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upper-intermediate workbook with key Lyn Scott & David Scott OXFORD in unit one ... p.4 natural English showing impaenee taking boa cities descing aty dering you tgp iy. tsting flowy qostons grammar “ing form and infinitive ‘wishes and regrets vocabulary teaming sporting collocations collocation in dietionaries expand your grammar sete /besed 9 expand your vocabulary tearing ae aby in unit two ... p.10 natural English That was _—_ of! though ad albough 2stng for and making recommendations grammar should + nfinitive should have + past participle possibly and probability vocabulary physical actions tourists’ phrases tourist information expand your grammar hoe sh doe expand your vocabulary trea ise in unit three ... p.26 natural English fancy (v) greting with and halenging onions Skye grammar ‘each other one another, elf -seves “obligation, necessity, and prohibition sequencing information in a text vocabulary good and bad relationships personality phrases expand your grammar reed expand your vocabulary personality in unit four ... p.22 natural English frequency pases “siting onthe fees” ‘making and responding to requests grammar ‘nouns in groups future simple and continuous vocabulary adjectives describing reactions the language of eating words of ilar meaning expand your grammar fate pate expand your vocabulary phrases with of in unit five ... p.28 natural English talking about test /eram rests expectation and suprise spelen v rten Engich rot thot + ajective grammar ‘modifying and intensifying adverbs vocabulary taking exams phrasal verbs se and suck expand your grammar odie + fo» adecve expand your vocabulary formal and informal verbs in unit Six ... p.34 natural English talking about needs ‘oporentiy, oppor (seems tot geting b's attention grammar ‘past simple and present perfect passive Indirect questions vocabulary feetings and emotions collocation expressing opinions and interes dangers and disaders Tawring your prepostions expand your grammar ether pss forms expand your vocabulary phrases within and on in unit seven ... p.40 natural English hat om hr on coh. 2 egies of wings putting people a ease grammar present perfect and past simple do, will, oF would vocabulary vvolunteee work success and failure conservation uncountable and plural nouns expand your grammar be supposed tobe erected to. expand your vocabulary sours deseo qnntty in unit eight ... p.46 natural English allover the. making threats apologtes and excuses repeated comparatives grammar verb patterns linking ideas vocabulary eat word balding expand your grammar wap of adding emphasis expand your vocabulary esa vi yblent in unit nine ... p.52 natural English expressing great surprise lahonevr, wherever ete the + comparative, the + comparative supatlative + wer grammar ‘making comparisons linking words superlatives vocabulary books and publishing advertising tera and figurative meaning alfixes ‘expand your grammar more inking wads expand your vocabulary weather weds and phrases in unit ten ... p.58 natural English express wth el (conic) baying ine oti grammar definite or zero anide definite or indefinite aie relative clauses vocabulary memory snaking judgements animals sword building expand your grammar peril cates expand your vocabulary phrases with oe in unit eleven ... p.64 natural English exaggerating eter writing clichés reacting to ideas ‘informal and formal language grammar past conditionals past and mixed conditionals. reporting what people say vocabulary describing character phrases an phrasal verbs expand your grammar expand your vocabulary in unit twelve ... p.70 natural English phrases wth mec phrases wth 99 retasing an eo ‘ying how easy something is grammar Feported questions Iie, 0s, such as vocabulary simes of day and seep nae atitude adverbs collective nous expand your grammar cveron wort uses expand your vocabulary ‘thinking and the rain Tick (V7) when you've done these sections. 000 oo0o000 Oo o oO oO natural English showing impatience talking about activities describing difficulty describing your language ability asking follow-up questions grammar ing form and infinitive wishes and regrets expand your grammar get used to/be used to vocabulary learning sporting collacations collocation in dictionaries expand your vocabulary learning and ability PrP HA off natural English showing impatience 1 Dorota is a company manager. She’s having a bad day at work! Put theseeeatenees into the cou veteati os belo Oh, no! They're hopeless! Can we ty a ferent company? Fee gendnesysakel Hes giving the presentation He has a-come: Oh, reall he hasn’t been on time once this week! in. There's always something wrong with it Oh, for goodness sake! He only put in the order on Monday. He knows that itcan take up to two weeks. { Oh, honestly! I asked you to take them yourself, They're urgent. Karol Adam just called. He can’t come to the meeting this afternoon. Dorota 1 Dorota Did you deliver the documents to Head Office? Marcus Isent them this morning, Dorota 2 Ingrid ‘The photocopier’s broken down! Dorota _ 3 Robert Karen's just called. She's going to be late again. Dorota __ 4 Dorota Did you order some more stationery? Marcus Yes, but they can’t deliver it until Thursday. Dorota __ 5 Ingrid Luca Martini called. He hasn’t received hiis order yet. Dorota evar Say it, don’t write it! You manage an office. Respond when a staff member tells you these things. Oh honestly! fie Tnaka wants your monthly report by 200 pm. today. He knows | haven't Nanelo called He's sick He's not coming in today. spt tine todo it today. leant ind those documents that you wanted, The computers aren't working The electrician won't be able to Fix the air-conditioning until tomorrow afterneon. > > natural English talking about activities 2 Write sentences with the same meaning. Use the words given, sometimes have to do some work at the weeke1 to do a bit of work at the weekends 1 Do you play sport often? (lot) ds. (bit) Lsometimes 2 We only watch a little TY. (much) 3. He does no exercise, (at all) 4 We often go skiing in the winter, (ot) 5 I've only done a little revision for my exams, (much) natural English describing difficulty 3. Some students are talking about an English test that they have just done. Order the words to make sentences. found) the reading test /I/ easy found the reading test easy, _ 1 it/hard /understand /1 found /10/ the listening test 2. the vocabulary test /found / tricky /1/ quite 3. part/the pictures / hardest / Describing / was /the 4 hopeless/I/the grammar test /at/ was 5 quite /the writing test / found / challenging /T pass the fitness test? Imagine you have taken an English test. Say how you felt about the test, using the ‘information below. | found the hard Finish in time hopeless ‘rik Now say something about the last test you really took. wordbooster collocation in dictionaries 4 Underline words that collocate. One, two, or three may be correct. to look up homework 1 flick through ‘a magazine ‘a grammar book computer 2. the latest news fashion technology 3 by heart know read learn to skip a few pages a class lunch 5 the gist. have know Now cover the words on the right and try to remember the collocations. sporting collocations _think back! Remember sporting words that collocate with: take part in/join/win/lose/practise| | ol go! go infor ) 6 Complete the sentences with a suitable verb in the correct form. You can use the same verb more than once. How long have you been .daing aerobics? 1 He's skiing next week. 2 Tonly in for the competition for fun, Tcan’t believe I won! Why don't you _ adub? 4 You should your technique more If you really want to win. 5 He had never partina championship before winning this one 6 Her brother a silver medal at the last Olympic Games. 7 He's very good. How long ago did he the team? 8 My sister karate. She’s quite good at it, unit one grammar -ing form and infinitive 6 Isabel is living and working abroad for a year. She has written to a friend, Read her e-mail and underline the correct form. sent: Friday, June 21, 2002 5:02 pm Hi Alicia! Thanks for your last ema. really enjoyed hearing /to hear all the gossip from home. it cheered me up a lo, I'm enjoying myself but! living /to live here is much more dificult than | expectes. People do things very afferenty and | Keop 2doing,/to do the wrong thing. The hours are so diferent here. | can't get used to * having /have dinner s0 early in the evening. Also, instead of ‘shaving /to have a siesta after lunch, we have to go straight back to work $0 1m always tired in the afternoons. ke my job but if you're not wiling working to work overtime, the boss doesn't ike it | con't mind © working/ to work late once or even twice a week but he expects everyone to stay late most nights. 'm prepared staying/to stay here forthe rest of the year, though, because it's not worth 8 looking /to look for a new job now, ‘Anyway, sory to sound so negative! There are ots of things | realy ike here. ''ve met some great people and there's a lt to do I've taken up jogging /to | Jog ana go every morning wth my fatmate, Shes in realy goo shape bt | ene 10 giving up/ to ge up after five minutes! | used to ! running run three | folometres every day when | was younger but now I'm hopeless! ‘Ym looking forward to 12 geting / get the photos you said you'd sent, By the ‘way, ve tried to call you a few times but you're never home! What's a good time toring? Love Isabel brackets, 7 Read Alicia’s reply. Complete the text using the verbs in the correct form (-ing or infinitive). trom: Alicia Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 10:36 am subject: Hi tsabe! ‘Thanks for your e mall, Glad to hear that you're having a good time there. ''m really busy! 1ve Just moved into @ new fat wit atrend of mine, Rosanne You might remember meeting _ (meet) her at my party last year. 've got my law exams next month, so I'm going to have to stop ! cafe! | really regret 2 (not study) a bit harder last year, (ve been tying? (do) atleast three hours’ work every evening but i's hard ve also fan aut with Marco. He thought he saw me on a date with anothe ‘Buy butt wasn’t ke that at al. bumped into an old fiend on the way home: ftom college and we stopped 4 (have) a coffee ~ that’s a Please remember > (¢ay) hello to Marcelo forme. Love Alicia PS Here's my new phone number = 749162. Ty calling me after 9.00 p.m. 'm ‘sual home by then! ¢ your grammar get used to/be used to ‘When something is difficult or unfamiliar at first but it becomes more familiar, or you become accustomed to it, you can use the structure get used to sth/ get used to doing sth. didn’t like my haircut to start with. I thought it was too short, but now Im getting used to it. When I moved to London it took me a long time to get used to living fn such a big city When you are familiar with something you can use be used to sth/ bbe used to doing sth. ‘Qur apartment is very close to the airport. When we first moved in I noticed every plane that went overhead, but now I'mused to the noise. In fact, I don’t even notice it any more In my ney job I start work early, at 7.30 a.m. For the first few weeks ‘twas really hard but now Ym used to getting up early. In fact I quite like it because we finish at 3.30 p.m. You can also use be used to sth/ be used to doing sth in the past. When I fist moved into my own fat it was hard at fist because _Lwas used to living at home with my mum. When we went hiking in the mountains I got very tired because Lwasn't used to walking so far. Replace the underlined words. Use be used to ‘or get used to in the appropriate form. When I got here I was freezing all the time but now I'm becoming accustomed to it. And ve bought some warm clothes! Im getting used to it 1. Tostart with I found the food too spicy, but now it’s OK. In fact, I quite like it 2 Now Ym becoming more familiar with the money, but when we first got here I kept aiving everyone the wrong notes. 3. Lfound the job quite hard at first because 1 wasn't familiar with working such long hours. 4 My dad found retirement difficult ~ he didn’t know what to do with himself. He was, accustomed to a busy work schedule, 5 When you go abroad, it can often take three ‘or four days to become familiar with the time difference between countries. ‘Imagine you ate studying or working in England. Say how familiar you are with the things below. Use be used to/ get used to and the words given. he first | found it really cold but now I'm getting used toit. ‘the meather cold) English Food (boring) ‘the accent (strange) itatall... Le vocabulary learning 30 Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences, [F] why dont you give (J trend to pick things Tean't get used _|T'm getting | Do you want to have he’s making good I got discouraged used to study for five hours every night but I couldn't keep 8 [_] 1m finding it difficult but !'m going to persevere woaweene a ago? b when the teacher laughed at me, © progress. deter at it. with it fora while. £ up quite quickly. g itup bo Hey? i tohis accent. test yourself! Cover endings ato i above, and try to finish sentences 1 to 8 from memory. @ how, convers an natural English asking follow-up questions 11 Rewrite the questions. Use the words given. A Lwork in customer relations. B_ what do you have to do? (involve) hat does that involve _ > A Lmostly deal with customers who have questions or complaints. 1A Just order them alphabetically. B Could you explain that a bit more clearly? (mean) 2 A. Order them A, B, C, and so on. 2A Sorry, but I can’t come tonight. B Why? (How) —___? A. I've got to work. 3A. I've just started a new course. B_ Really? How is it? (What) A. Its good I'm enjoying it 4A Wear something nice tomorrow. B Like what? (sort) — A Something smart ~a shirt and tie 5 A. Im just going down to the shop. B Why? (for) 2 A. We've run out of paper. t |B expanduy learning and ability Read the sentences below. Find underlined phrases that mean: to learn sth by chance rather than studying formally (1 phrase) .c_ 1 to study hard in order to learn sth (2 phrase) _ 2 to have the ability to learn new things quickly and easily G phrases), _, 3 to be naturally very good at sth (usually an ability that you were born with) (4 phrases) —_ a He's got areal fair for design. 'm sure his fashion show will be absolutely spectacular. b Don't ask me to do any maths! I really don't have a head for figures, C_He picks up-languages realy easily. He spoke fuent French after living there-for only 2 year, He missed the start of the course but he's a fast learner. In fact he's already as good as the others. @ She's only eight but she plays tennis brilliantly. She's a natural. fF She's very quick on the uptake. It didn't take her Long at all to familiarize herself with our programme. g I did well at college but it wasn't easy. I had to really work at it. h He's a very talented young artist. He's already sold two of his paintings fora lot of money. i Im quite quick at learning things, but only if1’m genuinely interested in the subject. ‘We don’t usually use the phrases in a,b, e, and hin the positive form to talk about ourselves, for example T have a flair for languages’, because they sound immodest. 7 Note some words that can follow these phrases. ‘to have a fair for languages /art /writing to be a talented musician /artist /actor to have a head for figures /business Cover the sentences above. Complete the sentences below with a suitable word. Ak He's realy good at football! B Yes, he's a natural 1 Hehas a forlanguages. 2 things up really quickly. 3. Tm fairly quick learning things if they interest me, 4 She's a musician, 5 6 7 Idon't have a for figures. I don't pick things up easily ~ I have to really atit. Can you explain that again? I'm not very quick on the ! 8 She's quite a fast Tick the sentences that you might say about yourself, or that people might say about you. unit one 9 Tick (7) when you've done these sections. natural English (That was... of yout 1 though and although Ty asking for and making recommendations grammar should + infinitive Cy should hove + past participle 1 possibility and probability expand your grammar have sth done vocabulary (1 physical actions tourists’ phrases 1 tourist information 1 expand your vocabulary travel and holidays 10 off natural English That was ... of you! 4. Write responses. Use the words in the box. ever brave kind stupid not /verynice careless ‘The waitress knocked over my drink when she brought us the meal Th reless of her 1. He's afraid of heights but he went mountain-climbing anyway. 2. Iwas going to call a taxi but my boss offered to give me a lift 3. Llocked the keys in the car. 4. She invited some of her colleagues to her party but none of them came. 5. Isolved your computer problem. Rennie) Cover the column on the right above and respond, vocabulary physical actions think back! Look at the pictures. Remember the verbs for these physical actions. 2 Match the pictures and instructions, Bend down and touch your toes. pen 1 Raise your hands above your head and reach up as if you were trying to touch the ceiling. 2 Lean against the wall and raise your right leg, Hold it there for ten seconds. 3. Now move away from the wall and keep your leg raised. Ifyou lose your balance, just reach back and touch the wall again with your fingertips 4 Sit down, lean forward, and try to grab hold of your toes. 5. Get down on your knees and stretch forward. experiences grammar should + infinitive 3. Write sentences with the same meaning. Use should or shouldn't. ‘There's a meeting for all new students in the main hall at 9.30 a.m All new students should meet in the main hall at 9.20 a.m. 1 Passengers are not allowed to smoke anywhere inside the airport building, Passengers 2. They left at 8.00, so Texpect they'll be here by 10.00. They left at 8.00, so they 3. don’t think you'll have any trouble finding somewhere to stay. You 4 I suggest that you talk to her as soon as possible and sort it out Tthink you 5 Add up the two numbers —I'm sure the total is 25, Add up the two numbers ~ the total 6 That address is wrong — it’s Kenneth Road, not Tennis Road ‘That address is wrong ~it 7 Don't wear that on the plane, You'll feel cold. You 8 Start taking the tablets today and I think you'll feel better by tomorrow. Start taking the tablets today and you grammar should have + past participle 4 What would you say about these situations? Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in brackets. You went to an interview very casually dressed. The interviewer was very formal. You didn’t get the job. (wear) should've 1 You were only ten minutes late to meet some friends but they bad already gone when you arrived. (wait) They 2. Your friend left his car in front of a hospital. It was towed away. (park) He 3. You had a huge lunch and now you feel sick. (cat) 1 4. You are stuck in traffic. You wish you hadn't driven, (walk) We 5. Some bags were stolen from your friend’s car. (leave) She . I should’ve taken something for my headache. You are at aparty, but you're not enjoying yourself because you've hada headache all day. You turned down ajob offer but now you wish youhadn' You've had @row with your girffriend/ boyfriend because you were late for adate, Your friend didn't goto bed until5.00 am yesterday and now e's complaining that he's tired a e XPARGutary travel and holidays Match these definitions to the words underlined in the quiz below. a new or difficult task that tests someone's ability or skill a place you travel to very busy /chaotic write down the things you will need necessary things escape the excitement you feel when doing something thrilling or dangerous 8 rest and get your energy back 9 wanting to have a change 10 schedule or plan Now do the quiz. Choose the answer that suits you best. what kind of traveller are you? ‘The secret of having a great holiday is knowing what makes you happy. | When, and what, do you normally pack for a holiday? challenge relax = ‘A Aweek or two before, I choose coordinated, interchangeable clothes. B The night before, pack a couple of essential items ina backpack. © make a checklist a month or so ahead. 2 Why do you usually take 2 holiday? ‘A Ihave a hectic work schedule ond need a break to recharge, B J getrestiess or bored and just have to get away for some fun. take a regular, allocated work break that best suits my employer. '3 Which statement is most true for you? ‘A | look ata couple of brochures and make a decision based on, ‘my interests and the cost. BJ want to go to.a destination that offers the latest sports or activities. € Jread a lot of brochures and make an itinerary, or I return to ‘place ve been before. 4 What does a holiday mean to you? {A Itprovdes me with an opportunity to de many different things and have new experiences. 8 Hove a challenge and doing adventurous things. gives me time to wind down. '5 Which statement do you best relate to? A ike « mix of structured and ess organized tie. BI want an adrenalin rush — whether on the dance fioor or white-weter rafting. € I look for good food, a good pool, good tours, good service, ‘and good value. Count up how many A, B, or C answers you have and read the conclusions below. ‘Mostly As The intellectual traveller You need to combine learning with adventure, 0 goto anew place and explore the local culture, Book some short tours, or even a cookery or language course, but also allow ‘time to relax. Don’t go on a tour witha lot of people or return to the same destination each year. ‘Mostly 85 The adventurous traveller ‘Youneed a trip where you can have plenty ‘of adrenalin rushes. You might enjoy learning anew sport, such as skiing or scuba diving ‘Yu would enjoy ether traveling on your own or joining an adventure tour. Mostly Cs The organized traveller You'd enjoy structured tour ora holiday with a group of friends. Choose a destination ‘where the weather's great, the pool has ‘bar, and the gym offers massages. test yourself! Look at the first part again. Cover the ‘words on the right. Read the definitions and try to remember the words. 12 unit two wordbooster & . for words tourist information grammar possibility and probability 5. You're in a touri 3 information office. 6 Tick possible sentences, One, two, or three may be possible, A. Will Katia be at Peter’s party? B Ishouldn’t lessee want to see Peter with think so. Tene his new girlfriend, 1 dae say shell Complete the questions. a Tdon't suppose b Ws likely that we'll win. The other team’s supposed , 7 tobe brilliant. ny ¢ Idoubt if 7 es You want to. serio thy ‘beach. hi a dont suppose they/t be late, eae GTIRUISHRUSGIG iat) Yee, sheyabways ret 1 You want to know where to get a good © They'll probably be late. map of the area. What's the best a Tdoubt if everything will Be OK, - 3 Don't worry. (- b Everything's bound to be OK. 2 You want to know if it’s possible to get CSE Ee yiam NEO tickets for tonight's show? Is there any chance —— ‘oo need another operation. We won't 3 You want to know where to get i nies know until tomorrow. something to eat nearby. « She's highly they to cant > 4 You want to know if i's necessary to buy bus tickets in advance. aT probably wort get the job, they are ooking for DoT have b Ishouldn’t think Tl get the job. someone with more z ¢ Tm sure to get the ob. experience. 5. You want o know the entrance fee for the museum, a he’ bound ta pase Sioweanudhi 6 She's studied so hard for these exams. (— b Tdare say shell pass. ? She'll definitely pass. Pa] ya He's nt Likely to invite me cae 7 He RBR Marea to the wedding after the row aa Thad with his geliriend. How much does #t Tdoubt if he'll invite me cost to get into to know the art gallery? a I shouldn't think itl cost mach, 8 Tdloverohavedinner bb Its sure to cost a fortune, there, but [can’t afford it « It probably won't cost too much. ‘ont ce plete ‘tour for this afternoon. unit two 13 7 Write sentences. Use the words given. They /bound /be late. Thee bound to be late There probably / not /be enough 1 doubt it/ work, dare say/ Fabien /getthe job, ‘Things / unlikely /improve. I/not suppose / they /lend me the mon ‘The car/sure/ break down. He / definitely /be there. Who /ikely / win? natural English though and although 8 Match the pairs of sentences. 4 [i] Although the film had alo of ood aciorsin Ctreany tke my job (Clatthough it was sunny, [J although I don’t agree with him, (J Tonly ate an hour ago. [Cl atssgtise vena veatly evettay: [although 1 haven't had anything to eat since breakfast, [the job iset isa bit boring. Jrundeistand what he's saying. a Vmnot hungry tal b-_Lmeeta lot of interesting people, though. the water was warm enough to swim, think he’s got it all wrong, though. uwas still quite cold, T'm quite hungry again, though. (So can see his point of view. ‘The pay's terrible, though, unit two 71 e your grammar have sth done We can use the structure have sth done (have + object + past participle) to talk about services that we ask or pay someone else to do for us. Tm having my hatr cut this afternoon, (Someone else is going to cut it.) had the car fixed. (Someone else fixed it and I patd them.) Compare this to: 1 fixed the car. (I fixed it myself) We can also use get instead of have. Where did you get the car fixed? We also use have sth done when things happen to us but we do not know who was responsible. He had his wallet stolen, (Gomeone stole his wallet.) Complete the sentences below. Use the noun / verb pairs in the box, and have sth done in the correct tense. If the noun has already been used in the sentence, you must use a pronoun (as in the example). tainfest phone connect jeans] take up ceyes/ test bag/ steal Jacket dy clean touse/paint car service computer / fi Your hair looks nice. Where did you have it cut_? 1 Ifyou can't read that sign, you should 2 Tve bought some jeans but I need to Theyre ‘much too long. 3 Can I get a lift to work with you? I and I can't pick it up until tomorrow. 4 Ican‘t tell you our number. We've just moved in and we yet. 5 Tilhave to = I spilt some red wine on it. 6 My parents at the moment so they're staying with me for a few days. 7 He when he was walking home yesterday. ‘A boy ran up to him and grabbed it. 8 Call me, as I can't check my e-mails. There's something wrong with my computer and I can't Until next week, natural English asking for and making recommendations 9 Write sentences. Use the words given, in the correct form, and the information below. Barcelona + PLACES OF INTEREST Goudi Cathedral ~ magnificent! 1 Las Ramblas ~ averaue. with cafes, bars end shops 2The Picasso Museum DAY TRIPS dsitges - beach vesert ‘Fiqueres ~ where Salvador Dali used to live: (his house. is now a museum and art oh gallery) 3 The sive Museum f should / go/see You should go and see the Gaudi Cathedral. Its magnificent __ 1 worth /take a walk along 2. recommend 3. worth /a visit 4 should /go/ see 5 worth/go You have received an e-mail from an English-speaking friend who is ‘going to vist a city that you know. Write back to him, making some recommendations. Write about accommodation, places of interest, and things to see and do. iS how LO information you want vocabulary tourists’ phrases think back! Remember three types of accommodation | you can stay in on holiday, and things you can see or do on hol ee three iday. 10 Complete the text with suitable words. ACCOMMODATION If you want something cheap there are a lot of goon camp Sites. You coul aleo stay in youth | pwhich are quite basic, but OK The other possibility is bed anc 2 accommoaation. IF you just want to relax for a few cays, there's a fantastic holiday > island. SIGHTS on Phe There are a lot of places of in the city I think P's worth going 4 sightseeing? 4 local guiae. If you're interested in historic 6. with veally you shovla get your own guiaebook. There are aléo some wice aay? out of the city by bus or train. There's only one problem though = the admission 8 for he museums ana galleries are really expensive. unit two 15, Tick (V) when you've done these sections. natural English CO fanay (¥) [1 agreeing with and challenging opinions linking ideas grammar each other / one another, -self/ selves obligation, necessity, and prohibition sequencing information in a text ‘expand your grammar need Q q vocabulary good and bad relationships 1 personality phrases 1 expand your vocabulary personality 16 off natural English fancy (v) 1. Rewrite the underlined sentences using farc. A B 1A D a oes Do you fancy going to the cinema? Yeah, OK. What's on? ‘Do vou feel like something 10 ear? No, thanks. I only had lunch an hour ago. Let’s go for a swim. jon'twant — the water will be freezing! ‘You must be excited about moving into your new flat Actually, I don’t really like the idea of living there. Why not? I’s notin a very nice area but it’s all we can afford. Not now, but maybe later. We could go to Sparks for a drink. Id like to go somewhere different, : Femi) Look at the pictures, and ask questions using fancy. i> p ties vocabulary good and bad relationships 2 Complete the sentences. Use a verb from the box in the correct form. communicate hug relate consult stick up for quairel compete geton dash ‘The couple in the flat upstairs quarrel all the time. I don’t think they realize that we can hear them shouting 1 My older brother and his friends always ‘with each other - especially about who's the best at sport or who's the most popular with the girls! 2. Pablo and Sonia are splitting up. She says that she can’t to him any more. Apparently he’s changed a lot since he started this new job. 3. Don you think that you should lawyer about this? aq well with most of my colleagues. We see each other socially as well as at work. 5 My little brother gets embarrassed if Mum, him when she drops him off at school. 6 When we were at school together, Jonas used to up for me when some of the other kids hit me. 7 Talways with my room-mate when I was at college. There was absolutely nothing we could agree on! 8 Tlike my boss but sometimes I find it quite difficult to with bim, He just won't listen to other people. grammar each other / one another, -self / -selves 3. Choose the correct option. A. How was your holiday? B Famtastic, really enjoyed myself — ame b myself ¢ them d (-) A What did you do to your hand? B_ Tcut —_____ when I was slicing some bread, ame b myself chim d () ‘My best friend and 1 talk to on the phone every day aus b ourselves ¢ eachother d (-) Can help ______ with those bags? They look heavy. ame b yourself ¢ you d myself Ler’s meet at 6,00. aus b ourselves me 4 () Let me introduce ‘My name's Saori Matsuda, ame b myself c eachother d (-) A. You play the guitar really well B My dad taught how to play. ame b yourself ¢ myself d (-) You need to concentrate well in class, a you b yourself cit d () more if you're going 10 do ‘We disagree with about a lot of things, a ourselves bus ¢ eachother d (-) 7 & creati NG community grammar obligation, necessity, and prohibition 4 Carmen has just moved into a new flat. She has been given some The manager also tells Carmen about the information for tenants in the building. Read the text below. regulations. Complete the sentences. Use rmusta't have to/ have got to don'thaveto _[not) be allowed (to) You “ve got topay __ a deposit before you move in. 1 You —___ rent wo weeks in advance. 2 You —_____ the pool between 9.00 pam. and 7.00 a.m. 2 Pe 4 You _____ in your own flat but not in the common areas of the building. 5 You _ quiet when you are coming home or going out after 11.00 p.m. 6 If you're having a small party (less than Birley Lane apartments ten people), you. ——___ my permission. REGULATIONS 7 You —_____ pictures on the wall, paint the flat, or do anything like that without getting the owner's Rent is payable two weeks in advance. permission Tenants may not use the pool between 9.00 pam. and 7.00 am. 8: ityou bresicor damage something you No pets —_______ityourselt. [Nossmoking in common areas ofthe building Please be quiet when entering or leaving the building after 11.00 pm. The manager's permission is required for partis of more than ten people. onothang pictures on the wall, paint the at, or make other changes tothe property without the owner's permission. A doposit is required beforea tenant moves in Imagine that you and a friend have rented one of the apartments. Look at the information sheet above and tell your friend Ifsomething is broken or damaged, contact the manager. about the rules and regulations. Do not repairit yourself. We've got to pay a deposit before tenant tenants person who pays rn forthe se ofa oom, building tthe we move in, person who owns it coo 18 unit three natural English agreeing with and challenging opinions e exnangd 5 Maria isa teacher. She asks her students if they would like to °° yur grammar | change the way the classroom is organized The easstoom is currently like picture 1. need need + infinitive is stightly stronger in ‘meaning than should + infinitive. We need to do some shopping. The fridge 's almost empty. = a U ‘need to take a holiday ~ I'm exhausted. 2 need + -ing has a passive:meaning. In this i ] structure, the object of the verb comes at i aoa the beginning of the phrase. i Your shoes need cleaning, i Hl [3] [6 ‘The car needs repairing. Complete the conversations using the verbs given, Use elther need + infinitive Complete the conversation. Use words from the box. or need + ing, : : 1A Have you replied to Eva's e-mail? ee Tee: Pee laa een B Wo, not yet. Maria [think we should move the tables around in here. A You .need to do (need / 0) Jon Idon’t see hy. Tike it the way it ‘tas soon as possible - she wants to Bianca I don’t, I's claustrophobic. know what time we'te arriving. Also, + do you ! 2 remember to phone the hotel this Jon Whydoyou t- shaw be stlbesel Bianca Well, you can't move around very easily. 1 (reedi/pay) James We could try putting all the desks together in the centre. the deposit before 5.00 p.m. today Bianca Idon’tsee the?____ of that 2 8 Timgoing shopping late. Doyouneed | James Yes but there’ be more space for al of ws, Wea eeatiacts 4 Marla Yes, that3_ sense. yeah, some fms for my camere an eal compe fins forty Elizabeth Wouldn't it be better to put the desks into three groups? A. TIl-get those, By the way, the lack on James Yes, I think you're #___ the suitcase 2 Jon T'mstillnot sure. eed outa En Blteabeck why don we just try fur awede (Teed /mend) ~ the litle pin has Maria Yes, that 3___ sensible, Does everyone agree? éome out. vm ncanged qeoemarcneieiliwe Which classroom layout are they going to try? (ee (need /leave) some hee, You did ask Robert to 7 come and feed her, didn't you? ; B_ Yes, but I think we yaa (need /remind) Kim about it. Reply to these statements from other students, using the words given. Write sentences about things you need to do, or which need doing, this week. unit three 19 expa 22 ae ¢ XPANG tary oster personality personality phrases Match the adjectives and paraphrases. think back! | independent Remember five words to describe someone's personality 1 Ly thoughtless ke 2 [spoken 6 Put these sentences into the magazine article below 3 L] cheerful «6 E] outgoing a I'm sure that Mum and Dad think that 'm totally out of control 5 [] vracious b don‘ try to hide the fac that 1 want to geLon inte iw ¢ V'm sure my staff think that I can be apain in the neck. tee nk my friends would s f {LT meody d_ Lthink my friends would say that I'm a good laugh. = © Eavsure-somie people might shink-tvegerabig-exe, 8 [] laid-back 9 [J kind 10 [_] chatty How others see you, how you see yourself a. ful of life How do you think family friends, or colleagues would describe your bb concerned about his / her appearance personality? Do you think they're right? soit ty tole pec . ‘CLARA, 21, student 4 happy one minute and unhappy the next iyverrwlnad MM 1 butin fact 'm quite shy Because I'm usually very relane » really not very self-confident I try to come Faften spats or acts without thinking of seer iteeetca others 4g kes to speak his/her mind hh confident and sociable Se 2 but Edontt think am. [like to think of myself as abit wild! [just lke to try everything once and live life to the Full {always has a smile on his /her face J has a heart of gold k loves to talk MARTIN, 26, banker 3, __ Some people probably think that I'm a bit too ambitious and obsessed with work, ut won't be happy unless I get to the top! : Fea FELIX, 22, unemployed He often speaks 4 1dolike tobe funny but I sometimes (or acts) without ‘think chat people don't see that ve gota thinking (of others). serious and sensitive side too. PAOLA, 28, manager 5 __r'mvery fussy about what ime people Do any of these adjectives describe you? get to work, how they dress, and the standard of their work, but that's my job! 20. unit three is h OW, LQ ansie profile natural English linking ideas 7 Combine the sentences. Use a non-finite clause. The man was completely lost. He stopped a passerby and asked for directions, Completely lost. the man stop nt direction 1 The company was set up ten years ago in Holland, It is now one of the world’s leading software makers. 2. Gabriella is a very experienced teacher. She is excited about taking on the position of headmistress. 3. Dae-Sang is the son of an architect. He has always been, interested in design. 4 The company is expanding rapidly. It now needs bigger premises. 5 Jackie is currently studying languages. She would like 1o work as @ translator when she finishes college. grammar sequencing information in a text & Combine the sentences. Use the words given. He left school. He soon found a job he liked. (shortly after) Shortly afte leaving school he found a jab he liked. 1 Tewas almost dawn, My alarm clock went off (shortly before) My 2. Before you have the interview, you should find out as much as you can about the company. (prior to) Prior 3 We were friends, He became famous later, (long before) We 4. They met. A short time later they got engaged, (soon after) They 5 I gave up smoking. I feel a lot better now. (since) I feel ae Cate Use the notes about Leonardo DiCaprio to write a website biography ofthe actor. LEO — The early years Barn Hallyucod November 44th 4974 mother (Garman immigrant) & Father (artst) separated, shortly ater his birth Varents encouraged acting ‘Aged 2 - TV-show Romper Room Elementary schodl ~ acting classes High sched ~ plays, advertisements, educactional Films and TV shows 4994 First Film ~ horror Film Cnitters 3 1943 Film This Boy's Life ~ career breakthrough 41993 film What's Eating Gilbert Grape? (usthn donny Depp) = won Oscar nomination For best supporting actor 4996 played Romeo in Romeo and Juliet ~ became an international star career breakthrough kari "breiKOru/the film that frst brought him attention unit three 21 Tick (V) when you've done these sections. oo00 ooo00 2 natural English frequency phrases, ‘sitting on the fence’ making and responding to requests grammar rouns in groups future simple and continuous expand your grammar future perfect vocabulary adjectives describing reactions the language of editing words of similar meaning expand your vocabulary phrases with of off vocabulary adjectives describing reactions think back! Remember other adjectives that have similar meanings to surprising, ‘annoying, and peculiar. 1. Underline the adjective that best describes each situation, You are walking home from work one evening. It starts to rain hard. You decide to get a taxi but none come for ten minutes. Then three go past but don’t stop for you. annoying /odd / astonishing 1 You hadn’t studied hard at all, so you were dreading getting your exam results, When they came, though, they were really good. surprising /peculiar/ annoying 2 Aman approaches you in the sireet and acts as if you are old friends. He asks you about your family and if they are OK. You explain that he has confused you with someone else but he seems surprised that you don’t know him. astonishing / infuriating /strange 3. Your neighbours are having a party and are being really noisy. You went to bed at 11.30 p.m. It'snow 1.00 a.m. and you're still not asleep. weird /amazing / irritating natural English frequency phrases 2 Match the beginnings and endings of the phrases. How often do you go to the cinema? [2] Quite 1 [About twice a 2 [| Whenever 3 [Hardly 4 Jevery month 5 [Jonce in 6 8 [_] Roughly once jn |] Now and a Tan, © again. da fortnight. often, f varies. g week. h awhile, i ever, * Eas! Answer the questi phrases. Now often do you..? = gotothe cinema? About once = buy magazines? a month. = go out with friends? Speak English (outside cass)? — use the internet? Describe these places using end / bottom /comer/ beginnin everytting you see in films grammar nouns in groups Complete the sentences using the words in brackets. Add any other necessary words or punctuation, took this photo from the top of the mountain. (mountain / top), ‘The view’s spectacular, isn't it? I'm usually exhausted by (day/ end). My ___— (player/ DVD) was stolen from my ear. Have you seer (paper/ today)? My sister isa (artist /make-up). She usually works with models on photo shoots but occasionally she does some work on films. 5 My (boss / husband) has asked him to work late every night this week, 6 Have yougora 7 Try to geta good better in the morning, 8 Oh, no! Lean't find my Thaven’t locked them inside! (opener /bottle) T can use? (sleep / night). You'll feel (keys/ house). Lhope : ne the bottom of the sea 23 @ the mobile phong.. natural English ‘sitting on the fence’ 4 1 It'sadifficult Complete the sentences with a suitable word. Should children be allowed to own mobile phones? can see both sides | don’t reall think kids need a mobile. On the other hand, it makes kids and parent feel safer if they know they cancall home whenever they need to. do think that they're usefl for kids to have, but we don't ‘know the long-term health effects of using them, at _ doesn'tit? If they're just calling a friend fora chat they don’t need a mobile, but if they're going out somewhere then they're useful. 3 It’shard to I"ve had a mobile since 24 | was 13 but Ive never used it that much. To be honest, | could live without it. unit four grammar future simple and continuous 5. Underline the correct form. What do you think you'll do/ ‘IL be doing this time next year? 1 Give it to me and I'll give "Il be giving it to Sam. I'm seeing her later. 2 We'll play tl be playing football all afternoon, so if you want to join us just come along to the park. 3. [won't call/ won't be calling you until I get some more news. 4 By the end of the month we'll have ‘be having enough money to buy a car. 5 Doyou think you'll still work tl still be working here next year? 6 Maybe we shouldn't go round at the weekend, They'll pack /' be packing everything up to move. 7 Don't ring the boss this afternoon, He'll do/ ‘ll be doing interviews until 5.00 p.m, 8 Don't worry. I won't forget / won't be forgetting to tell him. 6 Sophie and Julia work for the same company but in different cities. Complete their e-mails below. Use the verbs in brackets in either the future simple or future continuous. Hi Sophie just wanted to let you know that be (be) on holiday forthe next two ‘weeks (this time next week !__ (le) on the beach). My colleague Jason 2 (do) my job while 'm away s0 13 (gue) him alt ofthe information. Call him i you need to know anything. Cheers, Julia ‘trom: Sophie Dear Julia | hope you have @ good hollday! I's @ pty that you + (20t/ be) there nest week, as I'm hoping to vist in person. | 3__ (leave) the stuf you ‘asked for with Jason. I think that bythe end of the month we & (have) enough information to complete the report, dont you? Otherwise we z (stil/ work) on it over Christmas, which would be a nightmare! Think of me stuck inthe office while youre on the beach! 8_ (you get) Intouch 38 soon as you get back? Sophie ¢ ~*~ your grammar future perfect We use the future perfect (will (not) + have + past participle) to refer to an action that will happen or will be finished before a point of time in the future, By the time we see her again, Jane will have started her new job. now future startnew job see her again By the time I'm 40, Fl have bought a house. now future buy house 40th birthday Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in brackets in the future perfect. Let's set off after 10.00 a.m. The rush hour will have finished (Finish) by then, 1 Hurty up! If we don't leave right now, the film (start) by the time we get there. 2 __ they /make) a decision by the end of today? [At the end of this month my parents (be) married for fifty years, Hopefully, by the time I see you again, I — (find) a job. 5 Tall you around 8.00. You _ ‘then, will you? {not /go) out by Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct form (future simple, future continuous, or future perfect). SE vanztle TR Con reveal fife Robert, 23, student \don'tthink my life willbe (be) allthat different tonow. expect 1 Lb tiving (live)inthe same place but, with any luck, \ have found (find) ajob } that enjoy. Jorge, 22, teacher } Hopefully, by then! (meet) the woman of my dreams and we 2__ (liven uxury somewhere sunny. Miroslav, 35, accountant Ihopel>_ (retire) by then, having earned an absolute fortune! Yuki, 25, advertising executive 14 (probably do) thesame kind of workas|amnow, only hopefully!__(eam) alot more money! Who knows = maybe | 6 (buy)thecompany! | ‘Susie, 20, secretory lexpect 7 (still/tive) inLondon and! hopes (be) married. 1? (probably /have) a couple of children, Martin, 18, medica student | t's hard to say, but guess 10__ (work) ina hospital ‘or family medical practice. : ne What do you think your life 10 years’ time? What about in 20? unit four 25 ¢@ EXPAN tery phrases with of Look at these words and definitions. ‘means of away of achieving or doing sth ‘a means of transport = a way of getting around rote of the measurement of the amount, or speed, of change cover a period of time the rate of inflation (or inflation rate) = the amount and speed by which prices in a country are rising sense of a feeling about sth «a sense of achievement = the positive feeling you get ‘when you have achieved something standard of the quality of the standard of living = the quality of life people have ‘the amount of sth at a particular time the level of alcohol in sb’s blood = how much alcoho ‘someone has in their blood at a particular time level of ‘Match the words in the box with the phrases below. rate of sense of standard of means of Complete the sentences with a suitable phrase from above. The rate of unemployment went up by 10% last year. 1 Government ministers are meeting conservation groups and scientists to discuss how the ‘in our rivers can be reduced. ————E year and prices are still rising. 3 Even though he didn’t come firs, he got a real from doing wel. 4 The {in our primary schools is deteriorating. The government needs to spend more on this area. 5. The bike is by far the most popular ee in Vietnam, 6 Our is fairly high compared to other countries, but there is stil a big difference between the rich and the oor. 7 Don't ask me which way to go ~T'e got a terrible hhas gone up by 3% so far this, 8 E-mail is now the most widely used 26 unit four = = apRoster words of similar meaning 7 Complete the text. Use the verbs in the box in the correct form, control improve grew prohibit deteriorate limit cut examine increase Memo Date 18/12/02 To allstaff From the Managing Director Aig thank you to all of our staff thas been an excellent year and the company has grown __ considerably. Sales went \p by 30% and next year we intend to ‘the number of staff from 485 t0 510. Last year the amount spent on entertaining clients was excessive, so next year we have to 2__ expenditure on corporate entertainment by 25%. ‘Weare going to introduce a new system for}________ the quality of goods. From now on, all goods must vet three times, twsice By machine and one by hand, before being package, We hope hat this the number of faulty ae We are committed to 6 ‘working conditions for all employees. We realize thatthe standard of all ofthe office equipment alot recently and we appreciate your tolerance. The offices wil be refurbished in April 2003. We re planning to 8 smoking in all parts ofthe building from January 2003 onwards. Smokers, please use the rooftop terrace. test yourself] Look again at the verbs in the box above. For each one, try to remember another verb with a similar meaning. natural English making and responding to requests 8 Write requests. Use the words given. Jend me some money (wondering) Znns wondering if you could lend me some money 1 post this letter for me (ihinky 2. have a look at my computer (chance) —________? 3 proofread this report that I've w (wondering) ________? 4. get some bread on your way home (think) DP 5. give mea lift tothe station (chance) —___? Match these responses to the requests. Leave it on my desk and I'll see what I can do, Sure. I'm going past the post office later anyway. ¢ Te only got a couple of dollars myself example d_ Sure, What time? fe Idon't know that much about them. { Yes, but Iwon't be home until late say it! Do you think you could answer ‘the phone while I get a coffee? a h ow ta and @dit e-mails vocabulary the language of editing 9 Read the essay and complete the teacher's notes below. ARE LETTERS OR E-MAILS THE BEST MEANS OF COMMUNICATION? There is no doubt that e-mail has enabled us to confinicate with each other much more quickly tran in the past but is e-mail unquestionably a good thing'? Letters tend to take us longer to write, but perhaps we thine mare about what we are saying. In e-mails we: don’t “ean aa about correct spelling or punctuation SP-we make a mistake, we can just call it a type. We also keep letters for longer, so if we can’t remember what a friend said in thei last letter Bacar t led: ot 1 again tonever, Me asialy deleted cl ecwails En the other bandywlen we need @ quick response, e-mail is perfec! "Bsalso cheap, and much more convenient than sending a letter: because we don’t need to leave our desk land we don't have te queue in the posteoffice!) You need a double m | 1 Don’t forget to puta You are asking a question. ‘These are two separate sentences so you need a capital letter. Wrong Starta new here. “On the other hand’ should be followed by a Remember - when you mean ‘It is’ you need an You could put this in important. anda It should be present simple or leave it out, asit’s not so 8 Post olfice’ doesn’t need a “Awrite it! fiscussing the statement, ‘E-mail is necessary in unit four 27 Tick (7) when you've done these sections. ecient Ae talking about test /exam results expectation and surprise spoken v. written English not that + adjective natural English talking about test / exam results ooo00 grammar narrative tenses modifying and intensifying adverbs expand your grammar modifiers + tao + adjective oo00 vocabulary taking exams phrasal verbs 50 and such expand your vocabulary Sona and pea Yes 1. Here are the test results for some students in an English class. ‘Match the names of the students to the sentences below. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. oo000 Name Final result Grade Pass fail (pass = 50%) Young-Eun 70% B Pp Ralph 93% A P Alberto E F Nina c P Tomoko D F Tonly just fal I got excellent marks. Tjust passed. Idid very badly. | Look at the results table again and talk about the results. 28 igs am experience! grammar narrative tenses natural English 2. Underline the correct form. expectation and surprise Why dida’t you tell/weren’t you telling me that you'd already 4 Tick the correct options. One, two, or gota ticket? 1 When [arrived they had already started had already been starting lunch 2. A. What did you do/ were you doing there? B_ Waiting for my sister to pick me up. 3. We drove/ were driving along the motorway when we got a flat tyre. 4 We hadn't waited /hadn’t been waiting for long but it was raining and we were getting cold so we left. | didn’t want to go because I'd seen/"d been seeing the film before. 1 just thought/ was just thinking about you when you rang. found out later that they'd made /‘d been making a mistake. They'd gone out /“d been going out together for ages so it came as a big surprise to us when they broke up. 3. Complete the newspaper article. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct form (past simple, past continuous, past perfect simple, or past perfect continuous). ‘Two determined women went bonneto-bonnet for one parking space, @ court was told yesterday. Last December Julie Brown, 43, drove (drive) into the space in the middle of the High Street, only to be confronted by Melanie Andrews, 20, coming from the opposite direction. Both women ! (believe) they 2__ (see the space first and both 2 (refuse) to move. Ina grinding of metal and smoke, Ms Andrews then #_____ (shunt) her rival out of the space, despite the fact that Mrs Brown 5 (apply) her handbrake and her twelve-year-old son Dominic & (stand) behind her car, pushing back. Later Ms Andrews claimed that she 7____ wait) for the previous car to vacete the spot and that consequently the spot was rightfully hers ‘A jury at Winchester Crown Court § (ind) Andrews guilty of dangerous driving. Liz Gunther, forthe prosecution, said: Parking rage is the best way to describe this case." bonnetbont/ the meta part over the Font of acs, usually covering the engine shunt [anto push sth violently rage reidy/ feeling of violent anger Fo three may be correct thought that the job interview had been terrible, but io my surprise a they offered me the job. ¥ b- [didn’t get the job. x € they've asked me to go back for a second interview. 1 Ididn’t do any revision for the test, but tomy amazement a Ipassed. b Tailed. © Idid very badly. 2. He wasn hourlate to meet his girlfriend, so when he arrived, as you might expect she had gone home. she was furious they had an argument. 3 She was late for work for the third time in a week, so inevitably her boss didn’t mind b- noone seemed to care. © her boss was annoyed with her. 4 Ricky was at the party, but a hewent home early b he didn’t stay for long © heignored me. 5 My brother doesn’t usually remember my birthday, but this year to my surprise a he forgot. he gave me a present © hesent mea card 29 — a = ==> === =wordbooster taking exams phrasal verbs 6 Complete the sentences. Use phrasal verbs with go, turn, get and come, in the correct form. The meaning of the missing phrasal verb is given in brackets. Isn't your birthday coming up soon? (happen) sy r0erss = a0 PLEASE! 1 Ilike this song. Could you {increase the volume) 2. Ltried to call you this afternoon but 1 couldn't (be connected) 3 There's a lot of noise in the background. Whars . (happen) think back! 4 what tine id hey evenly Remember five verbs connected with exams, ) =e 5. His leg has been badly injured, but as 5. Some students are discussing an exam they've just taken. time —__he'tlfndit Complete the sentences with verbs /phrases from the box, in the easier to move around correct form. (pass) Gea ee 6 She got sucha fright. She didn’ realize he was there, and he take pl y : ke place (rot)come up prepare luff my way through a ater ad WT hadprepared for the test, 'm sure I could've got good Raggi Hee cm theca marks init (approach) 1d a minute late and the invigilator wouldn't 7 Tthought I'd lost my credit card but it let me in - at my parents’ rome. 2 Ymnsuret___ twas sure about any of he en 3 IfIdon’t pass, l__________ the exam next month. 8 I'll have to study late tonight - I've got 4. -Whieves te Speakiig tt potig tb ? somuch werk 9 ——__ 51 : ofthe Hstening test! got it all wrong. dinishy 6. 1 was surprised that phrasal verbs inthe tes vesterday cC 5 7 1 _____ that part of the exam, then I think r'll a | write it! pass the rest. 8 Jacob’s been disqualified for os ‘was trying to copy from the student next to him, 9 I'vegotto _ another test this afternoon, 10. Although I didn’t know much about it, I think I managed to the essay question. Apparently, he Write about a time when you took an exam, 30. unit five & a CESK endurance grammar modifying and intensifying adverbs 7 Complete the sentences. Use a suitable extreme adjective. It’s extremely hot in here, isn’t it? Yes, it’s boiling! Vm quite tired. think I'll go home now. Yes, me too. 'm 1 It was really itening wasn't it? {hate films ike that. I probably won't be able to sleep tonight. Did you have a good time? Yes, ! T've read this book too. What did you think of it? To be honest, I thought it was pretty bad. ‘Me too. I thought it was absolutely 13a stupid idea, isn’t it? B_ think its the most thing I've ever heard! wpe >> > mp oe o> 8 Underline the correct words. One, two, or three may be possible. ‘The film was rather / really / absolutely fantastic. 1 Tthought that it would be difficult but in fact it was really /fairly absolutely easy, 2A. Did you enjoy the film? B No! The story was extremely /really / absolutely ridiculous. 3. His job is pretty /rather / extremely stressful, isn't it? 4A What's the weather like there today? B_ Pretty/Really / Absolutely nice! 5 Itwasa fairly /rather/ absolutely unpleasant journey as our air- conditioning wasn't working, 6 The food was good but the service was fairly /extremely / absolutely appalling. 7 A. How’s your course going? B_ I'menjoying it, but it’s rather/ fairly really challenging. 8 A. Wasthe test difficult? B_ Rather/ Fairly / Absolutely impossible! Keyan Say sentences about these things Iwatched a movie on TV last night. It was absolutely awful natural Engtish spoken v. written English 9. Replace the underlined words with less formal words from the box, in the correct form. Keep the meaning the same. Findet cutoff getrid of takepartin take up turnout workout _cometoanend teloff In our research we are trying to discover how sleep can be affected by different foods. find out 1 Iwe don’t pay the bill this week, the phone will be disconnected. 2. Ithink the government abolished that law two years ago. 3 Iwas often reprimanded by the teachers at school. 4 If you want to participate in any of the ‘water sports at the club you have to sign this insurance document first. 5 Asit transpired, Thad a room to myself. 6 Studying occupies most of my time. 7 When the course terminated we didn’t see each other for five years. 8 Once I can determine where the fault is, Ill be able to fix it for you. unit five 31 ¢ EXPAN tary formal and informal verbs Verbs 1 to10 below are more formal than verbs a to k. You might use the more formal ‘ones when writing, or when speaking to someone you don’t know, often in a work situation. You might use the less formal ones when speaking to people you know. Match verbs with the same meaning. purchase [i] a let sb know team = b saysory 2 request € putoff 3 obtain a get 4 ascertain © calloff 5 inform F get in touch with sb 6 apologize L] ask for 7 require [J hh sortout 8 contact Ll i by 9 postpone | j need 10 resolve ke find out Cover the exercise above. Make the underlined verbs betow less formal. Where did you purchase it? by —___ 1 If you require any more information, please call me. 2 Tm trying to ascertain exactly why she's resigned, 3. [requested a room with a view but they didnthave any, 4 think you should apologize to her. 5. They have postponed the wedding until later in the year. 6 Lam calling to inform you that I won't be able to meet you on Friday. 7 Why was the match cancelled? 8 Have you resolved the problem with your computer yet? 9 Ym trying to contact Simona Gentile, You don't know her number, do you? 10 You can obtain copies of the document From our head office, 32 unit five Ba b + i> NO WasbOwnat you feel vocabulary so and such 10 Write sentences with the same meaning, Use so or such. It’s such a new design that not many people have seen it yet. The design is 1. The film was so boring that we walked out halfway through. it es 2. We had such bad weather that we decided to come home early. ‘The weather 3. Itwas such a difficult test that I gave up. The test 4. The food was so disgusting that I didn’t eat a thing! It — 5. His results were so good that he decided to go to college after al. He 6 Tt was such a loud noise that I closed the window. The ni 7 The teacher's so good that I've decided to attend his class again next term. He 8 It’ssuch an old car that I'm not at all surprised it broke down, The car natural English not that + adjective 11. Match the paits of sentences. [£] You didn’t miss much. (Dy the test wasn't that difficut (C)ters think irthrough again. [vou can’t be that hungry. (_) stop worrying about your interview. (Ci aide think the film was that bad. ‘We had dinner only an hour ago. 1m sure it won't be that bad. It can’t be that complicated Iccould’'ve been much harder. Catherine Zeta Jones was good, didn’t you think? “Phe pete recttesatchas aods ¢ modifiers + too + adjective ‘your grammar Look at these examples. too + adjective ‘A Do you want to go swimming? B No, its too cold! too + adjective + for + sb These jeans are too small for me. too + adjective + infinitive feel too sick to go to school. We often use modifiers before too. Fer, miles, and way all mean the same as much (but miles and way are more informal). That jacket looks much too big. Tm far too hungry to wait any longer. It's miles too big for you. Tt’ way too hot to play tennis today. ‘Slightly and a bit mean the same as a little (but @ bit is more informal). The dessert’s alittle too sweet for me. The sofa’s slightly too big to get through the door. It's a bit too far to walk there, Complete the sentences. Use the words given, They had to stop the match. It be/bit /dark//see the ball was a bit too dark to see the ball. By the time I finally finished work it be / much /late /go//cinema. 2 Its nice shirt but that size look /little /small /you. 3 need something to eat now. I be / way /hungry /wait / dinner, 4 We should get the bus. It take /far /long / walk there 5 I'm not coming to the party. I be/bit tired. 6 There's no point in us talking about it now. Tcan see that you be/ way /angry /listen to me. 7. Tim going to have to cut out some of this essay. It be /slightly/ long. 8 Do you want this jacket? It be /miles /big /me. Gee Respond to the questions using the words given and a modifier of your choice, it was may too difficult. for mel Do you want tocome-to the beach? of old/me. Do you wart afift home? No/ eary/ leave Shall we watch video? No late / start watching. fim. unit five 33 Tick (V) when you've done these sections. QO QO Oo o00 ooo0000 34 natural English talking about needs apparently, it appears / seems that getting sb’s attention grammar past simple and present perfect passive indirect questions ‘expand your grammar other passive forms vocabulary feelings and emotions collocation expressing. opinions and interest dangers and disasters knowing your prepositions expand your vocabulary phrases with in and on off vocabulary feelings and emotions think back! Remember three phrases to describe how you feel after getting good news and three after getting bad news. 1 Match sentences 1 {0 5 t0 the responses a to f. ‘So we've set a date for the wedding — September 2nd. ¢ 's going to be 1 Do you remember that job I had an interview for last month? ‘Well, [got it! Istart next week. — 2. Did you know that Juan and Paulina have broken up? Apparently she’s met another man. — 3. My sister’s got into the national swimming team. She’s hoping to 0 to the next Olympic Games, — 4. She promised that we would do the project together. Then she decided to do it with Jane instead. — 5. He had been doing all this overtime and working really late. ‘Then they offered the promotion to someone else. — a You must have felt really let down. b Ohno! He must be heartbroken © Oh! Lexpect he's really fed up. Wow! You must be thrilled to bits © Yourmumrand dad-must be over the mean: They love ‘Alessandro-don't they? Really? She must be ecstatic Respond to the news. Oh nol He must feel really let down. Peter had arranged to goon haliday with is rend Josef, but then Josef decided to go anay with hisbrothe instead. [ got an A in my exam. idyou non that Simon's broken off his with Elena? Paul's been looking for a new job for aes bute ust can't Find anthing spots natural English talking about needs Say what you would take with you to a desert island. Use the underlined phrases in exercise 2, and the pictures below, to help > Id have to have some coffee with mel S 2. Could you survive on a desert island for three months with only ie other people? What would you need to survive? Match the pairs of sentences. Leouldn’t live without my friends! e Music wo absolutely essential. C Tid have wo have some privacy! Id have to take a supply of cigarettes with me. con vive without chocolate! Some good books would be ess ial If could have my own tent then it might be OK, but T'd hate to share with anyone. b I'd worry about it melting though! © Especially as it doesn't sound as if there’s much else to do there! Td have to have a mi disc player to keep my sanity. © Being alone with nine sanger-svotid drive me crazy. £ 'matraid {get through a packet a day vocabulary collocation think back! Look at these news headlines. Think of three ‘words that you might expect to find in each story. Earthquake destroys city Robels attack national TV station Police hunt for gir's attacker 3. Complete the news stories with words from the box. ‘terrorist latest extremely control vitally surrounding under serouely completely fire badly Earthquake destroys city Pants oF THE crry have been completely destroyed. Buildings in !____ areas hhave also been 2___ damaged. The information we have received suggests that over 500 people have been killed. and up to 2,0004___ injured. Fires in the north of the city are now burning out of Rebels attack national TV station REBELS HAVE ATTACKED the national TV station. Government forces soon had the situation & by control, but not before rebels had set fie to part of the studio ing, which is stillon? ____ now. ighting between rebel and government forces has escalated in recent weeks and this is the third 8 month, attack in the capital this Police hunt for gir's attacker PoLice SAVE ASKED FOR anyone who recognizes this man to come forward. The man is wanted in connection with an assault ona teenage girl on Monday. Any information is 9 Important, however trivial it may seem. They say that the man is 10. ‘dangerous and that under no circumstances should he be approached. 36 unit six === =wordbooster dangers and disasters 4 Complete the sentences with nouns formed from the verbs in the box. warn explode ——_‘idnap arest survive injure accuse threaten evacuate ‘The explosion destroyed the shopping centre. 1 Police say that they were given no of the bomb so they were unable to evacuate the area, 2 The of the three men lost on the mountain will depend on the weather over the next two days. 3. Police have made several _____ following violent demonstrations outside the government building, 4 Racing driver Stan Portman has crashed in the Monaco Grand Prix. Doctors say that his are serious, although he is ina stable condition. 5 The ______ have come as a complete surprise to the ambassador, who denies any involvement in the case. 6. This is the third ______ of a politician’s family member in six months, and the financial demands are always the same. 7 Police say that there is no immediate 10 villages to the south of the volcano. 8 The _____ started three hours ago. People are leaving the towns with as much as they can pack into their cars or carry on their backs. ae Miaie canes Look at the headline and write a short news stor Use the words given to help you ity contre = cep aamagess knowing your prepositions 5 Underline the correct preposition. One thousand people were evacuated at from /in the area The man accused me in /on /of stealing his wallet. The police arrested him of /for rom drink-driving. Airport stall are searching people at/in fon random, The charity s on /in of need of more donations. ‘You should wear sunblock to protect your skin at /of/from the sun. natural English apparently, it appears /seems that S h AVE peard? 8 Order the words to make sentences. grammar past simple and present perfect passive 6 Underline the correct form. A. That's a nice picture. B_ Itpainted/ was painted by my great-grandfather. 1 A_ What's happened to Shani? B. She'sarrested/"s been arrested, 2A Was there much damage? B_ The explosion destroyed / was destroyed a lot of buildings. 3. A Were there any casualties? B_ About 50 people injured / were injured. 4. A Have the police got any new information? Bit appears that they found / were found foorprints at the scene of the crime. 5 A Why can't you drive tonight? B_ My car hasn't repaired / hasn't been repaired yet 7 Complete the news stories. Use the verbs in brackets in the past simple (active or passive), or the present perfect (active or passive). ‘Two people have been injured _ in an explosion in a factory. The fire completely !___ (destroy) the factory and several nearby buildings?_______ (damage). ‘A shopkeeper isin hospital in a serious condition after he 2 rob tast night. The thieves + (steal $300 in cash and some cigarettes. The shopkeeper 5 aac by one ofthe thieves as he 6 artempt to stop them. ‘This week's three-million-pound lottery prize? _______ (win) by an eighty sicyearold man, The man, who wishes to remain anonymous, plans to share the money between his five children Awoman8___ (find) guilty of damaging a valuable painting at the City art gallery. The woman. °__ (dla) in court yesterday that the gallery owed her money. She10_____ (sentence) toa year in jail A ‘s/that/ hear /I/a bomb/ the city centre in [gone off hear that a bomb’s gone off in the Gitycentre = Ohno, A. someone /it seems fa parked car/ left / in/Tt a B_people/ Were f injured / many A no one/ appears /hurt/ was /It A last night/ you /the school /hear/ robbed /was/ that /Did 4 B Really? A. stole /some kids/a TV / Apparently / and / broke in 5 unit six 37 ¢ other passive forms Here are examples of the passive in other tenses. Present simple passive cam fis /are + past participle ost of the parts are imported Future simple passive will+ be + past participle You will be met at the airport by one of our staff. Present continuous passive ‘om fis /are + being + past participle The film is being made in Australia, Past continuous passive was /were + being + past participle Before her death she was being looked after by her daughter at home. Past perfect passive hhad + been + past participle When they got back from their holiday they discovered that their house had been burgled. Rewrite the sentences in the passive form. Use by + agent only where necessary. They printed this edition in 2001. This edition was printed in 2001 1 Atall man ina leather jacket was following her. 2 We will notify you of your results next week. 3 Someone is painting her house this week. 4 Someone had already used my credit card by the time T reported it stolen. 5 Where do they produce this wine? your grammar 38 unit six be an ace teporter natural English getting sb’s attention think back! Remember four ways of requesting attention. 9 writ que: Con Task you something? (ask / something) OK, if it’s quick. Excuse me, ? (got/moment) Actually I'm rupning late, sorry. Sorry to bother you but —____? (spare /minute) Sure, what can Ido for you? ions. Use the words given, A >o ee | Abit, why? Ym doing a survey. Would you answer some questions? Sorry, I'd rather not upo> o grammar indirect questions 10 Pierre is doing a survey of English-speaking tourists in France. Look at the questions he wants to ask. Complete the indirect questions below. ‘Where are you from? 5 Do youspeak any French? 1 Isthisthe first time you'vebeen 6 What do you think of French toFrance? food? 2 How did you get here? 7 How do you feel about French 3. How long have you been here? rere Ayre eee an 8 Whois the President of France? group? First of all, could you tell me where you are fiom. ? Td like to know —=— Could task you Cede yo AU Vd like to kmow — ‘Gora tinal yt = was wondering Vd be interested to know — Do you know @ ex RANG Luar phrases with in and on ‘Match the phrases in the box with the definitions below. inadvance onadiet in trouble ontherise indepth indoubt onsale inpain—inpersononpurpase_onbehafof uncertain indoubt__ Imagine that you are interview 1 ina detailed and complete way tourists in your country. Ask eight questions, 2 some direct and some indirect. For the "i indirect questions, use the phrases below to help you. available to buy do sth yourself, face to face (not over the phone or in writing) 4. ina situation that fs dangerous or in which you can be criticized or punished 5. tying to lose weight — Could you tell me 5 not by accident; deliberately 7 what you think oF before the time expected or before the weather here? sth happens. increasing 9 asa representative of sb, or instead of sb vocabulary expressing opinions 20 hurt ori and interest Complete the sentences with phrases from the box above. 11. Match the beginnings and endings of Next week's show is indoubt __ ifthe weather does not the sentences. get any better, How do you feel about ...? 1. The new album will be —__ from Friday at all good music stores 4] 1feel 2 You have to pay a 10% deposit 1 ean see 3 Tmhere Thomas Mann, who was unable to get 2 Cormnotrealty bothered, here today, I 4 She's ___, but the doctors giving her something 3. [_rmnotat aid 4 _}there’s no easy 5 He's with the potice again, 5 C]rm very much 6 You cart send her a letter - that's the kind of thing that you have 6 [_|Itdoesn’t bother vey ——— 7 _|twouldn’t like 7 He thinks Tid it ___, but it was just an accident, 8° Clrainoean 8 Recent figures suggest that unemployment is 9 He studied the contract and decided that it was a good deal. 30 Tean't eat chocolate. I'm a allin favour of it. b against it. © answer to that soar test yourself! _ \ € me that much Look at definition 1 to 10 in the frst part above, but cover | £- tobe honest. the phrases onthe right. Try to remember the phrases with | g both sides. jinand on. } } hi quivestrongly about thet. — i that interested in it unit six 39 Tick (7) when you've done these sections. rari off 1 what /how/ where on earth. ? Cr degrees of wilingness , EH putting people at ease natural English what /how / where on earth ... ? 4. Complete the sentences. Use on earth and the words given, inthe grammar correct form. (1 present perfect and past simple A. I waited for an hour. Where on earth were you ? Co do, wilt, or would (Where /be/you) CO expand your grammar B_ Sorry! I got held up at work. be supposed to /be expected to 1 A Sorry I’m late. I missed the bus and had to walk. Bo 2 (Why/you/not/ call) I could've a eee . picked you upt volnbesr Wert Ds 2 (Who /be/ that woman) 1 success anc failure B_ I think it’s Sergio’s mum. She always wears strange clothes conservation ieee a lee aaa 3A MMltake you othe pay but 2 ‘expand your v« n (how / you / get home) nouns describing quantity B_ I'msure someone there will give me a lift back. 4 A —____?(What/ you /do) You’re filthy! B._ I've been trying to fix the car. 5 A Marta resigned yesterday? B 2 (why she fd /that) A. She had a row with herboss. Nara What would you sa e be supposed to/ be expected to ‘your grammar We can use be supposed to and be expected to to talk about obligation. be expected to + infinitive We can use be expected to to say what someone should do, either because it isa rule or because someone in authority has said they should do it. When a colleague's off sick we're all ‘expected to do thelr work for them. At school we were expected to stand up wien the teacher arrived. ‘The negative form means that sth is not necessary. You're not expected to speak fluent English for this position. ‘be supposed to + infinitive We can also use be supposed to to say ‘what someone should do. We often use it when a rule or an arrangement has already been broken, or may be broken, ‘Tm supposed to hand in this essay ‘tomorrow (but I won't have finished it by then). ‘was supposed to be home an hour ago (but Fm late). The negative form is similar in meaning to not allowed to. You're not supposed to be in here. Its for first-class passengers only ~ please leave! We can also use this form when arrangements have changed or may be changed. Twas supposed to play tennis with Zac, but we couldn't because ofthe rain Write sentences with the same meaning. Use be supposed to or bbe expected to. One or both forms may be possible. I told Carlos I call him tonight but I forgot. Twas supposed to call Carlos tonight but Iforgot —___ 1 Do you have to work at the weekends? Are 2 Hurry up! I told Jane we'd pick her up twenty minutes ago! Hurry up! We 3. In my last job the boss asked us to do overtime even though we weren't paid for it. In my last job we 4 You shouldn't take photos in here. You 5 Ive arranged to go and visit my grandparents on Sunday but I could {go on Saturday instead. a 6 You don't have to wear a suit and tie but you should look smart. You 7. Do we have to take a present with us to the party tonight? Are T had arranged to have lunch with Marina but she called it off. I Ysay itl Say sentences using be supposed to or be expected to. start mork/ 9.00am. (expected ‘nrte monthly reports (expected) ork overtime (not expected) do/ meeting yesterday/ forgot (supposed to) se the phone | personal als (not supposed ta) 'm expected ttostart work by 9.00am. “a = for others grammar present perfect and past simple 2 Underline the correct form. One or both may be possible. You've written /‘ve been writing that letter all day. You must have finished by 1 How long has he worked /has he been working there? 2. Ws rained/’s been raining for hours. If it doesn’t stop soon, there'll be floods. 3. A. What's ll this mess in the kitchen? B_ I've cooked /‘ve been cooking, 4. She's called me/’s been calling me three or four times today. 5 I've worn ‘ve been wearing contact lenses for ten years. 6 I've read/ve been reading a whole ook today! 7 A What's the matter? B ve burnt/‘ve been burning my finger on the cooker. 8 He's stayed/''s been staying with some friends for the last two months, but now he's got to find his own place. 3. Put the adverbs in the box into the sentences below. before yet never always already recently aeady 1've(explained it to you three times. Do Ineed to do it again? 1 've used this computer program but Tm sure I could get used to it quickly Have you seen any good films? Haven't you finished that? He's wanted to be a doctor. don’t think we've met, have we? 42 unit seven ‘An au pair lives and works with families abroad, looking after the children and usually doing some housework. Carolina has written a letter, applying for an au pair job. Complete the letter. Use the verbs in brackets in the present perfect simple, present perfect continuous, or past simple. Dear Sir /*madeen T would like to apply for a position as an au pair Ever Since 1 was (be) a child, 1! want) te werk with children 12 ust /leave) school always / and next yew Tm ing te do a course in childcare. I'm takeing Hrs year off, and would like: 40 go overseas and get some experience Hat will help mein my Studies next year 1 Grot /werkt) with young elvidren before bub my brother has two ehillven, aged He and Four. 14 Mock after) them lobs of times Last year 19___ olunteer) to werk in a. Summer camp with teenagers. 16 tbe) responsible for organizing sports activities. 17____ (really /enjoy) it and J’m sure the camp manager would recommend me. T8___ (also /work) part-time in a shop since last year. T lock ferward te hearing from you Seon Yours faithfully Carelina Weiss Write a letter of application fora job as an au pair, or as a sports and activities organizer in a children’s summer camp. Outline your relevant qualifications, experience and qualities natural English degrees of willingness ey 5 Theaupairagencyalsoasks applicanssto SS > Ihccessful? fill out a form which helps them match au airs to the most suitable family. vocabulary volunteer work Answer the questions by putting a tick or think back! — ‘a cross in the box. Remember five words connected with volunteer work. + Would you be willing to wacktanwerennger Zw 6 Replace the underlined words in the text with words from the box. Keep the meaning the same. 1) work at the weekends? x meee oem = raise fund-raising events eamservation 2 dohousene? 4 ‘4 =e 3. cook meats forthe chidven? — [¥] 7 Known worldwide by its panda loge, WWF is the world's 4 look ater a baby? Ea largest lili and environment aratection orgaization ‘The WWF works to protect endangered species and Dayounee habitats around the world. To continue our crucial work, 5S. a first aid certificate? Z WWF needs help from people like you. Because such a lot ‘ofthe money we 2 gat goes straight inte conservation programmes, WWF is one > non-profit organization you — ‘an trust. when you give money to WW, you can be ‘assured that your money willbe put to immediate use Write Carolina’s answers. Use the words ‘Fyou can help WW by getting involved in our activities given. designed to raise money, such as sponsored walks. , See our website for this year's events diary. willing See db wing to workin the evenings, 1 reluctant 1 conservation _ 4 2 5 2. not mind 3 3 prepared vocabulary success and failure 7 Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Change the form of the word ifnecessary. You do not need to use all of the words. 4 find/hard success realize cope afiasco sucteed make handle do. sole achieve SSS Simon is leaving to set up his own computer software company 5 no but! willing get one = anyone can make a success of it, Simon can! 1 How is Paolo with his new job and a new baby? 2 Nicola, there's some confusion over the arrangements for the Christmas party. Will you it for me? 3. Several salesmen have not _____ their targets this month, Perhaps we need to run another training course? 4. The conference last week was —____. Nothing had been planned properly and everything went wrong. Cover the exercise above. Look at the application form again and answer the questions. 5 Congratulations to Claire, who has —___ in passing her unit seven 43 wordbooster conservation 8 Complete the words. ‘What's the verb we use when we give food to animals to eat? feed ‘1 What's the adjective for a species of animals that soon may no longer exist? ae ee 2. What's the word for things like snakes and lizards? 3 What do we say when an animal is kept in a cage? fe ie 4 What do we say when an animal is free? inthew —_ 5 What's the verb when archaeologists dig things up? ‘ae 6 What's another word for the remains ofan old building? Fa 7 What's the verb for when we put something under the ground? a ‘8 What's another word for a historic place? ahistorics — uncountable and plural nouns 9 Underline the correct words. Use a dictionary to help you, The contents is /are highly toxic. 1 Be careful with that those scissors 2 The traffic/traffics seems /seem really bad today, doesn’t it /don’t they? 3. He gave me some good advice /advices. 4. They used to live on the outskirt/ outskirts of town. 5 Have you got any more paper /papers? I need to finish this letter. 6 I've gota lot of experience / experiences in sales. 7 Tm alraid that your luggage / luggages {is/are 100 heavy. 8. Give my regard / regards to Tom. 44 unit seven ¢ expe Watery nouns describing quantity Read the words and definitions below. aroll 2 long piece of sth that has been wrapped around itself, or around a tube, several times apile ‘a number of things that have been placed on top ‘of each other abundle a number of things tied or wrapped together a handful the amount of sth you can hold in one hand abunch a number of things of the same type, which are fastened together or are growing together astice a thin, flat piece of food that has been cut off a larger piece a spoonful the amount that a spoon can hold asheet a flat, thin piece of any material, normally square or rectangular ‘drop a very small amount of tiquid that forms a tound shape Match the pairs, [a] a pile of 2 dirty-clothes/ plates 1 Caroll of bb sigar/catfee 2 [__ a sheet of © ham/bread 3 [_] ahandful of d_ tape/toilet paper 4 J a bunch of fe sand/earth 5 LJaslice of ¥ glass/paper 6 [laspoonful of 9 oil/rain 7 [Ja bundle of fh flowers /bananas 8 |_| adop of newspapers/ firewood Cover the exercise above. Complete these sentences with a suitable word. Have you got another oll ___ of toilet paper? 41 He gave her a big ___ of flowers to apologize. 2 Can Thave two of sugar n my coffee? 3 TthinkT just feta of rain. Did you bring an umbrella? 4 How many of bread do you want? 5 Ive got to do some washing. The of dirty clothes in my bedroom just gets bigger and bigot 6 Look where you're going! Those men are carying a glass. 7 Put in the seeds, then put 2 ___of earth over the top. 8 Can you put that ____ of newspapers in the recycting bin? of @ h ow TQve ‘4 Successful interview natural English putting people at ease grammar do, will, or would 11 Write sentences. Use do dow‘ will/ won't, ‘or would wouldn’t, and the words given. More than one form may be possible. A. I'mnever going to get everything ready for the party tonight. B_ you/need/ help? Do you need some help? 1 A Ourdream is to start up our own, business one day, B_ you/need/borrow/ money? 2 A Can you help us with the move on Sunday? B_ sorry/1/not be able /help 3. A. Are you going to the shops? B_ Yeah/you/need anything? 4A. Y'm going round to Barbara’s house. B _ you/give her this book? 5 A 1don’t think she should take the job 10 Complete the sentences. they've offered her B_ No/I/not/take it. Interviewer Interviewee heck his name, Ws Thomas, isnt 2 | Yes, thar’ right 6 A. Myparents are thinking of moving tothe country. B. you/go with them? Greet him. 1 Irs nice Nice to meet ——— you too. ‘A. No, Idon’t think so. 7 A. Don't forget, if you need any help Offer rake 2 Can __? | Thanks. B_I/call you! his jacket i 8 A Caniget you some lunch? Ast himio 3 Dohave —___. | Thank yo, B_ No, thanks/1/ not feel/ bungry | —————— Askabout his 4 Did you find _____? | ves, no problem journey to your | aks or | 5 Did you have ______? No, none at all unit seven 45 ate Tick (7) when you've done these sections. natural English off ll over the... making threats Cy apologies and excuses natural English all over the ... repeated comparatves 1 Complete the sentences using a phrase with all over the .. . Use the grammar pictures to help you. verb patterns inking ideas expand your grammar ways of adding emphasis vocabulary expressing anger word building expand your vocabulary dealing with problems oo0 ‘He's such a messy eater. There's food all overthe table _. 1 Tve looked ___ but I can’t find the keys anywhere. 2 He loves travelling, He's been. 3. My sister's got pictures of Enrique Iglesias 4 She's got jam —___ ° 5 There’s water ______. What happened? rubbish all over tthe lawn. 46 a) 3 natural English making threats 2. Order the words to make sentences. me /T/ right now / otherwise / shouting / go home /'Il/ Stop /at ing at me, otherwi 1 right now. 1. scream / go /or/"II/ of / my bag/1/ Let 2. call/ otherwise / down /1/Tum / the police / your music‘ 3. or/you/to/help/Listen/ won't/me /I/ any more 4 without /“ll/go/ Hurry up/you/I/or 5 looking /tell/"II/ my book /1/the teacher/ Stop otherwise /at vocabulary expressing anger 3. Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences. [B) decided so getmy angry very often 1 E)We had b ewerbacle 2 Eliesarted shouting ¢-‘itirrtating. 3. [_|Ltried to keep d_ abuse at me in the street. 4 CJ she swore at € ahuge rove. 5 [finally lost {with her sister about clothes. 6 __|She'salways quarrelling g_ revenge a few weeks later. 7 Eingesson hh my temper and shouted at him, 8 Cran get i her parents, which really upset 9. [|e got his them, 10 | |Ifind J calm, but I was really upset. k_ my nerves, but I try to ignore it test yourselfl Cover endings a to k and try to finish sentences 1 to 10 from memory. natural English apologies and excuses 4 Write sentences, Use the words given. ‘A. You've broken my Walkman, B_ sorry /I/not/mean/do/it rm soy. Idd’ Hey, be careful - you've spilt your drink on me, B sorry/I/not/do/it/purpose LA Why haven't you finished the report yet? B_ I/mot/aware//it/be/ urgent That's my jacket! What are you doing with it? B_ I/mot/realize /it/belong/ you~ it was left behind after the party. ‘That wasn’t a very nice thing to say. B_ [/not/mean/be/rude Hurry up or we'll miss the bus. B_ I/not/realize/ you/ wait/me Asay itl What would you say in these Twasn’t. uations? Use the words give aware that ‘there was a problem. Your boss asks you ny you havent dealt with a customer's complaint. I's the ist you've beard about the problem. (aware) You aecientally break a glass. our Friend is realy angryabout it. (purpose) You crop in uninvited a a friend's house, but she has dinner gusts realize) You say something that upsets acolleague. (mer) 47 @ expan gona ways of adding emphasis The neighbours from hell Peter and Sally Jones live next door to Karen and Stephen Hansen, ‘who have four dogs. Peter and Sally say that they complained to their neighbours about the barking, and asked them to clean. ‘up their backyard because of the smell. They claim that when. ‘the noise and smell continued, their only option was to contact the police. The Hansens say that the Jones never spoke to them about the dogs~the first they knew about the problem was when the police knocked on their door. The conflict has got ‘worse since then and the neighbours are no longer talking to cach other Here ae some of the statements made by the two couples. Match pairs of sentences. Sally Jones What annoys me most is the noise, PeterJones Its the smell that upsets me the most. 1 Sally Jones What upset us was the fact that they decided to take revenge on us for calling the police. > _ Karen Hansen It the fact that they called the police that really upset me Stephen Hansen What made matters worse was the fact they were really rude about us to the other neighbours. They lied about things and tried to make people feel sorry for them. like dogs, but four in an inner city house is too many ~ it stinks! They pulled up our flowers and threw rubbish into our garden. Why didn’t they just come and have a chat about it fist? ‘Leap sleep at night because the dogs are always barking. If you want to talk or write about: something you feel strongly about, you can use these ways of adding emphasis. Ibis /was + noun + that + clause It's the smell that upsets me the most. Its /was the foct that + clause + that + clause ‘Tt was the fact that they called the police that really upset me. What + clause + is/was + noun What annoys me most is the nofse. What + clause + is/was the fact thot + clause ‘What upset us was the fact that they decided to take revenge on us. Rewrite the sentences, making them more emphatic. He didn't ask me ifhe could borrow it. That really annoys me. What ceally annoys me isthe fact that he didn’t ask me jf he could borrow it 1 Tcan't stand the noise. Its — 2 Twas most unhappy with the service, What. 3 He didn't apologize, That made me angry. It is the fact 4 He's always late. It really annoys me. What 5. The waiters attitude made things worse Itwas Write about something that makes you angry or upsets you, or about a Confrontation or experience youve had like the one in the story above. 48 unit eight ¢ ex PANG uay dealing with problems Match these expressions and definitions. [e] come round [talk sth over (with sb) [Ci sort sth aut “have a go at sb hhave a word with sb ‘alk sb out of (doing) sth | talk sb into (doing) sth put up with sth turn a blind eye to sth eee" CITI to ignore sth bad that is happening to accept sth that is annoying without complaining to persuade sb to do sth to discuss sth thoroughly, especially in order to reach an agreement or make a decision to change your mood or opinion to deal with a problem in a satisfactory way to persuade sb not to do sth to speak to sb quickly and briefly to criticize sb Rewrite the underlined parts of the sentences using expressions 1 to 8 above. Do you think he'l change his opinion’? Do you think he' come round ? 1 Could I talk to you? Could 1 2 Tilignore it this time, but don’t do it again. TU this time, but don't do it again 3. managed to persuade Yumi to help us. Tmanaged to 4 That nosy dog wauld drive me mad. I don't row how you accen without complaining. Tdon't know how you 5. We discussed it thoroughly and managed to reach 2 compromise. We and managed to reach a compromise. 6 How did you persuade them not to complain to the police? How did you to the police? 7 Twas in a car park this moming when this guy came up and started criticizing me. He claimed that I had taken his parking spot, Twas in a car park this morning when this guy came up and started 8 It took a long time, but we eventually dealt with it satisfactorily. It took a long time, but we eventually ; oster word building 5. Write sentences with the same meaning. Use the appropriate form of the underlined word. The doctor will call you if there's any more deterioration in his condition. ‘The doctor will call you if his condition deteriorates __ any more. 1 Have you received any threats? Has anyone you? 2 Did you agree to compromise? Did you agree to reach a > 3. Have you got any proof: an you ___ it? 4. Several people have complained. There have been several 5 Could you send mea note to remind Could you send mea 2 6 remember my mum used to give us chocolate when we behaved well. remember my mum used to give us chocolate as a reward for good 7 Ishea suspect? Do the police _____ him? 8. T'msure we'll be able to solve it. ‘1m sure we'll be able to find a unit eight 49 A tan claca & t00 CLOSE comfort grammar verb patterns 6 Tick the correct forms. One, two, or three may be correct. a to help next weekend. 7 that she buy us dinner. driving me to the station. Carole has offered a to bréak the window. b that he was in trouble. € stealing the watch. 1 He denied a to climb Mount Everest. 'b that he cross the South Pole. ¢ sailing around the world. 2. He's going to attempt, a to stop soon. 3 Isuggest () b that we discuss it with them. ¢ take a break for ten minutes, a to make @ mistake 4 Ladmit () b that Twas wrong, ¢ told him, a to have lots of sales experience. 5 Heclaims ( b that his dad's a politician, being a law graduate, a to cut my pay. b that he would fire me. ¢ sacking me, 6 My boss threatened a to have to pay extra, b that I do most of the work. having to work late for no extra pay. 7 Iresent @ not to tell her? b that you'll be there? «¢ being on time? 8 Will you promise a to discuss itat the next meeting. b meeting at 9.00. « that it wasn't a very good idea, 9 Weagreed a Tom to do it? b that he saw what happened? «that he's lying? 10 Do you suspect, 50 unit eight 7 Complete the text. Use the words in brackets in the correct form. Add any necessary pronouns, {was amazed when I started my new jo. My manager ‘wes Cheri, agi that'd gone out with at college. t She'd been really upset when | broke up with her. | Initially everything seemed fine. As time went by though started to notice that she always asked ‘ (work) late inthe evenings The situation ‘ook a tun forthe worse one evening when we were both working lat. She called me ito her office and suggested !_ (go) fora ik never suspected 2 (sil have felngs forme so agreed > (Go) for one nk When | stood upto leave she tried to kiss me. When | told 4 (be) married she seemed really embarrassed and made me promise 5 (not tel anyone about what she'd done Things got much worse at work the next week She started citing my workall the time She even shouted at mein front of al the staf The final straw came one afternoon when she threatened © __ sack) medi t iss her. refused ‘and wamed her that was going to report her to the Managing Director for sexual harassment. \When | got to work the nextday the Managing Director asted? (see) him. Apparently, Cherie was claiming that ® (harass) her| explained ‘thatthe situation was actualy the other way around, butshe denied? __ (uy) to kiss me. tried twpersuade 10 (deop) the accusations, but she refuse. nthe end decided orsign. Even now I dont know if she real liked me, oifshe jst wanted to get revenge for our break-up! harass o'r2s/t annoy or worry someone by putting pressure on them, or by saying or doing. ‘unpleasant things as h ow FQ a°létter of complaint natural English repeated comparatives 8 Complete the sentences. Use the comparative form of a suitable adjective, 1 got angrier and angrier _ until eventually went upstairs and told them to shut up, 1 She's getting ____.s she ona diet? 2 Irhecame to work and study as well, soTlhad to drop my course. 3 Itgot _____ totravel by bus, so I bought a bike. It worked out cheaper in the end. 4 She's getting __ every day. In fact, the doctors think she'll be able to leave hospital next week. 5 Air travelis getting —__ Soon we'll be able to fly from London’ to New York in less than six hours ‘Answer the questions using the adjectives siven. Start each sentence with It ... or Tm getting .. grammar linking ideas 9 Write sentences with the same meaning. Use the words given. ‘The noise gets on my nerves. I can live with it. (although) “Although the noise gets on my nerves, Lcan lve with it 1 She felt realy sick. She carried on working, (despite) 2 Lasked to see the manager. He wasn't availabe. (however) 3. Lapologized. He was still angry. (though) 4. There were spelling mistakes. It was a good essay, (despite) 5. Ltold her about it three times. She forgot! (although) He didn’t do particularly well in the interview. [think we should offer him the job. (nevertheless) 7 He had the instructions. He couldn't put it together. (despite the fact) 8 There wasa delay. We arrived on time. (in spite of) 10. Read this extract from a letter of complaint to a restaurant. Complete the letter with suitable link words. Although eve Had Locked in edtancey ashen se arrived there was ro table For 5 ard we had to wait for half en hour. these problems, no one apologized on offered 1s a drink. We hed asked For a table by the windows. 2 they finally gave us a table at the back of the restaurant by the kitehan door, where we got hatter and hotter di! erering i took the writer halt an hour to take cur food orders, ard 3 being asad three times the waiter forgot to bring us cur drinks. When the Food Finally came, we were very disappointed. 4_____ that Twas extremely Aurgry, Z couldn't eat a thing. The meat was evercocked ard cold. My brother scid his Aish tasted disgusting, and Ste ad told the axaiter that oy mother is a vegetarian when we ordered her madl, her passta hed chicken ine. unit eight 51 Tick (¥) when you've done these sections. natural English expressing great surprise whenever, wherever, etc. the + comparative, the + comparative superlative + ever 0000 grammar making comparisons Linking words superlatives expand your grammar ooo00 nore linking words vocabulary books and publishing advertising literal and figurative meaning affixes expand your vocabulary weather words and phrases ooo000 52 off vocabulary books and publishing think back! Remember ive words connected with books and publishing 1. Fill the gaps with suitable words. student Shop assistant Student Shop assistant Student Shop assistant Student Shop assistant Student Shop Assistant Student Ym looking for a book. Can you help me? What's the title ? ‘The Oxford Phrasal Verbs Dictionary. A don't know it, It must be new. Yes, I think it only 1__ outa few months ago. Who's it 2 Ym not sure ~maybe Oxford Ui ‘know that the front 3 rsity Press? 1 isblue, Til have a look on the computer. OK, Isee, it's new. Would you like me to order you a ribs oe aS Yes please. When will it be here? Inabout a week. Would you like it in 5____ or paperback? Paperback please. | natural English expressing great surprise | 2. Write sentences about these situations. Use the words given. a & | ey ly ii ‘An old friend that you hadn't seen for ten years turned up at your birthday party unexpectedly (believe /it) couldn't betove it mF \ i | 1 You took a day off work and went to the beach, where you bumped into your boss's wife. (nearly /die) 2. You overheard two friends gossiping about your new boyfriend / girlfriend. (believe /ears) 3. You won an award at college for best exam results. (nearly /faint) 4 You saw Madonna in your local supermarket last week, (believe j eyes) 5 You passed an exam that you expected to fail. (believe it) | (eae! What would you say about these situations? Try to use a different expression for each one. Yous won alt of money inthe national lottery. Your boss told you that he mas going to give youa promation and alarge pay rise Your boyfriend/ giriend proposed to you. You saw a famous actor at a party | couldn't believe it, 3 Complete the crossword. ad asales pitch vocabulary advertising across 1 theatientionthatisgiventosth-by conti an 4 amemorable word or phrase that's used in advertising to attract attention 7 atype of product made by a particular ‘company; for example a of shampoo 9 hasa similar meaning to 7 across; for example a of watch, 10 to produce or design something that has not existed before down 1 tomake somebody do something by giving them good reasons for doing it 2 Itdidn’t them very long at al to come up with the idea 3. a design or symbol that a company uses as its special sign 5 apicture or film potential customers yned to inform bout a product 6 another verb with the same meaning as I down & Ihave to be home by 9.00. How long does the film __? 53 natural English whenever, wherever, etc. 4 Complete the sentences. Use whenever, whatever, whoever, whichever, wherever oF however. A I just don’t know what to give Karin for her birthday. B_ Why don’t you buy her a gift voucher? Then she can get whatever. she wants. 1 We ean go you're ready 2. think that team wins today will go on to win the tournament. 3 A. You've got some great CDs. Would you mind if I borrowed a couple? B_ No problem, take many you want. 4 Order _____ you want from the ‘menu. It is your birthday after all! call me you need to. Il be happy to help if can, 6 Ifyou need some money, my wallet’s on the table. Take much you need gets the manager's job will have a lot of responsibility. 8 A Where are you going on holiday? B_ Idon’t know, we haven't decided, A. Well, have a good time you go! unit nine eS acc ITUATE sive grammar making comparisons 5. Write sentences with the same meaning. Use the words given. ‘The Shiraz Hotel is the same price as the Welcome Hotel, They are both expensive. (ust) The Welcome Hotel is ust as expensive as the Shiraz. 1 Her last book was good. So is her latest one. Gust) Her latest book 2. This flat is double the size of my old one. (tvvice) This flat 3. She used to be a lot quieter than she is now. (not nearly) She 2 4. Driving will only be a bit faster than walking at this time of day. (nearly) Walking 5 He's well qualified, and so is she. (ust) She 6 ‘The Emperor Hotel is much more expensive than the Star (not nearly) The Star Hotel 7 Yesterday's meeting took double the length of time as usual. (twice) Yesterday’s meeting 8. You've only done a little bit more work than me! (nearly) T Tom is thinking of buying a new laptop computer. A friend has sent him some information comparing two leading brands, The Studio and The Graphic. Read the e-mail below. ‘The Studio is supposed to be the best on the market, but to be honest | think the Graphic Is just as good and it's nowhere near as expensive, It's nearly as fast as the Studio, but keep in mind that the Graphic is ‘twice as heavy, so it's not as practical if you're travelling a lot Write a similar text comparing two products that you are familiar with, for example two mobile phones or two cars natural English the + comparative, the + comparative 6 Complete the sentences. Use the comparative form of the word in brackets, ‘A. Which camera ate you going to get? B_ This one looks good but it’s really expensive A Remember the more ewensive_ (expensive) itis, the better (good) the pictures will be. A. It’sno good. I really can’t do it. B (hard) you try, (easy) you'll find it A. How are you feeling now? Have you had a rest? B Yes, but (ong)1 lie down, (bad) Ifeel. A Have you told your boss yet that you're leaving? B_ No, I'ma bit scared. think she's going to be really angry! A s00n) you tell her (g00d). A. Iilpick you up at 8.00, B_ Don’t you think that’s a bit early A ate) we leave, busy) itl be. A Vm not sure if want to go to college. I'd rather just get a job. B But (good) qualified you are, (money) you're likely to earn. ===="=="wordbooster literal and figurative meaning 7 Complete the sentences with words from the box. eck deepeend depth lod ‘They didn’t give her any training at all. They just threw her in at the deep end : 1 The area has been evacuated and people are now panicking and ut ofthe city in huge numbers, 2. The date and location of the wedding were supposed to be top secret, but details were tothe press two hours before. 3. My boss has asked me to give a presentation at the conference but [really don’t feel very well qualified to do it. To be honest, 1 think 1 really be out of my 4 Police were unable to prevent hooligans smashing windows and setting light to cars in a of violence after ast night's football match 5 A Have you managed to sell your house yet? B_ Not yet, but there's been a steady __of people coming to look at it, so we're hopeful stream wave affixes think back! Remember words that use these affixes “proof free -made grown ron mini= multi pre 8 Write words to describe these things, using the affixes above. You may use each affix more than once. ‘An ice cream that contains no fat, Fatsfee ice cream _ 1A camera that you can use under water. 2. Chocolates that are produced by hand. 3 Tomatoes you grow in your garden. 4 Chewing gum that contains no sugar. 5 A tool with many different purposes. 6 Avery small dictionary. 7 Paint that is not toxic. 8 Accommodation that you've booked in advance. ‘Make a list of other words you know that use these affixes. toxie/‘toksik /poisonous ‘toot /tu:l /a smal instrument that you use for making things, repairing things te. unit nine 55 W gives Successful presentation grammar linking words 9 Underline the correct option. A B ep wD pare > Why does Mr Adamezyk want to have a meeting this afternoon? In case /To/ So/ Otherwise we can talk about the presentations tomorrow. Why do you need to be at work so early? In case/To/ So / Otherwise get ready for my presentation, Why do you need an overhead projector? In case/To/ So / Otherwise I can illustrate the results of our latest research. Why are you making so many photocopies? In case/To/ So/ Otherwise any extra people come along. Make sure you finish the presentation by 10.15 a.m. Why? In case/ To /So/ Otherwise there won't be enough time for people to ask questions. Why did you want to see me so urgently? In case/ To /So/ Otherwise ask for your advice about my presentation today! expand ¢ . RAM amar more linking words We can use as, since, because and because of to introduce the reason for something. ‘As and since are less common than ‘because, and are often used at the start of sentence. ‘As/Since I was already an hour late, decided not to go. I decided not to go because Twas already an hour late. Because, as and since are all followed by a clause. Because /As /Since it was raining, we hhad to cancel the match. Because of is followed by a noun. Because of the rain, we had to cancel the match. On account of, owing to and due to are used in the same way as because of (they are followed by nouns), but they are more formal. AL trains will be cancelled tomorrow on account of industrial action, I must apologize for the delay, which was due to a computer errr. ‘Owing to emergency maintenance work, Ey Respond to the questions this office willbe closed on Monday. Complete the sentences. Use suitable link words, More than one answer may be possible. 1 The concert has been cancelled on get stuck -account_of poor ticket sales. ina traffic 2 The area had to be evacuated \ toa fire in @ nearby chemicals factory 3 Tcan't meet you tonight Tve got to work late. 4 you've used this computer before, would you mind showing me how it works? 5 ____ to heavy snow, the train has been delayed. 6 The road was closed of floods. 7 On of economic circumstances, we're all going to have to cut our spending 8 ‘twas your idea, why don’t you organize it? 56 unit nine grammar superlatives 10 Write sentences in the superlative. Use the words given. 1t/e tall building the world It's the tallest building in the world 1 He/be/ good / player/ the team. 2. Who/be/ fluent / speaker / class? 3 April/be/ wet/ month /the year/ England. 4. She/ always /buy / expensive /thing/ the shop. I/have ad / time /my life college’ last year. natural English superlative + ever 11 Write sentences with the same meaning. ve never read a better book. ts the best book Tve everread 1 I've never seen a taller man. He's So 2 I've never met anyone more annoying. He's 3. I've never been anywhere more interesting, Ws 4. He’s never done anything more difficult. ws 5 Thaven’t seen a better film all year. ‘That's The best holiday Ive ever had was iN | went on holiday with some friends. We went to.. e (PANG tary weather words and phrases Here are some figurative uses of weather words. Match the underlined words and the definitions. [BE] He breszad throuah his exams and got top marks in the class. 1] The thief just breezed into the offic, picked up the briefcase, and left. Everyone assumed he worked there! 2 [__] When his boss explained that he would not be getting promoted he stormed out. 3 [Pascal and Mustafa stil arent talking to each other, so as ‘you can imagine there was a very frosty atmosphere over dinner. 4 [_] Thanks for the good news. It's really brightened up my day! 5 |_| Try not to let the way he dresses cloud your judgement. He's actually avery good manager. ‘when sth happens to make you have a better day to-do-sth successfully and-easily sth that makes it dificult for you to make a good decision ‘when a place has an unfriendly feeling because of the people who are there © to leave 2 room quickly because you are angry f to move in a confident and relaxed way Rewrite the underlined parts of the sentences below. Use a weather word or phrase from above. Keep the meaning the same. Thanks forthe flowers. They made my day much better. brightened up my day ——_ 1 IFT had to make a speech ike that, I would've been really nervous, but he just walked in confidently and calmly and did it. 2. The interview was awful ~ there was such an unfriendly feeling there 3. The alcohol probably affected his decision 4 She found the training easy and now she's ready to start working, 5. They were having an argument when she just left quickly in anger. unit nine 57 Tick (7) when you've done these sections. natural English expressions with tel! (recognize) buying time to think oo grammar definite or zero article definite or indefinite article relative clauses expand your grammar participle clauses oo000 vocabulary memory making judgements animals word building expand your vocabulary phrases with age oo0o000 58 off vocabulary memory think back! Remember five phrases connected with memory. 1 Complete the responses. Use the words in brackets. Do you remember yout first day at primary school? (vague) I've gota vague memory of it. 1 A. Have you heard of this company before? (bell) The name won't be surprised if Michael forgets all about it (minded) Me neither. He's a bit i isn’t he? ‘can still remember the French national anthem, which we learnt in French class at school ep > B_ (heart) Me too. 1 4 A What's her brother's name? B_ (blank). I can’t remember. My 5 A What's his surname? B_ (tongue) It e eva Do,you know Simon Hunter? Whats the capital of Bolivia? The name Willan remember to bring my book? rings a bell I'mamazed that you know the words to that song. Do you remember meeting him a couple of years ago? your age natural English expressions with tell (recognize) 2 Write sentences with the same meaning. Use expressions with tell. All types of tea taste the same to me, Tean't m. 1 How did you know he was French? How could you 2 Lknow that one cost a lot more than. the other, but they seem the same to me. [know that one cost a lot more than the other, but [can’t between them. 3. Have you seen the twins yet? They look the same to me. Have you seen the twins? I can’t the other. 4 Assoon as I saw her I knew that something was wrong, ‘As soon as I saw her I could 5 An Australian and a New Zealand accent often sound the same to foreigners. Foreigners often can’t an Australian accent a New Zealand one! e yout vocabulary phrases with age Match the underlined words and their meanings. 3] They were buying cigarettes even though they were under age. This wine improves with age. In England you come of age at 18. There was no one there aver the age of 15! She married a man twice her age My grandmother's got very forgetful in her old age. Is there an age limit? She's 30, but she doesn’t lank her age. Stop being stupid and act your ace. you legally become an adult younger than-the law allows minimum or maximum age allowed twice as old as her older than appear to be the age she is since she got old behave the age that you are as it gets older Complete the sentences. Use phrases with the word age. 3 wish you'd stop being so immature and 4 In your count Everyone thinks that he must have married her for her money. She's ice his age ! You shouldn't eat this cheese straight away. It improves The boys were thrown out of the bar because they were is itat 18 or 21 when people 2 always have to carry some ID with me when I go out because although I'm 25, I don't My grandfather came to live with us because he found it hard to look after himself ‘must've been the oldest person at the concert. I don't think there was anyone else aul ‘Anyone can do the course. There's no 59 grammar definite or zero article 3. Add the where necessary. More than one the may be added in each sentence. Then. do the quiz. The answers to the quiz are on p.63, TRIVIA QUIZ SO te K Are these statements true or false? fie iftne organ ats 1 Electric chair was invented by a dentist. 2 Approximately 63,000 trees are used to make Sunday edition of New York Times. 3 Australia is only continent without reptiles or snakes. 4 Approximately 50% of earth is covered with water. 5 Strongest muscle in body is tongue. 6 Neil Armstrong first stepped ‘on moon with his right foot. 7 Average adult is 0.4 inches (1cm) taller in morning than evening, because spine compresses during day. 8 Animal responsible for most deaths in world each year is mosquito. ‘pine ‘spi the row of small bones that are connected down the middle ofthe back ‘compress /kam'pres! to pressor squeeze together into a smaller space oo 60 unit ten grammar definite or indefinite article 4 Underline the correct article. {2/A/An/The scientists claim that you don't get better at memorizing something just by doing it more. 1(-) /A/An/The memory just doesn't work that way. But you can get better by learning some clever techniques. Imagine that you need to buy these things: potatoes, a box of tissues, apples, a box of cornflakes, and some milk. You could invent 2(-)/a/an//the story about how you got some potatoes from 3(.)/a/an/the garden and put them into +(.)/a/an/the large tissue box. While you were doing this ¥(2)/a/an /the apple fell out of a tree and hit you on 6(-)/a/an/the head, And so on, until you have 7(-)/a/an/the interesting story that has all the things on 8(-)/a/an/the list in it. Or you could use your imagination to put 9(-)/a/an /the things on your list all over your house. For example, think of your sink full of breakfast cereal, with milk pouring out from 10(}/a/an /the tap. The funnier the image you create, the more likely you are to remember it, baer Miianecmies A student magazine has invited re leam and remember new words. MO easy answer vocabulary making judgements 5. Match the texts (a to g) to the headlines (1 t0 5). =) ‘Human clone testing given the OK 1 Woman, 62, gives birth to twins 2 Doctor accused of assisting sick patient to die and |_} 3. GREEN PARK TO MAKE WAY FOR NEW SUPERSTORE 4 StAndrew’s hospital to close IOUL 5. Train fares to rise by 20% a V'venever really thought about that before, but I know that it's something that makes everyone sad when someone is very sick 1 guess my feeling is that no one should interfere with life or death, b_ Letme think... well, ifit happened naturally, then OK, but 1 think it’s "wrong and unacceptable if they used fertility ‘treatment or something like that. She'll be an old woman by the ‘time her kids are in their teens. ¢ 'llhave to think about that for a minute. I's 2against the law in my country, but I know that some doctors have done it.I think in some circumstances * there's a good reason for it. If someone is in a lot of pain and they're not going to get any better, #it causes pain and suffering not to help them if you ean, [think it’s Sa pity. It's a lovely place and lots of people use it. What do we need more shops for? That's an interesting question, um... although personally I don’t ‘think we should mess around with nature in any way, I do accept that it’s Sound to happen. Afterall, we've got the technology and its been done with animals. f Ie 7annoying for me, Ihave to have medical treatment every two weeks and now I'm going to have to travel tothe other side of the city [think its Sstupid and absurd, Prices are already really high. If they go up any more, it'll be cheaper for me to buy a car and drive to work than get public transport Look at the texts again, Match the underlined phrases (1 t0 8) to the words in the box below. ashame fmmoral justifiable ‘legal ridiculous “aruisanee inevitable upsetting cruel uosetting _ 1 5 z 6 3 7 4 8 7 Nai) You see aman hitting dog, Your fight hasbeen canclld, Some developers are going to knock down a beautiful old building to build cinema. ‘The company you work for has been doing badly. They are going, to make some staff redundant. natural Engfish buying time to think 6 Look again at the texts in exercise 5. Find three more phrases that the speakers use to buy time to think, and write them here. Tve never really thought about that before Ysay it! Give your opinion. Use the words given. Isitrighttokeep animals in fl have to think captivity have to/ think) AL about that ‘What do you think of doctors helping ‘terminally il patients to die? (never thought) ‘Do you think human cloning is potentially a good ‘thing? (interesting question) ‘Do you think parents should have the right to choose the sex of their baby? (et / think) unit ten 61 animals think back! 7 Complete the sentences with a suitable word. Amazing animal facts The Inland Taipan, an extremely poisonous snake, has enough venom inone ite _ to kill more than 200,000 mice. | Since domestic cats are clean, with dry and glossy coats, their ‘can become charged with electricity. parks can be seen ifthey are stroked in the dark. 2. The hippopotamus has that isan inch and a half thick. Its so solid that most bullets cannot penetrate it. 3 No two zebra have the same pattern of : 4. Ieis usually the female lion who ___for food, while the male prefers to rest. 5. Elephants perform greeting ceremonies when a member of the returns after being away for some time. 6 The Egyptian vulture,a large white bird, throws stones with its to open ostrich eggs to eat. 7 The round or oval on an adult cheetah can measure up to 1.5 inches in diameter. 8 Inthe USA each year more people die from scorpion than snakebites. word building 8 Complete the sentences. Use the words given, in the correct form. Perhaps they'll agree after a bit of persuasion. PERSUADE don’t like to see animals in CAPTIVE 2. Some people think it's to keep birds in cages. eves 3. don't think there's any for what he did. JUSTIEY 4 You need to show a lot of : in this kind of work. censor 5. The meeting was very CONSTRUCTION 6 Her behaviour was DISGRACE 7 The cyclone caused widespread DESTROY 8 He's quite He makesalot carerur 62 unitten Remember five words connected with animals, J @ how fa, grammar relative clauses 9 Complete the sentences. Use relative pronouns (that, which, who, whose) If itis possible to omit the pronoun, do not write anything, Only pack the things that are absolutely necessary. 1 The medicine she's taking doesn’t seem to be having any effect. 2. The room was full of students ‘were waiting to take a test 3. ve just seen someone to go to school with, 4 His first book, he wrote when he was 20, has now been translated into ten different languages. 5 The painting was stolen from the gallery Is said to be worth a fortune. 6 The woman children Took after has had plastic surgery. 7 Lthink people have plastic surgery often look worse afterwards! 8 The operation, lasted for six hours, was successful. Tused 10 Add commas, if necessary. My sister Jane, who lives in Australia, haas just had a baby. 1. The waiter who served us was very rude 2. He sold his car which is the same as mine for $5000. 3. That's the woman who's just taken over as manager. 4 Can you give me back the money Tent you yesterday? 5. His boss who's a workaholic insists that they all work late. 6 Ourhotel room which obviously hadn’t been cleaned for days was aveful 7 The man Ispoke to on the phone said that we didn’t need to make reservations 8 My boss who lives in my street gave me alift home. huirfan interest story 11. Combine the sentences to make one sentence. Start with the words given. How is the man? He was injured in the accident. How is the man who ws is theaccident 1 Thad an argument with the manager. He refused to exchange a pair of shoes. Vd bought the shoes the week before. Thad an argument with the manager 2. You gave me a book. I lent it to my brother. He lost it Tent the 3 Igave you a phone number yesterday. It was wrong, The phone number 4 My older brother is a lawyer. He might be able to help you, My older brother e Jana ‘your grammar participle clauses When a participle comes after a noun, it gives more information about the noun. Who's that boy standing outside the house? Tddon't know the man sitting over there, Participle clauses often have the same function as relative clauses. Do you know the man getting (= who's getting) out of the blue car? ‘The medication prescribed (= that was prescribed) by my doctor is very expensive. Change these relative clauses into participle clauses. Staff who-are working on the second floor will have to use the stairs. 1 Fish which is caught off the north coast is sold in the cities in the south. 2 The girl who's going out with my brother is a nurse. 3. The film that’s showing at the moment is new. 4 Their latest record, which was released two days ago, has gone straight tothe top ofthe charts 5. Did you see a man who was running out of that shop? Make one sentence, using a participle clause. A itl is staying with us at the moment. She's French: The git with us at the moment is French 41 Aman was arrested by the police yesterday. He has been charged with murder. The man 2 Do you recognize the man? He is talking to Joe. Do you recognize the man 2 3 Some people were interviewed today. None of them were offered the job. None of the people 4 Awoman is walking towards us. She's Sam's girlfriend. ‘The woman 5. The diamond was stolen from the museum in 1980, It has never been recovered. The diamond 5 5 Do you know the boy? His bike was stolen, Do you ‘Trivia quiz answers False (the skin), 1 True, 2 True, 3 False (Antarctica), 4 False (70%), 5 True, 6 False (his left foot), 7 True, 8 Tue unit ten 63 Tick (Y) when you've done these sections. oat ge off exaggerating letter writing clichés reacting to ideas natural English exaggerating informal and formal language 1 Complete the sentences so that the meaning is more exaggerated. o0o00 grammar past conditionals past and mixed conditionals reporting what people say expand your grammar it’s time oo000 vocabulary 7 describing character C1 phrases and phrasal verbs expand your vocabulary crimes Ymreally busy. I've got amillion things to do 1 Is very heavy. It weighs 2 Itwas very expensive. Itcost 3. I'mstarving Teould eat 4 Ydnever do that. Iwouldn't do that in 5 I've already told you lots of times. Tye told you : ae Say the sentences below and add one of the phrases above. Dor? just tun the computer off. You have to shut it down first. Pye told you a i hundred times to eet shut it down before Can you belp me it this case? {can'tblieve hes going paragliding! [can't baieve they bought it for me. you turn it off. 64 grammar past conditionals 2 What would you say in these situations? Use the verbs given in the correct form. A relative who is coming to stay with you arrives exhausted at your house. He has walked from the station. I you ‘called (call), 1 would've picked ‘yaw up (pick you up) 1 You left home late. You missed the bus. Itwe earlier, we miss) the bus. (leavey (not/ 2. Your friend didn’t tell you about her birthday party umiil the day before, so you couldn’t take the evening aff work. I (take) the evening off work if you (tell) me about it sooner. 3. You are ata party. A friend arrives at 9,30, Another old friend, Johan, left the party at 8.30. Ityou _ (get) here an hour ago, you (see) Johan, 4. A friend told you something but didn’t tell you it was a secret, You told someone else. Now your friend's angry with you. you ____ (say) itwasa secret, I (not /tell) anyone 5. You and your sister are going to visit a friend, Your sister left the map at home and you are now lost. we = hours ago if you (not /Ieave) the map at home. (be) there eight decision grammar past and mixed conditionals 3. Underline the correct form. Juan Ana Juan Lina Yuri Lina Eva ‘Adam Eva Adam Eva Adam Eva Adam Y'm so sorry that there was no one waiting at the airport to meet you, No problem —I got a taxi I'd had your flight details I would pick you up/ would've picked you up myself ‘Thanks for helping me with that essay That's OK, TU! wouldn’t finish / wouldn't have finished it on time if you hhadn’t helped me. In fact I think 12"d be working /“d have worked on it now! Tcan’t believe you forgot to book the holiday. Well, that’s not my fault, is it? You were supposed to book it Twas to0 busy. If you'd told me that, I 3could do could've done Well, i There are still some tickets left but it’s expensive. If we'd booked it last week it + would be/ would've been much cheaper ~ now the tickets are almost double the price. don’t think we can afford it, do you? No, not after you spent all that money on your motorbike. If ‘you hadn't spent so much we would have /would’ve had plenty of money now. mysell 's to0 late now, isn't it? 65

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