International Tourist Arrivals

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Phạm Anh Thư – 12 Anh 2

The graph shows the overall numbers of tourist arrivals in five parts of the world
between 1990 and 2005.

Overall, North America and Central and Eastern Euroupe was the two most famous
destination of that time, while the rest, South-East Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, South
America, didn’t attract many tourists.

In 1990 over 70 million tourists visited North America, doubling the amount of that of
Central and Eastern Europe. However, the period from 2000 and 2005 witnessed a
decrease of about 1m5 in the numbers going to North America whereas there was an
significant increase of tourists visiting Central and Eastern Europe at the end of the
period. Both ended up with almost 90 million each.

The number of tourists visiting the others parts of the world rose steadily over the
whole period, started from 1990 with about 10 millions for South America and Sub-
Saharan Africa and finished with around 17 millions and 20 millions respectively; while
more than 20 millions tourist visited South-East Asia in 1990 then the figure increased
and ended at around 50 millions.

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