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Table of Contens

Executive Summary 2

A. General 3

B. Framework of HAZOP STUDY 3

B.1. Objectives 3

B.2. Type of Study 3

B.3. Scope of Study 3

C. Hazop Study Methodology 4

C.1. General 4

C.2. Hazop Study Procedure 4

C.3. Process Node 5

C.4. Process Parameters 5

C.5. Guidewords 5

C.6. Deviation 5

C.7 Study Sequence 5

D. Hazop Study Program 6

D.1 Pre- Concession 6

D.2 Resources 6

D.3 Team Composition 7

D.4 Arrangement of Facility 7

E. HAZOP Study Result 7

Executive Summary
The HOZOP Study Ammonia Plants Petrokimia Gresik consist of 36 notes which were identified on

The team has identified the potential hazardous scenarios associated with potential and/or credible
control failures, human errors, or other potential causes. Then, the team examinated if those potential
hazardous scenarios were acceptable or not, and its sufficient countermeasures were available for
mitigation and/or protection by the current design or by the organizational protective measures. All
the identified scenarios and available countermeasures were recorded in the worksheet accordingly.

When the team found that sufficient contermeasures were not available, the team provided
recommendation in recommendation column as action to be taken by engineering or other controls.

As a result of the HAZOP study, the number of recommendation compiled in attacment-C.

A.      General

This report provide the details of the Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) study which was applied for
the Ammonia Unit, Petrokimia Gresik, Indonesia. The detail covers HAZOP methodology, scope,
study sequence, resource requirment and organization, and the study result.

B.      Framework of HAZOP Study

B.1.   Objectives
The HAZOP study was carried out to :

1)      Identify all probable hazards, which inherently exist in the process in term of physical/chemical
characteristics of materials and operating conditions and/or operability problems.

2)      Judge whether an identified problem needs to be mitigated by engineering control (design
modification) or by administrative control (operation and/or maintenance procedure).
3)      Identify problems, for which further follow-up studies are required.
It was agreed that the HAZOP Study was not a design review meeting.
B.2.   Type of Study

The P&IDs had been screened for HAZOP Study, with the consideration of the following priority.
1)      System or unit handling acutely toxic or harmful materials.
2)      System or unit with less experience of design, construction and operation.
3)      System or unit processing exothermic reaction, operating at extremly high temperature and high
4)      System or unit handling highly flammable materials at extremly high temperature, cryogenic
temperature and high pressure.

Package equipment system such as axiliary system for machinery is not subject to the HAZOP study.

B.3.   Scope of Study

The following item were subject to the HAZOP Study
1)      Process,
Major process line and related utility line contained in the subject P&IDs.
2)      Chemical,
All hazardous materials such as having flammable, explosive and toxic characteristic.
3)      Equipment,
All process equipment identified on the subject P&IDs.
4)      Instrument Control,
All basic process control system was considered for the effect during hazard identification. Inaddition
to this, main interlock system may be considered on the subjected P&ID basis.
5)      Operating Conditions,
The HAZOP Study will investigate the potential hazards and problem that are likely to occur during
typical normal operating conditions. Consideration will also be taken for conditions such as startup,
normal shutdown and emergency shutdown as a deviation from the reference (normal condition)

C.      HAZOP Study Methodology

C.1. General

The HAZOP study was carried out by a team, The team proceeded with a well-structured
brainstorming which guides the identification of potential hazards and operability problems in normal
operating condition at specified process Node.

In the HAZOP Study , HAZARD and OPERABILITY were defined as follows

: An inherent physical or chemical characteristic that has the potential for
·         HAZARD
causing harm to people, propery or the environment.

: Anything that causes the decrease in plant availability or difficulty in plant

operation and maintenance.

C.2 HAZOP Study Procedure

HAZOP Study was proceeded in the manner as shown in figure 1 “HAZOP Flow Chart”.
Figure 1 HAZOPS Flow chart

C.3. Process Node

The process node are the location on P&IDs , which mainly represent spesific process equipment or
unit operated under the same operating condition or spesific process intentions.

Before starting the HAZOP Study session, the process node has been determined for investigation and
uniquely numbered.
The HAZOP team carried out the HAZOP study for the subject P&Ids as listed in the Attacment-A
“List Nodes”.
C.4 Process Parameters

Process parameter is an aspect of a process that describe it physically or in term of what is happening.

The process parameters are subject to the examination at the Nodes. The parameter will include the
spesific parameters (i.e, flow, pressure, temperature, reaction, phase, and level) and general
parameters (i.e, maintenance, testing, and corrosion).

C.5 Guidewords

The “Guidewords” are the words that are used to qualify or quantify the design intention and to guide
and stimulate the brainstorming process for identifying process hazards.
Guidwords Defenition
No/None Negation of design intent
More Quantitative increase
Less Quantitative decrease
Reverse Logical opposite of intent
As well as Qualitative increase
Part of Qualitative decrease
Other than Complete substitution

C.6 Deviation

Deviation are departures from the design intention. The guidewords are applied to the process
parameters so that the combination of parameters and guidewords will describe the following
deviation (for example) from normal operating condition. Note that not all the generated deviation is
always meaningful for particular parameter.

Parameter Guideword Deviation

Flow + No /None No Flow
+ More More Flow
+ Less Less Flow
+ Reverse Reverse Flow
C.7 Study Sequence
The HAZOP Study had been proceeded as follows :
1)      Identification of applicable Deviation
The team investigated if there was any particular deviation applicable in the study node. The
identified deviation was recorded in the “Deviation” column of the HAZOP worksheet.
2)      Cause Identification

The team identified the credible cause that would cause the identified deviation. In general, the cause
was identified within the node. The identified cause was recorded in the “Cause” column of the
HAZOP worksheet.
3)      Consequence Identification
Corresponding to the credible causes, the team identified the possible consequences in term of the
hazard or operability problem that the identified cause would result in, assuming all protection don’t
exist. The identified consequences was recorded in the “Consequence” column ofthe HAZOP
4)      Existing Safeguards

Then, the team identified if mitigation and/or prevention measures had already been applied in the
engineering. Those measure would mitigate the impact of the consequence, or prevent the cause from
occurence. If found, such mitigation or prevention measures were be recorded in the “Safeguards”
column of the HAZOP worksheet.

5)      Recommendation
If the team did not identify enough safeguards or agreed to require additional safeguards , such
missing safeguars or other suggestion , that would mitigate the impact of the consequence, or prevent
the cause from occurence, was recorded in the “Recommendations” column of the HAZOP

D.      HAZOP Study Program

D.1 Pre-concession

The HAZOP team agreed to apply the following rules throughout the session, in order to proceed
discussion as consistenly and realistically as possible.
1)      In principle, assume single failure result in hazard, as double jeopardy is believed quite remote
2)      Assume equipment or machinery is design, manufactured and properly inspected with no defect.
3)      Rupture of equiment or pipe will not be considered as probable cause of any hazars.
4)      In general, external fire and utility failures (Instrument Air, Plant Air, Global Electric Power,
Steam, Cooling Water or Nitrogen) shall be discussed as Global Failure and not to be subject to
HAZOP study at respective node.

5)      Assume the plant will be well maintained and operated in accordance with sound , internationally
acceptable standars. This includes establishing and operating a high standart of housekeeping
throughout the site at all time. All loss prevention , safety and/or security equipment will be routinely
tested/recharged as recommended by the manufactures.

D.2 Resources
In addition to the Piping and Instrument Flow Diagram (P&IDs), the following document were
referred in the course of the HAZOP study.
·         Utility Balance Diagram (UBD)
·         Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDSs)
·         Process Description
·         Process Data Sheet
·         Piping Classification
·         General Plot Plan and Area Plot Plans
·         Hazardous Area Classification (Electrical)
·         Fire & Gas Detector Layout
·         Safety Shower/Eye Washer Layout
D.3 Team Composition

The HAZOP team consisted of the following members.

Name Discipline
Joko Raharjo , S.T Leader (Process)
Rully Eko Ardianto, S.T Process (Ammonia)
Solikan, S.T M.T Mechanical
Sukardi Ammonia
Nur Muhadjar Urea
Istiadji Inspection
Eru Utomo Utility
Makki Maulana, S.T Process
Eka Budianto, S.T Instrument
Joko Darsono, S.T Reliability
Muh. Muhtadin , S.T Production (Operation)
Indrawan Pinandita, S.T Production (Operation)
Gelar Panji Gemilar, S.T Production (Operation)

D.4 Arrangement of Facility

1)      Microsoft Excel was used for recording the HAZOP study result.
2)      Electronic Data Projection facility was used to display the computer data on the screen so that the
participant could observe what was being discussed.

E.      Hazop Study Result

The HAZOP team carried out the HAZOP study for the subject P&IDs as listed in the attacment-A
“List Nodes”.

Based on the nature of materials processed and/or handled and operating conditions under the
subjected P&IDs, in principle, the major probable hazards have been properly identified, mitigated
and protected by the countermeasures involved in the current design or by the organizational
protective measures. The HAZOP team recognized this fact and recorded in the worksheet.

Nevertheless, the HAZOP team raised recommendation as a result of the HAZOP Studies. Those
recommendation were recorded in the “Recommendation” column of the HAZOP worksheet.
The complete sets of the worksheets were enclosed as attacment-B
The recommendation were extracted in the attacmnet-C
The HAZOP Master P&IDs were enclosed as attacment-D
HAZOP Study Report

1350 MTPD Ammonia Plant

Date Edition Revision No Copy

1-Dec-14 1 0

Prep By : Checked By : App By :

Hazop Production Manager Maintenance Manager PPE Manager Gen Manager
Joko Raharjo, S.T Solikan, S.T M.T Widodo Heru, S.T Ir. Ashari M.T


Rev No Date Descriptio

HAZOP Ammonia Design Intention

Node Node Name Nodes Function/Intention

1 Feed Gas Compressor In Ammonia production, Natural gas used for feed and fuel. Its initially
directed to Feed Gas Knockout Drum (144-F), where entrained liquid and
solids are removed. In the drum entrained liquids are disengaged from the
vapor steam. The liquids are withdrawn via local drain valve. Exit 144-F
drum , the feed and fuel are split from the main feed line. The fuel gas provides
forming furnace and is also used to fire the steam superheat burners. The
process NG is compressed to 44,7 kg/cm2g in a turbin driven feed gas
compressor 102-J, taking suction from the top of the 144-F and discharges
through the feed preheat coil of 101-B. The compressor is furnished with a
kockback which maintains a flow back via kickback cooler 133-C to keep the
compressor out of surge.

2 Desulfurizer The heated feed gas enters the desulfurization vessel (108 DA/DB) at 399 oC
where any small quantities of organic sulfur compound are hydrogenated to
H2S over a bed of cobalt/molybdenum (Co-Mo) catalyst and then the H2S
react with and is retained in a bed of zinc oxide, producing an effluent stream
containing less than 0,1 ppm sulfur.

3 Primary Reformer The Primary Reformer (101-B) is a gas fired, processing furnace containing a
Section - Process radian and convection section. The desulfurized feed (29,246 kg/hr) is mixed
Stream with medium pressure steam (91,159 kg/hr) , part of which was used to strip
the process condensate before hand. The steam is added in a ratio 3,2 moles of
steam per mole of organic carbon. The combine gas and steam flows through
the mixed feed preheat coil of the convection section until 621 oC to the the top
of radian section.

4 Primary Reformer The nitrogen required in ammonia manufacturing is obtained from the
Section - Steam and Air atmosphere and delivered to the process ny air compressor 101-J. The final
for Secondary Reformer discharge pressure is 38 kg/cm2, then process air is preheat to 621 oC via
air/steam preheat coil contained in 101-B convection section and flow to
secondary reformer (103-D). Prior to entering the 101-B preheat coil, the air
flow is joined by 3741 kg/hr of medium pressure steam.

5 Primary Reformer - The combine gas and steam flows through the mixed feed preheat coil of the
Firebox with FDF and convection section to the the top of radian section. The furnace burners operate
IDF with down firing and developed a reformed gas temperature near 810 oC at the
outlet of catalyst tube.The reforming furnace is design to attain maximum
thermal efficiency by recovering heat in the convection section from the flue
gas. The air for combustion in 101-B supplied by FD Fan (101-BJ1) and flue
gas from the radian section induce by ID Fan (101-BJ2).

6 Void
7 Secondary Reformer The reformed gas stream from 101-B enters the Secondary Reformer (103-D)
plenum horizontally at temperature 827 oC. The preheated air stream at a
temperature of 610 oC enters 103-D through the internal tube in the plenum.
The gas and air meet and mix at the plenum outlet above catalyst bed. The 103-
D effluent with a temperature 1005 oC passes directly to the waste heat boiler
(101-C). The partially cooled gas in 101-C then passes through the HP steam
superheater (102-C). The pressure shells of 103-D, 107-Dand 101-C, and 102-
C cooled with water jacket to protect the metal from high temperature.

8 Methanator The inlet stream to the methanator (106-D) is instrumented for observing
temperature and pressure and contains high and low temperature alarm, motor
operated isolation valve (MOV-1011) and temperature valve (XV-1211).
Pressure controller (PIC-1005) acting upon its control valve, serves to maintain
the process system pressure at 31,6 kg/cm2g, if methanator shutdown logic is
activated. Methanator contains an inlet gas distributor, and the nickel catalyst
required for reactingcarbon oxides with hydrogen to form methane and water,
the reaction is exothermic and highly active. The temperature profile across the
catalyst bed is continuosly monitored.The methanotor effluent at a temperature
of 344 oC is cooled to 37 oC by flowing in series through the tube side of
exvhanger 114-C and sheel side 115-C.

9 Syn Gas Compressor The purified synthesis gas is compressed in a steam turbine driven centrifugal
LP Case compressor 103-J. The compressor consist of two case with intercooling on the
first case and a separate recycle wheel section in the second case. The synthesis
gas containing hydrogen and nitrogen is delivered to the suction of the first
case at pressure 30,5 kg/cm2g. The suction line contains a manually operated
isolation valve. The gas is compressed in the first section of the LP case to 56,6
kg/cm2g , then cooled by passing through the exchanger 130-C. Condensate
formed in cooling the syn gas is disengaged in 105-F1. The vessel contains a
level glass , low and high level alarm and high high level alarm that actives the
103-J shut down logic circuitry. The second stage of the low pressure case
compresses the gas to approximately 101 kg/cm2g and temperature 115-C.
10 Syn Gas Compressor Synthesis gas from LP case discharge is cooled to o4 C by flowing in series
HP Case through the shell side 166-C, where heat is given up to the water cooling
system and then through the tube side of 129-C, giving up heat to the ammonia
refrigerant system. Condensate formed in cooling is disengaged in 105-F2.
Following condensate removal, the syn gas passes through one of Molecular
Sieve Driers 109 DA/DB. For anti surge protection of the 103-J 3rd stage, a
recycle line containing the control valve for flow controller (FIC-1008) connect
the 103-J 4th stage discharge line with 3rd suction line, cooler 134-C is
provided in this line for recycle cooling. The Syn gas pressure in discharge of
4th stage is about 178 kg/cm2g.

11 Void
12 Molecular Sieve Dryer Molecular sieve driers 109 DA/DB use molecular sieve absorbents with
Regeneration remove water and trace amount of carbon dioxide to less than 1 ppm by
volume. While one molecular sieve vessel is in use, the other is being
regenerated. The 109 DA/DB vessel are instrumented for monitoring
temperature, pressure and pressure differential. The 111-D mole sieve
regeneration gas drier is instrumented for monitoring temperature and pressure.
Programmed solenoid valves and heater 173-C are provided for regeneration.
Off gases from HRU are used to regenerate the 109 DA/DB not in service, the
gas are first dried in regeneration gas drier (111-D) . In turn this drier will be
regenerated on a 36 hour cycle with estimate regeneration time 1 hour. During
regeneration of 109 DA/DB , the dry purge gas at 6 kg/cm2g is first heated to
near 290 oC by HP steam in 173-C. After passing through the molucular sieve
bed, the regeneration gas is sent to the primary reformer fuel system.

13 Ammonia Synthesis The Synthesis gas from 103-J passes through 121-C ammonia converter
Loop feed/effluent exchanger to be heated to about 232 oC obtaining heat from the
105-D converter effluent. The converter contain a removable catalyst basket
within the pressure shell. Integral with the basket is the ammonia converter
exchanger 122-C. The feed gas preheated to 357 oC, is directed downward
through the iron catalyst. After the first bed gas routed to the tubeside of the
122-C cooled to temperature 382 oC to the second catalyst bed. Hot converter
effluent from the last bed leaving at temperature 459 oC, then cooled to 51 oC
by flowing in the 123-C1 and 123-C2, giving heat to BFW. After that through
the shell side of 121-C, giving up heta to incoming feed to 105-D. After heat
recovery the converter effluent is cooled to 37 oC by water cooling in the 124-
14 LP Ammonia Absorber LP purge gas from Ammonia Letdown Drum (107-F), Ammonia Receiver
(103 E) (109-F) and Process Condensate Flash Tank (150-F) enter the bottom section
of Low Pressure Ammonia Absorber (103-E). Ammonia is scrubbed from LP
purge gas stream by water pressured from the Ammonia Stripper (105-E) via
exchanger 141-C and 142-C. Overhead gas from 103-E passes to the 101-B
fuel gas system. Liquid from the 103-E bottom is pumped by 140-J/JA to the
105-E stripper under the top bed. The solution leaving the 103-E scubber is
about 12-15% wt ammonia.

15 HP Ammonia Absorber HP purge gas from synthesis loop purge is sent to HP purge gas scrubber (104-
(104 E) E) bottom section. Ammonia is scrubbed by water pumped by 141-J/JA pump.
Overhead gas from 104-E passes through the Hydrogen Recovery Unit (103-
L), to the 101-B fuel gas, or vent. Liquid from 104-E bottom flows via 141-C
Ammonia Stripper Feed/Effluent Exchanger, entering the 105-E under the top
bed. The solution leaving the 104-E scrubber is about 12-15 wt% ammonia.

16 Ammonia Stripper (105 Ammonia solution from 103-E and 104-E, combine upstream of 141-C where
E) the solution is preheated to about 156 oC, before entering the 105-E Ammonia
Stripper under the top bed of the tower. Ammonia stripped reboiler 140-C,
heated by medium steam , receives liquid from thebottom trapout tray 105-E
stripper and supply stripping steam for the tower.

17 Reformer Water Jacket The Secondary Reformer (103-D), Waste Heat Exchanger (101-C), Primary
System Reformer Effluent transfer line (107-D) and the HP Steam Superheater (102-C)
are enveloped in water jacket. Surface condenser condensate is the normal
supply of water to the jacket, while demineralized water from battery limits is
the emergency source, Each vessel is supplied with its own source of make-up
water by separate level control valves.

18 Shift Converters The High Temperature Shift (HTS) Converter (104-D1) and the Low
Temperature Shift (LTS) Converter (104-D2) contain the catalyst required for
shifting carbon monoxides (CO) to carbon dioxides (CO2). The process stream
from 102-C at 371 oC enters the top of HTS (104-D1), the reaction in the HTS
104-D1 is exothermic and the process stream leaves the vessel at a temperature
of about 436 oC. From 104-D1 the process stream is cooled to 203 oC by
flowing in series through the shell side of the HTS effluent waste heat boiler
103-C1 & 103-C2, heat in the process stream is given up to boiler water
circulating through the exchanger tubes. After that gas passes LTS 104-D2, the
LTS reaction is exothermic and the process stream leaving the vessel is at
temperature of approximately 227 oC. The effluent stream from the LTS is
cooled to 93 oC by flowing in series through five exchangers and Raw Gas
Separator (102-F1) before entering the synthesis gas purification system. The
five exchangers are horizontaly mounted as follows : 131-C LTS effluent/BFW
exchanger cools the process stream to 213 oC by exchanging heat to a BFW,
111-C CO2 stripper ejector steam generation cools the process stream to 158
C by giving up heat to stripper reflux condensate, 105-C CO2 stripper process
gas reboiler cools the process stream to 132 oC by giving up heat to benfield
solution , 113-C CO2 stripper condensate reboiler cools the process stream to
125 oC by giving up heat to stripper reflux condensate , and 106-C LTS effluent
/LP BFW exchanger cools the process stream to 93 oC by exchanging heat to a
19 CO2 Absorber CO2 removal is accomplished by contacting the raw synthesis stream with an
activated solution of potassium carbonate. Raw synthesis gas from 102-F at 70
C enters the 101-E absorber bottom through the inlet gas sparger and flow up
through the lower two beds contadted with semi-lean solution, the gas flow
continues upward through the top bed and is contacted by lean solution. The
gas flow continues upward leaving the vessel at a temperature of 70 C and
enter absorber knockout drum (102-F2).

20 Semi-Lean Solution Semi-Lean solution is withdrawn from the last compartement of 132-F by
Pumps semi-lean solution pump 107-JA, JB and JC and returned to 103-E absorber
between the top and center beds.
21 Benfield Solution A solution handling system is provided. It consist of the following equipment :
Storage Tank Benfield Solution Mixers (110-L)
Benfield Solution Sump (115-F)
Benfield Make-Up Filter (115-L)
Benfield Carbon Filter (118-F)
Benfield Sump Pump (115-J/JM)
Benfield Solution Storage Tank (114-F)
Benfield Transfer Pump (111-J)

22 CO2 Stripper The solution leaving the stripper section is reboiled first by process heat in
CO2 Stripper Reboiler 105-C (125 °C), and then by low pressure steam in CO2
Stripper Steam Reboiler 111-C.

The carbon dioxide and steam from LP flash section of 102-E is cooled to 35
°C in the contact cooler section. This is accomplished by contact with
condensed water. The water is circulated through CO2 Stripper Quench Cooler
107-C by CO2 Stripper Quench Pump 116-J/JA. Most of the cooled carbon
dioxide is released to the atmosphere on pressure control. Besides cooling the
carbon dioxide and condensing steam, the contact cooler section serves to
prevent carry-over of solution to the urea plant.

23 Void
24 Lean Solution Pump The regenerated lean solution from 102-E is cooled in Lean/Semi-lean Solution
Exchenger 112-C. The solution is further cooled by cooling water in Lean
Solution Cooler 110-C. Additional cooling is provided by preheating boiler
feed water in Lean Solution BFW Exchanger 109-C. After cooling, the lean
solution is sent to the top section of the absorber by pumped through Benfield
Solution Filter 104-L, to remove solid particle from solution.

25 Ammonia Synthesis The Converter effluent leaves 120-C at -18°C. Condensed ammonia disengages
Loop - Chilling & from the recycle gas in Ammonia Separator 106-F.
Separation Liquid ammonia from 106-F is flashed into Ammonia Letdown Drum 107-F.
The flashed vapor, which is mainly dissolved synthesis gas, is sent to the
ammonia recovery system.
26 Ammonia Refrigerant The refrigeration system operates at four levels :
120-CF4 : 13°C and 6.8 kg/cm2.g
120-CF3 : - 1°C and 3.0 kg/cm2.g
120-CF2 : -12°C and 1.8 kg/cm2.g
120-CF1 : -33°C and 0.05 kg/cm2.g
For cold operation, from 120-CF1, the product is pumped to storage by Cold
Ammonia Product Pump 124-J/JA. About 56 tons per hour of liquid ammonia
from 109-F is recycled to 120-CF4, from where the ammonia cascade through
the compartements in 120-C.
In normal operation, mostly warm ammonia product is produced. From 120-
CF4, the ammonia cascades through the compartemens of 120-C, as needed for
the refrigeration loads.
During start-up the ammonia plant, the refrigerant system is filled with liquid
ammonia from the off-site storage tank.

27 Ammonia Refrigerant The refrigerant compressor system is driven by two, four stage Ammonia
Compressor Refrigerant Compressor (105-J) The compressor is driven by steam by steam
turbine, and its equpped with Refrig Compressor Second Stage Intercoler167-C
and Third Stage Intercooler 128-C. The ammonia vapor from various chilles,
and from storage tank, are fed the appropiate stage of 105-J. The compressor
has kickbacks on each compression stage for turndown capability, and to
protect against surging.

28 Refigerant Receiver and Ammonia vapor from the discharge of 105-J is condensed in Refrigerant
Warm Ammonia Condenser 127-C. The effluent from 127-C is directed to Refrigerant Receiver
Product Pump 109-F. Uncondensed vapor enters a packed section on top of 109-F. Here,
ammonia is condensed by direct contact with a slipstream of the cold ammonia
from 107-F. The rate is set to achieve a temperature of 9°C in the scrubbed gas.
The scrubbed gas still contains a small amount of ammonia and is sent to the
ammonia recovery system.
The warm ammonia product is drawn from 109-F, and pumped off-plot by
Warm Ammonia Product Pump 113-J. About 33.3 Tons per hour of colder the
required battery-limit temperature of 37°C of the warm ammonia product sent
to Urea. About 4 tons per hour of ammonia from 107-F is sent to the chiller
section 109-F.

29 Fuel Gas Header The natural gas will contain CO2 and tail gas may, at times, contain NH3. In
order to prevent deposition of solids (ammonium carbamate) in the fuel system,
each of the gases is heated to at least 200°C before mixed.

30 Fuel Gas System for Fuel gas distribution for each row of arch burners. HV's are provided for each
Arch Burners low. The burners are fired with mixed gas (natural gas and purge gas) or
natural gas only.
31 Void
32 Fuel Gas System for Fuel gas distribution for each super heater burner. The burners are fired with
Super Heater Burners natural gas only. Each burner has flame rod and pilot burner.
33 Fuel Gas System for Fuel gas distribution for each start-up heater burner. The burners are fired with
Start up Heater natural gas only. Each burner has flame rod and pilot burner.
34 Vent System Vent Header
35 Steam Drum The BFW is split between three trains. One train includes an economizer coil in
the convection section of 101-B. Here the BFW is heated to about 10°C below
boiling point. The second train includes 131-C and 103-C1/C2. The third trains
neat the water to the boiling point and vaporize about 25% of the water. The
effluents from economizer, 103-C1 and 123-C1 enter 101-F. Further steam
generation takes place 101-C
Generated Steam is heated up by 102-C and 101-BCS1/BCS2 to 510°C. This
steam consumers are 101-JT, 103-JT. Extracted steam from these turbines and
imported steam from Package Boiler B-1102 are used for MS header. Main
users of MS steam are process steam and turbines. Extracted steam from MS
turbines, heaters, and blow down drum 156-F, as well as MS to LS letdown
valve used for LS, of which main users are users are deaeration, admission
steam for 105-JT, ejectors, tank heating, snuffing steam, and utility station.

36 Dearator, BFW Pump The preheated water is routed to 101-U. The function of 101-U is to remove
absorbed gases (O2 and CO2) which are corrosive to steel from demin water.
In 101-U, the water is stipped with low pressure (1.81 kg/cm2.g) steam to
remove dissolved oxygen. The deaerated boiler water is pumped by 104-J/JA
BFW Pumps to the high pressure steam generation system.

37 Surface Condenser The steam condensate system consist of condensate formed by condensing the
exhaust stream from turbine drivers compressors and various steam turbines in
the Ammonia Unit. Steam condensate from 101-JTC is pumped to the
condensate polisher at Utility and Jacket Water for 103-D by Condensate Pump

38 Void
39 Void (kosong)
40 Air Compressor The air compressor (101-J) is steam turbine driven centrifugal compressor. It
has four stage coolers 101-JCA, JCB, and JCC, and inter stage knockout
drums. High turndown capability is achieved by venting of excess compressed
air. The air compressor also supplies instrument air and plant air for ammonia
unit, the neighboring Urea Unit, and Service Unit.
Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By
1 Feed Gas Compressor
1 1-1 No Flow of Natural 102-J trip Higher Pressure of Upstream PAH-1074 (Set : 22,5 kg/cm2);
Gas 102-J RV-144 F (Desain : 21,1 kg/cm2,
Actual : 24,8 kg/cm2)
1 1-2 No Flow of Natural 102-J trip High Pressure of Fuel Gas Man BV Upstream Boiler 1-1 Verify there is no Control
Gas inlet Boiler (B 1102) impact to Package Room Op
1 1-3 No Flow of Natural 102-J trip High Pressure of Fuel Gas PSV-2221 (Set : 21,1 kg/cm2) 1-2 Verify there is no Control
Gas inlet GTG (GT 2201) impact to GTG Room Op
1 1-4 No Flow of Natural 102-J trip High Pressure NG to Plant HC-1199; 1-3 Verify there is no Control
Gas II/III PAH-1199 (Set : 18,5 kg/cm2) impact to PII/III Room Op
1 1-5 No Flow of Natural Lost of NG Supply Lower Pressure of Natural PAL-1074 (Set : 16,5 kg/cm2)
Gas Gas leads to 102-J surge and FAL-1015 (Set : 25 ton/h)
damage provided control FV-1015 to
maintain flow to 102-J
1 1-6 More Flow of Higher speed 102-J Higher discharge pressure of SSH-1002 (Set : 13300 rpm)
Natural Gas 102-J SSHH-1002,
Overspeed trip 102-J
(Set 14408 rpm)
RV-102 J (Desain : 52,7 kg/cm2)
PIC-1010 (D-11-1225-216)

1 1-7 Less Flow of Covered by Scenario 3-10

Natural Gas
1 1-8 Other than FV-1015 fails open Over pressure in 102-J PAH-1074 (Set : 22,5 kg/cm2);
(Misdirected) Flow (D-11-1225-209) suction RV-144 F (D-11-1225-209)
of NG (Desain : 21,1 kg/cm2, Actual :
24,8 kg/cm2)
1 1-9 Other than FV-1015 doesn't open when Compressor surge and XI-6211 through XI-6214
(Misdirected) Flow required damage ZI-6210;
of NG (D-11-1225-209) ZI-6211;
(Vibration monitor with alarm :
alert 60 um, danger 80 um)
(Interlock of 102-J)

1 1-10 Misdirected Flow of Tube failure in 133-C NG leaks to CW side. And 1-4 Check vent of Op
NG will be sent to CW tower cooling tower.
Regularly check of
explosive gas at
cooling tower.
1 1-11 Reverse Flow of NG 102-J trip Reverse rotation of 102-J Check valve at 102-J discharge
rotor leads to damage
1 1-12 Higher Temperature Higher Natural Gas Higher discharge temperature TAH-1308 (Set : 120 C)
of NG Temperature from BL of 102-J leading to decrease (D-11-1225-209)
efficiency of 102-J, No
significant problem.

1 1-13 Higher Temperature TV-1305 fails closed (D- Higher temperature in 108 TI-1306 (D-11-1225-210)
of NG 11-1225-211) DA/DB resulting potential
short life time of catalyst
1 1-14 Lower Temperature TV-1305 wide open (D- Lower temperature in 108 TI-1306 (D-11-1225-210)
of NG 11-1225-211) DA/DB resulting potential
sulfur breaktrough to101 B
and leads to catalyst
degradation of 101 B
1 1-15 High Pressure of Covered by Scenario
NG 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-6
1 1-16 Lower Pressure of Covered by Scenario 1-5
1 1-17 Higher Level in 144 More condensable in NG Higher liquid level in 144-F LAH-1002 (Set : 90%);
F from Battery Limit may cause mist carryover to LAHH-1212 (Set :750 mm) leads
102-J . Potential compressor to 102 J trip by LSHH-1212
damage in case of liquid (D-11-1225-209)
breakthrough through 144-F

1 1-18 Lower level in 144 Manual globe valve is opened Loss of liquid level in 144-F LG-1602 (D-11-1225-209);
F too much or left open and gas brekthrough, resulting GD-1001;
flammable gas release to atm. GD-1011 ;
Potential external fire or (Gas detector in 144-F area)
1 1-19 As Well As Higher HHV content in NG Potential carbon deposition in Reliable supply of NG;
Composition than spesified 101-B catalyst Periodical sampling and
composition check.
Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By
2 Desulfurizer
2 2-1 No Flow of Not Applicable
Natural Gas
2 2-2 More Flow of FV-1001 wide open Covered by Scenario 3-6
Natural Gas (D-11-1225-212)
2 2-3 Less Flow of Higher DP because of Potential Higher PDI-1105;
Natural Gas Catalyst breakage (108 differential pressure across PDI-1106
DA/DB) reactor, and leads to (D-11-1225-210);
compressor surge and FAL-1015 (Set : 25 ton/h)
damage provided control FV-1015 to
maintain flow to 102-J

2 2-4 Higher Covered ny scenario 1-12

Temperature of

2 2-5 Lower Not Applicable

Temperature of
2 2-6 Higher
NG Pressure of Not Applicable
2 2-7 Lower Pressure of Not Applicable
2 2-8 Higher Level Not Applicable
2 2-9 Lower Level Not Applicable
2 2-10 As Well As Higher Sulfur leakage from Sulfur breakthrough to Periodical Laboratory Sampling
Composition 108 DA/DB due to 101-B leads to catalys
degradation of catalys degradation of 101-B
Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By
3 Primary Reformer Section - Process Stream
3 3-1 No Flow of FV-1001 fails closed or 101-B tubes skin TI-1314;
Natural Gas MOV 1010 is closed temperature and coil TI-1315;
(D-11-1225-212) temperature increase but TI-1318;
no mechanical damage as TI-1313;
steam is flowing FAL-1001 ( Set : 17555 kg/hr);
FALL-1201 (Set : 14636 kg/h)
triggers minimum firing of
arch burner (D-11-1225-212)

3 3-2 No Flow of FV-1001 fails closed or Potential tube rupture in TAH-1307 ( Set : 470 C)
Natural Gas MOV 1010 is closed 101-BCF (D-11-1225-212);
(D-11-1225-212) FAL-1001 ( Set : 17555 kg/hr);
FALL-1201 (Set : 14636 kg/h)
triggers minimum firing of
arch burner (D-11-1225-212)
3 3-3 No Flow of Steam FV-1002 is closed 101-B tubes skin TI-1313;
(D-11-1225-228) temperature and coil TI-1315;
temperature increase, and TI-1318;
Primary Reformer Catalyst FAL-1002 (Set : 80000 kg/h);
damage by carbon deposit FFAL-1201 (Set : 2,8) leads to
due to loss of steam feed stock, air cut, and
minimum firing of arch burner;
FFALL-1201 (Set : 2,25) leads
to Primary reformer shutdown

3 3-4 No Flow of Steam FV-1002 is closed Over pressure in MS PAH-1014 (Set : 43 kg/cm2)
(D-11-1225-228) Header leads to open PV-1014
RV-MS 1001A
(Set : 46,4 kg/cm2);
RV-MS 1001B
(Set : 47,6 kg/cm2);
RV-MS 1001C
(Set : 48,7 kg/cm2);

3 3-5 More Flow of FV-1001 wide open Low S/C ratio will cause FIC-1001;
Natural Gas (D-11-1225-212) primary reformer catalyst FFAL-1201 (Set : 2,8) leads to
damage by carbon deposit feed stock, air cut, and
minimum firing of arch burner;
FFALL-1201 (Set : 2,25) leads
to Primary reformer shutdown

3 3-6 More Flow of FV-1001 wide open Potential organic sulfur

Natural Gas (D-11-1225-212) breakthrough not
applicable due to series in
operating 108 DA/DB

3 3-7 More Flow of FV-1001 wide open Potential overspeed of Covered by Scenario 1-6
Natural Gas (D-11-1225-212) 102-J
3 3-8 More Flow of FV-1002 wide open No significant effect in
Steam (D-11-1225-228) 101-B
3 3-9 More Flow of FV-1002 wide open Lower pressure in MS MS header pressure can be
Steam (D-11-1225-228) header maintained both import steam
and extraction turbine

3 3-10 Less Flow of Catalyst breakage of Potential higher PDI-1102 (D-11-1225-212); 3-1 Periodic visual Op & PE
Mixture (Natural carbon deposit differential pressure across Periodic visual inspection of checking to be
Gas and Steam) reforming tube, and hot tube and tube skin highlighted in
spot appearance on tube temperature check operating
Periodic evalution
of catalyst
performance by
process engineer.

3 3-11 Higher Covered by scenario 3-1

Temperature and 3-3
3 3-12 Higher Excess firing In arch Higher exit process gas TAH-1314 (Set : 850 C);
Temperature burners temperature TI-1315;

3 3-13 Higher Excess firing In arch Higher process gas TI-1322;

Temperature burners temperature at 101-BCX TI-1323;
exit TI-1324;
TI-1313 (D-11-1225-212)
3 3-14 Lower Fuel valve closure (Arch Low exit Process Gas TAL-1314 ( Set : 750 C);
Temperature burner) temperature leading to TI-1315;
potential coking on TI-1318;
catalyst TAL-1313 (Set : 590 C);
PI 1061-1065;

PSL-1161-1165 (Set : 2,8

kg/cm2) (D-11-1225-255);

PSLL-1220 (Set : 0,3 kg/cm2)

lead to feed cut, air cut, and
fuel cut (D-11-1225-254)

3 3-15 Lower Fuel valve closure (tunnel Low temperature of TAL-1313 (Set : 590 C) 3-2 AI-1001 should Instrumen
Temperature burner) process gas at 101-BCX (D-11-1225-212); replace by the t
may result in potential AI-1001 (CH4 Content) new one
increase of methane slip (D-11-1225-212)
from 101-B Periodical Laboratory

3 3-17 Higher Pressure Covered by Scenario 3-4

3 3-18 Lower Pressure Covered by Scenario 3-9
Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By
4 Primary Reformer Section - Steam and Air for Secondary Reformer Use
4 4-1 No Flow of air 101-J stop 101-BCA1 exit air - steam TV-1311;
and coil temperature TAH 1419 (Set : 460 C)
increase (D-11-1225-211);
FALL-1003 (Set : 51700 kg/h)
101 J stop leads to HV-1021
open to feed protection steam
4 4-2 No Flow of air 101-J stop 101-BCA 2 exit air-steam TV-1311;
and coil temperature TAH 1419 (Set : 460 C)
increase. Potential coil (D-11-1225-211);
rupture TAH-1312 (Set : 625 C)
FALL-1003 (Set : 51700 kg/h)
101 J stop leads to HV-1021
open to feed protection steam

4 4-3 No Flow of air MOV-1006 is closed 101 BCA 1 exit air-steam TV-1311;
(D-11-1225-203) and coil temperature TAH 1419 (Set : 460 C)
increase (D-11-1225-211);
FALL-1003 (Set : 51700 kg/h)
101 J stop leads to HV-1021
open to feed protection steam

4 4-4 No Flow of air MOV-1006 is closed 101 BCA 2 exit air-steam MOV-1006 closure can only be
(D-11-1225-203) and coil temperature done by inching;
increase. Potential coil TV-1311 (D-11-1225-211);
rupture TAH 1419 (Set : 460 C);
TAH-1312 (Set : 625 C)
FALL-1003 (Set : 51700 kg/h)
101 J stop leads to HV-1021
open to feed protection steam
ZLC-1006 (D-11-1225-203)
4 4-5 No Flow of air FV-1004 wide open 101 BCA 1 exit air-steam TV-1311;
(D-11-1225-203) and coil temperature TAH 1419 (Set : 460 C)
increase (D-11-1225-211);
FALL-1003 (Set : 51700 kg/h)

4 4-6 No Flow of air FV-1004 wide open 101 BCA 2 exit air-steam TV-1311;
(D-11-1225-203) and coil temperature TAH 1419 (Set : 460 C)
increase. Potential coil (D-11-1225-211);
rupture TAH-1312 (Set : 625 C)
FALL-1003 (Set : 51700 kg/h)

4 4-7 No Flow of air- HV-1021 by pass manual As long as sufficient flow By pass HV-1021 stanby crack
steam valve isn't opened of air there no significant open
(D-11-1225-211) problem occur

4 4-8 No Flow of HV-1021 doesn't open Potential coil rupture of By pass HV-1021 stanby crack
protection steam when required 101 BCA 1 & BCA 2 open

4 4-9 Less Flow Not Applicable

4 4-10 More Flow of Air 101-J overspeed Excessive air introduction TAH 1052 (Set : 1100 C);
to Secondary Reformer TAH 1053 (Set : 1100 C)
causing higher (D-11-1225-213)
temperature of catalyst FV-1004 open;
SSH-1001 (Set : 8112 rpm);
SSHH-1001 (Set : 8339 rpm);
Overspeed trip 101 J

4 4-11 More Flow of HV-1021 wide open Lower temperature of TC-1312 (Set : 355 C)
Steam (D-11-1225-211) process air at Secondary
reformer inlet.
4 4-12 Reverse Flow Check valve failure at Backflow of process gas to Check valve at inlet 101 BCA1;
Secondary Reformer air line in case of 101-J
trip, resulting in potential MOV-1006 is closed when
process gas release to 101-J trip (D-11-1225-203)
atmosphere at 101-J.
Potential external

4 4-13 Higher TV-1311 is closed Higher temperature of Handwheel on TV 1311;

Temperature of (D-11-1225-211) process air at 101 BCA 2 TI 1311 (D-11-1225-211);
process air at inlet exit TAH 1312 (Set : 625 C)
of 101 BCA2 (D-11-1225-212)

4 4-14 Lower TV-1311 fails open Potential methane slip AI-1005 (CH4 Content)
Temperature of (D-11-1225-211) (D-11-1225-213)
process air at inlet
101 BCA2

4 4-15 Higher Covered by scenario 4-

Temperature 1 , 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5, 4-6, 4-

4 4-16 Lower Covered by scenario 4-

Temperature 11
4 4-17 Higher Pressure Not Applicable
4 4-18 Lower Pressure Not Applicable
4 4-19 Start up/ Shut Shut down Potential condensate trap Isolation valve at upstream of
down in 101 BCA1/BCA2. HV-1021 (D-11-1225-211)
Potential water hammer
and coil damage when
Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By
5 Primary Reformer - Firebox with FDF and IDF
5 5-1 No Flow of 101-BJ1 Trip Insufficient combustion PAL-1855 (Set : 30 mmH2O);
Combustion Air lead to lower flue gas PALL-1856 (Set : 60 mmH2O)
temperature. Potential leads to reformer trip (All
flammable gas burner shutdown, fuel cut)
accumulation in fire box. If (D-11-1225-211)
pre start up purging before
restarting is insuficient.
Potential internal

5 5-2 No Flow of PDZ 1022 (Damper) is Less air supply to Minimal stopper for PDZ 1022
Combustion Air to closed superheater fire box
Superheat Burner (D-11-1225-211) resulting in fire extinction
in superheater burner

5 5-3 No Flow fo Transient higher PIC-1855 (D-11-1225-211);

Combustion Air to combustion air pressure PAH-1058 (Set : -4 mmH2O)
Superheat Burner for Arch and Tunnel burner (D-11-1225-212)
resulting in unstable flame
and incomplete
combustion. The pressure
will be controlled by PIC-

5 5-4 No Flow fo Potential post combustion Minimal stopper for PDZ 1022;
Combustion Air to at convection coil, and TAH-1328 (Set : 760 C)
Superheat Burner potential damage because (D-11-1225-211)
unburned fuel may be
reached to convection
5 5-5 No Flow of Flue 101-BJ2 (IDF) trip Unstable flame and PAHH-1059 (Set : -4 mmH2O)
Gas possible hot flue gas come leads to reformer trip
out from peep hole due to (Interlock 101-J);
positive pressure of fire
box PAH-1058 (Set : -4 mmH2O);
PAH-1058A Air horn;
PAH-1058B Flashing light

5 5-6 Less Flow of Manual Damper is closed Potential post combustion TI-1321 through 1325
Combustion Air to too much at convection coil, and (D-11-1225-212)
Tunnel Burner potential damage because
unburned fuel may be
reached to convection

5 5-7 More Flow of PDZ 1022 wide open Higher pressure in PDIC-1022 (D-11-1225-211)
Combustion Air to (D-11-1225-211) Superheater Fire Box
Superheat burner resulting in potential
unstable flame of
Superheater burner.
Possibility of fire

5 5-8 More Flow of Lower Combustion Air PDIC-1022;

Combustion Air to Pressure for Arch for Arch PIC-1855 (D-11-1225-211)
Superheat burner and Tunnel burner
resulting in unstable flame
and incomplete.
combustion. Operational
issue only

5 5-9 More Flow of Covered by Scenario 5-3

Combustion Air to
Superheat burner
5 5-10 Other Than Flow 101-BL1 bypass line is not Lower flue gas temperaure TI-1418 (D-11-1225-211)
of Combustion Air opened during low flue gas at cold side of 101-BL1 and
temperature (lower than potential corrosion due to
dew point) condensation at 101-BL1

5 5-11 Misdirected Flow Tube Failure of Natural Internal fire (jet fire; torch Preventive maintenance;
Gas at 101-BCX fire) causing neighboring Periodical inspection;
tube damage. Potential TI-1321 through TI-1323;
internal explosion. TI-1326 (D-11-1225-212)

5 5-12 Misdirected Flow Tube Failure at 101-BCF Internal fire (jet fire; torch Preventive maintenance;
fire) causing neighboring Periodical inspection
tube damage. Potential
internal explosion.

5 5-13 Misdirected Flow Tube Failure of NG at 101- Natural gas leaks to flue Preventive maintenance;
BCG gas duct and released to Periodical inspection;
atmosphere. TI-1309 (D-11-1225-211);
FI-1028 (D-11-1225-254)

5 5-14 Misdirected Flow Tube Failure of Air Potential higher pressure Preventive maintenance;
in Fire Box causing Periodical inspection;
potential damage to Fire PAH-1019 (Set : -3 mmH2O)
Box (D-11-1225-212);
PAHH-1059 (Set : -4 mmH2O)
leads to reformer trip;
PAH-1058 (Set : -4 mmH2O);
PAH-1058A Air horn ;
PAH-1059B Flashing light
5 5-15 Misdirected Flow Tube Failure of Steam Potential higher pressure Preventive maintenance;
in Fire Box causing Periodical inspection;
potential damage to Fire PAH-1019 (Set : -3 mmH2O)
Box (D-11-1225-212);
PAHH-1059 (Set : -4 mmH2O)
leads to reformer trip;
PAH-1058 (Set : -4 mmH2O);
PAH-1058A Air horn;
PAH-1059B Flashing light

5 5-16 Higher Excess firing of Arch Higher tube skin TI-1315 through 1318
Temperature of burners temperature of 101-B. (D-11-1225-212)
Flue Gas Potential 101-B tube

5 5-17 Higher Excess Firing of Tunnel Higher temperature of TI-1321 through 1325;
Temperature of Burner coils (101 BCX, 101 BCA2) TI-1326;
Flue Gas and potential damage TAH-1312 (Set : 625 C);
TI-1313 (D-11-1225-212)

5 5-18 Higher Excess firing of Higher temperature of TAH-1328 (Set : 760 C);
Temperature of Superheater burners coils (101 BCS) and TI-1331 (D-11-1225-211);
Flue Gas potential damage TI-1313 (D-11-1225-212);
TAH-1005 (Set : 520 C) to cut
fuel to superheater burner

5 5-19 Lower Tunnel burner trip or Lower flue gas

Temperature of superheter burner trip temperature and lower
Flue Gas firebox pressure, but no
5 5-20 Lower Fresh air intake through significant
Lower flue problem.
gas temperaure TI-1418 (D-11-1225-211)
Temperature of 101-BL1 at cold side of 101-BL1 and
Flue Gas potential corrosion due to
condensation at 101-BL1

5 5-21 Lower Covered by scenario 5-1,

Temperature 5-10
5 5-22 Higher Pressure of Covered by Scenario 5-5,5-
Fire Box 7,5-14,5-15
5 5-23 Lower Pressure Covered by Scenario 5-8
5 5-24 Lower Pressure of 101-BJ2 overspeed Lower firebox pressure PIC-1019 (D-11-1225-211) 5-1 Confirm Op
Fire Box overspeed trip is
provided for 101

5 5-25 Lower Pressure of Potential 101-B refractory Suitable installation of

Fire Box damage refractory
5 5-26 Start up/ Shut Insufficient purging of Potential Internal Mechanical design
down remaining flammable gas explosion
after shutdown

5 5-27 Start up/ Shut Start up/ Shut down Pocket of combusible Operating procedure 5-2 Highligt furnace PE
down gases in case of insufficient purging procedure
purging in operating
Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By
7 Secondary Reformer
7 7-1 No Flow of Not Applicable
Process Gas
7 7-2 No Flow of Isolation valve at inlet of Wrong reading or loss of AI 1002 D (N2 Content)
Sample Gas to AT- AT-1005 Fails closed (Cek reading in AI 1005 May (D-11-1225-217)
1005 (CH4) Petro) cause more methane slip
to 104-D1 resulting in
higher inert in synthesis
loop. Higher system
pressure and loss of
7 7-3 More Flow of PV-1018B Is closed More heat recovery from Minimum stop is provided to
Process Gas to (D-11-1225-213) 101-C leads to potential PV-1018B;
101-C over pressure in HS header Handjack on PV-1018B
due to excessive steam (D-11-1225-213);
generation RV-101B2 (Set : 133,7
RV-101B1 (Set : 136,9 kg/cm2)
RV-101 F3 (Set : 137,1
RV-101 F2 (Set : 139,1
RV-101 F1 (Set : 141,2 kg/cm2)

7 7-4 Less Flow of PV-1018 A is closed Less heat recovery from Minimum stop is provided to
Process Gas to (D-11-1225-213) 101-C leading to less PV-1018A;
101-C steam generation , causing Handjack on PV-1018A
sudden pressure drop in (D-11-1225-213)
HS header. Plant shutdown
may be required

7 7-5 Less Flow of Potential higher TAH-1339 (Set : 382 C)

Process Gas to temperature of process (D-11-1225-213);
101-C gas at 104-D1 inlet, leads TI-1341;
to potential mechanical TI-1342;
damage TI-1343;

7 7-6 Misdirected Flow Tube failure in 101-C BFW/Steam leaks to RV-102 CA (Set : 39 kg/cm2);
of BFW/Steam Process Gas side, causing RV-102 CB (Set : 41 kg/cm2)
overpressure (D-11-1225-213)
7 7-7 Misdirected Flow Tube failure in 102-C Steam leaks to process gas RV-102 CA (Set : 39 kg/cm2);
Steam side, causing overpressure. RV-102 CB (Set : 41 kg/cm2)

7 7-8 Other Than Flow Isolation valve at inlet of Steam ingress to AT 1005 AI-1002D (N2 Content)
of Sample Gas to AT 1005 Doesn't close Resulting in potential (D-11-1225-217)
AT 1005 when required (Reformer damage to infrared cell
steaming operation)

7 7-9 Higher Less reaction in 103-D Potential catalyst damage TAH-1051 (Set : 1100 C);
Temperature of in 103-D TAH-1052 (Set : 1100 C);
Process Gas from TAH-1053 (Set : 1100 C);
103-D TAH-1334 (Set : 1100 C)

7 7-10 Higher TV-1010 Wide open Potential short life time of TI-1341;
Temperature of (D-11-1225-213) 104-D1 catalyst TI-1342;
104-D1 feed TI-1343;
TAH 1339 (Set : 382 C)
Handjack on TV-1010

7 7-11 Lower Lower flowrate of air to Less heat recovery on 101- AI-1005 (CH4 Content)
Temperature of 103-D C/102-C leads to less (D-11-1225-213)
103-D steam generation. Higher
methane slip from 103-D

7 7-12 Lower Lower temperature of Covered by Scenario 7-11

Temperature of process gas from 101-B

7 7-13 Lower Higher methane slip from Covered by Scenario 7-11

Temperature of 101-B

7 7-14 Lowe TV-1010 Fails closed Higher CO slip from 104-D1 AI-1020 (High CO2 Content)
Temperature of (D-11-1225-213) (D-11-1225-214)
104-D1 Feed
7 7-15 Higher Pressure of Catalyst blockage at Higher differential PDI-1103;
Process Gas in Secondary Reformer 103-D pressure across 103-D AI-1005 (CH4 Content)
103-D leading to methane slip (D-11-1225-213)

7 7-16 Lower Pressure of

Process Gas
7 7-17 Higher Level
7 7-18 Lower Level
7 7-19 As Well As Higher methane slip from Covered by Scenario 7-11
composition 103-D

Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By

8 Methanator
8 8-1 No Flow of MOV-1011 is closed or XV- Compressor surge and Handwheel on MOV-1011 or
Process Gas to 1211 fails closed damage XV-1211 (D-11-1225-217);
Methanator (D-11-1225-217) PIC-1006 (D-11-1225-217);
FI-1074 (D-11-1225-218);
FV-1007 (D-11-1225-218);
XI 6311 through 6314,
Vibration monitor with alarm;
ZI-6310 through 6312 ,Axial
rotor position high high trips;
103 J trips (Alert : 60 um,
Danger : 80 um)

8 8-2 No Flow of Higher pressure in PIC-1005 (Op Value : 31,6

Process Gas to upstream of valves kg/cm2) leads to PV-1005
Methanator open (D-11-1225-217);
Interlock leads to 103-J trips

8 8-3 More Flow of PV-1004 Wide open Higher differential Interlock leads to 103-J trips
Synthesis Gas (D-11-1225-217) pressure across 106-D 103 J trips
Across 106-D

8 8-4 More Flow of Less flow to 103-J, possible Handwheel on PV-1004;

Synthesis Gas compressor surge and PIC-1004 (D-11-1225-217);
Across 106-D damage FI-1074 (D-11-1225-218);
FIC-1007 leads to FV-1007
open (D-11-1225-218);
XI 6311 through 6314,
Vibration monitor with alarm;
ZI-6310 through 6312 , Axial
rotor position high high trips;
103 J trips (Alert : 60 um,
Danger : 80 um)
8 8-5 Less Flow of PV-1005 Wide open Compressor surge and Handjack on PV-1005;
Process Gas to (D-11-1225-217) damage PIC-1004 (D-11-1225-217);
Methanator FI-1074 (D-11-1225-218);
FIC-1007 leads to FV-1007
open (D-11-1225-218);
XI 6311 through 6314,
Vibration monitor with alarm;
ZI-6310 through 6312 , Axial
rotor position high high trips;
103 J trips (Alert : 60 um,
Danger : 80 um)

8 8-6 Less Flow of Potential Catalyst lift up in Hold down grating

Process Gas to 106-D due to reverse flow

8 8-7 Misdirected Flow Tube failure in 114-C Process gas leaks from AI-1002B (CO+CO2 Content)
methanator inlet side to (D-11-1225-217);
methanator outlet side, AI-1016 (CO2 Content)
leads to higher CO/CO2 (D-11-1225-219)
content and resulting in
higher load in 109 DA/DB,
potential less performance
in 105 D catalyst

8 8-8 Misdirected Flow Tube failure in 172-C1 Steam leaks to Process Gas PIC-1005 (Op Value : 31,6
side, causing overpressure kg/cm2) leads to PV-1005
open (D-11-1225-217);
RV-172 C1 (Set : 36,2 kg/cm2)
8 8-9 More steam in process gas LAH-1008 (Set : 90%) leads to
to 104-F, causing higher LV-1008 open (D-11-
level in 104-F 1225217);
LAHH-1208 (Set : 750 mm)
leads to compressor trips by
LSHH-1208 (interlock 103 J)

8 8-10 Misdirected Flow Tube failure in 172-C2 Process gas leaks to CW Rupture disk SP-104
during LTS catalyst side , causing overpressure (D-11-1225-210)
reduction by natural gas

8 8-11 Misdirected Flow Tube failure in 115-C1/C2 Process gas leaks to CW Rupture disk SP-004
side , causing overpressure (D-11-1225-217)

8 8-12 Higher TV-1012 Fails closed Higher temperature of TAH-1012 (Set : 330 C);
Temperature of (D-11-1225-217) process gas at 172-C1 inlet Handwheel on TV-1012
Process Gas at or 106-D possible (D-11-1225-217)
172-C1 inlet mechanical damage

8 8-13 Higher Higher CO2/CO content in Temperature will rise due TAH-1357-1362 (Set : 344 C)
Temperature of the process gas to 106-D to more reaction, and (D-11-1225-217);
Methanator potential mechanical TSHH 1200-1203 (Set : 344 C)
outlet damage in 114-C leads to methanator trip
(interlock 106-D)
AI-1003 (CO Content)

8 8-14 Higher Loss of CW to 115-C1/C2 Increasing 103-J suction TAH-1364 (Set : 125 C)
Temperature of temperature, causing (D-11-1225-218)
Synthesis Gas to potential damage

8 8-15 Higher Loss of CW to 172-C2 Increasing reduction gas Catalyst reduction procedure
Temperature of temperature to 104-D2,
Synthesis Gas to resulting in catalyst
104-D2 damage

8 8-16 Lower TV-1012 Wide open Potential CO/CO2 slip TAL-1012 (Set : 300 C);
Temperature of (D-11-1225-217) through metahanator due Handwheel on TV-1012
Process Gas in to lower temperature 106- (D-11-1225-217)
172-C1 inlet D feed
8 8-17 Lower Higher temperature in Mechanical design
Temperature of 114-C cold section, piping
Process Gas in to 115 C1/C2 and 115-
172-C1 inlet C1/C2 resulting in
potential damage.

8 8-18 Lower Increasing 103-J suction TAH-1364 (Set : 125 C)

Temperature of and discharge (D-11-1225-218)
Process Gas in temperature, causing
172-C1 inlet potential damage

8 8-19 Higher Pressure of PV-1005 Doesn't open Overpressure in feed line Handjack on PV-1005
Process Gas when required to 106-D (D-11-1225-217);
(D-11-1225-217) PIC-1030;
PV-1030 (D-11-1224-214);
RV-104 D2 (Set : 39,7 kg/cm2)
PIC-1006 (D-11-1225-217);
PIC-1004 (Set : 30,5 kg/cm2)
leads to PV-1004 open (D-11-
RV-104F (Set : 35,2 kg/cm2)

8 8-20 Higher Pressure of PV-1004 Doesn't open Overpressure in feed line Handwheel on PV-1004
Process Gas when required to 106-D (D-11-1225-217);
(D-11-1225-217) PIC-1006 (D-11-1225-217);
PIC-1005 leads to PV-1005
open open (D-11-1225-217);
RV-104F (Set : 35,2 kg/cm2)

8 8-21 Lower Pressure of Covered bu Scenario 8-1,

Process Gas to 8-4, and 8-5
8 8-22 Higher Level in LV-1008 Fails closed Possible mist carry over LAH-1008 (Set : 90%);
104-F (D-11-1225-217) and Syn Gas compressor LAHH-1208 (Set : 750 mm)
damage leads to 103-J trips by LSHH-
1208 (interlock 103 J);
By pass valve around LV-1008

8 8-23 Lower Level in LV-1008 Wide open Loss of liquid level and LAL-1008 (Set : 10%) ;
104-F (D-11-1225-217) Process Gas breakthrough Isolation and by pass valve LV-
to the cooling waer pit. 1008 (D-11-1225-217)
Potential external fire or

8 8-24 As Well As H2/N2 ratio high Potential lower efficiency AFI-1002 (D-11-1225-217)
Composition in synthesis reaction

8 8-25 As Well As H2/N2 ratio low Potential lower efficiency AFI-1002 (D-11-1225-217)
Composition in synthesis reaction
Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By
9 Syn Gas Compressor LP Case
9 9-1 No Flow of Syn Gas Compressor (103- Higher pressure in
Synthesis Gas J) trip upstream 103-J

PIC-1006 (D-11-1225-217)
control 103-J inlet governor;
PIC-1004 (Op Value : 30,5
kg/cm2) leads to PV-1004
open (D-11-1225-217);
PIC-1005 (Op Value : 31,6
kg/cm2) leads to PV-1005
open (D-11-1225-217);
RV-104F (Set : 35,2 kg/cm2)
9 9-2 No Flow of PV-1114 fails closed Higher pressure and Handwheel on PV-1114;
Ammonia in 129-C (D-11-1225-221) temperature of ammonia TI-1365 (D-11-1225-221);
in 129-C , Possible higher AI-1014 (H2O Content)
temperature at 3rd stage (D-11-1225-219)
suction of Syn gas
compressor. Potential
higher H2O in 109 DA/DB
outlet due to higher
moisture content from

9 9-3 More Flow of Overspeed of Syn gas Over pressure at 103-J FI-1074;
Synthesis Gas compressor discharge. PI-1045;
Over speed trip 103-J (11943
RV-103 J (Set : 188 kg/cm2)

9 9-4 Reverse Flow of FV-1076 Doesn't open Reverse rotation, potential Check valve SP-200
Synthesis Gas when compressor trip damage to compressor (D-11-1225-221)
(D-11-1225-221) and balance drum

9 9-5 Gradual pressurization by 103-J trip signal leads to SD

recovered hydrogen , HRU;
leading to potential over
pressure and/or potential
reverse rotation of 103-J

9 9-6 Other Than Flow FV-1007 Fails openend Higher suction pressure, PIC-1006 to control 103-J inlet
of Synthesis Gas (D-11-1225-218) but no mechanical damage governor
9 9-7 Other Than Flow FV-1007 Doesn't open on Compressor surge and XI 6311 through 6314,
of Synthesis Gas demand damage Vibration monitor with alarm;
(D-11-1225-218) ZI-6310 through 6312 , Axial
rotor position high high trips;
103 J trips (Alert : 60 um,
Danger : 80 um)

9 9-8 Misdirected Flow Tube failure in 116-C Syn Gas leaks to Cwside, SP-012 (D-11-1225-221)
causing overpressure

9 9-9 Misdirected Flow Syn gas leaks to CW side, Cooling Tower Vent 9-1 Check vent of Op
and will be sent to CW cooling tower.
tower. Finally, Syn gas will Regularly check of
be vented to atmosphere, explosive gas at
causing potential fire or cooling tower.

9 9-10 Misdirected Flow Tube failure in 129-C Syn Gas leaks to PIC-1114 (D-11-1225-221);
refrigerant side, causing RV-120 CF3 (Set : 15,8 kg/cm2)
potential over pressure in (D-11-1225-224)
unitized chiller 120-CF3
and CF-4

9 9-11 Higher Covered by Scenario 9-2,

Temperature 9-12, 9-21
9 9-12 Higher Loss of CW in 116-C Increasing 103-J discharge TI-1365 (D-11-1225-221);
Temperature temperature, causing
potential damage.

9 9-13 Increased refrigerant load PIC-1114 (D-11-1225-221);

129-C resulting in potential RV-120 CF3 (Set : 15,8
over pressure in unitized kg/cm2 )
chiller 120-CF3 (D-11-1225-224)
9 9-14 Lower PV 1114 Wide open Potential freezing of water Handwheel on PV-1114;
Temperature at (D-11-1225-221) content may lead to TAL-1365 (Set : 1 C)
129-C outlet plugging in distributor or (D-11-1225-221);
demister and damage, and AI-1014 (H2O Content)
higher discharge pressure (D-11-1225-219)

9 9-15 Higher Pressure of Covered by Scenario 9-1,9-

Synthesis Gas 2,9-3,9-5,9-6,9-8,9-10,9-

9 9-16 Lower Pressure of Not applicable

Synthesis Gas
9 9-17 Lower Pressure of Covered by Scenario 9-14
9 9-18 Higher level in LV-1011 Fails closed Possible mist carry over to By pass valve (LV-1011);
105-F1 (D-11-1225-218) 2nd stage compressor, LAH-1011 (Set : 10%);
may caused potential LAHH-1210 (Set : 750 mm)
damage in case of liquid leads to 103-J trip by LSHH-
breakthrough 1210 (Interlock 103-J)

9 9-19 Lower level in LV-1011 Wide open Loss of liquid level in 105- LAL 1011 (Set : 10%)
105-F1 (D-11-1225-218) F1 and gas breakthrough (D-11-1225-218)
to 104-F, but no significant

9 9-20 Higher level in LV-1159 Fails closed Possible mist carry over to By pass valve LV-1159;
105-F2 (D-11-1225-221) Molecular sieve dryer. This LAH-1159 (Set : 90%);
may cause frequent LAHH-1160 (Set : 750 mm)
demand of refrigeration. leads to 103-J trip by LSHH-
Potential 3rd stage 1160 (Interlock103-J)
compressor damage in (D-11-1225-221)
case of liquid
breakthrough to 109
DA/DB, but no significant
9 9-21 Lower level in LV-1159 Wide open Loss of liquid level in 105- LAL-1159 (Set : 10%)
105-F2 (D-11-1225-221) F2 and gas breakthrough (D-11-1225-221)
to 104-F, but no significant

9 9-22 Higher level in LV-1009 Wide open Liquid ammonia is LIC-1009 (D-11-1225-221)
129-C (D-11-1225-221) introduced to vapor line,
but no significant problem.

9 9-23 Lower level in LV-1009 Fails closed Possible higher By pass valve LV-1009;
129-C (D-11-1225-221) temperature at 3rd stage TI-1365 (D-11-1225-221);
suction of Syn gas AI-1014 (H2O Content)
compressor. Potential (D-11-1225-219)
higher H2O in 109 DA,DB
outlet due to higher
moisture content from
Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By

10 Syn Gas Compressor HP Case

10 10-1 No Flow of Syn Gas Compressor (103- Higher pressure in PIC-1006 control 103-J inlet
Synthesis Gas J) trip upstream 103-J governor (D-11-1225-217);
PIC-1004 (Op Value : 30,5
kg/cm2) leads to PV-1004
open (D-11-1225-217);
PIC-1005 (Op Value : 31,6
kg/cm2) leads to PV-1005
open (D-11-1225-217)

10 10-2 No Flow of MOV-1017 is closed Over pressure in 103 J 2nd FIC-1076 to control FV-1076
Synthesis Gas D-11-1225-219) stage discharge (D-11-1225-221);
RV-105F2 (Set : 112 kg/cm2)

10 10-3 No Flow of Compressor surge and FIC-1076 to control FV-1076;

Synthesis Gas damage (D-11-1225-221);
FIC-1008 to control FV-1008
HV-1030 (D-11-1225-221)

10 10-4 No Flow of MOV-1015 is closed Over pressure in 103-J 2nd RV-105F2 (Set : 112 kg/cm2)
Synthesis Gas D-11-1225-219) discharge (D-11-1225-221)
10 10-5 No Flow of Compressor surge and FIC-1076 to control FV-1076
Synthesis Gas damage (D-11-1225-221);
FIC-1008 to control FV-1008
HV-1030 (D-11-1225-221)
10 10-6 More Flow of Overspeed of Syn gas Over pressure at 103-J SSH-1003 (Set : 11617 rpm);
Synthesis Gas Compressor 103-J discharge SSHH-1003 (Set :11834 rpm)
Overspeed trip 103-J (11943
RV-103-J (Set : 188 kg/cm2)

10 10-7 Less Flow of Plugging in Strainer 109 Over pressure in 103-J 2nd RV-105F2 (Set : 112 kg/cm2)
Synthesis Gas DA/DB stage discharge (D-11-1225-221)
10 10-8 Less Flow of Compressor surge and FIC-1076 to control FV-1076
Synthesis Gas damage (D-11-1225-221);
FIC-1008 to control FV-1008
HV-1030 (D-11-1225-221)

10 10-9 Reverse Flow of Check valve (SPV-022) Higher pressure in Vent SP-022 (D-11-1225-219)
Synthesis Gas failure upstream of SPV-022 leads
D-11-1225-219) to mechanical damage of
Molecular Sieve, and
Reverse rotation, potential
damage to compressor
seals and balance drum in
case of 103-J trip

10 10-10 Misdirected Flow MOV-1013 is opened Syn gas is introduced to Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
of Synthesis Gas D-11-1225-219) regenerating dryer causing and Site Acceptance Test (SAT)
over pressure at down of Sequence controller;
stream of ZSO 1170 And (Sequence controller reg
down stream of ZSO 1171 dryer);
MOV-1013 stays in case of
power failure

10 10-11 Misdirected Flow Less flow of Syn gas to 3rd FIC-1008 to control FV-1008
of Synthesis Gas stage suction leads to 103- (D-11-1225-221);
J surge and damage HV-1030 (D-11-1225-221)
10 10-12 Misdirected Flow Sequence controller halts KA-1001 (Sequence Failure);
of Synthesis Gas the program, leading to AI-1014 (H2O Content);
longer use of service dryer, AI-1016 (CO2 Content)
resulting in breakthrough (D-11-1225-219)
of moisture and CO2.

10 10-13 Misdirected Flow XV-1164 is opened Syn gas is introduced to Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
of Synthesis Gas D-11-1225-219) regenerating dryer causing and Site Acceptance Test (SAT)
over pressure at down of Sequence controller;
stream of ZSO-1170 And XV-1164 is fail to closed valve
down stream ZSO 1171 type (D-11-1225-219)

10 10-14 Misdirected Flow Less flow of Syn gas to 3rd FIC-1008 to control FV-1008
of Synthesis Gas stage suction leads to 103- (D-11-1225-221);
J surge and damage HV-1030 (D-11-1225-221)

10 10-15 Misdirected Flow Sequence controller halts KA-1001 (Sequence Failure);

of Synthesis Gas the program, leading to AI-1014 (H2O Content);
longer use of service dryer, AI-1016 (CO2 Content)
resulting in breakthrough (D-11-1225-219)
of moisture and CO2.

10 10-16 Misdirected Flow PV-1049 Is opened Sequence controller halts KA-1001 (Sequence Failure);
of Synthesis Gas D-11-1225-219) the program, leading to AI-1014 (H2O Content);
longer use of service dryer, AI-1016 (CO2 Content)
resulting in breakthrough (D-11-1225-219)
of moisture and CO2.

10 10-17 Misdirected Flow PV-1047 Is opened Sequence controller halts KA-1001 (Sequence Failure);
of Synthesis Gas D-11-1225-219) the program, leading to AI-1014 (H2O Content);
longer use of service dryer, AI-1016 (CO2 Content)
resulting in breakthrough (D-11-1225-219)
of moisture and CO2.
10 10-18 Misdirected Flow MOV-1016 is opened Syn gas is introduced to Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
of Synthesis Gas D-11-1225-219) regenerating dryer causing and Site Acceptance Test (SAT)
over pressure at down of Sequence controller;
stream of ZSO-1170 And (Sequence controller reg
down stream of ZSO-1171 dryer);
MOV-1016 stays in case of
power failure

10 10-19 Misdirected Flow Less flow of Syn gas to 3rd FIC-1008 to control FV-1008
of Synthesis Gas stage suction leads to 103- (D-11-1225-221);
J surge and damage HV-1030 (D-11-1225-221)

10 10-20 Misdirected Flow Reverse flow through Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
of Synthesis Gas Regenerating Dryer, and Site Acceptance Test (SAT)
causing Molecular Sieve lift of Sequence controller;
up and potential damage (Sequence controller reg
MOV-1016 stays in case of
power failure

10 10-21 Misdirected Flow Sequence controller halts KA-1001 (Sequence Failure);

of Synthesis Gas the program, leading to AI-1014 (H2O Content);
longer use of service dryer, AI-1016 (CO2 Content)
resulting in breakthrough (D-11-1225-219)
of moisture and CO2.

10 10-22 Misdirected Flow XV-1160 Is opened Syn gas is introduced to Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
of Synthesis Gas D-11-1225-219) Regenerating Dryer and Site Acceptance Test (SAT)
causing over pressure at of Sequence controller;
down stream of ZSO-1170 XV-1160 is fail to closed valve
And down stream of ZSO- type (D-11-1225-219)

10 10-23 Misdirected Flow Less flow of Syn gas to 3rd FIC-1008 to control FV-1008
of Synthesis Gas stage suction leads to 103- (D-11-1225-221);
J surge and damage HV-1030 (D-11-1225-221)
10 10-24 Misdirected Flow Reverse flow through Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
of Synthesis Gas Regenerating Dryer via XV- and Site Acceptance Test (SAT)
1161 causing Molecular of Sequence controller;
Sieve lift up and potential XV-1160 is fail to closed valve
damage type (D-11-1225-219)

10 10-25 Misdirected Flow Sequence controller halts KA-1001 (Sequence Failure);

of Synthesis Gas the program, leading to AI-1014 (H2O Content);
longer use of service dryer, AI-1016 (CO2 Content)
resulting in breakthrough (D-11-1225-219)
of moisture and CO2.

10 10-26 Misdirected Flow Reverse flow to Molecular Check valve outlet 111-D;
of Synthesis Gas Sieve Regeneration Gas RV-111D (Set : 9,8 kg/cm2)
Dryer (111-D), causing (D-11-1225-220)
over pressure

10 10-27 Higher Sequence failure of Higher temperature of TAH-1792 (Set : 125 C)

Temperature of molecular sieves. (Dryer is suction and discharge of (D-11-1225-221);
Synthesis Gas switched to in service 103-J , but no mechanical TAH-1367 (Set : 50 C)
before completing cool damage. Potential of (D-11-1225-221);
down) Molecular Sieve breakage TI-1041 (D-11-1225-219);
due to thermal shock TI-1043 (D-11-1225-219)

10 10-28 Lower Not Applicable

temperature of
Synthesis Gas

10 10-29 Higher Pressure of Covered by Scenario 10-1,

Synthesis Gas 10-2, 10-4, 10-6, 10-7, 10-
9, 10-10, 10-13,10-18,10-

10 10-30 Lower Pressure Not Applicable

10 10-31 As Well As Higher CO2 content in the Lower activity of synthesis AI-1016 (CO2 Content)
Composition Synthesis Gas from catalyst (D-11-1225-219)
Molecular Sieve Dryer
10 10-32 As Well As Potential formation of AI-1016 (CO2 Content)
Composition Ammonium Carbamate in (D-11-1225-219);
3rd stage of 103-J. This TAL-1366 (Set : 20 C)
may cause vibration of (D-11-1225-221)
103-J due to ammonium
carbamate deposit on

10 10-33 As Well As Higher H2O contents in Lower activity of synthesis AI-1014 (H2O Content)
Composition the Synthesis Gas from catalyst (D-11-1225-219)
Molecular Sieve Dryer

Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By

12 Molecular Sieve Dryer - Regeneration
12 12-1 No Flow of XV-1163 Fails closed Sequences controller halts Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
Regeneration Gas during 109 DA/DB the program. Insufficient and Site Acceptance Test (SAT)
to 111-D regeneration operation regeneration of 109 of Sequence Controller;
(D-11-1225-220) DA/DB, resulting in KA-1001(Sequence Failure);
breakthrough of moisture FI-1075 (D-11-1225-219);
and CO2 AI-1014 (H2O Content) ;
AI-1016 (CO2 Content)
12 12-2 No Flow of Possible over pressure in PAH-1130 (Set : 7 kg/cm2)
Regeneration Gas upstream of XV-1163 (D-11-1225-220);
to 111-D PV-1130B (D-11-1225-220);
RV-103L (Set : 9,8 kg/cm2)
RV-111D (Set : 9,8 kg/cm2)

12 12-3 No flow of Lower Pressure of tail gas PAH-1130 (Set : 7 kg/cm2)

Regeneration Gas to 101-B burner, resulting (D-11-1225-220);
to 111-D in unstable combustion PV-1130B (D-11-1225-220);

12 12-4 No flow of PV-1130A Fails closed Sequence Contoller halts Handwheel on PV-1130A;
Regeneration Gas during 109 DA/DB the program, Insufficient AI-1014 (H2O Content);
From 111-D regeneration operation regeneration of 109 AI-1016 (CO2 Content)
(D-11-1225-220) DA/DB, resulting in (D-11-1225-219)
breakthrough of moisture
and CO2

12 12-5 No flow of Possible over pressure in PAH-1130 (Set : 7 kg/cm2)

Regeneration Gas upstream of PV-1130A (D-11-1225-220);
From 111-D PV-1130B (D-11-1225-220);
RV-103L (Set : 9,8 kg/cm2)
RV-111D (Set : 9,8 kg/cm2)

12 12-6 No flow of Lower Pressure of tail gas PAH-1130 (Set : 7 kg/cm2)

Regeneration Gas to 101-B burner, resulting (D-11-1225-220);
From 111-D in unstable combustion PV-1130B (D-11-1225-220);
12 12-7 No flow of XV-1168 Fails closed Sequence Contoller halts Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
Regeneration Gas during 109 DA/DB the program, Insufficient and Site Acceptance Test (SAT)
From 111-D regeneration operation regeneration of 109 of Sequence Controller;
(D-11-1225-220) DA/DB, resulting in KA-1001 (Sequence Failure);
breakthrough of moisture AI-1014 (H2O);
and CO2 AI-1016 (CO2)

12 12-8 No flow of Possible over pressure in PAH-1130 (Set : 7 kg/cm2)

Regeneration Gas upstream of XV-1168 (D-11-1225-220);
From 111-D PV-1130B (D-11-1225-220);
RV-103L (Set : 9,8 kg/cm2)
RV-111D (Set : 9,8 kg/cm2)

12 12-9 No flow of Lower Pressure of tail gas PAH-1130 (Set : 7 kg/cm2)

Regeneration Gas to 101-B burner, resulting (D-11-1225-220);
From 111-D in unstable combustion PV-1130B (D-11-1225-220);

12 12-10 No Flow of XV-1161 Fails closed Sequence Contoller halts Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
Regeneration Gas during 109 DA/DB the program, Insufficient and Site Acceptance Test (SAT)
to 109 DA/DB regeneration operation regeneration of 109 of Sequence Controller;
(D-11-1225-219) DA/DB, resulting in KA-1001(Sequence Failure);
breakthrough of moisture FI-1075 (D-11-1225-219);
and CO2 AI-1014 (H2O Content) ;
AI-1016 (CO2 Content)

12 12-11 No Flow of Possible over in part of PAH-1130 (Set : 7 kg/cm2)

Regeneration Gas upstream of XV-1161 (D-11-1225-220);
to 109 DA/DB PV-1130B (D-11-1225-220);
RV-103L (Set : 9,8 kg/cm2)
RV-111D (Set : 9,8 kg/cm2)
12 12-12 No Flow of Lower Pressure of tail gas PAH-1130 (Set : 7 kg/cm2)
Regeneration Gas to 101-B burner, resulting (D-11-1225-220);
to 109 DA/DB in unstable combustion PV-1130B (D-11-1225-220);

12 12-13 No Flow of XV-1165 Fails closed Insufficient regeneration Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
Regeneration Gas during 109 DA/DB 109 DA/DB, resulting in and Site Acceptance Test (SAT)
to 109 DA/DB regeneration operation breakthrough of moisture of Sequence Controller;
(D-11-1225-219) and CO2 KA-1001(Sequence Failure);
FI-1075 (D-11-1225-219);
AI-1014 (H2O Content) ;
AI-1016 (CO2 Content)

12 12-14 No Flow of Possible over pressure in PAH-1130 (Set : 7 kg/cm2)

Regeneration Gas part of upstream of XV- (D-11-1225-220);
to 109 DA/DB 1165 PV-1130B (D-11-1225-220);
RV-103L (Set : 9,8 kg/cm2)
RV-111D (Set : 9,8 kg/cm2)

12 12-15 No Flow of Lower Pressure of tail gas PAH-1130 (Set : 7 kg/cm2)

Regeneration Gas to 101-B burner, resulting (D-11-1225-220);
to 109 DA/DB in unstable combustion PV-1130B (D-11-1225-220);

12 12-16 No Flow of ZSO-1170 Fails closed Sequence Controller halts FI-1075 (D-11-1225-220);
Regeneration Gas during 109 DA/DB the program, Insufficient AI-1014 (H2O Content);
to 109 DA/DB regeneration operation regeneration of 109 AI-1016 (CO2 Content)
(D-11-1225-219) DA/DB, resulting in (D-11-1225-219)
breakthrough of moisture
and CO2
12 12-17 No Flow of Possible over pressure in PAH-1130 (Set : 7 kg/cm2)
Regeneration Gas part of upstream of ZSO- (D-11-1225-220);
to 109 DA/DB 1170 PV-1130B (D-11-1225-220);
RV-103L (Set : 9,8 kg/cm2)
RV-111D (Set : 9,8 kg/cm2)

12 12-18 No Flow of Lower Pressure of tail gas PAH-1130 (Set : 7 kg/cm2)

Regeneration Gas to 101-B burner, resulting (D-11-1225-220);
to 109 DA/DB in unstable combustion PV-1130B (D-11-1225-220);

12 12-19 No Flow of XV-1162 fails closed during Sequence Controller halts Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
Regeneration Gas 111-D regeneration the program, Insufficient and Site Acceptance Test (SAT)
to 111-D operation regeneration of 111-D of Sequence Controller;
(D-11-1225-220) leads to higher moisture KA-1001 (Sequence Failure);
content in Rgeneration FI-1046A (D-11-1225-220);
Gas during 109 DA/DB AI-1014 (H2O Content);
regeneration operation , AI-1016 (CO2 Content)
resulting in breakthrough (D-11-1225-219)
of moisture and CO2 at
outlet 109 DA/DB

12 12-20 No Flow of PV-1131 fails closed during Sequence Controller halts Manual by pass valve PV-1131
Regeneration Gas 111-D regeneration the program, Insufficient (D-11-1225-220);
to 111-D operation regeneration of 111-D AI-1014 (H2O Content);
(D-11-1225-220) leads to higher moisture AI-1016 (CO2 Content)
content in Rgeneration (D-11-1225-219)
Gas during 109 DA/DB
regeneration operation ,
resulting in breakthrough
of moisture and CO2 at
outlet 109 DA/DB
12 12-21 No Flow of XV-1169 fails closed during Sequence Controller halts Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
Regeneration Gas 111-D regeneration the program, Insufficient and Site Acceptance Test (SAT)
to 111-D operation regeneration of 111-D of Sequence Controller;
(D-11-1225-220) leads to higher moisture KA-1001 (Sequence Failure);
content in Rgeneration FI-1046A (D-11-1225-220);
Gas during 109 DA/DB AI-1014 (H2O Content);
regeneration operation , AI-1016 (CO2 Content)
resulting in breakthrough (D-11-1225-219)
of moisture and CO2 at
outlet 109 DA/DB

12 12-22 No Flow of XV-1166 fails closed during Sequence Controller halts Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
Regeneration Gas 111-D regeneration the program, Insufficient and Site Acceptance Test (SAT)
to 111-D operation regeneration of 111-D of Sequence Controller;
(D-11-1225-220) leads to higher moisture KA-1001 (Sequence Failure);
content in Rgeneration FI-1046A (D-11-1225-220);
Gas during 109 DA/DB AI-1014 (H2O Content);
regeneration operation , AI-1016 (CO2 Content)
resulting in breakthrough (D-11-1225-219)
of moisture and CO2 at
outlet 109 DA/DB

12 12-23 More Flow of PV-1130A wide open Potential Insufficient TIC-1040 (D-11-1225-220);
Regeneration Gas during 109 DA/DB regeneration of 109 DA/DB AI-1014 (H2O Content);
from 111-D regeneration operation due to lower temperature AI-1016 (CO2 Content)
(D-11-1225-220) during heating, resulting in (D-11-1225-219)
breakthrough of moisture
and CO2

12 12-24 More Flow of PV-1131 wide open during over pressure in 111-D PAH-1131 (Set : 35 kg/cm2)
Regeneration Gas 109 DA/DB regeneration (D-11-1225-220);
from 111-D operation RV-173C (Set : 112 kg/cm2)(D-
(D-11-1225-220) 11-1225-220)
12 12-25 Less Flow of PV-1130B 1130 fails Insufficient regeneration Handwheel on PV-1130B;
Regeneration Gas opened during 109 DA/DB 109 DA/DB, resulting in AI-1014 (H2O Content);
to 111-D regeneration operation breakthrough of moisture AI-1016 (CO2 Content)
(D-11-1225-220) and CO2 (D-11-1225-219)

12 12-26 Less Flow of XV-1166 Wide open during Sequence Controller halts Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
Regeneration Gas 109 DA/DB regeneration the program. Insufficient and Site Acceptance Test (SAT)
to 111-D operation regeneration of 109 of Sequence Controller;
(D-11-1225-220) DA/DB, resulting in KA-1001 (Sequence Failure);
breakthrough of moisture AI-1014 (H2O Content);
and CO2 AI-1016 (CO2 Content)

12 12-27 Misdirected Flow MOV-1013 is opened Syn gas is introduced to Covered by Scenario 10-10
of Synthesis Gas during 109-DB Regeneration Dryer
regeneration causing over pressure at
(D-11-1225-219) down stream of ZSO-1170
And down stream ZSO-

12 12-28 Misdirected Flow Less flow of Syn gas to 2nd Covered by Scenario 10-11
of Synthesis Gas stage suction leads to 103-
J surge and damage

12 12-29 Misdirected Flow Sequence Controller halts KA-1001 (Sequence Failure);

of Synthesis Gas the program, leading to AI-1014 (H2O Content);
longer use of service AI-1016 (CO2 Content)
Dryer, resulting in (D-11-1225-219)
breakthrough of moisture
and CO2

12 12-30 Misdirected Flow MOV-1016 is opened Syn gas is introduced to Covered by Scenario 10-18
of Synthesis Gas during 109-DB Regeneration Dryer
regeneration causing over pressure at
(D-11-1225-219) down stream of ZSO-1170
And down stream ZSO-
12 12-31 Misdirected Flow Less flow of Syn gas to 2nd Covered by Scenario 10-19
of Synthesis Gas stage suction leads to 103-
J surge and damage

12 12-32 Misdirected Flow Reverse flow through Covered by Scenario 10-20

of Synthesis Gas Regenerating Dryer,
causing Molecular Sieve lift
up and potential damage

12 12-33 Misdirected Flow Sequence Controller halts KA-1001 (Sequence Failure);

of Synthesis Gas the program, leading to AI-1014 (H2O Content);
longer use of service AI-1016 (CO2 Content)
Dryer, resulting in (D-11-1225-219)
breakthrough of moisture
and CO2

12 12-34 Misdirected Flow PV-1049 Is opened Sequence Controller halts KA-1001 (Sequence Failure);
of Synthesis Gas (D-11-1225-219) the program, leading to AI-1014 (H2O Content);
longer use of service AI-1016 (CO2 Content)
Dryer, resulting in (D-11-1225-219)
breakthrough of moisture
and CO2

12 12-35 Misdirected Flow PV-1048 Is opened Sequence Controller halts KA-1001 (Sequence Failure);
of Synthesis Gas (D-11-1225-219) the program, leading to AI-1014 (H2O Content);
longer use of service AI-1016 (CO2 COntent)
Dryer, resulting in (D-11-1225-219)
breakthrough of moisture
and CO2

12 12-36 Misdirected Flow XV-1160 Is opened Covered by Scenario 10-22

of Synthesis Gas (D-11-1225-219)

12 12-37 Misdirected Flow XV-1164 Is opened Covered by Scenario 10-13

of Synthesis Gas (D-11-1225-219)

12 12-38 Misdirected Flow ZSO-1171 Is opened during Reverse flow from 114-C RV-111D (Set : 9,8 kg/cm2)
of Synthesis Gas 109 DA/DB Regeneration causing over pressure in (D-11-1225-220)
operation 111-D
12 12-39 Misdirected Flow Tube failure in 173-C Steam leaks to RV-173C (Set : 112 kg/cm2)
of Synthesis Gas Regeneration Gas side, (D-11-1225-220)
causing over pressure

12 12-40 Higher TV-1040A Is closed If this failure occurs during Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
Temperature of (D-11-1225-220) cooling down, and Site Acceptance Test (SAT)
Regeneration Gas regeneration operation is of Sequence Controller;
not achieved. Sequence KA-1001 (Sequence Failure);
controller halts the

12 12-41 Higher TV-1040B Is opened Faster temperature rise Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
Temperature of (D-11-1225-220) may accelerate molecular and Site Acceptance Test (SAT)
Regeneration Gas sieve degradation of Sequence Controller;
KA-1001 (Sequence Failure);
TI-1040 (D-11-1225-220)

12 12-42 Lower TV-1040A Fails opened Sequence Controller halts Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
Temperature of (D-11-1225-220) the program , Insufficient and Site Acceptance Test (SAT)
Regeneration Gas regeneration of 109 DA/DB of Sequence Controller;
or 111-D, resulting in KA-1001 (Sequence Failure);
breakthrough of moisture TI-1040 (D-11-1225-220)
and CO2

12 12-43 Lower TV-1040B is closed Sequence Controller halts Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
Temperature of (D-11-1225-220) the program , Insufficient and Site Acceptance Test (SAT)
Regeneration Gas regeneration of 109 DA/DB of Sequence Controller;
or 111-D, resulting in KA-1001 (Sequence Failure);
breakthrough of moisture TI-1040 (D-11-1225-220)
and CO2

12 12-44 Higher Pressure of Covered by Scenario 12-2,

Regeneration Gas 12-5, 12-8, 12-11, 12-14,
12-17, 12-27, 12-30, 12-38
and 12-39
12 12-45 Lower Pressure of Covered by Scenario 12-3,
Regeneration Gas 12-6, 12-9 , 12-12, 12-15,
12-18 and 12-28

Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By

13 Ammonia Synthesis Loop
13 13-1 No Flow of MOV-1002 is closed Higher pressure 103-Jstage HV-1030 (D-11-1225-221);
Synthesis Gas (D-11-1225-221) discharge , lower pressure FIC-1008 to control FV-1008
of 4th stage suction, (D-11-1225-221);
mechanical damage due to PI-1045 (D-11-1225-221);
surge operation of 103-J PDAH-1044 (Set : 17 kg/cm2)
XI-6311 through XI-6314
Vibration monitor with alarm,
Axial rotor position HH trip
103-J (Alert : 60 um, Danger
80 um)

13 13-2 No Flow of MOV-1001 is closed Less flow leads to 103-J HV-1030 (D-11-1225-221);
Synthesis Gas (D-11-1225-222) surge and damage FIC-1008 to control FV-1008
PI-1045 (D-11-1225-221);
PDAH-1044 (Set : 17 kg/cm2)
XI-6311 through XI-6314
Vibration monitor with alarm,
Axial rotor position HH trip
103-J (Alert : 60 um, Danger
80 um)

13 13-3 No Flow of Purge FV-1077 is closed Gradual pressure increase PI-1045

Gas (D-11-1225-221) in Synthesis loop AI-1021 (D-11-1225-222)

13 13-4 No Flow of Purge Less reaction leads to TI 1375-1394

Gas lower temperature of (D-11-1225-223);
converter due to higher TI 1374 (D-11-1225-223)
inert over a long period
13 13-5 No Flow of BFW FV-1020 is closed Higher temperature at TI-1371 (D-11-1225-222);
(D-11-1225-222) 123-C1, C2 and potential FIC-1020 (D-11-1225-222);
mechanical damage of Interlock 103-J

13 13-6 No Flow of BFW Less of BFW to steam FIC-1020;

drum and less heat TI-1370;
recovery leads to less (D-11-1225-222)
steam generation

13 13-7 Other Than Flow HV-1030 fails open Higher pressure of 4th PI-1045 (D-11-1225-221)
of Synthesis Gas (D-11-1225-221) stage suction, but no
mechanical damage

13 13-8 Other Than Flow FV-1008 fails open Higher pressure of 3rd FIC-1008 (D-11-1225-221)
of Synthesis Gas stage suction, but no
mechanical damage

13 13-9 More Flow of Overspeed of syn gas Over pressure at 103-J SSH-1003 (Set : 11617 rpm);
Synthesis Gas compressor stage discharge SSHH-1003 (Set :11834 rpm)
Overspeed trip 103-J (11943

13 13-10 More Flow of FV-1077 wide open Less flow of 3rd stage PIC-1033 (D-11-1225-236)
Purge Gas (D-11-1225-221) suction of 103-J and lower
loop pressure

13 13-11 Reverse Flow of 103-J trip Reverse rotation, potential MOV 1002 & MOV 1001
Synthesis Gas damage to compressor Closed when 103-J trip
Feed seals and balance drum (Interlock 103-J);
Check valve SP-022

13 13-12 Reverse Flow of HV-1030 doesn't open Reverse rotation, potential MOV 1002 & MOV 1001
Synthesis Gas when compressor trips damage to compressor Closed when 103-J trip
(D-11-1225-221) seals and balance drum (Interlock 103-J);
Check valve SP-022

13 13-13 Reverse Flow of FV-1008 doesn't open Reverse rotation, potential MOV 1002 & MOV 1001
Synthesis Gas when compressor trips damage to compressor Closed when 103-J trip
(D-11-1225-221) seals and balance drum (Interlock 103-J);
Check valve SP-022
13 13-14 Other Than Flow HV-1030 doesn't open on Compressor surge and XI-6311 through XI-6314
of Synthesis Gas demand damage ZI-6310;
(D-11-1225-221) ZI-6311;
Vibration monitor with alarm,
Axial rotor position HH trip
103-J (Alert : 60 um, Danger
80 um)

13 13-15 Other Than Flow FV-1008 doesn't open on Compressor surge and XI-6311 through XI-6314
of Synthesis Gas demand damage ZI-6310;
(D-11-1225-221) ZI-6311;
Vibration monitor with alarm,
Axial rotor position HH trip
103-J (Alert : 60 um, Danger
80 um)

13 13-16 Misdirected Flow Tube failure in 134-C Syn Gas leaks to CW side, Vent on SP-018
causing overpressure (D-11-1225-222)

13 13-17 Misdirected Flow Syn gas leaks to CW side, Vent system at Cooling Tower 13-1 Check vent of Op
and will be sent to CW cooling tower.
tower and vent to Regularly check of
atmosphere causing explosive gas at
potential fire or explosion cooling tower.

13 13-18 Misdirected Flow Tube failure in 124-C Syn gas leaks to CW side, Rupture disk SP-013
causing overpressure (D-11-1225-222)

13 13-19 Misdirected Flow Syn gas leaks to CW side, Vent system at Cooling Tower 13-2 Check vent of Op
and will be sent to CW cooling tower.
tower and vent to Regularly check of
atmosphere causing explosive gas at
potential fire or explosion cooling tower.
13 13-20 Misdirected Flow Tube failure in 121-C Feed gas to converter AI-1022 (NH3 Content)
leaks to converter effluent (D-11-1225-222)
side, by-passing the
converter result in loss of

13 13-21 Misdirected Flow Tube failure in 123-C1/C2 Syn gas leaks to BFW side , Vent system at safe location 13-3 Verify possible Op
and accumulated at point of
surface condenser. This accumulation of
may cause higher pressure leaked syn gas.
at surface condenser and
release of syn gas to
atmosphere through RV-
101JTA, RV-101JTB, RV-

13 13-22 Misdirected Flow Tube failure in 122-C Feed gas to first bed TI 1375-1378
catalyst may cause higher (D-11-1225-223)
differential pressure in

13 13-23 Other Than Flow Leakage of Catalyst basket Catalyst migration to net PDI-1054 (D-11-1225-223)
catalyst may cause higher
differential pressure in

13 13-24 Higher HV-1025 fails closed Higher Temperature of Handjack on HV-1025 ;

Temperature of converter TI 1375-1394;
Synthesis Gas TI-1374 (D-11-1225-223)

13 13-25 Higher Covered by Scenario 13-5

Temperature of
Synthesis Gas
13 13-26 Higher Loss of CW to 124-C Increased refrigeration TI-1366 (D-11-1225-221);
Temperature of load and less condensation PI-1045 (D-11-1225-221)
Recycle Gas to in Ammonia separator
103-J 106-F resulting in over
pressure in 106-F

13 13-27 Higher Loss of CW to 134-C Increasing 103-J discharge TAH-1367 (Set : 50 C)

Temperature of temperature, causing (D-11-1225-221)
Syn Gas to 103-J optential damage

13 13-28 Higher Local heat accumulated Possible converter damage TI 1375-1394;

Temperature of due to channeling of due to local heat (D-11-1225-223)
catalyst catalyst

13 13-29 Lower HV-1025 wide open Lower Temperature of TI 1373 (D-11-1225-223);

Temperature of (D-11-1225-223) converter leads to less TI 1375-1394;
Synthesis Gas production TI-1374 (D-11-1225-223)

13 13-30 Lower More BFW feed to 123- Lower Temperature of TI 1375-1394;

Temperature of C1/C2 converter leads to less TI-1374 (D-11-1225-223)
Synthesis Gas production

13 13-31 Lower Covered by Scenario 13-4

Temperature of
Synthesis Gas

13 13-32 Higher Pressure of Covered by Scenario 13-1,

Synthesis Loop 13-3, 13-7, 13-8, 13-9, 13-
16, 13-18, 13-21, 13-26,

13 13-33 Lower Pressure of Covered by Scenario 13-10

Synthesis Loop

13 13-34 Start up/ Shut Overspeed of syn gas Higher inlet pressure to PI-1045 (D-11-1225-221);
down compressor (103-J) during 102-B causing RV-103 J (Set : 188 kg/cm2)
start up overpressure in 102-B (D-11-1225-221)
13 13-35 Start up/ Shut HV-1025 wide open during Less Flow to 102-B, FALL-1275 (Set : 21,5 ton/hr)
down start up causing overheat in 102-B (Interlock 102-B);
(D-11-1225-223) and coil damage TAH-1396 (Set : 510 C)
(Interlock 102-B)

13 13-36 Start up/ Shut 103-J trip during start up No Flow to 102-B, causing FALL-1275 (Set : 21,5 ton/hr)
down overheat in 102 B and coil (Interlock 102-B);
damage TAH-1396 (Set : 510 C)
(Interlock 102-B)
Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By
14 LP Ammonia Absorber
14 14-1 No Flow of tail gas PV-1032A fails closed Possible over pressure of PI-1676;
from 103-E OVHD (D-11-1225-235) 103-E PIC-1032;
RV-103E (Set : 12,5 kg/cm2)

14 14-2 No Flow of tail gas Lower pressure of FG

from 103-E OVHD system , but no significant

14 14-3 No Flow of Aqua FV-1064 fails closed NH3 content pass through FIC-1064 (D-11-1225-235);
NH3 to 103-E (D-11-1225-235) 103-E to 101-B burner. Isolation and by pass valves
When mixed with fuel gas around FV-1064
containing CO2, possible
carbamate and other salt
formation where
temperature is low . This is
not immediate effect

14 14-4 More Flow of tail PV-1032A wide open High pressure drop across PDAH-1055 (Set : 0,3 kg/cm2)
gas from 103-E (D-11-1225-235) 103-E (D-11-1225-235)
14 14-5 More Flow of FV-1064 wide open Loss of liquid level in 105-E Isolation and by pass valves
Aqua NH3 to 103- (D-11-1225-235) and gas breakthrough to around FV-1064;
E OVHD 141-J and 103-E. possible LAL-1027 (Set : 10 %)
flooding in 103-E and 141-J (D-11-1225-237)

14 14-6 Less flow of tail PV-1032B Fails opened Lower pressure of FG

gas to 101-B (D-11-1225-235) system , but no significant
burner problem

14 14-7 Higher Not Applicable

14 14-8 Lower Not Applicable
14 14-9 Higher Pressure of Covered by Scenario 14-1
tail gas
14 14-10 Lower Pressure of Covered by Scenario 14-2,
tail gas and 14-6
14 14-11 Higher level in 140 J/JA stop Possible mist carry over in LAH-1026 (Set :90 %)
103-E fuel gas to 101-B (D-11-1225-235);
LAH-1151 (Set : 685 mm)

14 14-12 Lowe level in 103- Full stroke operation of Loss of liquid level in 105-E LAL-1026 (Set :90 %)
E 140-J/JA due to false signal and gas breakthrough to (D-11-1225-235)
from LC-1026 141-J and 103-E. possible
flooding in 103-E and 141-J

14 14-13 Lower Level in Higher level in 105-E, LAH-1027 (Set : 90%)

103-E possible water carry over (D-11-1225-237)
to 127-C leading to off FV-1064 (D-11-1225-235)
spec production

14 14-14 As Well As Higher NH3 content in Covered by Scenario 28-12

Composition purge gas to 103-E and 28-24
Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By
15 HP Ammonia Absorber
15 15-1 No Flow of Aqua 141 J/JA stop NH3 content pass through FAL-1081 (Set : 1150 kg/hr);
NH3 to 104-E top 103-E to 103-L. possible FALL-1081 (Set :950 kg/hr)
membrane damage due to (leads to 103-L Shut Down)
high NH3 content (D-11-1225-236);

15 15-2 No Flow of Aqua Higher level in 105-E, LAH-1027 (Set : 90%)

NH3 to 104-E possible water carry over (D-11-1225-237);
OVHD to 127-C leading to off FV-1064 (D-11-1225-235)
spec production

15 15-3 No Flow of tailgas HRU Trip Possible over pressure of PIC-1033 (D-11-1225-236);
from 103-L 104-E and 103-L PV-1033A (D-11-1225-236);
PV-1033B (D-11-1225-236);

15 15-4 No Flow of tailgas Lower pressure of FG

from 103-L system but no significant
15 15-5 More Flow of tail PV-1033A wide open Higher pressure drop PDAH-1056 (Set : 0,3 kg/cm2);
gas from 104-E (D-11-1225-236) across 104-E Isolation and by pass valve
OVHD around PV-1033A

15 15-6 More Flow of tail Over pressure in fuel gas RV-FG1043 (Set : 7 kg/cm2)
gas from 104-E to 101-B (D-11-1225-236)

15 15-7 More Flow of tail PV-1033B fails closed Higher pressure drop Handwheel on PV-1033 B ;
gas from 104-E (D-11-1225-236) across 104-E PDAH-1056 (Set : 0,5 kg/cm2)
OVHD (D-11-1225-236);
PDSHH-1056 (Set : 0,7 kg/cm2)
decrease op FV-1077 (D-11-

15 15-8 More Flow of tail Lower pressure of FG

gas from 104-E system , but no significant
OVHD problem

15 15-9 Less Flow Not Applicable

15 15-10 Higher Not Applicable
15 15-11 Lower Not Applicable
15 15-12 Higher Pressure of Covered by Scenario 15-3,
tail gas and 15-6
15 15-13 Lower Pressure of Covered by Scenario 15-4
tail gas and 15-8
15 15-14 Higher level in LV-1163 fails closed Possible Aqua NH3 mist LAH-1163 (Set : 90%)
104-E (D-11-1225-236) carry over to 103-L causing (D-11-1225-236);
damage By pass valve around LV-1163;
LAL-1027 (Set :10%)

15 15-15 Higher level in Full stroke operation of Possible Aqua NH3 mist LAH-1163 (Set : 90%)
104-E 141-J/JA due to false signal carry over to 103-L causing (D-11-1225-236);
from FC-1081 (detected damage By pass valve around LV-1163;
low low) LAL-1027 (Set :10%)
15 15-16 Higher Level in Loss of liquid level in 105-E LAL-1027 (Set : 10%) 15-1 Verify if there in Op & PE
104-E and gas breakthrough to (D-11-1225-237) sufficient time for
141-J and 103-E, possible operator
flooding in 103-E and 141-J intervention

15 15-17 Lower Level in LV-1163 wide open Loss of liquid level in 104-E LAL-1163 (Set : 10%)
104-E (D-11-1225-236) and gas breakthrough to (D-11-1225-236);
141-C and 105-E, causing Isolation and by pass valve
over pressure in 105-E around LV-1163;
RO-NH1076 (D-11-1225-236);
RV-105E (Set : 18,6 kg/cm2)

15 15-18 As Well As Higher NH3 content in Insufficient absorption of AAH-1019 (Water Content, Set
Composition Aqua NH3 to 104-E NH3 due to NH3 rich : 500 uS/cm);
washing water leads to AAHH-1019 (Water Content,
Nh3 slip to 103-L, possible Set : 700 uS/cm) (Leads to
membarane damage due 103-L trip)
to high NH3 content (D-11-1225-236)

15 15-19 More Flow of FV-1077 Wide open Potential leakage of Handwheel on FV-1007
Purge Gas from (D-11-1225-221) ammonia from 104-E, (D-11-1225-221)
120-C resulting in membrane
damage in 103-L
Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By
16 Ammonia Stripper
16 16-1 No Flow of NH3 PV-1034 Is closed Possible over pressure and TIC-1414 (D-11-1225-237);
Vapor from 105-E (D-11-1225-237) higher temperature of Isolation and bypass valves
105-E around PV-1034;
RV-105E (Set : 18,6 kg/cm2)

16 16-2 No Flow of NH3 TV-1414 Fails closed Loss of reflux resulting in Isolation and by pass valves
Liquid to 105-E (D-11-1225-237) H2O content pass through around TV-1414;
top 105-E to 127-C, possible TAH-1414 (D-11-1225-237)
water accumulator in 120-
16 16-3 No Flow of Steam FV-1027 Fails closed Insufficient stripping of TI-1801 (D-11-1225-237);
to 140-C (D-11-1225-237) Ammonia, causing Isolation and by pass valves
Ammonia leakage in 104-E around FV-1027;
OVHD resulting in 103-L AAH-1019;
membrane damage AAHH-1019 (D-11-1225-236)
(Leads to 103-L trip)

16 16-4 More Flow of NH3 PV-1034 Fails opened Lower pressure and PIC-1034 (D-11-1225-237);
Vapor from 105-E (D-11-1225-237) temperature of 105-E TIC-1414 (D-11-1225-237);
OVHD, potential flooding Isolation and by pass valve
around PV-1034

16 16-5 More Flow of NH3 TV-1414 Wide open Possible higher NH3 Isolation and by pass valves
Liquid to 105-E (D-11-1225-237) content in bottom of 105- around TV-1414;
OVHD E, causing Ammonia AAH-1019 (Water Content, Set
leakage in 104-E OVHD : 500 uS/cm);
resulting in 103-L AAHH-1019 (Water Content,
membrane damage Set : 700 uS/cm) (Leads to
103-L trip)

16 16-6 More Flow of FV-1027 Wide open Higher pressure and PIC-1034 (D-11-1225-237);
Steam to 140-C (D-11-1225-237) temperature in 105-E, TIC-1414 (D-11-1225-237);
potential H2O leakage to Isolation and by pass valve
105-E OVHD vapor around FV-1027

16 16-7 Less Flow Not Applicable

16 16-8 Misdurected flow Tube failure in 141 C1 Higher NH3 content Aqua AAH-1019 (Water Content, Set
of Aqua NH3 Ammonia leaks to stripped : 500 uS/cm);
Aqua NH3 side, causing AAHH-1019 (Water Content,
ammonia leakage in 104-E Set : 700 uS/cm) (Leads to
OVHD resulting in 103-L 103-L trip)
membrane damage (D-11-1225-236)

16 16-9 Misdirected Flow Tube failure in 140-C SM steam leaks to 105-E, RV-(Set : 18,6 kg/cm2)
causing overpressure (D-11-1225-237)
16 16-10 Higher Covered by Scenario16-1,
Temperature of 16-6
NH3 Vapor from
16 16-12 Lower Covered by Scenario 16-4
Temperature of
Nh3 Vapor from

16 16-13 Higher Pressure of Covered by Scenario 16-1,

105-E and 16-6
16 16-14 Lower Pressure of Covered by Scenario 16-4
16 16-15 Higher Level in Covered by Scenario 14-13
105-E and 15-2
16 16-16 Lower Level in Covered by Scenario 14-5
105-E and 15-17
16 16-17 As Well As Covered by Scenario 16-2,
Composition 16-3, 16-5, 16-8

Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By

17 Reformer Water Jacket System
17 17-1 No Flow of Jacket LV-1141 Is closed Loss of level in water LAL-1051 (D-11-1225-252);
water to 103-D (D-11-1225-252) jacket, possible higher LC-1141 (D-11-1225-252);
metal temp of 103-D Isolation and by pass valves
upper part, leads to around LV-1141;
mechanical damage TI-1333 (D-11-1225-213)
17 17-2 No Flow of Jacket LV-1142 Is closed Loss of level in water LAL-1052 (D-11-1225-252);
water to 103-D (D-11-1225-252) jacket, possible higher LC-1142 (D-11-1225-252);
metal temp of 103-D lower Isolation and by pass valves
part, leads to mechanical around LV-1142;
damage TI-1333 (D-11-1225-213)

17 17-3 No Flow of Jacket LV-1143 Is closed Gradual loss of level in LAL-1053 (D-11-1225-252);
water to 107-D (D-11-1225-252) water jacket, possible LC-1143 (D-11-1225-252);
higher metal temp of 107- Isolation and by pass valves
D , leads to mechanical around LV-11423;

17 17-4 No Flow of Jacket LV-1144 Is closed Loss of level in water LAL-1054 (D-11-1225-252);
water to 101-C (D-11-1225-252) jacket, possible higher LC-1144 (D-11-1225-252);
metal temp of 101-C, leads Isolation and by pass valves
to mechanical damage around LV-1144;

17 17-5 No Flow of Jacket LV-1145 Is closed Loss of level in water LAL-1055 (D-11-1225-252);
water to 102-C (D-11-1225-252) jacket, possible higher LC-1145 (D-11-1225-252);
metal temp of 102-C , Isolation and by pass valves
leads to mechanical around LV-1145;

17 17-6 More Flow of LV-1141 through 1145 Higher level and more flow FAH-1151 (Set : 5600 kg/hr)
Jacket Water Fails opened of overflow, loss of turbine (D-11-1225-252)
(D-11-1225-252) condensate

17 17-7 More Flow of PV-1113 Fails opened Level in Water Jacket will LV 1141-1145
Jacket Water (D-11-1225-252) be maintenance by LV- (D-11-1225-252)
1141 through 1145,
Causing higher pressure in
Jacket Water system, but
no significant problem

17 17-8 Less Flow Not Applicable

17 17-9 Higher Covered by Scenario 17-1,
Temperature of 17-2, 17-3, 17-4 and 17-5

17 17-10 Lower Not Applicable

17 17-11 Higher Pressure Covered byovered by
Scenario 17-7
17 17-12 Lower Pressure of 114 J-/JA stop Covered by Scenario 37-1,
Jacket Water 37-3, and 37-4
17 17-13 Lower Pressure of PV-1113 Doesn't open Less flow to water jacket LAL 1151-1154
Jacket Water when required leads to higher metal (Set : 685 mm)
(D-11-1225-252) temperature and damage (D-11-1225-252) ;
to 103-D, 101-C, 102-C TI 1333(D-11-1225-213);
Isolation and by pass valves
around PV-1113

17 17-14 Higher Level in Covered by Scenario 17-6

water jackets
17 17-15 Lower Level of Covered by Scenario 17-1,
waterjackets 17-2, 17-3, 17-4 and 17-5

Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By

18 Shift Converters
18 18-1 No Flow of MOV-1008 is closed Over pressure in upstream PIC-1030 to control PV-1030
Process Gas to (D-11-1225-214) of MOV-1008 (D-11-1225-214);
104-D2 RV-102CA (Set : 39 kg/cm2);
RV-102CB (Set: 41 kg/cm2)

18 18-2 No Flow of 101-B tubes skin TI-1313;

Process Gas to temperature and coil TI-1315;
104-D2 temperature increase, and TI-1318;
primary reformer catalyst FAL-1002 (Set : 8000 kg/hr);
damage by carbon deposit FFAL-1201 (Set : 2,8) leads to
feed stock, air cut, and
minimum firing of arch burner;
FFALL-1201 (Set : 2,25) leads
to Primary reformer shutdown

18 18-3 No Flow of PV-1030 Wide opened No flow of synthesis gas to Handjack on PV-1030
Process Gas to (D-11-1225-214) 103-J , resulting in (D-11-1225-214);
104-D2 compressor surge and FI-1074 (D-11-1225-218);
damage FIC-1007 to control FV-1007

18 18-4 More Flow Not Applicable

18 18-5 Less Flow of Catalyst breakage in 104- Potential higher pressure PDT-1110 (D-11-1225-214);
Process Gas D1 drop across 104-D1, and FI-1074 (D-11-1225-218);
less synthesis gas to 103-J, FIC-1007 to control FV-1007
potential compressor (D-11-1225-218)
surge and damage

18 18-6 Less Flow of Catalyst breakage in104- Potential higher pressure PDT-1111 (D-11-1225-214);
Process Gas D2 drop across 104-D2, and FI-1074 (D-11-1225-218);
less synthesis gas to 103-J, FIC-1007 to control FV-1007
potential compressor (D-11-1225-218)
surge and damage
18 18-7 Other Than Flow MOV-1009 is opened Process Gas through Handwheel on MOV-1009
of Process Gas bypass leads to higher CO (D-11-1225-214);
in 104-D2 outlet, possible AI-1003 (CO Content)
to overheat in 106-D (D-11-1225-216);
TAH 1357-1361 (Set : 365 C)
TAHH 1200 (Set : 382 C)
(Interlock 106-D) leads 106-D
SD and closed MOV-1011

18 18-8 Misdirected Flow Tube failure in 103-C2 BFW/Steam leaks to RV-104D2 (Set : 39,7 kg/cm2)
of BFW/Steam process gas side, causing (D-11-1225-214)
over pressure

18 18-9 Misdirected Flow Tube failure in 103-C2 BFW leaks to process gas RV-104D2 (Set : 39,7 kg/cm2)
of BFW/Steam side , causing over (D-11-1225-214)

18 18-10 Misdirected Flow Tube failure in 131-C1 BFW leaks to process gas RV-102F1 (Set : 36,2 kg/cm2)
of BFW side, causing over pressure (D-11-1225-216)

18 18-11 Misdirected Flow Tube failure in 105-C Process Gas leaks to PI-1140 (D-11-1225-229)
of Process Gas benfield solution side,
causing over pressure

18 18-12 Misdirected Flow Tube failure in 106-C Process Gas leaks to demin RV-101 U (D-11-1225-249)
of Process Gas water side, causing over

18 18-13 Higher Higher CO/H2O in Process Potential mechanical TI 1331 through 1334
Temperature of Gas to 104-D1 damage in 104-D1 due to (D-11-1225-214);
104-D1 outlet high temperature

18 18-14 Higher Less heat recovery in 103- Covered by Scenario 35-18

Temperature of C1/C2 and 35-19
104-D2 inlet
18 18-15 Higher Higher CO/H2O in Process Potential mechanical TI-1346 through 1351 (D-11-
Temperature of Gas to 104-D2 damage in 104-D2 due to 1225-215);
104-D2 outlet high temperature, TI-1351 (D-11-1225-215);
Potential higher TI-1352 (D-11-1225-215);
temperature of process AI-1020 (CO) (D-11-1225-214);
gas at 131-C outlet leads
to higher temperature of
process gas to 101-E. This
will cause CO2 leakage
from 101-E

18 18-16 Higher Covered by Scenario 35-16

Temperature of and 35-17
131-C outlet

18 18-17 Lower Lower CO/H2O in process Possible lower TAL-1011 (Set : 180 C)
Temperature of gas to 104-D1 temperature in 104-D2 (D-11-1225-214)
104-D1 outlet inlet leads to less reaction

18 18-18 Lower Less heat recovery in 103- PV-1018 A/B (D-11-1225-213);

Temperature of C1/C2 leads to less steam
104-D1 outlet generation in long term,
resulting less SM export

18 18-19 Lower More heat recovery in Covered by Scenario 35-10

Temperature of 103-C1/C2 and 35-11
104-D2 inlet

18 18-20 Lower Lower CO/H2O in process No significant problem

Temperature of gas to 104-D2
104-D2 outlet

18 18-21 Higher Pressure of PV-1030 is not opened Over pressure in upstream PIC-1030 (D-11-1225-213);
Process Gas when required of MOV-1008 RV-102CA (Set : 39 kg/cm2);
(D-11-1225-214) RV-102CB (Set: 41 kg/cm2)

18 18-22 Lower Pressure of Not Applicable

Process Gas
18 18-23 Higher Level Not Applicable
18 18-24 Lower Level Not Applicable
18 18-25 As Well As Covered by Scenario 18-7

Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By

19 CO2 Absorber
19 19-1 No Flow of XV-1211 fails closed or Over pressure in upstream PIC-1005 to control PV-1005
Process Gas MOV-1011 is closed of XV-1211 or MOV-1011 (D-11-1225-217);
(D-11-1225-217) RV-101 F1 (Set : 36,2 kg/cm2)
ZLC-1211 (D-11-1225-217);
ZLC-1011 (D-11-1225-217)

19 19-2 No Flow of Min Gate valve upstream 121- Possible pump 121-J/JA
Flow for 121-J/JA J/JA closed damage

19 19-3 More Flow of FV-1073 fails closed Higher pressure of Process PIC-1005 to control PV-1005
Process Gas to (D-11-1225-216) Gas , but controlled by (D-11-1225-217);
114-C 103-J governor via PIC- PIC-1006 (D-11-1225-217)
1006 control 103-J inlet governor;
PAH-1004 (Set :
PV-1004 (D-11-1225-217)

19 19-4 More Flow of Lower pressure of FG Check valve after FV-1073

Process Gas to system, but no significant (D-11-1225-254)
114-C problem, or potential
reverse flow from FG

19 19-5 Less Flow of FV-1073 wide open Over pressure in FG system RV-FG1003 (Set : 7 kg/cm2)
Process Gas to (D-11-1225-216) (D-11-1225-254)

19 19-6 Higher Not Applicable

19 19-7 Lower Not Applicable
19 19-8 Higher Pressure of Covered by Scenario 19-1
Process Gas and 19-3
19 19-9 Higher Pressure of Covered by Scenario 19-5
Purge Gas to Fuel

19 19-10 Lower Pressure of Not Applicable

Process Gas
19 19-11 Lower Pressure of Covered by Scenario 19-4
Purge Gas to Fuel

19 19-12 Higher Level in LV-1003A fails closed Possible water mist carry LAH-1003 (Set : 10%)
102-F1 (D-11-1225-228) over to 101-E, but no (D-11-1225-216);
significant problem Handwheel on LV-1003A

19 19-13 Higher Level in LV-1003A fails closed Potential 121-J/JA LAH-1003 (Set : 90%)
102-F2 (D-11-1225-228) cavitation and damage (D-11-1225-216);
Handwheel on LV-1003A

19 19-14 Higher Level in 121-J/JA stop Possible water mist carry LAH-1003 (Set : 90%) leads to
102-F1 over to 101-E, but no LV-1003B open;
significant problem LSH-1003 leads to stanby
pump 121-J/JA auto start

19 19-15 Higher Level in Benfield solution carry Possible mist carry over to LAH-1132 (Set : 450 mm)
102-F2 over from 101-E due to 114-C resulting in (D-11-1225-216)
upset operation excessive fouling and low

19 19-16 Higher Level in Covered by Scenario 24-8,

101-E 24-10, 24-12 and 24-17
19 19-17 Lower Level in Covered by Scenario 24-18
101-E and 24-22
19 19-18 Lower Level in LV-1003A wide open Loss of liquid in 102-F1 and LAL-1003 (Set : 10%)
102-F1 (D-11-1225-228) gas breakthrough to 121- LALL-1205 (100 mm)leads to
J/JA, and pump damage LV-1003A/B close;
due to cavitation Handwheel on PV-1003A
19 19-19 Lower Level in LV-1003B wide open Loss of liquid in 102-F1 and LAL-1003 (Set : 10%)
102-F1 (D-11-1225-228) gas breakthrough to 121- LALL-1205 (100 mm) leads to
J/JA, and pump damage LV-1003A/B close;
due to cavitation Handwheel on PV-1003A

19 19-20 Lower Level in Manual globe valve is Loss of liquid in 102-F2 and LG-1632 (D-11-1225-216)
102-F2 opened too much gas breakthrough,
resulting flammable gas
release to atmosphere.
Potential external fire or

19 19-21 As Well As Higher CO2 to 101-E Possible higher CO2 slip TAH 1357 through 1362 (Set :
Composition from 101-E, leads to 365 C)
overheat in 106-D TSHH-1200 through 1203 (Set
382 C) leads 106-D SD and
close XV-1211 & MOV-1011
Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By
20 Semi-Lean Solution Pump
20 20-1 No Flow of Semi LV-1041 fails closed Potential loss of supply of LAL-1017 (Set : 10%)
Lean Solution (D-11-1225-231) semi-lean solution to CO2 (D-11-1225-231);
absorber, result in CO2 FALL-1205 (1055 t/hr) leads to
slippage from absorber 106-D trip (interlock of 106-D)
and potential high (D-11-1225-216)
temperature in 106-D and
damage to catalyst

20 20-2 No Flow of Semi 107-J/JA/JC trip Loss of semi-lean solution LAL-1017 (Set : 10%)
Lean Solution to 101-E CO2 absorber . (D-11-1225-231);
This will lead to CO2 LALL-1106 (Set : 780 mm) (D-
slippage from absorber 11-1225-231) leads to 107
resulting in high JA/JB/JC auto start;
temperature metahnator FALL-1205 (Set : 1055 t/hr)
catalyst and damage leads to 106-D trip (interlock
of 106-D)

20 20-3 Less Flow of Semi- Low level in 132-F Potential Pump damage LAL-1017 (Set : 10%)
Lean Solution due to cavitation (D-11-1225-231);

20 20-4 Less Flow of Semi- LV-1041 doesn't open Lower level in 132-F and LAL-1017 (Set : 10%)
Lean Solution when required Potential less flow to 101-E (D-11-1225-231);
(D-11-1225-231) absorber, resulting in CO2
slip from 101-E
20 20-5 More Flow of LV-1041 fails opened Higher level in 132-F LAH-1017 (90%)
Semi Lean (D-11-1225-231) (D-11-1225-231);

20 20-6 More Flow of Overspeed 107-JA/JB/JC Potential increase flow of Covered by scenario 19-16
Semi Lean semi-lean solution to CO2
Solution absorber leading to high
level in absorber

20 20-7 Reverse Flow 107 JA/JB/JC trip Potential reverse flow Check valve in semi-lean pump
through semi-lean pump discharge

20 20-8 Higher Covered by Scenario 20-1

Temperature and 20-2
20 20-9 Lower Not Applicable
20 20-10 Higher Pressure Not Applicable
20 20-11 Lower Pressure Not Applicable
20 20-12 Higher Level Covered by Scenario 20-6

20 20-13 Lower Level Covered by Scenario 20-4

Node# Ref# Deviation Cause Consequences Safe Guards Rec# Recommendations Action by
21 Benfield Solution Storage Tank
21 21-1 No Flow of Benfield 111-J is intermittent use, no
Solution from 111-J significant problem occur.

21-2 More Flow Not Aplicable

Less Flow of 115-L plugged Higer pressure drop across PDAH-1115,
Benfield solution 115-L Backwash line is provided
21-3 from 115-L
Less Flow of 118-F plugged Higer pressure drop across
Benfield solution 118-F
from 118-F
21-4 Higher Temperature More flow LS to 114-F,
of 114-F intermitten use, no significant
problem occur
21-5 Lower Temperature Less flow LS to 114-F,
of 114-F intermitten use, no significant
problem occur
21-6 Higher Pressure of Not Aplicable
21-7 Lower Pressure Not Aplicable
21-8 Higer Level in 114- More flow Benfield (108-
F J/JA/ 118-F) to 114-F,
intermitten use, no significant
problem occur
21-9 Lower Level in 114- Continuous operation of 111-J Loss of liquid level leads to LI 6603, manual operation
F without solution feed to 114- pump 111-J damage
21-10 Higer Level in 115- 115-J/JM stop when required Benfield solution overflow LAH-1119
F from 115-F
21-11 Lower Level in 115- 115-J/JM doesn’t stop when 115-J damage due to 115-J is a low head submerge Adds Low Level
F required cavitation pump and not subject to extensive Alarm and consider
damage due to cavitation install auto start and
stop interlock of
115-J/JM by LAL

21-12 Higer Temperature More flow LS to 114-F, TI 1660

of 115-F intermitten use, no significant
problem occur
21-13 Lower Temperature Less flow LS to 114-F, TI 1661
of 115-F intermitten use, no significant
problem occur
21-14 As Well As Benfield Solution not Low performance of Benfield Strainer suction 115-J/JM,
Composition homogen due to solid raw Solution, Daily routine analysis laboratory
material, 110-L broken 115-J damage to solid raw
material going through
Benield Solution
22 CO2 Stripper
22 22-1 No Flow of CO2 to PV-1104 wide open causing Possible CO2 Compressor PAL-152 Refer to
Urea CO2 release to athmosphere surge and damage PALL-152 leads to compressor Recommendation of
trip Urea HAZOP
22-2 No Flow of Quench FV-1016 closed Higher temperature of CO2 TI-1406
Water and higher water entrainment FAL-1016
in CO2 from 102-E, resulting FALL-1016 leads to 116-J/JA trip
in less efficiency of Urea by LSHH-1016
Plant Handjack on FV-1016
22-3 No Flow of Quench Pump damage due to FAL-1016
Water cavitation FALL-1016 leads to 116-J/JA trip
by LSHH-1016
Handjack on FV-1017
22-4 No Flow of Quench 116-J/JA stop Higher temperature of CO2 TI-1406
Water and higher water entrainment FAL-1016
in CO2 from 102-E, resulting FALL-1016 leads to autostart of
in less efficiency of Urea stand by pump
Plant Handjack on FV-1016
22-5 No Flow of Make BV make-up water from 114- Lower level in 102-E Direct LAL-1040
Up Water J/JA manual operation, no Quench section in long term,
significant problem occur potential pump cavitation
22-6 No Flow of Make
Up Water
22-7 No Flow of Steam FV-1024 fails closed Loss of heat for Benfield, FAL-1024
to 111-C leads to insufficient Handjack on FV-1024
regeneration of Benfield AAH-1022 (High CO2)
solution and resulting in CO2
slip from 101-E.
22-8 More Flow of FV-1016 fails opened Lower temperature of CO2
Quench Water from 102-E but no significant
problem occur
22-9 More Flow of FV-1615 wide open Lower oncentration of Periodic sample check Refer o
Make-Up Water Benfield Solution, but not recommendation 22-
immidiate impact on 1
operation because of small
quantity of make-up water.
22-10 More Flow of Steam FV-1024 wide open Higer heat for Benfield
to 111-C regeneration, but no
significant problem occur.
Higher temperature of CO2
and higer water entrainment
in CO2 from 102-E, resulting Mesh size selection for dimister Refer to
Less Flow of 107-C plate gap is plugged by in less efficiency in Urea TAH-1006 Recommendation
Quench Water dirt, etc. Plant. TI-151 18-1 of Urea Hazop
Higher Temperature Covered by scenario 22-2, 22-
of CO2 4, 22-11, 22-13, and 22-14
22-13 Higher Temperature Loss of CW to 107-C Huger temperature of CO2 TAH-1006 Refer to
of Quench Water and higher water entrainment TI-151 Recommendation
in CO2 from 102-E, resulting PAL-9121 18-1 of Urea Hazop
in less efficiency of Urea check list for start-up
22-14 Higer Temperature Less flow of CW to 107-C Refer to
Higher temperature of CO2
of Quench Water due to plate gap is plugged by and higer water entrainment Recommendation
dirt, etc 18-1 of Urea Hazop
in CO2 from 102-E, resulting Mesh size selection for dimister
in less efficiency in Urea TAH-1006
Plant. TI-151
22-15 Lower Temperature Covered by scenario 22-8

22-16 Higher Pressure in PV-1104 doesn’t open when Over Pressure of 102-E SRD-1228
102-E required
22-17 Lower Pressure in Vapor Condensation due to Potential vacuum in 102-E PAL-1104A
102-E cool down after shutdown resulting in mechanical SVB-1001
22-18 Higher Level in Higher H2O condensation No significant problem occur
102-E Direct from CO2 Gas due to higher
Quench Section temperature in 102-E LP
Flash section
22-19 Lower Level in 102- Covered by Scenario 22-6
E Direct Quench
22-20 Higher Level in Covered by Scenario 20-3 and
102-E LP Flash 20-5
22-21 section
Lower Level in 102- Covered by Scenario 20-6,
E LP Flash section 24-9, and 24-11
22-22 Higher Level in Covered by Scenario 24-4
102-E Stripping
22-23 section
Lower Level in 102- Covered by Scenario 24-13
E LP Stripping
22-24 Higher Level in LV-1174 fails closed insufficient stripping of LAL-1174
111-C Benfield solution leads to Isolation and bypass valves
insufficient regeneration of around LV-1174
Benfield solution. This will AAH-1022
cause CO2 slip from 101-E
22-25 Higher Level in LV-1174 wide open Steam breakthrough to 101-U, LAL-1174
111-C loss of steam Isolation and bypass valves
around LV-1174
22-26 As Well As

24 Lean Solution Pump
24 24-1 No Flow of Lean 107-JA/JB/JC stop Insufficient absorption in 101- FAL-1005
Solution E resulting in CO2 slip FALL-1005 leads to 107-JC
FALLL-1205 leads to Methanator
trip (close XV-1211 and MOV-

24-2 No Flow of Lean Potential Liquid entrainment FALLL-1205 leads to Process Correct P&ID to
Solution from 101-E by Process Gas Gas Vent via PV-1039 show appropiate
leads to fouling in 114-C 102-F2 interlock of between
FALLL-1205 and
24-3 No Flow of Lean Potential reverse of Process Check valve at Lean Soltion inlet
Solution Gas from 101-E to pump to 101-E
24-4 No Flow of Lean Higer level in 102-E, potential
Solution mist carry over to LP Flashing
section but no significant
problem occur
24-5 Less Flow of Lean FV-1005 is closed Insufficient absorption in 101- FAL-1006
Solution E resulting in CO2 slip FALLL-1205 leads to Methanator
Trip (Close XV-1211 and MOV-
24-6 Less Flow of Lean Pump damage due to Minimum stop is provided for
Solution cavitation FV-1005
24-7 Less Flow of Lean Potential Liquid entrainment FALLL-1205 leads to Process Refer to
Solution from 101-E by Process Gas Gas Vent via PV-1039 Recommendation
leads to fouling in 114-C 102-F2 24-1

24-8 No Flow of Rich LV-1004C falis closed 107-JAHT trip. Higher level Handjack on LV-1004C
Solution in 101-E, potential liquid LAH-1004A/B will control level
entrainment from 101-E by in 101-E
Process Gas leads to fouling LAH-1132
in 114-C
24-9 No Flow of Rich Lower level in 102-E LP Handjack on LV-1004C Consider to add
Solution Flash section, possible 108- LAL-1041 remote stop switch
J/JA damage due to cavitation LV-1004A/B will control level in to 108-J/JA
101-E and maintenance feed to
24-10 No Flow of Rich LV-1004A/B fails closed Higher level in 101-E Handjack on LV-1004A/B
Solution potential liquid entrainment LAH-1004
from 101-E by Process Gas LAH-1132
leads to fouling in 114-C
24-11 No Flow of Rich Lower Level in 102E LP Handjack on LV-1004A/B
Solution Flash section, possible 108- LAL-1041
J/JA damage due to cavitation
24-12 No Flow of Antifoam injection pump stop No significant impact, due to Periodic Make-Up of Foam Agent Clarify how long
Antifoamer antifoam injection is can 102-E run
intermitten use. If anti-foam without antifoam
agent is not injected for long agent
time, potential foaming in
102-E LP Flash Section,
leading to false high level
reading by LIC-1041 causing
FV-1017 wide open and loss
of liquid level in 102-E LP
Flash Section. Finally
potential 108-J/JA damage
due to cavitation.

24-13 More Flow of Lean FV-1005 wide open Lower level in 102-E LAL-1042
Solution stripping section, possible gas LV-1004A/B will control level in
breakthrough to 107- 101-E and maintain feed to 102-E.
JA/JB/JC and damage This feed may slow down the
level decreassing rate in 102-E
allowing longer operator
intervention time.

24-14 More Flow of Lean Higher level in 101-E LAH-1004

Solution potential liquid entrainment LV-1004A/B will control level in
from 101-E by Process Gas 101-E
leads to fouling in 114-C
24-15 More Flow of Rich LV-1004C wide open 107-JAHT overspeed leads to LAL-1004
Solution to 107- lower level in 101-E, leading LALL-1204 leads to LV-
JAHT to gas breakthrough and 1004A/B/C close
potential damage 107-JAHT SAH-1207 leads to LV-1004C
and 102-E close

24-16 More Flow of Rich Potential damage of 107- SAH-1207 leads to LV-1004C
Solution to 107- JAHT due to overspeed close
24-17 Less Flow of Rich LV-1004A/B wide open Less power recovery in 107-
Solution to 107- during normal operation JAHT leads to less power
JAHT transfer to 107-JA but no
24-18 Less Flow of Rich Potential loss of level in 101- LALL-1204 leads to LV-
Solution to 107- E. leading to gas 1004A/B/C close
JAHT breakthrough and potential PAH-1104A
damage to 107-JAHT and SRD-1228
24-19 Less Flow of Lean 112-C plate gap of Lean Higher pressure drop across STR-1036
Solution Solution side plugged 112-C, resulting in 107- Pump selection with big margin of
partially by dirt etc JA/JB/JC cavitation and NPSH
damage Proper flushing of Benfield
24-20 Less Flow of Lean Insufficient absorption in 101- AAH-1022
Solution E resulting in CO2 slip
24-21 Less Flow of Lean 109-C plate gap of Lean Higher pressure drop across STR-1036
Solution Solution side plugged 109-C, but flow rate pump Wide gap design for 109-C
partially by dirt etc. can be maintained by 110-C Pump selection with big margin of
because 110-C designed NPSH
based on no flow to 109-C Proper flushing of Benfield

24-22 Less Flow of Lean Potential insufficient AAH-1022

Solution absorption in 101-E, resulting
in CO2 slip
24-23 Less Flow of Lean 110-C plate gap of Lean Higher pressure drop across STR-1036
Solution Solution side plugged 110-C, resulting in 107- Pump selection with big margin of
partially by dirt etc JA/JB/JC cavitation and NPSH
damage Proper flushing of Benfield
24-24 Less Flow of Lean Insufficient absorption in 101- AAH-1022
Solution E resulting in CO2 slip
24-25 Less Flow of Lean 14-L plugged Higher pressure drop across PDAH-1102
Solution from 104-L 104-L Backwash line is provided

24-26 Higher Temperature Loss of CW to 110-C Potential 107-JA/JB/JC STR-1037A/B Provide High Alarm
of Lean Solution in cavitation and damage due to TI-1653 to TI-1653
110-C outlet lower NPSH Pump selection with big margin of
Proper flushing
24-27 Higher Temperature 110-C plate gap of CW side Potenial 107-JA/JB/JC STR-1037A/B Refer to
of Lean Solution in plugged partially by dirt etc cavitaion and damage due to TI-1653 recommendation 24-
110-C outlet lower NPSH Pump selection with big margin of 4
Proper flushing
24-28 Lower Temperature Not Aplicable

24-29 Higher Pressure Covered by Scenario 24-18

24-30 Lower Pressure Not Aplicable
24-31 Higher Level in Covered by Scenario 24-8,
101-E 24-10, and 24-14
24-32 Lower Level in 101- Covered by Scenario 24-15
E and 24-18
24-33 Higher Level in Covered by Scenario 24-4
24-34 Lower Level in 102- Covered by Scenario 24-9,
E 24-11, and 24-13
24-35 As Well As Not Aplicable
25 Ammonia Synthesis Loop - Chilling & Separation
25 25-1 No Flow of Liquid LV-1013 fails closed Higher Level in 106-F, LAH-1013A
Ammonia from 106- possible mist carry over to LAHH-121B leads to 103-J trip
F 103-J via 120-C leading to Isolation and bypass valves with
103-J damage RO-1204 around LV-1013
25-2 No Flow of Liquid Loss of liquid level in 107-F LAL-1012
Ammonia from 106- and gas breakthrough to Isolation and bypass valves with
F 120CF1 through CF4, RO-1204 around LV-1013
resulting in higher pressure in
120-CF1 through CF4
25-3 No Flow of Purge PV-1108 fails closed Over pressure in 107-F PAH-1108
Gas from 107-F to SV-1223
25-4 No Flow of Purge No significant impact for 103-
Gas from 107-F to E operation
25-5 No Flow of Liquid LV-1012A is closed in cold No Flow of Liquid Ammonia LAH-1012
Ammonia from 107- product mode to 120-CF1 leads to higher Handjack on LV-1012A
F level in 107-F and LV-1012A is fail open type
overpressure by full of liquid. SV-1223
Liquid Ammonia release to Drain pot after SV-1223
vent via SV-1223

25-6 No Flow of Liquid Loss of liquid level in 120- LAL-1021 through 1024 Provide Low alarm
Ammonia from 107- CF1 through CF4 leads to FI-1009 through 1012 to FI-1009 through
F compressor surge and damage FV-1009 through 1012 1012

25-7 No Flow of Liquid LV-1012B is closed in warm No Flow of Liquid Ammonia LAH-1012
Ammonia from 107- product mode to 120-CF1 leads to higher Handjack on LV-1012A
F level in 107-F and LV-1012A is fail open type
overpressure by full of liquid. SV-1223
Liquid Ammonia release to Drain pot after SV-1223
vent via SV-1223

25-8 No Flow of Liquid Loss of liquid level in 120- LAL-1021 through 1024
Ammonia from 107- CF1 through CF4 leads to FI-1009 through 1012
F compressor surge and damage FV-1009 through 1012

25-9 No Flow of Liquid FV-1078 fails closed Not applicable because FV-
Ammonia from 107- 1078 is normal closed
25-10 No Flow of Liquid FV-1079 fails closed Not Applicable because FV-
Ammonia from 107- 1079 is normal closed
25-11 More Flow of LV-1013 wide open Loss of liquid level in 106-F LAL-1013A
Liquid Ammonia and gas breakthrough to 107- PAH-1108
from 106-F F possible over pressure in SV-1223
107-F LV-1013 is fail close type
25-12 More Flow of Level in 107-F will be
Liquid Ammonia maintained by LV-1012A/B
from 106-F
25-13 More Flow of Purge PV-1108 wide open Lower pressure of 107-F, PAL-1108
Gas from 107-F to higher NH3 content in Purge Isolation and bypass valves
103-E Gas from 107-F around PV-1108
25-14 More Flow of Purge Over pressure in 103-E PAH-1032
Gas from 107-F to PV-1032 A/B
103-E SV-1231
25-15 More Flow of LV-1012A fails opened Loss of liquid level in 107-F LAL-1012
Liquid Ammonia and gas breakthrough to 120- Handjack on LV-1012A
from 107-E CF1 through CF4, resulting in SV-1216 through 1219
over pressure in 120-CF1
through CF-4
25-16 More Flow of LV-1012B fails opened Loss of liquid level in 107-F LAL-1012
Liquid Ammonia and gas breakthrough to 120- Handjack on LV-1012A
from 107-F CF1 through CF4, resulting in SV-1216 through 1219
over pressure in 120-CF1
through CF-4
25-17 More Flow of FV-1078 wide open Loss of liquid level in 107-F LAL-1012
Liquid Ammonia and gas breakthrough to 120- Handjack on LV-1012A
from 107-F CF1 through CF4, resulting in SV-1216 through 1219
over pressure in 120-CF1
through CF-4
25-18 More Flow of FV-1079 wide open Loss of liquid level in 107-F LAL-1012
Liquid Ammonia and gas breakthrough to 120- Handjack on LV-1012A
from 107-F CF1 through CF4, resulting in SV-1216 through 1219
over pressure in 120-CF1
through CF-4
25-19 Less Flow Not Applicable
25-20 Higher Temperature Higher Pressre in 107-F Higher pressure leads to
in 107-F higher temperature in 107-F
due to saturate condition, but
no significant problem caused
by higher temperature
25-21 Lower Temperature Lower pressure in 107-F Lower pressure leads to
in 107-F Lower Temperature in 107-F
due to saturate condition, but
no significant problem caused
by lower temperature

25-22 Higher Pressure in Covered by Scenario 25-14

25-23 Higher Pressure in Covered by Scenario 25-3,
107-F 25-11, 25-20
25-24 Lower Pressure in Covered by Scenario 25-13,
107-F 25-21
25-25 Higher Level in Covered by Scenario 25-1
25-26 Higher Level in Covered by Scenario 25-5,
107-F 25-7
25-27 Lower Level in 106- Covered by Scenario 25-11
25-28 Lower Level in 107- Covered by Scenario 25-2,25-
F 15, 25-16, 25-17, 25-18
25-29 As Well As Not Applicable
26 Ammonia Refrigeration
26 26-1 No Flow of Liquid LV-1021 fails closed Higher level in 120-CF4 and LAH-1021 Refer to
Ammonia from 120- possible mist carry over to LAHH-1214 leads to 105-J trip recommendation 25-
CF4 to 120-CF3 105-J and damage LAL-1022 1
Loss of liquid level in 120- FI-1010
CF3 resulting in 105-J surge FV-1010
and damage Vibration monitor with alarm
Axial rotor position High High
trip 105-J

26-2 No Flow of Liquid LV-1022 fails closed Higher level in 120-CF2 and LAH-1022 Refer to
Ammonia from 120- possible mist carry over to LAHH-1215 leads to 105-J trip recommendation 25-
CF3 to 120-CF2 105-J and damage LAL-1023 1
Loss of liquid level in 120- FI-1011
CF3 resulting in 105-J surge FV-1011
and damage Vibration monitor with alarm
Axial rotor position High High
trip 105-J

26-3 No Flow of Liquid LV-1023 fails closed Higher level in 120-CF2 and LAH-1023 Refer to
Ammonia from 120- possible mist carry over to LAHH-1216 leads to 105-J trip recommendation 25-
CF2 to 120-CF1 105-J and damage LAL-1024 1
Loss of liquid level in 120- FI-1012
CF1 resulting in 105-J surge FV-1012
and damage Vibration monitor with alarm
Axial rotor position High High
trip 105-J

26-4 No Flow of Liquid LV-1024 fails closed Higher level in 120-CF1 and LAH-1024
Ammonia from 120- possible mist carry over to LAHH-1217 leads to 105-J trip
CF1 to Storage 105-J damage
26-5 No Flow of Liquid 124-J/JA stop Higher level in 120-CF1 and LAH-1024
Ammonia from 120- possible mist carry over to LAHH-1217 leads to 105-J trip
CF1 to Storage 105-J damage
26-6 More Flow of LV-1021 fails opened Loss of liquid level in 120- LAL-1021
Liquid Ammonia CF4 and resulting 105-J surge FI-1009
from 120-CF4 to and damage FV-1009
120-CF3 Higher level in 120-CF3 and Vibration monitor with alarm
possible mist carry over to Axial rotor position High High
105-J and damage trips 105-J
LAHH-1215 leads to 105-J trip

26-7 More Flow of LV-1022 fails opened Loss of liquid level in 120- LAL-1022
Liquid Ammonia CF3 and resulting 105-J surge FI-1010
from 120-CF3 to and damage FV-1010
120-CF2 Higher level in 120-CF2 and Vibration monitor with alarm
possible mist carry over to Axial rotor position High High
105-J and damage trips 105-J
LAHH-1216 leads to 105-J trip

26-8 More Flow of LV-1023 fails opened Loss of liquid level in 120- LAL-1023
Liquid Ammonia CF2 and resulting 105-J surge FI-1011
from 120-CF2 to and damage FV-1011
120-CF1 Higher level in 120-CF1 and Vibration monitor with alarm
possible mist carry over to Axial rotor position High High
105-J and damage trips 105-J
LAHH-1217 leads to 105-J trip

26-9 More Flow of LV-1024 fails oened Loss of liquid level in 120- LAL-1024
Liquid Ammonia CF1 resulting 105-J surge and FI-1012
from 120-CF1 to damage FV-1012
Storage Tank Vibration monitor with alarm
Axial rotor monitor High High
trips 105-J

26-10 More Flow of Loss of liquid level in 120- LAL-1024 Consider to add
Liquid Ammonia CF1 resulting in 124J/JA FIQ-1061 High alarm to FIQ-
from 120-CF1 to cavitation and damage 1061 in combination
Storage Tank with mode selector
switch HS-1023

26-11 Less Flow Not Aplicable

26-12 Other Than Flow FV-1009 fails opened Higher pressure and PAH-1401
temperature of 105-J 4th stage SV-1220
suction, possible over TAH-1401
26-13 Other Than Flow FV-1010 fails opened Higher pressure and TAH-1433
temperature of 105-J 3rd stage
suction, but no mechanical
26-14 Other Than Flow FV-1011 fails opened Higher pressure and TAH-1436
temperature of 105-J 2nd
stage suction, but no
mechanical damage
26-15 Other Than Flow FV-1012 fails opened Higher pressure and PAH-1009
temperature of 105-J 1st stage
suction, but no mechanical
26-16 Other Than Flow FV-1009 doesn’t open when 105-J surge and damage FI-1009 Refer to
required Handjack on FV-1009 recommendation 25-
Vibration monitor with alarm 1
Axial rotor position High High
Trips 105-J
26-17 Other Than Flow FV-1010 doesn’t open when 105-J surge and damage FI-1010 Refer to
required Handjack on FV-1010 recommendation 25-
Vibration monitor with alarm 1
Axial rotor position High High
Trips 105-J
26-18 Other Than Flow FV-1011 doesn’t open when 105-J surge and damage FI-1011 Refer to
required Handjack on FV-1011 recommendation 25-
Vibration monitor with alarm 1
Axial rotor position High High
Trips 105-J
26-19 Other Than Flow FV-1012 doesn’t open when 105-J surge and damage FI-1012 Refer to
required Handjack on FV-1012 recommendation 25-
Vibration monitor with alarm 1
Axial rotor position High High
Trips 105-J
26-20 Higher Temperature Covered by Scenario 26-12,
26-13, 26-14, 26-15
26-21 Lower Temperature Depressurizing of system Ammonia temperature may Mechanical design
decrease -33 degC at
atmospheric condition
26-22 Higher Pressure Covered by Scenario 26-12,
26-13, 26-14, 26-15
26-23 Lower Pressure Covered by Scenarion 26-1,
26-2, 26-3, 26-6, 26-7, 26-8,
26-24 Higher Level Covered by Scenario 26-1,
26-2, 26-3, 26-4, 26-5, 26-6,
26-7, 26-8
26-25 Lower Level Covered by Scenario 26-6,
26-1, 26-2, 26-3, 26-6, 26-7,
26-8, 26-10
26-26 As Well As Not Applicable

27 Ammonia Refugeration Compressor

27 27-1 No Flow of 105-J Trip Higher pressure of 120-CF1 PAH-1009
Ammonia to 105-J through CF4 SV-1216 through 1219
27-2 No Flow of Reverse relation, potential Check valve (SPV-1026) at 4th
Ammonia to 105-J damage to compressor seals stage discharge, dual direction dry
and balance drum gas seal
27-3 No Flow of Loss of liquid level in 120- Covered by Scenario 25-6,
Ammonia to 105-J CF1 through 120 CF4 26-1, 26-2, 26-3, 26-6, 26-7,
26-8, 26-9, and 26-10
27-4 No Flow of Vapor XV-1259 fails closed No significant problem occur
Ammonia from
storage Tank
27-5 More Flow of Overspeed of 105-J Over pressure at 4th stage Overspeed trip
Ammonia to 105-J discharge SV-1220
27-6 More Flow of Vapor XV-1259 is opened while it is Higher pressure in 105-J 1st PAH-1009
Ammonia from not intended during operation stage suction Mechanical design
Storage Tank
27-7 Other than Flow of XV-1259 is opened while it is Potential NH3 exposure to Isolation valve and blind at BL
Vapor Ammonia not intended during maintenance personnel, Safe maintenance procedure
from Storage Tank maintenance resulting in potential fatality

27-8 Less Flow Not Applicable

27-9 Misdirection Flow Tube failure in 167-C Ammonia leaks to CW side Mechanical design
Ammonia causing over pressure
27-10 Misdirection Flow Tube failure in 128-C Ammonia leaks to CW side Mechanical design
Ammonia causing over pressure
27-11 Higher Temperature Tube failure in 167-C Higher temperature in 105-J TAH-1433
discharge causing potential TAH-1401
damage PAL-9121
Checklist for start up
27-12 Higher Temperature Tube failure in 128-C Higher temperature in 105-J TAH-1433
discharge causing potential TAH-1401
damage PAL-9121
Checklist for start up
27-13 Lower Temperature Not Applicable

27-14 Higher Pressure of Covered by Scenarion 26-12,

Ammonia 26-13, 26-14, 26-15, 27-1, 27-
5, 27-6
27-15 Lower Pressure of Covered by Scenarion 26-1,
Ammonia 26-2, 26-3, 26-6, 26-7, 26-8,
27-16 Higher Level Not Applicable
27-17 Lower Level Not Applicable
27-18 As Well As Not Applicable
28 Refrigerant Receiver and Warm Ammonia Product Pump
28 28-1 No Flow of Liquid LV-1015 fails closed Higher level in 109-F, LAH-1015
Ammonia potential mist carry over to Handjack on LV-1015
103-E, potential NH3 slip
from 103-E OVHD and
possible carbamate and other
salts formation

28-2 No Flow of Liquid Loss of liquid level in 120- LAL-1024 Refer to

Ammonia CF4 leads to compressor FI-1012 recommendation 25-
surge and damage FV-1012 1
Vibration monitor with alarm
Axial rotor monitor High High
trips 105-J

28-3 No Flow of Liquid 113-J/JA stop Higher level in 109-F, LAH-1015

Ammonia potential mist carry over to Handjack on LV-1015
103-E, potential NH3 slip
from 103-E OVHD and
possible carbamate and other
salts formation
28-4 No Flow of Liquid Loss of Warm Ammonia LAL-131
Ammonia supply to Urea Plant, leading PAL-131
to plant upset Control Panels for Urea Plant and
NH3 Plant are placed side by side

28-5 No Flow of Liquid PV-1028 fails closed Higher level in 109-F, LAH-1015
Ammonia potential mist carry over to Handjack on PV-1028
103-E, potential NH3 slip
from 103-E OVHD and
possible carbamate and other
salts formation

28-6 No Flow of Liquid Loss of Warm Ammonia LAL-131

Ammonia supply to Urea Plant, leading PAL-131
to plant upset Control Panels for Urea Plant and
NH3 Plant are placed side by side

28-7 No Flow of Liquid 120-J stop during Catayst Delay of start up XL-xxxx
Ammonia Reduction
28-8 More Flow of LV-1015 wide open Loss of liquid level in 109-F LAL-1015
Ammonia and vapor breakthrough to Handjack on LV-1015
120-CF4, potential over PAH-1401
pressure SV-1219
28-9 More Flow of Loss of Liquid level in 109-F LAL-1015
Ammonia and vapor breakthrough to Handjack on LV-1015
113-J/JA, potential pump LAHH-1214 closes LV-1015
cavitation and damage TV-1796 can be operated from
28-11 More Flow of Higher level in 120-CF4, LAH-1021
Ammonia potential mist carry over to LAHH-1214 leads to 105-J trip
105-J and damage LAL-1022
Vibration monitor with alarm
Axial rotor position High High
trip 105-J

28-12 More Flow of PV-1028 wide open Loss of liquid level in 109-F LAH-1015
Ammonia and vapor breakthrough to Handjack on PV-1028
113-J/JA, potential pump LIC-1015 override PIC-1028 in
cavitation and damage low level
28-13 More Flow of Loss of liquid level in 109-F LAH-1015
Ammonia and vapor breakthrough to Handjack on PV-1028
120-CF4, potential over LIC-1015 override PIC-1028 in
pressure low level
28-14 More Flow of Higher pressure of Ammonia PAH-1028
Ammonia to Urea Plant LV-131
28-15 Less Flow Not Applicable
28-16 Misdirection Flow Tube failure in 127-C Ammonia leaks to CW side, SRD-1234
Ammonia causing over pressure
28-17 Higher Temperature Loss of CW supply to 127-C Less condensation of
of Ammonia Ammonia, resulting in loss of
28-18 Higher Temperature Higher pressure and PAH-1109
of Ammonia temperature in 109-F and TAH-1402
higher Ammonia content in 101-BCFU
Purge Gas to 103-E, potential
NH3 slip from 103-E OVHD
and possible carbamate and
other salts formation

28-19 Higher Temperature TV-1796 fails closed Higher temperature of liquid TAH-1796
of Ammonia Ammonia leads to lower Isolation and bypass valves
NPSH of 113-J/JA, potential around TV-1796
pump cavitation and damage

28-20 Lower Temperature TV-1796 wide open Lower temperature of TAL-1796

of Ammonia Ammonia, but no significat
28-21 Higher Pressure in PV-1109 fails closed Higher pressure in 109-F, PAH-1109
109-F resulting higher temperature TAH-1402
in 109-F causing lower Isolation and bypass valves
NPSH of 113-J/JA, potential around PV-1109
pump cavitation and damage

28-22 Higher Pressure in Loss of Purge Gas leads to

109-F lower pressure in FG header,
but no significant problem

28-23 Lower Pressure in PV-1109 wide open Lower pressure in 109-F leads PAL-1109
109-F to less Ammonia TAL-1402
condensation, resulting in loss Isolation and bypass valves
of product around PV-1109
28-24 Lower Pressure in Higher Ammonia content in PAL-1109
109-F Purge Gas to 103-E, potential TAL-1402
NH3 slip from 103-E OVHD Isolation and bypass valves
and possible carbamate and around PV-1109
other salts formation

28-25 Higher Level in Covered by Scenario 28-1,

109-F 28-3, 28-5
28-26 Lower Level in 109- Covered by Scenario 26-6,
F 26-7, 26-9, 26-10, 28-8, 28-9,
28-12, and 28-13
28-27 As Well As Not Applicable

29 Fuel Gas Header

29 29-1 No Flow of Fuel PV-1001 fails closed Loss of Fuel gas supply to PI-1931
Gas (NG) 101-B resulting in plant PAL-1029
29-2 No Flow of Fuel Higher Pressure of upstream Mechanical Design
Gas (NG) system
29-3 No Flow of Fuel Loss of Fuel Gas supply from Loss of Fuel Gas and NG PAL-1871
Gas (NG) FFA-1001 supply to 101-B, resulting in PI-1931
plant shutdown
29-4 No Flow of Fuel PV-1029 doesn’t open when Over pressure of fuel header PAH-1029
Gas (NG) required SV-1901
29-5 No Flow of Tail Gas XV-1170 Lower pressure of FG but no
from 109-DA/DB PV-1035 fails closed significant problem

29-6 No Flow of Tail Gas PV-1032A fails closed Lower pressure of FG but no
from 103-E significant problem
29-7 More Flow of Fuel PV-1001 wide open Higher pressure of down PAH1029
Gas stream system
29-8 Less Flow of Fuel PV-1029 wide open Lower system pressure, PAL-1029
Gas to Header possible reverse flow from Checkvalve
main FG header to tail gas
29-9 Higher Temperature Higher Flue Gas Temprature No significant problem occur TAH-1592
of Fuel Gas

29-10 Lower Temperature Lower Flue Gas Temprature Possible carbamate and other TI-1562
of Fuel Gas salts formation in long term

29-11 Higher Pressure of Covered by Scenario 29-4

Fuel Header
29-12 Higher Pressure of PV-1032A wide open Possible mist carry over Drain pot
Tail Gas from 103-E LAH-1151

29-13 Higher Pressure of PV-1033A wide open Possible mist carry over Drain pot
Tail Gas from 104-E LAH-1151

29-14 Higher Pressure of PV-1035 wide open No significant problem occur

Tail Gas from 109-
29-15 Lower Pressure of Covered by Scenario 29-5,
Fuel Header 29-8, 29-6
29-16 As Well As Ammonia slippage from 103- Possible carbamate and other 101-BCFU
Composition E salts formation in long term

29-17 As Well As Ammonia slippage from 104- Possible carbamate and other 101-BCFU
Composition E salts formation in long term
30 Fuel Gas System for Arch Burners
30 30-1 No Flow of Ttal PV-1002 fails closed Burner extinction PAL-1002
Fuel Gas PALL-1220 leads to fuel cut for
arch burner
PAL-1061 through 1065
30-2 No Flow of Ttal XV-1220A or B fails closed Burner extinction PALL-1220 leads to fuel cut for
Fuel Gas arch burner
PAL-1061 through 1065
30-3 No Flow of XV-1221A or B fails closed Dea of start up Purging Lamp XL-1221A
Checking Gas indication is not lit
30-4 No Flow of Fuel HV-1035 fails closed Burner extinction at one row PAL-1061 Verify the effect on
Gas (NG) to one resulting in lower temperature RO-1722 for minimum firing other burners due to
row of process gas at outlet of more air flow
101-B. Methane slip will
30-5 Higher fuel gas pressure at PAH-1002
header causing unstable
30-6 More Flow of Total PV-1002 wide open Higher pressure of system PAH-1002
Fuel Gas excess firing, possible flame PAHH-1221 leads to fuel cut for
out arch burner
30-7 More Flow of Total HV-1035 wide open Higher pressure in sub-header PAH-1061 Refer to
Fuel Gas to one row and unstable combustion recommendation 30-
30-8 Lower fuel gas pressure at PAL-1002
header leading to lower firing
and potential lower process
gas temperature at outlet 101-
30-9 Less Flow of Total XV-1220C fails open Flammable gas release to PAL-1002
Fuel Gas to Burner atmosphere. Loss of fuel gas

30-10 Less Flow of XV-1221C fails open Delay of start up Purging Lamp XL-1221A
Checking Gas indication is not lit
30-11 Higher Temperature Not Applicable
of Fuel Gas

30-12 Lower Temperature Not Applicable

of Fuel Gas

30-13 Higher Pressure of Covered by Scenario 30-5,

Fuel Gas 30-6, 30-7
30-14 Lower Pressure of Covered by Scenario 30-1,
Fuel Gas 30-2, 30-4, 30-8, 30-9
Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By
32 Fuel Gas System For Superheat Burner
32 32-1 No Flow of Total TV-1005 fails closed Burner extinction PAL-1140 (Set : 0,2 kg/cm2)
Fuel Gas (D-11-1225-257) PSLL-1240 (Set : 0,1 kg/cm2)
leads to fuel cut for superheat
Isolation and by pass valve around
PCV-1143 (D-11-1225-257)

32 32-2 No Flow of Total XV-1240 A or B fails closed Burner extinction PAL-1140 (Set : 0,2 kg/cm2);
Fuel Gas (D-11-1225-257) PSLL-1240 (Set : 0,1 kg/cm2)
leads to fuel cut for superheat
32 32-3 No Flow of Fuel PCV-1144 fails closed Pilot burner extinction PI-1785;
Gas for Pilot Burner (D-11-1225-257) PAL-1145 (Set : 0,25 kg/cm2);
of Superheat burner PSLL-1245 (Set : 0,2 kg/cm2)
leads to fuel cut for main and pilot
burner of Superheat burner

32 32-4 No Flow of Fuel XV-1245 A or B fails closed Pilot burner extinction PI-1785;
Gas to Pilot Burner (D-11-1225-257) PAL-1145 (Set : 0,25 kg/cm2);
of Superheat burner PSLL-1245 (Set : 0,2 kg/cm2)
leads to fuel cut for main and pilot
burner of Superheat burner

32 32-5 No Flow Checking XV-1241 A or B fails closed Delay of start up XL-1246 A & XL-1246 B;
gas (D-11-1225-257) HS-1246 (Purge/checking
sequence start)
32 32-6 More Flow of Fuel TV-1005 wide open Higher pressure of pilot PAH-1141 (Set : 2,4 kg/cm2);
Gas (D-11-1225-257) burner system, excess firing, PSHH-1241 (Set : 2,85 kg/cm2)
possible flame out leads to fuel cut for superheat
32 32-7 More Flow of Fuel PCV-1144 wide open Higher pressure of pilot PAH-1146 (Set : 0,5 kg/cm2);
Gas (D-11-1225-257) burner system, excess firing, PSHH-1246 (Set : 0,55 kg/cm2)
possible flame out leads to fuel cut for superheat
32 32-8 Less Flow of Fuel XV-1240C fails open Flammable gas release to PAL-1140 (Set : 0,2 kg/cm2)
Gas to Main Burner (D-11-1225-257) atmosphere (safe location), PSLL-1240 (Set : 0,1 kg/cm2)
of Superheat burner Loss of fuel gas. leads to fuel cut for superheat
32 32-9 Less Flow of Fuel XV-1245C fails open Flammable gas release to PAL-1145 (Set : 0,25 kg/cm2);
Gas to Main Burner (D-11-1225-257) atmosphere (safe location), PSLL-1245 (Set : 0,2 kg/cm2)
of Superheat burner Loss of fuel gas. leads to fuel cut for main and pilot
burner of Superheat burner

32 32-10 Less Flow of XV-1241C fails open Delay of start up XL-1246 A & XL-1246 B;
Chencking Gas (D-11-1225-257) HS-1246 (Purge/checking
sequence start)
32 32-11 Higher Temperature Not Applicable
of Fuel Gas

32 32-12 Lower Temperature Not Applicable

of Fuel Gas

32 32-13 Higher Pressure of Covered by Scenario 32-6,

Fuel Gas 32-7
32 32-14 Lower Pressure of Covered by Scenario 32-1,
Fuel Gas 32-2, 32-3, 32-4, 32-8, 32-9
Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By
33 Fuel Gas System For Start up Heater
33 33-1 No Flow of Total HV-1050 fails closed Burner extinction PAL-1150 (Set : 0,2 kg/cm2);
Fuel Gas (D-11-1225-256) PSLL-1250 (Set : 0,1 kg/cm2)
leads to fuel cut for 102-B burner;
Isolation and by pass valve around
PCV-1153 (D-11-1225-256)

33 33-2 No Flow of Total XV-1250 A or B fails closed Burner extinction PAL-1150 (Set : 0,2 kg/cm2);
Fuel Gas (D-11-1225-256) PSLL-1250 (Set : 0,1 kg/cm2)
leads to fuel cut for 102-B burner;

33 33-3 No Flow of Fuel PCV-1154 fails closed Pilot Burner extinction PAL-1155 (Set : 0,25 kg/cm2);
Gas to Pilot Burner (D-11-1225-256) PSL-1157 leads to fuel cut for
102-B main and pilot burner
33 33-4 No Flow of Fuel XV-1255 A or B fails closed Pilot Burner extinction PAL-1155 (Set :0,25 kg/cm2);
Gas to Pilot Burner (D-11-1225-256) PSL-1157 leads to fuel cut for
102-B main and pilot burner
33 33-5 No Flow of XV fails closed Delay of start up XL-1211 A & XL-1211 B;
Checking Gas (D-11-1225-256) HS-1211 (Purge/checking
sequence start)
33 33-6 More Flow of Total HV-1050 wide open Higher pressure of system , PAH-1151 (Set : 2 kg/cm2);
Fuel Gas (D-11-1225-256) excess firing, possible flame PSHH-1251 (Set : 2,2 kg/cm2)
out leads to fuel cut for 102-B main
and pilot burner
33 33-7 More Flow of Total PCV-1154 wide open Higher pressure of pilot PAH-1156 (Set : 0,5 kg/cm2)
Fuel Gas to Pilot (D-11-1225-256) burner system, excess firing, (D-11-1225-256)
Burner possibl flame out
33 33-8 Less Flow of Total XV-1250C fails open Flammable gas release to PAL-1150 (Set : 0,2 kg/cm2);
Fuel Gas to Pilot (D-11-1225-256) atmosphre (Safe location), PSLL-1250 (Set : 0,1 kg/cm2)
Burner Loss of fuel gas leads to fuel cut for 102-B burner
33 33-9 Less Flow of Total XV-1255C fails open Flammable gas release to PAL-1155 (Set : 0,25 kg/cm2);
Fuel Gas to Main (D-11-1225-256) atmosphre (Safe location), PSL-1157 lead to fule cut for 102-
Burner Loss of fuel gas B main and pilot burner
33 33-10 Less Flow of XV-1251C fails open Delay of start up XL-1211 A & XL-1211 B;
Checking Gas (D-11-1225-256) HS-1211 (Purge/checking
sequence start)
33 33-11 Higher Temperature Not Applicable
of Fuel Gas

33 33-12 Lower Temperature Not Applicable

of Fuel Gas

33 33-13 Higher Pressure of Covered by Scenario 33-6,

Fuel Gas 33-7
33 33-14 Lower Pressure of Covered by Scenario 33-1,
Fuel Gas 33-2, 33-3, 33-4, 33-8,33-9
Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By
34 Vent System
34 34-1 No Flow Not Applicable
34 34-2 More Flow Not Applicable
34 34-3 Less Flow Not Applicable
34 34-4 Higher Temperature Not Applicable
34 34-5 Lower Temperature Not Applicable
34 34-6 Higher Pressure Not Applicable
34 34-7 Lower Pressure Not Applicable
34 34-8 Higher Level Not Applicable
34 34-9 Lower Level Not Applicable
34 34-10 As Well As Contaminant of NH3 and Carbamate and other salt formaSource of NH3 vent are separated
Composition CO2 from front end vent (containt
Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By
36 Deaerator, BFW Pump
36 36-1 No Flow of BFW 104-J trip Loss of liquid level in 101-F LI-1001A;
(Boiler Feed Water) causes damage to steam drum LI-1001B;
LIC-1001 maintains level in 101-
F by controling 104-JT speed;
LAL 1028 (Set : 787 mm);
LAL-1223 (Set : 229 mm) leads
to fuel cut of all burners;
FIC 1006 (HS-1102,3 elements
control) leads to auto start of
BFW stand by pump

36 36-2 No Flow of BFW 104-J trip Flooding in 101-U leads to LIC-1030 to control FV-1087;
less deaeration performance. LAH-1124 (Set :2729 mm);
Potential hot water release LSHH-1031 leads LV-1031 open
from top of vent . (D-11-1225-249)

36 36-3 No Flow of P-2214 A/B/C trip Loss of demineralized water TI-6651;

Deaerator Feed feed to 101-U cause high TI-6652;
Water temperature and potential PAH-1031 (2,5 kg/cm2) to control
mechanical damage PV-1031
36 36-4 No Flow of P-2214 A/B/C trip Lower level in 101-U leads to FAL-1087 (D-11-1225-230);
Deaerator Feed potential cavitation of 104-J LAL-1030 to control FV-1087;
Water and damage LAL-1125 to auto start demin
water pump;
LALL-1126 is not permissive to
auto start 104-J (interlock 104-J)
36 36-5 No Flow of FV-1087 is closed Lower level in 101-U leads to FAL-1087;
Deaerator Feed (D-11-1225-230) potential cavitation of 104-J Handwhell on FV-1087 (D-11-
Water and damage 1225-230);
LAL-1125 to auto start demin
water pump;
LALL-1126 is not permissive to
auto start 104-J (interlock 104-J)

36 36-6 No Flow of FV-1087 is closed Potential damage to P-2214 36-1 Ensure that P-2214 Op
Deaerator Feed (D-11-1225-230) A/B/C in parallel running have sufficient
Water protection in case of
parallel running
36 36-7 No Flow of Loss of ammonia & amine pH fluctuation of BFW and AI-1007 (pH) 36-2 Start stand by pump; Op
Ammonia & Amine injection potential corrosion of steam (D-11-1225-249) Regularly check
system, but no immediate injection pump
36 36-8 No Flow of oxygen Loss of oxygen scavenger Higher oxygen concentration 36-3 Start stand by pump; Op
scavenger injection of boiler feed water and Regularly check
potential corrosion of steam injection pump
36 36-9 Less Flow of SC LV-1166 fails closed Lower level in 101-U By pass valve LV-1166 (D-11-
(D-11-1225-220) 1225-220);
Level in 101-U will be maintened
by LIC-1030 opening FV-1087

36 36-10 Less Flow of SC T-02 fails closed Lower level in 101-U Level in 101-U will be maintened
by LIC-1030 opening FV-1087

36 36-11 Reverse Flow 104-J trip Potential damage to 104-J Check valve in 104-J discharge
caused of reverse flow
36 36-12 More Flow of FV-1087 fails opened Potential flooding in 101-U LIC-1030 to control FV-1087;
Deaerator Feed (D-11-1225-230) leads to less deaeration Isolation and by pass valve around
Water performance. FV-1087 (D-11-1225-230);
Potential hot water release LAH-1124;
from the top of vent LSHH-1031 leads LV-1031 open

36 36-13 Other Than Flow of LV-1031 is left opened Steam breakthrough to PIC-1031;
Over Flow from (D-11-1225-249) atmosphere TI-6652;
101-U TI-6651
36 36-14 LV-1031 is not opened when Potential hot water release Handwhell on LV-1031;
required from the top of vent LIC-1030 to control FV-1087
(D-11-1225-249) (D-11-1225-249)
36 36-15 Misdirected Flow Tube failure in 106-C Coveed by Scenario 18-12
36 36-16 Misdirected Flow Tube failure in 103-C1 & C2 Coveed by Scenario 18-9
36 36-17 Misdirected Flow Tube failure in 123-C1 & C2 Coveed by Scenario 13-21
36 36-18 Misdirected Flow Tube failure in 131-C Coveed by Scenario 18-10
36 36-19 Lower Pressure of PV-1031 fails closed Lower temperature of 101-U. PIC-1031;
101-U Less stripping of oxygen. Isolation and by pass valve around

36 36-20 Higher Pressure of PV-1031 wide open Potential mechanical damage PAH-1031 to control PV-1031;
101-U due to over pressure Isolation and by pass valve around

36 36-21 Potential mechanical damage

due to high temperature

36 36-22 Higher Level in Covered by Scenario 36-2,36-

101-U 4
36 36-23 Lower Level in 101- Covered by Scenario 36-4,36-
U 5,36-9,36-10
Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By
37 Surface Condenser
37 37-1 No Flow of Condensing turbine trip Loss of liquid level in 101- LAL-1019;
Steam/Condensate JTC and possible steam LIC-1019 control LV-1019
from turbine breakthrough, resulting in (D-11-1225-248)
pump cavitation and damage

37 37-2 No Flow of Steam 114-J/JA stop Higher level in 101-JTC FIC-1032;

Condensate resulting in tube submergence LAH-1019;
and lack of cooling, loss of LAHH-1019 leads to stand by
vacuum, and possible turbine pump auto start by LSHH-1019
damage due to liquid back up (D-11-1225-248)
to turbine

37 37-3 No Flow of Steam Lower pressure of jacket FIC-1032;

Condensate water lead to higher metal PIC-1113 to open PV-1113 leads
temperature due to no jacket to supply demineralized water as
water, leads to mechanical backup;
damage FI-1151
37 37-4 No Flow of Steam No steam condensate to water FIC-1032
Condensate seal type safety valve, (D-11-1225-252)
potential air leakage to steam
37 37-5 No Flow of Steam LV-1019 fails closed Higher level in 101-JTC FIC-1032;
Condensate (D-11-1225-252) resulting in tube submergence LAH-1019;
and lack of cooling, loss of Handwheel on PV-1019
vacuum, and possible turbine (D-11-1225-252)
damage due to liquid back up
to turbine

37 37-6 No Flow of FV-1032 is closed Loss of minimum flow of Isolation and by pass valve around
Minimum Flow (D-11-1225-252) 114-J/JA leads to pump FV-1032
cavitation and damage
37 37-7 More Flow of Steam LV-1019 wide open Loss of liquid level in 101- LAL-1019;
Condensate (D-11-1225-252) JTC and possible steam Handwheel on PV-1019;
breakthrough, resulting in Isolation and by pass valve around
pump cavitation and damage LV-1019
37 37-8 Less Flow Not Applicable
37 37-9 Misdirected flow of Tube failure in 101-JTC CW leaks to steam condenser PAH-1068;
CW side and loss of vacuum, (D-11-1225-248)
resulting in condensing
turbine trip
37 37-10 Misdirected flow of Higher conductivity of steam AAH-1018
CW condensate leads to (D-11-1225-248)
insufficient water treatment
37 37-11 Other Than Flow Loss of CW to 101-JTC Less performance of Surface PAH-1068;
condenser , resulting in loss (D-11-1225-248)
of vacuum and turbine trip

37 37-12 Loss of liquid level in 101- LAL-1019;

JTC and possible steam LIC-1019 control LV-1019
breakthrough, resulting in (D-11-1225-248)
pump cavitation and damage

37 37-13 Loss of CW to Ejector Less performance of Surface PAH-1068;

Condenser condenser , resulting in loss (D-11-1225-248)
of vacuum and turbine trip
37 37-14 Loss of liquid level in 101- LAL-1019;
JTC and possible steam LIC-1019 control LV-1019
breakthrough, resulting in (D-11-1225-248)
pump cavitation and damage

37 37-15 Higher Temperature Not Applicable

37 37-16 Lower Temperature Not Applicable
37 37-17 Higher Pressure Covered by 37-9, 37-11, 37-
37 37-18 Lower Pressure Covered by 37-3
37 37-19 Higher Level Covered by 37-2, 37-5
37 37-20 Lower Level Covered by 37-1, 37-7, 37-12,
37 37-21 As Well As Flammable Gas leaks in Flammable gas accumulate PAH-1068;
Composition steam system due to tube highest point of surface AAH-1018
failure condenser (D-11-1225-248)

Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By

38 Void
39 Void
40 Air Compressor
40 40-1 No Flow of Process 101-J trip 101-BCA1 exit air-steam and TIC-1311 to control TV-1311; Verify the
air coil temperature increase TAH 1419 (Set : 460 C) mechanical design
(D-11-1225-211); based on no flow of
FALL-1003 (Set : 51700 kg/h) air
101 J stop leads to HV-1021 open
to feed protection steam
40 40-2 No Flow of Process 101-BCA2 exit air-steam and TIC-1311 to control TV-1311;
air coil temperature increase. TAH 1419 (Set : 460 C)
Potential coil rupture (D-11-1225-211);
TAH-1312 (Set : 625 C)
FALL-1003 (Set : 51700 kg/h)
101 J stop leads to HV-1021 open
to feed protection steam

40 40-3 No Flow of Process MOV-1006 is closed Compressor surge and damage MOV-1006 closure can only be
air (D-11-1225-203) done by inching;
FAL-1004 to control FV-1004
40 40-4 No Flow of Process 101-BCA1 exit air-steam and TIC-1311 to control TV-1311;
air coil temperature increase TAH 1419 (Set : 460 C)
FALL-1003 (Set : 51700 kg/h)

40 40-5 No Flow of Process 101-BCA2 exit air-steam and MOV-1006 closure can only be
air coil temperature increase. done by inching;
Potential coil rupture TV-1311 (D-11-1225-211);
TAH 1419 (Set : 460 C);
TAH-1312 (Set : 625 C)
FALL-1003 (Set : 51700 kg/h)
ZLC-1006 (D-11-1225-203)

40 40-6 No Flow of Process FV-1004 fails closed 101-BCA1 exit air-steam and TIC-1311 to controlTV-1311;
air (D-11-1225-203) coil temperature increase TAH 1419 (Set : 460 C)
FALL-1003 (Set : 51700 kg/h)

40 40-7 No Flow of Process 101-BCA2 exit air-steam and TIC-1311 to controlTV-1311;

air coil temperature increase. TAH 1419 (Set : 460 C)
Potential coil rupture (D-11-1225-211);
TAH-1312 (Set : 625 C)
FALL-1003 (Set : 51700 kg/h)
40 40-8 More Flow of Not Applicable
Process Air
40 40-9 Less Flow of 101-JL1 is plugged Higher pressure drop across PDAH-1101 (D-11-1225-203)
Process Air 101-JL1, potential compressor
surge and damage

40 40-10 Reverse Flow of 101-J trip Reverse rotation , potential Check valve at inlet 101-BCA1
Process Air damage to compressor seal MOV-1006 is closed when 101-J
and balance drum stop
40 40-11 Othet Than Flow HV-1023 wide open Less flow to 101-J 3rd stage Handwhell on HV-1023;
(D-11-1225-203) suction leads to compressor XI-61111 through XI-6114;
surge and damage ZI-6110;
Vibration monitor with alarm;
Axial rotor position HH trip
(Alert : 60 um, Danger : 80 um)

40 40-12 Othet Than Flow HV-1023 doesn't open when Compressor surge and damage Handwhell on HV-1023;
required XI-61111 through XI-6114;
(D-11-1225-203) ZI-6110;
Vibration monitor with alarm;
Axial rotor position HH trip
(Alert : 60 um, Danger : 80 um)

40 40-13 Misdirected Flow Tube Failure in 101-JCA Air leaks to CW side, causing Cooling Tower Vent
over pressure
40 40-14 Misdirected Flow Tube Failure in 101-JCB Air leaks to CW side, causing Cooling Tower Vent
over pressure
40 40-15 Misdirected Flow Tube Failure in 101-JCC Air leaks to CW side, causing Cooling Tower Vent
over pressure
40 40-16 Higher Temperature Loss of CW to 101-JCA Higher temperature of 2nd TI-1830;
suction leads to higher XI-61111 through XI-6114;
discharge temperature , ZI-6110;
causing potential damage ZI-6111;
Vibration monitor with alarm;
Axial rotor position HH trip
(Alert : 60 um, Danger : 80 um)
40 40-17 Higher Temperature Loss of CW to 101-JCB Higher temperature of 3rd TI-1832;
suction leads to higher XI-61111 through XI-6114;
discharge temperature , ZI-6110;
causing potential damage ZI-6111;
Vibration monitor with alarm;
Axial rotor position HH trip
(Alert : 60 um, Danger : 80 um)

40 40-18 Higher Temperature Loss of CW to 101-JCC Higher temperature of 4th TAH-1300;

suction leads to higher XI-61111 through XI-6114;
discharge temperature , ZI-6110;
causing potential damage ZI-6111;
Vibration monitor with alarm;
Axial rotor position HH trip
(Alert : 60 um, Danger : 80 um)

40 40-19 Lower Temperature Not Applicable

40 40-20 Higher Pressure Covered by Scenario 40-13,

40-14, 40-15
40 40-21 Lower Pressure Covered by Scenario 40-11
Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences
1 1-2 No Flow of Natural 102-J trip High Pressure of Fuel Gas
Gas inlet Boiler (B 1102)

1 1-3 No Flow of Natural 102-J trip High Pressure of Fuel Gas

Gas inlet GTG (GT 2201)
1 1-4 No Flow of Natural 102-J trip High Pressure NG to Plant
1 1-10 Misdirected Flow of Tube failure in 133- NG leaks to CW side. And
NG C will be sent to CW tower

3 3-10 Less Flow of Catalyst breakage of Potential higher differential

Mixture (Natural carbon deposit pressure across reforming
Gas and Steam) tube, and hot spot appearance
on tube

3 3-15 Lower Temperature Fuel valve closure Low temperature of process

(tunnel burner) gas at 101-BCX may result in
potential increase of methane
slip from 101-B

5 5-24 Lower Pressure of 101-BJ2 overspeed Lower firebox pressure

Fire Box

5 5-27 Start up/ Shut down Start up/ Shut down Pocket of combusible gases in
case of insufficient purging

9 9-9 Misdirected Flow Syn gas leaks to CW side, and

will be sent to CW tower.
Finally, Syn gas will be
vented to atmosphere, causing
potential fire or explosion.

13 13-17 Misdirected Flow Syn gas leaks to CW side, and

will be sent to CW tower and
vent to atmosphere causing
potential fire or explosion

13 13-19 Misdirected Flow Syn gas leaks to CW side, and

will be sent to CW tower and
vent to atmosphere causing
potential fire or explosion
13 13-21 Misdirected Flow Tube failure in 123- Syn gas leaks to BFW side ,
C1/C2 and accumulated at surface
condenser. This may cause
higher pressure at surface
condenser and release of syn
gas to atmosphere through
RV-101JTA, RV-101JTB,

15 15-16 Higher Level in Loss of liquid level in 105-E

104-E and gas breakthrough to 141-J
and 103-E, possible flooding
in 103-E and 141-J damage
Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By
Man BV Upstream Boiler 1-1 Verify there is no Control
impact to Package Room Op
PSV-2221 (Set : 21,1 kg/cm2) 1-2 Verify there is no Control
impact to GTG Room Op
HC-1199; 1-3 Verify there is no Control
PAH-1199 (Set : 18,5 kg/cm2) impact to PII/III Room Op
1-4 Check vent of Op
cooling tower.
Regularly check of
explosive gas at
cooling tower.
PDI-1102 (D-11-1225-212); 3-1 Periodic visual Op & PE
Periodic visual inspection of tube checking to be
and tube skin temperature check highlighted in
Periodic evalution
of catalyst
performance by
process engineer.

TAL-1313 (Set : 590 C) 3-2 AI-1001 should Instrument

(D-11-1225-212); replace by the new
AI-1001 (CH4 Content) one
Periodical Laboratory Sampling
PIC-1019 (D-11-1225-211) 5-1 Confirm overspeed Op
trip is provided for
101 BJ2T
Operating procedure 5-2 Highligt furnace PE
purging procedure
in operating
Cooling Tower Vent 9-1 Check vent of Op
cooling tower.
Regularly check of
explosive gas at
cooling tower.

Vent system at Cooling Tower 13-1 Check vent of Op

cooling tower.
Regularly check of
explosive gas at
cooling tower.
Vent system at Cooling Tower 13-2 Check vent of Op
cooling tower.
Regularly check of
explosive gas at
cooling tower.
Vent system at safe location 13-3 Verify possible Op
point of
accumulation of
leaked syn gas.

LAL-1027 (Set : 10%) 15-1 Verify if there in Op & PE

(D-11-1225-237) sufficient time for
Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By

32 Fuel Gas System For Superheat Burner

32 32-1 No Flow of Total Fuel Gas TV-1005 fails closed Burner extinction PAL-1140 (Set : 0,2 kg/cm2)
(D-11-1225-257) PSLL-1240 (Set : 0,1 kg/cm2) leads
to fuel cut for superheat burner;
Isolation and by pass valve around
PCV-1143 (D-11-1225-257)

32 32-2 No Flow of Total Fuel Gas XV-1240 A or B fails closed Burner extinction PAL-1140 (Set : 0,2 kg/cm2);
(D-11-1225-257) PSLL-1240 (Set : 0,1 kg/cm2) leads
to fuel cut for superheat burner
32 32-3 No Flow of Fuel Gas for PCV-1144 fails closed Pilot burner extinction PI-1785;
Pilot Burner of Superheat (D-11-1225-257) PAL-1145 (Set : 0,25 kg/cm2);
burner PSLL-1245 (Set : 0,2 kg/cm2) leads
to fuel cut for main and pilot burner
of Superheat burner

32 32-4 No Flow of Fuel Gas to XV-1245 A or B fails closed Pilot burner extinction PI-1785;
Pilot Burner of Superheat (D-11-1225-257) PAL-1145 (Set : 0,25 kg/cm2);
burner PSLL-1245 (Set : 0,2 kg/cm2) leads
to fuel cut for main and pilot burner
of Superheat burner

32 32-5 No Flow Checking gas XV-1241 A or B fails closed Delay of start up XL-1246 A & XL-1246 B;
(D-11-1225-257) HS-1246 (Purge/checking sequence
32 32-6 More Flow of Fuel Gas TV-1005 wide open Higher pressure of pilot burner system, excess firing, PAH-1141 (Set : 2,4 kg/cm2);
(D-11-1225-257) possible flame out PSHH-1241 (Set : 2,85 kg/cm2) leads
to fuel cut for superheat burner

32 32-7 More Flow of Fuel Gas PCV-1144 wide open Higher pressure of pilot burner system, excess firing, PAH-1146 (Set : 0,5 kg/cm2);
(D-11-1225-257) possible flame out PSHH-1246 (Set : 0,55 kg/cm2) leads
to fuel cut for superheat burner

32 32-8 Less Flow of Fuel Gas to XV-1240C fails open Flammable gas release to atmosphere (safe location), PAL-1140 (Set : 0,2 kg/cm2)
Main Burner of Superheat (D-11-1225-257) Loss of fuel gas. PSLL-1240 (Set : 0,1 kg/cm2) leads
burner to fuel cut for superheat burner
32 32-9 Less Flow of Fuel Gas to XV-1245C fails open Flammable gas release to atmosphere (safe location), PAL-1145 (Set : 0,25 kg/cm2);
Main Burner of Superheat (D-11-1225-257) Loss of fuel gas. PSLL-1245 (Set : 0,2 kg/cm2) leads
burner to fuel cut for main and pilot burner
of Superheat burner
32 32-10 Less Flow of Chencking XV-1241C fails open Delay of start up XL-1246 A & XL-1246 B;
Gas (D-11-1225-257) HS-1246 (Purge/checking sequence
32 32-11 Higher Temperature of Fuel Not Applicable
32 32-12 Lower Temperature of Fuel Not Applicable
32 32-13 Higher Pressure of Fuel Gas Covered by Scenario 32-6,
32 32-14 Lower Pressure of Fuel Gas Covered by Scenario 32-1,
32-2, 32-3, 32-4, 32-8, 32-9

Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By

33 Fuel Gas System For Start up Heater

33 33-1 No Flow of Total Fuel Gas HV-1050 fails closed Burner extinction PAL-1150 (Set : 0,2 kg/cm2);
(D-11-1225-256) PSLL-1250 (Set : 0,1 kg/cm2) leads
to fuel cut for 102-B burner;
Isolation and by pass valve around
PCV-1153 (D-11-1225-256)

33 33-2 No Flow of Total Fuel Gas XV-1250 A or B fails closed Burner extinction PAL-1150 (Set : 0,2 kg/cm2);
(D-11-1225-256) PSLL-1250 (Set : 0,1 kg/cm2) leads
to fuel cut for 102-B burner;
33 33-3 No Flow of Fuel Gas to PCV-1154 fails closed Pilot Burner extinction PAL-1155 (Set : 0,25 kg/cm2);
Pilot Burner (D-11-1225-256) PSL-1157 leads to fuel cut for 102-B
main and pilot burner
33 33-4 No Flow of Fuel Gas to XV-1255 A or B fails closed Pilot Burner extinction PAL-1155 (Set :0,25 kg/cm2);
Pilot Burner (D-11-1225-256) PSL-1157 leads to fuel cut for 102-B
main and pilot burner
33 33-5 No Flow of Checking Gas XV fails closed Delay of start up XL-1211 A & XL-1211 B;
(D-11-1225-256) HS-1211 (Purge/checking sequence
33 33-6 More Flow of Total Fuel HV-1050 wide open Higher pressure of system , excess firing, possible PAH-1151 (Set : 2 kg/cm2);
Gas (D-11-1225-256) flame out PSHH-1251 (Set : 2,2 kg/cm2) leads
to fuel cut for 102-B main and pilot
33 33-7 More Flow of Total Fuel PCV-1154 wide open Higher pressure of pilot burner system, excess firing, PAH-1156 (Set : 0,5 kg/cm2)
Gas to Pilot Burner (D-11-1225-256) possibl flame out (D-11-1225-256)

33 33-8 Less Flow of Total Fuel Gas XV-1250C fails open Flammable gas release to atmosphre (Safe location), PAL-1150 (Set : 0,2 kg/cm2);
to Pilot Burner (D-11-1225-256) Loss of fuel gas PSLL-1250 (Set : 0,1 kg/cm2) leads
to fuel cut for 102-B burner
33 33-9 Less Flow of Total Fuel Gas XV-1255C fails open Flammable gas release to atmosphre (Safe location), PAL-1155 (Set : 0,25 kg/cm2);
to Main Burner (D-11-1225-256) Loss of fuel gas PSL-1157 lead to fule cut for 102-B
main and pilot burner
33 33-10 Less Flow of Checking Gas XV-1251C fails open Delay of start up XL-1211 A & XL-1211 B;
(D-11-1225-256) HS-1211 (Purge/checking sequence
33 33-11 Higher Temperature of Fuel Not Applicable
33 33-12 Lower Temperature of Fuel Not Applicable
33 33-13 Higher Pressure of Fuel Gas Covered by Scenario 33-6,
33 33-14 Lower Pressure of Fuel Gas Covered by Scenario 33-1,
33-2, 33-3, 33-4, 33-8,33-9

Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By

34 Vent System

34 34-1 No Flow Not Applicable

34 34-2 More Flow Not Applicable

34 34-3 Less Flow Not Applicable

34 34-4 Higher Temperature Not Applicable

34 34-5 Lower Temperature Not Applicable

34 34-6 Higher Pressure Not Applicable

34 34-7 Lower Pressure Not Applicable

34 34-8 Higher Level Not Applicable

34 34-9 Lower Level Not Applicable

34 34-10 As Well As Composition Contaminant of NH3 and Carbamate and other salt formation Source of NH3 vent are separated
CO2 from front end vent (containt CO2)

Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By

36 Deaerator, BFW Pump

36 36-1 No Flow of BFW 104-J trip Loss of liquid level in 101-F causes damage to steam LI-1001A;
(Boiler Feed Water) drum LI-1001B;
LIC-1001 maintains level in 101-F by
controling 104-JT speed;
LAL 1028 (Set : 787 mm);
LAL-1223 (Set : 229 mm) leads to
fuel cut of all burners;
FIC 1006 (HS-1102,3 elements
control) leads to auto start of BFW
stand by pump

36 36-2 No Flow of BFW 104-J trip Flooding in 101-U leads to less deaeration performance. LIC-1030 to control FV-1087;
Potential hot water release from top of vent . LAH-1124 (Set :2729 mm);
LSHH-1031 leads LV-1031 open
36 36-3 No Flow of Deaerator Feed P-2214 A/B/C trip Loss of demineralized water feed to 101-U cause high TI-6651;
Water temperature and potential mechanical damage TI-6652;
PAH-1031 (2,5 kg/cm2) to control
36 36-4 No Flow of Deaerator Feed P-2214 A/B/C trip Lower level in 101-U leads to potential cavitation of FAL-1087 (D-11-1225-230);
Water 104-J and damage LAL-1030 to control FV-1087;
LAL-1125 to auto start demin water
LALL-1126 is not permissive to auto
start 104-J (interlock 104-J) (D-11-

36 36-5 No Flow of Deaerator Feed FV-1087 is closed Lower level in 101-U leads to potential cavitation of FAL-1087;
Water (D-11-1225-230) 104-J and damage Handwhell on FV-1087 (D-11-1225-
LAL-1125 to auto start demin water
LALL-1126 is not permissive to auto
start 104-J (interlock 104-J) (D-11-

36 36-6 No Flow of Deaerator Feed FV-1087 is closed Potential damage to P-2214 A/B/C in parallel running 36-1 Ensure that P-2214 have sufficient protection in Op
Water (D-11-1225-230) case of parallel running
36 36-7 No Flow of Ammonia & Loss of ammonia & amine pH fluctuation of BFW and potential corrosion of steam AI-1007 (pH) 36-2 Start stand by pump; Op
Amine injection system, but no immediate impact. (D-11-1225-249) Regularly check injection pump
36 36-8 No Flow of oxygen Loss of oxygen scavenger Higher oxygen concentration of boiler feed water and 36-3 Start stand by pump; Op
scavenger injection potential corrosion of steam system. Regularly check injection pump
36 36-9 Less Flow of SC LV-1166 fails closed Lower level in 101-U By pass valve LV-1166 (D-11-1225-
(D-11-1225-220) 220);
Level in 101-U will be maintened by
LIC-1030 opening FV-1087
36 36-10 Less Flow of SC T-02 fails closed Lower level in 101-U Level in 101-U will be maintened by
LIC-1030 opening FV-1087
36 36-11 Reverse Flow 104-J trip Potential damage to 104-J caused of reverse flow Check valve in 104-J discharge
36 36-12 More Flow of Deaerator FV-1087 fails opened Potential flooding in 101-U leads to less deaeration LIC-1030 to control FV-1087;
Feed Water (D-11-1225-230) performance. Isolation and by pass valve around
Potential hot water release from the top of vent FV-1087 (D-11-1225-230);
LSHH-1031 leads LV-1031 open

36 36-13 Other Than Flow of Over LV-1031 is left opened Steam breakthrough to atmosphere PIC-1031;
Flow from 101-U (D-11-1225-249) TI-6652;
36 36-14 LV-1031 is not opened Potential hot water release from the top of vent Handwhell on LV-1031;
when required LIC-1030 to control FV-1087
(D-11-1225-249) (D-11-1225-249)
36 36-15 Misdirected Flow Tube failure in 106-C Coveed by Scenario 18-12

36 36-16 Misdirected Flow Tube failure in 103-C1 & Coveed by Scenario 18-9
36 36-17 Misdirected Flow Tube failure in 123-C1 & Coveed by Scenario 13-21
36 36-18 Misdirected Flow Tube failure in 131-C Coveed by Scenario 18-10
36 36-19 Lower Pressure of 101-U PV-1031 fails closed Lower temperature of 101-U. PIC-1031;
Less stripping of oxygen. Isolation and by pass valve around

36 36-20 Higher Pressure of 101-U PV-1031 wide open Potential mechanical damage due to over pressure PAH-1031 to control PV-1031;
Isolation and by pass valve around

36 36-21 Potential mechanical damage due to high temperature

36 36-22 Higher Level in 101-U Covered by Scenario 36-

36 36-23 Lower Level in 101-U Covered by Scenario 36-

Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By

37 Surface Condenser

37 37-1 No Flow of Condensing turbine trip Loss of liquid level in 101-JTC and possible steam LAL-1019;
Steam/Condensate from breakthrough, resulting in pump cavitation and damage LIC-1019 control LV-1019
turbine (D-11-1225-248)
37 37-2 No Flow of Steam 114-J/JA stop Higher level in 101-JTC resulting in tube submergence FIC-1032;
Condensate and lack of cooling, loss of vacuum, and possible LAH-1019;
turbine damage due to liquid back up to turbine LAHH-1019 leads to stand by pump
auto start by LSHH-1019
37 37-3 No Flow of Steam Lower pressure of jacket water lead to higher metal FIC-1032;
Condensate temperature due to no jacket water, leads to mechanical PIC-1113 to open PV-1113 leads to
damage supply demineralized water as

37 37-4 No Flow of Steam No steam condensate to water seal type safety valve, FIC-1032
Condensate potential air leakage to steam side (D-11-1225-252)
37 37-5 No Flow of Steam LV-1019 fails closed Higher level in 101-JTC resulting in tube submergence FIC-1032;
Condensate (D-11-1225-252) and lack of cooling, loss of vacuum, and possible LAH-1019;
turbine damage due to liquid back up to turbine Handwheel on PV-1019
37 37-6 No Flow of Minimum Flow FV-1032 is closed Loss of minimum flow of 114-J/JA leads to pump Isolation and by pass valve around
(D-11-1225-252) cavitation and damage FV-1032
37 37-7 More Flow of Steam LV-1019 wide open Loss of liquid level in 101-JTC and possible steam LAL-1019;
Condensate (D-11-1225-252) breakthrough, resulting in pump cavitation and damage Handwheel on PV-1019;
Isolation and by pass valve around
37 37-8 Less Flow Not Applicable

37 37-9 Misdirected flow of CW Tube failure in 101-JTC CW leaks to steam condenser side and loss of vacuum, PAH-1068;
resulting in condensing turbine trip (D-11-1225-248)
37 37-10 Misdirected flow of CW Higher conductivity of steam condensate leads to AAH-1018
insufficient water treatment performance (D-11-1225-248)
37 37-11 Other Than Flow Loss of CW to 101-JTC Less performance of Surface condenser , resulting in PAH-1068;
loss of vacuum and turbine trip (D-11-1225-248)
37 37-12 Loss of liquid level in 101-JTC and possible steam LAL-1019;
breakthrough, resulting in pump cavitation and damage LIC-1019 control LV-1019
37 37-13 Loss of CW to Ejector Less performance of Surface condenser , resulting in PAH-1068;
Condenser loss of vacuum and turbine trip (D-11-1225-248)
37 37-14 Loss of liquid level in 101-JTC and possible steam LAL-1019;
breakthrough, resulting in pump cavitation and damage LIC-1019 control LV-1019
37 37-15 Higher Temperature Not Applicable

37 37-16 Lower Temperature Not Applicable

37 37-17 Higher Pressure Covered by 37-9, 37-11, 37-

37 37-18 Lower Pressure Covered by 37-3

37 37-19 Higher Level Covered by 37-2, 37-5

37 37-20 Lower Level Covered by 37-1, 37-7, 37-

12, 37-14
37 37-21 As Well As Composition Flammable Gas leaks in Flammable gas accumulate highest point of surface PAH-1068;
steam system due to tube condenser AAH-1018
failure (D-11-1225-248)
Node # Ref # Deviation Cause Consequences Safeguards Rec # Recommendation Action By

38 Void

39 Void

40 Air Compressor

40 40-1 No Flow of Process air 101-J trip 101-BCA1 exit air-steam and coil temperature increase TIC-1311 to control TV-1311; Verify the mechanical design based on no flow of
TAH 1419 (Set : 460 C) air
FALL-1003 (Set : 51700 kg/h)
101 J stop leads to HV-1021 open to
feed protection steam

40 40-2 No Flow of Process air 101-BCA2 exit air-steam and coil temperature increase. TIC-1311 to control TV-1311;
Potential coil rupture TAH 1419 (Set : 460 C)
TAH-1312 (Set : 625 C)
FALL-1003 (Set : 51700 kg/h)
101 J stop leads to HV-1021 open to
feed protection steam

40 40-3 No Flow of Process air MOV-1006 is closed Compressor surge and damage MOV-1006 closure can only be done
(D-11-1225-203) by inching;
FAL-1004 to control FV-1004
40 40-4 No Flow of Process air 101-BCA1 exit air-steam and coil temperature increase TIC-1311 to control TV-1311;
TAH 1419 (Set : 460 C)
FALL-1003 (Set : 51700 kg/h)

40 40-5 No Flow of Process air 101-BCA2 exit air-steam and coil temperature increase. MOV-1006 closure can only be done
Potential coil rupture by inching;
TV-1311 (D-11-1225-211);
TAH 1419 (Set : 460 C);
TAH-1312 (Set : 625 C)
FALL-1003 (Set : 51700 kg/h)
ZLC-1006 (D-11-1225-203)

40 40-6 No Flow of Process air FV-1004 fails closed 101-BCA1 exit air-steam and coil temperature increase TIC-1311 to controlTV-1311;
(D-11-1225-203) TAH 1419 (Set : 460 C)
FALL-1003 (Set : 51700 kg/h)
40 40-7 No Flow of Process air 101-BCA2 exit air-steam and coil temperature increase. TIC-1311 to controlTV-1311;
Potential coil rupture TAH 1419 (Set : 460 C)
TAH-1312 (Set : 625 C)
FALL-1003 (Set : 51700 kg/h)

40 40-8 More Flow of Process Air Not Applicable

40 40-9 Less Flow of Process Air 101-JL1 is plugged Higher pressure drop across 101-JL1, potential PDAH-1101 (D-11-1225-203)
compressor surge and damage
40 40-10 Reverse Flow of Process Air 101-J trip Reverse rotation , potential damage to compressor seal Check valve at inlet 101-BCA1
and balance drum MOV-1006 is closed when 101-J stop

40 40-11 Othet Than Flow HV-1023 wide open Less flow to 101-J 3rd stage suction leads to Handwhell on HV-1023;
(D-11-1225-203) compressor surge and damage XI-61111 through XI-6114;
Vibration monitor with alarm;
Axial rotor position HH trip
(Alert : 60 um, Danger : 80 um)

40 40-12 Othet Than Flow HV-1023 doesn't open when Compressor surge and damage Handwhell on HV-1023;
required XI-61111 through XI-6114;
(D-11-1225-203) ZI-6110;
Vibration monitor with alarm;
Axial rotor position HH trip
(Alert : 60 um, Danger : 80 um)

40 40-13 Misdirected Flow Tube Failure in 101-JCA Air leaks to CW side, causing over pressure Cooling Tower Vent

40 40-14 Misdirected Flow Tube Failure in 101-JCB Air leaks to CW side, causing over pressure Cooling Tower Vent

40 40-15 Misdirected Flow Tube Failure in 101-JCC Air leaks to CW side, causing over pressure Cooling Tower Vent

40 40-16 Higher Temperature Loss of CW to 101-JCA Higher temperature of 2nd suction leads to higher TI-1830;
discharge temperature , causing potential damage XI-61111 through XI-6114;
Vibration monitor with alarm;
Axial rotor position HH trip
(Alert : 60 um, Danger : 80 um)
40 40-17 Higher Temperature Loss of CW to 101-JCB Higher temperature of 3rd suction leads to higher TI-1832;
discharge temperature , causing potential damage XI-61111 through XI-6114;
Vibration monitor with alarm;
Axial rotor position HH trip
(Alert : 60 um, Danger : 80 um)

40 40-18 Higher Temperature Loss of CW to 101-JCC Higher temperature of 4th suction leads to higher TAH-1300;
discharge temperature , causing potential damage XI-61111 through XI-6114;
Vibration monitor with alarm;
Axial rotor position HH trip
(Alert : 60 um, Danger : 80 um)

40 40-19 Lower Temperature Not Applicable

40 40-20 Higher Pressure Covered by Scenario 40-13,

40-14, 40-15
40 40-21 Lower Pressure Covered by Scenario 40-11

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