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Assignment on product, services, and brands

Name: Abdullah Ashik Adnan Roll: 19241053 Management studies batch-5 section-A

1. Ans:
The product that is associated with the medicine named Reversive is branded as Remivir. The
core level of the product is the problem-solving benefit of the product, that this product helps to
treat patients infected with COVID-19.
The core benefit that Remevir provides to its consumers that it helps people with coronavirus
infections to alleviate their disease. Then the second actual product level is the actual product
itself, product and service features, a design, a quality level, a brand name, and packaging etc. In
the case of Remevir, the product’s name, styling, features, packaging, and other attributes etc.
can be its second level. Then the third level of the product is its added benefits around the core
product and various additional consumer services and benefits. In the case of Remevir, the
augmented level could be product’s value for saving human lives, reducing the sufferings of
humanity, and a potent weapon against a widespread virus. These are the three levels of this
product named Remevir.

2. Ans:
Primarily, there are four types of characteristics of services. If we consider BUP online classes to
be services, then they can be described as having characteristics like intangibility, inseparability
and perishability. Firstly, the online classes that are provided to the students of BUP cannot be
touched or felt, heard, or smelt before attending them as they are not physical goods. For that
reason, these classes can be said to be as an intangible service.
Secondly, the services provided by the BUP online classes are inseparable by nature. Service
inseparability means that services cannot be separated from their providers, whether the
providers are people or machines. When a teacher gives a lecture to students via online classes,
they then become a part of the service. In the case of online classes the students, who are the
customers, play an active role in the service delivery, as they have to constantly give response to
their teachers for proper conducting of the classes.
Thirdly, the classes that student attend via zoom or other video conference technologies are
generally perishable in most cases. It means that services cannot be stored for later sale or use.
Because if a student misses a class or is unable to be on time, he or she will not be able to
consume that live session later on, and will be unable to give feedback.
And lastly, the nature of the online classes mean that they are variable, which means that the
quality of services depends on who provides them as well as when, where, and how they are
provided. For example, they quality of the online sessions depend on the individual capabilities
of the teachers. Some teachers may be adept at conducting online classes and some teachers may
not be so.
So, briefly these are the basic natures of the services of BUP online classes.

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