadlines

5 The company’s history

A lot of changes
Roger also finds out about the company’s history. Choose the cor-
rect verb forms to complete this text.
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 32 145

Green and Beautiful was (a) founded / found in 1975  by two

British brothers. They (b) sat / set up the company in Oxford. Now,
it (c)  bases / is based in Brighton. It (d) relocated / relo­cate to an
office by the sea in 2000 and (e) is supplied / sup­plies natural cosme­
tics to spa hotels around the world. A new hi-tech factory is being (f)
build / built in Wales. The old fac­tory will be (g) close / closed down
as soon as the new one is ready next year. Green and Beautiful (h)
fought / fight off a takeover bid last year. The company (i) is doing
/ can do really well. It now (j) employ / employs over 3,000  people

6. The organization
As well as knowing about the his­tory of the company, Roger needs
to learn about its organization. Complete these statements by adding
the correct vowels.
a) The h…dq…rt…rs are in Brighton.
b) The p…r…nt company is in Brighton, too.
c) The largest s…bs…d…ry is in France.
d) It has ten overseas br…nch…s.
e) It has…ff…c…s in Berlin and Munich.

7. Is it a must?
There are a few things that are different in this new job. Complete
these statements with “mustn’t”, “has to” or “doesn’t have to”.
а) As a lot of his clients are in the US, Roger … stay at work until it’s
1 p.m. in New York.
b) But that means he … start work until 10 a.m
c) He … smoke in the office. It’s not allowed.
d) He … learn how to use a few new software programs.
e) Roger … speak French with co-workers in the Paris office.

8. Show me the money

Roger doesn’t mind the long hours, because he’s earning quite
a bit more money. He’s now telling his wife, Cynthia, the details of his
new pay package. Rearrange the letters to find the correct forms of
these payment terms.
I get a lot of (a) … TEFIEBNS. As well as a high (b) … LASYAR,
I  have quite a  generous (c) … EENSEXPE account for business trips
and a couple of other (d) … MMOISSICON for getting new customers.
At the end of the year, I’ll get (f) … NUBOS. The company has intro-
duced a g)… FOPERRCEMAN-related pay scheme, so my annual (h) …
COMINE could be even higher. I sometimes advise private customers
outside the company, for which I charge a (i) … EFE.
146 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

9. Comparing conditions
The friends discuss working conditions. Choose the right options
for these short dialogues.
Roger. We have (a) flexihours / flexitime here. I often work late
on Monday, so I can leave early another day.
Brenda. That’s great. I have to work (b) shifts / steps. I have to
work a lot of (c) overtime / afterhours, too.
Roger. I sometimes find it very hard to concentrate in the (d) open-
plan / open design office, so I’ve asked if I can (e) telework / homework
once a week.
Tom. I rarely have to go in to the (f) bureau / office!
Roger. There is a  (g) childcare / child-mind facility on the com-
pany premises.
Colleen. Great! That helps you get your (h) life-work / work-life
balance right.
Robert. Is there a (i) dress code / clothes code there? Roger. Yes,
I have to wear a (j) suite / suit and tie.
Julia. When will you go (k) on / in holiday?
Roger. I can’t take any days (I) free / off for six months be­cause of
the (m) probationary / provisional period.
Roger. The company (n) canteen / casino is great. Doug. Oh, I’m
so busy that I often (o) skip / jump lunch.
10. A great job, isn’t it?
The friends continue to talk about work. Decide whether the ad-
jectives they use are positive or negative.
Positive Negative Positive Negative
boring repetitive
challenging rewarding
demanding routine
dull satisfying
enjoyable stimulating
fast-paced tiring
hazardous worthwhile
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 32 147

11. On your own or not?

Roger gets together with his friends to cele­brate his new job. His
friends have different kinds of jobs. Decide if the following refer to
employee status or not.
Employee Not an employee
a) Robert works freelance
b) Tom does contract work
c) Doug is a civil servant
d) Paul is an entrepreneur
e) Jimmy does consulting work
f) Brenda is a staff member
g) Julia is a temp

1. a) job; b) work; c) work; d) work; e) job; f) work; g) job; h) job;
i) job.
2. a) hands-on experience (практичний досвід); b) track record
(послужний список); с) in-depth knowledge; d) proven ability;
e) interpersonal skills; f) near-native proficiency (практично на
рівні носія мови); g) academic background.
3. a 2; b 2; c 3; d 2; e 2; f 1.
4. a) travelling; b) dealing; c) presenting; d) schedul­ing; e) sorting;
f) meeting.
5. a) founded; b) set; c) is based; d) relocated; e) Supplies; f) built;
g) Closed; h) fought; i) is doing; j) employs.
6. a) headquarters (центральний офіс); b) parent; c) subsidiary
(дочірнє підприємство); d) branches; e) offices.
7. a) has to; b) doesn’t have to; c) mustn’t; d) has to; e) has to.
8. a) benefits (соціальний пакет); b) salary (зарплатня); с) expense
(на­кладні витрати); d) perks (привілеї, пільги); e) commission;
f) bonus; g) performance; h) income; i) fee (гонорар).
9. Hours: a) flexitime (гнучкий робочий час); b) shifts (зміни);
с)  overtime (понадурочний час). Office: d) open-plan (відкрите
планування); e) telework (віддалена робота); f) office. Family:
g) childcare (догляд за дітьми); h) work-life balance (баланс між
роботою та особистим життям).
Clothes: i) dress code ; j) suit.
148 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

Holidays: k) on holiday; I) days off; m) probationary period

(випробний термін).
Food: n) canteen; o) skip.
10. Positive: challenging (той, що потребує віддачі); demand-
ing (вимогливий); enjoyable; fast-paced (той, що стрімко
розвивається); rewarding (вартий); sat­isfying; stimulating;
worthwhile (той, що дає результат).
Negative: boring (нудний); dull (одноманітний); haz­ardous
(небезпечний, шкідливий); menial (підсобний); repetitive (по­
вто­рюваний); routine; tiring (втомливий).
11. Employee status: с  (civil servant = службовець, урядовець),
f (staff member = штатний співробітник);
Not an employee: a  (freelance = позаштатний співробітник),
b  (contract work = робота за домовленістю; підрядна робота),
d  (entrepreneur = підприємець), e, g  (temp(orary) worker =
тимчасовий співробітник). Some temps have employee status
with an agency, which then sends them to fill a work position.)

IV. Sum Up

Урок 33
Узагальнення та систематизація вивченого матеріалу
Цілі: організувати ознайомлення учнів з новими лексичними
одиницями та усне тренування у вживанні лексичного матеріалу;
стимулювати комунікативну мотивацію шляхом указання на сфе-
ру вживання нової лексики; прищеплювати працелюбність.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Setting objectives for meetings (whole group brainstorm)
Every meeting, whether it is for just two people or for ten or fifty
people, has to have a  clear purpose. Below are two examples of pur-
poses, or reasons, for holding meetings.
What other can you think of?
• give or share information
• present a proposal for discussion
• ____________________________________________________
• ____________________________________________________
• ____________________________________________________
10 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 33 149

IІ. Main part

Good business practice
It is important to state the purpose of a meeting in the introduc-
tion. The introduction normally includes five stages:
1. Signal the start of the meeting (if there are a number of partici-
2. Greet and welcome participants; introduce any new participants.
3. Explain the background to the meeting.
4. State the purpose of the meeting.
5. Ask for contributions or hand over to the first speaker.
In formal meeting, there may be a  sixth stage in which you set
the protocol for the meeting, for example, appoint someone to take
mi­nutes, agree the time limit or say whether contributions should be
made through the leader.
ªª Match the words and expressions in the box with the headings
job seekers doctorate initiative
bonus candidates company car
applicants advertisement diploma
confidence qualifications interview
shortlist enthusiasm degree
job offer interviewees independence
pension plan health insurance

1. fringe benefits
2. education
3. stages in recruiting
4. personal qualities
5. people looking for work

ªª Do this crossword using the clues below.

1. You make a … of candidates after receiving all the applications.
5. What languages did you study … school?
6. The interviewer asks the candidate questions about his personal
and professional … .
7. This … shows the number of people who have left or joined the
company this year.
8. We have to … the applications to make an initial selection.
150 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

12. Another word for candidates.

15. The opposite of difficult.
16. The company has asked me to … an interview.
1. The person who does this job often has to travel a lot and be per-
2. If your application is successful, the company will … you the job.
3. A contract is a … document.
4. The company wants to … on fifteen new employees.
9. Documents that are sent with letters of application.
10. The best candidates are … a second or third interview.
11. The opposite of love.
13. We are advertising for the … of Chief Accountant.
14. Some employers ask you to do a psychological … .

IV. Sum Up
11 клас
До посібника з англійської мови
Business English Essentials, book 2
(укл. О. Біленька, А. Павлюк, О.Чепурна —
Тернопіль: Видавництво Карп’юка, 2003)

І семестр
Тема 1. Оптова та роздрібна торгівля.
Укладання договорів купівлі-продажу.
Маркетинг та реклама

Урок 1
Основна інформація про тему. Слова та вирази до розділу
Цілі: формувати мовні навички (введення нових лексичних
одиниць), мовленнєві навички (усне мовлення, читання), соціо-
культурну компетенцію; прищеплювати працелюбність.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson
ªª Discussing the charts
Producer Consumer
Wholesaler Retailer Consumer

II. Main part

ªª Pre-reading task.What do you think? Try to explain the words
from the articles.
ªª While-reading task. Group work
Task for the first group. Read and make a plan for retelling the
information from ‘Background Information’.
Background Information
Wholesaling is a part of marketing system. It provides channels of
distribution, direct and indirect, which help to bring goods to the market.
Indirect channels are generally used to marl manufactured consumer
goods. It could be from the manufacturer to the wholesaler, from t retailer
to the consumer or through more complicated channels. A direct channel
moves goods from the manufacturer or producer to the consumer.
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 1 153

Wholesaling is often a field of small business, but there is a grow-

ing chain movement in the western countries. About a  quarter of
wholesaling units account for the one-third of total sales.
Two-thirds of the wholesaling middlemen are merchant whole­
salers who take title to the goods they deal in. There are also agent
middlemen who negotiate purchases or sales or both. They do take ti-
tle to the goods they deal in. Sometimes they take possession though.
These agents don’t e; salaries. They receive commissions. This is a per-
centage of the value of the goods they sell.
Wholesalers simplify the process of distribution. For example,
the average supermarket stocks 5,000 items in groceries alone, a re-
tail druggist can have more than 6,000 items. As a wholesale handles
a large assortment of items from numerous manufacturers he reduces
the problem both manufacturer and retailer. The store keeper does not
have to deal directly with thousands of different people. He usually
has a well-stocked store and deals with only a few wholesales.
Retailing is selling goods and services to the ultimate consumer.
Thus, the retailer is the most expensive link in the chain of distribu-
tion. Being middlemen, they make their profit by charging the cus-
tomer 25 to 100 per cent more than the price they paid for the item.
The retailers operate through stores, mail-order houses, vending
machine operators. There are different types of retail stores: department
stores, discount houses, cooperatives, single line retailers. The major part
(over 95  per cent) of retail establishments concentrate on a  single line
of merchandise for example, food hardware, etc. But nowadays there is
a trend for many single line stores to take on a greater variety of supplies.
The retailer performs many necessary functions. First, he may
provide a  convenient location. Second, he often guarantees and ser­
vices the merchandise he sells. Third, the retailer helps to promote the
product through displays, advertising or sales. Fourth, the retailer
can finance the customer by extending credit. Also the retailer stores
the goods in his outlet by having goods available.
Task for the second group. Read and make a plan for retelling the
information from ‘Background Information’.
Background Information
Marketing is the term given to all the different activities intend-
ed to make and attract a profitable demand for a product. On the one
hand, it is made up of transporting, storing and selling goods and, on
the other hand, a series of decisions you make during the process of
moving goods from producer to user. Marketing operations include
product planning, buying, storage, pricing, promotion, selling, credit,
traffic and market research.
154 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

Here people mostly talk about the marketing mix or ‘The Four Ps’
that consists of:
• choosing the right product (=what a company produces / makes
or offers);
• selling it at the right price (=what it costs to the buyer /
• using the right kind of promotion (=the ways to make the product
popular and well-known; this includes advertising);
• making it available in the right place (=where you sell the product
and how it reaches the consumer; also known as distribution).
Marketing people’s job is to match these things to the needs of
consumers (the people who buy and use products). People who buy
the products of a particular company are that company’s customers /
The ability to recognize early trends is very important. Market
research helps the producer to predict what the people will want. And
through the advertising he attempts to influence the customer to
Product advertising is an important part of the marketing mix.
Its aim is to increase sales by making a  product or service known to
a wider audience, and by emphasizing its positive qualities. A compa-
ny can advertise in a variety of ways, depending on how much it wishes
to spend and the size and type of audience it wishes to target. The dif-
ferent media for advertising include television, radio, newspapers,
magazines, the Internet and direct mail. The design and organization
of advertising campaigns is usually the job of an advertising agency.
Corporate advertising is not directly concerned with increas-
ing sales of a particular product or service, but more with the brand
image, or picture, a  company wants to present to the public. Public
relations (PR) experts specialize in organizing activities and events
which generate positive publicity for companies. Unusual advertising
campaigns sometimes get extra publicity for the company by way of
media reports about the campaign.
ªª Post-reading task. Exchanging information
Vocabulary Practice
ªª What can you say?
1. I enclose the description of…
Опис додається…
2. I am attaching some information about …
Додаю деяку інформацію про…
3. I am enclosing a folder with information on our most important new…
Додаю підшивку з інформацією про наші найважливіші нові…
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 1 155

4. We would like to draw your attention to the attached press release

announcing our launch of <…> products and services.
Ми хочемо звернути Вашу увагу на прес-реліз, який додається,
котрим ми повідомляємо про нашу нову продукцію і  послуги
в галузі…
5. Our new trade list will be available in a week and we will send you
one as soon as it comes off the press.
Наш новий перелік товарів через тиждень буде готовий, і ми
вишлемо Вам екземпляр, як тільки він вийде з друку.
6. Our new catalogue will be published soon and forwarded to you as
soon as possible.
Наш новий каталог незабаром буде виданий, і ми відправимо
Вам екземпляр, як тільки він з’явиться.
7. We have received copies of our new catalogue, which I  am now
pleased to enclose for your review.
Ми отримали з друку наш новий каталог, і я із задоволенням
додаю екземпляр для пере­гляду його Вами.
8. Enclosed you will find the latest listing of our new production.
Додаю останній перелік нашої нової продукції.
9. I would be happy to send you both our monthly descriptive
brochures on new production and our complete catalogue.
Я  із задоволенням надішлю Вам наші щомісячні оглядові
брошури з нової продукції і повний каталог.
10. I will send you our catalogues on a regular basis.
Я надсилатиму Вам наші каталоги регулярно.
11. I attach some of our most recent catalogues which I hope will be of
interest to you.
Додаю наші останні каталоги, котрі, я  сподіваюсь, будуть
цікавими для Вас.
12. This most interesting to you <…> is described on page 123 of the
enclosed catalogue.
Цей найцікавіший для Вас <…> описано на сторінці
123 каталогу, що додається.
13. Reflecting <firm’s name> continual commitment to excellence,
the catalogue provides details on our new offerings, as well as our
fine selection of <…> backlist.
Відображаючи постійне прагнення <назва фірми> вдоскона­
люватись, каталог надає детальну інформацію про запропо­
новані нами нові товари, послуги тощо, так само, як і  про
найкращі з оновлених.

III. Home Assignment

ªª II level — Learn the phrases;
156 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

ªª III level — Speak about marketing system.

ªª IV level — Write an essay ‘Advertising is the greatest art form of
the twenties century’.

IV. Sum Up

Урок 2
Комунікативна практика.
Оптова та роздрібна торгівля. Продаж товарів
Цілі: вдосконалювати мовні навички (вживання лексичних
одиниць в мовленні), формувати навички усного мовлення, читан-
ня, розвивати мовленнєву компетенцію (діалогічне і  монологічне
мовлення); закріпити активну лексику та використовувати її у тре-
нувальних ситуаціях та рольових іграх; формувати соціокультур-
ну компетенцію та критерії справжніх ділових якостей.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson
ªª Checking on the home task
1. Pair work — revision of a new vocabulary.
2. Individual  — make up 5 questions for the Background Informa-
ªª Discussing the charts (No middle firm \ one middle firm \ two
middle firms)

ІІ. Main part

ªª Reading and discussing useful Information.
A Wholesaler and a Retailer
You can buy certain products directly from a producer. For exam-
ple, you may buy tomatoes directly from the farmer who grew them.
But the farmer may sell tomatoes to your local grocery store, a retail-
er, from which you buy them. A  retailer is a  middle firm that sells
directly to the consumer. On the other hand, the farmer may sell the
entire crop of tomatoes to a  wholesaler, such as a  large distribution
firm. A wholesaler is a middle firm that sells to other wholesalers or
to retailers. The wholesaler will then sell the tomatoes to the grocery
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 2 157

store, the retailer, which in turn sells them to you. A  product may
travel through several middle firms in the marketing channel.
ªª Pair work. Read about the job of a  salesperson. Which of the
points covered in the text do you agree:
Anyone who has contact with customers is a salesperson — that
includes a telephonist who answers the phone and a service engineer
who calls to repair a machine. So that probably includes you!
The relationship between a salesperson and a client is important:
both parties want to feel satisfied with their deal and neither wants to
feel cheated. A friendly, respectful relationship is more effective than
an aggressive, competitive one.
A salesperson should believe that his or her product has certain
advantages over the competitor’s similar products. Customers want to
be sure that they are buying a product that is good value and of high
quality. People in business are not going to spend their company’s
money on something they don’t really need (unlike consumers, who
can sometimes be persuaded to buy ‘useless’ products like fur coats
and solid gold watches!).
Some salespeople adopt a direct ‘hard sell’ approach, while others
use a more indirect ‘soft sell’ approach. Which approach do you prefer?
Whichever approach is used, in the end perhaps a good salesperson is
someone who can persuade anyone to buy anything. On the other hand,
maybe a good salesperson is someone who knows how to deal with dif-
ferent kinds of people and who can point out how his or her product
will benefit each individual customer in special ways. After all a buyer
is called a ‘buyer’ because he or she wants to buy. All you need to do is
to convince them that your product is the one they want. A successful
sales meeting depends on both the salesperson and the customer asking
each other the right sort of questions.

Vocabulary Practice
ªª Pair work. Fill the gaps in the following sentences with the words
from the box.
before buying client individual product wants weaknesses

If you want to be both a successful negotiator and salesperson you

1. Know your … and its main features.
2. Know the strengths and … of competing products.
3. Find out who makes the … decisions in your client’s firm.
4. Plan each sales interview … it takes place.
5. Match what you’re selling to each client’s … and needs.
158 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

6. Listen to what your … tells you.

7. Remember that each client is an … not a number.
ªª Individual. Ex. 2. Translate the following sentences into English
using your dictionary.
1. Гуртова торгівля — важливий елемент ринкової системи.
2. Товари ідуть від гуртового посередника до споживача через
роздрібного продавця.
3. Надають перевагу непрямій системі збуту.
4. Посередник отримує відсотки від продажу.
5. Ми змушені багато платити за доставку.
6. Це була джентльменська угода.
7. Роздрібна торгівля — це продаж товару кінцевому споживачу.
8. На цей товар можна отримати 10 % знижку.
9. Ця фірма має багато торгівельних точок по всій країні.
10. У торгівельному центрі ви знайдете всі необхідні вам товари.
11. Роздрібна торгівля може надати покупцю довготривалий кредит.
12. Існують різні типи торгівельних закладів: універмаги, супер-
маркети, магазини з низькими цінами тощо.
ªª Group of four work. Ex. 5. Complete the sentences using the words
from the box.
order discount vending machine wholesalers
guarantees a retailer (2) extending credit take title
link channels receive commissions
stock middleman assortment

1 … is one function a retailer may perform.

2. You can buy newspapers, cigarettes, cookies from a … .
3 … is the most expensive link in the chain between a producer and
a consumer.
4. The firm … good quality of the product.
5. She doesn’t like to go shopping, she prefers to do it by … .
6. The department store is having a sale and there is a 20 per cent … .
7. Wholesaler is an important … between a producer and customer.
8. They use both direct and indirect … of distribution.
9. Agent middlemen do not … to the goods they deal in.
10. Usually wholesaling … stands between the producer and the re-
11. A supermarket may … thousands of commissions items.
12. Usually a wholesaler handles a large … of items of numerous ma­
13. Agent middlemen don’t earn salaries, they … .
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 2 159

14. A wholesaler doesn’t deal with the customers, he deals with … .

15. … simplify the problems of manufacturers.
ªª Group of four work. Try to explain the words.
• shelving • labels
• packing area • stencil
• containers • packers
• stock list • forklift truck
• waste bin • orders
• packing • coffee machine
ªª Work in pairs. Ex. 8. Make up the similar dialogue. Perform it in
—  Sundel, Electrotech Sales Manager. Can I help you?
— Good afternoon, Mr. Sundel. This is Mr. Hart from Santina
Hotel speaking. Have you got any refrigerators IPD Model 245?
—  Yes, we have, but we have had a lot of orders for this model.
—  What is the price of a unit?
—  Its retail price is $460 per unit.
—  What is the discount for a lot of 100 units?
— Usually we give a 5 % discount.
—  Is there a discount if I pay cash?
—  I am not sure. I should consult with our Financial Manager.
— How long will the delivery take?
— About a month.

III. Home Assignment

ªª II level — Check if you know the terms below. For each numbered
item, find the term that has the same meaning.

1) direct marketing a) The activities that are involved in mov-

ing goods from producers to consumers
2) extractor b) The path that a product travels from
producer to consumer
3) indirect market- c) The process through which goods are
ing bought by the consumer directly from
the producer
4) marketing chan- d) A business that takes an extractor’s
nel or channel of products or raw materials and changes
distribution them into a form that consumers can use
5) marketing or dis- e) The process through which goods move
tribution through one or more middle firms bet­
ween the producer and the consumer
160 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

6) retailer f) A middle firm that sells directly to the

7) service business g) A business that grows products or takes
raw materials from nature
8) wholesaler h) A business that does things for you in-
stead of making or marketing products
9) manufacturer i) A middle firm that sells goods to other
firms like itself or to other retailers

ªª III level  — Translate the text from English into Ukrainian and
title it.
Retailing is the business of selling products to the general public.
Most retailers are from shops or stores which are called outlets. Many
countries have large retail chains which are organised nationally and
sell a  standardised selection of products. Their outlets are often in
shopping centres (US ‘malls’), where there is a large variety of stores
in the same location.
Many large retailers operate from out of town locations with
parking facilities, known as either hypermarkets (over 30,000 square
metres) or superstores (under 30,000 square metres). They may be on
a retail park, where there are a number of large stores.
Department stores such as Harrods in London are large shops
which sell a wide variety of products, usually with location in a city
centre. As the name suggests, they are organised in departments, each
with its own manager.
ªª IV level — read the text to learn about basic kinds of businesses.
Be ready to retell it.
You and your family buy from many kinds of businesses. You buy
food from a supermarket, shoes from a shoe store, financial services
from a bank, a car from an auto dealer, and electricity from a utilities
company. In all of these cases, you are dealing with businesses that sell
products and services to you and to other consumers. Have you ever
wondered where they get the products and the materials for the serv-
ices they sell to you? Often these products and materials have moved
through several businesses before they get to the store from which you
buy them. There are four basic types of these businesses: extractors,
manufacturers, marketers and service businesses.
Extractors Get Products from Nature
Businesses that grow products or take raw materials from nature
are called extractors.
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 2 161

The farmer who grows and sells wheat, vegetables and fruit is an
extractor, as are those who fish, dig coal and pump oil. They sell the
products just as they come from the earth or the sea. However, most
food products and raw materials need some processing or change in
form before the consumer can use them.
Manufacturers Make Products
The manufacturer takes the extractor’s products or raw materials
and changes them into a form that consumers can use. The manufac-
turer might make a product such as a bicycle or process a product such
as freezing and packaging vegetables. Other manufacturers may con-
struct sections of a building that, when put together, become a house
for people to live in. Some manufacturers are only a part of the total
activity of producing goods from the extractor’s products.
Together, extractors and manufacturers are industries that
change the form of resources from their natural states into products
for consumers.
Marketers Bring the Products to Consumers
The services of many businesses are often needed before goods
actually reach the consumer. If all the goods you use had to be bought
directly from their producers, it would be extremely difficult and
expensive for you to buy things. You might have to go to Central
or South America to get a  banana. What an expensive banana that
would be!
All of the activities involved in moving goods from producers to
consumers are performed by marketers. These activities are called
marketing or distribution. Marketing includes more than transporting
and selling products. Marketers test new product ideas to see whether
consumers will like them and buy them. They package goods to protect
products and to present them ii attractive and convenient sizes, and
they also store the goods until they are needed by other marketers or
consumers. Bridging the gap between producers and consumers can be
very complicated. Goods can go through either of the two channels of
distribution — direct and indirect, to reach the consumer. (See Back-
ground Information).
Service Businesses Do Things for Us
Firms that do things for you instead of making or marketing pro­
ducts are called service businesses. Some service businesses serve in-
dividual consumers some serve other businesses and some serve both.
Today you can find servia businesses to style your hair, wash your car,
figure your income tax, give you computer lessons, clean your clothes,
pull a tooth, take you on a tour, or almost any service you need c do
162 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

not want to do for yourself. As people have more leisure time and more
money to spend, they want more and more businesses to do things for

IV. Sum Up

Урок 3
Комунікативна практика.
Реклама товарів та послуг. Продаж товару
Цілі: вдосконалювати мовні, мовленнєві навички (усного мов-
лення, читання), формувати соціокультурну компетенцію та кри-
терії справжніх ділових якостей.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Communication practice. At the
exhibition in London. In the office of the Product Advertising
ªª Checking on the home task
Answer the questions below to check you knowledge of wholesal-
ing and retailing processes.
1. What is the aim of wholesaling?
2. What is a direct channel of distribution? Give an example.
3. What is an indirect channel of distribution? Give an example.
3. Is there any difference between a  merchant wholesaler and an
agent middleman? What is the difference?
4. What is retailing?
5. What types of retail stores do you know?
6. In what way does a retailer serve a customer? A manufacturer?
7. What per cent of the price of the goods sold goes to the retailer?
8. What would retailers have to do without wholesalers?
ªª Discussing the terms
Market research
Product advertising
Advertising agency
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 3 163

ІІ. Main part

ªª Reading and discussing Useful Information Thinking Market­
Thinking Marketing

Everyone who works for the company must ‘think marketing’

To think marketing we must have a clear idea of

What the customers need

What the customers want
What causes them to buy
What the product is to the customer with its functional, technical and
economic aspects as well as the aesthetic, emotional and psychological

‘Features’ (what the product is) + ‚Benefit‘

We must be aware of our firm‘s strengths and weaknesses as well as

the opportunities and threats we face in the market (S.W.O.T.)

ªª Group work. Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian. Be

ready to speak about the marketing concept and marketing mix
in your own words.


Before the 1970’s , virtually all infants were covered in cloth dia-
pers. Some time in the 1960‘s, however, the firm of Procter&Gamble
decided to investigate the possibility of producing and selling paper
As a  first step, the company conducted surveys to determine if
parents liked the idea of disposable diapers. They did. The next step
was to find a way to manufacture a paper diaper that could profitably
be sold at a price consumers would be willing to pay.
Everybody knows the end of this tale. P&G developed a disposable
paper diaper. Pampers and competing brands were so successful that
most parents today prefer them to cloth diapers.
Disposable diapers stand as a  classic example of the successful
application of what is now described as the total marketing concept.
164 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

Nowadays, marketing influences, and often actually controls, almost

every part of a company‘s activities. The Marketing Concept‘ underly-
ing all marketing strategy, is explained here:


(We must produce what customers want, not what we want to produce)

This means that we

(We organize the company so that this happens)


(We carry out market research)

We must SUPPLY exactly what the customer wants

We can do this by offering the right MARKETING MIX:

‘The Four Ps’ = the right PRODUCT at the right PRICE available
through the right channels of distribution: PLACE presented in the
right way:

PRODUCT = the goods or the service that you are marketing.
A  ‘product’ is not just a  collection of components. A  ‘total product’
includes the image of the product, its design, quality and reliability —
as well as its features and benefits. In marketing terms, political can-
didates and non-profit-making public services are also ‘products’ that
people must be persuaded to ‘buy’ and which have to be ‘presented and
packaged’ attractively. Products have a life-cycle, and companies are
continually developing new products to replace products which sales
are declining and coming to the end of their lives.
PRICE = making it easy for the customer to buy the product.
Pricing takes account of the value of a  product and its quality,
the ability of the customer to pay, the volume of sales required, and
the prices charged by the competition. Too low a price can reduce the
number of sales just as significantly as too high a price. A low price
may increase sales but not as profitably as fixing a high, yet still popu-
lar, price.
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 3 165

As fixed costs stay fixed whatever the volume of sales, there is

usually no such thing as a ‘profit margin’ on any single product.
PLACE = getting the product to the customer.
Decisions have to be made about the channels of distribution and
delivery arrangements. Retail products may go through various chan-
nels of distribution:
1. Producer end-users (the product is sold directly to the end-
user by the company’s sales force, direct response advertising or
direct mail (mail order)).
2. Producer retailers end-users.
3. Producer wholesalers / agents retailers end-users.
4. Producer wholesalers directly to end-users.
5. Producer multiple store groups / department stores / mail or-
der houses end-users.
6. Producer market wholesalers retailers end-users.
Each stage must add value to the product to justify the costs: the
person in the middle is not normally someone who just takes their ‘cut’
but someone whose own sales force and delivery system can make the
product available to the largest number of customers more easily and
cost -— effectively. One principle behind this is ‘breaking down the
bulk’: the producer may sell in minimum quantities of, say 10,000 to
the whole seller, who sells in minimum quantities of 100 to the retailer,
who sells in minimum quantities of 1 to the end-user. A confectionary
manufacturer doesn’t deliver individual bars of chocolate to consum-
ers: distribution is done through wholesalers and then retailers who
each “add value” to the product by providing a  good service to their
customers and stocking a wide range of similar products.
PROMOTION = presenting the product to the customer.
Promotion involves the packaging and presentation of the pro­duct,
its image, the product’s brand name, advertising and slogans, bro-
chures, literature, price lists, after-sales service and training, trade ex-
hibitions or fairs, public relations, publicity and personal selling. Every
product must possess a  ‘unique selling proposition’ (USP)  — the fea-
tures and benefits that make it unlike any other product in its market.

Vocabulary practice
ªª Pair work. Ex. 2. Check if you know marketing terms. Fill the
gaps in the sentences below with words from the box. Try to make
your own explanation for the rest of the terms.
commercials materials public relations
competes newspaper advertisements weaknesses
166 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

design opportunities radio spots

distribution outlets rival
end-users place satisfy
hire purchase posters strengths
image price threats
labels product
mail order promotion

1. What is ‘the marketing mix’?

The marketing mix consists of ‘the four Ps’: providing the cus-
tomer with the right P… at the right P…, presented in the most attrac-
tive way (P…)and available in the easiest way (P…).
2. What is ‘a product’?
A product is not just an assembled set of components: it is some-
thing customers buy to s… a need they feel they have. The i… and the
d… of the product are as important as its specification.
ªª Make a list of seven products (goods or services) that are produced
or provided in your city or region.
ªª Work in groups. Which of these opportunities and threats do
firms in your region face in the next two or three years?
• Higher wages and salaries
• Customers becoming more price-conscious, or more quality-con-
• Cheaper, or better quality, imported goods
• New technology
What are these local firms’ strengths and weaknesses?
ªª Sally and Don work in the Marketing Department of a food pre-
serves company. Read their dialogue and find English equivalents
to the expressions below.
зрости (про ціну); пакування;
підняти ціну; конкурент;
рекламна компанія; товар, рівень продажу якого
виробник, який встановлює суттєво залежить від ціни;
найнижчу ціну на певний товар і надавати перевагу певному товару

Don. Hi, Sally. I  need to show you something. Look at these fi­
gures. The price of sugar will increase by 10 % next year.
Sally. Oh, no. That’s terrible! It means trouble for our jam line.
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 3 167

Don. Precisely. Sugar is our main ingredient. So, what do you

think of that?
Sally. Well, we are not the price leaders in this area and jam is
a very price sensitive item. According to the market research the con-
sumers aren’t particularly brand loyal about jam.
Don. Yes, that’s right. And the rising of the price of sugar will
cause the increase of the price of our product. But I have an idea.
Sally. What do you mean?
Don. What if there was a possibility of changing the ingredients
in the jam so that we wouldn’t have to raise the price.
Sally. Ah! Then we wouldn’t have to worry about the price rise
on sugar because we’d be able to sell jam at the same price. The idea
is that we could market cheaper jam. Excellent! That would be a great
promotional campaign!
Don. Sure. If we do it right we’ll sell more and become the leader
in the market.
Sally. Now the first thing is to talk to the Research and Develop-
ment team.
Don. Right and we’ll see when they could have some samples of
new formulas ready.
Sally. What about the market research? I think we should sche­
dule some tests for responses to the R&D samples.
Don. Yes, I think so, too. We should also change the packaging.
There is a lot to do,Sally. Let’s continue the talk in the cafeteria. It’s
lunchtime already!
Sally. OK, let’s go. We’ve got a lot to discuss.
ªª Complete the gaps with the words below.
Increase   packaging   competitor   price leader
price sensitive item

1. If the price of this product … nobody will buy it.

2. This company is the …in this area, they can sell the product at the
lowest price.
3. Customers do care about the price on this product, it is a very … .
4. Attractive … helps to sell products.
5. Our … has become the price leader in the market.
ªª Answer the questions.
1. Who is the price leader?
2. What is Sally and Don’s idea of becoming the price leader in the
jam market’?
3. What goods in your local grocery store do you think are very price
168 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

4. Do you agree that having many competitors in the same market

influences yo business?
ªª Explain your answer.

III. Home Assignment

ªª II level — Read the texts about translations of slogans and brand
names, and note the problem in each case. Work in groups. Write
down five popular slogans in your language. Try to translate them
into English. Read them out to the other groups and see if they can
guess which products your translated slogans refer to.
Many advertisements contain a slogan or short phrase to attract
the consumer’s attention. Effective slogans are usually short, easy to
remember, easy to repeat and easy to translate for international mar-
kets but not always…
A. In Taiwan, the translation of the Pepsi slogan ‘Come alive with
the Pepsi generation’ came out as ‘Pepsi will bring your ancestors
back from the dead’.
B. When Parker marketed a pen in Mexico, its ads were supposed to
say ‘It won’t leak in your pocket and embarrass you.’ However,
the company translated ‘embarrass’ as ‘embarazar’, which means
‘to become pregnant’. So the ads said ‘It won’t leak in your pocket
and make you pregnant’.
C. In Italy, a  campaign for Schweppes Tonic Water translated the
name as Schweppes Toilet Water.
D. Colgate introduced a toothpaste in France called Cue, the name of
a French pornographic magazine.
E. When Braniff Airlines translated a  slogan for its comfortable
seats, ‘fly in leather’ it came out in Spanish as ‘fly naked’.
ªª III level — Read about marketing in the fast food industry. What
techniques do the competing firms use to attract the customer?
“We treat you right”. “Have it your way”. “We love to see you
smile”. “Your way, right way”. “What you want is what you get”.
“Taste the difference fresh makes”. These are just a few of the slogans
various fast food companies have used over the years to attract custom-
ers. They rely on sophisticated marketing to convince consumers that
their food offers the best taste and value, or is the most fun to eat.
Much of the marketing of fast food is specially targeted to children.
Of course, the goal is for children to see a restaurant’s advertisements,
and then persuade their parents to take them there. With children in
mind, McDonald’s features Ronald McDonald, a clown, and Taco Bell
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 4 169

introduced a talking Chihuahua dog. Fast food restaurant frequently

offer a free toy with every purchase. A similar but more alluring type
of promotion is to offer a set of toys, which requires more than one pur-
chase to acquire the complete set. Some companies now have attractive
playgrounds with swings, slides, and balloons as integral parts of their
restaurants, so children can eat and play at the same place.
To attract adults, fast food marketing campaigns emphasize the
method of food preparation or value rather than fun. Typical promo-
tions are “Two for the price of one” or “Buy one at the regular price
and get a second one free!” Restaurants sometimes offer a large ser­
ving for the same price as a small one.
There have been innumerable contests at fast food restaurants,
with the expectation that customers will hungry as well as lucky. Pri­zes
can range from a free hamburger or drink to an all expenses-paid vaca-
tion. Whether by gimmicks or giveaways, marketing in the fast food
industry is crucial because it helps companies distinguish themselves
from competitors that offer almost exactly the same type of meals.
ªª IV level  — What techniques would you use to attract the cus­

IV. Sum up

Урок 4
Рольові ігри та творча робота учнів. Рекламні агенти
Цілі: вдосконалювати мовні навички (вживання лексики
в  мовленнєвих ситуаціях), навички усного мовлення; формувати
соціокультурну компетенцію та критерії справжніх ділових якос-
тей, розвивати креативне мислення.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson
ªª Checking on the home task
1. Slogans and what you can say about the importance of them.
2. Useful techniques to attract the customer.
ªª Speak about How to be both a successful negotiator and salesperson?
Objective: Persuade people to do things.
170 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

ªª Group of 4. Role-game. Your team in Action Station plc has a tight

schedule tomorrow, but you each have to try to fit in one more
task. Ask your colleagues if you can help. Use some of the follow-
ing phrases to make polite requests.
Is there any way you can … ?
I wonder if you could … ?
I don’t suppose you could … ?
Would you mind … (+ing) ?
Would you do me a favour … ?
I’d really appreciate it if you could … ?

1. Interview the owner or manager of a retail store in your area. Ask
him or her if most of the products in the store come through direct
or indirect marketing channels. Do any products come through
more than one wholesaler? If so, give an example, identifying the
types of wholesalers involved. Write a brief report entitled, ‘The
Marketing Channels for (name of store), a  Local Retail Store’.
Share your findings with the class.
2. Sharing students’ ideas.
3. Marketing your own region.
ªª Work in groups of three or four
1. Make a list of five or more regions or countries that are in com-
petition with yours. Design a questionnaire about the region and
its competitors and then conducts interviews with consumers
(i.e. potential visitors). Ask people to rate each destination for its
qualities on a scale 1 to 10 (or 1 to 5 — if you prefer):
• good value for money • easy to get to
• beautiful scenery • wilderness
• good entertainment • health and sport
• good facilities • uniqueness
• friendliness culture • hospitality
• peaceful and quiet
And also ask them to describe each place in one sentence like this:
‘When I think of … . I think of … . (e.g. ‘When I think of Lusitania,
I think of cold winds and a flat landscape.’)
2. When your group has designed its questionnaire, each member of
the group should stand up and go round the class finding ‘mem-
bers of the public’ (from other groups) to interview. Ask each of
them the questions in your questionnaire. (If possible, this should
be continued out of class, with the questions translated into your
own language if necessary.)
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 4 171

3. Report back to your group. Make a simple table using the infor-
mation you have collected.
4. Each group reports its results to the whole class. Make notes on
the important points made by the other groups. Ask questions on
any points they haven’t made clear.
Form new groups of three, consisting of one member from each of
the original groups. Find out what each of the groups discovered.
5. Each group should consist of one member of each of the original
groups. Decide together:
• Who are your (potential) customers?
• What are the main ‘features and benefits’ of your product?
• What are the main ‘features and benefits’ of the competi-
• What is the ‘unique selling proposition’ that makes your
product special?
• How can you inform customers about your product?
• What positive points about your region should you stress?
• What misconceptions about your product should you try to
correct? For example, if people think your region is ‘flat and
boring’ or ‘hot and dangerous’, how can you persuade them
they’re wrong?
6. Work as a  whole class or in two large groups. Devise a  market-
ing strategy j your product. How can you improve your product’s
­image and promote it to the customers?
7. Think of a good slogan for your product. If you had to choose one
photo to illustrate the product, what would it show? Write a short
text for an advertisement in an English language newspaper or
ªª Discuss these questions
• What important processes were missing from the activity?
• Which of the processes really require specialist skills from
outside agencies consultants?
• What are the differences between marketing a  region and
marketing an industrial product (a consumer product, a serv-
• ‘Marketing is just sales with a college education’ — to what
extent do you agree?
ªª Role-play. Try to use the following language in your discussion.
Make proposals Respond
Let’s… That’s fine with me.
Why don’t we…? OK — it’s a deal?
172 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

I suggest we… Maybe another option would be…

I think we should… I think it might be better to…
How about…? I’m sorry — I can’t agree to that.
No way!

ªª Work in pairs. You are going to role-play a  sales meeting of

a salesperson and a customer. Student A should look at task 1 and
student B at task 2.
1. You are a chief buyer for a mail order company or chain store. You
know this salesperson well. Find out:
• the wholesale price of the product;
• the recommended retail price of the product;
• how quickly the goods could be shipped;
• what kinds of customers the product would appeal to;
• why your customers might find the product attractive;
• how each item is packed;
• if the product is supplied complete and ready to use;
• where the product is manufactured.
2. You are an area sales representative for an importer. The custo­
mer is a chief buyer for a mail order company or chain store. You
know this customer well. Give your customer this information:
• the alarm is white;
• batteries are not required, as it connects with the mains
• each alarm is packed in a sturdy brown cardboard box;
• the product is ready to use;
• you will have stock in two weeks;
• the wholesale price of the product is 810 hryvnias for a carton
of 20 (44.95 hryvnias the retail price);
• the product is manufactured in Ukraine (Japan).
Now Student A should look at task 3 and student B at 1.
3. You are an area sales representative for an importer. The custom-
er is a chief buyer for a mail order company or chain store. You
know this customer well. Give your customer this information:
• each recorder is packed in protective foam inside a  very at-
tractive, illustrated carton (about half the size of this page);
• batteries are not supplied: they might leak;
• you could supply suitable batteries separately at 249 hryvnias
per 100;
• you have stock for immediate delivery. Further shipments
will take four weeks;
• the wholesale price is 4,500 for a carton of 20 (249.95 hryv-
nias retail price).
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 4 173

ІІІ. Home Assignment

You have listened to the conversation, make notes on these
• What kind of impression did each person make?
• If they sounded co-operative, how did this help the negotiation?
• If they sounded unhelpful, how did this affect the progress of the
• What advice would you give the participants to improve their ne-
gotiating styles?
• How far was the transaction successful, in your opinion?
• Any other comments on their negotiation?
ªª Texts for extra reading.
Persuasive Advertising
Advertisers apply different techniques to affect a consumer and
persuade him to buy their product.
1. Repetition. The simplest way of advertising. A slogan is repeated
so often that we begin to associate a brand name with a particular
product or service.
2. Endorsement. A popular personality is used in the advertisement.
He or she endorses a product.
3. Emotional appeal. Advertising often appeals to basics such as
mother-love, sex, masculinity, femininity, etc.
4. Scientific authority. Sometimes the advert shows a  person in
a  white coat (i.e. a  scientist) telling us about the product. More
often it mentions ‘miracle ingredients’ or ‘scientific testing’ to
persuade us.
5. ‘Keeping up with the Joneses’. An appeal to pure snob value. You
want to appear to be richer or more successful than your neigh-
6. Comparison. The advert lists the qualities of a product in direct
comparison with rival products.
7. An appeal to fear or anxiety. This type is similar to 3, but works
on tears.
8. Association of ideas. This is usually visual. Until it became ille-
gal in Britain, cigarette advertising showed attractive, healthy
young people, smoking in beautiful rural places.
9. Information. If a product is new, it may be enough to show it and
explain what it does.
10. Special offers / free gifts. This is a  very simple and direct ap-
peal — it’s half price!
11. Anti-advertising. This modern version which appeals to the British
sense of humour. It makes fun of the techniques of advertising.
174 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

12. Shock tactics. Most advertisers use humour or fantasy to attract

our attention, but these ones try to shock us so that we remember
their message. Some adverts use unusual images with unexpected
message. Some use serious and frightening images and can be de-
liberately offensive.
Designing a Television Commercial
A TV commercial generally consists of a short film sequence of
between 30 and 60 seconds with an accompanying sound track which
includes a mixture of live recordings (what people actually say in the
commercial), a voice-over (the voice of someone who does not appear
on screen) and music and sound effects. Various techniques are used
in commercials to convince the viewer of the value of the product or
service that is being advertised. One of the most common of these is
‘dramatisation’ where a short story is developed around the product or
service. The original ideas behind a commercial of these types are de-
veloped from a scenario, a written document that summarises the ac-
tion, the atmosphere, the characters and the scene where the sequences
of the commercial will be filmed. An artist then produces a storyboard,
or series of pictures, to show how the commercial will look.

ІV. Sum Up

Урок 5
Основи ділового листування. Листи-пропозиції.
Листи-циркуляри. Рекламні оголошення. Лист-реклама
Цілі: формувати навички письма (написання ділових листів),
вдосконалювати мовні навички (вживання лексико-граматичних
структур в  мовленні); дати поняття про основи ділового спілку-
вання; формувати соціокультурну компетенцію (вчити встановлю-
ватии контакти із зарубіжними партнерами у майбутньому); при­
щеплювати працелюбність.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson
ªª Checking home task. Discussion students’ notes on these points:
1. What kind of impression did each person make?
2. If they sounded co-operative, how did this help the negotiation?
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 5 175

3. If they sounded unhelpful, how did this affect the progress of the
4. What advice would you give the participants to improve their ne-
gotiating styles?
5. How far was the transaction successful, in your opinion?
6. Any other comments on their negotiation?

ІІ. Main part

Business Correspondence
ªª Reading Sales Letters or Circulars
Reading Sample Sales Letters or Letters of Offer
ªª Translate into English:
1. Повідомляємо Вам, що…
2. Ми будемо раді повідомити Вам будь-яку додаткову інформацію,
яка Вам будe потрібна…
3. Нагадуємо Вам, що…
4. На жаль, ми повинні Вам повідомити, що…
ªª Correct the following letter:
Since 50 years we are at our actual address.
We are now pleased to can to inform you that we go to install us in
a new plant which warehouse renders more easy your order process.
We are hoping that you will pay us visit on our open day.
ªª Write the letter to your partner about the charge of price. You
can use these phrases
Due to increase in…
Price list will be printed…
Our prices are increased by…  % Currence situation
It is necessary to increase prices.
Sales Offices and Technical Representative
General Sales Manager
As soon as possible.

III. Home Assignment

ªª Read and translate the following letters of offer in a  written
I variant
Superbugs Ltd
12 Wolverton Road
London SW16 8DN
2 September, 2003
176 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

Dear Sirs,
We have great pleasure in enclosing samples of a brand new con-
cept in hosiery. This is, we believe, the most significant breakthrough
in the production of hosiery. This product is made in one piece, knitted
from toe to toe in one operation, and offering a new possibility in fit
and comfort. The reason I am presenting these samples to you now is
that this spring we will have this style on offer, and up price should be
very competitive. With the tremendous impact on the world economy
continuing to be felt by inflation, this method of production in the
long term offers the best solution to stable prices, and we believe that
over the next two or three years, this particular method of production
will become more and more competitive.
Should you require any further details of this item, perhaps you
would be kind enough to let me have the quantities in which you would
be interested, and the delivery dates that you would be aiming for,
bearing in mind that it is almost impossible to look ahead more than
a few months in these days of high and rapid cost increases. I look for-
ward with great interest to your reply.
Yours faithfully,
Melany Johnson
Export Manager
II variant
Superbugs Ltd
12 Wolverton Road
London SW16 8DN
4 September, 2003
Dear Sirs,
We think you might be interested in our leather handbags avail-
able in a variety of colours and at different prices. The high quality of
our products is well known and internationally acknowledged. We are
certain that a trial order would convince you that, at the prices quoted,
the goods we are offering are worth buying. From all list prices we al-
low a 20 % discount and a further special discount of 5 % on all orders
received on or before 31st October. In view of rising prices we shall not
find it possible to extend these favourable terms beyond that date. We
suggest taking advantage of them now and sending us an immediate
We are offering you goods of a  very high quality on unusually
generous terms and would welcome the opportunity to serve you.
Yours faithfully,
Tom Cliff
Sales Manager
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 5 177

ªª Texts for extra reading.

Advertising is the basis of any business. That’s why the exchange
of advertising material giving complete information about product or
service, leads to establishment of close business relations and success-
ful co-operation in future.
The most popular means of advertisement are advertising leaf-
lets, brochures, catalogues press-releases etc. If the list of your goods
or services is rather extensive and you have many kinds of catalogues
it would be polite to emphasize that you are sending them in case of
interest. Later on when you know your partner’s interests better you
may continue offering advertisement of your goods. You may also en-
quire for your partner’s advertising materials. It will show that you
are interested in your partner’s company as well. At the end of the
letter you should thank your partner and express your hope for future
negotiation. You may use the phrases listed below.
1. I hope that some of our new <…> will be of interest to you.
Я сподіваюсь, що деякі з наших нових <…> зацікавлять Вас.
2. Please review these lists to see if any of the <…> are appropriate
to your tf§ list.
Ознайомтесь, будь ласка, з переліком товарів, щоб визначити,
які з них Вам підходять.
3. May I  ask you to look through this catalogue and let me know
whether the mart items are of interest to you.
Прошу Вас переглянути каталог і повідомити, чи зацікавили
Вас відмічені на полях позиції.
4. If you are interested in any <…>, I would be delighted to send you
further information about them.
Якщо Вас зацікавили певні <…>, я буду радий надіслати Вам
додаткову інформацію про них.
5. Please let me know what kinds of <…> you would be interested in
and we will se you a sample.
Повідомте, будь ласка, якого роду <…> Вас зацікавили, і  ми
надішлемо Вам екземпляр для ознайомлення.
6. Please mark the items you would like to receive for testing.
Поставте, будь ласка, контрольні помітки навпроти тих
позицій, за якими хочете отримати взірці для пробного ви­
7 We would like to receive your catalogues regularly.
Ми би хотіли отримувати Ваші каталоги періодично.
8. Thank you for sending me your lasts catalogue which contains
number interesting items.
178 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

Дякую за пересилку Вашого останнього каталогу, який міс­

тить ряд цікавих пропозицій.
9. I shall be pleased to circulate your current catalogue.
Я  із задоволенням покажу Ваш каталог усім зацікавленим
10. We appreciate your cooperation.
Ми дуже цінуємо нашу співпрацю.
11. Thank you for your continued support.
Дякую за постійну під­тримку.
12. Thank you for your co-operation.
Дякуємо Вам за співробітництво.
13. Thank you for your sustained interest in…
Дякуємо Вам за постійну цікавість до…
14. May I take this opportunity to thank you for…
Дозвольте подякувати Вам за…
15. May I thank you once again for giving me the opportunity to…
Дозвольте ще раз подякувати Вам за надану можливість…
16. I wish to thank you for…
Я би хотів подякувати Вам за…
17. Would you please let me have your comments at your earliest con-
Хотілося б  при першій можливості почути від Вас комен­
18. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact me at …
Якщо у Вас з з’являться будь-які питання, одразу ж зв’яжіть­
ся зі мною…
19. Please do not hesitate to write if you require additional informa-
Будь ласка, пишіть без вагань, якщо буде потрібна додаткова
20. If you have any other questions, please get in touch with…
Якщо у Вас виникнуть інші питання, зв ‘яжіться, будь лас­
ка, з…
21. If you require further information, we would be pleased to supply
Якщо Вам буде потрібна додаткова інформація, ми будемо
раді її надати.
22. I hope this is to your satisfaction.
Я вірю, що це Вас задо­вольнить.
23. I hope that this information will be of some assistance to you.
Сподіваюсь, що дана інформація буде корисною для Вас.
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 5 179


The sales letter — sometimes known as a circular, is one of the ef-
fective forms of advertising. The purpose of the letter is to persuade
the reader that he needs what you are trying to sell and to get him to
buy it. The modern trend in sales letter writing is towards making the
letters more personal. Not all circular letters have as their object to
sell a new article. They are used when the same information must be
given to a number of people. They tell about important developments
in business, such as extension, re-organization, change of address
or personal changes in the management of a firm. They are easier to
write, but it is worth to remember that every letter sent out by a firm
can be a sales letter if it is well written and creates a good impression
on the reader.
Sales letter helps to establish good relationships with a customer
and in this way lead to further collaboration.
1. Please note the new address on our letter heading. Our office is
now located in <city / town>.
Зверніть увагу на нашу нову адресу на бланку листа. Наш
офіс тепер знаходиться в <…>.
2. Please note that our address will be changed from <date> on: <…>.
Зауважте, будь ласка, що з  <дата> наша адреса змінилась
на <…>.
3. From <date Х> the postal address for all departments of our firm
will be as follows: <…>; telephone and telex callers should, from
<date Y>, use the following numbers: <…>, <…>.
З <дата X> поштова адреса всіх відділів нашої фірми буде
наступною: <…> . При звертанні по телефону та телексу
з <дата Y>, користуйтесь наступними номерами: <…>, <…>.
4. These questions are beyond the competence of our firm. We have
forwarded your inquiry to <name of the company, address>.
Ці питання не в  компетенції нашої фірми. Ми переправили
Ваше замовлення <назва компанії, адреса>.
5. I would like to inform you that I am in the process of handing over
responsibilities for <…> to Mr. <name>, who has long experience in
international trade, and previously worked for the <firm>. I have
very much enjoyed my collaboration with you and your company
and shall miss your friendship and cooperation, know that Mr. <…>
looks forward to continuing our cordial working relationship.
Повідомляю Вам, що я  передаю справи по <…> пану < ім’я>,
котрий має великий досвід з  міжнародних справ і  раніше
працював в <фірма>. Я дуже задоволений співпрацею з Вами
і  з Вашою компанією, і  мені буде бракувати Вашої дружби
180 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

і  підтримки. Мені відомо, що пан <…> сподівається і  надалі

підтримувати з Вами добрі стосунки.
6. I am writing to introduce myself to you because, following some
recent reorganisation in the company, I have now taken over re-
sponsibility for <subject for<firm>.
Пишу, щоб представитися Вам, тому що через останню реор­
ганізацію у нашій компанії я став відповідати за <предмет>
в <фірма>.
7. Thank you very much for your recent letter to Mr. <name> which
has been passed me for further action.
Дякую за лист на ім’я пана <ім’я>, який був переданий мені
для подальшого, опрацювання.
Offers made in writing usually state the specification and descrip-
tion of the goods offered, the quantity, the price, the terms of payment
and the time and place of deliver Offers may be firm (or binding) or
without engagement.
A firm offer is made by the Seller to one potential Buyer only and
usually indicates the time during which it will remain open for accept-
ance and price lists, catalogues or condition of a typical contract are
added. If the Buyer accepts the offer in full within the stipulate time,
the goods are considered to have been sold to him at the price and on
the terms state in the offer.
A good sales letter consists of four essential elements. It must:
a) arise interest; arise the reader’s attention;
b) create desire to make use of your offer;
c) carry conviction; convince him that these products or services are
the best ones for him;
d) induce action; activate him to place an order.
The structure of offers:
1) the aim of writing;
2) answers on questions of a potential buyer;
3) additional offers;
4) expression of hope for order.
While answering questions the Seller has to give exact descrip-
tion of goods and supply additional information (photos, samples of
product). Making agreement on the price possible discounts must be
taken into consideration.
1. We are pleased to learn that you are interested in…
Ми раді дізнатися про Вашу зацікавленість щодо…
2. We are pleased to know that you want to buy…
Ми раді, що Ви бажаєте купити…
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 6 181

3. We are glad to say that we can reserve you…

Ми раді повідомити, що можемо залишити для Вас…
4. We are pleased to send you the required samples and offer…
З радістю надсилаємо Вам обрані зразки і пропонуємо…
5. As to your inquiry of <date> we are informing you that…
На Ваш запит від <…>ми повідомляємо Вам, що…
6. We enclose our catalogue with the latest price-list.
Ми додаємо наш каталог з найновішим прейскурантом.
7. Our proposal is valid till…
Наша пропозиція дійсна до…
8. The price covers packing and transportation expenses.
Ціна включає пакування і транспортні витрати.
9. We can give you a 5 % discount.
Ми можемо надати Вам 5 % знижку.
10. As you can see from our price-list, our prices are at least 5 % lo­
wer than the market prices.
Як видно з нашого прейскуранту, наші ціни щонайменше на
5 % нижчі від ринкових.
11. I especially call your attention to…
Я особливо звертаю Вашу увагу на…
12. I encourage you to order as soon as possible as the quantity of this
product available at our warehouse is limited.
Я прошу Вас швидше оформити замовлення, тому що кіль­
кість цього товару на складі обмежена.
13. We would appreciate receiving the order from you as soon as pos-
Ми б були раді отримати замовлення від Вас якомога швидше.

IV. Sum Up

Урок 6
Практикум з граматики. Герундій. Інфінітив.
Дієприкметник. Пасивний стан дієслова
Цілі: розширювати словниковий запас, вдосконалювати гра-
матичні навички (вживання граматичних структур: Герундій та
Інфінітив, Дієприкметник, Пасивний стан дієслова), формувати
соціокультурну компетенцію, прищеплювати працелюбність.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson
182 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

ªª Checking on the home task

Translation the following letters of offer in a  written form

ІІ. Main part

Grammar Practice. Revision the rules of usage
Gerunds & Infinitives
ªª Match the beginning of sentences 1–8 with their endings (a–h).
1. Manufacturing in the UK has been a) manufacturing sector
2. In the UK, the service sector is now b) is now almost complete-
much more important than the ly automated
3. In the UK, services are now much c) manufacturing
more important than
4. Our manufacturing process d) in decline for many years
5. We’re going to invest heavily e) need a lot of investment
6. Car manufacturing in Poland is f) concentrated in the
Katowice area
7. Developing and promoting Po- g) in manufacturing over
land’s manufacturing base will the next few years
8. Developing manufacturing in Po- h) a lot of in vestment
land will need

ªª Underline the correct words.

1. Thanks for calling. And I look forward to meeting / meet you at
the conference
2. Thanks for calling, and I hope to meeting / meet you at the confer-
3. I’m expecting to taking / take the train to work when I move into
the new house.
4. I don’t object to taking / take the train, but I  prefer coming to
work by car.
5. I can help you with your spreadsheet; I’m used to working / work
with Excel.
6. When I was in my twenties I used to working / work as a sales con-
ªª Extra task for stronger students to explain why. Revision the rules
of usage Passives.
ªª Rewrite the sentences using the active form.
1. Apologies were received from Ann Hudson.
2. The minutes of the last meeting were approved.
3. The advantages and disadvantages of accepting the project were
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 6 183

4. It was agreed that the project would be good for the company’s
5. Patrick Lamarre pointed out that costs could be saved by using
local labour.
6. No detailed cost breakdown has been carried out.
7. It was agreed that further research was needed before going
ªª Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the
first sentence.
1. David Gill from Marketing lent me this book.
I was lent this book by David Gill from Marketing
2. This sample was given to me at the Trade Fair.
… this sample at the Trade Fair.
3. They promised us delivery within two weeks of our order.
We … within two weeks of our order.
4. A textile firm near Milan made this fabric for us.
… for us by a textile firm near Milan.
5. This order was sent to us through our website.
… this order through our website.
6. My secretary booked the flight for me,
… for me by my secretary.
ªª Complete the text. Write the Present Simple passive form of the
verbs in brackets.
Champagne, the king of wines and wine of kings, tastes all the
better when it (1) is drunk (drink) from an elegant, fine-quality glass.
That, however, is only one of thousands of ways glass (2) … (use) to-
day. And for all those different uses, many different types of glass
(3) … (produce). Glass products (4) … (manufacture) in different
ways. Today, glass (5) … (blow) by hand in the traditional way which
the Romans first developed, but now this work (6) … (do) by robots,
too. Generally, in industry, much faster method of mass production
(7) … (need). Often, for example, glass (8) … (press) into the necessary
shape by machine. Glass (9) … (shape) in other ways too. For example,
it (10) … (make) into long, very thin fibres. Fibres like these (11) … (re-
quire) to make the fibre-optic cables that help to build the Information
Super-Highway around the world.

ІІІ. Home Assignment

ªª II level — Complete the mini-dialogue with the correct form (-ing
form or infinitives with to) of the verb in brackets. On two occa-
sions both forms are possible.
184 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

Thomas. Hi, Carla. I’ve been meaning (1) to speak (speaking / to

speak) to you all day. We’re trying (2) … (booking / to book) a table at
that new Chinese restaurant tonight. Would you like to come too?
Carla. Oh, thanks, I’d really like to, but I  was intending (3) …
(starting / to start) work on my monthly sales report tonight.
Thomas. Really? Wouldn’t you prefer (4) … (coming / to come)
out with us? Just this once?
Carla. Of course I want (5) … (going / to go) out with you tonight,
but I really have to get this report done. I’m sorry it means (6) … (miss-
ing / to miss) dinner with you guys tonight. Thomas. Well, perhaps
next time then.
Carla. Yeah. And next time don’t forget (7) … (giving / to give) me
as much notice as possible beforehand so I can keep the evening free.
Thomas. Oh, the trouble with you, Carla, is that you never stop (8)
… (working / to work). You should remember (9) … (having / to have)
some fun sometimes.
Carla. Look, Thomas, you know I’d really love (10) … (joining / to
join) you, but I just …
Thomas. Well, if you go on (11) … (working / to work) like you do
at the moment, you’ll start (12) … (getting / to get) really stressed, and
then you’ll regret (13) … (missing out / to miss out) on your social life.
It happened to a friend of mine — in the end he went on (14) … (having
/ to have) a nervous breakdown.
Carla. Oh, come on. Stop (15) … (being / to be) so dramatic. I don’t
enjoy (16) … (taking / to take) work home, it’s just that I like (17) …
(finishing / to finish) my reports on time.

ªª III level — Underline the correct words.

1. I had my car be repaired / repaired yesterday.
2. Profits are expected grow / to grow by 10 % in the next quarter.
3. I was born / born in a little town just outside Dijon.
4. We’re getting the machines cleaned / to be cleaned tomorrow.
5. The Board is thought to be demanded / have demanded his resig-
6. We have the components assembling / assembled in Taiwan.
7. Where exactly were you born / did you born?
8. She is supposed to been looking / to be looking for a new job.

ªª IV level  — Read the article about Manchester United, and then

complete it with the verbs in the brackets. Put the first verb in
the present or past simple passive (to be done) and the second verb
in a suitable form of the infinitive (to do, to be doing, or to have
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 7 185


Manchester United is (1) is supposed to have (suppose / have) be-
tween 10 million and 30 million supporters throughout the world. In
Norway, for example, one in every 140 people
(2) … (say / be) a registered supporter. Tickets sales and merchan-
dising contribute over half of the club’s revenue, with television con-
tributing a further 20 %. But senior executives (3) … (know / look at)
other ways to generate income at the moment.
For example, the club (4) … (believe / develop) e-commerce ini-
tiatives through a series of alliances. Costs at the club continue to in-
crease. A few years ago the club (5) … (report / spend) Ј30m on a plan to
expand the capacity of the stadium from 55,000 seats to 67,400 seats.
But this (6) … (think / be) a good investment as it will generate nearly
£7.5 million in additional turnover annually. The main costs at the club
are the salaries of the players. Last year the team’s captain (7) … (un-
derstand / negotiate) a four-year contract worth over eight figures.

IV. Sum Up

Урок 7
Практикум з граматики. Узгодження часів.
Непряма мова. Умовні речення
Цілі: розширювати словниковий запас, вдосконалювати гра-
матичні навички (Узгодження часів, Непряма мова), формувати
соціокультурну компетенцію, прищеплювати працелюбність.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson
ªª Speaking about
• advertisement activity
• sales letters
• circulars
• offers

ІІ. Main part

Grammar Practice
ªª Write the actual words that each person says. Use contractions
where possible.
186 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

1. Anna said that she had already finished typing the memo.
(Anna’s actual words) I’ve already finished typing the memo.
2. She said he would be back after lunch.
(Her actual words)
3. He said she was going to contact the printers.
(His actual words)
4. Paul said that he wanted to make a phone call.
(Paul’s actual words)
5. She said she was meeting the bank manager at eleven.
(Her actual words)
6. Pierre said he had found out about the problem a long time ago.
(Pierre’s actual words)
7. David said he had to be back in the office by three thirty.
(David’s actual words)
8. Jan said she would let me know.
(Jan’s actual words)
ªª Look at the actual words spoken. Underline the correct words in
the reported version.
1. (Helen’s words) “I won’t do it until tomorrow”.
Helen said I  / she wouldn’t do it until the previous / following
2. (Peter’s words) “It’s very busy in here. I’ll call you later”.
Peter said it was very busy here / there, and he’d call me / him
3. (The sales manager’s words) “We received your order last week”.
He said they’d we’d received our / their order the week after / be­
4. (Mel Bowen’s words) “I’m sorry about the delay, I’ll deal with this
She said she / 1 was sorry about the delay, and she’d deal with it
right then / late.
ªª Group work. Read the words spoken in a conference presentation
about the role of the Chief Executive Officer.
“Jack Welch, one of the most famous CEOs of all time, was head
of General Electric for twenty years. But he was an exception. In fact,
two-third of all major companies worldwide has replaced their CEO
over the last five years. What’s the reason? The reason: is that expec-
tations of CEO performance are far too high. Boards of companies look
a CEO as a kind of superhero who can solve all the company’s problems.
This process started in the 1980s, and the prototype was Lee Iacocca,
the man who saved Chrysler Corp. Then in the 1990s, we had CEOs
from the technology sector, like Microsoft’s Bi Gates, or Cisco’s John
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 7 187

Chambers, who managed to produce constantly rising share prices But

the situation is very different now and economic growth is slowing
ªª Now look at the ways to report the words to a colleague. By each
sentence write P / TC (if the sentence is Possible because of Tense
Change rules), P / ST (if the sentence is Possible because it is Still
True) or I (if the sentence is Incorrect).
The speaker said that …
1. Jack Welch was CEO of General Electric for twenty years. P / TC
2. Jack Welch had been CEO of General Electric for twenty years.
 (   )
3. Boards of companies look at their CEOs as superheroes. (   )
4. Boards of companies looked at their CEOs as superheroes. (   )
5. Boards of companies had looked at their CEOs as superheroes.
 (   )
6. Lee Iacocca started it all in the 1980s. (   )
7. Lee Iacocca had started it all in the 1980s. (   )
8. Lee Iacocca had been started it all in the 1980s. (   )
9. The situation is different now. (   )
10. The situation was different now. (   )
ªª On Friday morning you had a meeting with someone from your ad-
vertising agency at his offices. The words he spoke are on the left.
The next week you tell a colleague about the discussion. Underline
the correct words in the text B.

A. The advertising person’s words:

“Did you get my e-mail I sent yesterday about this campaign we’ve
been working on? I hope so. I’m sorry to ask you to come here at such
short notice, but it’s quite urgent. The situation is this: we use an out-
side printing company, and a few days ago the workers there went on
strike. I’m having a  meeting with a  union representative this after-
noon, but I thought I should talk to you first”.

B. What you say to your colleague:

“He said he (1) hopes / hoped I’d got (2) his / my e-mail that
(3) he’d send / he’d sent (4) yesterday / the day before about (5) the /
this advertising campaign (6) they’ve / we’ve been working on. And he
apologized for asking (7) me / you to go (8) here / there at such short
notice — he said it (9) is / was urgent. Well, apparently a few days (10)
ago / before the printers they use (11) have gone / had gone on strike,
and he (12) is / was meeting them (13) this / that afternoon. He said he
thought he should talk to (14) me / you about it first”.
188 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

ªª Pair work. Match the actual words in sentences 1–12 with the re-
ported statements (a–l).
1. “Well done! You’ve done it!” a) He advised me to do it
2. “Who me? No, I never did it” b) He apologised for not doing it
3. “I’m really sorry I didn’t do c) He congratulated me on do-
it — I just forgot” ing it
4. “If I were you, I’d do it” d) He invited me to do it
5. “Would you like to do it?» e) He denied doing it
6. “Don’t forget to do it!” f) He mentioned that he’d done
7. “Oh, I see that you’ve done it” g) He didn’t realise I’d done it
8. “Oh, by the way, I’ve done it” h) He promised that he’d do it
9. “Oh! I thought you hadn’t i) He noticed that I’d done it
done it!”
10. “I really wouldn’t do it. It j) He refused to do it
could be a disaster”
11. “I’ll do it, you can count on me” k) He reminded me to do it
12. “No, I won’t do it. It’s out of l) He warned me not to do it
the question”

III. Home Assignment

ªª II–III level — Complete the following passage using a gerund or
infinitive. Use the verbs in the boxes.
A build set up put bring make transform
B decide reflect appear create
C return change expand launch drink


A. John S. Pemberton invented Coca-Cola in 1886. His partner suggest-
ed (l)putting an advertisement for the drink in The Atlanta Journal
that very year. In 1888, Asa Chandler bought the Coca-Cola business
and decided (2) … the product known through signs, calendars and
clocks. The company began (3) … its global network when Robert
Woodcruff was elected president of the company in 1923. He suc-
ceeded in (4) … Coca-Cola into a truly international product by (5) …
a  foreign department, which exported Coca-Cola to the Olympic
Games in Amsterdam in 1928. During World War Two, he promised
(6) … Coca-Cola to every soldier in every part of the world.
B. Coca-Cola’s advertising has always attempted (7) … changing con-
temporary lifestyles. (8) … an international advertising campaign
requires the talents of professionals in many areas, and extensive
testing and research are always done before (9) … which advertise-
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 8 189

ments will finally be used. Celebrity endorsements have featured

heavily — Cary Grant, Ray Charles and Whitney Houston are just
three of the big name stars who have agreed (10) … in Coca-Cola
C. After (11) … Diet Coke in 1982, the company saw its sales grow
quickly. The drink is now the third most popular in the world. In
1985, the company tried (12) … the secret formula of Coca-Cola, but
realized that Americans were very attached to the original recipe.
The company listened to its consumers and quickly responded by
(13) … the original formula to the market as ‘Coca-Cola Classic’.
Today, people in more than 160 countries around the globe enjoy
(14) … Coca-Cola. It is asked for more than 524 million times a day
in more than 80 languages. The company intends (15) … its global
presence even further in the twenty-first century, particularly in
developing markets.
ªª IV level — Be ready to speak about the Coca-Cola business.
ªª Extra task. Rewrite the sentences using direct speech.
1. She says everyone has to wear an identity badge.
2. She says door staff will check all the badges.
3. He said that you had to have a badge if you wanted to enter.
4. He said that you could collect your badge from the reception desk.
5. He said that some unauthorized people might try to get in.
6. Sara suggested advertising to local radio.
7. Henry pointed out that there wasn’t enough time to do detailed
research. / pointed out the lack of time for detailed research.
8. They all agreed to set the launch date for January 4th / agreed on
January 4th for the launch date.
9. The planning group was told to go ahead and make the arrange-
10. George raised the question of the deadline for the feasibility
(здійсненість) report.

IV. Sum Up

Урок 8
Робота з текстом для читання
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання (тексти публіцистич-
ного і  науково-популярного характеру з  метою отримання інфор-
мації з  теми на рівні повного або часткового розуміння), усного
мовлення; розширювати активний словниковий запас учнів; фор-
мувати критерії справжніх ділових якостей.
190 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson
ªª Checking on the home task
Make a chain, using If … , … will … .
Example: If Jane studies well, she will enter university.
Use these phrases as the beginning of your chain:
• I travel abroad,
• I am able to communicate with foreigners,
• I learn much about different countries and their people,
• I write a book about my travels,
• I become well-known writer.
ªª Checking on the theme phrases on the separate sheets of paper.

ІІ. Main part

ªª Pre-reading task. What do you know about selling and negotiat-
ªª While-reading task. Group work. Make a  plan and write down
some key-words for retelling the text.

You don’t have to be a special kind of person to sell a product. But
although successful salespeople often have special talents and an out-
going personality, the skills they employ are used by us all: we build
and maintain relationships with different kinds of people, we listen
to and take note of what they tell us and don’t just enjoy the sound of
our own voices, and we explain things to them or discuss ideas with
A firm may depend on their own sales team and / or on the
salesmanship of their distributors, wholesalers or retailers. But
any company needs to establish a personal relationship with its ma-
jor clients (‘key accounts’) and potential customers (‘prospects’). It
is often said that “people do business with people”: a firm doesn’t
just deal impersonally with another firm, but a person in the buying
department receives personal visits from people representing the
firm’s suppliers on a regular basis — or in the case of department
stores or chain stores, a team of buyers may travel around visiting
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 8 191

Keeping salespeople ‘on the road’ is much more expensive than

employing them to work in the office because much of their time is
spent unproductively travelling. Telephone selling may use this time
more productively (though in some countries this is illegal), but a face-
to-face meeting and discussion is much more effective. Companies
involved in the export trade often have a separate export sales force,
whose travel and accommodation expenses may be very high. So servic-
ing overseas customers may often be done by phone, fax or letter with
not so many personal visits. Many firms appoint an overseas agent or
distributor whose own sales force takes over responsibility for selling
their products in another country.
A sales department consists of many people who are based in dif-
ferent parts of the country or the world, which don’t have the day-to-
day contact and opportunities for communicating with each other that
office-based staff have. For this reason, firms hold regular sales con-
ferences where their entire sales force can meet, receive information
and ask questions about new products and receive training.
Diplomacy, friendliness and co­operation are important in selling.
There’s a widespread belief, which is probable true, that buyers ‘buy
from those they like’ and that sellers give a better deal to ‘those they
like’. All salespeople have a certain ‘fear’, or reverence, for buyer be-
cause they have the power to give or to withhold an order. ‘Negotia-
tion’ is the part of the sales conversation where bargaining about the
conditions of an order take place. It comes at the end of the sales talk at
the point when the buyer is definitely interested. Because additional
persuasion may be required, it’s important, not to give away conces-
sions while making the sales presentation.
In international business there are different types of business ne-
gotiations, negotiation styles and negotiation situations. A simplified
model of what goes on shows four main phases of negotiation:
1. The preparation phase: this is where you work out what you want
and what your main priorities are.
2. The debating phase: this is where you try to find out what the other
side or the customer wants. You say what you want but you don’t
say yet what the final conditions are. You use open questions and
listen to the customer to try to find out in what areas they may be
prepared to move.
3. The proposal phase: this is the point at which you suggest some
of the things you could trade or which you might theoretically be
prepared to trade, offer or concede. Formulate your proposals in
the form of if… , then… Be patient and listen to the other side’s
192 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

4. The bargaining phase: this is when you indicate what it is you will
actually trade, offer or perhaps concede. In turn you condition-
ally exchange individual points, along the lines of: “If you are pre-
pared to pay swiftly, then we are prepared to change our delivery
schedules”. Remember to write down the agreement.
Not all business negotiations take place face-to-face. Sometimes
you may have to exercise negotiating skills on the telephone. Clearly,
too, not all business bargaining ends in a deal. Some negotiations may
begin with an exploratory session during which clients specify their
needs and expect you to come back later with a proposal of how your
company will meet those needs. People often try to postpone a  deci-
sion. They might politely break of: from the negotiation and say some-
thing like: “I’ll have to think about it” or “I: have to consult my boss or
my department head”, etc. On the whole, however, people expect that
agreement will be reached or else you’ll do business with another com-
pany. Normally both parties are interested it reaching an agreement in
which both sides take away something positive from the deal. This is
called a ‘win-win situation’.
However, conflict can occur in business negotiations and relation-
ship: Naturally, we all try to avoid this because this is where only one
side can win and the other will lose. Situations which might lead to
such negotiations could be late delivery, poor performance of a prod-
uct, component failure or the need to make compensation payments. In
a situation where one side is clearly in the wrong, the outcome is clear:
either the conflict continues until the dispute is resolved or it goes to
The final important point about negotiating in the business world
is the law of contract. It is generally enforceable in the courts. The
position is more complicated in international business negotiations
because of differences in laws and assumed liabilities. But, never-
theless, the courts are a source for remedies if contracts are broken.
Suing defaulting contractors is quite common. A  sound knowledge
of contract law is therefore essential for negotiators drawing up an
agreement at the end of a deal. However, this is the point at which
the experts will usually have to be called in and so is not dealt with
further here.
ªª Post-reading task. Say if the following statements are true (T) or
false (F)
1. We build and maintain relationships with different kinds of peo-
ple; we explain things to them and discuss ideas with them.
2. People do business with people not with impersonal firms, don’t
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 8 193

3. Keeping salespeople “on the road” is cheaper than employing them

to work in the office.
4. Negotiation is the most important part of the sales.
5. In the preparation phase of negotiation you work out what you
want and what your main priorities are.
6. In the debating phase you say what you want and what the final
conditions are.
7. In the proposal phase you suggest some of the things you could
trade and discuss all the aspects of the deal.
8. The bargaining phase is the starting point in negotiation.
9. Sometimes negotiations may begin with an exploratory session
during which clients specify their needs and expect you to come
back later with a proposal of how your company will meet those
10. People never postpone a decision in negotiation.
ªª Discuss the following questions on the texts given above.
1. What kind of person do you think would sell products the most
successfully? Do sales people have any special talents and an out-
going personality?
2. Is telephone selling effective? Why do you think so?
3. Why are face-to-face meetings between sellers and buyers so im-
4. What is negotiation? What are the main phases of it?
5. Are both parties of negotiation interested in reaching positive re-
sults of the deal? Why? Give your reasons.
6. What kind of conflict may occur in business negotiations or rela-
tionships? What is the way out of such conflicts?
7. Is knowledge of contract law essential for negotiators? Why?

III. Home Assignment

ªª II level — Underline the correct words.
1. If we’re/we would be late, they’ll start/ they’d start without us.
2. If we will take / take a taxi, we ‘11 arrive / we arrive sooner.
3. If we worked/would work for ADC, we’ll get/we’d get a better sa­
4. When inflation will go /goes up, there would be/is usually pres-
sure on salaries.
5. If we don’t hurry / won’t hurry, we would be / we 11 be late.
6. If you change/are changing your mind, give me /you will give me
a ring.
7. Unless you click/would click on that icon, it didn’t/it won’t print
194 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

8. If you ordered/order on the Net, we always will send/send an

e‑mail confirmation.
9. If I lend/ will lend you this book, when do you return / will you
return it?
10. If you heard/hear anything in the next few days, let me/letting
me know.
When Honduras exports bananas to Switzerland, they can use the
money they earn to import Swiss chocolate  — or to pay for Kuwaiti
oil or a vacation in Hawaii. The basic idea of international trade and
investment is simple: each country produces goods or services that
can be either consumed at home or exported to other countries. The
main difference between domestic trade and international trade is the
use of foreign currencies to pay for the goods and services crossing
international borders. Although global trade is often added up in
U.S. dollars, the trading itself involves various currencies. Japanese
vidйocassette recorders are paid for in Euros in Berlin, and German
cars are paid for in U.S. dollars in Boston. Indian tea, Brazilian coffee,
and American films are sold around the world in currencies as diverse
as Turkish liras and Mexican pesos.
Whenever a country imports or exports goods and services, there
is a  resulting flow of funds: money returns to the exporting nation,
and money flows out of the importing nation. Trade and investment is
a two-way street, and with a minimum of trade barriers, international
trade and investment usually makes everyone better off.
In an interlinked global economy, consumers are given the op-
portunity to buy the best products at the best prices by opening up
markets; a government allows its citizens to produce and export those
things they are best at and to import the rest, choosing from whatever
the world has to offer.
Some trade barriers will always exist as long as any two countries
have different sets of laws. However, when a country decides to pro-
tect its economy by erecting artificial trade barriers, the result is of-
ten damaging to everyone, including those people whose barriers were
meant to protect.
The Great Depression of the 1930s, for example, spread around
the world when the United States decided to erect trade barriers to
protect local producers. As other countries retaliated, trade plumered,
jobs were lost, and the world entered into a  long period of economic
ªª Answer the questions below.
1. What is the basic idea of international trade?
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 1. Урок 8 195

2. What is the main difference between domestic and international

3. How can you consider trade barriers?
4. What is the difference between trade and investment?
5. What were the sequences of the Great Depression of the 1930s?
ªª IV level — Make a poster ‘Money’, ‘Banking’.
ªª Extra text for reading.
When Xavier Martens won a  competition where the first prize
was a Mercedes, he couldn’t believe his luck. He parked the car proudly
outside his house, but the next morning he got another surprise. The
shiny metal Mercedes badge on the front of his / smart new car had
been pulled off.
Crime of this kind has become increasingly common. The lat-
est fashion for many teenagers is wearing these logos like jewellery
around their necks. If you want to keep up with your friends in the
battle to look cool and tough, then this kind of theft may be your only
When a  logo becomes an essential item of fashion, the market-
ing people know they have been successful. If all goes well, sales and
pro­fits will go up dramatically. Whether it is through advertising or
sponsorship of fashionable sports, a  company’s image is always rep-
resented by its logo. One that becomes so popular that people will in-
crease the sales of the product it represents.
We see the black horse of Ferrari or the golden arches of McDo­
nald’s and we recognize them immediately. Rather than telling us in
advertisements how good their products are, companies often prefer
to pay for their logo to be displayed on a  Formula One car or on the
stage of a pop concert. The media knows that people will link the logo
with the car or the concert, and be influenced by this.
In this highly competitive world, advertisers will do anything to
make their logos more well-known than those of rival brands. A tech-
nology is now being developed to put logos on the moon. Next time you
are going for a romantic moonlit walk, you may be kissing your loved
one under the Pepsi stripes.
Consultants will spend months and huge amounts of money on
studying the public’s tastes and preferences, before bringing in the
graphic designers. They have to manage to
capture the spirit of the company and give it an appealing image.
But if the logo is wrong, the whole company can fall apart.
You may like to see yourself as someone who cannot be influenced
by such transparent marketing methods. But, just for the sake of
196 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

­ rgument, imagine that you are thinking of buying a new handbag —

for yourself or as a present. One of them has the Chanel logo and one
does not. Which one would you buy?
(From ‘Superstar’)

IV. Sum Up

Тема 2. Гроші. Банк

Урок 9
Основна інформація про тему. Слова та вирази до розділу
Цілі: формувати мовні навички (знайомство учнів з  новими
лексичними одиницями  — економічними поняттями), вдоскона-
лювати навички читання.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson
ªª What do you think about the terms?
1. Money
2. Types of banks
3. Deposit
4. Traveler’s cheques
5. Certified cheque
6. Electronic funds transfer

II. Main part

ªª Pre-reading task. Presenting students’ ideas about ‘Money’,
‘Banking’ in the posters.
ªª While-reading task. Fill in the missing sentences:
• for buying or selling goods
• we can use money to buy goods
• we don’t have to run out
• determine our standard of living
• coins and paper bills of one kind or another
• much more convenient in the modern world
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 9 197

Money is used … , for measuring value and for storing wealth.
The most obvious function of money is as a medium of exchange. That
means that … such as a pair of shoes, clothes, food products. Also, we
use money to buy services, such as a  haircut or car repairs. We ex-
change money for a service or a product. Money does more than allows
us to buy things. Most of us have saved money. In fact, if you have
money in your purse or pocket right now, you have saved money. Per-
haps you are saving money until you get enough to buy a new TV set.
So, money serves as a store of value. In other words, … and exchange
money for goods or services the moment we get it. Instead, we can hold
it as a power to buy something in the future. This is simply called sav­
ing. Money also serves as a measure of value. We can use the measure of
value to gauge incomes, prices, wealth, and things like that.
Money by itself doesn’t do anything for us. We can’t eat it, nor can
we wear it. It really has no value other than what can be bought with
it. Money by itself does not determine our standard of living. Instead,
it is the amount of goods and services over which we have control that
determines our standard of living. Money is only the means that each
of us uses to acquire those things, which, in turn, … .
The money economy of most societies in the world is based on … .
A coin is a piece of metal, usually disc-shaped, which bears lettering,
designs or numbers showing its value. Coins are made of metals. They
are portable, recognizable, and divisible into larger or smaller units
of value. Paper money is issued by governments in the form of bills,
which are really ‘promises to pay’. Paper money is easier to handle
and … . Cheques and credit cards are being used increasingly.
ªª Read and try to understand the terms from the article.
Financial (depository) institutions are usually classified by the
number and kinds of services they offer. There are several types of
• commercial (full-service) banks offer a  full range of financial
services. They handle checking accounts, make loans to individu-
als and to businesses, provide a variety of other services, which
are handled in different departments, such as a  savings depart­
ment, a trust department, a real estate department, or an invest­
ment department. Such banks are usually called financial depart­
ment stores’;
• special purpose banks (savings banks and trust companies) are
organized for special purposes. Savings banks provide a variety of
services but they are organized mainly to handle savings ­accounts
198 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

and to make loans co home buyers. Trust companies ma­nage peo-

ple’s money and property for them;
• a credit union is a type of bank that is formed by workers in the
same firm, government agency, labour union, or other agency.
Credit unions serve members only. They accept members’ savings
deposits and make loans to them for a variety of purposes.
One of the main services that financial institutions offer is ac-
cepting money from their customers for safekeeping. The money peo-
ple put in the bank account is called a deposit. A depositor is a person
who makes a deposit to the account. A cheque is a depositor’s written
demand to a bank to pay out money from his or her account. Money put
into a cheque-account is called a demand deposit. A time deposit is one
that usually will be left in the bank for a period of time. The amount
paid for the use of money is called interest. Simple interest is interest
that is computed only on the amount saved; compound interest is com-
puted on the amount saved plus interest previously earned. Interest
can be compounded daily, monthly, quarterly (every three months),
semiannually (twice a year), or annually. The more frequent is the com-
pounding, the greater is the growth in your savings. A service charge
is a fee a bank charges for handling a cheque-account. An endorsement
is written evidence that you received payment or that you transferred
your right of receiving payment to someone else.
When you become a  depositor, your bank will supply you with
blank cheques bound in a cheque-book.
As safe and convenient as cheques are, there are times when per-
sonal cheques are not the best way to transfer money. In some situa-
tions personal cheques may not be accepted. People who are far from
home may have difficulty in cashing a  cheque because they are not
known. For a variety of reasons, other means of making payments are
needed. These include money orders, traveller’s cheques, certified
cheques, bank guaranteed cheques, electronic funds transfers.
A person who does not have a cheque-account and who wants to
send a small payment through the mail may purchase a money order,
which is a form of payment that orders the company to pay the amount
printed on the form to another firm or company. When you buy a mo­
ney order, you pay this company the amount of the payment you want
to make and a service fee.
It is risky to carry a large sum of money when you travel, since it
can be lost or stolen easily. Special forms designed for the traveller to
use in making payments are called traveller’s cheques. You can buy
them at banks, express companies, credit unions, and travel bureaus.
They are sold in several denominations, such as $10, $20, $50, and
$100. In addition to the value of the cheques, there is usually a charge
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 9 199

of one per cent of the value with a  minimum charge of 50  cents.
Certified cheque (bank guaranteed cheque) is a  personal cheque on
which the bank has written its guarantee that the cheque will be paid.
The certification is stamped on the face of the cheque and is signed
or initialed by a  bank officer. Electronic funds transfer is a  system
through which funds are moved electronically from one account to
another and from one bank to another. Individuals can instruct their
banks to pay automatically such monthly bills as utility and telephone
charges. The amounts from the customers’ accounts are added to the
utility company’s account.
ªª Post-reading task. Discuss ‘Background Information’.
Vocabulary practice
1. Unfortunately there is some misunderstanding for the payment
of the above sum.
На жаль, виникло непорозуміння стосовно виплати вище­
згаданої суми.
2. Upon making a routine examination of our records I note that this
invoice is overdue for payment. I have enclosed a copy for your at-
tention. An early remittance would be appreciated. Please let me
know if you have any problems regarding this invoice.
При звичайній перевірці наших бухгалтерських записів я ви­
явив, що цей рахунок прострочено до оплати. Доводжу до Ва­
шого відома його копію. Будемо вдячні за якнайшвидший пере­
рахунок грошей. Прошу повідомити, якщо у  Вас виникнуть
будь-які проблеми з цим рахунком.
3. Several months after the work is done I am still missing the final
payment. Our contract states very clearly that the final payment
has to be settled 60 days after completion the work. Please advise
if and when you have transferred the amount to our bank account
<number> at <address>.
Декілька місяців після того, як роботу було виконано, ми все
ще не отримали кінцевий розрахунок. Наш контракт перед­
бачає дуже чітко, що розрахунок повинен бути здійснений
протягом 60  днів після завершення роботи. Просимо повідо­
мити, чи здійснили Ви розрахунок і коли переказали цю суму
на банківський рахунок, <номер> за адресою <…>.
4. I would appreciate a reply to my letter of <date> relating to our
outstanding invoice No <…>. Please advise when we can expect
Чекаю Вашої відповіді на наш лист від <дата> про несплаче­
ний рахунок номер <…>. Прошу повідомити, коли ми можемо
очікувати ці гроші.
200 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

5. With your letter of <date> you have let us know that you have
made the payment for <…>. However until now the money did
not reach us. We ask you to find out whether the money has been
transferred. Thank you in advance.
Листом від <дата> Ви повідомили нам, що здійснили оплату
за <…>. Однак цих грошей ми досі не отримали. Просимо Вас
з’ясувати, чи дійсно ці гроші були перераховані. Дякуємо за­
6. I have checked with our accounts department, and they have in-
deed received і money due on <…>.
Я перевірив у нашому фінансовому відділі, і вони дійсно отри­
мали гроші, перераховані за <…>.
7. I am writing to inform you that advance due on signature of agree-
ment (final payment) was received in <date>.
Пишу, щоб повідомити Вам, що аванс, належний нам після під­
писання договору (кінцевий розрахунок) отримано <дата>.

III. Home Assignment

ªª II level — make some questions to the articles;
ªª III level — make the written translation of Banking.
ªª IV level — learn the phrases.

IV. Sum Up

Урок 10
Комунікативна практика. Гроші. Платежі
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення; формувати со-
ціокультурну компетенцію та критерії справжніх ділових якостей.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson
ªª Checking on the home task
1. Pair work — revision a new vocabulary (phrases)
2. Interviewing using the questions to the articles. Don’t forget
about students’ posters.
ªª Discussing
• Why do we need money?
• What sum of money do you need every day?
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 10 201

• How much is your pocket money? How can you earn extra money?
• How would you like to earn your living?
• Do you agree that ‘money doesn’t smell’? Why?
• Is money very important in your life? Why?
• Which of the following statements do you agree with?

II. Main part

Speaking. Communication practice
ªª Discuss the two following opinions. Which one do you agree or
disagree with? Why?
“If I had a million hryvnias I would never work and would do what-
ever I want. I can’t think of anything nicer. If you had a chance to live
for pleasure, why not grab it with both hands?”
“There are people who don’t make enough living to buy essential
things like food, clothes, medicine … Compared to them I don’t think
I need a million hryvnias at all. I would give this money to them”.
ªª Work in groups. What do you think people can spend a  million
hryvnias on? Wh would you do with such money? Ask your part-
ner. What would your classmates with their millions? If neces-
sary, use the following expressions:
• spend on (exotic holidays, computer games, fast cars)
• give … to / for (mother, charity, a fund for veterans of war, the
research organization, a cancer research organization, Chernobyl
• buy (presents for my family things I like, for example … lots of
fashionable clothes, a  shop in Khreshchatyk, a  mansion with
a swimming pool, a cottage in Yalta)
• organise an enormous party for everyone I know; put in the bank
to have 7 % of interest invest; into a project or company to receive
a profit
• change / won’t change the way I live
ªª Read the breakfast conversation between Maria and Victor. What
money handling problems would we have if there were no banks?
—  I had a crazy dream last night.
—  Yeah? First your coffee; the eggs will be ready in a second. So
what did you dream this time?
—  I dreamed that all of the banks and financial institutions in
the whole country had closed — for good. We had to keep our money in
a gift box in the closet. I loaded my backpack full of money and drove
all over town paying bills—to the phone company, to the power compa-
ny to city hall to pay the water and waste disposal bills, to the depart-
ment store to pay for the sweater you bought last month— everywhere!
202 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

I kept thinking I’d never get around paying them all, especially those
that go to other cities and states. It was a nightmare! Wouldn’t that be
—  Sure would. You dreamed up some problems all right. Where
would we borrow money to build our new house? And remember that our
money in the closet wouldn’t be earning any interest for us, e­ ither.
—  Yeah, and someone might break in and steal it, too.
—  We’d sure be in a mess. Go back tonight and dream those banks
open again! Meantime, let’s get on the road, or we’ll be late for work.
Remember, we planned to stop by the bank on the way to work this
morning and get some cash for grocery shopping tonight. That is, un-
less you have dreamed our automatic teller machine closed!

ªª Group work. Read the texts to get an idea of business activity of

Fortunately, we do not have to handle money as Maria did in her
dream because banks and other financial institutions are in business
and open to provide us with convenient services, and the safety and
growth of our money. They provide services that help you and the com-
munity to carry out daily business activities. These services are avail-
able to individuals, to businesses, and to government agencies in the
community. One of the major ways banking serves you is by provid-
ing a safe place to keep your money until you need it. Banks can also
help your money grow by putting it to work in the community through
loans. Banks also offer advice on how to manage money so that it will be
used in the best way. There are more than 150 ways in which banks and
other financial institutions serve their customers. The most common
services are accepting deposits, transferring funds, lending money,
storing valuables in Safe-Deposit boxes, proving financial advice and
investment services, managing trust.
As a business, just as stores and factories, a bank sells services.
For their services, banks expect to earn a profit. Banks earn most of
their income by charging for loans they make to individuals, busi-
nesses, and government and by investing part of the money custom-
ers deposit in the bank. Since banks are businesses, people who wish
to start a bank must meet certain qualification set up by state gov-
ernment. Since the bank owners are going to handle other people’s
money, they are expected to be responsible citizens of high moral
character. They must also have enough capital to start the business
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 11 203

ªª Cover the texts above and check your reading.

1. Give three reasons for depositing your money in a bank or other
financial institution rather than keeping it at home.
2. List six services provided by banks.
3. Explain how banks earn most of their income.

ІII. Home Assignment

ªª II–III levels — Read and translate the text. Make five questions
on the text and be ready to discuss it.
The banking sector in the United Kingdom is made up of a  va-
riety of institutions supervised by the country’s central bank, The
Bank of England. This bank looks after the government’s finance and
monetary policy and acts as banker to other banks. However, for the
general public and many businesses, banking services are provided by
commercial banks, or clearing banks, which have branches throughout
the country. These banks offer a wide range of services which include
accepting deposits, making loans and managing customers’ accounts.
Merchant banks, on the other hand, do not deal with the public but
specialise in services for companies or corporate customers. They are
particularly active in arranging mergers and acquisitions and in ad-
vising on aspects of corporate finance.
ªª IV level — “We live to earn”. “We earn to live”. Explain your ans­

IV. Sum Up

Урок 11
Комунікативна практика. Розмови у банку
Цілі: вдосконалювати мовні навички, навчати усних форм
спілкування у  діловому стилі, формувати соціокультурну компе-
тенцію та критерії справжніх ділових якостей.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson
ªª Checking on the home task Speaking on “We live to earn”. “We
earn to live”. “Banking in Britain”
204 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

ІІ. Main part

Vocabulary Practice
ªª Work in pairs. Read and learn the following short dialogues. Sub-
stitute the numbers and words in italics for the ones given after
each dialogue. Act them.
A.  Next! Good morning.
B.  Good morning. I’d like to cash this check, please.
A.  OK, $100. Oh! You haven’t signed it.
B.  Really? Oh, I’m sorry. There you go.
A.  Thank you. How would you like the money?
B.  Twenties, please. Oh, and could I have twenty dollars in small-
er bills?
A.  Sure. 20, 40, 60, 80, 90, 95, 6, 7, 8, 9, 100.
$200 (9 × $20 + $10+ $5 + 5 × $1)
$100 (4 × $20 + 2 × $10)
$50 (5 × $10)
$500 (9 × $50 + 5 × $10)
— Hello. Can I help you? — Thank you. My name is Toshiko Aki­
jama. I’m expecting transfer from my bank in Tokyo.
— Let me see. Here it is. Akijama, $2,000 from the Fuji Bank in
Tokyo. Do you have any identification with you?
— Yes, I have my passport. Will that be all right?
— Yes, of course.
Jung Lee / $1,500 / The bank of Korea / Seoul Monique Lanios /
$1,000 / Banque de Montreal / Quebec Juan Enrique Botero / $3,000 /
Banco de Bogota / Bogota Ivan Boiko / 5,000 hryvnias / Privatbank /
— I’d like to get this, but I don’t have enough cash on me. Do you
take traveler’s checks?
— Yes, of course. Good. Here you are.
— Thank you. I’ll need some identification too. — I’ve got a photo
of me and my aunt at the seaside. — No, no, no. Have you got a pass­
port or a driver’s license!
— Sure. Is my driver’s license all right?
— Yes. That’s fine. Just sign and date it. I have a stamp with the
store’s name.
Traveler’s checks Driver’s license MasterCard Student ID card
Visa Passport
ªª Translate the dialogue into English.
—  Чи можна отримати готівку за дорожнім чеком?
—  Так, звичайно. Яке посвідчення особи Ви маєте?
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 11 205

—  Права водія та паспорт.

—  Давайте паспорт.
—  Будь ласка.
—  Все гаразд. Скільки грошей Ви хочете отримати?
—  400 фунтів, і ще 50 обміняти на євро. Який курс обміну?
—  1.34. Ось, будь ласка, Ваші 400  фунтів та 67  євро. Підпи-
шіться, будь ласка, тут.
—  Дякую.
Idioms are common phrases often used in spoken English. Their
meaning is difficult and sometimes impossible to guess because the
meaning of the phrase is different from the meaning of the individual
ªª Work in pairs. Read the definition of a money idiom. Match the
underlined idioms in A  to the explanations in B. Then ask your
partner questions with four of the idioms.
1. He’s always flat broke at the end of the month. b
2. You mustn’t pay for all of us! Why don’t we go Dutch?
3. You can get tickets for the World Cup but you’ll probably pay
through the nose!
4. He’s a  very experienced negotiator  — he will certainly drive
a hard bargain.
5. Who’s going to foot the bill for the repairs?
6. These days it isn’t easy to make ends meet.
7. Watch out for dishonest taxi-drivers who try to rip you off.
a) share expenses
b) has no money left
c) pay the cost
d) pay an excessive amount
e) charge an excessive amount
f) live on the money you earn
g) argue to get the best deal
ªª Read the following texts and write down the new words into your
vocabulary notebooks. Learn the words.
Sometimes in a shop they ask you: “How do you want to pay?” You
can answer: “Cash / by cheque / by credit card”.
In a bank you usually have a current account, which is one where
you pay in your salary, then withdraw money to pay your everyday
bills. The bank sends you a  regular bank statement telling you how
much money is in your account. You may also have a saving account
206 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

where you deposit any extra money that you have and only take money
out when you want to spend it on something special. You usually try
to avoid having an overdraft or you end up paying a lot of interest. If
your account is overdrawn, you can be said to be in the red (as opposed
to in the black or in credit).
Sometimes the bank may lend you money — this is called a bank
loan. If the bank (or building society) lends you money to buy a house,
that money is called a mortgage.
When you buy (or, more formally, purchase) something in a shop,
you usually pay for it outright but sometimes you buy on credit. Some-
times you may be offered a discount or a reduction on something you
buy at a shop. This means that you get, say, Ј10 off perhaps because
you are a student. You are often offered a discount if you buy in bulk.
It is not usual to haggle about prices in a British shop, as it is in, say,
a Turkish market. If you want to return something which you have
bought to a shop, you may be given a refund, i.e. your money will be
returned, provided you have a  receipt. The money that you pay for
services, e.g. to a school or a lawyer, is usually called a fee or fees; the
money paid for a journey is a fare.
If you buy something that you feel was very good value, it’s
a bargain. If you feel that it is definitely not worth what you paid for
it, then you can call it a rip-off (very colloquial).
The government collects money from citizens through taxes.
Income tax is the tax collected on wages and salaries. Inheritance
tax is collected on what people inherit from others. Customs or excise
duties have to be paid on goods imported from other countries. VAT or
value added tax is a tax paid on most goods and services when they are
bought or purchased. Companies pay corporation tax on their profits.
If you pay too much tax, you should be given some money back, a tax
The government also pays out money to people in need, e.g.
unemployment benefit (also known informally as the dole), disability
allowances and student grants (to help pay for studying). Recipients
draw a pension / unemployment benefit or are on the dole or on social
Every country has its own special currency. Every day the rates of
exchange are published and you can discover, for example, how many
dollars there are currently to the pound sterling.
A company may sell shares to members of the public who are then
said to have invested in that company They should be paid a regular
dividend on their investment, depending on the profit or loss made by
the company.
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 11 207

ªª The following are famous sayings about money. Comment on them
and answer the questions.
1. “Neither a borrower nor a lender be”. (W. Shakespeare)
Have you ever borrowed money from anyone? Who from? How
Have you ever lent money to anyone? Who to? How much?
What is your attitude to debts? Which is better to borrow or to
2. “A penny saved is a penny earned”. (Benjamin Franklin)
Do you save money?
Are you saving for anything at the moment? What? Do you have
a bank account? What are the interest rates?
3. “Buy now; pay later”.
Have your family ever bought anything on credit? What? Do you
think buying on credit is a good idea? Which methods of payment
(credit card, cash, payment card, cheque, eurochиque, traveller’s
cheque) would you prefer to use? When can you use them? What
credit cards do you know? Would you like to have one?
4. “A bank is a  place where they lend you an umbrella in the fair
weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain”. (Frost)
Is it a good idea to keep money in a bank? Share your opinions.

III. Home Assignment

ªª Read this text.
Banks in the United States open and close at different times in
different places. They usually aren’t open on weekends, and they are
often in busy parts of the city with few parking spaces. For these rea-
sons, many people hardly ever go into a bank to get their money from
a teller. They use the drive-through window or the 24-hour automatic
teller machine. You insert a plastic card in the machine, and you can
get cash from your checking account. Most people carry a lot of plas-
tic cards. One is for automatic teller. The others are credit or ‘plastic
money’. You can buy a lot of things and pay with only one check when
the monthly bill comes.
ªª Say if the following statements are true [T] or false [F].
1. Banks in U.S. are usually open on weekends.
2. Many people hardly ever go into a bank to get money from a teller.
3. To get cash from your account you insert a plastic card in the au-
tomatic teller machine.
208 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

4. Most people carry a few plastic cards.

ªª Now answer the questions.
1. What time do banks open in your city?
2. What time do they close?
3. Can you go to a bank on Saturday or Sunday?
4. Have you ever used an automatic teller machine? When?
5. Have you ever used a drive-through window? Where?
6. Do you have one or more credit cards? Which ones?
ªª Write British English words for
• automatic teller machine • parking space / lot
• checking account • on the weekend
• traveler’s check • fill in a form
• driver’s license • store

IV. Sum up

Урок 12
Рольові ігри та творча робота учнів
Цілі: вдосконалювати мовні навички (вживання лексичних
одиниць), вдосконалювати навички читання, усного мовлен-
ня, письма; формувати соціокультурну компетенцію та критерії
справж­ніх ділових якостей, розвивати критичне мислення.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson
ªª Checking on the home task
Match the verbs in A with a suitable noun in B.
to pay a) money you borrowed
to pay back b) cheque
to pay by c) a bill
topay for d) a loan
to pay off e) good

ªª Work in pairs.Match the verbs and nouns to make as many col-

locations as you can.
Example: to make an investment
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 12 209

Verbs Nouns
close an account
make an investment
win a salary
earn a bill
open the lottery
pay money
purchase goods
withdraw a loss
a fortune
a wage
a deposit

ªª Choose six collocations and make questions to interview another

Example: Have you ever won the lottery?
ªª Revision. Useful Information Persuasive Advertising check if
you know the terms below:
• repetition • an appeal to fear
• endorsement or anxiety
• emotional appeal • association of ideas
• scientific authority • information
• ‘Keeping up with • special offers or gifts
the Joneses’ • anti-advertising
• comparison • shock tactics
ªª Pair work. Revision of the vocabulary
ІІ. Main part
ªª Pair work. Find the following information about at least one bank
in your city:
1. What is the name and address of the bank?
2. Has the bank changed its name in recent years? Why?
3. Is it a commercial bank, or has it been organized for a special pur-
4. What services does the bank offer?
5. Does the bank have ATMs that accept not only its own ATM cards,
but also other banks’ cards and credit cards such as Visa and Mas-
ªª Write a brief report of your findings to share with the class.
210 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

ªª Pre-reading task. Group in 4. Explain the words, you may use
a dictionary to find out the right definition:
• Check register • Payee
• Account name • Amount in numbers
• Check number • Amount in words
• Check routing number • Reason for payment
• Magnetic coding • Signature
• Date

ªª While-reading task

Useful Information
Read this carefully. Study the check written out to pay the cur-
rent bill on Diane Crane’s Visa card. She owes $140.15 to Super foods
Grocery Store for groceries.
Know your check
Check register
This is used for keeping an accurate record of your account. It
should be used to record payments, deposits, and fees charged.
Account name
This is the way your branch will identify your account. It should
be mentioned together with the account number in any correspond-
ence. Your address can be printed here also. This information provides
greater security to the recipient of the check.
Check number
Each check is identified by a number. It should be mentioned in all
correspondence about the check.
Check routing number
This identifies your bank when the check is processed manually.
Magnetic coding
A series of numbers is printed in magnetic ink in a format that al-
lows high-speed electronic processing. The numbers include the rout-
ing number (sometimes reformatted), followed by the account number,
and followed by the check number.

How to write a check

Check register
Fill out the check register when you write the check. This is how
you will know what your balance is and who you have paid
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 12 211

Write the full date of the day you write the check in day-month-
year order
Note: In the United States, the date is written in month-day-year
Write the name of the party or store to whom you are making pay-
ment here, after ‘PAY TO THE ORDER OF’, e.g. ‘Harrods’ or, if you
an withdrawing cash from your account, write ‘Cash’ in this space.
Amount in numbers
Write as close to the dollar sign ($) as possible. The acceptable
alternative versions are shown below:
Amount in words
Start as far to the left as possible. Make sure that no blanks are
left in the check for fraudulent additions. Draw a  line from the end
of the last word to the word ‘Dollars’. Make sure the words match the
amount in numbers. Remember to use hyphens in numbers from 21 to
99. The acceptable versions are given below:
Fifty dollars
One hundred and twenty-one dollars
Reason for payment
Next to ‘Memo’, write the number of the invoice you are paying,
the number of your account if you are paying a credit card bill or a note
for using the check as a receipt.
This should match the signature filed at the bank when you opened
your checking account.
ªª Post-reading task. Find words in the text that mean:
a person who receives something
something extra
the local office of a large organization
a bill
record of checks kept by the sender
unfilled space
person’s name written by him / herself
the amount of money you have in the bank
person to whom something is paid
212 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

ªª What do you think these sentences mean?

1. “Your address on the check provides greater security to the re-
cipient of the check”.
a) The payee will receive the check more quickly.
b) The bank will be nicer to the payee.
c) The payee will be protected better.
2. “Make sure that no blanks are left for fraudulent additions”.
a) If you leave a blank, someone may dishonestly write in words
to increase the amount
b) If you leave a blank, the bank may make mistakes when add-
ing it up.
c) If you leave a blank, the payee may think you want to cheat
him / her.
3. “This should match the signature filed at the bank when you
opened your checking account”.
a) When you sign a  check, always write your signature in the
same place.
b) When you sign a check, your signature should be the same as
the one you gave to the bank.
c) When you sign a check, you should use the same colour ink as
in the signature you gave to the bank.
4. “A series of numbers is printed in magnetic ink in a format that
allows high-speed electronic processing”.
a) These numbers are written in a way that can be read by com-
b) These numbers are written in a  way that lets them be read
c) These numbers are written in a way that allows the check to
be made out properly

III. Home Assignment

ªª II level — Match the verbs in A with the nouns in B.
1) open a) interest
2) purchase b) bills
3) earn c) funds
4) make d) an account
5) withdraw e) a deposit
6) pay f) financial data
7) transfer g) cash
8) download h) goods
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 12 213

ªª III level — Replace the words in italics with expressions above.

1. The Supercard allows you to … take out money from cash points
around the world.
2. With Superbank, you can … receive a percentage on your current
account balance.
3. Just fill out and return the application form or call a Superbank
Representative to … set up a banking arrangement.
4. You can … put money into your account by post at Superbank
branches and Supercard Banking Centres.
5. On-line banking services let you … move money from one account
to another quickly and easily.
6. All you need is a modem or Internet connection to … transfer ac­
count information onto your personal computer.
7. Just by using the key pad on your phone, SuperPhone Banking
lets you: … settle invoices from wherever you are.
8. The Superbank Euro Account allows you to … buy products in local
currencies without paying any exchange rates.
ªª IV level — Match the words with their definitions.
1) interest a) a bank account with minus money in
2) mortgage b) money paid towards the cost of rais-
ing a family
3) an overdrawn account c) money given by the government for
education, welfare, etc.
4) savings account d) an account that is used mainly for
keeping money
5) current account e) an amount paid for the use of money
6) disability allowance f) piece of business done; movements of
money into / out of accounts
7) child benefit g) a loan to purchase property
8) grant h) money that is placed in a bank ac-
count by a customer
9) transaction i) money which is lent
10) withdraw j) an account from which cheques are
drawn on for day-to­day use
11) deposit k) take money from a bank account
12) loan l) a depositor’s written demand to
a bank to pay out money from his or
her account
13) cheque m) a bank account that is used by two or
more people
214 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

14) credit n) a sum of money given back to you,

especially because you are not satis-
fied with the goods or services you
have paid for
15) joint account o) money paid to people with a handicap
16) refund p) the privilege of using someone else’s
money for a period of time

IV. Sum Up

Урок 13
Основи ділового листування.
Листи про платежі. Листи-нагадування
Цілі: дати поняття про основи ділового спілкування; вдоскона-
лювати навички ділового листування; формувати соціокультурну

I. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson
ªª Checking on the home task
How to use the check written out to pay the current bill
Game ‘Bank Vocabulary’. Through listening to the definition
guess the word.
• a bank account with minus money in it
• money paid towards the cost of raising a family
• money given by the government for education, welfare, etc.
• an account that is used mainly for keeping money
• an amount paid for the use of money
• piece of business done; movements of money into / out of ac-
• a loan to purchase property
• money that is placed in a bank account by a customer
• money which is lent
• an account from which cheques are drawn on for day-to­day use
• take money from a bank account
• a depositor’s written demand to a bank to pay out money from his
or her account
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 13 215

• a bank account that is used by two or more people

• a sum of money given back to you, especially because you are not
satisfied with the goods or services you have paid for
• money paid to people with a handicap
• the privilege of using someone else’s money for a period of time

ІІ. Main part

Business Correspondence
Letters requesting payment of overdue accounts are called ‘col-
lection letters’. Their aim is to persuade the customer to settle his ac-
count and, at the same time, not to offend him, as this might lead to
a loss of a business.
The first request for payment therefore should be friendly in
tone, tactful and marked ‘confidential’. It may take the form of end-
of-the-month Statement of account. If no reply is received, a  second
request, firmer in tone, should be sent. If payment is still not made,
and no explanation received, a third letter must be sent. This time the
writer may state what steps he intends to take to enforce the payment.
Even this final letter threatening legal action must be written ‘with

First Letter Requesting Payment

Company Name
[Receiver’s address =
Inside address]
Dear Sirs,
We refer to our Statement dated 5th May and want to remind you
that the amount of $ 3000 is now overdue.
We’ll be grateful to receive your remittance by return.
Yours faithfully, Financial Director

Second Letter Requesting Payment

Company Name
[Receiver’s address =
Inside address]
216 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

Dear Sirs,
Our quarterly statement was sent to you on 20th May, but we have
received no advice of payment yet.
In accordance with our agreement, settlement should be made
within 30 days of the date of statement.
As your present balance of $ 750 is now 5 weeks overdue we had to
ask you to confirm by telex that you have arranged it for payment.
Yours faithfully,
Financial Director

Third Application for Payment

Company Name
[Receiver’s address =
Inside address]
Dear Sirs,
We are both surprised and disappointed not to have heard from
you in answer to our two letters of 5th and 20th May reminding you of
the balance of $ 1250 still owing on our statement of 4th May.
As things are, you can not blame us if we say that unless we hear
from you within ten days we shall have to consider seriously the fur-
ther steps we ought to take to obtain payment.
Yours faithfully,
Financial Director

ªª Translate into Ukrainian.
1. I need not tell you that we are anxious to maintain our good re-
lations with such a important customer and I should consider it
a personal favour if you would writ to me and state frankly if we
have unknowingly given you reason for dissatisfaction.
2. We write at once to say how grateful we are that you have stated
your complain so frankly, because it gives us the opportunity to
clear the matter up immediately.
3. We hope that this settles the matter to your full satisfaction and
that our friendly connection will continue as before.
4. Our order control has pointed out to me that we have been with-
out an order from you for… You can understand that this worries
me a lot because we just can’t afford to lose old and valued custo­
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 13 217

5. I have found that a few words are often sufficient to clear up mis-
5. Has there been any omission or lack of service on our part? If so,
we apologize here and should be grateful to you if you would tell
us where we have got wrong so that we can put it right.
6. We value friendly relations between our customers and ourselves
and are confide that you will allow us to serve you in the future as
we have done so often in the past.
ªª Look at the standard phrases from business letters below. Find
more examples of standard phrases in the documents. Write them
in the spaces provided.
Explaining the reason for writing
I am writing to …enquire about…
…inform you that…
Making reference
With reference to your fax of
It was a pleasure meeting you…
I am sorry about…
We would appreciate it if you would…
Agreeing to requests
I would be pleased to
Giving good news
I am pleased to inform you that…
I am delighted to tell you that…
Giving bad news
I am sorry to inform you that…
Explaining reasons
This is the …result of…
…due to …
Closing remarks
Please contact us again if we can help in any way.
Please pass on my best wishes to…
Referring to future contact
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Write the letters requesting payment.
218 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

III. Home Assignment

ªª II level — End the letters requesting payment.
ªª III level — Complete this magazine article by putting the verb in
brackets into either the past simple or past perfect. In one case
only the past perfect can be used, in five cases only the pa simple
can be used and in six cases both are possible.
On 28  September 2000  the people of Denmark (1) … (vote) ‘No’
to joining the single European currency, the euro. All the main po-
litical parties, the trades unions, the employers and the media (2) …
(campaign) for a ‘Yes’ vote before the referendum. So why (3) … (the
Danes / reject) the euro?
Let’s look first at the economic background. For many years the
Danish central bank (4) … (be) committed to keeping the value of the
krone stable against the German mark, and this policy (5) … (be) very
successful in maintaining stability and prosperity. Then the euro was
launched in January 1999. In the period after the launch the countries
in the euro zone (6) … (perform) relatively well in economic terms.
However, by the time of the referendum the euro (7) … (fall) signifi-
cantly against the dollar, and the central banks of the USA and Japan
(8) … (be) forced to intervene in the foreign exchange markets to buy
Euros. But the ‘No’ campaign (9) … (focus) on national identity, not
economic issues. In the end the Danes (10) … (make) their decision be-
cause they (11) … (fear) that economic integration would eventually
lead to political integration. They (12) … (want) to keep their inde-
pendence and freedom.
ªª IV level  — Find out the extra information about European cur-
rency, the euro.
IV. Sum Up

Урок 14
Практикум з граматики. Наказові речення.
Безособові речення. Умовні речення
Цілі: вдосконалювати мовні навички (Imperative Sentences,
Impersonal Sentences, Conditional Sentences).

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 14 219

ªª Checking on the home task

1. Speak about European currency, the euro.
2. Why the Danes rejected the euro? Reasons.

ІІ. Main part

Grammar Practice
ªª Rewrite the suggestions and requests in italics, starting with
1. You shouldn’t touch that. It’s very hot. — Don’t touch that.
2. She is very tired. / Hope you won’t wake her up.
3. He’ll be in a hurry. You mustn’t keep him waiting
4. It’s a secret. You mustn’t tell anyone.
5. You mustn’t bother me now. I’m much too busy.
ªª Make these polite requests more emphatic by using do.
1. Would you like to come in and take a seat? — Do come in and take
a seat.
2. Why don’t you come and see us at the weekend?
3. It would be nice if you could bring the children too.
4. Would you like to have some more tea?
5. Could you write to me when you get home?
ªª Extra task for stronger students: try to explain why.
ªª Complete the sentences below using the expressions in the box in
the correct imperative form, positive or negative.
Study   invest   be flexible   expect (× 2)   assume
judged   increase   beware   leave

1. Leave attitudes like ‘my way is the only way’ behind.

2. … , be curious and fascinated instead.
3. … some time in preparing yourself for encounters with other busi-
ness and cultural styles.
4. … your understanding of the countries and cultures you are visit-
ing to attending cross-cultural seminars.
5. … the general protocol and etiquette of the country you are visit-
6. … delays, frequent changes in plans and cancellations.
7. … to have easy access to your e-mail while on the road. In some
cases it may be impossible to log on to your internet server re-
8. … when negotiating prices.
9. … that market or sales techniques that work in your country, work
in other ones.
220 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

10. … of drinking too much alcohol over a business lunch; you might
need to make important decisions.

ªª Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate conditional form,

using the information given.
1. You have a Ј500 overdraft and have just received a letter from the
bank asking you to reduce this by £200 by the end of the month, or
they will start legal proceedings against you.
If you do not reduce (not reduce) your overdraft, the bank will
start (start) legal proceedings.
2. One of your clients has written to you applying for a personal loan.
However, she has not included enough information about her fi-
nancial situation for you to decide whether or not to approve the
If you … (have) more complete information, you … (be able to)
make a decision.
3. You have just received a selection of press articles about your bank.
Two of them are in German. Unfortunately Jack Wubben, who is
the only person in the office who speaks German, is on holiday.
If Jack Wubben … (be) here, he … (translate) the articles.
4. For the second year running, the results of your bank have been
very disappointing.
If the situation … (not improve) significantly next year, the bank
… (have to) consider closing some of its branches.
5. One of your major business clients has just hinted that it may
change banks unless you arrange more favourable credit terms.
If you … (not provide) them with cheaper credit, you … (lose) one
of your best customers.
6. A bank representative has just refused your request for
a £2,000 loan because you do not have enough money in your sav-
ing account.
If you … (have) more money in your account, the bank … (lend) you
the £2,000.
7. Your bank manager has just told you that she can only lend you
£5,000  to enable you to buy a  new car. The car you want costs
£11,000 and you only have £4,000 of your own money available.
If you … (not find) the remaining £2,000, you … (not be able to)
buy it.
8. You have recently applied for a  transfer from your present job
in London to another position with the company’s Scottish subsi­
If your application … (be) successful, you … (have to) move house
to Edinburgh.
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 14 221

9. You are making arrangements with your bank for a  holiday in

Italy next month.
If you … (take) traveller’s cheques it … (cost) less than if you …
(buy) foreign currency.
10. A friend has invited you to join her as a partner in a new business
venture. You feel that you do not have the necessary experience.
If you … (have) more experience, you … (accept) her offer.
11. You are talking to a customer who has asked you to replace a lost
credit card for the fifth time.
‘If you … (lost) your card again in the future, I’m afraid that the
bank … (refuse) to issue a replacement.’

ІІІ. Home Assignment

ªª II level — These instructions appear in public telephone boxes in
Britain. Can you put them i the correct order?
1. Give the address where help is needed. — Dial 999for emergency.
2. Wait for the emergency service to answer.
3. Dial 999 for emergency.
4. Tell the operator which service you want.
5. Give any other necessary information.
6. Give the telephone number shown on the phone.
ªª Check the answer and then complete this short paragraph.
First you … dial 1999 … , … and … . Then you give … , and … .
ªª III level — Underline the correct words in this article.
Governments across Europe are already (1) starting / being start­
ed to worry. Why? Because low birth rates combined with longer life
expectancy (2) mean / are meant that the Continent will soon have few-
er people working and fewer people paying taxes. As a result, a whole
range of measures must (3) take / be taken to deal with the problems
that this change in demographics (4) will bring / will be brought. At the
recent Annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, a  ses-
sion called ‘Reforming Pension Systems’ (5) took place / was taken
place. The speaker, director of the population division of the United
Nations, (6) highlighted / was highlighted that this is a  global prob-
lem, not just a  European one. However the facts cannot (7) ignore /
be ignored: the situation in Europe is particularly serious. Look at
the findings of a recent European Commission study: Italy’s popula-
tion (8) expects / is expected to drop from 58 million to 48 million by
2050, Spain’s (9) will fall / will be fallen from 40  million to 35  mil-
lion, and Germany’s from 82 million to 76 million. Sweden is one of
222 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

the few countries where the population will probably (10) increase /
be increased. And as the populations get smaller, they are also getting
older. From 2007  onwards an enormous part of Europe’s population
(11) will start / will be started to retire. Solutions will have (12) to find
/ to be found to deal with the problems that this will (13) create / be
created. Certainly governments must (14) encourage / be encouraged
private pension plans, and old-fashioned tax and social security mod-
els must (15) look at / be looked at in a completely new way.
ªª IV level — Complete the second sentence so it has a similar mean-
ing to the first sentence. Do not mention who did the action.
1. Someone checked these figures for me last week. I  had these fi­
gures checked last week.
2. They grow much less coffee in Colombia these days. These
days … .
3. Someone delivered this package this morning. This package … .
4. The city council is redeveloping the old docklands area. The old
docklands area … .
5. They’ve put up interest rates again. Interest rates … .
6. We’ll discuss your idea in the meeting tomorrow. Your idea … .
7. The technician installed some new software on my PC yesterday.
Yesterday I  … on my PC.
8. Tokyo is my place of birth. I  … in Tokyo.
9. When is your date of birth? When exactly … born?
11. Someone stole Peter’s car last week. … stolen last week.
12. Did anyone tell Alex about the meeting? … about the meeting?
13. Has anyone made a backup copy of this file? … made?

IV. Sum Up

Урок 15
Семестрова контрольна робота
Цілі: оцінити рівень мовних та мовленнєвих досягнень учнів
в  межах вивчених за семестр тем; розвивати творчий потенціал
учнів; виховувати самостійність та активність.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson
Test introduction
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 15 223

II. Terminal test

I variant
ªª Complete each sentence using Passive Voice.
1. Somebody damaged the goods in transit. The goods were damaged
in transit.
2. Thousands of people see this advert every day. This advert … by
thousands of people every day.
3. They will not finish the project by the end of the month. The
project … by the end of the month.
4. They have closed fifty retail outlets over the last year. Fifty retail
outlets … over the last year.
5. We are reviewing all of our IT systems. All of our IT systems … .
6. We cannot ship your order until we receive payment. Your order
… until we receive payment.
ªª Read the text below about marketing seminars. In most of the
lines there is one extra word, which does not fit. One or two lines,
however, are correct. If a line is correct, put a tick in the space.
If there is an extra word in the line write that word in the space
Marketing is a broad and interesting field, which includes
1) many ways of communicating with customers such like direct ......
2) selling, advertising, direct mail, trade shows and marketing ......
3) seminars. By far the most biggest challenge in successful ......
4) marketing seminars is the extensive preparation required ......
5) to get the presentation content right, for to draw in a large ......
audience and to ensure that all the logistical details go well ......
ªª The same supplier is thinking about a  negotiation in the past.
Match his thoughts 1–4 with his words (A–D).
1. We offered a lower price. A If we’d offered a lower price,
That’s why we succeeded we’d have got the contract
2. We offered a lower price. B If we’d offered a lower price,
That’s probably why we we might have got the contract
3. We didn’t offer a lower C If we’d offered a lower price,
price. That’s why we failed we’d have lost the contract
4. We didn’t offer a lower D If we’d offered a lower price,
price. That’s probably why we might have lost the con-
we failed tract

ªª Translate the following phrases into English.

1. На Ваше прохання додаємо екземпляр останнього каталогу.
224 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

2. Я щойно надіслав Вам окремим пакетом наш останній каталог.

2. Додаємо фотокопію (ксерокопію) опису цього станка з нашого
останньої каталогу.
3. Я сподіваюсь, що деякі з наших нових пральних машин заці-
кавлять Вас.
ªª Reading
By Stephen Armstrong
1. Is Volkswagen bold or stupid? Across France, workmen have been
busy scraping off 10,000  billboard advertisements for its new
Golf following furious complaints from the Catholic Church. In
a series of posters, the German carmaker’s model showed Jesus at
the last supper recommending the car to his disciples.
2. VW’s agency DDB Needham doubtless thought its advertising
was ironic and extremely up-to-date. After all, the advertisers
presumably figured, if outrageous advertising worked for the
likes of Benetton, it could work to revive the image of the Golf,
which is frankly rather old-fashioned.
3. After the Catholic Church threatened to sue for Ffr 3.3  m
($550,000) to obtain reparation for the damage suffered by
Christians, the agency and the carmaker confessed to their sins
and agreed to remove the ads. ‘We have no disrespect for the fun-
damental values of society or for the beliefs of the faithful said
a  spokesperson for DDB Needham. ‘We decided to retract the
posters immediately in order to show our respect for the faith and
the feelings expressed by certain believers’. The agency’s penance
has included making a substantial donation to a Catholic charity.
4. European consumers are exposed to hundreds of commercial mes-
sages a day, but the vast majority of these are ignored, so ads which
shock have become more popular with advertisers. It is believed
that these ads force consumers to listen to their message. But some
would argue that it’s a little more complicated than that.
5. Virginia Valentine, director of advertising’s foremost cultural
analysis company, Semiotic Solutions, argues that brands can
no longer expect consumers to take sales messages at face value.
Consumers challenge everything they are told, she believes, and
will prefer brands that give them something back, rather than the
old-style ‘here’s our product, ain’t it great!’ philosophy which has
dominated advertising since its inception. Thus ads can deal with
social issues and refer to the news agenda these days. Inevitably,
though, it can go horribly wrong. ‘The risk is, and I think this is
true in the case of Volkswagen, that if you use images of faith and
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 15 225

prostitute them, people will take offence. It’s all very well if you
give them something back, but it is clear that Jesus could not have
benefited from that poster campaign’.
6. The ad agency, however, may well have done. The VW campaign
might look like a marketing disaster, but increasingly ad agencies
are selling to clients not simply their ability to write ads but their
ability to write ads that generate PR. Some clients ask all agencies
pitching for their business to demonstrate their ability to garner
extra publicity.
7. A deliberately shocking ad is the simplest way to get additional
media coverage, and even if the media coverage is negative, it can
still help to sell the product as advertisers like Benetton have al-
ready proved.
8. One supporter of Benetton’s work is Leon Jaume, Deputy Crea-
tive Director of ad agency Ogilvy & Mather, who believes its suc-
cess lays in knowing its target. ‘In marketing terms the only real
taboo is upsetting the people you want to buy your product’, he
says. ‘As long as it’s legal and the client is OK with it, you can
offend anyone else and in many ways you should. I’d normally
see outrageous advertising as a  youth proposition though, and
I  think VW’s mistake may have been in selling a  product that
isn’t a  youth product with this kind of style. Young people are
receptive to taboo — breaking as they are more open-minded then
older people. I think they positively welcome advertising that an-
noys their parents. Some agency creative argue that young peo-
ple today are fundamentally different from previous generation
in their internationalism, and young consumers in Tel Aviv are
closer to their counterparts in Paris, New York and Sydney than
they are to their parents.
9. As this generation grows up, the argument goes, they will con-
tinue to b< more broad-minded than their parents and will see the
shattering of taboos as the norm. So outrageous advertising will
no longer be limited to those products which target youth.
10. Perhaps Volkswagen was just ahead of its time, advertising to a mar-
ket that wasn’t broad-minded enough in a  country that still gets
nervous when Church and State are challenged. Or perhaps VW’s
collision with Catholics shows that for all their claimed acumen, ad
agencies are less in touch with the public mood than they claim.
(From “The European”)
• outrageous — very shocking
• to sue — to claim money because you have been harmed
• penance — suffering to show you are sorry
• to take sth at face value — to accept sth without thinking
226 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

• to garner — to collect
• a counterpart — a similar person in a different place
• acumen — the ability to make good judgments
• to be in touch with — to understand

ªª Read the text in more detail and choose the best answer.
1. Which of the following is least likely to be one of the reasons why
Volkswagen a deliberately provocative campaign?
a) to generate media coverage of the campaign.
b) to shock some members of society.
c) to show their lack of respect for the Catholic Church.
2. Using taboo images in advertising has become popular with ad-
vertising executives mainly because … .
a) they only want to target young people.
b) consumers have stopped paying attention to conventional ad-
c) products are becoming more international and sophisticated.
3. According to the text, shocking advertising is … .
a) always damaging for the advertiser.
b) always damaging for the ad agency.
c) the simplest way to get media coverage.
4. According to Leon Jaume, the young generation of consumers like
ads … .
a) with an international flavour.
b) that offend them.
c) that offend their parents.
5. The author of the text suggests that
a) perhaps Volkswagen isn’t broad-minded enough.
b) advertisers are not doing enough market research before run-
ning campaigns.
c) Volkswagen wanted to break taboos in France.
ªª Find words or expressions in the text which correspond to the fol-
lowing definitions.
1) a public space reserved for advertisers to put their ads on (para l)
2) large pictures or notices put up in a public place to advertise some-
thing (para 1) P…
3) human interest subjects (para 5) s…i
4) people or companies who pay for a professional service (para 6)
5) try to win a business deal (para 6) to p…f…b
6) time and space given by the media to a  particular news item
(para 7) c…
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 15 227

7) the person in charge of developing ideas for advertising cam-

paigns (para 8) C…D
8) a social custom which means a particular activity or subject must
be avoided (para 8) t…

Ii variant
ªª These sentences are taken from job adverts. Put the verb in bra­
ckets after the modal in the sentences, using the correct passive
form of the verb.
1. Application forms should … (return) by 12 December.
2. Further particulars may … (obtain) from the Senior Tutor.
3. Only candidates with relevant experience can … (consider).
4. You would … (expect) to take part in some sports.
5. This post will … (fund) initially for three years.
6. Names of two referees should … (give).
6. Interviews will … (hold) in early January.
7. Applications should … (make) on this form only.
8. Teachers might … (offer) accommodation in college.
ªª A colleague has written this letter and asked you to check it. In
each line there is one wrong word. For each line, write the correct
word in the space.
Dear Ms Harper,
1) I am writing concerning your request of advertising space
 (      )
2) in our journal. The cost to placing a full-page colour (      )
3) advertisement is currently 10  % lower as the regular £1,500
 (      )
4) rate for a  three-issue run. We will need to receiving all the
 (      )
5) copy and artwork at least three weeks prior to a  publication
 (      ) deadline.
Yours sincerely,
Jane Acker.

ªª A  supplier is thinking about a  negotiation in the future. Match

his thoughts 1–4 with his words A–D.
1. We’re likely to offer a lower A If we offer a lower price,
price. If we do, success is possi- we’ll get the contract
2. We’re likely to offer a lower B If we offer a lower price,
price. If we do, success is cer- we might get the contract
228 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

3. Perhaps we’ll offer a lower C If we offered a lower price,

price. If we do, success is pos­ we’d get the contract
4. Perhaps we’ll offer a lower D If we offered a lower price,
price. If we do, success is cer- we might get the contract

ªª Translate the following phrases into English.

1. Я буду радий обговорити з Вами деякі моделі обладнання, ви-
ставлені у нашому каталозі.
2. Якщо будь-який із зразків приверне Вашу увагу (catches your
eye), ми надішлемо Вам екземпляр для детального розгляду.
3. Я буду радий надіслати Вам контрольний екземпляр.
4. Вдячні Вам за те, що надіслали нам найновіший каталог Вашої

ªª Reading
By Stephen Armstrong
1. Is Volkswagen bold or stupid? Across France, workmen have been
busy scraping off 10,000  billboard advertisements for its new
Golf following furious complaints from the Catholic Church. In
a series of posters, the German carmaker’s model showed Jesus at
the last supper recommending the car to his disciples.
2. VW’s agency DDB Needham doubtless thought its advertising
was ironic and extremely up-to-date. After all, the advertisers
presumably figured, if outrageous advertising worked for the
likes of Benetton, it could work to revive the image of the Golf,
which is frankly rather old-fashioned.
3. After the Catholic Church threatened to sue for Ffr 3.3  m
($550,000) to obtain reparation for the damage suffered by
Christians, the agency and the carmaker confessed to their sins
and agreed to remove the ads. ‘We have no disrespect for the
fundamental values of society or for the beliefs of the faithful’,
said a spokesperson for DDB Needham. ‘We decided to retract the
posters immediately in order to show our respect for the faith and
the feelings expressed by certain believers’. The agency’s penance
has included making a substantial donation to a Catholic charity.
4. European consumers are exposed to hundreds of commercial mes-
sages a  day, but the vast majority of these are ignored, so ads
which shock have become more popular with advertisers. It is be-
lieved that these ads force consumers to listen to their message.
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 15 229

But some would argue that it’s a  little more complicated than
5. Virginia Valentine, director of advertising’s foremost cultural
analysis company, Semiotic Solutions, argues that brands can
no longer expect consumers to take sales messages at face value.
Consumers challenge everything they are told, she believes, and
will prefer brands that give them something back, rather than the
old-style ‘here’s our product, ain’t it great!’ philosophy which has
dominated advertising since its inception. Thus ads can deal with
social issues and refer to the news agenda these days. Inevitably,
though, it can go horribly wrong. ‘The risk is, and I think this is
true in the case of Volkswagen, that if you use images of faith and
prostitute them, people will take offence. It’s all very well if you
give them something back, but it is clear that Jesus could not have
benefited from that poster campaign’.
6. The ad agency, however, may well have done. The VW campaign
might look like a marketing disaster, but increasingly ad agencies
are selling to clients not simply their ability to write ads but their
ability to write ads that generate PR. Some clients ask all agencies
pitching for their business to demonstrate their ability to garner
extra publicity.
7. A deliberately shocking ad is the simplest way to get additional
media coverage, and even if the media coverage is negative, it can
still help to sell the product as advertisers like Benetton have al-
ready proved.
8. One supporter of Benetton’s work is Leon Jaume, Deputy Crea-
tive Director of ad agency Ogilvy & Mather, who believes its suc-
cess lays in knowing its target. ‘In marketing terms the only real
taboo is upsetting the people you want to buy your product’, he
says. ‘As long as it’s legal and the client is OK with it, you can
offend anyone else and in many ways you should. I’d normally
see outrageous advertising as a  youth proposition though, and
I  think VW’s mistake may have been in selling a  product that
isn’t a  youth product with this kind of style. Young people are
receptive to taboo — breaking as they are more open-minded then
older people. I think they positively welcome advertising that an-
noys their parents. Some agency creative argue that young peo-
ple today are fundamentally different from previous generation
in their internationalism, and young consumers in Tel Aviv are
closer to their counterparts in Paris, New York and Sydney than
they are to their parents.
9. As this generation grows up, the argument goes, they will con-
tinue to b < more broad-minded than their parents and will see the
230 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

shattering of taboos as the norm. So outrageous advertising will

no longer be limited to those products which target youth.
10. Perhaps Volkswagen was just ahead of its time, advertising to a mar-
ket that wasn’t broad-minded enough in a  country that still gets
nervous when Church and State are challenged. Or perhaps VW’s
collision with Catholics shows that for all their claimed acumen, ad
agencies are less in touch with the public mood than they claim.
(From “The European”)
• outrageous — very shocking
• to sue — to claim money because you have been harmed
• penance — suffering to show you are sorry
• to take sth at face value — to accept sth without thinking
• to garner — to collect
• a counterpart — a similar person in a different place
• acumen — the ability to make good judgments
• to be in touch with — to understand

ªª Read the text in more detail and choose the best answer.
1. Which of the following is least likely to be one of the reasons why
Volkswagen a deliberately provocative campaign?
a) to generate media coverage of the campaign.
b) to shock some members of society.
c) to show their lack of respect for the Catholic Church.
2. Using taboo images in advertising has become popular with ad-
vertising executives mainly because … .
a) they only want to target young people.
b) consumers have stopped paying attention to conventional ad-
c) products are becoming more international and sophisticated.
3. According to the text, shocking advertising is … .
a) always damaging for the advertiser.
b) always damaging for the ad agency.
c) the simplest way to get media coverage.
4. According to Leon Jaume, the young generation of consumers like
ads … .
a) with an international flavour.
b) that offend them.
c) that offend their parents.
5. The author of the text suggests that … .
a) perhaps Volkswagen isn’t broad-minded enough.
b) advertisers are not doing enough market research before run-
ning campaigns.
c) Volkswagen wanted to break taboos in France.
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 15 231

ªª Find words or expressions in the text which correspond to the fol-

lowing definitions.
1) a public space reserved for advertisers to put their ads on (para l)
2) large pictures or notices put up in a public place to advertise some-
thing (para 1) P…
3) human interest subjects (para 5) s…i
4) people or companies who pay for a professional service (para 6)
5) try to win a business deal (para 6) to p…f…b
6) time and space given by the media to a  particular news item
(para 7) c…
7) the person in charge of developing ideas for advertising cam-
paigns (para 8) C…D
8) a social custom which means a particular activity or subject must
be avoided (para 8) t…
ªª Extra texts for reading
When people make more production they need, they want to ex-
change it for something else. But what to do if the product is big and
heavy? So people invented money. We use it to buy and sell goods and
to make savings.
In old time in different countries there were various types of mo­
ney: animal skins and cattle, cocoa beans and salt, shells and stones…
In our land our great-grandfathers used grain, fur skins and la­
ter — gold. In Kyiv Russ money was called hryvnias and now we have
hryvnias too.
Paper banknote and metal coins are easy to hold, to save, to trans-
fer and to use. That is why they replaced old kinds of money. Every
country has its type of money that is called ‘a money unit’.
When people travel from one state to another they need to ex-
change money. There is an exchange rate for this. It is approximately
equal all over the world for main money units at a certain moment of
time, but changes from day to day. For example, eight Ukrainian hry-
vnias is approximately equal to 1 USA dollar, one pound of sterling is
approximately equal to 1,6 USA dollars.
The exchange rate depends on situation in currency market. In
Ukraine, like in other countries of the world, we may change hryv-
nias into other currency in banks or special booths called ‘Bureau de
change’. They give a  receipt in which it is written how much money
you give, what the current exchange rate is and how much foreign cur-
rency you receive. But in Ukraine you can not use foreign currency to
232 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

buy something or to pay for any service. You must use hryvnias only.
The same situation is in every country of the world: people use only
national currency in the country.
You may pay in cash (banknotes an coins), by cheques or by credit
cards. If you have a bank account you are given a cheque-book and when
you need to pay, it is necessary to write the sum, to sign the cheque,
pull it out of the book and give the seller. If you have a special account
for a credit card you simply call the sum and give your card number to
the seller who fixes it and then take the sum off your account. He gives
you a bill as to other customers.
If you need to take cash from your credit bank account you may
get it from a bank or a bankomat (GB cashpoint, cash machine; US au-
tomatic teller machine).
A bankomat is a computer terminal provided by a bank to receive,
dispense, and transfer funds electronically for its customers. You put
your card into a slot, press some buttons to let the machine know what
sum of money you need, take your card back and receive your cash
from the bankomat.
Usually banks take some money for service; the money is called
commission and is not large.

At times, businesses, governments, and consumers borrow money.
Whether the amount borrowed is large or small, being able to borrow
money at a  time of need is an important aspect of economic system.
Credit is the privilege of using someone else’s money for a  period of
time. That privilege is based on the belief that the person receiving cre­
dit will honour a promise to repay the amount owed at a future date. The
credit transaction creates a debtor and a creditor. Anyone who buys on
credit or receives a loan is known as a debtor. The one who sells on cred-
it or makes a loan is called the creditor. The credit system uses forms
and legal documents but it also depends on trust between the debtor
and creditor. Trust means that the creditor believes that the debtor will
honour the promise to pay later for goods and services received.
When you borrow a large amount of money or buy on credit from
a business, you usually will be asked to sign a written agreement. The
agreement states that you will pay your debt within a certain period
of time.
There are some types of credit: loan credit, sales credit and trade
To become a debtor, you must be able to prove that you are depend-
able. Not everyone who desires credit will receive it. The business that
is considering you as a  credit risk will generally ask you about your
11 клас. І семестр. Тема 2. Урок 15 233

­financial situation and request credit references. Credit references

are businesses or individuals from whom you have received credit in
the past and / or who can help verify your credit record. The answers
to the financial questions and the information received from your
credit references will help the business decide whether loan or sales
credit should be extended to you. You may be asked some of the follow-
ing questions: How much do you earn? How long have you worked for
your present employer? What property do you own? Do you have any
other debts?
In deciding whether or not to grant you credit, businesses consider
three factors, known as three Cs — character, capacity, and capital.
Character refers to your honesty and willingness to pay a  debt
when it is due. If you have a reputation for paying bills on time, you
probably will receive credit.
Capacity refers to your ability to pay a debt when it is due. The
lender or seller must consider whether your income is large and steady
enough to permit you to pay your bills.
Capital is the value of the borrower’s possessions. It includes the
money you possess and the property you own.
As a consumer, you also can benefit from the wise use of credit.
Here are some ways in which consumers benefit from the use of credit.
Convenience. Credit can make it convenient for you to buy. You
can shop without carrying much cash with you.
Immediate possession. Credit allows you to have immediate pos-
session of the item that you want.
Savings. Credit allows you to buy an item when it goes on sale,
possibly at a large saving.
Credit rating. If you buy on credit and pay your bills when they
are due, you gain a reputation for being dependable. Ii that way you
establish a  favourable credit rating, your reputation for paying you
debts on time.
Buying on credit is convenient and is usually beneficial. However,
there are some disadvantages if you are not careful in your use of cred-
it. Credit can cause some problems:
Overbuying. It is one of the most common hazards of using credit.
Usually it happens when you purchase something that is more expen-
sive than you can afford.
Careless buying. Having credit you become a careless buyer. Cre­
dit can tempt you not to look for better price on an item you want.
Higher prices may be paid. Stores that sell only for cash are able to
sell at lower prices than stores that offer credit.
When you apply for a  credit or a  loan, you will be asked to fill
out a credit application form. A credit application is a form on which
234 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

you provide information needed by a lender to make a decision about

granting credit or approving a loan.
One of the most important parts of the credit application is the
listing of credit references. Your signature indicates that you under-
stand the terms of the type of credit for which you are applying and
that the information you have provided is true. The credit application
needs to be filled out completely, accurately, and honestly.
Credit cards are the most popular form of credit today. Accounts
for these cards are set up by banks, oil companies, retail stores, or
by businesses that specialize in extending credit for special purposes
such as travel and entertainment. A special card, showing the person’s
name and account number and a  place for the person’s signature, is
issued to identify the customer as one having a charge account. These
charge cards have become very popular. MasterCard and VISA are two
of the best known. There usually is an annual fee that must be paid for
the privilege of using the card.
Bank charge cards are issued to people whose credit ratings meet
the bank’s standards. A bank charge card, in effect, indicates that the
credit rating of the cardholder is good. Agreements are made between
banks and various merchants to accept the charge cards. The bank
charges your account for your charge purchases and gives you a bill
once a month for all the purchases you made.
Customers like bank charge cards because they are accepted by
many businesses in many foreign countries. Credit cards also become
popular in Ukraine nowadays. Bank charge-card users like the fact
that they receive only one monthly bill rather than many from various
businesses where they charge purchases.
The main disadvantage to bank charge cards is that consumers
often find it too easy to use their ‘plastic’ money and may find them-
selves buying more than they can afford.

IV. Sum Up
ІІ семестр
Тема 3. Захист прав споживачів.
Бізнес і навколишнє середовище

Урок 16
Основна інформація про тему. Слова та вирази до розділу
Цілі: формувати мовні навички (ввести нові лексичні одини-
ці), вдосконалювати навички читання.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson
ªª What do you think about…?
• consumers and their rights;
• Business and the Environment.

II. Main part

ªª Work in groups of four. Read ‘Background Information’ and com-
pare the Rights which were presented to Congress in 1962 and the
Ukrainian consumer rights..
Background Information
A consumer is a  person who buys and uses goods or services to
satisfy his or her needs (things that are necessary for survival, such
as food, clothing, and shelter) and wants (things which are not neces-
sary for survival, but which add pleasure and comfort to our lives). We
all are consumers. We buy products and services every day. We buy
snacks, clothing, books, pay bills, etc. As consumers we are very im-
portant to businesses and the economy. The buying decisions we make
can lead to either success or failure of many businesses. Consumers’
wants and needs guide business practices. As a result, businesses ex-
pend great efforts to attract and please consumers.
However, the rather pleasant relationship that is enjoyed by busi-
nesses and consumers now was not always so. Consumers were often
cheated in many ways and there was nowhere to complain about the
offending businesses. It was not until the middle of the 20th century
236 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

that consumer movements to fight against unfair business practices

started in America. In 1962 Consumer Bill of Rights was presented to
Congress. Later on two more rights were added to the original four.
They declared that every consumer had the following rights:
• the right to be informed  — to be given the correct information
needed to make a choice;
• the right to safety  — to be protected from harmful goods and
• the right to choose — to be assured of the availability of a variety
of goods and services at competitive prices;
• the right to be heard — to be assured that consumer interests will
be fully considered by government when laws are being developed
and enforced.
• the right to a remedy — the assurance of the right to legal correc-
tion of wrongs committed against consumers;
• the right to consumer education — to learn about consumer rights
and responsibilities as economic citizens.
These rights underlie many other countries’ consumer rights pro-
tection policies, Ukraine included, where there are eight following
rights, basically covering the same points. In Ukraine every consumer
has the rights:
• to state protection in case their consumer rights being violated;
• to guaranteed level of consumption;
• to the proper quality of goods and services;
• to safety of goods and services;
• to be given the true information about the goods and services,
their quality, quantity variety and the manufacturer (the em-
ployee of the business, the salesperson);
• to a remedy or legal correction of wrongs committed to consumers
through goods or services,
• to be heard in the court or other appropriate state agencies in case
your consumer rights being violated;
• to unite into consumer unions.
ªª Read ‘Background Information’ and fill in the gaps:
The ozone layer; global warming; acid rain; packaging; avoid pol-
luting; Green Peace; tropical rain forests; the nuclear power station.
Because of modern life styles the problem of environmental pro-
tection is very crucial. Man has polluted and destroyed nature so much
that now, at the beginning of the 21st century, we need to change our
attitude to the planet.
Scientific and technological progress, industrial development
and activities in outer space have caused a  negative effect on the
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 16 237

e­ nvironment. Air, water, soil, fauna and flora, that are vital sources
of life, have been polluted. The nature now is not able to clean itself
from wastes of industries and have become exhausted. Here are only
some of the problems:
• … a layer of gases which stop harmful radiation from the sun
reaching the earth; now it contains holes;
• … an increase in the world temperature caused by an increase in
carbon dioxide;
• … rain that contains dangerous chemicals: this is caused by smoke
from factories.
It is often said that we live in a  consumer society. We consider
it important to buy products and services. Companies, just as we, the
consumers, need to be aware of the impact of this on the environment.
Business owners and managers today must do more than just provide
a worthwhile product or service at a reasonable price in order to make
profit and stay in business. They must accept some social responsibili-
ties, among which is the environmental protection. Now many firms
make efforts to … the air, the water, or the natural beauty of the coun-
tryside. Many companies use … .(boxes, bottles, etc.) which has been
recycled (made from used old materials). Some use trains instead of
road transport to reduce the air pollution. Helping to keep a clean en-
vironment is an important part of business planning today. Before
they allow a  new business to locate in their area, many environmen-
tally aware communities require the firm to show that its operation
will not cause pollution.
To find positive solutions people also unite into organizations.
… , the world-known organization, was founded in 1970 to protect the
ecology of the planet. The spheres of its activities include: the protec-
tion of animals and … , the ‘lungs’ of our planet; prevention of the
water, air pollution, and destroying of the ozone layer, etc. Among
the greatest concerns of the Green Party of Ukraine is neutralizing
the pernicious influence of radiation on the environment in the areas,
which became contaminated after the accident on … in Chernobyl on
26th of April, 1986.
There are still many problems to be worked out to improve the
environment and keep it clean, but progress will be made through co-
operation among the government, ‘green’ organizations, businesses,
ordinary people and the communities, in which they are located.
1. This is the first time in many years that we have had reason to
complain and I expect that you will look into the matter without
238 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

За багато років з’явилася причина для скарги, ми сподіваємося,

що Bu розглянете справу негайно.
2. This is the first time in all our dealings with you that any mistake
has occurred and we hope you will do your utmost to remedy it.
Вперше за весь час роботи з  Вами трапилась помилка, і  ми
сподіваємося, що Ви зробите все можливе, щоб усунути її.
3. We regret to inform you that…
Прикро повідомити, що…
4. We are surprised that we have not yet received the goods or any
advice from you when we can expect delivery.
Дивно, що ми не отримали ні товарів, ні повідомлення від Вас,
коли очікувати поставки.
5. We regret that we have no longer use for … now and must ask you
to cancel our order.
Шкода, що ми не можемо більше використовувати … і змушені
просити Вас відмінити наше замовлення.
6. We acknowledge the receipt of your letter of <…> and are ex-
tremely sorry that we have not been able to deliver your order in
Ми підтверджуємо отримання Вашого листа від <…> і  над­
звичайно шкодуємо, що не змогли доставити Ваше замовлен­
ня вчасно.
7. Please accept our apologies for the delay and the inconvenience
it has caused you; it was due to reasons entirely beyond our
Прийміть, будь ласка, наші вибачення за затримку і незруч­
ності, які спричинили Вам; це сталося з незалежних від нас
8. We are really distressed when we received your letter of <…> and
learned that…
Ми були вражені, коли отримали Вашого листа від <…> і ді­
зналися, що…
9. We hasten to offer our sincere apologies for this mistake.
Висловлюємо наші щирі вибачення за цю помилку.
10. We apologize once more for this most regrettable mistake and
have taken measures to prevent a reoccurrence of similar errors
in future.
Просимо вибачення ще раз за неприпустиму помилку і повідо­
мляємо, що вжили заходів для запобігання появи подібних по­
милок у майбутньому.
11. We are most grateful to you for settling this matter in such
a friendly way.
Ми дуже вдячні Вам за вирішення цієї справи мирним шляхом.
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 16 239

12. We regret to see from your letter of <…> that…

Із жалем дізналися з Вашого листа від <…> , що…
13. We are sorry to hear that you have had trouble with …
Нам було прикро дізнатися, що Ви мали проблему з …
14. We hope that you will feel that this concession on our part is a sa­
tisfactory solution of the difficulty.
Ми сподіваємося, що поступка з нашого боку сприятиме вирі­
шенню цієї проблеми.
ªª Revision
Wholesaling and retailing. Marketing and advertising. Back-
ground information

III. Home Assignment

ªª II level — Learn the phrases;
ªª III level — Read about the basic consumer rights in more detail.
Translate into Ukrainian and learn them.
Every consumer has the right to be protected by the state through
the system of laws.
Being a consumer you have the right to expect honesty and fair
treatment from businesses. Few businesses are ever dishonest on pur-
pose. However, being a skillful consumer means that you know what
your rights are and how to exercise them.
The Right to Be Informed
Most products and services that you buy are described in adver-
tisements, on labels, or by a salesperson. You are entitled to know what
the product or service is and what it will do for you. Sometimes we buy
carelessly. We may not weigh the facts provided in advertising or by
a salesperson, and we blame the seller for our poor purchases.
There are other times, though, when inaccurate or false informa-
tion is given to a customer in an effort to make a sale. This type of dis-
honesty is known as fraud. If a salesperson knowingly sells you a pair
of hiking boots that are made of vinyl while telling you they are made
of leather, a fraud has occurred.
When a salesperson exaggerates the good qualities of a product —
says “It’s the best”, or “It’s a great buy” — there is no fraud. If, how-
ever, the salesperson tells you the desk is made of oak when, in fact, it
is made of pine, this is fraud.
The Right to Safety
Consumers have a right to be safe from harm associated with us-
ing products or services. It is certain that food, medications, children’s
240 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

clothes and toys, cosmetic products have to be harmless for consu­mers.

All of them must be certified according to international standards of
quality and safety.

The Right to Choose

The right of consumers to choose from a variety of goods and ser­
vices has become well established. When a business has no competitors
and controls the market for a product or service, it is said to have mo-
nopoly. Competing firms try to offer a variety of products and services
at various prices. By driving away this competition, monopolies limit
your right to choose.

The Right to be Heard

Most large businesses have a department to hear the concerns or
complaints of customers. In smaller businesses one person is usually
assigned that responsibility. Most businesses are glad to take care of
problems you have with their products or services. As a consumer, you
can complain directly to the Consumer Rights Department or Court
if you believe that any of your rights which come under its protection
have been violated.

The Right to a Remedy

Laws concerning consumer protection assure consumers to have
a  legal remedy if they were wronged. One of the forms of remedy
that consumers have is the protection provided through a guarantee.
A guarantee is a promise by the manufacturer or dealer that a product
is of certain quality. A  guarantee may apply to the entire or only to
some parts of it. No guarantee, however, covers damages caused by
A guarantee, frequently in the form of statements, like these:
“The working parts of this watch are guaranteed for one year”. “This
sweater will not shrink more than 3  per cent” are called express
warranties. They are made orally or in writing and promise a specific
quality of performance. Some guarantees are not written. They are
called implied warranties. They are imposed by law and are understood
to apply even though they have not been stated either orally or in writ-
ing. The law requires certain standards to be mi (e.g.: it is implied that
health care products purchased at a chemist’s will not harm you when
used properly)

The Right to Consumer Education

All people have to be educated consumers, it means they have to
know their rights and responsibilities. Consumers have the right to
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 17 241

unite into public consumer organizations to protect their rights. Also

educated consumers have to understand that their support to home
manufacturers positively affects our economy.
ªª IV level — write an essay on one of these topics and in the first
paragraph try to explain your choice:
1. The consumer is always right.
2. The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.

IV. Sum Up

Урок 17
Комунікативна практика. Продаж товару,
скарги на продукцію. Права споживача
Цілі: навчати усних форм спілкування у діловому стилі, пред-
ставити діалог або полілог як взірець ділового стилю мовлення;
організувати повторення матеріалу за темою «Комунікативна
практика. Оптова та роздрібна торгівля»; розвивати мовленнєву
компетенцію (діалогічне і  монологічне мовлення); закріпити ак-
тивну лексику та використовувати її у тренувальних ситуаціях та
рольових іграх; формувати соціокультурну компетенцію та крите-
рії справжніх ділових якостей.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Communicating Practice. Plans for
the Future. Cooperation. Asking for Advice. At the Store. Mak-
ing a Complaint
ªª Checking on the home task
Pair work — revision a new vocabulary. Speaking about the basic
consumer rights
• The Right to Be Informed
• The Right to Safety
• The Right to Choose
• The Right to be Heard
• The Right to a Remedy
• The Right to Consumer Education
ªª Discussing the statement “The customer is always right”.
242 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

ІІ. Main part

Reading, speaking
ªª Many listeners of The Consumer Today ask for advice of profes-
sionals in the sphere of consumer protection. Read the interview
with Ms Jane Ballance, a  representative of Consumer Affairs
Agency, to learn how a consumer can be helped in various situa-
Interviewer. Dear listeners, you know that consumers in our coun-
try are protected through many laws, yet there are everyday examples
of consumer fraud. Why? What types of problems? Let’s discuss them
with our guest Ms Jane Ballance, the representative of Consumer Af-
fairs Agency. Good morning, Ms Ballance.
Ms Balance. Good morning. I would be happy to see if I can help
—  Well, Ms Ballance, as a matter of fact, our listeners are mostly
interested in question what to do if you purchased a faulty product and
noticed that only after you brought it home.
—  Well, actually, there are some ‘golden’ rules for consumers.
When you buy something, test to make sure it works. If the product
is faulty, tell the seller about it. Besides, it is important to keep your
—  But as you know, Ms Ballance, the customers often forget to
take a receipt or throw it away. What can they do in this case?
— They need to be careful to remember, because if you need to
return something, the receipt or guarantee would be necessary to show
where and when you bought the item. Otherwise, they cannot be given
either: refund or exchange of the product.
—  Many people ask in what situations they can complain.
—  You should first be sure that you have followed the instruc-
tions for using the product. Once you are clear about the nature of
the problem, calmly explain the problem to an employee of the busi-
ness where you bought the item. In most cases, the firm will be glad
to correct the problem, because they don’t want to lose you as their
customer. Be persistent, but not aggressive. If you become angry or
threatening, you risk getting an angry response that will only delay
the resolving your problem.
—  So, as far as I understand, the customer shouldn’t be afraid to
complain. The law is on his side. If the complaint is justified, it is the
firm’s responsibility to put things right.
—  Yes, I see, you understand the problem quite well. If you be-
lieve that your complaint is not handled fairly by the sales person or
the customer service department, take the matter to the owner or an
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 17 243

official of the firm. If that fails and the firm is a  part of a  national
company, a letter to the customer service department at the headquar-
ters may get results. If you do not get a response within a reasonable
time, a  second letter with copies sent to several consumer agencies
should bring a quick reply.
— Thank you, Ms Ballance, for such useful information. I hope
our listeners will take your advice into consideration and will never
have any consumer complaints.
ªª Pair work. Have the consumer rights been violated-порушувати
in the following situations to read? Which of them would be
considered fraud- обман, мошенничество? Explain your answers.
Would you have a fair complaint against the businesses that sold
you all these things?
• A salesperson says the HI-FI sound system you are looking at is
the best brand made. After you buy it, you find it rated in a con-
sumer magazine as second best;
• The label in a shirt says the colours will not fade. After washing
it, you find that instead of a bright red shirt you now have a pale
pink one;
• Suppose that the first time you wash a new wool sweater it shrinks
so much that it no longer fits you. You washed the sweater in hot
water, but you notice that the label in the sweater says to use cold
• The person who sells an electric mixer says it is completely wash-
able. Before using it, you put it into a  sink filled with water to
wash it. The first time you try to use the mixer, there is a flash
and it catches fire.
• When you return the mixer to the shop, the salesperson tells you
that she did not mean the mixer could be put in water. She refuses
to give you either a refund or an exchange.
ªª Useful Tips. How to develop your buying skills / planning a pur-
chase. You can become a wise consumer if you develop the follow-
ing buying skills.
1. Compare price, quality, and service of one product to those of
­another product.
2. Examine a  product before buying to be certain the quality of it
will satisfy your needs.
3. Consider the business’s reputation. If you buy from a  business
with a good reputation, you can usually rely on its salespeople to
help you make wise selections, as they know the uses and the qua­
lity of the goods being offered for sale.
244 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

4. Know brand names — names given to products or services intend-

ed to distinguish them from other similar and / or competitive
products or services.
5. Choose from a variety of stores.
6. Take your time to visit more stores, give yourself a chance to look
for a product you really want and need. It usually results in sav-
ing your money.
7. Buy at the right time. A good shopper knows that prices are low-
est at predictable times like seasonal sales, etc.
8. Don’t be impulsive to avoid buying unwanted merchandise.
9. Take a pocket calculator with you when you go shopping.
ªª Work in pairs. Most businesses are eager to solve problems that
consumers may have. They want happy, satisfied customers to re-
turn to their businesses again and again. The following passage to
read is an example of a customer’s problem with a happy ending.
Have you ever had similar problems with businesses? Were you
given a refund or exchange? Did it have a pleasant ending? Tell
your story to the class.
Lynne and Dwight Osmund recently purchased a home in the su­
burbs of a  Colorado city. The home was built on a  tract of land that
was somewhat barren. It needed trees to enhance its beauty and to
protect it from the wind and sun. They decided to order six bare-root
aspen trees from a mail-order nursery. Aspens are native to the area
and normally thrive in a mountain climate. The trees were described in
the Pike’s Peak Nursery Catalogue as ‘six feet tall and guaranteed to
live.’ The six trees arrived promptly and were eagerly planted by the
Osmunds. They began to sprout leaves. Soon, however, three of them
died. The Osmunds were disappointed, but they followed the instruc-
tions in the catalogue regarding what to do if a tree died. They called
the customer service representative of Pikes Peak Nursery and told
her of their problem. She asked how they planted and cared for the
trees. Satisfied that they had treated the trees properly, the customer
service representative agreed to send them three more trees.

Vocabulary Practice
ªª Group of four work — answer the following questions.
1. Do you know your consumer rights? What are they?
2. Which of the consumer rights did you exercise yesterday?
3. Give at least three examples of consumer fraud.
4. What responsibilities do you believe we, as consumers, should
5. Give at least three examples of consumer dishonesty.
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 17 245

6. Give an example of an express warranty.

7. Give an example of implied warranty.
8. What is usually the best way to solve a consumer problem?
ªª Revision
How to be both a successful negotiator and salesperson?

III. Home Assignment

ªª II level — Read, lean and act the dialogue. Make up similar ones
and perform them in class.
—  Can I help you?
—  Yes. Can I  change this jumper, please? I  bought it last week
and it’s too small.
— Have you got the receipt?
—  No, I’m sorry, I’ve lost it.
— Oh, dear! I’m afraid, we can’t change anything without a re-
—  But…!

ªª Translate the dialogue into English and act it.

—  Що бажаєте, пані?
—  Я б хотіла купити цей тостер. Чи не могли б Ви його пере-
—  Звичайно. Подивіться, все гаразд. Будете брати? Як будете
—  Готівкою. Він коштує 130 гривень, чи не так? А який гаран-
тійний термін?
—  2  роки. Ось гарантійний талон і  квитанція про покупку.
Зберігайте їх на випадок, якщо виникне необхідність обміняти чи
повернути тостер.

ªª III level — Match a term with a suitable explanation

Consumer; Label; Brand name; Implied warranty; Supermarket;
Impulse buying; Unit price; Shoplifting; Wants; Express warranty;
Guarantee; Fraud; Needs.
• a guarantee imposed by law and is understood to apply even though
it is not stated either orally or in writing; the law requires certain
standards to be met (e.g.: health care products will not harm you
when used properly)
• a person who buys and uses goods or services
• the price per unit of measure of a product
• when inaccurate information is given to a customer in an effort
to make a sale
246 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

• a promise by the manufacturer or dealer, usually in writing, that

a product is of a certain quality
• a guarantee made orally or in writing that promises a  specific
quality of performance
• a name given to a  product or service by a  manufacturer that is
intended to distinguish it from other similar or / and competitive
products or services
• a large, full-service food store that carries a wide variety of brands
at moderate prices
• a written statement attached to a  product giving information
about its nature or contents
• things that are necessary for survival
• things which are not necessary for survival but which add pleas-
ure and comfort to our lives
• buying too rapidly without too much thought
• stealing goods from a shop by deliberately leaving without paying
for them
ªª IV level — Speak about How a consumer can be helped in various

IV. Sum Up

Урок 18
Комунікативна практика.
Забруднення навколишнього середовища.
Робота фірм по захисту навколишнього середовища
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення, читання.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Communication Practice. The En-
vironmental Problems
ªª Checking on the home task
1. Explain these terms: Consumer; Label; Brand name; Implied war-
ranty; Supermarket; Impulse buying; Unit price; Shoplifting;
Wants; Express warranty; Guarantee; Fraud; Needs.
2. Speak about how a consumer can be helped in various situations.
ªª Discuss Franklin Roosevelt’s statement The nation that destroys
its soil, destroys itself.
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 18 247

II. Main part

ªª Work in groups. Read and learn more about the environmental
problems our planet faces at present.
• The Greenhouse Effect
• The Ozone Holes
• Air Pollution
• Water Pollution
• Urban Problems
• Acid Rain
• Too Much Garbage
• Disappearing Animals
• Disappearing Rain Forests
The Greenhouse Effect
A greenhouse is a building made of glass where you can grow flo­
wers and other plants that need a lot of warmth.
How it works. The sun shines in through the glass and warms the
greenhouse and the roof and walls keep the heat from getting out of
our greenhouse. The Earth is surrounded by a  blanket of gases. The
gas named carbon dioxide acts just like a greenhouse. The sun shines
in and the blanket of gases traps the heat like a roof, keeping it close to
the planet. That’s good. We cannot live without warmth.
What is going on? Factories, electric power plants and cars are
making a lot of gases. Even trees, when they are cut down give off gas-
es. These new gases are trapping more and more of the sun’s heat. This
is called greenhouse effect or global warming.
What Can Happen? If the Earth’s temperature gets hotter by just
a  few degrees it could change the weather all over the world. Places
that are warm would become too hot to live in, and places that are cold
would become warm. The places where we grow our food would get too
hot to do it.
The Ozone Holes
The ozone layer. Up in the sky, above the air we breathe, there is
a layer of gas called ozone. It helps us by blocking out rays from the
sun that can harm our skin, and by letting the rays that are good for us
come through. We are lucky to have the ozone layer to protect us.
What is happening? Now the ozone layer is being damaged by gas-
es that people have made. The gases are called CFCs — chloro-fluoro-
carbons. They are used in refrigerators, fire extinguishes, air-condi-
tioners, plastic foam and some other things.
248 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

How it happens. The CFCs float up to the top of the atmosphere

where the layer of ozone is and ‘eat up’ the ozone. Ozone shield of the
Earth becomes thinner and causes ‘Greenhouse effect’ + Ultra-violet
rays more aggressively influence nature and health of people.
Scientists are concerned about the ozone layer, because a lot of it
has gone away in just a few years. So it is important that we learn to do
something about it.

Air Pollution
The old days. Until about 150  years ago, the air was clean and
pure — perfect for people and animals to breathe.
Factories. Then people started building factories, which emited
harmful gases into the air. Later on they started driving cars, adding
more to the problem.
Today. Today the air is so polluted that it is not always safe to
breathe. Pollutants travelling around the world in the upper atmos-
phere may be deposited anywhere as acid rain. Air pollution causes
cancer. The number of species in an ecosystem often declines when it
becomes polluted.
The Brown Staff. Many cities around the world have air filled
with a pollution called ‘smog’. This is so strong in some places that the
air which should be blue actually looks brown with the pollution.
Air Inside. The air inside a  building is nearly always more pol-
lutted than the air outside. For example, Radon-222. Invisible, taste-
less, odorless, radioactive radon gas may be the biggest potential killer
among environmental hazards after tobacco smoke. If you are exposed
to the average amount of radon found in a home, you have about 4 in
1,000 chance of dying of lung cancer by radon. This is much greater
risk than the risk from such environmental health hazard as asbestos,
vinyl chloride, pesticides, chloroform in drinking water, or benzene in
the air.
is much less than the chance of dying c  lung cancer caused by
smoking. Smoking, by itself, is the single biggest source of indoor air
pollution and the type of air pollution that causes most deaths — se­
veral million each year worldwide.
Air pollution can be considered the most dangerous kind of pollu-
tion. It is caused by fumes released from cars, trucks, buses, airplanes;
by dirt, smoke and gases from factories and plants. People don‘t want
to breathe dirty air because they can get many diseases. Polluted air is
not only bad for people and animals, but for trees and other plants as
well. And in some places it is even damaging farmers’ crops — the food
we eat. So it is very important for us to clean up the air we all breathe.
That’s why factory owners and businessmen managing enterprises
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 18 249

harmful for environment first of all must provide powerful filters to

reduce smoke, dust and dangerous gases to make air cleaner. Special
kinds of fuel for cars and more efficient engines can help to decrease
air pollution.
Water Pollution
The planet Earth is mostly water. Oceans cover the biggest part of
it — there are lakes, rivers, streams and even underground water. All
forms of life on Earth — from the tiniest bug to the biggest whale —
cannot exist without water. It is precious. Are we doing a good job on
keeping it clean? In many places water has become polluted. Rivers
and lakes become polluted by garbage or bumped poisonous chemicals.
Underground water can be polluted by gasoline, harmful liquids, some
fertilizers and pesticides. These leak down through the ground.
Seas and oceans have become a dumping place for garbage and poi-
sonous chemicals. They have become so polluted from oil spills and fac-
tory wastes that the fish are dying and other living resources of the sea
are coming t(an end. This subsequently affects people who depend on
sea food. Nature reserves of pure water are decreasing. We must save
our water, keep it clean so that people, plants, animals and fish will
always have a life source.
We must do our best to protect seas, rivers and lakes from fur-
ther pollution. Our factories and plants have to stop throwing wastes
of their processes into the water. It means that waste-free technologies
must be developed and used in the production process.
Urban Problems
The urban problem is one of the most complexes in today’s world.
The scientists are fully confident that all environmental problems
depend on population size. A  household of six people can dump its
wastes into the local river without polluting the river, but a town of
100,000 people cannot. The trees in woodland grow fast enough to re-
place all the wood the household cuts each year, but not fast enough to
supply the town. The reason why most environmental problems are so
pressing today is that the human population has grown so rapidly du­
ring the 20th century.
One of every six people lives in a city with a population of more
than one million. There is a tendency towards rise in the population of
cities. Today there are a lot of big cities in the world with the popula-
tion ranging from 5 to 10 million and above. For example, by the year
2000  demographers expected that Mexico City would have a  popula-
tion of 30 mln, Calcutta, some 20 mln and Bombay and Jakarta, from
15 to 20 mln. There are more than 20 cities in the CIS states with the
population of over one million.
250 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

The problems arising as a result of this are water supply, public

transport unemployment, food, housing construction, air pollution,
noise, etc. The problems of ecological imbalance in big cities are very
urgent and they can call a crisis if due measures are no taken.
Producing enough food is the obvious problem for a large popula-
tion. Supplies of food and other resources do not grow as fast as this.
Therefore, as time goes by, more and more people become short of the
resources needed for life. For instance millions of people die every year
from lack of food.

Acid Rain
Up in the sky. When we look up, we see clouds and the blue sky.
But there are other things in the sky that we don’t see. Some of these
are harmful to the Earth.
What happens? When power plants burn coal to make electricity,
and when cars burn gasoline, invisible gases are released into the air.
Some of these gases can mix with rain or snow and make it acidic, like
lemon juice or vinegar. This is called acid rain.
Bad news. Acid rain is extremely harmful to plants, rivers and
lakes, and the creatures that live in them. In some places it is kill-
ing forests. And it pollutes the water that animals and people need to
Our mission. It is very important for us to stop making acid rain.
One good way is to drive our cars less. Another good way is to save
energy. The less energy we use, the less fuel these power plants have
to burn. Industrial countries should control their level of pollution.
This is already happening in some parts of Europe. There are several
countries (‘the 30 % Club’) which have cut their acid rain pollution by
30 %.

Too Much Garbage

When we throw something away it goes in a  garbage can. Once
a week a garbage truck comes and the can is emptied, and that’s the
last you see of it. But what do you think happens to the garbage then?
Does it just disappear? No way!
What happens? Almost all garbage is taken to a garbage dump or
land fills, where the garbage truck empties it onto the ground. After
the truck leaves, a big tractor comes along and pushes dirt on top of
the garbage. So, most of our garbage is just buried.
The big mass. Now we are making so much garbage that in many
places there is not enough room to bury it all.
Our mission. We have to act fast and cut down the amount of gar-
bage we make. Can we do it? You bet!
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 18 251

Here is how. We can recycle (re-use) materials instead of throw-

ing them away, or precycle which means not buying things that we
can’t use. In this way we’ll produce a lot less garbage and help keep our
planet clean.
Disappearing Animals
The people boom. Every day, there are more and more people liv-
ing on Earth. All these people need room to live. So, they move into
places that are already homes for plants and animals. Forests are cut
down, and wild areas are filled with houses and stores.
What happens? When people move into new land the plants and
animals that live there can become endangered and begin to disappear.
Some even become extinct — which means that they all die and go from
the Earth forever.
What can happen? We enjoy pictures and stories about the di-
nosaurs that lived on the Earth many millions of years ago. They are
extinct now. That could happen to elephants, zebras, red wood trees,
frogs, butterflies, robin’s o  goldfish … or other animals if we’re no
careful. Let’s keep the Earth green and healthy and full of millions of
wonderful creatures.
Disappearing Rain Forests
What happens. There are two reasons why rain forests are cut
down — land and wood. This wood is usually made into furniture, used
for buildings and firewood by local people or exported.
When the forest is destroyed, it isn’t only the trees that are lost,
the homes of millions of animals and plants are destroyed, too.
What can happen. Unfortunately, in most places the trees won’t
be replaced. The soil in the forest is very thin, but it is protected by
the trees. When the trees are cut down, the soil is washed away by the
wind. Soon nothing can be grown on it. The forest becomes a desert.
Then more land will be needed and more trees will be cut down. Who is
to blame? The answer is simple: all of us. Of course, it’s easy to blame
the local people. We don’t cut the trees. They do. But we buy the wood
products -— the hi-fi with its tea loudspeakers, or the nice mahogany
chairs. Just look around and you will see why the rain forests are being
destroyed. You are probably listening to it or sitting on it.
ªª What is the environment? Think of the things you suppose are
related to it and complete the mind-map.
ªª Answer the questions:
1. Which environmental problems do you care about?
2. Think of one example of each of the problems you care about,
should do about them?
252 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

ªª Write down your ideas. Follow the pattern in the chart above.
Present your ideas to the class. Use these expressions.
• I think it’s wrong to …
• I‘m very worried about …
• The biggest problem today is …
• What can we do about … ?
• I think / I don’t think we should …
ªª Work in groups. Discuss the following questions:
1. What do you think about the protest?
2. What do you think about demonstrations in general?
3. Is it a good idea to organise demonstrations to protect the envi-
4. What would your list of advantages and disadvantages of demon-
strations be? Write them in your notebooks.
5. What are your ideas about when and for what issues demonstrat-
ing would or would not be appropriate?
ªª Revision
Check if you know marketing terms.

III. Home Assignment

ªª II level — Read the text and complete the sentences. Then try to
answer the question Are you a ‘green’ person?
Yes, I’m interested in all things to do with the environment and
the need to protect it. I’ve changed my lifestyle to become a  ‘green’
person. I  think it’s a  couple of years now since I  got my bicycle out
of the garage and repaired it, and now I  use it as much as possible.
I use my car less. I try to do ten per cent fewer miles every year, so last
year I drove eleven thousand miles, and this year I’m going to try to do
only ten thousand. My car runs on unleaded petrol. It’s cheaper, and it
keeps the air cleaner. This doesn’t mean I travel less, this means I walk
more often. When I do my shopping, I always walk now. I use public
transport when I can, usually going by train. So that’s transport.
At home I save as much as I can, I don’t throw it away. I have dif-
ferent bags for different things. One bag has all the cans going into it,
from the cat food to the beer. The second bag has all the papers going
into it, and the third bag has bottles, from olive oil bottles to wine bot-
tles to lemonade bottles. But the milk bottles still go on the doorstep
so that they can be re-used. I take these bags to places where they can
be recycled. There’s a  place in the village where you can take them.
I also get washing-up liquid and washing powder that doesn’t harm the
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 18 253

Now food. I’ve become a  vegetarian. I  think, it is part of being

‘green’. Looking after animals is as important as looking after the en-
vironment. I mean, they’re part of it. So I prefer not to kill animals to
eat them. Animals eat food that people could eat. But if people want to
eat meat, that’s their decision.
I think it’s true that people all over the world are becoming more
aware of the need to look after the planet now. If we don’t become more
friendly to the environment, then the environment will make it more
difficult for us, so that our life will not be as comfortable. I hope we’ll
survive …
1. Ruth uses her bicycle more because …
2. She’s going to try to use less petrol by …
3. When the bags in the kitchen are full, …
4. She’s a vegetarian because …
5. Ruth thinks that if we don’t look after …
ªª III–IV levels — Discuss these statements. Do you agree with any
of them? Why? Why not?
“A good business should be part of any society, and you have to
have pride in what you do. There’s no pride in making millions of
pounds, but there is pride in helping people and the environment”.
“The idea now is global responsibility. Businesses are true plan-
etary citizens, they can push frontiers, and they can change society”.
“In the next decade, environtamentalism will be the most impor-
tant issue for business”. (Anita Roddick, founder of The Body Shop

IV. Sum Up
ªª Extra Texts for reading.
A new campaign was launched earlier this year by the UK gov-
ernment which aims to reduce the amount of domestic waste. Today
households are encouraged to recycle certain waste products and to
sort and prepare others for collection at specific sites. From there they
are taken to special waste treatment plants where special machinery
will process them for reuse as recycled material.
In Britain today, when the contents of the average household dust-
bin are analysed, we find that, in terms of weight, 35 % of the total is
composed of paper and cardboard, 22 % of kitchen waste, 12 % of plas-
tics with glass, dust and ashes each representing a further 10 %.
There are in fact only a few items of domestic waste that cannot
be recycled. One common example is disposable nappies which, as their
254 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

name suggests, have been designed to be thrown away after use. How-
ever, a lot of progress could be made to reduce the amount of kitchen
waste most of which can be transformed into a useful garden fertiliser.
Indeed, if more people chose to do this, then the weight of the average
dustbin would be reduced quite significantly.
In terms of glass products, the situation is more encouraging.
Nearly 20 % of all the glass that is used every year in the country is
taken back for recycling.
Nonetheless, it is clear that the mountains of domestic waste will
only decrease if efforts are made both by individual households and
local government authorities. Special equipment such as collection
trucks must be purchased and people must be made aware of how they
can contribute to improving the situation. This has been achieved with
increasing success in a  number of regions in Europe during the last
few years, a trend that is expected to continue in the future.


Many cities around the world today are heavily polluted. Careless
manufacturing processes employed by some industries and lack of con-
sumer demand for environmentally safe products have contributed to
the pollution problem. One result is that millions of tons of glass, pa-
per, plastic, and metal containers are produced, and these are difficult
to dispose of.
However, today, more and more consumers are choosing ‘green’
and demanding that the products they buy are safe for the environ-
ment. Before they buy a product, they ask questions like these: “Will
this hairspray damage the ozone layer?” “Is the packaging biodegrad-
able?” “Will it break down in a trash dump?” “Can this metal container
be recycled or can it only be used once?”
A recent survey showed that two out of five adults now consider
the environmental safety of a product before they buy it. This means
that companies must now change the way they make and sell their
products to make sure that they are ‘green’, that is, friendly to the
Only a few years ago, it was impossible to find green products in
supermarkets, but now there are hundreds. Some supermarket pro­
ducts carry labels to show that the product is green. Some companies
have made the manufacturing of clean and safe prod­ucts their main
selling point and emphasize it in their advertising.
The concern for a safer and cleaner environment is making com-
panies rethink how they do business. No longer will the public accept
the old attitude of “Buy it, use it, throw it away, and forget it”. The
public pressure is on, and gradually business is cleaning up its act.
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 19 255

Урок 19
Рольові ігри та творча робота учнів
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення в процесі ро-
льової ігри; формувати соціокультурну компетенцію, розвивати
критичне мислення.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson
ªª Checking on the home task: answer the question Are you a ‘green’
ªª Speak about Business Goes ‘Green’! and The nation that destroys
its soil, destroys itself.
ªª Pair work — revision a new vocabulary.

ІІ. Main part

The First Project
ªª Watch on TV (or listen to the radio) two or three programmes about
violations and protection of consumer rights and prepare a report
on one of the problems. Consider the following questions:
1. What product or service was discussed?
2. What did you learn about that product or service?
3. What consumer rights and responsibilities were discussed in the
4. What was the problem?
5. What consumer rights were violated?
6. How can people be helped in similar situations?
7. How was the problem solved?
8. What do you think the best way to solve the problem would be?
9. How could people learn more about their rights as consumers?
10. What age do you think the children should start learning about
their rights as consumers?
ªª Sharing students’ ideas

The Second Project

You are member of a local environmental group which plants trees
in urban areas. You are organizing a ‘tree planting’ ceremony in the
256 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

main square of your town center. You need sponsorship to pay for the
planting and upkeep of the trees. You plan to put the sponsor’s names
on plaques mounted in front, of each tree. The major and other impor-
tant local politicians will be at the ceremony.

ªª Choose an international company to approach for sponsorship.

Discuss what your project can offer them and prepare the argu-
ments that you will use to persuade them to sponsor your project.
Look at the checklist of questions below that a company will ask
itself before sponsoring a project. How will your project satisfy
the company with respect to these questions?
1. Will the project appeal to our customers?
2. Does it have a logical link with our company? If not, could one be
3. Is it unique or one of many similar things on offer? Will there be
other sponsors? If so, are they our competitors?
4. What kind of media coverage does the project offer? (For exam-
ple, local TV, company name / logo on T-shirts, programmes etc.)

ªª Work in groups.
1. Write a  letter to the company asking them to consider your re-
quest for sponsorship.
2. Read the other ‘groups’ letters. Consider each one as if you were
the company directors. Which project would you choose and

ªª Work in pairs — you bought: a) a TV set; b) a watch; c) a CD player
last week. It was tested in the shop and seemed to work. But now
it doesn’t. You want to exchange this thing for another one or get
a refund. Make up your dialogue with a salesperson.

ªª Revision
Useful Information Persuasive Advertising check if you know the
terms below:
• repetition • an appeal to fear or
• endorsement anxiety
• emotional appeal • information
• scientific authority • special offers or gifts
• ‘Keeping up with the • anti-advertising
Joneses’ • shock tactics
• comparison • association of ideas
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ªª Try to use the following language in your discussion.

Make proposals Respond
Let’s… That’s fine with me.
Why don’t we…? OK — it’s a deal?
I suggest we… Maybe another option would be…
I think we should… I think it might be better to…
How about… ? I’m sorry — I can’t agree to that.
No way!
III. Home Assignment
ªª Finish your project and be ready to present your report on one of
the problems.

IV. Sum Up

Урок 20
Основи ділового листування. Лист-рекламація.
Лист-скарга. Лист-замовлення
Цілі: дати поняття про основи ділового спілкування; вдоскона-
лювати навички ділового листування, читання.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Business Correspondence. Com-
plaints and Adjustments. Orders
ªª Pair work — revision of a new vocabulary

II. Main part

Reading. Business Correspondence
ªª Pre-reading task. Pair work.
1. Think about complaining. When and why we can do it. Have you
ever complained?
2. What replay should it be in this case?
3. Make a list of possible answers.
ªª While-reading task. Read an article and add the necessary infor-
mation to your list.
Mistakes may occur in day-to-day business, and these give cause
to complaint, you complain, make sure you get your facts right. And if
258 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

you have to answer an unjustified complaint, be polite and restrained,

and remember that we can all make mistakes.
When making a  complaint your letter should consist of the fol-
1. An expression of regret that there is a need to complain.
2. The information about the date of the order and the date of the
3. The nature of your complaint.
4. Some suggestions of how to put the matter right.
It’s also necessary to remember to confine the complaint to a state-
ment of facts and a polite inquiry about what the supplier will do to
adjust the complaint.
The complaint must be acknowledged at once, and an explanation
given that the matter is being investigated. There is no need to go into de-
tails concerning the occurrence of a mistake or error since the only thing
the buyer is interested in is how the seller will deal with the complaint.
That’s why a reply to complaint should contain the bare facts and
information about the action taken by seller. A letter should be clear,
brief and courteous. It must conclude with an apology for
inconvenience caused and a promise that similar errors will not be
repeated in t future.
ªª Post-reading task. You have an extract of the letter of complaint.
Think and complete this letter.
Dear Sirs,
Thank you for your delivery of men’s silk shirts, which we ordered
on 24st March, 2002. At the same time we would like to draw your at-
tention to the following.
After examination of the shirts we discovered some manufactur-
ing defects:
• there are oil stains on 12 shirts; … .
ªª Read and translate the sentences below. Write the letter of order-
ing using these phrases.
1. We acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 24th August and en-
close our order № … for your models …
2. We have received your letters of 8th May and 16th May and en-
closed our order № … for …
3. We have studied your catalogue and have chosen 3  models for
which we enclose our order. We would stress that this is a  trial
order and if we are satisfied with your shipment you can expect
regular repeat orders.
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4. In reply to your cable of 14th June we have pleasure in enclosing

our order № … for your prompt and careful attention.
5. With reference to our telephone conversation and your letter of
29th November we have immediately contacted … and have been
successful in securing their order.
6. Payment will be made by Letter of Credit in London against docu-
7. Please advise us when the goods are ready for shipment and await
our final shipping instructions.
8. To avoid difficulties with the customers’ authorities, please make
sure that our shipping instructions are carefully observed.
9. We want to tell you how pleased we were with your order because
it represents our first dealing with you.
10. We were pleased to get such a good order from you after a lapse of
time which had been too long for our liking.
11. Unfortunately … is out of stock at present and will not be avail-
able again before the end of April. We can, however, offer <…>
instead which is in stock and is perhaps even more suitable.
12. We acknowledge with thanks your order № … for delivery Feb. /
13. We regret, however, that we cannot book the order at the prices
we quoted 6 weeks ago.
14. We are obliged for your order № … for …
15. We hope that you will find it possible to increase your order to
… , otherwise we shall be reluctantly compelled to turn down the
16. We trust that you will understand that it is not a lack of co-opera-
tion and good will but sheer necessity, which makes it impossible
for us to meet your wishes in this case.
17. Before we send you our official confirmation we must tell you that
we cannot agree to your request for a special discount of 3 %.
18. We are glad to say that <…> which you ordered in October is ready
for dispatch.
19. Please let us have your instructions for packing and dispatch.
20. With reference to your order we have pleasure in informing you
that the goods are ready for shipment.
ªª Revising and proofreading a  business letter. Revise a  business
letter for clarity. Then, proofread it for errors in capitalization,
punctuation, spelling, usage, and sentence structure. Ask your-
self the following questions to help you. Then, rewrite the letter
on a separate sheet of paper.
260 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

Dear Mr and Mrs Kummerfeldt,

The new recycling center on Fifteenth Street gives all of us
a chance to do something to help preserve natural resources your used
aluminum cans, glass bottles and jars, and newspapers are welcome
their. However, you’re busy schedules may make it hard for you to
take the materials there for recycling. For $1.50  a  week I  will pick
up your glass, cans, and papers and take them to the recycling center
for you. Such weekly collections will prevent the mess and clutter that
might occur if you have to put off regular trips to the recycling center.
I  would schedule pick-up of newspapers for 9:20  a.m. on Saturdays,
and pick-up of glass and aluminum on Mondays at 6 p.m. The separate
newspaper collection time is convenient for bundling up the week’s
stack of papers. Newspapers should be tied up well with string and
glass and cans should be washed and separated into sturdy bags or bo­
xes. If you would like me to take your recycling materials to the center
on a regular basis, please call me at 691-5932. I am usually home from
school by 4 p.m.
Thanks a lot!
ªª Revision

III. Home Assignment

Look at the owner’s warranty on a digital alarm-clock you bought
yesterday. The alarm doesn’t work. Write a letter of complaint to the
Quartz Clocks Company.
One-Year Warranty Digital Alarm Clock Model k9-12-B
This clock has been inspected and tested in our factory and was
shipped in perfect working order. If it fails to perform perfectly under
normal conditions within 12 (twelve) months of your purchase, return
it to us in the original package, enclosing a copy of your receipt. We
will repair it or replace it with a new one, free of charge.
QUARTZ CLOCKS P.O. Box 307 Fair Oaks, CA 95628
ªª Fill in this form of order.
Dear Sirs,
Order No … . Trans. No … .
Please supply and deliver the goods described below on the terms
and conditions specified herein and on the reverse of this order as well
as those attached to the order
DELIVERY: Free on board
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CONSIGNEE: Postal address ,
MARKING: In English ,
In Ukrainian
Quantities, description, prices and technical conditions on sepa-
rate pages.
This order contains pages.

IV. Sum Up

Урок 21
Практикум з граматики. Типи підрядних речень
Цілі: вдосконалювати мовні навички (вживання лексичних
одиниць, граматичних структур (Типи підрядних речень, Герун-
дій, Інфінітив, Дієприкметник, Пасивний стан дієслова).

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson
ªª Checking on the home task:
• a letter of complaint to the Quartz Clocks Company;
• filling in the form of order

ІІ. Main part

Grammar Practice
ªª Individual work. Complete this letter by putting the verbs in
brackets into the correct form, -ing to +infinitive.
I am writing to complain about the poor service that I  received
when I was in your store last week. Recently you decided (1) to remove
(remove) listening facilities in your stores, and your sales staff encour-
aged customers (2) … (take) home their choice of CDs without (3) …
(hear) them first. You invited us (4) … (return) any CDs that we did not
like, as long as we kept the receipt as proof of purchase. In my opinion
262 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

this was an excellent policy as it allowed customers (5) … (risk) (6) …

(buy) things that were a little different. A consequence of your policy
is that customers will buy more CDs, and this means (7) … (return)
more that they don’t like. In fact last week I brought back eight CDs,
from the fourteen I had bought on the previous visit. Your salesman
refused (8) (accept) such a large number, and accused me of (9) … (take)
the CDs home just (10) … (copy) them. I strongly objected to(11) … (be)
treated like this as I had remembered (12) … (bring) the receipts with
me and my actions were within the terms of your guarantee. I  can’t
help (13) … (think) that you will lose a lot of business if your staff go on
(14) … (behave) in this way, and I advise you (15) … (train) your staff
(16) … (deal) with customers in a more polite manner.
ªª Extra task for stronger students: try to explain why.
ªª Time Clauses, complete the following sentences using the correct
tense form of the verbs given.
• I work from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. every Wednesday. Mary will ar-
rive at about 4 p.m. / I … when Mary … . (Work) (Arrive)
• Bill is going to phone me on Wednesday, so I  will let you know
then. / I … you know as soon as Bill … me. (Let) (Phone)
• I’m going to the supermarket soon. I always buy bread at the su-
permarket. / I … some bread when I … to the supermarket. (Buy)
ªª Purpose and Reason Clauses, rewrite these sentences using in or­
der to; in order not to; so as not to.
• We spoke quietly, because we didn’t want to disturb anyone.
• He sat in the furthest corner, because he didn’t want to be seen.
• He used both hands, because he didn’t want to drop anything.
ªª Result Clauses, rewrite these sentences using so … that; so; such a.
• Her writing was very small. I could hardly read it.
• He looked very young. Everyone took him for a student.
ªª Manner Clauses, rewrite these sentences using just as; as if (as
though); the way (like).
• Most people thought the play would be a success, and it was.
• The place sounds very quiet. I think it’s deserted.
• They look very happy. I think they’ve got some good news.
ªª Relative Clauses, underline the correct words.
• The stationery who / which you ordered has arrived.
• The speaker which / whose presentation I heard before lunch was
very good.
• Everyone which / that I  met in the Milan office asked how you
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• The person of which / whose newspaper I  borrowed has disap-

• The person who / whom is responsible for this is Antonio Platini.
ªª Revision
Try to make sentences with these forms of Gerund and Infini-
1 to quote, 2 singing, 3 to make sure, 4 making, 5 working, 6 to
draw, 7 to make, 8 to make, 9 to pay, 10 giving.
ªª Rewrite the sentences using the active form.
1. Apologies were received from Ann Hudson.
2. The minutes of the last meeting were approved.
3. The advantages and disadvantages of accepting the project were
4. It was agreed that the project would be good for the company’s
5. Patrick Lamarre pointed out that costs could be saved by using
local labour.
6. No detailed cost breakdown has been carried out.
7. It was agreed that further research was needed before going

III. Home Assignment

ªª II level — complete the sentences with who, whose, that.
1. The customer whose company I visited is phoning this afternoon.
2. The manual … they sent explains everything.
3. It’s difficult to say … this fax was sent by.
4. The candidates … CVs I looked at this morning were all very good.
5. I don’t remember … I spoke to when I called yesterday.
6. Your colleague, … I met this morning, had a different opinion.
7. Toyota is a  manufacturer … reputation is excellent all over the
8. The contract … you showed me before was different to this one.
9. I can’t remember … I invited to the meeting.
10. Do you know … Catherine works for?
11. The consultant, … seems very young, is speaking to Martin Som-
12. They promoted the manager … sales team was most successful.
ªª III–IV levels — rewrite the formal sentence as everyday informal
sentence, beginning as shown.
1. These are the colleagues with whom I  went to the conference.
These are the colleagues I went to the conference with.
2. This is the breakthrough for which we have been waiting.
264 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

This is the breakthrough we … .

3. That’s the hotel at which I stayed.
That’s the hotel I … .
4. When I  call the accountants, Richard is the person with whom
I usually deal. When I call the accountants, Richard is the person
5. This is the catalogue from which we choose the samples.
This is the catalogue we … .
6. This is the area for which I am responsible.
This is the area I … .

IV. Sum Up

Урок 22
Практикум з граматики. Узагальнення
та систематизація вивченого граматичного матеріалу
Цілі: вдосконалювати мовні навички вживання лексичних
одиниць, граматичних структур (узагальнення та систематизація
вивченого матеріалу: Умовні речення, Узгодження часів та Непря-
ма мова); формувати соціокультурну компетенцію, прищеплювати

I. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson
Make up sentences with who, whose, that.

ІІ. Main part

Grammar Practice
ªª The environmentalists are worried about the greenhouse effect.
Make if-chain, using if … , … will … .
If the earth gets warmer, the sea will get warmer. If the sea gets
• the ice at the North and South Poles melts
• the sea level rises
• there are floods in many parts of the world many people lose their
homes and land
ªª Rewrite these sentences. Change if … not to unless.
Example: If it doesn’t get colder, the glacier will disappear.
Unless it gets colder, the glacier will disappear.
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1. If there isn’t more snow, the glacier will retreat.

2. He wouldn’t live there if he didn’t like ice and snow.
3. If there were no glaciers, many tourists wouldn’t visit Alaska.
4. Conditional sentences are formed as follows.
Type 1: if + present tense, future tense or modal.
If we outsource, we’ll reduce our costs.
If we don’t do it, we might lose market share.
Type 2: if + past tense, would / could + verb.
If we reduced costs, we’d make more profit.
Could we save money if we closed down some outlets (formal a shop,
company, or organization through which products are sold)?
Conditional type 1 has the following uses:
• cause and effect
If we criticize people, you’ll kill their creativity.
• predict consequences of likely situations
We’ll lose sales if we don’t reduce prices.
• request action in an event of a likely situation
Tell me if you get any new ideas.
Conditional type 2 has the following uses:
• predict consequences of unlikely situations
If sales increased by 20 per sent, we’d have the money to expand.
• make tentative suggestions
If we invested more in advertising, we could increase sales.
• talk about unreal and hypothetical situations
What would you do if we were the boss?
• in negotiating, an offer linked to a  type 2  conditional is useful
because it is hypothetical, not definite.
Would you be interested if we included servicing in the price?
Training exercises
ªª Complete the conditional sentences with the correct form of the
1. If we (mail / mailed) it today, you’ll get it tomorrow.
2. Please call me if the flight (is / will be) delayed.
3. If we (introduce / introduced) flexitime, people would be more
motivated to work harder.
4. If we had more time, (we’ll / we’d) be able to prepare some new
publicity material.
5. If we (save / saved) money on travel expenses, we could spend
more on new equipment.
6. If you (place / placed) an order today, we could offer you a lower
266 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

7. People (will spend / spend) more if they’re feeling relaxed.

8. If we played background music in the store, people (will / would)
feel more relaxed.
Keys: 1-mail, 2-is, 3-introduced, 4-we’d, 5-saved, 6-placed, 7-will-
spend, 8-would.
ªª Write the verbs in the appropriate form to make a conditional sen-
tence with the meaning that is given in brackets.
1. If the economy (be) … stronger, we (have) … better growth pros-
pects (changes of future success). (Hypothetical)
2. If we (increase) … our marketing effort, we (improve) … sales.
(Cause and effect)
3. Our competitors (gain) … market share if we (not introduce) …
new models soon. (Predicting likely situation)
4. Just (send) … me an email if you (have) … any problems. (Request)
5. It (be) … better if we (be) … honest about the situation. (tentative
6. We (be) … willing topay more if you (guarantee) … an earlier de-
livery date. (Hypothetical negotiating point)
7. If we (fail) … to complete the project on time, we (have to) … pay
a penalty (a punishment for breaking a law, rule, or legal agree­
ment). (Unlikely situation)
Keys: 1  was  — would have, 2  increase  — will improve, 3  will
gain — don’t introduce, 4 send — have, 5 would — were, 6 would —
guaranteed / could guarantee, 7 failed — would have to.
ªª Translate all sentences.
ªª If we don’t stop using so much energy, the world will get warmer.
ªª Extra task for stronger students. Make a chain with one of these
ªª Rewrite the following sentences using a  passive form. Omit the
agent if it is not important.
1. Consumers will buy more and more ‘environmentally-friendly’
2. Consumers should take plastic bottles to the local recycling cen-
ªª Remember the linking words; be ready to make a short paragraph
using linking words.
• In spite of the present recession…
• Despite rising costs…
• Even though our products are expensive…
• Although profits are increasing…
• Despite the fact that our supplies were late…
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ªª Choosing the correct form

1. What did you do last night? () What have you done last night? ()
2. I went to many countries in my life. () I have been to many coun-
tries in my life. ()
ªª Extra task for stronger students. Try to explain why.
ªª Make as many questions as possible.
1. How stupid of me! My laptop is still in the car.
2. It ages since we last had an order from CWP.
ªª Revision

III. Home Assignment

ªª II–III levels — Complete the sentences with a suitable word.
1. This particular product is not suitable for use inside the home.
2. We have found that in many countries, suppliers do not under-
stand the importance of using natural resources that you can …
rather than deplete.
3. We are going to discuss the … of the new sales policy at the meet-
ing this afternoon.
4. The best way to reduce the environmental impact of business
­operations in developing countries is by helping companies there
to take greater … for managing the resources that they use.
5. When designing packaging that can be recycled, it is sometimes
necessary to use the services of … who can advise on the best ways
to do this.
6. Although selling green products can help to protect the environ-
ment, it must also be … for the company.
7. Research shows that consumers would like to see more companies,
making a genuine … to protecting the environment … industries
produce the highest levels of air pollution.
ªª IV level — Think of making a story using these words and expres-

IV. Sum Up

Урок 23
Робота з текстом для читання
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання (опрацювати тексти
із завданнями на перевірку розуміння прочитаного, тексти публі-
цистичного і  науково-популярного характеру з  метою отримання
інформації з теми на рівні повного або часткового розуміння).
268 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson
ªª Checking on the home task
• discussing and explaining the suitable words in the sentences.
• students’ stories about protecting the environment.

II. Main part

ªª Pre-reading task
1. What do you know about Protection of Consumer Rights and In­
2. Explain the word combinations: inferior quality; to strengthen
the position; civil and administrative legislation concerning; un-
fair competitiveness; the concept of truthfulness; in court prac-
tice; substantiation of advertising; amplify; chemical weed-kill-
ers; household appliances; fuel; deprivation of the licences; the
conformity; inadmissibility of restriction; valid; claimants.
ªª While-reading task.
The problem of protection of consumer rights against goods and
services of inferior quality has become one of the main problem areas
where a solution is required for new economic relations in Ukraine.
The notion ‘consumerism’ appeared as the name of a special kind
of social activity, the aim of which is to protect the consumer rights
and interests and to strengthen the position of the law in the system of
market relations. In the USA, Japan and Europe the concept of ‘abso-
lute responsibility of the manufacturers’ for quality of their produc-
tion has developed recently. For example, in Japan in the sphere of le-
gal protection of the consumers there are 50 national laws accepted by
the Parliament; in Canada there are over 40 laws on consumer rights;
in Austria there are more than 200 laws of that kind; in the USA —
more than 150; in Germany — nearly 80 laws.
A legislative basis of protection of the consumer rights and inter-
ests includes:
• standards of civil law regulating processes of economic circulation
and the special standards which are applied to the consumers;
• standards of administrative legislation regulating the definite
parts of commercial activity (fixed prices, control of quality of
production, realization of advertising, etc.);
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 23 269

• standards of civil and administrative legislation concerning

norms and methods of competitiveness of the enterprises, prohibi­ti­
on of methods of the limited practice and unfair competitiveness.
Advertising is the basic source of information about goods and
services, the concept of truthfulness is the basic one in the legislation
concerning advertising. For instance, in France and in England un-
truthful advertising is investigated in the sphere of criminal law; in
Germany, Belgium, Italy, Holland and Luxembourg — in the sphere of
civil law; in Denmark and Ireland — in the basic administrative law; in
the USA, Canada and Australia — in combination of three basic legal
The problem of safety of production is the basic one in the legisla-
tion concerning consumer rights. In court practice of the USA there
is a  concept of ‘protection of the consumer’, mechanism ensuring
consumers realization of their rights. This mechanism, in particular,
includes requests of the substantiation of advertising, exception of
conditions infringing interests of consumers. Besides, the responsibi­
lity of delivers of production amplifies in the sphere of regulation of
‘absolute responsibility’.
The system of the legislation concerning protection of consumer
rights includes 9 groups of laws:
1. Regulates questions of the prevention of physical and material
losses of consumers. Food products, chemical weed-killers, phar-
maceutical goods, household appliances, gas equipment, gas and
other kinds of fuel, automobile and railway transport devices,
building materials are under the protection of these laws. The li-
cence on production has to be available, standards of safety of spe-
cific goods must be established. The requests to the manufacturers
and suppliers assume their registration, withdrawal of dangerous
and off-standard items from commercial network, fines for the
infringers of requests of the law, deprivation of the licences, stop
of production and sales.
2. The laws regulating units of measurements (weight, volume).
3. The laws regulating standardization, certification and marks of
food products, manufactured goods, household goods. These laws
require of the manufacturers to acknowledge the conformity of
goods quality to the acting national standards, availability of in-
formation about ingredients (or initial materials), conditions of
storage and other aspects, which give the consumer truthful in-
formation about goods. These laws contain cautions against un-
fair and off-standard advertising.
4. The laws concerning inadmissibility of restriction of competitive-
270 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

5. The laws containing a complex of measures directed on strength-

ening of the consumer rights in their business relations with the
manufacturers and suppliers.
6. The laws providing increase of a  level of consumers’ knowledge
about their valid rights.
7. The laws regulating the procedure of submission of consumer
complaints and providing a  network of advisory consumer cen­
ters. These laws recognize the right of Trade Union and Consu­
mers Organizations to act as the claimants in Court on behalf of
8. The laws regulating environmental protection, covering not only
production, but also consumption . In particular, production of
goods, services and devices which are harmful for the environ-
ment is excluded .
9. The universal laws about protection of the consumer.
10. These laws reflect three basic legal aspects of protection of con-
sumer rights:
• concept of the strict legal responsibility for quality of produc-
tion, safety of operation of items, their influence on environ-
• warranty of the manufacturer for operational qualities (both
reliability of production and services fixing to the consumer
the concrete rights);
• possibility of return of production, in which the defects were
revealed during operation; indemnification of losses.
ªª Answer the following questions.
1. What does the notion ‘consumerism’ mean?
2. What is the legislative basis of protection of consumer rights?
3. Are there any mechanisms ensuring consumers realization of
their rights?
4. Describe nine groups of laws concerning protection of consumer
rights. What regulating aspects do they provide?
5. Give your evaluation to these groups of laws.
ªª Post-reading task. Make up a  plan to retell the text Legislation
Concerning Protection of Consumer Rights and Interest.
ªª Revision
Say if the following statements are true (T) or false (F)

III. Home Assignment

ªª II level Text Consumer policy in Ukraine, translate the text.
Creation of an independent state, introduction of the market re-
lations in its economy have caused necessity to develop the effective
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 23 271

mechanism of protection of the consumers’ rights and interests in

The basic purposes of consumer policy in Ukraine are:
• maintenance and increase of a  level of satisfaction of consumer
• protection of the consumer rights. The basic principles are:
• understanding by the state and companies that it is important to
solve problems of maintenance of satisfaction of consumer needs
and protection of their rights as one of the main conditions of
market transformations efficiency;
• orientation to managing principles directed on protection of con-
sumer rights;
• recognition of priority of consumers’ interests above interests of
corporate groups, consignments, movements;
• inadmissibility of faults in state management and realization of
economic activity of consumers;
• equation of processes of pricing and degree of quality (the rise in
price for the goods is possible under condition of increase of qua­
lity, responsibility and warranty on the part of the manufacturer,
seller, etc.);
• support and interaction with public associations and movements,
which favour protection of consumer rights.
The basic methods and means:
• legal maintenance;
• standardization and certification;
• development and introduction of complex purpose-oriented pro-
• monitoring of a level of consumer satisfaction;
• analysis of a  degree of consumer satisfaction by the goods and
services and reason of dissatisfaction;
• educational work concerning the consumer rights among wide
layers of the population;
• regulation of advertising and informing the population about
quality of goods and services assistance to the manufacturers in
improvement of quality of consumer goods and services.
The Supreme Council of Ukraine has accepted the law “About Pro-
tection of the Consumer Rights” on May 12, 1991. The next year Cabi-
net of Ministers established the Consumer Rights Protection State
Committee of Ukraine. In 1997 it became the member of International
Consumer Organization. On December 15, 1999  State Committee of
Standardization, Metrology and Certification of Ukraine was estab-
272 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

In 1993 amendment to the law of Ukraine “About Protection of

the Consumer Rights” were accepted. This law regulates the relations
between the consumers and manufacturers, establishes the consumer
rights and defines the mechanism of state protection of their rights,
controls the level of consumer goods quality, observes the rules of
trade and granting of services and regulates administrative responsi-
bility for infringement of the consumer rights.
There are more than 30 laws in this sphere today. Besides, the Con-
stitute of Ukraine protects consumer rights. The Article 42 says: ‘The
State protects the consumer rights, carries out the control of quality
and safety of production, all kinds of services and works, favours to
activity of public consumer organizations’. In the Article 50 the right
of the citizens on a free access to the information about condition of
environment, about quality of food products and consumer goods is
fixed. The Article 22  guarantees the Constitutional rights and free-
dom, which can not be cancelled and the existing rights can not be nar-
rowed in contents and volume.
However, the problem of maintenance, and protection of the con-
sumer rights in Ukraine is not finally solved. Modern situation in this
sphere can be qualified initial or transitive.
ªª III level — Write a  plan to speak about the consumer policy in
Ukraine. State main ideas.
ªª IV level — Retell the text.

IV. Sum Up

Урок 24
Робота з текстом для читання
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання (опрацювати тексти
із завданнями на перевірку розуміння прочитаного, тексти публі-
цистичного і  науково-популярного характеру з  метою отримання
інформації з теми на рівні повного або часткового розуміння), орга-
нізувати повторення матеріалу за темою «Маркетинг та реклама»;
розширювати активний словниковий запас учнів; формувати кри-
терії справжніх ділових якостей.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Reading. Proven Environmental
Commitment Helps Create Committed Customers
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 24 273

ªª Checking on the home task

Consumer policy in Ukraine, using a plan to speak about the con-
sumer policy in Ukraine.

ІІ. Main part

Our Planet Is in Danger
ªª Pre-reading task. What do you know about
• The Greenhouse Effect
• The Ozone Holes
• Air Pollution
• Water Pollution
• Urban Problems
• Acid Rain
• Too Much Garbage
• Disappearing Animals
• Disappearing Rain Forests
ªª Comment on the statement: The nation that destroys its soil, de­
stroys itself.
ªª While-reading task
Jacquelyn Ottman
1. When self-proclaimed ‘Patagonics’ dial up Patagonia, they know
they will receive more than a high-quality fleece anorak or a wa-
terproof pair of hiking boots. Thanks to the California-based re-
tail firm’s outdoor clothing catalog and its exemplary method
of communicating its corporate environmentalism, customers
are not only knowledgeable about the company’s environmental
progress, they are loyal, too.
2. When purchasing products from Patagonia, customers also buy
into a  commitment to environmental restoration. Patagonia‘s
­example demonstrates good green-marketing strategies.
Educate consumers on environmental product attributes and
3. Patagonia takes pains to explain its products’ earth-friendliness
and show customers the big picture. For example, in the mid‑1990s,
Patagonia began using organically-grown cotton exclusively. In
addition to highlighting the organic merchandise in product de-
scriptions in catalogs, essays explained why ­organically-produced
products are environmentally preferable.
274 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

4. Other essays expanded the issue beyond individual products and

processes. In a 1996 catalog essay, for example, CEO Yvon Choui-
nard explained the rationale behind the company‘s switch to or-
ganically-grown cotton, including the problems associated with
producing conventional cotton, the larger long-term benefits of
investing in organically-grown products and the need to think
about long-term sustainability issues when choosing products.
5. One might assume that explaining the benefits of organic cotton
in catalogs was a  strategic move, since the company had to jus-
tify the $2  to $10  premium per garment. But other essays, for
instance, addressed environmental issues not directly linked to
company profit.
6. Broad environmental education teaches consumers that although
thinking and buying green is more expensive, environmentalism
is less taxing on the earth in the long run, and therefore, on indi-
Use a variety of media.
7. Patagonia’s advertising and company literature aim to educate.
Instead of a catalog packed only with sales information, Patago-
nia’s catalog is more like National Geographic. Demonstrations
in Patagonia’s retail stores engage customers with interactive
displays of the earth’s processes. Annual reports, pamphlets and
other company literature explain new ideas in environmentalism.
And Patagonia was one of the first companies to discuss sustain-
ability in paid media.
Demonstrate tangible corporate environmental progress.
8. Patagonia realizes that customers sometimes doubt corporate en-
vironmental claims. To avoid consumer backlash, Patagonia pub-
lishes the results of its internal environmental assessment.
9. This report reviews all office, production and merchandising ac-
tivities and uncovers opportunities to cut waste and reduce en-
ergy. Readers can see how Patagonia tries to conduct business
in a  socially responsible manner, from choosing long-lasting ef-
ficient light bulbs to providing on-site child care for employees‘
children. The grounds around the company‘s headquarters even
feature edible landscaping — banana trees.
10. Through an environmental grants program, dubbed Earth Tax,
Patagonia pledges 1 % of its sales or 10 % of its pre-tax profit,
whichever is greater, to small, local preservation and restoration
efforts. Through April 1997, Patagonia had contributed more
than $8m to hundreds of such organizations.
11. Believing that grass roots efforts do the most to raise commu-
nity awareness of local problems, the Earth Tax program targets
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 24 275

s­ maller grass roots organizations committed to issues such as

biodiversity, old-growth forests, environmentally preferable me­
thods of resource extraction, alternative energy and water, social
activism and environmental education. By funding more than
350 of these efforts each year, Patagonia helps raise community
awareness nationwide.
Empower consumers to take action.
12. An annual Earth Tax Report invites customers to apply for grants
for local projects. Participants are quick to apply and inform the
company about environmental successes, One recent catalog fea-
tured a customer sporting an insulated Patagonia guide jacket as
she rescued a calf born during a Colorado snow storm.
13. With powerful communication, meaningful corporate environ-
mental progress and avenues for consumer activism, it is no won-
der that even skeptics become Patagonia customers and custom-
ers become ‘Patagonics’.
(From ‘Marketing News’)
• loyal — always supporting
• organic — made without artificial chemicals
• to engage smb. — to attract smb. and keep their interest
• a backlash — a strong reaction against sth.
• to dub — to give an ‘unofficial’ name
• through (US) — until (GB)
• grass roots — at the level of ordinary people
• biodiversity  — many different plants and animals existing in
one area resource extraction — taking natural products from the

ªª Answer the following questions.

1. According to the text, why are Patagonia’s customers so loyal?
2. In what ways does Patagonia make efforts to explain its products
“earth friendliness”?
3. What is the overall objective of Patagonia‘s environmental educa-
tion policy?
4. How does Patagonia reassure customers who might question their
claims to be environmentally-friendly?
5. How do customers react to Patagonia’s grants projects?

ªª Extra task for weaker students. Make a  list of difficult words

from the text.

ªª Pair work. Match the nouns and verbs as they are used in the
276 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

1. Address a) business
2. Doubt b) awareness
3. Publish c) results
4. Conduct d) issues
5. Raise e) claims

ªª Replace the words in italics with expressions from the previous

exercise in the correct form.
1. The speaker will talk about the difficulties we are likely to encoun-
ter. Address the issues
2. The company runs its affairs in an ethical and honest manner.
3. The government will make public the conclusions of the environ-
mental study next month.
4. We are running a campaign designed to increase public knowledge
of the current crisis.
5. Many consumers don’t believe statesments made by companies
about their products.
ªª Work in groups. Discuss the following questions.
1. What do you think of Patagonia’s approach to business?
2. Are consumers in your country concerned about the environmen-
tal politics of businesses?
3. Would you pay more for things produced in an environmentally-
friendly manner? If so, how much more?
ªª Find words in the text which have the opposite meaning to the
words below.
• imperfect (para 1) exemplary
• uninformed (para 1) ...................
• innovative (para 4) ...................
• uncalculated (para 4) ...................
• separate (para 5) ...................
• taken (para 10) ...................
• locally (para 11) ...................
• failures (para 12) ...................
ªª Post-reading task. Make up a plan to retell the text Proven Envi­
ronmental Commitment Helps Create Committed Customers.
ªª Revision
Read the text SACRILEGE and discuss the idea of controversial
advertising. Do you think the VW campaign was successful?
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 3. Урок 24 277

III. Home Assignment

ªª II level — Translate one part from the text.
Have you ever felt frustrated by adults who don’t take you serious-
ly because you’re “just a kid”? Laura-Beth Moore has. When she was
12, she tried to start a  curb-side recycling program in her neighbor-
hood. But every time she approached adults for help, they ignored her.
Some kids might have given up, but not Moore. She recruited
a group of kid volunteers, and together they persuaded people in their
neighborhood to listen to them. After a year and a half, they finally
got the project off the ground. Now Moore’s recycling plan serves as
a model for the entire city of Houston!
Moore is one of thousands of kids who have joined forces to save
Earth. She and kids like her are persuading people to take them— and
the environment—seriously.
Scouts Save Sea Turtles
Children’s Alliance for Protection of the Environment (CAPE)
takes kids seriously. With chapters in 35 countries, CAPE helps kids
around the world set and accomplish their own environmental goals.
For example, last summer a troop of Boy Scouts from Texas traveled
to Mexico to help save endangered sea turtles as part of a program or-
ganized by CAPE.
For two weeks, the boys camped on the beach near the town of
Cancun. With Mexican biologists, they patrolled the beach each night,
watching for poachers who kill sea turtles and steal their eggs for food.
The Scouts also gathered sea turtle eggs and took them to turtle nurs-
eries, where the eggs could develop and hatch in safety.
One Scout, Tripp Alien, watched a 300-pound turtle lay 129 eggs,
each one covered with a slimy coating. As each egg dropped into a hole
in the sand dug by the turtle, Alien reached in, pulled it out, and placed
it in a bucket. “It was like reaching into a bowl of egg yolks and pulling
out Ping-Pong balls”, he explains. “It was gross but exciting”.
At the nurseries, Scouts watched workers tag baby turtles that
had hatched earlier that summer. The tags identify where and when
the turtles had hatched. After tagging the turtles, workers set them
free to make their way back into the ocean.
Kids Hold Earth Summit
While the Boy Scouts were saving sea turtles in Mexico last sum-
mer, 650 other concerned young people took part in the first National
Youth Environmental Summit in Cincinnati, Ohio. Organized by and
for kids aged 10  to 18, the summit offered kids the chance to share
ideas and learn how to run their own environmental organizations.
278 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

Kids came from all over the United States and from as far away as
Australia, Sweden, Jamaica, Guam, and Puerto Rico. For three days,
they participated in workshops such as ‘How to Organize a Rain Forest
Protection Program’ and ‘Getting Down and Dirty’ (how to start a com-
posting program). Each participant returned home with an action plan
for saving some part of the environment in his or her own city or town.
All over the world, alone and in groups, kids are working hard
to preserve rain forests, save endangered species, conserve energy,
and recycle trash. At the same time, many of them are learning an im-
portant lesson. Rich Luzzi, 13, a member of Kids Against Pollution,
explains. “I used to think that I’m a kid, and I couldn’t make a differ-
ence”, he says. “But I was wrong”.
(From ‘Weekly Reader’)
• frustrated — discouraged, not satisfied;
• to accomplish  — succeed in doing sth; achieve, complete smth
• troop — a large group of people or animals, especially when moving;
• poacher — a person who catches birds, animals or fish on sb else’s
property without permission;
• to hatch — to come out of an egg;
• slimy — covered with any unpleasant liquid substance that is soft,
slippery or slightly thick;
• yolk — the round yellow part in the middle of an egg;
• gross — fat and ugly;
• to tag — to attach a tag or similar mark to smth / sb.
ªª III level — answer the following questions.
1. In what ways have kids made a  difference in the environment
where you live?
2. In what ways might you make a difference?
ªª IV level — retell the text.

IV. Sum Up

Тема 4. Як розпочати власний бізнес

Урок 25
Основна інформація про тему. Слова та вирази до розділу
Цілі: формувати мовні навички (ввести нові лексичні одини-
ці), вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення (повторення матері-
алу за темою «Гроші. Банк»), читання.
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 25 279

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Background Information. Starting
your own business
ªª Discussing the proverb Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained

II. Main part

ªª Pre-reading task. What do you think?
The terms from the text: a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a cor­
poration, cooperative, franchise.
ªª While-reading task. Read and translate ‘Background Informa­
• name the main characteristics of the three major types of business
• characterize the many large businesses in the UK.
The three major types of business ownership are the sole pro­
prietorship, the partnership, and the corporation. There are also other
types of business ownership such as cooperative and the franchise.
A sole proprietorship is a business owned by one person. It’s the
simplest way of starting a business. You are self-employed and entirely
responsible for all aspects of the management of your business. Most
are small firms such as grocery stores, restaurants, petrol stations,
barber shops, and drugstores.
A partnership is a business owned and managed by a small group,
often not more than two or three people, who become partners. By
written agreement, these partners share the profits or losses and they
are responsible for the debts of the partnership.
A corporation is a business company owned by a number of people
and operated under written permission from the state in which it is lo-
cated. The written permission is called a certificate of incorporation.
The corporation acts as a single individual on behalf of its owners. By
buying shares of stock, people become owners of corporations. They
are then known as stockholders or shareholders. A  corporation may
have very few owners, but most corporations have many owners. Large
corporations, such as IBM, Texaco, and General Motors, may have
a  million or more owners. Even if you own just one share of a  com-
pany, you are still one of its owners. Most mining, manufacturing, and
transporting of goods, supermarkets, department stores, and other
businesses are organized as corporations.
280 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

Many large businesses in the UK are public limited companies

(pic), which means that the public can buy and sell their shares on the
stock exchange. Examples include  — Marks & Spencer, British Te­
lecom and the National Westminster Bank. The minimum share capi-
tal for a public limited company is L50,000, so many new businesses
are likely to take other business forms.
Private Limited Company (UK). A company can be formed with
a  minimum of two people becoming its shareholders. They must ap-
point a  director and a  company secretary. If the company goes out
of business, the responsibility of each shareholder is limited to the
amount that they have contributed; they have limited liability. Such
a company has Ltd (Limited) after its name.
In the US, businesses take the same basic forms. However, Ameri-
can companies are registered or incorporated with the authorities in
the state where they have their headquarters. The abbreviations Inc
and Corp refer to such companies. To sell shares to public they must
apply to the Securities Exchange Commission.
ªª Post-reading task. Make a plan for retelling.

Vocabulary Practice
ªª Work in pairs. Match the following terms with their definitions.
1. Articles of a) A group of people elected by stockholders to
partnership guide a corporation
2. Consumers’ b) An organization that farmers form to market
cooperative their products
3. Board of c) A business owned by one person
4. Corpora- d) A written agreement made by partners in
tion forming their business
5. Dividend e) An association of two or more people operating
a business as co-owners and sharing profits or
losses according to a written agreement
6. Franchise f) An organization of consumers who buy goods
and services together
7. Franchisee g) A business made up of a number of owners but
authorized by law to act as a single person
8. Franchiser h) A document, generally issued by a state gov-
ernment, giving permission to start a corpora-
9. Coopera- i) The part of the profits of a corporation that
tive each stockholder receives
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 25 281

10. Partner- j) A person who owns stock in a corporation

11. Producers’ k) A business that is owned by the members it
cooperative serves and is managed in their interest
12. Sole propri- l) A written contract granting permission to
etorship sell someone else’s product or service in a pre-
scribed manner, over a certain period of time,
and in a specified area
13. Certificate m) The person or group of people who have re-
of incorpo- ceived permission from a parent company to
ration sell its products or services
14. Stock- n) The parent company that grants permission
holder or to a person or group to sell its products or ser­
shareholder vices

ªª Revision
What do you think about these terms: money, types of banks, de­
posit, traveler’s cheques, certified cheque, electronic funds transfer.

III. Home Assignment

ªª II level — make five questions to the text;
ªª III level — Useful Information, письмовий переклад тексту.
Cooperatives and Franchising
Cooperatives. Sometimes people join together to operate a  busi-
ness known as a cooperative. A cooperative is owned by the members,
it serves and it is managed in their interest. Consumers’ cooperative is
an organization of consumers who buy goods and services more cheap-
ly together than each person could individually. For example, farmers
and members of labour unions may form cooperatives to buy products
such as groceries and petrol and services such as insurance and elec-
tricity. Farmers also form cooperatives from which they buy products
needed to run their farms.
Producers’ cooperative is usually a  farmers’ organization that
markets products such as fruits, vegetables, milk, and grains. Some-
times the cooperative operates processing plants such as canneries.
A producers’ cooperative lets farmers band together for greater bar-
gaining power in selling their products.
Franchises. A franchise is a written contract granting permission
to sell someone else’s product or service in a prescribed manner, over
a certain period of time, and in a specified territory. Franchises can be
operated as a proprietorship, partnership, or corporation.
282 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

A franchisee, that can be a person or a group of people, receives the

franchise from a parent company, the franchiser, to sell its products or
services. The franchise agreement states the duties and rights of both
parties. The franchisee agrees to run the business in a  certain way.
This often includes the name of business, the products or services of-
fered the design and colour of the building, the price of the product or
service, and the uniforms of employees. This standardizing means that
customers can recognize a business and know what to expect when they
buy a product or service from any one of the franchised businesses.
The franchiser helps the franchisee get started. Also, the national
advertising of the product or service by the parent company serves all
the franchises all over the country. For its service, the franchiser col-
lects a percentage of sales or an agreed-upon fee from the franchisee
each year.
ªª IV level — Вчити нову лексику.

IV. Sum Up

Урок 26
Комунікативна практика. Типи власності
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson Communication practice
ªª Checking on the home task
1. Pair work — revision of a new vocabulary
2. Individual — make five questions to the text.
3. Useful Information

cooperative    franchise
ªª Discussing the proverb Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained.

ІІ. Main part

ªª Pair work. To help you understand each type of ownership here is
a story of how a young man started a business and worked to make
it grow. Read and translate it into Ukrainian. Make some notes if
you need.
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 26 283

Andy Gable’s Proprietorship

While in high school, Andy Gable held a number of different part-
time jobs after school and on Saturdays. He thought about retailing as
a career and took business courses in school. During his senior year, he
became acquainted with a jogger, as he jogged each day before school,
who was a manager of the sporting goods department of a large depart-
ment store. As a result of this acquaintance, Andy was offered a job
as a  part-time sales trainee in the sporting goods department. After
graduation, he accepted a full-time job with the store.
In the next few years, Andy worked hard and was successful as
a salesperson. He prepared for advancement by taking several evening
courses at a nearby college. Soon he was promoted to assistant man-
ager of the sporting goods department. Andy was now married, earn-
ing a good salary, and saving money. However, he wanted to own his
own business. He liked the idea of earning profits for himself and of
being his own boss. Therefore, in his spare time, he began planning his
own business. Due to his experience and interest in selling sporting
goods, Andy decided to open a sporting goods store. He chose the name
Sports Emporium. He rented a  small store in a  shopping center and
bought showcases and other equipment. With the help of a bank loan,
he bought his stock of merchandise.
Andy had learned a great deal about selling sporting goods in the
department store, but found that owning his own business required
long hours and much decision making. He ordered merchandise, built
window displays, and did most of the selling and the stock work. His
wife, Connie, helped him keep his business and tax records, and a stu-
dent was employed part time. Andy owned the business by himself.
Therefore, it was a sole proprietorship. All the profits or losses were
The Partnership of Gable and Lowe
Sports Emporium was a success. Andy paid his bills on time and
paid himself, his wife, and his part-time employee fair salaries. Each
month he made payments on his bank loan until it was paid off. Profits
were put aside in a savings account.
Soon Andy felt that it was time to expand the business and take
on a partner. He knew that his friend Tom Lowe had been a salesperson
for a national exercise equipment firm. He knew that this background
would add a  great deal to his business, so he invited Tom to become
a partner in Sport Emporium.
With their combined skills, experience, money, and other property,
they could afford to offer a larger variety of sporting goods, new lines of
merchandise to attract more people to the store and increase sales.
284 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

They consulted an attorney, Karen Sulton, about setting up the

partnership. A  written agreement called the articles of partnership
was drawn up, among other things it provided that:
1. The name of the firm will be Sports Emporium.
2. Gable will invest $80,000 in cash and property. Lowe will invest
$40,000 in cash.
3. Each partner will draw a salary of $1,800 a month.
4. Profits and losses after salaries are paid will be shared in propor-
tion to each partner’s investment: two-third to Gable and one-
third to Lowe.
5. Gable will be responsible for sales, selection, purchase of mer-
chandise, and customer and community relations. Lowe will han-
dle financial records, payroll, store maintenance, advertising and
sales promotion, and other details of the business …
The attorney also pointed out some of the legal responsibilities of
the partners.
For example, each partner could be held personally responsible for
all of the debts of the business, even if caused by the other partner.
At the end of the first year the store had a  profit of $15,000.
Since they had agreed to share the profits in proportion to their invest-
ments in the business, Andy received two-third, or $10,000, and Tom
received one-third, or $5,000.
ªª Read the short histories of some famous companies below.
1. Formed in 1924, this company was for decades the most famous
Hollywood motion studio, with many of the best and brightest
stars in the industry including Judy Garland, Greta Garbo, Clark
Gable, and Katherine Hepburn.
2. Steve Jobs ran this company from his father’s garage in the seven-
ties. He named the company after a fruit and was the real inven-
tor of the personal computer. He discovered the mouse and per-
suaded a senior executive of PepsiCo to join the company in the
early eighties. Unfortunately, Jobs left the company in 1985. He
bought Pixar, the makers of Toy Story, became a billionaire, and
then returned to his first company where he launched the iMac.
3. This company was founded in 1930 by a man with the same name.
He invented the idea of frozen food in Newfoundland where he no-
ticed that the fishermen ate fish months after they were caught.
Today many of the world’s freezers are full of this company’s fish,
vegetables, and hamburgers.
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 26 285

ªª Individual — decide if the following sentences are true or false. If

they are false, correct them, as in the example.
1. Steve Jobs left Apple in 1995.
2. Mr Apple was a real person.
3. Mr Birdseye was a real person.
4. You keep Birdseye products in a freezer.
5. MGM was founded in 1942.
6. Birdseye made ‘Toy Story’.
7. The iMac is an Apple product.
8. In the seventies Steve Jobs’ father worked in a garage.
9) Birdseye was founded in 1903. 10) MGM makes films.
ªª Extra task for advanced students. What do you know about these
people? Which company did each of them create?
1) Scott McNealy
2) Steve Jobs
3) Bill Gates
ªª Revision

III. Home Assignment

ªª II level — read this article and are these sentences true (T) or false
(F)? If they are false, correct them.
Nikki Becket was yesterday named Businesswoman of the Year.
She received her prize at a ceremony in London. At the age of thirty-
eight she is a chief executive and founder of a software business with
offices in America, France, Germany, and Britain, and a turnover of
Ј50  million. NSB Retail Systems provides software packages to de-
partment stores and fashion chains such as Selfridges or Debenhams.
The company was founded in 1994 and now employs 600 people.
What is the secret of her success? She has always been ambitious.
After school she took a summer job with IBM and stayed for fourteen
years. “I then knew I  wanted to run a  public company by the age of
thirty-five and after that to have a  company worth £0.5  billion by
2001”. Another reason is her husband, Geoff, who works part-time for
the company and part-time at home looking after their two children.
He took early retirement from IBM, which allowed Nikki to concen-
trate on her career. She doesn’t work at weekends and she takes all her
holidays. Her employees can work from home if they want to and she
allows them time off for their families when necessary. “I see some-
one’s career as a long journey. We are long-term employers”, she said,
after receiving her prize from the sponsors Veuve Cliquot. These are
very strong, old-fashioned values from someone at the head of such
a modern, high-tech company.
286 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

1. NSB Retail Systems has offices in four countries.

2. Geoff Becket runs NSB Retail Systems.
3. Nikki and Geoff both worked for IBM.
4. Nikki often works at weekends.
5. The company supplies software to retailers.
6. The Becketts have three children.
7. Nikki Beckett likes employees to stay with the company a  long
8. The competition was sponsored by Moet & Chandon.
ªª III–IV levels — complete this table with the information available
from the texts above, as in the example.
entrepreneurs advantage ventures ‘ founded
industry predicts demand

Andrew Klein, the director of Spring Street Brewing Company,

(1) founded his company in 1993 with the idea of bringing a Belgian
Beer, Wit Beer, to the American market. However, his original ap-
proach to finding the necessary capital, by using the Internet, soon
made him a pioneer in this new field. He was one of the first to under-
stand the (2) … of using the Internet as a means to attract investment
capital for new business (3) … . For just $200 a month, Klein was able
to rent a site, present his products and contact investors all over the
world. Following in his footsteps, many other (4) … have been able to
finance and promote their own businesses in a similar way. Today, Wit
Beer can be found in several major cities in the USA and Andrew Klein
(5) … that consumer (6) … for this company’s products will continue
to rise. Indeed Wit Beer already outsells some of the more exotic beers
which compete in the (7) … .
Name Nikki Becket Andrew Klein
Type of business ownership
Name of enterprise
Starting capital
Number of employees
Annual sales

IV. Sum Up
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 27 287

Урок 27
Комунікативна практика. Створення фірми
Цілі: вдосконалювати лексичні навички, навички усного мов-
лення, читання.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson
ªª Checking on the home task
Pair work — revision of new vocabulary
ІІ. Main part
Vocabulary Practice
ªª How Do You Rate as an Entrepreneur, do the questionnaire, then
compare your answers with a partner. Have you got what it takes
to run your own business?
1 Are you a self-starter?
a) I only make an effort when I want to.
b) If someone explains what to do, then I  can continue from
c) I make my own decisions. I don’t need anyone to tell me what
to do.
2 How do you get on with other people?
a) I get on with almost everybody.
b) I have my own friends and I don’t really need anyone else.
c) I don’t really feel at home with other people.
3. Can you lead and motivate others?
a) Once something is moving I’ll join in.
b) I’m good at giving orders when I know what to do.
c) I can persuade most people to follow me when I  start some-
4. Can you take responsibility?
a) I like to take charge and to obtain results.
b) I’ll take charge if I  have to but I  prefer someone else to be
c) Someone always wants to be the leader and I’m happy to let
them do the job.
5. Are you a good organizer?
a) I tend to get confused when unexpected problems arise.
b) I like to plan exactly what I’m going to do.
c) I just like to let things happen.
288 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

6. How good a worker are you?

a) I’m willing to work hard for something I really want.
b) I find my home environment more stimulating than work.
c) Regular work suits me but I don’t like it to interfere with my
private life.
7. Can you make decisions?
a) I am quite happy to execute other people’s decisions.
b) I often make very quick decisions which usually work but
sometimes don’t
c) Before making a decision, I need time to think it over
8. Do you enjoy taking risks?
a) I always evaluate the exact dangers of any situation.
b) I like the excitement of taking big risks.
c) For me safety is the most important thing.
9. Can you stay the course?
a) The biggest challenge for me is getting a project started.
b) If I decide to do something, nothing will stop me.
c) If something doesn’t go right first time, I  tend to lose in­
10. Are you motivated by money?
a) For me, job satisfaction cannot be measured in money terms.
b) Although money is important to me, I value other things just
as much.
c) Making money is my main motivation.
11. How do you react to criticism?
a) I dislike any form of criticism.
b) If people criticise me I always listen and may or may not re-
ject what they have to say.
c) When people criticise me there is usually some truth in what
they say.
12. Can people believe what you say?
a) I try to be honest, but it is sometimes difficult or too compli-
cated to explain things to other people.
a) I don’t say things I don’t mean.
b) When I  think I’m right, I  don’t care what anyone else
13. Do you delegate?
a) I prefer to delegate what I consider to be the least important
b) When I have a job to do I like to do everything myself.
c) Delegating is an important part of any job.
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 27 289

14. Can you cope with stress?

a) Stress is something I can live with.
b) Stress can be a stimulating element in a business.
c) I try to avoid situations which lead to stress.
15. How do you view your chances of success?
a) I believe that my success will depend to a large degree on fac-
tors outside my control.
b) I know that everything depends on me and my abilities.
c) It is difficult to foresee what will happen in the future.
16. If the business were not making a  profit after five years, what
would you do?
a) give up easily.
b) give up reluctantly.
c) carry on.
Calculate your score using the key (a = 0, b = 2, c = 4) and check to
see how your rate as an entrepreneur.
44  or above. You definitely have necessary qualities to become
a director of a successful business. You have a strong sense of leader-
ship, you can both organize and motivate and you know exactly where
you and your team are going.
Between 44 and 22. You may need to think more carefully before
setting up your own business. Although you do have some of the es-
sential skills for running a business, you will probably not be able to
deal with the pressures and strain that are a part of the job. You should
perhaps consider taking some professional training or finding an as-
sociate who can compensate for some of your weaknesses.
Below 22. Managing your own business is not for you. You are bet-
ter suited to an environment where you are not responsible for making
decisions and taking risks. To operate successfully you need to follow
well defined instructions and you prefer work that is both regular and
ªª Group work. Match the advantages and disadvantages with three
types of ownership in the chart.
Type of Ownership: Sole Proprietorship; Partnership; Corpora-
a) It is easy to start the business.
b) It is fairly easy to start the business.
c) More sources of capital are available.
d) Specialized managerial skills are available.
e) The owner makes all of the decisions and is his or her own boss.
290 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

f) The ownership can be easily transferred through sale of stock; the

business is not affected by this change of ownership.
g) More business skills are available.
h) More sources of capital are available.
i) The owner receives all of the profits.
j) The owners are liable only up to the amount of their investments.
1. Capital is limited to what the owner can supply or borrow.
2. The partnership ends if a partner quits or dies.
3. It is difficult and expensive to start the corporation.
4. The life of the business depends upon the owner; it ends if the
owner quits or dies.
5. Each partner can make decisions; there is more than one boss.
6. The owners do not have control of the decisions made each day un-
less they are officers of the company.
7. Long hours and hard work an often necessary.
8. Each partner shares the profit.
9. The owner is liable (responsible) for all debts, even to losing per-
sonal property if the business fails.
10. Each partner is liable for business debts made by all partners,
even to losing personal property if the business fails.
11. The business activities of the corporation are limited to those
stated in the certificate of incorporation.
ªª Work in pairs. Do this quiz with your partner to test how much
you know about the company.
1. The first McDonald’s was opened in Illinois in … .
2. The 25,000th McDonald’s was opened in … .
3. Ronald McDonald appeared on TV for the first time in … .
4. At McDonald’s a client is served in … .
5. The company was floated on Wall Street in … .
6. A new McDonald’s is opened every … .
7. The number of customers served daily is … .
8. The Happy Meal™ was introduced in … .
ªª Work in pairs. Read this text about McDonald’s and check your
answers to the quiz in A.
McDonald’s is famous all over the world. It serves forty million
customers every day. A new McDonald’s opens somewhere in the world
every five hours. The restaurants look the same, the menus are the
same and the clients get the same service. A McDonald’s customer is
always served in no more than ninety seconds.
It all started in 1955 when a man called Ray Kroc opened his first
restaurant in Illinois. He bought the name from two brothers called
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 27 291

McDonald. To increase sales he started advertising on TV in 1963 and

a clown called Ronald McDonald appeared in the first ads. The clown
was friendly and helpful and gave good advice to children. To raise fi-
nance for expansion, the company was floated on Wall Street in 1965.
Incidentally 100 shares cost $2,250. They are now worth $2.5 million.
In 1967 Kroc opened his first restaurant outside the US in Cana-
da and Puerto Rico and 1968 his most famous product, the Big Mac™
was launched. By the end of the seventies they were ready for a new
idea. The ‘Happy Meal’, a special menu for children, was introduced
in 1979.
Five years later, the founder Ray Kroc died at the age of 82. At
the start of the nineties McDonald’s opened in Beijing and Moscow.
In 1995, Burghy, the Italian fast food chain, was acquired and within
one month turnover increased by 50 %. In 1996, Belarus became the
hundredth country to have a  McDonald’s, and three years later, the
twenty five thousandth McDonald’s was opened in Chicago.
ªª Individual. Complete the gaps in the following sentences. Do not
look at the text.
1955, 1963, 1965, 1967, 1968, 1979, 1984, 1990, 1995, 1996,
Ray Kroc … his first restaurant in Illinois. He … the name from
two brothers called McDonald.
Ronald McDonald … in the first television advertising for McDon-
The company … on Wall Street.
Kroc … his first restaurant outside the USA in Puerto Rico and
The Big Mac™ … .
The Happy Meal™ … .
Ray Kroc … .
McDonald’s Restaurants … in Moscow and Beijing.
Burghy, the Number 1 in Italian fast food Within one month the
company’s turnover … by 50 %.
Belarus … the 100th country in the world with a McDonald’s.
The 25,000th McDonald’s … in Chicago.
ªª Answer the questions to review your reading of the text ‘Andy
Gable’s Story’.
1. What advantages did Andy Gable find in starting his own busi-
2. What disadvantages did Andy find as an operator of a sole propri-
292 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

3. What advantages over his original organization resulted when

Andy Gable entered into a Partnership with Tom Lowe?
4. Name five items that should be agreed upon and recorded in the
articles of partnership.
5. State two advantages that a corporation has over a partnership.
6. Name two disadvantages of a corporation.
7. What evidence of ownership did Andy Gable and Tom Lowe re-
ceive when they changed from a partnership to a corporation?
8. Who actually manages a corporation?
9. Why does a corporation’s board of directors keep part of the prof-
it before dividing the remainder among the stockholders?
10. What is the difference between a  municipal corporation and
a business corporation?
11. What is a purpose of a consumers’ cooperative?
12. In what ways does producers’ cooperative serve its members?
13. What are the three conditions of a franchise agreements?
14. Name one advantage and one disadvantage of operating a  busi-
ness as a franchise.
ªª Revision

III. Home Assignment

ªª II level– read this article about two famous men and fill in the
gaps in the text using the verbs in the box below.
became began acquired died agreed
moved met set was crossed went
sold got founded bought

Henry Royce was born in 1863  in Peterborough. Charles Rolls

was born in London in 1877. Royce was the son of a miller, and Rolls
was the son of an aristocrat. Royce (1) … work at the age of ten. He
(2) … newspapers for a few months, then (3) … a job as an apprentice
engineer with GNR, one of the railways companies in Britain. A few
years later he (4) … to London and worked for an electric company.
In 1884 he was made redundant and he (5) … his own company. H.R.
Royce sold dynamos and other electric devices to factories and cotton
mills. He (6) … rich and (7) … his first car. It did not work very well so
Royce decided to produce cars himself.
At the same time Charles Rolls was a student at a Cambridge Uni-
versity. In the 1890s he (8) … to France and bought his first car, a Peu-
geot. In 1902 he started his own company selling cars. At the time he
(9) … a champion driver and the following year he (10) … a new world
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 28 293

speed record. Rolls loved cars but he really wanted to have his own
name on a car and in 1904 he (11) … Henry Royce. They (12) … to set
up the Rolls-Royce company. Two years later the company produced
the Silver Ghost. The same year later Rolls (13) … the English Channel
by hot air balloon. He loved speed. Unfortunately four years he (14) …
Royce continued producing cars. In 1931 Rolls-Royce (15) company,
Bentley. Royce died in 1933 at the age of seventy.
ªª III–IV levels — Make a composition about advantages and disad-
vantages with one of the types of ownership.

IV. Sum Up

Урок 28
Рольові ігри та творча робота учнів.
Визначні підприємці та їх фірми
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання, усного мовлення.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson
ªª Checking on the home task
A composition about advantages and disadvantages with one of
the types of ownership
ªª Speak about types of ownership.
ªª Pair work — revision of a new vocabulary

ІІ. Main part

ªª Work in pairs or groups. Be prepared to give an oral report about
an interview with the owner of a  local business. Plan carefully
in advance for your interview. Ask the business owner questions
such as these.
1. Why did you choose to go into this particular kind of business?
2. What risks do you take in operating your own business?
3. What methods do you use to compete with similar businesses for
4. What training and experience should a  person have before at-
tempting to start his or her own business?
294 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

ªª Visit a local shopping center. Be able to explain to the class what

part of the business’s name led you to identify it as you did. If you
couldn’t, be ready to explain why.
ªª List the names of four or five other franchise businesses in your
area and describe the product or services provided by each.
ªª Sharing students’ ideas
ªª Reading
Useful Information, Business Plan
Setting up a successful business requires careful preparation and
planning but also involves a degree of risk-taking. There are a number
of questions that all entrepreneurs must ask themselves concerning
the products or services that they intend to sell, the competition that
they will face, the structure of the business itself and the sources of
finance that they will need to open their new venture. This means that
all of these parameters must be defined in a business plan: a document
that shows how the entrepreneur will organise his or her business, how
much he or she expects to sell and where the capital will come from.
Once this information has been put down on paper, the entrepreneur
can then choose an appropriate form for the company, register it with
the authorities and open for business.
ªª Read these extracts and decide which sections of checklist they
come from.
1. At first I will be concentrating on getting the business into profit.
But if I am successful I would then consider looking for other sites
in the city area and expanding the management team. Eventually
it might be possible to set up shop in different location around the
2. The Tea Set. Initially the business will be registered as a limited
company with ten shareholders.
3. In a street with pedestrian access only, which leads into the main
shopping area and market square into a town of 70,000 inhabit-
ants. The stop is also close to the station, which is used by several
thousand commuters daily. The surface area is 45 square meters
at a rent of 1000 euros per month.
4. Retail outlet selling a wide range of specialist teas and tea-related
giftware. Sales will be made direct to customers and also by mail
5. I plan to advertise on local radio and in the local press and free
press. This will be complemented by flyers distributed directly
through letterboxes to residents in the area.
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 28 295

6. I have already worked as an employee in two different companies,

where I  w involved in both marketing and customer service at
­junior management level.
7. It is not easy to give a  precise estimate but it would seem to be
essential to trade within the shopping area. The target consumer
is middle-aged and with comfortable income. There is no compe-
tition in the area as the concept for this type of shop is new and
comparable products are not currently available in other outlets.
8. Two full-time sales staff for the shop. One personal assistant to do
secretarial work and general office administration.
1. Details of the business
Name of business
Type of business (limited company, partnership etc.)
2. Personal details
Relevant work experience
3. Personnel
Number of people / job function
4. Product / service
5. Market
Describe your market. Who are your customers? Is your market
growing, static, or in decline? Who are the main competitors?
What are the advantages of your product or service over the com-
6. Marketing
What sort of marketing or advertising do you intend to do?
7. Premises / machinery / vehicles
Where do you intend to locate the business and why? What sort
and size of premises will you need? What machinery / vehicles do you
8. Objectives
What objectives do you have for the business?

ªª Work in small groups. You have decided to set up your own busi-
ness together and have approached the bank for advice. They have
asked you to prepare a business plan. Decide what type of business
you are going to set up, and then discuss each of the points listed
in the business plan. When you have finalized all details of your
business, prepare a written plan to give to the bank.
ªª Revision
296 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

III. Home Assignment

ªª II–III levels — Becoming an Entrepreneur, read and translate the
Becoming an Entrepreneur
There are a number of reasons people think about owning a busi-
ness of their own. Personal independence, unlimited profit potential,
the opportunity to work at something that they really love excites
people. The free enterprise system has always encouraged entrepre-
neurs  — people willing to invest time and money to turn ideas into
profits. People seeking to ‘make a million’ or to be their own boss have
been venturing out on their own in growing numbers. These entre-
preneurs are bringing new products and services, to the marketplace
and are helping to create new jobs. Here are just a few of the things
modern-day entrepreneurs have given us — the laser, optical scanner,
personal computer, turbojet engine, insulin, penicillin, FM radios,
zippers, ball-point pens, stencilled T-shirts, jogging shoes, and fast-
food restaurants.
So how do you become an entrepreneur? Many business leaders be-
gin their careers as entrepreneurs after four years of undergraduate
college training and even additional graduate school training. Others
become successful entrepreneurs without special training.
Entrepreneurial Programs. Many colleges now offer programs
that teach students how to start and operate a business. Basic informa-
tion is combined with hands-on experience and the advice of successful
business consultants. These programs help potential entrepreneurs
decide whether their own ideas are good and how to follow through
with them. With the high rate of business failure, this approach can
prevent personal financial losses.
On-the-Job training. A  common way to learn about a  business,
and the opportunities for starting one similar to it, is to learn while
working for some­one else. This pattern was used by several of the en-
trepreneurs mentioned earlier. It provides a source of steady income
to people while they are plan­ning to start their own business. About
50  percent of entrepreneurs start their businesses in industries in
which they have some experience.
The family. Evidence shows that people who come from families
whose members were in business themselves are more likely to start
their own companies. Apparently it doesn’t matter whether the busi-
ness was a success or not. Relatives operating a business and enjoying
the fruits of their labour present a ‘model’ for a possible career.
Not all entrepreneurial ventures succeed, of course. History shows
that 40 percent of new businesses fail within four — five years. Small
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 29 297

businesses face more problems. Bad economic times affect them more
than they do big businesses. In addition, small business profits tend to
fall faster, and small businesses are more likely to fail. The larger the
firm, the better the chance it has of surviving. A firm with 21–50 em-
ployees has a  54  % chance of surviving four years. A  firm of under
20  employees has a  37  % chance of surviving four years. However,
those that do succeed supply us with many new products and servic-
es. Many economists predict that improving economic conditions will
sweep Ukraine into the prosperous future as a ‘new country’ with new
jobs and opportunities. A great many entrepreneurs will help us to get
ªª IV level — Be ready to speak about your business plan.

IV. Sum Up

Урок 29
Основи ділового листування. Контракти
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички ділового листування (повторен-
ня матеріалу за темою «Листи про платежі, Листи-нагадування»);
вдосконалення навичок читання, письмового та усного перекладу.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Business Correspondence
ªª Checking on the home task
Speak about your business plan.

ІІ. Main part

ªª Contract, write out the terns and try to understand them.
A contract forms the basis of a  transaction between the Buyers
and the Sellers, A Contract is an agreement made by two or more per-
sons that is enforceable by law, It consists of voluntary promises to do
or not to do certain things. When people make a contract, their prom-
ises become legal obligations.
Contracts have traditionally been classified as bilateral or
unilateral, depending on whether one or both of the parties has made
a promise. In unilateral contracts, only one party makes a promise.
298 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

A valid contract is one that meets all of the legal requirements for
a contract. Valid contracts are, therefore, enforceable in court.
An unenforceable contract is one that meets the basic legal re-
quirements for a contract but may not be enforceable due to some other
legal rule.
Voidable contracts are those in which one or more of the parties
have the legal right to cancel their obligations under the contract. They
are enforceable against both parties unless a party with the power to
void the contract has exercised that power.
Void contracts are agreements that create no legal obligations be-
cause they fail to contain one or more of the basic elements required
for enforceability. A void contract is a contradiction in terms. It would
be more accurate to say that no contract was created in such cases.
In an express contract, the parties have directly started the terms
of their contract orally or in writing at the time the contract was
formed. When the surrounding facts and circumstances indicate that
an agreement has in fact been reached, an implied contract (also called
a contract implied in fact) has been created.
A contract is executed when all of the parties have fully performed
their contractual duties, and it is executor until such duties have been
fully performed.
As a  rule the contract contains a  number of clauses such as:
Subject of contract; Price; Terms of payment; Delivery; Inspection
and test; Guarantee; Packing and marking; Arbitration; Transport;
Insurance; Other conditions.
The procedure of contract signing maybe rather prolonged be-
cause it is often necessary to get signatures of contracting parties,
rights proprietors, government bodies, giving allowance for a deal or
agreement. That’s why you need to be ready to have a long-term cor-

Sample Contract.
Contract №
<Town, country> <Date of signing>
<Name of the firm>, <town, country>, hereafter referred to as
‘the Seller’, on the one part, and <name of the firm>, <town, coun-
try>, hereinafter referred to as ‘the Buyer’ on the other part, have
concluded the present Contract whereby it is agreed as follows:
1. Subject of the Contract
1.1. The Seller has sold and the Buyer has bought the machinery,
equipment, materials, and services equipment’) as listed in
Appendix 1 being an integral part of this Contract.
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 29 299

2. Prices and Total Value of the Contract

2.1. The Total Contract Value is as follows:
Equipment and engineering FOB <…> port + documentation
Supervision, start-up and training
Spare and wear parts
Total price CIF <…>
Total Contract Value
2.2. The prices are understood to be CIF <…> including cost of
packing, marking, loading on board a ship, stowing and fas-
tening the equipment in the hold, and the cost of the materi-
als used for this purpose.
2.3. The prices are firm for the duration of the Contract and shall
not be subject to any revision except on account of any mutu-
ally agreed changes or modifications to equipment specifica-
tion and / or quantities listed in Appendix 1 to this Contract.
3. Time of Delivery
3.1. The equipment specified in Appendix 1 of the present Cont­
ract is to be delivered within two (2) months from the date of
opening the Letter of Credit specified in Clause 4.1. of this
3.2. The delivery date is understood to be the date of the clean
Bill of Lading issued in, the name of the Buyer, destination
4. Terms of Payment
4.1. Within thirty (30) days from the date of signing this Con-
tract, the Buyer is to open in favour of the Seller an irrevo-
cable confirmed Letter of Credit with CityBank, London, for
hundred per cent (100  %) of the total contract value. The
Letter of Credit is to be valid for three (3) months.
4.2. Payment from this Letter of Credit at the rate of hundred per
cent (100 %) of the total contract value is to be effected in GB
pounds against the following shipping documents:
4.2.1. Original Bill of Lading issued in the name of the
Buyer, destination Odessa, Ukraine.
4.2.1.  Shipping Specification.
4.2.2.  Certificate of-Quality.
4.2.3.  Certificate of Origin.
4.2.4.  Packing List.
4.2.5.  Insurance Policy.
300 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

5. Technical Documentation
5.1. Within five (5) days from the delivery date the Seller shall
send two (2) sets of the technical documents as listed in Ap-
pendix 2 to the address of the Buyer.
5.2. All instructions on the drawings are to be in English, with all
the instructions contained in Items 1,2,3, and 4 of Appendix
2 translated into Ukrainian.
6. Guarantee of the Quality of the Equipment.
6.1. The guarantee period is twelve (12) months from the date of
the start-up of the equipment, that is reflected in an appro-
priate Act signed by the representatives of the Parties to the
present Contract, but not more than eighteen (18) months
from the date of delivery of the equipment.
6.2. If the equipment proves to be defective or faulty during the
guarantee period, the Seller has at its expense at the choice
of both Parties either to remedy the defects or to replace the
faulty equipment with new equipment of good quality which
is to be delivered without delay to the port of delivery.
7. Packing
7.1. The equipment is to be shipped in export sea packing suit-
able for the type of equipment delivered. Packing should also
be suitable for transshipment in transit and reasonable long
storage of the equipment.
7.2. Each container is not to exceed the following dimensions:
length 2,500 mm, width = 2,500 mm, height = 2,500 mm.
7.3. The Seller is responsible to the Buyer for any damage to the
equipment resulting from inadequate packing of the equip-
8. Marking
8.1. All the containers are to be marked on three (3) sides. Each
container should bear the following markings made in inde­
lible paint (in Ukrainian and English):
Contract No.
Seller: <name of the firm>, (Address) Buyer: <name of the
firm>, (Address) Railway Station of Destination: <town /
city> Container No.:
Gross weight: kg
Net weight: kg
Case dimensions in cm (length x width x height)
8.2. If a case requires special handling it should bear additional
marks: “Fragile”, “Top” or “This side up”, etc.
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 29 301

9. Shipping Instructions and Notifications

9.1. Within twenty-four (24) hours after shipment, the Seller is to
inform the Buyer by fax regarding the date of shipment, the
Bill of Lading number, number of containers, their weight,
the vessel name.
10. Insurance
10.1. The Seller is to take care of and cover expenses for insur-
ance of the equipment under the Contract from the moment
of its dispatch up to the moment of its arrival at the port of
11. Sanctions
11.1.  In the event of delay in delivery of the equipment the Seller
is to pay the Buyer penalty at the rate of 1.0 % of the total
contract value for every week of delay. However, the total
amount of penalty for delay in delivery is not to exceed 10 %
of the total contract value.
11.2.  While calculating penalty for delay, the amount of days
comprising over half of a  calendar week is considered to be
a full week.
12. Force Majeure
12.1. The Parties are released from their responsibility for par-
tial or complete non-execution of their liabilities under the
Contract should this non-execution be caused by the force ma-
jeure circumstances including, but not limited to: fire, flood,
earthquake, and if these circumstances have had a  direct
damaging effect on the execution of the present Contract.
12.2. The Party which is unable to fulfill its obligations under
this Contract is to inform the other Party within ten (10) days
from the beginning of force majeure circumstances.
13. Arbitration
13.1. The Seller and the Buyer will take all possible measures to
settle amicably any disputes or differences which may arise
out of the present Contract or in connection with it.
13.2.  If the Parties do not come to an agreement, all the disputes
and , differences are to be submitted for Arbitration in Stock-
holm, Sweden, in accordance with the rules and regulations
of the Chamber of Commerce in Stockholm and applying the
substantive laws of Sweden.
14. Other Terms
14.1. The Seller upon written consent of the Buyer shall be permit-
ted to substitute equipment of comparable quality and con-
forming to the technical requirements for any item of equip-
ment that may not be available for one reason or another.
302 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

14.2. Any changes, amendments or supplements to the terms and

conditions of this Contract shall be valid only if set forth in
a  written document duly signed by authorized representa-
tives of both Parties to the present Contract.
14.3. After the Contract has been signed all the preliminary
agreements, discussions and correspondence between the
Parties concerning this Contract are to be considered null
and void if conflicting with this Contract.
14.4. The Contract becomes effective and comes into full force
from the date of signing.
15. Legal Addresses of the Parties
<name of the firm>, <address> <name of the firm>, <address>
for and on behalf of the Seller for and on behalf of the Buyer
Signature Signature
ªª Translate the sample contract using your dictionary.
ªª Translate the following sentences into English using the words
and phrases from ‘Business Correspondence’ section orally.
Предмет контракту і загальна сума контракту; бути невід’єм­
ною частиною контракту; супровід і  пуск обладнання; запас-
ні частини обладнання; товари, що постачаються згідно з цим
­контрактом; ціна залишається незмінною протягом всього терміну
дії контракту; місце призначення вказане в коносаменті; відправ-
ник вантажу і  одержувач; товари повинні бути відправлені (to be
shipped) з порту першим судном (by the first vessel available); тер-
мін доставки і  дата доставки; товари повинні бути доставленими
протягом шести місяців з моменту оплати; непереборні обставини;
контракт стає дійсним з моменту його підписання; доставка відбу-
вається на умовах CIF Одеса; Продавець гарантує, що обладнання,
яке буде доставлено, відповідає вимогам (to meet the requirements)
додатку 5; нести відповідальність перед Покупцем; оплата відбува-
ється при пред’явленні наступних документів відвантажування;
виконувати контрактні зобов’язання; всі суперечки і розбіжності,
що виникають при виконанні даного контракту.
ªª Revision

III. Home Assignment

ªª II–III levels  — Translate the following sentences into English
­using the words and phrases from ‘Business Correspondence’ sec-
tion in a written form.
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 29 303

1. We have meantime prepared the agreement for the above item and
mailed it for signature to the rights proprietors.
Тим часом ми підготували угоду про вищезгадане і надіслали
її на підпис правовласникам.
2. I am enclosing now a draft contract with your firm in regard to
<…>. If this contract is satisfactory, I would appreciate a prompt
return of a signed copy for our records.
Додаю проект угоди з  Вашою фірмою стосовно <…>. Якщо
угода задовольняє Вас, буду вдячний за швидке повернення
підписаного Вами екземпляру.
3. Enclosed you will find four copies of the contract for the sale of
<…>. Please return the top copy to us after countersignature to-
gether with the advance payment, so that the contract becomes
Додається чотири екземпляри угоди на продаж <…>. Просимо
повернути нам перший екземпляр після підписання, а також
перерахувати аванс, щоб угода набула чинності.
4. We are pleased to enclose copies of our contract for the above-
mentioned work. If everything is in order, please sign and return
one copy along with the 25 % advance due on signature to my per-
sonal attention by <date>. We look forward to receiving a coun-
ter-signed copy of our agreement.
Із задоволенням додаємо екземпляри нашої угоди на вище­
згадану роботу. Якщо все гаразд, чи не могли б Ви підписати
її і повернути нам один екземпляр разом із виплатою авансу
25 % після підписання під мій особистий контроль до <дата>.
Чекаємо підписаний Вами екземпляр.

Many companies have their own forms of licensed agreements,

and it would be an arguing point as to which form to use (it is not of
great importance, but if you and your partner have a conflict, it will
be considered by the court of the country, which forms were used in
contract signing).
1. We would prefer to use our own contracts which are in accordance
with those that have recently been agreed between our countries.
Ми надаємо перевагу використанню наших власних форм
контрактів, що відповідають тим, які були нещодавно узго­
джені нашими країнами.
2. As a licensing company we will have contracts drawn up here and
sent to you in the format usually agreed with foreign customers.
Як компанія із ліцензійними правами, ми підготуємо контр­
акт тут і  надішлемо його Вам у  формі, узгодженій із закор­
донними клієнтами.
304 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

3. Would it be simpler if we sent you one of our Sale Contracts, in-

corporated with the agreed sum?
Чи не було б простіше, якби ми надіслали Вам один зі своїх конт­
рактів на продаж, заповнений відповідно до узгодженої суми?
4. Please send us the appropriate forms of contract.
Надішліть нам, будь ласка, відповідні форми контракту.
If your partner has forgotten to send you a  signed copy of the
c­ ontract you have to remind him about it. You also have to inform your
partner after you have received a signed copy of the contract.
1. I would like to remind you that we have not yet received the
contract for the sale of <…> on the terms agreed.
Нагадую Вам, що ми ще не отримали контракт на продаж
<…> на погоджених умовах.
2. I am writing to inform you that we have still not received the
counter-signed copy of our agreement with you nor the advance
payment due. I am afraid until the advance is received and counter-
signed copy is in our possession we can not consider the contract
valid. I must ask you to look into this matter as soon as possible.
Пишу, щоб звернути Вашу увагу на той факт, що ми не отри­
мали ще ні екземпляру угоди з Вами, ні належного нам авансу.
Доки ми не отримаємо аванс і  не матимемо підписаного ек­
земпляру угоди, ми не можемо вважати її діючою. Прошу Вас
розглянути цю справу якомога швидше.
3. I am writing to confirm that we have now received (We were
pleased to receive) our copy of the duly signed contract for <…>.
Пишу, щоб підтвердити, що ми вже отримали (Ми із задово­
ленням отримали) наш екземпляр належно підписаної угоди
на <…>.

Since the moment that the agreement comes into force and you
should congratulate your partners or just exchange warm greetings.
1. I am delighted that we have reached agreement over this and I hope
very much that we will be able to fulfill other projects together.
Мені приємно, що ми досягли згоди у  цій справі і  дуже спо­
діваюсь, що ми зможемо здійснити разом інші проекти.
2. I am glad that we are now in a position to continue our working
Я  задоволений тим, що ми маємо можливість продовжити
наші добрі взаємини і співпрацю.
3. This would be the most effective way to continue the collaboration
and cooperation between our firms.
Це буде найефективніший спосіб продовжити і  зміцнити
взає­модію і співпрацю між нашими фірмами.
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 30 305

ªª IV level — translate the following part of a contract into Ukrain-

ian. Answer the questions.
The Seller will take care of, and bear all the expenses connected
with, obtaining the necessary licence for exporting the goods under
the present Contract from the Port of Origin to Ukraine.
Not later than a  month from the effective date of the Contract,
the Seller is to advise the Buyer if the export licence has been granted
or is not required.
If the Seller is unable to obtain the export licence and the Buyer is un-
able to obtain the import licence within the time stipulated above, or the
export / import licence is revoked by the appropriate authorities of the
Seller’s / Buyer’s country before the deliveries are completed, the Seller /
Buyer will have the right to cancel the Contract wholly or partially.
1. Who is supposed to obtain the export / import licence?
2. What right will the parties exercise if the appropriate authorities
revoke the import / export licence?

IV. Sum Up

Урок 30
Практикум з граматики. Узагальнення
та систематизація вивченого граматичного матеріалу
Цілі: вдосконалювати мовні навички (Узагальнення та систе-
матизація вивченого граматичного матеріалу. Наказові речення.
Безособові речення).

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson
ªª Checking on the home task
1. Word Dictation. Translate the following sentences into English
using the words and phrases from ‘Business Correspondence’ sec-
tion in a written form (взаємоперевірка).
2. Translate the following part of a contract into Ukrainian. Answer
the questions.
ІІ. Main part
Grammar Practice
ªª Asking questions. Ask B’s questions and complete A’s replies in
the following dialogues.
306 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

• I variant — 1–3
• II variant — 4–6 (взаємоперевірка)
1. A. Carol phoned while you were out.
B. What / want / talk about ?
___________________________________________________ ?
A. …a problem she’s having.
2. A. I left my job yesterday.
B. Why / decide / do that?
___________________________________________________ ?
A. … because it was boring.
3. A. My mother didn‘t know that we were going to the theatre last
B. forget / tell her?
___________________________________________________ ?
A. I told her last week that we were going out, but I say exactly
4. A. I’m going to bed early because I  have a  plane to catch to­
B. What time (want) to leave the house?
___________________________________________________ ?
A. … as early as possible.
5. A. That book you lent me was great!
B. When (finish) read / it ?
___________________________________________________ ?
A. … last night.
6. A. I don’t want to go out tonight.
B. What / would like / do?
___________________________________________________ ?
A. … stay at home and have early sleep.

ªª Making sentences about you. Write nine sentences about you and
your family. (Three comparatives, three superlatives, and three
with as … as.)
Examples: I’m more hard-working than my sister. My grand­
father is the oldest. I’m not as patient as my mother.
ªª Complete each sentence using the verb in brackets.
1. We’re not the market leader, but I wish we were (be).
2. He made a  mess of all my photocopying. I  wish I … (do) it my-
3. I pressed the wrong key on the computer. If only I … (not do) it.
4. I can’t understand anything Marie says. I  wish I … (speak)
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 30 307

5. Your dessert looks good. I wish I … (order) that too.

6. They’re meeting at the moment. I wish I … (be) a fly on the wall.
7. This information is important. I  wish you … (give) it to me be-
8. Look! There’s a sale at Harrods. If only I … (have) my Visa card
with me.

ªª Extra task for stronger students: try to explain why.

ªª Give advice to the following people. Use I think … should or I don’t

think … should.
I’ve lost my cheque book and credit cards.
Keith wants to drive home, but he hasn’t got his glasses.
Ann’s phone bill was enormous! Three hundred pounds!
My shoes have got a hole in them. I only bought them last week!
Jenny and Tom are only sixteen, but they say they want to get
My children spend all their pocket money on sweets.
Kate’s crying because I  knocked her over. We were playing
a game.

ªª Nouns, pronouns and articles. Cross out the mistakes in each line
and write the correction at the end.
• I variant — 1–6
• II variant — 7–12 (взаємоперевірка)
1. I spent a time talking to Jack, and then I went home. some time
2. Karl’s sister is doctor. .............
3. Is this umbrella your or mine? .............
4. They say that the wine is good for you in small amounts..............
5. Write down the reference number all the time you sell something
6. Can you give me an advice? .............
7. I’m sorry, we have two lifts but either one is in service..............
8. I need some information about accommodation in London.............
9. We tried to get the machine working again but no one of us could
do it. .............
10. Walking will take too long — let’s go with the taxi. .............
11. Sorry I’m late, the traffic were very busy. .............
12. Our marketing director is excellent; she has so much good ideas.
ªª Revision
308 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

III. Home Assignment

ªª Verb tenses: future. Decide if uses (a–h) are usually associated
with will, going to, the present continuous (I’m doing), the future
continuous (I’ll be doing) or the future perfect (I’ll have done).
a) future facts will
b) fixed future arrangements
c) instant decisions
d) future plans and intentions
e) predictions with present evidence
f) general opinions about the future
g) looking back from the future
h) activities in progress in the future
ªª Match sentences 1–8 below with uses (a–h).
1. We’re going to launch the new model at the Bologna Show, (d)
2. Sorry about this confusion. I’ll look into it right away and I’ll call
you back
3. I’m meeting my bank manager on Thursday. We’re having lunch
4. I think we’ll probably make a small loss this year
5. Next year will be the tenth anniversary of our company
6. During my presentation I’ll be describing the key benefits of our
new service
7. Judging by these figures, we’re going to make a  small loss this
8. It’s not a difficult job. We’ll have finished by lunchtime

IV. Sum Up

Урок 31
Практикум з граматики
Цілі: вдосконалювати мовні навички (узагальнення та систе-
матизація вивченого граматичного матеріалу).

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson
ªª Checking on the home task
1. Verb tenses: future. Match sentences with uses.
2. Pair work — revision of the vocabulary.
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 31 309

ІІ. Main part

Grammar Practice
1. Reported speech. Complete each question in direct speech, ending
as shown.
• I variant — 2–5
• II variant — 6–9 (взаємоперевірка).
1. Jack asked me whether I was going out for lunch. Are you going
out for lunch? Jack asked me.
2. Carol asked Ann what she had done the day before. … , Ann? asked
3. John asked us if we often went to Germany for meetings. … ? John
asked us.
4. Kate asked me how many interviews I’d done that day. … ? Kate
asked me.
5. George asked Sue if she was going to change jobs. … , Sue? asked
6. The technician asked me if I would be there the next day. … .? the
technician asked me.
7. Mary asked me where our new offices were. … ? Mary asked me.
8. He asked me if I‘d seen Bill recently. … ? he asked me.
9. He asked me if I’d be seeing Bill at the conference. … ? he asked me.
ªª Complete the sentences with make, do or have. You may have to
change the form.
1. What are you doing at the weekend?
2. I’m serious doubts about the whole thing.
3. OK , shall we … a start?
4. Could you … me a favour?
5. Can I  … a suggestion? Why don’t we … a meeting to discuss?
6. I think we need to … more tests before we … a final decision.
ªª Revision
Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate conditional form,
using the information given.
ªª Extra task for stronger students: try to explain why.

III. Home Assignment

ªª II level — Match these parts to make conditional sentences.
1. Dan might help you… a) …if they are enjoying themselves
2. You are sure to be late… b) …if I can remember her phone
3. You’ll enjoy the Jacques c) …if you miss the bus
Tati film…
310 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

4. They always stay out d) …if you don’t want to

5. They’ll understand it all e) …if you phone while I’m out
6. I’ll give her a call… f) …if you explain it to them
7. Bill will take a message… g) …if I have the time
8. I’ll do the shopping… h) …if you don’t have a ticket
9. You can’t get in… i) …if you can understand French
10. You needn’t come to the j) …if you ask him

ªª III level — Complete these sentences by putting the verb in bra­

ckets in the right tense.
1. If you ask Liz, she will tell you what to do. (Ask)
2. He’s going to visit some friends in Athens if he … time. (Have)
3. You shouldn’t interrupt them if they … . (Work)
4. Maria will get you some money if she … to the bank. (Go)
5. I’ll have a word with Jack if he … at home. (Be)
ªª IV level — Match these parts to make conditional sentences.
1. If I had their address… a) …it would cost over Ј650
2. If you saw her now… b) …you might earn a bit more money
3. If I took more exercise… c) …I could probably stay with Mehmet
4. If you got a new job… d) …she must have been out at work
5. If you asked Heather… e) …she would give you a certificate
6. If I travelled first class… f) …she would probably give you a lift

IV. Sum Up

Урок 32
Робота з текстом для читання. Фразовий диктант
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання.

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson. Reading
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 32 311

ªª Checking on the home task

1. Match these parts to make conditional sentences.
2. Complete these sentences by putting the verb in brackets in the
right tense.
3. Match these parts to make conditional sentences.

ІІ. Main part

Vocabulary Practice
ªª Checking on the theme phrases on the separate sheets of paper
ªª Pre-reading task
What do you know about Mary Kay?
ªª While-reading task
Make a list of advice from Mary Key. What you think the secret
of her success is.
Fall forward to success. “Many times I have told the people in our
organization, ‘If we ever decide to compare knees, you’re going find
that I  have more scars than anyone else in the room. That’s because
I have fallen down and gotten up so many times in my life”.’
To get something, give up something else. To attend college,
conduct sales and raise three kids alone, Mary Kay sacrificed a social
life — and sleep. “Each goal had a price, and my spirit of competition
always helped me feel that the price was worth it”.
Keep your goals in front of you. During her sales career, Mary
Kay would write weekly goals in soap on the bathroom mirror or stick
written goals on her car’s sun visor. The more she saw the goal the
more it embedded in her mind. “Then everything I did was naturally
geared toward helping me reach those goals”.
Get a railroad track on which to run.
At her first sales job, Mary Kay  — divorced, broke and mother
of three — sat in the back of a packed conference room and watched
as the company’s top salesperson was named Queen of Sales. “With
every fiber of my being”, she recalls, “I wanted to be standing in that
spotlight”. By the end of that year, she was  — by closely observing
the Queen’s sales techniques and emulating exactly what she did. “Her
312 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

presentation became my railroad track to success, until I could work

out my own”.
Thrill others. “One of the most important steps I  ever took was
when I  began imagining that every single person I  met had a  sign
around his or her neck that said, ‘Make Me Feel Important”.’
Put on a happy face. Taught early by her mother (“The greatest
possibilities thinker I  ever met”), Mary Kay carries zero complaints
and negativity. (Likewise, the late Sue Z. Vickere, a former Independ-
ent National Sales Director, used to blow a gold whistle every time she
heard a negative remark
from a Consultant.) Says Mary Kay: “Every successful entrepre-
neur I’ve ever met has been an incurable optimist”.
Have something at the end of the rainbow. “Nothing wilts faster
than a laurel rested upon”, says Mary Kay. “Happiness is having some-
thing to look forward to”.
1. Each night, write down the six most important things you have to
do the next day. In the morning, do the first thing — don’t pro-
crastinate — cross it off the list, and do the next thing. The list
forces you to decide what’s important and to get it done now.
2. Keep a clean desk. Handle paper only once by filing or acting im-
mediately. “Inefficient managers spend more time worrying about
something than it would take to actually accomplish the task”.
3. Join the Five O’clock Club. That’s a.m., not p.m.! Getting up early
lets you accomplish work goals without distractions or interrup-
4. Assign a work schedule and don’t cheat. Time management means
the difference between success and failure. Limit coffee breaks;
give time limits to tasks. “I often tell our Consultants and Sales
Directors, “You are the only boss you have, and I want you to be
the most demanding boss you can be”.’ Delegate. As the Mary Kay
saying goes, “Stop spending dollar time on penny jobs!”
(http: // www. marykay. com)
ªª Post-reading task. Make up a plan to retell the text When Dreams
Come True.
Over the years, there have been many successful business leaders.
But none has had as unique a story as the legendary Mary Kay Ash,
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 32 313

founder of Mary Kay Inc. Famously ebullient and personally warm,

she was not only a role model, but an inspiration to her Mary Kay inde-
pendent sales force. Wit Over the years, there have been many success-
ful business leaders. But none has had as unique a story as the legen-
dary Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay Inc. Famously ebullient and
warm hugs and words of wisdom, Mary Kay represented a role model
and a source of encouragement to the women who sell Mary Kay prod-
ucts. She left an indelible mark on American business and on opportu-
nities open to women.
Indeed, the Company’s mission statement begins with the words,
‘Mary Kay’s mission is to enrich women’s lives.’
Even as a young girl, the future author of three bestsellers was
already building a  foundation for belief in her. Growing up in Hot
Wells, Texas, Mary Kathlyn Wagner, at the age of six, cared for a se-
riously ill father while her mother worked 14 hours a day in a Houston
restaurant. Mary Kay cooked, cleaned, brought home straight-A re-
port cards, took trophies in typing and debate, and outsold every other
student at Girl Scout cookies and school-event tickets. “My mother’s
words became the theme of my childhood”, she said. “They have stayed
with me all my life: ‘You can do it’ ”.
As a mother with three children to support on her own, Mary Kay
sold part-time while studying to be a doctor — until an aptitude test
showed her selling ability outranked her science ability. After decid-
ing to tackle sales full-force at Stanley Home Products, she began her
success story starting with weekly sales goals written in soap on her
bathroom mirror. By scheduling three home-demonstration appoint-
ments a day, Mary Kay won so many sales awards she had to cram them
in a box in her closet.
She broke even more sales records at World Gift, where she became
national sales director. But once she was asked to train a mail trainee
all the ins and outs of their job, who was eventually promoted ahead of
her, and at twice her salary. Mary Kay said she had had enough. After
25 years in corporate sales, she retired.
Retirement, in 1963, lasted all of a  month. “To me, work and
growth was the same thing”, she said. Within a week, she started writ-
ing a how-to career book for women. The book then turned into a de-
scription of her own ‘dream company’.
“Before long”, Mary Kay said, “I began asking myself, “Why
are you theorizing about a dream company? Why don’t you just start
one?” After buying a formulation for a skin-care cream, Mary Kay en-
listed her husband to handle operations and began recruiting friends
to be beauty consultants for the venture she called “Beauty by Mary
314 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

The launch almost didn’t happen. Mary Kay’s husband died just
a  month before the scheduled opening. But, strengthened by the en-
couragement of her two sons and daughter, Mary Kay formally
launched her Company on Friday, September 13, 1963. She wrote,
“I knew I would never have a second chance to put my dream into ac-
Based on the principle, ‘The more you give, the more you receive’,
the Company ended the year with a profit. In its first 12 months, it
made $198,000. Saying that her idea of P&L is “people and love”
rather than “profit and loss”, Mary Kay nevertheless powered a cor-
porate colossus. Since 1963, Mary Kay Inc. has grown from 9 original
sales force members to an independent sales force numbering over
950,000. Mary Kay does business in 33  markets on five continents
and nearly $1.6  billion in wholesale sales worldwide. Within five
years, the cosmetics powerhouse went public, then became private
again in 1985.
Mary Kay Inc. today remains one of the largest privately held
firms in the country. It also consistently ranks among the best-selling
brands of facial skin care and color cosmetics in the United States.
Mary Kay was one of the few females who receive Horatio Alger Award.
Lifetime Television Network named Mary Kay ‘Businesswoman of the
Despite her tremendous success in a highly competitive industry,
Mary Kay largely considered product sales not as an end in itself, but
as a means to an end. The true aim of Mary Kay Inc. continues to be
enriching women’s lives — through recognition, motivation, and sup-
port and, of course, income opportunities. For nearly four decades,
Mary Kay Inc. has been considered one of the finest business oppor-
tunities for women, with more than 200 of its independent sales force
members earning career commissions in excess of $1 million.
Mary Kay herself, moreover, has continued to share her Com-
pany’s good fortune. In 1996 she created The Mary Kay Ash Charita-
ble Foundation to contribute both to cancer research  — particularly
cancers affecting women — and to the prevention of violence against
Shortly before she passed away in November 22, 2001, Mary Kay
Ash bestowed the foundation with a gift of $1 million every year for
the next 15 years. Though her special light is no longer with us in per-
son, her torch continues to burn brightly through the countless lives
she touched and through the good works of the Foundation she started.
Mary Kay once wrote, “Years ago I worried about what might happen
to the Company if I were no longer involved. But now I know my legacy
is assured. Its lifeblood is the philosophy of sharing and giving that
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 33 315

many thousands of women have made a part of their lives. As such, my

legacy will always live on”.
Throughout her life, “the extraordinary thing”, says President
and CEO Richard Rogers, son and co-founder, “was the way Mary Kay
caused people to believe in themselves”. Rubye Lee-Mills, Independent
Executive National Sales Director Emeritus, adds “I don’t think there
will ever be another woman who believes in women the way Mary Kay
did”. All of which Mary Kay traced back to her mother, “the best possi-
bilities thinker I ever knew”. Years ago, Mary Kay’s mother would call
her daughter from work, often signing off with, “You can do it, Mary
Kay”. Today, her company and philanthropy still live by that message.
“If you think you can”, go the Mary Kay philosophy, “you can. And if
you think you can’t, you’re right”.
• ebullient — lively and enthusiastic: full of cheerful excitement or
• indelible  — permanent: impossible to remove and therefore re-
maining forever
• an aptitude — potential to acquire skill: a natural talent or ability
for something, especially one that is not yet fully developed
• to cram  — force into something: to force people or objects into
a space or container that is too small to hold them comfortably
• trainee — somebody undergoing training: somebody who is being
trained to do a job
• the ins and outs — the details and aspects of an activity or a pro-
• to enlist  — gain support: to gain the cooperation or support of
somebody or something, or become actively involved in an effort
• to pass away — to die, to come to an end or no longer exist
• legacy — bequest made in will: money or property that is left to
somebody in a will
ªª Revision

III. Home Assignment

Retell the text.

IV. Sum Up

Урок 33
Семестрова контрольна робота
Цілі: оцінити рівень мовних та мовленнєвих навичок в межах
вивчених за семестр тем; розвивати творчий потенціал учнів; ви-
ховувати самостійність та активність.
316 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

І. Introduction
Warming Up
ªª Theme and aims of the lesson
Test introduction
II. Main part
Terminal test
I variant
ªª Nouns, pronouns and articles. Cross out the mistakes in each line
and write the correction at the end.
1. We’re a leading player in either the film and music industries.
2. There are enough free samples for one every.
3. Alison keeps talking about that idea of her’s.
4. Could you give me an information, please?
5. Can you speak up? I can’t hear nothing.
6. We looked at two sites but either of them were too small.
7. At the end of my presentation, there was none single question.
8. Please come back tomorrow. There isn’t no one to see you today…
9. Please put the manual back in it’s proper place when you finish.
10. He’s only got the job because he’s the boss son.
ªª Complete the sentences with make, do or have. You may have to
change the form.
1. I’m … my best but I really can’t … sense of these figures. I’m …
a lot of trouble seeing what they all refer to.
2. The menu looks really good. I’m going to … French onion soup as
a starter, and then the steak with bearnaise sauce. But I think I’ll
… without dessert. I’m … a bit of an effort to lose weight.
3. It … me really mad when people can’t … their jobs properly I’m …
difficulty in … any plans when the situation is so confusing.
ªª Grammar revision. Choose the best answer to fill the gap in each
of these sentences.
1. I remember asking him on the phone last November …
a) that the goods arrived on time.
b) when the goods will arrive.
c) if the goods would arrive on time.
d) whether the goods arrived on time.
2. I can’t find my glasses … them anywhere in the office this morning?
a) Are you seeing
b) Saw you
c) Have you seen
d) Did you have
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 33 317

3. Their product … more imaginatively this season.

a) is being marketed
b) is marketing
c) is been marketed
d) is marketed
4. If we want to make a big impact, … consider a TV campaign.
a) we’ll have to
b) we better
c) we had to
d) we’ve got
5. A word processor is a typewriter.
a) more easier to use than
b) easier to use as
c) as easy to use as
d) not as easy to use than
6. If you … ice in warm water, it soon melts.
a) will place
b) would place
c) place
d) placed
7. The level of discount … the size of the order that is placed.
a) is depending of
b) depends of
c) is depending on
d) depends on
8. We are looking forward … you at next year’s conference.
a) to see
b) to seeing
c) seeing
d) that we will see
9. The warehouse entrance is … the main car park.
a) opposite to
b) opposite of
c) opposite from
d) opposite
ªª 4. Reading. Read the text and make 5 questions to it.
NAME: Andrew Culverhouse, 20.
COMPANY: Director oftime2talk.co.uk
TURNOVER: £900,000 plus
I’ve been running a  business since I  was 11, apart from a  break
for my GCSEs — although until I left school I was really earning only
318 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

pocket money. Time2talk is now one of the biggest online mobile phone
dealers, with a turnover of almost £1 million.
We pay ourselves a good wage and, because we’ve worked hard for
it, I like to enjoy the rewards. I’ve just splashed out £30,000 on a BMW
coupe with satellite navigation, and this year, when my girlfriend and
I went to Madeira, we flew first-class and stayed at The Savoy.
Running a business is something I’ve always wanted to do. I even
decided not to go on to university so that I could concentrate on build-
ing up time2talk. If I make lots of money early on, I can live an easy
life when I’m older.
My first business was a  stationery club at school, where my
friends and I managed to undercut the pricesof WH Smith in Barnet
High Street. We made Ј40 to Ј50 a week, which was brilliant at that
Neil Madhvani, my business partner, had the idea of selling mo-
bile phones on the internet. Because our business was conducted over
the internet, no one could see we were only 17. However, we did have to
meet suppliers and I can still remember the shocked look on our main
supplier’s face the first time he saw us. He was twice our age.

Ii variant
ªª Nouns, pronouns and articles. Cross out the mistakes in each line
and write the correction at the end.
A. How many people visited your stand this afternoon?
B. No at all.
1. Have you ever met the colleague of Jane?
2. There’s coffee and there’s tea. You can have both.
3. There is too few information to make a decision.
4. We have two payment options  — every one has different fea-
5. Have you seen the inflation predictions in the Ministrys report?
6. We haven’t got chairs enough for the meeting.
7. There are none spare parts in stock at the moment.
8. The news are on in a few minutes.
9. You’ll find all the statistics at the report’s end.

ªª Complete the sentences with make, do or have. You may have to

change the form.
1. Go on! … a go! It doesn’t matter if you … a mistake.
2. The help I  got from my employer … it possible for me to … an
3. The company … a lot of money last year, but this year we’re not …
so well. We might even have to … some people redundant.
11 клас. ІІ семестр. Тема 4. Урок 33 319

ªª Grammar revision. Choose the best answer to fill the gap in each
of these sentences.
1. He told us that he … for a new job.
a) thought he would apply
b) applied
c) is applying
d) had been applying
2. If the components … delivered earlier we might have been able to
start work on time.
a) might have been
b) were
c) would have been
d) had been
3. When … writing the report of the meeting?
a) have you finished
b) are you finishing
c) do you finish
d) will you have finished
4. Mr Brown … ten years.
a) has been head of this department for
b) is head of this department for
c) is head of this department since
d) has been head of this department since
5. The number of orders went up … we increased our prices by 15 %.
a) because
b) although
c) when
d) if
6. Mr Black is the … office you’ll be sharing this month.
a) man, whose
b) man, of whom the
c) man of whom the
d) man whose
7. These documents arrived on Thursday.
a) arrived they?
b) didn’t there?
c) didn’t they?
d) weren’t they?
8. … our new brochure, which should arrive next week.
a) I just have sent
b) I have just sent
c) just I have sent
d) I have sent just
320 Ділова англійська мова. Посібник для 10–11 класів

9. When the post … , I‘ll bring it into your office.

a) will arrive
b) arrives
c) is arriving
d) is going to arrive
ªª Reading. Read the text and make 5 questions to it.
NAME Jo Stonehouse,17.
COMPANY Director of NoMonthly.co.uk
TURNOVER £60,000
The first time I  picked up the phone at NoMonthly.co.uk, my
voice was trembling. I was 16 and the man on the phone was a lecturer
from York University. He asked me questions about operating systems
which I could barely answer. It was very nerve-wracking.
But we learned quickly and worked hard, and now we have
18,000 clients and a turnover of £60,000 a year.
Most of my earnings have gone back into the business. I recently
passed my driving test so I’ve bought a Land Rover Discovery as my
first car, but the rest of it will be used to support me at university.
I like the idea of building up a big business still in my 30s so that
I can enjoy life. But I refuse to let work interfere too much with my
social life. I’ve got a good group of friends and like going to parties,
pubs or to the theatre. I have a girlfriend and I recently treated her to
a holiday in Venice. It was during my GCSEs, in June 1999, that I had
the idea of providing internet space for businesses.
Fortunately, most of the work at No-Monthly can be delegated,
so I  have time to study. I  want to go to Cambridge to study modern
languages, so I’ll need top grades. However, it is frustrating not to
be able to concentrate totally on NoMonthly be­cause I know the busi-
ness could do better. We plan to launch internationally under a  new
name, Kualo.com. So far, we’ve negotiated franchises in 11 countries
in three continents.
Even if I retire early, I’ll definitely keep my business interests up.
Running a business feels like a challenge and a pastime, not work.

IV. Sum Up

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