Project: Pecoy: (Copper-Molybdenum)

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[Pecoy Cu-Mo Project]


COMPANY: Pembrook Mining Corp.


Prepared by: Julio Bedoya Castillo

Date: 30/03/2015

[Pecoy Cu-Mo Project]

1.1 The name of the Project and the Mineralization
Project Name:
PECOY SOCIEDAD MINERA S.A.C. (subsidiary of Pembrook Mining Corp. of Canada).
Deposit Type:
Cu-Mo Porphyry with Au and Ag content
As Economic Ore:
Malachite, Azurite and chalcocite as secondary copper; Chalcopyrite as primary
As gangue:
Magnetite, Pyrite and Quartz.
1.2 Location
The Pecoy Project is located approximately 595 kilometers Southeast of Lima city
and about 178 km Northeast of Arequipa. Politically, the area
belongs to the District of Yanaquihua, Province of Condesuyos
and Department of Arequipa, the second largest city in Peru.
The project area is characterized by arid lands, high
mountains, cold weather and fluctuating elevations between
the 1,400 masl, on the lowest West part of the concessions
and 2,600 masl, on the upper East part of the concessions.
Additionally the
distance from the
Project to Matarani
Port is 175 km.

[Pecoy Cu-Mo Project]

1.3 Owner

Company Name Percentage (%)

Pecoy Compañía Minera S.A.C (*)(**) 100

The property is 100% owned by Pecoy Compañia Minera S.A.C. of Peru. This
company is in turn owned by Pembrook Mining Corporation of Canada 80% and
Trafigura Peru S.A.C. the remaining 20%.
(*)Pecoy Compañía Minera S.A.C. is a subsidiary of Pembrook Mining Corp. from
(**) The equity distribution between Pecoy and Trafigura is 80/20 after Pecoy
completes 25,000 metres of drilling.
1.3 Mining rights

The property covers approximately 2,000 hectares and encompasses two concessions
which are centred in 72°59´45´´W and
15°39´13´´S. There are some new
concessions overlapping to Pecoy´s
properties but they were issued in February
11th, 1983 one month before those closest
surrounding properties. The mineralized
area is totally within the two concessions
and the principal gravel road to access the deposit is placed within the concessions.
The concessions would be summarized as follows in the Table:
Identificacion Right Name Ownership Area (Ha) Map Sheet Class of Mining Right Expiry Date
TOTAL 1998

1.5 Surface Right

Pecoy Compañia Minera S.A.C. has own Barreno 1 and Barreno 2 concessions and both lies
in the surficial Community of Comunidad Campesina de Arirahua.
Pecoy Compañia Minera S.A.C. has done a first stage of drilling program with the permits of
landowners and Peru´s Ministry of Mines.

[Pecoy Cu-Mo Project]

Rural Community Hectares Ownership

Arirahua 2000? Pecoy Compañia S.A.C.

At a date of Feb 6 th, 2014 there is a RD Nº0025-2014-MEM/DGM authorizing two phases of

Diamond Drilling Campaign.
1.6 Topography and Climate
The Property elevation ranges from 1400 masl to 2600 masl. The concessions are at
8 Km to the East of Hacienda Lamapampa.
The principal surficial land forms are
classified as Valleys and West Andean
This Andean Cordillera is the most
important topographic form and its
extension is the greatest area where is
located the Pecoy Project. The topography
of the area is extremely rugged, feature of the Peruvian Andes. Topographic relief is

strongly rugged with steep slopes greater than 70%. The valleys that drain into the
river Ocoña have extremely high slopes on the other side (25 ° to 45 °) but generate
torrents and avalanches of low magnitude due to the limited frequency and
intensity of rainfall.

[Pecoy Cu-Mo Project]

The principal valley in the area is Ocoña Valley with continuous flow of water during
all year. It starts on Northeast outside of the project zone and gets the Pacific Ocean
with an approximately 200 Km. In the place of Hacienda Lamapampa, a secondary
valley with seasonal stream let access to Pecoy Project with 8 km of gravel road to
the East. In general Ocoña Valley is a V-shaped valley with steep and unstable
slopes generally cut by steep ravines.
the vegetation is tundra and grassland and consists of various cacti and suni desert
shrubs and grasses. Pecoy Project lies to the east of the coastal plain.
The climate in the project area is temperate and relatively humid, with low rainfall,
from January to March moderate rainfall occurs. In the other months of the year
the presence of solar activity is noticed. To obtain the meteorological behavior in
the project area, meteorological data Chichas Station, from the National Service of
Meteorology and Hydrology (SENAMHI), which is categorized as Ordinary Weather
Station was considered, it is placed in 15º32´41´´E; 72º54´59.7´´ N; 2,120 masl.
The minimum monthly average temperature in the winter months can reach 5.0 ° C
(2014) and the maximum monthly average temperature in the summer months can
reach 26.0 ° C (2014).
The average monthly relative humidity in the winter months can reach 27.7% and in
the summer months to 78.9%.
The annual rainfall in the Ordinary Weather Station of Yanaquihua for a period of 10
years (1998 to 2007), is 158.4 mm.
The average wind speed varies from 2.3 to 9.0 m/s and the predominant direction is
SW and W measured in the Ordinary Weather Station of Chichas.
Related to hydrography, the study area belongs to the Pacific slope, with the Rio
Ocoña as principal drainage basin. It is necessary to note that in the area of direct
and indirect influence of the project, no surface water body is there. However you
can see dry gullies and ravines.
The vegetation is tundra and grasslands and consists of various cacti and semidesert
shrubs and grasses.


2.1 Project History

[Pecoy Cu-Mo Project]


There is a long history of mining within the region, the closest operative mines are
Arirahua, Natividad 1 and Natividad 2, located 4 -10 km to the East of Pecoy
Project. To the West of Ocoña River there are mines as Albertha, Palmaderas, Cruz
Pata, Marcahui, Alberto 1 and Colpar. To the North there are mines as Huarhua,

Piccha, Palmaderas, Santiago 1 and Cori and to the South there are mines as
Mishky, Andaray, San Cristobal, San Juan, Tinoray, Eugenia, Gran Eugenia, Las
Clavelinas, Nueva San Juan entre otras. The great part of these mines are for
Copper-Gold. During the colony, Arirahua veins, a gold mine located 4 km to the
East of concessions, have been worked in different periods, It is news that between
1,600 - 1,800 oxides were exploited and continued this activity during colonial
times. Old works known to date testify the intense mining activity that existed in
this place. Up to date this mine is still in operation with 8,000 Tons per month.

[Pecoy Cu-Mo Project]

Big Porphyry Type deposits exist close to the area of Pecoy Project. To the NW part
an exploration project as Marcahui, actually with preliminary drilling program
completed, to the SE the new operation Zafranal, actually with PFS completed and
in process to build and another old operations as Cerro Verde, Cuajone, Tia Maria,
Don Mario and others. There is well developed secondary and tertiary industries
based in Arequipa. Mining and mineral exploration, equipment manufactory,
construction trades, transportation and tourism are the main sources of
employment in the area. The property is located in an active mining belt and the
area offers a substantial skilled and professional work force, experienced in mining
and related activities. It also offers most supplies and services.
Electricity can be sourced from the national grid
In Project Area, Southern Peru realized exploration in 2005 and after some surficial
data abandon the area.

2.2 General Geology

[Pecoy Cu-Mo Project]

The project lies in the Western Cordillera of southern Peru which comprises
segments of Proterozoic and Paleozoic basement rocks (Arequipa terrane),
Cretaceous and Tertiary volcanic and sedimentary rocks, together with the Coastal

Batholith, which forms an elongate belt of granitic rocks extending along Peru's
coastal region of Arequipa.
In terms of the regional tectonic setting, a trend of NW-SE fault system is
predominantly between Arequipa and Chala.
Stratigraphy and Lithology
The area of Pecoy Project site, consists of hypabyssal rocks, subvolcanic or that
form the complex Bella Union, Upper Cretaceous. The oldest rocks are
Precambrian age (> 1,000 m), followed by the Union Complex Bella (110 m). Which
was intruded by granodiorites of the Coastal Batholith - Superunit Titabaya and
Incahuasi (<97 m) That after intense erosion of the late Cretaceous these rocks
were covered by a volcanic series of Tertiary formed by the Huaylillas formations,
Sencca and Barroso, eventually be covered by Quaternary materials.

[Pecoy Cu-Mo Project]

 Precambriano - Complejo Basal (Gneis-Metasediments)-.

This Complejo Basal would be described as consisting of highly metamorphosed
rocks represented by gneisses, granite-gneisses, amphibolites, quartzite and
micas schist, interpreted as being originally sedimentary rocks regionally
metamorphosed into amphibolite facies. The state geological map indicates
that the de la Costa complex consists of Proterozoic metamorphic rocks locally
intruded by Ordovician granites and granite-gneisses. Foliated and
metamorphic rocks, previously interpreted as Proterozoic gneisses, occurs
immediately North of the Project, the rock is foliated with alternating facies of
granite and diorite. The granitic phase is pink, rich in potassic feldspar, and the
quartz grains have an undulating extinction viewed in thin section. The dioritic
phase is mafic with plagioclase, hornblende and/or pyroxene and magnetite.
These rocks have undergone chlorite-epidote grade metamorphism.
Microscopically, the rock has a cataclastic texture and nowhere exhibits
regional scale metamorphic paragenesis as is found in the Macizo de Arequipa
basement (Chavez, 2010). It has interpreted the “gneissic” rocks found at
Project site to be entirely of this cataclastic or mylonitic tectonic event that pre-
dates the emplacement the oldest undeformed intrusion found on the property
(+/- 136 Ma); xenoliths of the deformed rocks have been observed within the
granodiorite that intrudes them.
This interpretation remarks the presence of Paragneis and Ortogneis in the
project site surroundings.
 Upper Kretaceous - Bella Union Complex.
J. Caldas (1978) described undifferentiated rocks, being so
variable in composition but of andesitic to dacitic nature, intruded by
andesite plutons to under dacite with andesitic dikes nature.
Intruded sub volcanic rocks of the Upper Cretaceous, which has intruded
almost the age of the rocks of the batholith (superunidad Incahuasi).
On the project, the predominant rock composition (andesite) has porphyritic
coarse medium fine texture.
This rock serves as host rock to the copper-gold mineralization present in the

[Pecoy Cu-Mo Project]

Andesite: volcanic igneous rock (middle) of aphanitic texture generally

green, varying from reddish to other colors, depending on the alteration.
Posing as essential minerals: plagioclase, and a ferro magnesian
quartz is shown in trace amounts (10%). These rocks are presented
generally east of the concession.
Syenite: plutonic igneous rock white, granular texture presenting as
essential minerals: feldspars (orthoclase and plagioclase), amphibole
(horblenda) pyroxenes accessories as well as small amounts of quartz and
greate percentage of biotite having a strong chloritic and porphyritic diabase
medium grained gray to greenish. Looks very attached to the Aurora vein, the
north of the camp.
Andesitic dikes: For the around the Aurora vein swarm found
andesitic dykes and aplitic heading NE to SW widths up 0.50ma
02m, with disseminated pyrite. Fina highly localized to the boxes.
 Upper Kretaceous - Tiabaya Superunit
Within the project area the intrusive rocks are composed mostly of calc-alkaline
tonalites and granodiorites belonging to the Arequipa segment of the Coastal
batholith. These had been previously attributed to the Tiabaya super unit of the
batholith, dated between 86 and 74 Ma, but recent age dates derived from a
coarse grained granodiorite in the Ocoña valley have yielded potassium-argon
dates from biotite of 137 +/- 1.8 Ma and 136 +/- 1.7 Ma (Schildgen, 2009).
These appear to be the same intrusives found along the southern edge of Alto
Quemado and Zafranal.
These units are intruded by small stocks of quartz monzonite, dacites and
porphyritic dykes. These later intrusives are believed to be contemporaneous
with the mineralized porphyries along the metallogenic belt. The mineralized
intrusives at the nearby Zafranal deposit, namely the Zafranal diorite and
microdiorite, have yielded similar ages (Mamani & Rivera, 2011), and these
rocks appear similar to the quartz monzonite and monzodiorites found at Alto
The Peruvian department of mines and geology (INGEMMET) has been
conducting advanced mapping and research in the Arequipa area and environs

[Pecoy Cu-Mo Project]

in recent years. The following summary is extracted from a Powerpoint

presentation made by INGEMMET (Carlotto, et al, 2010) for their 30th
anniversary. It deals with the tectonic evolution and metallogenesis from the
Proterozoic to Cenozoic in southern Peru.
 Middle Cenozoic-miocene – Huaylillas Formation
It outcrops to the SE of the concession, is formed by a pyroclastic sequence.
They are volcanic rocks, light pink ignimbrites, being classified as
rhyolites, rhyodacites and andesites.
 Upper Cenozoic-Senca Formation
Within the project area, this Formation consist of a sequence of tuffs with
dacitic-rhyolite composition widely dispersed in the East part of project site.
Overlay the Precambrian gneises with erosional unconformity in some places
and in another parts yields directly on intrusive rocks of Coastal Batholith.
Underlay to the Barroso Group. Its outcrops gets 200 metre thickness and lies
on upper part of the hills.
In surface its red to orange colored rocks is characteristic but in fresh rock the
color varies from grey to yellowish grey and pinky. Petrographic studies
determine its dacitic to rhyolithic composition.
 Upper cenozoic-Quaternary Barroso Group
This Group is greatly formed by Volcanic Rocks and is divided into Olwer
barroso and Upper Barroso. The Lower Barroso consist of lava and pyroclastic
rocks of andesitic and dacitic composition. The upper Barroso is widely
dispersed to the East towards Ayacucho and is predominantly formed by
andesitic-dacitic lava flows in a pseudostrata layered beds. Its contact with
Mesozic and terciary units formed angular disconformity thus with Senca
Formation conforms a parallel discordance.
A micropetrographic study point out the andesine and oligoclase as essencial
mineral and quartz as accesory.
The Barroso Group overlay to Capillune Formation but is covered by
pleistoncenic morrains and its relative date position is Plio-Pleistocenic.
 Upper cenozoic- pliocene- Quaternary Aluvial

[Pecoy Cu-Mo Project]

It is grouped under this denomination to a heterogeneous group of rocks by

accumulation of unconsolidated clays, silts, gravels, alluvial sands, coastal sands
and aeolian deposits and slope.
Relations between these deposits are not found clear evidence, requiring more
detailed comments, but you can notice the following succession: the deposits
of silt would be the oldest, then aeolian deposits and finally gravel, sand
beaches, alluvial sands and slope deposits.
The deposits of silt, the oldest are of greater extension and come to cover the
Cordillera de la Costa in their upper parts. These deposits of silt despite being
irregularly exposed indicate a cuneiform estructure since thicken towards the
SE reaching up to 30 meters, in some places contain any concretion and organic
materials. On the basis of these deposits of silt and rocks in situ, one can
observe the disintegration of these processes of soil formation. Undoubtedly
these limos have an alluvial genesis although the possibility of considering them
in parts as products of deflation is not ruled out.
Structural Geology
The area of

PECOY the site has

been hit by

Chuquibamba, Huamanmarca and Torrepampa having an approximate heading N

45 ° W, which have undergone different efforts to the region, leading to the

[Pecoy Cu-Mo Project]

formation of 4 faulting systems they control the mineralization deposit in varying

degrees of intensity and are:
The project is located at the confluence of the NW-SE trending fault system and the
E-W trending system. The interaction between these two structural regimes has
created a region of high deformation and fracture. It was this setting that allowed
late Cretaceous (?) intrusions and subsequent mineralization to be emplaced.
These major faults had a polyphase history during the entire Andean orogeny, and
as a result of changes in the directions of converging tectonic plates, making
accurate models of the kinematics is difficult.
The faulting observed within the quadrangle of Ocoña, It is represented mostly by
longitudinal faults, normal type, with a marked parallelism appears to constitute
two main systems: one parallel to the coast, with an orientation SE-NW and the
other heading SW-NE, intercepatando these last to first acute angles. The main
faults are running with NW direction such as the Torre Grande and Mollebamba
Fault Torre Grande is the largest and best exposed in the area, having been
observed in several sections, with an average steady course of N 65 W and dips
between 50 and 75 towards the NE. It is a normal fault with minor inflections and
affects both basal complex as the Permo Carboniferous formations, but he has not
seen in tertiary rocks; a great stretch 'lost beneath the Quaternary cover, on which
the course are inferred.
The Mollebamba failure has been observed with well defined characteristics in the
Cerro La Arena but in Ocoña Valley area is covered and he assumes the aerial
photographs showing a pronounced alignment in contrast to the normal drainage.
With this trend there are other minor faults, located north and south of the above.
Some data taken on the ground in the Pescadores and broken Ocoña indicate
directions of N E 75 E and N 70 E, dipping to the northwest with included angles
between 40 and 70.
This second system reporesenta a staged fracturing to the northwest, against big
Torre fault, which seems to have lifted part of the Cordillera de la Costa by way of a
tectonic pillar, bounded on the north by the big tower fails and the South by Fault

[Pecoy Cu-Mo Project]

This collection of structures creates a significant exploration target as they appear

to be of the same style that controls the mineralization at the Zafranal – Alto
Quemado porphyry district.


On Project site there is a clear relationship between lithology and mineralization

and alteration as shows the preliminary workings realized as Field geology,
Geophysical survey, Geochemical sampling, and small drillhole campaign.

Geology and Geochemical. The geology on project Site define precisely the
lithological units and define the favourable rocks that host the mineralization. On
the division of Uchucoyoj Ravine and Huancarume Ravine there is an intrusive rock
outcrop, part of Coastal Batholith, classified as Monzongranite to Quartz
Monzonite. The surficial alteration and oxides is strong and extends 1.5 km by 1.0
km along the slope of Percoy Hill.

This area is close to Arirahua Mine located 4 km Eastward, with gold–copper

mineralization and more than 14 veins structure with NW to N75W trend. Another
structure present near the project is the regional Torrepampa Fault mapped in Arirahua
Mine geology maps. This structural setting conforms an intensely fractured area before
mineralization in some cases and later reactivation events. The geochemical results are

[Pecoy Cu-Mo Project]

concentrate in the Percoy Hill and its distribution follows the slope of the Hill. The
geochemical sampling follows a concentric distribution surrounding Percoy Hill.
Alteration. The hidrotermal alteration of the groundmass in the host rocks is synonymous

with porphyry copper-gold deposits and is generally a good indicator of mineralization.

Within the property the following types have been recognized:
Propylitic Alteration, characteristically found at the boundary of the Percoy Hill North side
Clay Argillic Alteration has been observed on all the Percoy Hill and is deemed the most
prevalent alteration type.
Silicification-Silica, this is observed within the quartz sericite and breccias. It has been
some relation with the mineralization.
Quartz Sericite Alteration has the shape of a belt countouring the Percoy Hill, maybe
surrounding the central core of the deposit.
Potassic Alteration is mainly found as relics where it has been overprinted by later argillic
and quartz sericite alteration.
This circular alteration shape focus the Percoy Hill as important host for mineralization and
the distribution of each alteration type suggest a preliminary drilling stage on the South
slope of Percoy Hill. This kind of alteration is typical in porphyry type system along this
Coastal Batholith Belt.
Mineralization. In general the Arequipa region contains many mining companies, some in
operation and others in exploration. The region was intensely reviewed by different type

[Pecoy Cu-Mo Project]

of commodities, that is why many companies start operation in small gold mines in the
Ocoña-Chala coastal belt. The Zafranal Project with positive results placed North of Cerro
Verde Mine opens this belt to the north for exploring by porhyry type deposits, like Alto
Quemado, Rosario, Erika, Clavelinas, Andaray, Marcahui. Pecoy is placed in the middle
between Marcahui to the north and Zafranal-Alto Quemado to the South.
On the Pecoy Project due to the small drilling campaing the mineralization consist of
Oxides, predominantly in the leached cap; suphides in the enriched zone and primary
sulphides in the hypogene zone.
On the Pecoy Project mineralization occurs as veinlets associated with quartz and
pyrite and also as disseminations through the matrix of stockworks and breccias. In
general the mineralization consist of copper sulphides, copper oxides and minor
gold, molybdenum and silver. Although the mineralogy of these area is as yet
unknown. The small drilling campaign show some zoning in the mineralization as
Leached Cap: Malachite, Azurite and minor Chrisocolite
Enriched Zone: Chalcocite and Covellite as secondary sulphides
Hypogene Zone: Chalcopyrite as primary sulphide
As gangue abundant quartz, pyrite, minor magnetite

[Pecoy Cu-Mo Project]

2.3 Mineral Deposit

The Property is a Porphyry deposit containing copper and gold?-molybdenum
with minor silver as the primary metals. There is no any model of the

mineralization and the conclusive grade for the mineralization. It seems to

increase at depth and currently is open at depth. A program of drilling following
some grid upgrade the knowledge and characteristic of the deposit.

[Pecoy Cu-Mo Project]

Pecoy Project is placed in favourable host rock that is the Tiabaya Intrusive Unit
of granodiorite. This lithology present a secondary alteration in surface mainly
iron oxides and secondary copper. The geochemical sampling on the area shows
copper anomalies in the same place. The structural control is not yet understand
beacause the lack of detailed mapping and its relationship with the
mineralization is poor.
Finally stockworks of quartz veinlets, quartz veins, closely spaced fractures and
breccias containing pyrite and chalcopyrite with lesser molybdenite, bornite and
magnetite occur in large zones of economically bulk-mineable mineralization in
or adjoining porphyritic intrusions and related breccia bodies. Disseminated
sulphide minerals are present generally in subordinate amounts. The
mineralization is spatially, temporally and genetically associated with
hydrotermal alteration of the host rock intrusions and wall rocks.

2.4 Drilling

Pembrook Copper S.A.C has obtained the legal permits as RD Nº0025-2014-MEM/DGM

at a date of February 6th 2014. The program of activities includes the construction of
exploration for diamond drilling platforms, as well as the construction of pools of
sludge, internal access and qualification of areas for ancillary facilities, besides the
progressive closure of each of the platforms managed.

It also contemplates the

execution of 20 platforms,
with eighty (80) holes of
diamond drilling type (DDH),
these will get the depth of
600 m to 800 m.
The project involves the
execution of pedestrian
access to the platforms, plus
the trails and / or pre-

[Pecoy Cu-Mo Project]

existing roads were used.

The mining exploration activities were carried out in two stages envisaged in a total
period of 24 months, I being divided into stages of construction, stage of operation,
closure and post-closure.
Pembrook Copper S.A.C., prioritize the first phase of drilling, based on the results
obtained, the decision to conduct the second phase of drilling will take.
2.5 Drilling results

Pembrook started a drill program but there is no detailed data on this small 12 holes
campaign and exact date for them is not available. These holes appear within the
Quartz-Sericite alteration zone withouth any grid. Dip and angles and depth is no available to
date. The general map with location of boreholes is the available information until today. Best
drillhole with an angle of approximately 45° and 300 metre from surface is presented in the
figure below. The grades are really interesting in al the hole and the potassic final part contains
primary suphides with economic copper values.

As mentioned before these drilling campaign withouth any pattern or grid is

unsufficient for modelling or resource estimation of these porphyry type deposits.
There is no data of the numbers of samples assayed with these small campaign and the
type of assaying. Apparently the distribution of the drilling platform were placed by

[Pecoy Cu-Mo Project]

accessibility priority unless technical grid or possibly the drilling were made without
any geochemical and geophysical previous information.

The figure above summarize all the results of these small drilling campaign and drillhole
distribution do not follow symmetrical grid. The great part of the holes are placed in quartz-
sericite alteration and none of them were placed on the core zone of the porhyry.

Any control data of this information like QA/QC until date is not available .


3.1 Transportation (access to the Project area)

The accesibility to Project start in Arequipa City, the second Peruvian largest city,
located South of Lima, approximately 765 km. There two ways to get Arequipa:

By Paved Road: 1100 Km, 16h00m (South Panamerican Highway)

By Air: 765 Km, 01h45m

From Arequipa to Project site the accesibility is only by road as summarized in the

[Pecoy Cu-Mo Project]

Route Characteristics of the road Distance – travel time

Arequipa – Ocoña Southern Panamericana 200 kms. – 02h30m

Highway (paved)

Ocoña – Hacienda unpaved road 120 kms. –03h00m


Hacienda Lamapampa – unpaved dirty road 10 kms. – 00h30m

Pecoy Project site

Total distance: 33 kms. Total time: 06h00m

3.2 Power – water – labor force

1. Water supply


2. Labor force


3.3 Port facilities

The nearest appropriate port for concentrate shipment is the Matarani Port
located approximately at 360 km. (gravel road + paved road) south from the
Project Site area in the Arequipa department.

[Pecoy Cu-Mo Project]

Port Name:
Matarani Port
Latitude: 16° 59' 42.5'' Sur
Longitude: 72° 06' 13.2'' Oeste
Tide Type: Semidiurnal with average amplitudes: the order of 0.64 meters and
average syzygy reach values of the order of 0.82 meters.
Route between this Port and the Pecoy Project site is as follows:

Route Transportation by distance

Project Site – Ocoña Road: unpaved dirty road 90 km

Ocoña - Arequipa Panamerican Highway 200 km

Arequipa - Matarani Paved Road 70 km

  Total distance 360 km

Matarani Port Management

. Gabriel Monge Aguirre, General Manager,
. Javier Calderon Gosdinski, Operation Manager,
. Julio Pflucker Sicheri, Finance & Administrative Manager,
VESSELS, Our infrastructure along with the weather and ocean conditions allow us to
provide services to the vessels 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, at no extra cost.
Matarani is one of the few existing ports not affected by the conditions of the sea, fog
or others, due to an interior inlet formed by two breakwaters of 650 and 145 m. 
MOORING AND UNMOORING / BERTHING, We have  a Marginal wharf of 583 m with a
certified draft of 32 feet, allowing us to receive vessels of great dimensions, and to be
able to attend up to 3 vessels simultaneously.

[Pecoy Cu-Mo Project]

PILOTAGE AND TOWING, We have pilotage and towing services, support boats as well
as the necessary navigation aids to safely put vessels into port, and this include leading
lines, lighthouse, buoys, and lights, among others.
MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND SUPPLIES, We provide shipyard service through fully
equipped workshops and experienced personnel which allow us to offer support
services to the vessels in an integral way.
There are also additional services available such as safety, energy supply, water, fuel,
etc., which facilitate the vessels operations.
CARGO SERVICES, Modern infrastructure, large areas of operations and adequate
equipment, handle different types of cargo: general merchandise, bulk solids, liquids,
ro/ro cargo, containerized and refrigerated, and large volumes of cargo efficiently and
safely, we have two mobile cranes:
Gottwald crane HMK 280 model; the main features are the following
 Unloading capacity 63tm
 Lifting and lowering 70m/min
 Lifting height 40m 
Liebherr crane LHM 400 with the following characteristics:
 Maximum capacity 100tm
 Minimum working range 10.5m
 Maximum working range 48m
 Maximum lifting height 45m
RO/RO CARGO, We have a roll on/ roll off wharf of 36 m. long, 24 m wide and draft of
28 feet. 
STORAGE, We have fully equipped areas for storage: Grains 75,000 TM Silos;
Minerals 120,000 roofed warehouses and General Cargo 24,245 m2 roofed warehouse
plus storage areas 85,156 m2 not roofed storage areas.
And other minor services like container wrapping, labeling, sealing, lashing cargo,
conditioning, etc.

Main characteristics
Port Authority: National Port Authority
Port Type: Harbor

[Pecoy Cu-Mo Project]

Port Size: Small

Max Draft: 9.75 m
Wharves: Yes
Anchor: Yes
Loading and Unloading System
Ship Repairs: Limited
Marine Railroad Size: Small
Garbage Disposal: Yes
Dirty Ballast: No

Maximum size of Vessel

Harbor Size: Small
Shelter: Good
Maximum Vessel Size: Over 500 feet in length
Harbor Type: Coastal Breakwater

Lift and cranes

0-24 Ton Lifts: Yes
Fixed Cranes: Yes

Water depth
Channel: 41 - 45 feet 12.5 - 13.7 meters
Cargo Pier: 31 - 35 feet 9.4 - 10 meters
Mean Tide: 3 feet
Anchorage: 76 feet - OVER 23.2m - OVER
Oil Terminal: 51 - 55 feet 15.5 - 16 meters


4.1 General Conditions
Group Name:
Pembrook Mining Corp.
Others Related Companies:
Sociedad Minera Pecoy S.A.C
Torion Mining S.A.C.
Compañia de Exploraciones Orion S.A.C.
Pembrook Copper S.A.C.

[Pecoy Cu-Mo Project]

Company Presentation:
Pembrook Mining Corp. is a minerals exploration company engaged in the
identification, acquisition, evaluation and advancement of mineral properties in
Peru. Pembrook is exploring for copper, gold, silver, nickel and other metals.
Pembrook's objective is to discover mineral deposits and either sell, option, joint
venture, or otherwise participate in their development.
Our strategy is to explore for and define early stage projects within world class
mineral al belts that have the potential for hosting significant new mineral
Brian Booth, President & Chief Executive officer
April Hashimoto, Chief financial Officer
Bruce harvey, Executive Vice President & President, South America
Angela Betteridge, Corporate Secretary & Director of Corporate Communications
Buks Lubbe, Chief Geophysicist, South America
Alan Moon, Independent Director, Chair of the Board
Brian Booth, Director, President and Chief Executive officer
John Black, Independent Director
Daniel innes, Director, Chair of HSE & Community Committee
Stephen Kurtz, Independent Director, Chair of Audit Committee
Anthony Makuch, Chair of Compensation Committee
Richard Petersen, Director
Wang Dongbo, Independent Director
4.2 Projects

Early Stage

The Pecoy project is located one hundred kilometres northwest of Arequipa and
within the Cretaceous Copper Porphyry Belt of Peru. The property consists of 2,000
hectares which is held as the sole asset of Pecoy Sociedad Minera S.A.C.

[Pecoy Cu-Mo Project]

The Tororume project is located in southern Peru, 175 kilometres northwest of

Arequipa, 80 kilometres east of the Pacific coast and lies within the Southern Peru
Porphyry Copper Belt.

The Huiniccasa project is a large polymetallic

skarn-porphyry system located 350 kilometres
southeast of Lima. Pembrook has completed
preliminary mapping, sampling and ground
magnetics, the results of which indicate the
presence of a large magnetite skarn (>1,000
by 500 metres) with associated copper-silver-
zinc-molybdenum and iron mineralization
with large deposit potential. The skarn
mineralization is developed within calcareous
rocks in contact with a granitic intrusive body
and is characterized by a garnet and magnetite assemblage in a series of stacked
mantos and pods ranging in thickness from a few metres to 120 metres and can be
traced for up to 1,000 metres.

The Lidia project is located in the Altiplano of southern Peru, approximately 90

kilometres west of the city of Juliaca and 700 kilometres southeast of Lima. Lidia is
an IOCG project with the potential to contain a significant gold and copper deposit.

4.3 Financial Conditions (to January 19, 2015)

Share Structure

  Common shares 137,684,987
Stock options 10,071,250
Fully Diluted 147,756,237
Cash position CDN $11.3 million*
Last private placements

[Pecoy Cu-Mo Project]

June 14, 2011 $2.50/share

April 19, 2013 $2.50/share
December 5, 2014 $2.50/share

15,780,000 shares for cash proceeds of $39.5 million

3,222,098 shares for cash proceeds of $8 million
900,000 shares for cash proceeds of $2.25 million

*At September 30, 2014

4.4 Contact Point

Vancouver Corporate Office: 
Address: 1160 - 1040 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC
Canada V6E 4H1
Telephone: 778 327 6540
Fax: 778 327 6546

  Peru Exploration Office: 

Address: Los Jilgueros 192 - Urb. Corpac
San Isidro, Lima 27
Telephone: + 51 1 652 2142
Fax: + 51 1 226 1051

 The main characteristics of porphyry type deposits are present in the area
of Pecoy Project Porperties. The mapping information on Percoy Hill,
approximately 2 km by 2km, identified a granodiorite intrusive with
extensive hydrotermal alteration that varies from Propylitic to Potassic
types. Their tectonic setting with NW-SE fault system, E-W fault system and

[Pecoy Cu-Mo Project]

minor NE-SW fault system conforms an favourable tectonic setting to host

mineralization. Additionaly, the mineralization within the alteration and
mineralization showed by drill holes, are typicall for determining
 The small 5.5 km ( 11 holes with 500 m depth approx.) drilling campaign
made in Project site is very short to define porphyries but they comfirm the
hydrotermal alteration, the important grades under surface as shows in the
drillhole numbered PPDH-2, and zoning of the mineralization. This project
needs to develop an important infill drilling with a grid pattern. A detailed
information on geological mapping, modelling, structural details and
mineralogy need to be gathered and study for better definition of gris
 The tectonic setting needs to be understood in detail within the project site
to match the regional information with project site fracture trends. Close to
the project the Arirahua Mine has regional NW-SE regional fault system and
close to E-W local fault system, apparently the mineralization is present in
the E-W system principally.
 The Pecoy Project is placed in a belt that regionally represents a copper belt
associated with Kretaceous age mineralization. This data differs from the
Paleocene age mineralization porphyries that hosts important mine
operations on the south. Studies developed by Ingemmet an other experts
mention the pressence of Copper-Molydenite porphyries in the Paleocene
belt and the presence of Copper-Gold porphyries in tha Kretaceous belt.
The project site kretaceous belt host the Zagranal porphyry to the south
( approx. 90 km SE) and Marcahui Project to the North (approx. 65 km NW,
developed by Tack-Oban).


 The porphyry type deposit is present in the area of project placed in
kretaceous copper belt that host the neighbor Zafranal porhyry with PFS
completed. The projects needs to develop infill drilling after studying all the
information gathered in old drillings and field workings. Up to date it is

[Pecoy Cu-Mo Project]

impossible to determine physical characteristic of the porphyry like size,

average grade and resource quantity. Any numbers mentioned until now
must be consider as potential.
 The preliminary workings developed up to date and the information
gathered on field workings do not define the mineralization model and its
deepening size, only shows the typical porphyry related mineralization. The
next steps for this project needs to invest in a big drilling campaign after
additional field workings on geophysics and geochemical in order to precise
the position of best part of deposit and look for another anomalies close to
Arirahua Mine properties.
 Next steps for this project will be project site visit with the purpose of
checking field information in situ and review gathered information as core
shack and others studies & workings.
 The infrastructure seems to be available to develop the project because
the water source is Ocoña River with permanent flow over the year in
quantity. The power supply is close to Arirahua Mine and the local
workforce are abundant in the region.


Ingemmet, Geology of 32p, Caraveli Sheet
Ingemmet, Geology of 32q, Chuquibamba Sheet
Ingemmet, Geology of 33p, Ocoña Sheet

[Pecoy Cu-Mo Project]

Web page links


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