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Natural Gas

Engineering (Lab)
Syed Ahmad Altaf
Assignment # 01

Engr. Mudassir Khan
A gas reservoir has the following gas composition: the initial reservoir pressure
and temperature are 3000 pisa and 180°F, respectively. Calculate the apparent
molecular weight, specific gravity, pseudo-critical parameters and pseudo reduced
parameters of the gas?

Percentage Critical Critical Pressure

Components (%) Temperature (ᵒR) (Psig)

CO2 2 548 1058

N2 1 492 212

C1 81 344 658

C2 4 550 694

C3 3 666 603

i-C4 3 733 515

n-C4 2 766 536

n-C5 1 847 470

C6 3 915 419

Reservoir Temperature = 180 0F
We can convert Reservoir temperature (oF) to (oR),
R = oF + 460
Reservoir temperature = 180+460 = 640oR
Reservoir Pressure = 3000psia
We can convert Critical pressure (Psig) to (Psia) by adding 14.7 in value of (Psig).
Components Percentage Critical Critical Critical
% Temperature (oR) Pressure (Psig) Pressure (Psia)
CO2 2 548 1058 1072.7
N2 1 492 212 226.7
C1 81 344 658 672.7
C2 4 550 694 708.7
C3 3 666 603 617.7
i-C4 3 733 515 529.7
n-C4 2 766 536 550.7
n-C5 1 847 470 484.7
C6 3 915 419 433.7

Mole Molecular Mf * Mw Pseudo-critical Pseudo-critical

Fraction Weight Temperature (oR) Pressure (Psia)
0.02 44 0.88 10.96 21.454
0.01 28 0.28 4.92 2.267
0.81 16 12.96 278.64 544.887
0.04 30 1.2 22 28.348
0.03 44 1.32 19.98 18.531
0.03 58 1.74 21.99 15.891
0.02 58 1.16 15.32 11.014
0.01 72 0.72 8.47 4.847
0.03 86 2.58 27.45 13.011

Mg = 22.84 Tpc = 409.73 Ppc = 660.25

Specific Gravity = Mg/Ma = 22.84/29 = 0.787586207

Pseudo-reduced critical Pressure = Ppr = P/Ppc = 3000/660.25 = 4.543733434

Pseudo-reduced critical Temperature = Tpr = T/Tpc = 640/409.73 = 1.562004247

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