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SCHEDULE “a” JER IK LSTK (PACKAGE 5A) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 SCHEDULE "Q" QUALITY REQUIREMENTS ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1. GENERAL 2 2. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: 3 3. DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS 3 4. MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY 4 5, RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 4 6. PROJECT REALIZATION/EXECUTION i 6 7, MEASUREMENT, ANALYSIS AND IMPROVEMENT SCHEDULE “a” JER IK (PACKAGE 5A) CO? TNO. a GENERAL i 12. 1.3. 15. 1.6. ah This Schedule “Q" describes COMPANY's minimum requirements for CONTRACTOR's quality system (Quality System). CONTRACTOR shall be totally responsibié Tor the quality of WORK required by this Contrac! Except as provided in Paragraph 5.4 of this Schedule “Q’, CONTRACTOR responsibilities as described herein may not be delegated without the express written consent of the Company Representative. CONTRACTOR shall inspect, test and accept all parts of the WORK as defined in Schedule “B", including its Subcontractors’ work, in conformance with all drawings, specifications and standards applicable to the WORK. CONTRACTOR shall perform quality management functions for all parts of the WORK, including its Subcontractors, Vendors, and manufacturers work as specified in the CONTRACTOR's Quality Manual and approved Quality Plan(s). COMPANY shall be entitled to have the Company Representative or their nominee present at all locations where CONTRACTOR or its Subcontractors and Vendors are engaged in the performance of the WORK, at any and all times, to review all aspects of CONTRACTOR's quality activities and to witness whatever inspection and testing is required under this Contract. COMPANY ‘retains the right to conduct whatever additional tests or inspections at CONTRACTOR'S cost it deems necessary to assure itself that the materials meet the requirements of the Contract. Should such additional tests contirm th\t there are any non-conformances or sub-standard WORK, CONTRACTOR shall, at its sole expense and risk, rectify the WORK in order to meet the requirements of this Contract. CONTRACTOR shall not refuse access to technical or other data including software data which CONTRACTOR considers proprietary or confidential, and which is reasonably required to inspect CONTRACTOR’ performance of the WORK, except where the nominee of Company Representative is a competitor of CONTRACTOR in the sale, engineering, or installation of systems similar to the FACILITIES or Is related to or affiliated with such a firm, in which event the Company Representative may nominate an altemative nominee. COMPANY will complete its review of CONTRACTOR'S quality documents and personnel qualifications no more than ten (10) days after receipt of 2 document or its subsequent modifications. Following its initial review, COMPANY will approve of provisionally approve under conditions to be approved by CONTRACTOR the submitted document or personnel qualification, or it will reject the document with comments. Where there is no response from COMPANY after ten (10) days, CONTRACTOR shall proceed. Paragraph 32.11 of Schedule “A” shall apply to any review, response, approval or provisional approval under this Paragraph 1.6 ot any failure to review, respond, approve or provisionally approve. | For any inspecdon or any test required to be witnessed by COMPANY, including any required by applicable laws, rules and regulations of Sauci Arabia, CONTRACTOR shall provide notice of said inspection or test as Q-2 gr SCHEDULE “a” JER IK LSTK (PA JA) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 specified in the approved Inspection and Test Plans (ITPs) to enable the Company Representative to attend. If any part of the WORK or the FACILITIES is closed or covered before the required inspection or witnessing has been performed or without agreement by COMPANY, it must, if required by COMPANY, be opened or uncovered for inspection or witnessing and reciosed or recovered at CONTRACTOR's expense. 1.8. _ If any inspection or test directed or performed by COMPANY, or by another party at the direction of COMPANY, reveals any defect in CONTRACTOR- supplied materials, or if COMPANY deems CONTRACTOR-supplied materials or any part of the WORK to be sub-standard, CONTRACTOR shall bear the cost of such inspection and testing and shall promptly correct such defect at CONTRACTOR'S sole expense anc, risk. 1.8. lf CONTRACTOR does not adhere to the quality requirements of this, schedule, COMPANY may, at its sole discretion, after ten (10) days notification to CONTRACTOR, supply sufficient inspection and testing services to assure that the WORK is being performed as required by this Contract. CONTRACTOR shall bear the cost of such inspection and testing. For the avoidance of doubt, CONTRACTOR shall ensure that, in this event, the WORK Schedule is adhered to. 2. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS CONTRACTOR shall implement for this Contract a Quality Management System according to the latest version of ISO 9001 (Quality Management Systems — Requirements) or equivalent, which is incorporated herein by reference and this ‘Schedule “OQ”. Definitions contained in ISO 9000, (Quality Management Systems — Fundamentals and Vocabulary) latest version shall apply. in case of conflict between ISO 9001 and this Schedule “A”, the requirements of this Schedule “Q” ‘shail take precedence. 3. DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS: 3.1 CONTRACTOR shall plan, organize, controi|and execute all WORK in strict accordance with CONTRACTOR's Quality Plans, ITPs and documented procedures. The Quality Plans must ensure that quality personnel and processes, including those of Subcontractors, are effective and that the WORK is completed in strict compliance with all provisions of Schedule “B” of this Contract. 32 CONTRACTOR shall prepare the Project-specific Quality Plan covering as applicable, design, procurement, construction, _pre-commissioning commissioning and start -up assistance and performance test assistance activities as detailed in this Schedule “Q" and submit it to the Company Representative for review and approval no later than sixty (60) days after the effective date of this Contract. 3.3 CONTRACTOR shall not release requisitions for equipment quotations or start any WORK prior to COMPANY'S approval of the Quality Plan unless specifically approved in writing by the Company Representative. WY a-3 SCHEDULE “0” JER IK LSTK (PACKAGE 5A) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 34 oe 36 37 CONTRACTOR shall submit Procurement inspection and Test Plans in accordance with Paragraph 3.2 of Attachment Ill to this Schedule “Q”. CONTRACTOR shall not permit fabrication to begin on any item required to have an ITP without issuing the ITP to COMPANY for approval. Where there is no response from COMPANY after ten (10) days, CONTRACTOR shall proceed. CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit Construction ITP(s) in accordance with Paragraph 1 of Attachment IV to this-Schedule “Q". CONTRACTOR shall not start specific construction or pre-commissioning, commissioning and all other related activities prior to COMPANY’s approval of the applicable ITP. CONTRACTOR ' shall modify its Quality Plans to reflect any significant changes identified by CONTRACTOR or COMPANY. CONTRACTOR's revised Quality Plans shall then be resubmitted for COMPANY's approval. The latest revision of CONTRACTOR's Quality Manual and applicable Quality Pians and all referenced documentation shall be avaliabie for COMPANY’s use at CONTRACTOR's design, procurement, fabrication, installation and construction locations. Reference documents include all those contained in drawings, specifications and procedures for the inspection of equipment and materials to be fabricated or constructed at the applicable WORK Site. MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY 44 42 in accordance with SO 9001, CONTRACTOR's senior management shall raview the project-specific Quality System every six months to ensure that the system is suitable, adequate and effective. Senior management reviews shall be scheduled events included in the quality audit schedule approved by the Company Representative as provided in Paragraph 7.2.2 of this ‘Schedule “Q”. Within ten (10) |ays after the scheduled review date, CONTRACTOR shall advise the Company Representative in writing of the results and recommended actions of such reviews. Changes to the Quality System that result from CONTRACTOR's senior management reviews shall be incorporated in the Project Quality Plans, with the prior approval of the Company Representative. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 5.1 CONTRACTOR shall provide resources to implement the Quality System as set forth in this Contract. CONTRACTOR shall supply Competency Profiles for all Quality personnel involved in procurement, engineering, design, construction, gre-commissioning, commissioning, start-up assistance and performance tests assistance activities for COMPANY approval. Quality personnel identified pursuant to Attachments | and VI of this Schedule “C shall be on-site prior to the start of the applicable WORK commensurate with the magnitude of the imminent work. LE SCHEDULE “a” JER IK LST (PACKAGE 5A) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 52 & 5.4 55 5.9 Xe CONTRACTOR shall provide resumes of all key CONTRACTOR and ‘Subcontractor Quality personnel to COMPANY for review and approval prior to the start of WORK by each individual. COMPANY shall have the right to interview and/or test assigned inspectors. COMPANY has the right to reject proposed candidates if they do not comply with the requirements in Attachment | to this Schedule ‘Q" or if COMPANY has had prior poor experience with such candidates. \ CONTRACTOR shall designate the Quality Assurance Manager for this Contract within seven (7) days of the date of this Contract. The Quality Assurance Manager shall be assigned to the WORK through to Ready for Initial Start-Up. CONTRACTOR may subcontract inspection services, subject to COMPANY's review and approval. However this does not relieve CONTRACTOR of its contractual quality responsibilities. CONTRACTOR's, Subcontractor's and third party agency's quality personnel assigned to the WORK shall meet the minimum qualification requirements of Attachment | of this Schedule “Q”, and must be technically competent to perform and to successfully complete their duties. Records must be maintained for COMPANY's review that document the qualifications of CONTRACTOR's Quality Personnel. CONTRACTOR's Quality personnel shall be dedicated to the WORK described in this Schedule “Q" and shall perform no other function on this Contract. CONTRACTOR's Quality personnel shall have sufficient and well- defined responsibility, quaifications, authorit| and organisational freedom to identify quality problems and areas of non-conformance and to initiate, recommend and substantiate corrective actions. CONTRACTOR's Quality managers shall have organizational authority at least equal to that of the line manager directly responsible for execution of the WORK. During all phases of the WORK, CONTRACTOR’s Quality Control (QC) supervisor(s) shall functionally report to the CONTRACTOR quality assurance manager or Quality Control manager. CONTRACTOR shall submit to the Company Representative within thirty (30) days from the date of this Contract and update with changes shown as part of the monthly quality management report, (See Para. 7.5.1), a listing, sorted by discipline for each WORK phase, of: 1) approved personnel forecast to be mobilized in the next sixty (60) days. 2) personnel forecast to be demobilized in the next sixty (60) days. CONTRACTOR shall provide organization chart(s) clearly showing assignments of personnel including: fl 5.9.1 all planned quality personnel for the Project in accordance with this Schedule “A”; WL SCHEDULE “a” JER IK LSTK (PACKAGE 5A) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 5.10 5.12 61 62 5.9.2 reporting relationships from the inspector through to level above the CONTRACTOR's Project Manager for this Contract; 5.9.3. intemal and extemal lines of communication; 5.9.4 interfaces between the CONTRACTOR and its Subcontractors and Vendors and between CONTRACTOR and COMPANY; and 5.95 moblization and de-mobllization dates for all planned quality personnel. Planned staffing levels shall comply with the COMPANY-approved Quality Plans and Attachment VI of this Schedule ‘OQ’; any reduction from the required levels must be approved in advance in writing by the Company Representative. CONTRACTOR shall make quality personnel changes required due to iong term vacations, illness, temporary assignments, emergency leave, resignations or | ther reasons as necessary to maintain required quality coverage. CONTRACTOR shall advise the Company Representative of such personnel and quality coverage at least thirty (30) days in advance of scheduled absences or changes and as soon as possible for other changes. CONTRACTOR shall implement an ongoing training program to introduce and familiarise all CONTRACTOR and Subcontractor personnel with the Project quality requirements for their area of responsibility. PROJECT REALIZATION/EXECUTION Desion Phe ity Activiti 6.1.1 CONTRACTOR shall comply with the design phase requirements of CONTRACTOR's approved Quality Pian and this Schedule “Q”. 6.1.2 CONTRACTOR shall perform design review at an appropriate stage during the design phase. CONTRACTOR shall notify the Company Representative ten (10) days prior to the start of any design review. ‘As a minimum, the review shall be completed prior to the COMPANY ‘scheduled design review stated in Schedule “B". CONTRACTOR shall maintain ;records of such CONTRACTOR design review in accordan.'3 with the Quality Plan including solicitation, recording and resolution of all comments. 6.1.3 CONTRACTOR shall define the design phase quality activities in its Quality Plan to assure that qualified personnel properly monitor design activities and ensure conformance to Contract requirements. CONTRACTOR shall conform to the design Quality Control requirements of ISO 9001:2000. Procurement Phase Quality Control Activities CONTRACTOR shall comply with the procurement quality requirements of CONTRACTOR's approved Quality Plan and Attachment Il! of this Schedule “a. a-6 VW SCHEDULE “Q” JER IK LSTK (PACKAGE 5A) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 63 64 Construction Phase Quality Control Activities CONTRACTOR shall comply with the consiruction quality requirements of CONTRACTOR's approved Quality Plan and Attachment IV of this Schedule re Pre-commissioning/Commissioning Phase Quality Control Activities 6.4.1 CONTRACTOR shall comply with the pre-commissioning/commissioning quality requirements of CONTRACTOR's approved Quality Pian and Schedule “3”. 6.4.2 Prior to completion of the WORK, CONTRACTOR shall perform the inspections required by Schedule “B" to complete pre- commissioning/commissioning activities and document and correct ‘any non-conformances. A copy of the inspection results and status of the correction of non-conformances shall be submitted to the Company Representative each week until the acceptance of the appiicable system. 7. | MEASUREMENT, ANALYSIS AND IMPROVEMENT Z.1__inspection Schedules 72 { CONTRACTOR shall submit each week a two-week look ahead schedule of all_planned_quality acti pany Re} ntative during the “Engineer ‘our a Secon jissioning and commissioning WORK Phases as specified in Schedule “A”. The schedule shall be sent electronically in a format acceptable to COMPANY. Internal Audits 7.2.1 CONTRACTOR shall conduct intemal audits covering WORK activities with duration of six months or longer. This shall include audits of the CONTRACTOR's quality function and obiigations as described in the COMPANY-approved quality plans, this Contract and 1SO 9001:2000. This program shall also include scheduled Quality ‘System audits for subcontracts with work scheduled to exceed six months in dur 7.22 CONTRACTOR shall submit a quality audit schedule to the Company Representative for review and approval within sixty (60) days from the date of this Contract. As a minimum, full quality system audits shall be carried out before twenty-five percent (25%) and seventy-five percent (75%) of compietion stage for tis design, procurement, and construction WORK activities. CONTRACTOR's audits may be rescheduled only with the approval of the Company Representative. 7.2.3 All audits shall be executed by quality audit personne! (qualified in accordance with Attachment | of this Schedule “Q") not directly responsible for the area being audited or by an approved third party agency. \Ve SCHEDULE ‘Q” 73 7.24 ea 726 JER IK LSTK (PACKAGE 5A) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 CONTRACTOR shall investigate root causes and initiate corrective actions f|r nonconformities identified in each audit. CONTRACTOR shall veri.y implementation and closeout of corrective actions prior to the next associated scheduled audit. CONTRACTOR shall submit to the Company Representative a copy of each audit report within ten (10) days of its completion. The Company Representative or theit nominee shall be invited to participate in all audits. Audit notifications and agenda shall be submitted to the Company Representative ten (10) days in advance. Control of Non-Conformance Tish 732 733 7.34 735 7.3.6 73a CONTRACTOR shall control CONTRACTOR and Subcontractor supplied materials and fabricated assemblies that do not conform to requirements as indicated in Paragraphs 7.3.2, 7.3.5, and 7.3.6 below. Controls to restrict further processing or installation of non- conforming or defective items, pending decisions on disposition shall be established and maintained. CONTRACTOR shall issue Non-Conformance Reports (NCRs) for all violations, by CONTRACTOR, Subcontractors, manufacturers and Vendors |to Contract requirements and COMPANY approved CONTRACTOR Quality Pianjs), iTPs and procedures. CONTRACTOR shall submit a copy of each NCR to the Company Representative within forty-eignt (48) hours of issue. CONTRACTOR shall maintain a summary of the open NCRs, and submit it at the regular project progress meetings. CONTRACTOR shall notiy the Company Representative prior to final closure of each NCR for inspection/verification by COMPANY. CONTRACTOR shall respond to all NCRs issued by COMPANY in writing within 48 hours of receiving notffication of non-conformance including CONTRACTOR's proposed corrective action. CONTRACTOR shall fully investigate the root causes of non- conforming items, and initiate corrective actions to prevent recurrence of nonconformities, at CONTRACTOR's sole expense. CONTRACTOR shall rework or repair and re-inspect items in accordance with COMPANY approved procedures. Those items rejected will be managed as stated in Paragraphs 7.3.6 and 7.3.7. CONTRE|:TOR shall submit an appiication for a waiver to COMPANY standards to the Company Representative for items that do not comply with COMPANY standards but are still considered usable by COMPANY. The item may be used in the WORK only if COMPANY approves the waiver in writing. A separate waiver will be required for each non-canformity identified CONTRACTOR shall segregate all other non-conforming materials and assemblies to a clearly designated rejection site. CONTRACTOR Q-8 Ww SCHEDULE ‘Q” we 7.4 75 JER IK LSTKK (PACKAGE 5A) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 shall track and control all non-conforming equipment or materials until it is reused, exported, or otherwise disposed of. All imported rejected materials shall be disposed of in accordance with Paragraph 1.9 of Attachment V to Schedule “G'. CONTRACTOR shall notify the Company Representative of the disposal of all rejected materials on a monthly basis as part of the Quality Management Report. Waivers 744 742 743 CONTRACTOR shall not waive the requirements of any CONTRACTOR Quality Plan or ITP previously accepted by the ‘Company Representative without the express written consent of the Company Representative. CONTRACTOR shall maintain a log detailing all waivers from COMPANY or CONTRACTOR Quaiity and inspection requirements obtained during all WORK activities. This log shall indicate the status of the waiver, a brief descriotion and details of the applicable Purchase Order and equipment, enc/eering, design or construction process. CONTRACTOR shall also maintain a log detailing all waivers to COMPANY standards obtained during all WORK activities, including those initiated by COMPANY (during or prior to the start of WORK) or CONTRACTOR. This log must indicate the status of the waiver, a brief description and details of the applicable Purchase Order and equipment or construction process. Analysis of Data CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit_a monthly quality management report in a format acceptable to COMPANY to demonstrate effective implementation of the CONTRACTOR's Quality System. The report shall include the following items as a minimum: 754 75.2 General Items: a) _Listing of quality audits completed (intemal, Vendor and Subcontractor), in progress, and planned for the next month; b) Status of open corrective actior's for non-conformance reports, audits and management reviews; ©) Quality Personnel Listing by discipline as specified in Paragraph 5.8 and mobllization/demobilization pian for the next month; and @) Listing and status of engineering waivers requested. Procurement phase Items: a) __Listing of Vendor surveys performed with a summary of findings, and planned surveys for the next month; NS Q-9 SCHEDULE *Q’ 76 IER IK LSTK (PACKAGE 54) CONTRACT 33, b) Listing of pre-inspection meetings conducted and planned for the next month; ©) Listing of Vendor inspections performed versus scheduled inspections, and those planned for the next month; and d) —_Nev-conformance reports issued by COMPANY or CUNTRACTOR during design or procurement: number issued, closed out, and pending for the month. Construction phase Items: a) _Non-conformance reports issued by COMPANY or CONTRACTOR during construction: number issued, closed ‘ut, and pending for the month; b) _Listing and disposition of all defective or rejected material or equipment received at the WORK Site by CONTRACTOR and Subcontractor; and ©) Welding rejection rate reported on per joint and/or linear inch basis for piping and alloy welds. A chart showing the historical performance during the Project shail be included. Narrative Section for Process Improvement Activities: This section shall describe CONTRACTOR and Subcontractor activities during the month to continually improve its processes, correct a | eliminate non-conformities, prevent potential problems, improve schedules etc. This section shall include trend analysis for weld reject rates, CONTRACTOR and COMPANY Non-Conformance Reports, root cause analyses, and initiatives to improve the weakest areas. Improvement 7.6.1 7.62 CONTRACTOR's procedure(s) for Continuous improvement shall ensure measurement, analysis and improvement throughout the WORK. CONTRACTOR's procedure(s) for Preventive Actions shall describe the requirements for evaluating the need for actions to prevent ‘occurrence of mistakes from previous Lessons Leamed by CONTRACTOR and COMPANY. END OF SCHEDULE “a” SCHEDULE “O" JER IK LSTK (PACKAGE 54) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 ATTACHMENT | ATTACHMENT | TO SCHEDULE “Q” - CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTOR QUALITY PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION Quality personnel employed by CONTRACTOR and its Subcontractors to perform the WORK described in this Contract shall meet, as a minimum, the following obligations for qualification and experience requirernents. An inspector can be assigned to mu inspection disciplines, provided they meet the minimum requirements specified on this attachment for each of the disciplines. COMPANY shall be the final authority for the determination of equivalency for all qualifications, certifications, or minimum number of years of experience as specified in this Schedule “Q’!upon successful completion of Tequired examinations and/or interviews. 4. DESIGN, PROCUREMENT & CONSTRUCTION PHASES 1.1. Quality Assurance Manager: Shall have demonstrated knowledge and training in the 130-9000 Series intemational standards, or equivalent. Quality Assurance Manager shall be able to exercise judgment against the criteria of the standards. Quality Assurance Manager shall have a university degree or equivalent with a minimum of ten (10) years of direct experience in quality assurance system activities of which five (5) years must be in managing quality systems relating to the Contract scope of WORK (For example,; oil, gas and petrochemical projects, infrastructure, communication) 1.2. Quality System Auditors: Shall have five (5) years Quality System experience in auditing activities in the discipline Quality System the auditor is working in. Auditors shall be qualified as stated in ISO-19011 and competent in the discipline being audited, familiar and experienced with Quality System standards and be able to exercise judgment against the criteria of the standards. Auditors must bs able to communicate clearly, both in writing and orally. Auditors shall h..e participated in a minimum of four (4) audits for a total of at least twenty (20) days including ‘documentation review, actual audit activities and audit reporting during the past three (3) years, 2. DESIGN & PROCUREMENT PHASES 2.1. Procurems lity Control Supervisor: shall have a university degree or equivalent and seven (7) years inspection experience or a high school diploma with ten (10) years inspection experience with a minimum of three (8) years directly relating to supervision of vendor inspection activities in the Contract scope of WORK (For example, oil, gas and petrochemical projects, Infrastructure, communication) 2.2. Vendor inspector: as a minimum, Vendor inspector shall be a high school graduate, or equivalent. Vendor Inspector shall be able to read, write and wo OH of Ye SCHEDULE “ ATTACHMENT JER IK LSTK (PACKAGE 5A) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 speak the English language. Vendor Inspector shall have six (6) years inspection experience in manufacturing plants, including two (2) years of inspection experience in the specific commodity and processes to be inspected. Vendor Inspector shall be fully conversant with applicable industry standards, specifications, and fabrication methods and shail perform a veriety of inspection functions with minimal supervision as required to ‘verify Vendor compiiance with the Purchase Order requirements. Vendor Inspector shall be able to read engineering drawings, and shall have knowledge and understanding of ISO-001 quality system requirements and implementation. Vendor Inspector shall meet all additional minimum requirements for each specific inspection discipline, as follows: 22H) 2.2.2. 2.2.3. Weidina_and NDT: Inspector shall be certified as an American Welding Society CWI, CSWIP 3.1 Certified Welding Inspector, or approved equivalent. Inspector shall have a demonstrated background and thorough knowledge of codes such as ANSI B 31.3, 31.4 and 31.8, ASME Section V and IX, API 620 and 650, AWS D1.1, required for the execution of the WORK. Where Nondestructive Testing (NDT) forms part of the WORK, and Inspector is required to review or ensure NDT programs and results, they shall have been previously qualified and certified to a minimum ASNT Level Il in the relevant method(s). When performing, reviewing or ensuring Nondestructive Testing in VT, MT, PT, RT or UT, Inspector shall be certified in the specific method(s). When performing, reviewing or ensuring Radiographic Testi Film Interpretation (RTF), Inspector shall be certified in RTFi. Heat Treatment: Inspector shall have direct knowiedge of all aspects of heat treatment and with the types of equipment to be used for the WORK, such as electrical resistance heating elements, induction coils, or gas fired heaters. inspector shail be able to verify the heat treatment parameters to approved heat treatment procedures. If applicable, inspector shall be thoroughly familiar with the heat-treating requirements of ASME 831.3 and ASME Section Vill Division 1 Mechanical: Inspector shall demonstrate working knowledge of codes as required by the Purchase Order, such as ASME Sec |, V, Vill and IX, ANSI B31.9/4/8, NACE, and API 620/850 and AWS D1.1, and testing equipment inciuding, but not limited to, Positive Material Identification test equipment required for the inspection of mechanical commodities, including, but not limited to, pipes, piping, fittings, vaives, structural steel, and fasteners. Q420f8 SCHEDULE “a” ATTACHMENT | 224 225 226 227 228 229 JER IK LSTK (PACKAGE 5A) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 Positive Materials Identification (PMI): Inspector shall have knowledge about all aspects of PMI test methods and the operation of PMI test equipment used in the performance of the WORK. Coating: Inspector shall demiastrate a thorough working knowledge and proven ability of all phases and types of coating applications and methods and recognized industry standards. For critical coatings per COMPANY JERES “H” series, inspector shall be additionally qualified to NACE Level Il Critical Coatings Certification, CSWIP Level Il, or equivalent. HVAC System: Inspector shall demonstrate a thorough working knowledge of codes such as the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA) codes Uniform Mechanical Code, NFPA $0A, ASHRAE Handbooks and/or equivalent standards. Lifting Equioment/Crane: Inspector shall demonstrate a thorough working knowiedge of codes such as ANSI-A17.1 and 17.2, AN 830.1 through to 830.16, or equivalent standards. Electrical: Inspector shall demonstrate a thorough working knowledge of the National Electric Code/NFPA 70, IEC or equivalent standards. Where, inspection of Cathodic Protection equipment is required, inspector must be able to demonstrate a thorough knowiedge of appiicalle requirements of NACE or equivalent corrosion standards. Instrumentation: inspector shall have three (3) years documented experience in the field of instrumentation and control systems. Inspector shall be familiar with the international industry Codes and Standards related to intrinsically Safe Systems and Electrical Systems for Instrumentation such as; ISA RP126, ISA RP12.2.02, ISA TR12., ANSI MC96.1, IEEE 518, IEEE 1100, IEC 60529, NEMA ICS 6, NEMA 250, NEMA VE 1, NEMA VE 2, NFPA 7O/NEC and UL 94. As a minimum, Inspector shall be able to inspect complete loop checking, wiring continuity, color coding, and start-up. When required, Inspector shall be able to evaluaie Factory Acceptance Test and demonstrate a thorough working knowiedge of intemational codes and standards related to packaged units instrumentation including, but not limited to, Distributed Control System (DCS), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Systems, Remote Terminal Unit, and Emergency Shutdown (ESD) systems. VW QU-3 of 8 ‘SCHEDULE ‘Q” JER Ik LSTK (PACKAGE 5A) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 ATTACHMENT | 3. we 2.2.10 Rotating Equipment: inspector shall have a minimum of four (4) years hands-on inspection experience of rotating machinery such as pumps, compressors, generators, turbines, gears and motors, including attending and assessing Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) and reporting dynamic, vibration and/ or high temperature problems. CONSTRUCTION & PRE COMMISSIONING PHASES, at 3.2. aay Quality Control Manager: shall have a university degree or equivalent and a total of seven years inspection experience or a high school diploma with a total of ten (10) years inspection experience. As a minimum, Quality Control Manager shall have five (5) years experience directly relating to supervision of construction activities in the Contract scope of WORK (for example, oil, gas and petrochemical projects, infrastructure, communication). Quality Control Supervisor: shall have a university degree or equivalent and a total of seven (7) years inspection experience or a high school diploma with a total of ten (10) years inspection experience. As a minimum, Quality Control Supervisor shall have three (3) years experience directly relating to supervision of construction activities in the Contract scope Quality Control_ Inspectors: Inspector shall be high school graduate, or equivalent; shall be able to read, write and speak English language; shall be fully conversant with applicable industry Standards and Specifications; and shall perform a variety of inspection functions with minimal supervision. Personnel employed by CONTRACTOR or its Subcontractors to perform the WORK described in this Contract shall meet, 2s a minimum, the following years of relevant experience: Number of years of experience | Inspector Tie Overall | ee oe ee | Senior | | |__Inspector cE | = | 3 | Inspector 5 ears 2 | Assistant | High school with three (3) years working | Inspector | experience (Saudi Arabs | Technical college Diploma with two (2) years Qu-4 of 8 SCHEDULE "Q” ATTACHMENT. ERI "AC! 5A) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 Number of yea; of experience Only) working experience, or BS Degree in Engineering (ME, EE, CE, etc.) “For example, including, but not limited to, oil, gas and petrochemical projects, infrastructure, communication. Note: An Assistant Inspector may be used in place of an inspector if there is more than one QC inspector of a particular discipline required under the Contract, Additional requirements shall apply for specific disciplines as follows: S34 3.3.2, Welding: Inspector shall be certified as an American Welding Society CWI, CSWIP 3.1 Certified Welding Inspector, or COMPANY approved equivalent. Inspector shall have a demonstrated background and thorough knowledge of codes such as ANS! B 31.3, 31.4 and 31.8, ASME Section V and IX, AP! 620 and 650, AWS D1.1, required for the execution of the WORK. Where Nondestructive Testing (\'DT) forms part of the WORK, and Inspector is required to review or ensure NDT programs and results, Inspector shall have Deen previously qualified and certified to 2 minimum ASNT Level II in the relevant method(s).. When performing, reviewing or ensuring Nondestructive Testing in VT, MT, PT, RT or UT, Inspector shall be certified in the specific method(s). When performing, reviewing or ensuring Radiographic Testing Fiim Interpretation (RTF), inspector shall be certified in RTFI. Plant_and Equipment: Inspector shall demonstrate working knowiedge of codes, as required by the scope of the Contract, such as ASME Seo I, V, Vill and IX, ANSI B31.3/4/8 and API 620/650 and AWS D1.1, required for the execution of the inspection work. As a minimum, Inspector shall have experience with: @) _ Installation of equipment including, but not limited to, Pumps, Motors, Skids, Valves, Vessels, Compressors, Fired Heaters, Auxiliary Equipment and Packaged Equipment in Piant construction, b) Piping systems and pipe ©) Hot tap procedure, ¢) Vessels, tanks and spheres construction ) Structural steel erection VL QI-5 of 8 SCHEDULE “a” ATTACHMENT | S58) 3.3.4. 3.3.5, 3.3.6. 3.37. 3.3.8. JER IK LSTK (PACKAGE 5A) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 1) HotCoid insulation Heat Treatment: Inspector shall have direct knowledge of all aspects of heat treatment with the tyes of equioment such as electrical resistance heating elements, induction coils, or gas fired heaters. Inspector shall be able to verify process parameters to approved heat treatment procedures. Inspector shall also be thoroughly familiar with the heat-treating requirements of ASME B31.3 and ASME Seetion Vill Division 1 Positive Materials Identification (PMI): Inspector shall have knowledge about all aspects of PMI test methods and the operation of PMI test equipment used in the performance of the WOR. Civil: Inspector shall demonstrate a thorough working knowiedge of recognized building codes such as the Uniform Building Code (UBC) or equivalent standards. As applicable for the work, Inspector shall demonstrate thorough knowledge and proven ability in construction techniques with emphasis on soil mechanics, foundations, retaining walls, structural steel, masonry, building interiors, building finishes, roof systems, and asphalt. Batch Plant: Inspector shall have direct experience in inspection of asphall/concrete mix ingredients in accordance with the applicable ASTM, AASHTO or ACI procedures and guidelines. Inspector shall be able to assess the plant QC laboratory to determine that its equipment, procedures /techniques, sample recording and result reporting complies with the appiicable standards. inspector shall be able to evaluate batch plants capability and safety that meet company requirements. Inspector shall review and perform full-scale plant trials to determine the requijed engineering properties. Coating: Inspector shall demonstrate a thorough working knowiedge and proven ability of all phases and types of critical coating applications and methods and recognized industry standards and critical coatings. inspector shall be qualified per the requirements of JEREP 316. Plumbing: Inspector shall demonstrate a thorough knowiedge of codes such as the Uniform Plumbing or equivalent standards. \w 16 of 8 { SCHEDULE “0” JER IK LSTK (PACKAGE 5A) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 ATTACHMENT | 3.3.9. HVAC System: Inspector shall demonstrate a thorough working knowledge of codes such as the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA) codes Uniform Mechanical Code, NFPA 904, ASHRAE Handbooks and/or equivalent standards. 3.3.10. Lifting Equipment/Crane (Fixed. Overhead, Elevators): Inspector shall demonstrate a thorough working knowledge of codes such as ANSI-A17.1 and 17.2, ANSI-B30.1 through to B30.16, or equivalent standards in the reasonable opinion of COMPANY. 3.3.11. Electrical: Inspector shall demonstrate a thorough working knowledge of the National Electric Code/NFPA 70, IEC or equivalent standards. Inspector shall also have working knowledge of electrical installations including materials, methods, specifications, and hazardous location identification for oil and gas or petrochemical industries. { 3.3.12. Communication: Inspector shall demonstrate @ thorough working knowledge of telecommunications, and be familiar with North ‘American or Intemational Telecommunications Standards; Building industry Consulting Services International - Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual (BICS!- ‘TDMM); National Electrical Codes; and National Electrical Safety Codes, or their equivalents. 3.3.13. Instrumentation: Inspector shall be familiar with the intemational Industry Codes and Standards related to Intrinsically Safe Systems and Electrical Systems for Instrumentation such as; ISA RP12.6, ISA RP12.2.02, ISA TR12, ANSI MC961, IEE= 518, IEEE 1100, IEC 60529, NEMA ICS 6, NEMA 250, NEMA VE 1, NEMA VE 2, NFPA 70/NEC and UL 94. As a minimum, inspector shall be able to inspect complete loop checking, wiring continuity and color coding, start-up, and troubleshooting. When required, Inspector shall be able to evaluate Factory Acceptance Test and demonstrate a thorough working knowledge of international codes and standards related to packaged units instrumentation such as, Distr'iuted Control System (DCS), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Systems, Remote Terminal Unit, and Emergency Shutdown (ESD) systems. 3.3.14. Cathodic Protection: Inspector shall have two (2) years documented experience in the field of cathodic protection for the Tequired specific application. Inspector shall be able to demonstrate a thorough working knowiedge of international codes and standards related to inspecting Cathodic Protection System i QU-7 of 8 ee SCHEDULE “a” ATTACHMENT | 3.3.15. JER IK LSTK (PACKAGE 5A) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 and its components, such as anode installation, cable installation, and positive and negative cable hookups to rectifier. inspector shall be able to interpret and assess cathodic protection design packages to ensure compliance with the contractual requirements. Nondestructive Testing (NDT) Personnel: All CONTRACTOR and Subcontractor personnel located in Saudi Arabia responsible for performing NDT operations, or interpreting, reviewing, ensuring or auditing NDT operations shall meet COMPANY’s requirement. All CONTRACTOR and Subcontractor NDT and personnel shall hold current certification where outlined below attesting to their NOT qualifications. Nondestructive Testing NDT Level Ili personnel: such personnel shall have been tested and certified by ASNT (or equivalent nationally recognized program as approved by COMPANY) in the required NDT method(s) specified by the Contract and shall be required to fulfill the full scope of a practicing Level Ill including, but not limited to; method application, interpretation of results, interpretation of codes and standards, preparation of procedures, and training of Level | and Level Il personnel. 3.3152. Radiograph Film Interpretation Technician: such Personnel shall be certified by COMPANY in Radiographic Testing Film interpretation (RTFI) when performing, reviewing, ensuring or auditing ATF. END OF ATTACHMENT | TO SCHEDULE “Q” Q48 of 8 SCHEDULE *Q” RIK LSTK (PACKAGE 5A) COI oT NO. 3001 ATTACHMENT Il SCHEDULE "Q* ATTACHMENT II COMPANY STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES CONTAINING QUALITY REQUIREMENTS Project specific specifications and standards are detailed in discipline specifications, referencing COMPANY, National and Intemational requirements, on design drawings and within this Schedule ‘Q". In addition to Schedule “Q” requirements, CONTRACTOR shall comply with the quality requirements of Volume 5 of Attachment V to Schedule "3" END OF ATTACHMENT Il TO SCHEDULE “a” ae Gilt of 1 = SCHEDULE “Q" JER IK (PACKAGE 5A) LSTK CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 ATTACHMENT Ill 1 SCHEDULE “Q” ATTACHMENT Ill QUALITY REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRACTOR SUPPLIED MATERIALS PROCUREMENT PROCESS, a 1.2, cas CONTRACTOR shall provide and document quality services in the procurement of equipment and material to be used or installed during the construction and installation of the FACILITIES as specified in the requirements of the Contract. CONTRACTOR or its COMPANY approved inspector shall perform Quality activities at the Vendor and sub-Vendor locations as required by the inspection level assigned for the materials and equipment identified in this Schedule “Q” and in the approved Inspection and Test Plan (ITPs). Subject to COMPANY approval, CONTRACTOR may change the assigned code of inspection during the course of the WORK as a result of Vendor performance. Vendor Selection 1.3.1. Except as provided in Paragraph 1.3.7 of this Attachment Ill to Schedule °Q", for all equipment and materials for which inspections are required in the inspection levels defined in Attachment VI of Schedule “Q" and JER Inspection and Test Plan (JERIP), CONTRACTOR shall pre-qualify each manufacturer and its specific manufacturing site as described in 1.3.3 through to 1.3.5 of this Attachment Ill to Schedule *Q", Evidence of the prequalification shall be provided to COMPANY for its review at least ten (10) days prior to placement of the Purchase Order. 1.3.2. For the avoidance of doubt, COMPANY will have the right to reject any Vendor selected by CONTRACTOR. 1.3.3. CONTRACTOR shall evaluate Vendor's capabilities to meet the technical, quality and schedule requirements of the WORK. Such evaluation shall include technical review of products to ensure compliance with applicable Project standards. 1.3.4. CONTRACTOR shall evaluate Vendors’ Quality System, which shall meet SO 9001 system requirements. Reliance solely on certification to ISO Quality Systems is unacceptable CONTRACTOR's prior audit findings are considered compliant if completed within 24-months prior to the proposed equipment purchase and do not include any major technical or quality deficigncies. vw Qt of 6 SCHEDULE‘Q" JER IK (PACKAGE 5A) LSTK CONTRACT NO, 3000235433 ATTACHMENT Il 2 1.3.5. CONTRACTOR shall complete a physical survey of proposed Vendors for any equipment requiring an inspection level of 2, or 1 as specified in JER Inspection and Test Plan JERITP-A-000002 CONTRACTOR. Vendor evaluations shall, at a minimum, be carried out by a certified lead auditor per the requirements of Attachment | to this Schedule “O” and a technical expert for the ‘equipment under consideration. | 1.3.6. CONTRACTOR shall notify COMPANY at least ten (10) days ahead of all planned Vendor surveys or Vendor surveys that are reasonably anticipated by CONTRACTOR. 1.3.7. Quality System evaluations are not required for manufacturers or Vendors currently specified in COMPANY Engineering Standards (JERES) or listed on the COMPANY approved supplier list. PROCUREMENT INFORMATION Ze 22. 2.3, 24. CONTRACTOR shall review and ensure the quality of all requisitions prior to submittal for COMPANY review, including all technical and quality requirements specified in Schedule "G”, CONTRACTOR shall review its Vendor's sub-orders to ensure that all relevant COMPANY technical and inspection requirements are passed on to sub-Vendors. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all manutacturers of inspectable equipment and material have anc] maintain acceptable Quality programs in accordance with the ISO-¥001 quailty standard. CONTRACTOR shall compiete and submit a two-weekly inspection/fabrication status report to the Company Representative in an electronic format acceptable to COMPANY. The report shall include, as a minimum, the following information for each Purchase Order: 2.41, Purchase Order Number and Date 2.4.2. Material Description 2.4.3, Vendor Name and Location 2.4.4. Inspection Assignment Package submittal date as specified in Paragraph 3.10 of this Attachment Ill 245. Pa of Inspection as specified in Attachment VI to Schedule 2.4.6. Pre-inspection Meeting Date 2.4.7. Fabrication Start Date and progress to date 2.4.8. Scheduled and Forecast Delivery Date gy Qull-2 of 6 SCHEDULE JER IK (PACKAGE 5A) LSTK CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 ATTACHMENT Il a 25. 34 3.2. 3.3. 3.4, 35. 2.4.9. Inspector and Agency (qualified as specified in Attachment | to Schedule *Q") 2.4.10. Special Process Procedures (approved as specified in Paragraph 2.1 of Attachment IV) 2.4.11, Open and Closed NCR's 2.4.12. Closeout Date 2.4.13. Disposition Report submittal date COMPANY shall have access to all Purchase Order inspection report files at all. nes and at COMPANY’s sole discretion. VERIFICATION OF PURCHASED MATERIALS/EQUIPMENT. CONTRACTOR shall maintain an effective system for continuity of order identification that ensures drawings, specifications, and inspection requirements are properiy transmitted to Vendors at all tiers of order placement. CONTRACTOR and/or its Vendors’ shall prepare detailed inspection and Test Plans (ITPs) in accordance with JER Inspection and Test Pian JERITP-A-000002 and paragraph 3.4 of this Attachment for all equipment and materials assigned a level 3, 2 or 1 and for any other equipment deemed necessary by CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR shall review the quality requirements in all applicable COMPANY standards and procedures listed in Attachment II to this Schedule “Q” and include appropriate quality requirements in the JER Inspection and Test Plans (JERITPs). Each ITP shall identity, as a minimum the inspection level and detail all witness, hold and safification review points es spectiod in the COMPANYJERITP-A- 10002. CONTRACTOR shall prepare its ITPs in accordance with COMPANY Inspection’ Forms (JERITP) for approval by the Company Representative: 3.4.1. If no existing COMPANY Inspection Forms is applicable to the equioment, or 3.4.2. For changes to the existing COMPANY Inspection Forms; ‘As a minimum, each ITP shall include the following information: 3.5.1. activity, equipment or material description 3.5.2. quality control requirements 3.5.3. notification requirements for Vendor inspection, witness and hold points (minimum five (5) working days) 3.5.4, responsibilty for inspection/test 3.5.5. applicable procedures 3.5.6. acceptance criteria (COMPANY and Intemational industry Standards) 3.5.7. verifying documents Mw Q-lll-3 of 6 SCHEDULE “Q" JER IK (PACKAGE 5A) LSTK CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 ATTACHMENT Ill 3.6, 37 3.8. 3.9. 3.10. 3.5.8. inspection points (Hold, Witne! s & Review) When required by COMPANY’s standards, CONTRACTOR shall submit for COMPANY'S review and approval all Vendor procedures for refractory installation, welding, welding repair, NDT, heat treatment, and alloy verification (PMI) as applicable. Where there is no response from COMPANY atter fifteen (15) days, CONTRACTOR shall proceed, COMPANY shail have the right to reject or request repeat testing if procedures are unacceptable to COMPANY. Vendor and sub-Vendor personnel for NDT, Positive Material Identification, and welding shall be qualified as specified by Intemational Codes and Standards and the requirements given in Attachment | to this Schedule “Q". CONTRACTOR shall review and approve such qualifications prior to the start of manufacturing. The qualification and certification of Non-destructive Testing (NDT) personnel shall be in accordance with intemationally recognized codes and standards. CONTRACTOR'S assigned Technology Engineers (Level Ill certified) shall review Vendor and sub-Vendor NDT personnel qualification and certification programs as well as all NDT procedures prior to cammencements of any NDT operation. Copies of approved procedures shall be submitted to COMPANY. CONTRACTOR shall_make Vendor :i1d sub-Vendor NOT personnel records and Weider Qualification Records available to the Company Representative on COMPANY 's request CONTRACTOR shall compile and forward to the Company Representative no later than fifteen (15) days prior to the pre- inspection meeting and start of any fabrication, either at the prime Vendor or a major sub-Vendor, one electronic version on compact disc (Cd) only the CONTRACTORS Inspecion Assignment Package. ders that are not critical in the reasonable opinion of the Company Representative may not be subject to such PMI requirement. 3.10.1. Inspection Assignment Package is a set of documents that include detalis of purchased materia/equipment and their quality requirements needed to perform full inspection at the Vendor/sub-vendor facility. This package shall include the following documents:, @ complete copy of the CONTRACTOR's unpriced Purchase Order or subcontract, material requisition, and attachments. 3.10.12. copies of _sub-Vendor's applicabie _unpriced Purchase Orders. (If these are not available, CONTRACTOR shel provide them to the Company Representative upon placement by the Vendor.) inspection requirements as specified in the approved inspection and Test Plans. Olt of & We SCHEDULE “Q” JER IK (PACKAGE 5A) LSTK CONTRACT NO. 3000235433. ATTACHMENT Il, inspection assignment sheet specifying the inspectors) that will perform the inspections. inspection and Test Plans. the level of CONTRACTOR inspection (as required by Attachment VI to this Schedule “Q" and JER Inspection and Test Plan JERITP-A-000002. agenda for each pre-inspection meeting where appropriate. 3.11. CONTRACTOR or its approved third party inspector shall schedule we 3.12, 3.13, 3.15. and perform source inspection at Vendor and sub-Vendor fabrication sites as specified in the approved Inspection and Test Plans. CONTRACTOR shall provide Pre-inspection Meeting Reports and subseque| Vendor Inspection Repors to the Company Represeni.tive within ten (10) days of each shop visit. if COMPANY waives a plant inspection visit, CONTRACTOR shall ‘obtain from Vendors and sub-Vendors such inspection records as may be required to meet the requirements of Paragraph 3.6, and include the inspection records in the Inspection Disposition Reports. Such waiver shall not release CONTRACTOR from any other obligations contained in this Schedule “Q”. . CONTRACTOR shall require its Subcontractors / Vendors to submit manufacturing and test reports in line with each COMPANY Inspection Form and defined in approved ITPs. The CONTRACTOR shall review and indicate its acceptance of these inspection records prior to issuing the inspection (or shipping) reisase. A copy of the Inspection Material Release shall be provided to COMPANY following the material release. Within two weeks of acceptance of material or equipment, CONTRACTOR shall prepare and issue to the Company Representative Manufacturer's Data/Record Books. This report shall include the following minimum quality records: 3.16.1, narative details of Quality activities periormed during manufacturing and fabrication ofthe equipment or material 3.15.2. cogies of COMPANY approved waivers to COMPANY’s requirements. 3.18.3. all CONTRACTOR witnessed inspections. 3.15.4. copies of Vendor quality records as specified in ITPs. 3.15.5. copies of all NCR's with final dispositions and resolutions. 3.15.6, outstanding punch list items from pre-shipment inspections. 3.18.7. in cases where the Vendor is responsible for export packing, the final disposition report shall be prepared after export packing has been inspected and accepted by CONTRACTOR. QUES of 6 Ww SCHEDULE “a” ATTACHMENT Ill JER IK (PACKAGE 5A) LSTK CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 END OF ATTACHMENT II TO SCHEDULE "Q" QuIl-6 of 6 SCHEDULE *Q” ATTACHMENT IV 1 ATTACHMENT IV TO SCHEDULE “Q™ - QUALITY REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION PHASE CONTROL OF CONST#! JCTION ACTIVITIES 4.1. Unless submitted wit JER IK LSTK (PACKAGE 5A) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 the Project Quality Plan in accordance with Paragraph 3.2 of Schedule “Q", one (1) month prior to the start of the construction WORK, CONTRACTOR shall submit for COMPANY'S review and approval a detailed inspection and Test Plan (ITP) for initial WORK (e.g. civil work) along with related procedures/work instructions for all construction processes to be executed by CONTRACTOR or Subcontractors. Preparation and Issue of ITPs is an ongoing exercise during the construction phase, subsequent discipline ITPs shall be submitted to COMPANY one month prior to that specific WORK commen 9. CONTRACTOR shall review the quality requirements in all applicable COMPANY standards and procedures listed in Attachment I to this Schedule “Q" and include appropriate Quality requirements in each ITP. Each ITP shall detail all review, witness, and hold points for COMPANY, CONTRACTOR, and Subcontractors as specified in this Contract. It shall also include the methods, extent and timing for examinations, measurements or tests. 1.2. As aminimum, each ITP shall include the following information: process description quality control requirements notification requirements for Requests For Inspections (RFI) (minimum twenty-four (24) hours for site work, forty-eight (48) hours for weekend inspections, except when COMPANY personnel will require special qualifications.) 1.2.4, responsibilities 1.2.5. applicable procedures +126. acceptance criteria 4.2.7. percentage of tests required (including increased inspection levels when performance requirements are not met.) 1.2.8. verifying documents 1.2.9. review, Witness and Hold points 1.3. _ Inspection and Test Plans and related procedures shall include provisions to ensure that test pre-requisites have been met, that adequate calibrated instrumentation is available and used, and that the necessary inspection is performed. 4.4. Revision Control - CONTRACTOR shall revise each ITP and obtain approval for such revisions from the Company Representative as needed throughout the WORK. CONTRACTOR and Subcontractor inspectors shall maintain copies of every currently approved Subcontractor ITP. YY QUV-1 of Vv SCHEDULE *Q” JER IK LSTK (PACKAGE 54) CONTRACT NO, 3000235433 ATTACHMENT IV VALIDATION OF CONSTRUCTION PROCESSES: 2 3. we 24 The following special processes require COMPANY's review of WORK procedures. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that these special processes are accomplished under controlled conditions as specified in all applicable standards and specifications. All process parameters shall be identified with acceptance criteria specified and monitored. All procedures shall be submitted for review at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the start of work. Welding/Brazing Nondestructive Testing/examination [High Voltage Cabie solicing/termination Alloy verification (PMI) Coatings | Conerete & Asphalt Mix Design | (Cable and Conduit Seal installation } (Gasket Installation Pneumatic testing Concrete installation | Structural Bolt Tensior } eg Control forseckat welder ack Wakied feaod fitings. Hydro-testing Heat Treatment Hot Tap Procedures (Calculation Sheets) [Refractory installation LRTR Pipe work [HVAC Testing & Balancing Fibreoptic cable installation PCS site acceptance test ‘Shutdown systems functional test [Wessels/Reactors intemals installation | Field design modifications | [Handling of hazardous materials at site ‘The above list is not exhaustive. Other special processes shail be identified by CONTRACTOR and submitted for COMPANY review. IDENTIFICATION AND TRACEABILITY a 3.2. CONTRACTOR shall include in the construction phase Quality Pian procedures to identify inspection and test status. The status report shall identity all CONTRACTOR and Subcontractor required inspection and tests for each system, when it is scheduled, when it was completed, and any non- conformances discovered during the test or inspection. Inspection status reports shall be kept current and shall be available for COMPANY's review at all times and at its sole discretion. CONTRACTOR shail impiement an identification procedure for all materiais, parts and components, including partially fabricated assemblies. Identification of an item shall be addressed either by using tags, stamps, QV-2 of 4 yw SCHEDULE “ JER IK LSTK (PACKAGE 5A) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 ATTACHMENT IV. 3.3. color coding, stencils or labels. The location and the method of identification shall not affect the function or quality of the item being identified. The procedure shall require that verification of correct identification of material, parts and components be made and documented prior to installation. Traceability shall be maintained on equipment, materials, parts and components, as specified in COMPANY standards and manufacturer's specifications. Documents and records shall enable an item to be traced throughout fabr'| ation, erection, installation, repair, modification and use of the item, 4, STOMER PROP! CONTRACTOR shall implement a documented control system for all COMPANY's supplied material or equipment. The written procedure shall provide for receiving inspection, proper storage, and maintenance of such material and equipment. This procedure shall have provisions for dealing with losses, damage or other problems discovered with such material and equipment. 5. PRESERVATION CONTRACTOR shall include procedures for handling, storage, and preservation of material as specified in all applicable specifications, + manufacturer recommendations and COMPANY’s standards. The procedure shall list all inspection schedules for maintaining the quality of the material or equipment a5 well as provide for documentation that the required activities have been performed. Individuals responsible for special handling, storage and preservation shall be fully quaiified to do so, and supplied with predetermined WORK and inspection instructions. Data conceming handling, storage and preservation shall be included on the Monthly Materie 3 Procurement Status Report as specified in Schedule “G’. 6. CONTROL OF MONITORING AND MEASURING DEVICES 6.1. 62 CONTRACTOR shall include procedures for the control of inspection, measuring and testing equipment. Specific tools and equipment shall be identified to make and perform tests in the field with instructions for their use, calibration, and storage. The CONTRACTOR shall identify, maintain, control, adjust, and calibrate all toois, gauges, instruments and other measuring and testing devices used for controlling quality. Calibration shail be performed at established periods as specified in the most stringent of COMPANY standards, other applicable standards, or manufacturer recommendations; if no standards apply, the calibration cycie shall not exceed six months. CONTRACTOR shall provide backup equipment when the primary ‘equipment is being calibrated or tested. | CONTRACTOR personnel performing tests and calibrations shall be trained per applicable intemational or manufacturer requirements. CONTRACTOR: | testing and calibration personnel as well as testing facilities shall be subject || to COMPANY approval. If CONTRACTOR personnel do not perform tests || and calibrations, CONTRACTOR shall use COMPANY approved agencies "" or the Vendor, e| CONTRACTOR'S sole expense and risk. wv QuIV-3 of 4 SCHEDULE “0” JER IK LSTK (PACKAGE 5A) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 ATTACHMENT IV 6.3. CONTRACTOR shall review and document the validity of previous inspection and test results when inspection, measuring and test equipment is. found to be out of calibration. A copy of the report shall be submitted to COMPANY. 7. MONITORING OF CONSTRUCTION PROCESSES nase 2s 73. CONTRACTOR shall visually inspect all incoming equipment for damage and for conformance to all applicable requirements, including, but not limited to a Vendor inspection release and Mate(al Test Reports (MTR). If the equipment does not have the required inspection release and MTR, CONTRACTOR shall verify and document the compliance of the equipment with applicable standards and specifications prior to release to be used as part of the WORK. Data concerning receiving inspections shall be included on the Monthiy Materials Procurement Status Report as specified in Schedule “G”. CONTRACTOR shall submit its test reports and its Subcontractors test reports to the Company Representative as specified by the applicable COMPANY standards. The CONTRACTOR shall review its Subcontractor's test reports prior to submittal. CONTRACTOR shall review/witness and accept results of all NOT performed by Subcontractors and submit test results to COMPANY. END OF ATTACHMENT IV TO SCHEDULE “Q” Q-IV-4 of 4 SCHEDULE "" JER IK LSTK (PACKAGE 5A) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433, ATTACHMENT V ATTACHMENT V TO SCHEDULE “Q” - SUMMARY OF QUALITY SYSTEM DELIVERABLES [Nor Tie First Sumi COMPANY | Subsequent Submitas fo] COMPANY Project Spectic Qualty Pian: Within seven (7) days of each | 1._| Paragraph 3.2 of Schedule “Or revision requrement Wanagement review report 2_| Paragraph 4.2 of Schedule” 1o.stvs sects ec Resumes of key qualty personne: | Prior to assignment of personnel | Prior te mobiizing new 3._| Paragraph 5.2 of Schedule onto the project. | personnel to the project | Sua Aes rence Menace Within seven (7) days of the date a ee this Contract Paragraoh 5.3 of Schedule “2” Planned Qualty Personnel evsis: | Within thirty (30) days of he dale 5_| Paragraph 5.8 of Schedule Q | this Contract eseie ray | Design Review notification | Paragraph 6.1.2 of Schedule cr__| 10 YS prior tothe review | 7 Qualty Auch Schedule: Within sixty (60) days ofthe dai | | | Paragraph 7.2.2 of Schedule "0" _| ofthis Contract facie trucicee citer ‘Audit Report: Within ten (10) days of completion 8._| Paragraph7.2.5 of Schedule "a" _| of the aut and re-audt. Procurement inspection Schedules: | Ten (10) days before the Siar of 2. | Paragranh 7.1 of Schedule "| any related activites uesrel en, GORTRAGTOR Vander ans | wan orig (4) pours |Noticatonofclearance | to, | Soma Now [eee said NCR Summary. | | v1, | ROR SERED, ccneduie cr | Aflerthe fist NCR is issued | At Project Progress Meetings. ‘Qualty Management Repor | Sit (60) days afer the dale ol [oc 42. | Paragraph 7.5 of Schedule “2 | this Contract [sree Vercor prequalfcation 10 days priorto purchase order 13. | Paragraph 13.1 of Atachment !__| placement Verio survey notification 14, | Paragraph 1.3.6 0 Atachment __| 1° S6¥S prior 0 planned survey : ‘Two (2) weeks aferthe frat InspactiovFabrication Status Repor: | Fleer: | purchase Orceris awerded for | S-weekiy | 18. | Paragrash 26 af tachment | Purchase Or |_| feebection Assignment Packave: | Fiteen (15) days prior to pre- te, | Paragraph 3.10 of tachment ill | inspeetion meeting o” star of | (inetuding Prosurement TPs) fabrication | Ere-inapecion Meeting Reporsi | Witin ten (V0) caye of each crop | oz | PepspecenNentarepons | s Vercor inspection Repor: | winin ten (10) dave ater each | Ten (10) aaye afer each 18, | Paragrann 3.1201 Atacrment ll__| shoo vist insgecton vat inspection Matera Release: Whenever Waierals are released 19, | Poagrerhsdd Atachrmere | for stipend. Gonetruston Inspection and Test] Ong (1) month prior to start ot | Revision Approval prio to | 20. | Pane tt otAtachmentlv _| Sonstucton WORK execution | J Special Process Proceaures: | > ae | [Twenty-one (21) days priorto | Revision Approval prior to an, | Paragraph 26 of Atacrment ang | Tremors Co) peusoad 2.1 of Attachment IV it END OF ATTACHMENT V TO SCHEDULE “ Q-V-1 of 1 SCHEDULE “a” JER IK LSTK (PACKAGE 5A) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 ATTACHMENT VI 1. yt ATTACHMENT VITO SCHEDULE “G” PROJECT SPECIFIC QUALITY REQUIREMENTS Procurement Phase Project ific Quality RCauirements cB The following system of coding the ievel of planned inspections shall be used to define the inspection requirements. These inspection levels in addition to the requirements of Jubail Export Refinery Inspection and Test Pian, JERITP-A-000002 specify the minimum amount of inspection coverage deemed necessary by COMPANY to ensure that a product or service conforms to specifications at a specific supplier's and/or sub-suppliers factory or fabrication site and without jeopardizing the overall schedule or progress of the project. Inspection activities in this sense are performed to ensure the required quality and the delivery time on site, Based on the reviewed and audited CONTRACTOR's Quality Management System, COMPANY may require additional inspection activities and efforts from the CONTRACTOR and its selected sub-contractors and vendors. The following three (3) levels of inspection and as defined in JERITP shall be used by the CONTRACTOR: 1.1.1. Level 3 (Secondary Equipment and | Aaterial): All Inspection activities shall be per CONTRACTOR's Quality Assurance Quality Control (QA/QC) System. CONTRACTOR's internal QA/QC procedures shall be appiied to define the appropriate inspection activities. COMPANY at its discretion can perform its own inspections during the engineering and construction phase of the project. Secondary equipment in this sense is equipment which can be bypassed in operation, follows certain standardization and can be easily (in general terms) repaired or replaced. 1.1.2, Level 2 (important Equipment and Material): CONTRACTOR shall submit to COMPANY a detailed equipment- ‘specific Inspection and Test Pian (ITP) with Hold, Witness and Report points. COMPANY shall review those ITP’s and provide comment for quality and overall schedule aspects if necessary. The inspaction activities stipulated in the JERITP-specifications are to be considered as minimum requirements by the CONTRACTOR for preparation of the relevant project ITP's. Important equipment in this sense are equipment which require the compliance to the specific project specification, are customized for a single purpose and their site delivery date is mandatory for keeping the overall project schedule. Q-VI-1 of 17 SCHEDULE *Q" ER IK LSTK (PACKAGE 5A) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 ATTACHMENT VI 1.1.3, Level 1 (Vital Equipment and Material): CONTRACTOR shall submit to COMPANY detailed equipment Specific Inspection and Test Plan (ITP). COMPANY shall review and approve these ITP's and may incorporate additional quality control and expediting activities if it deems necessary. The inspection activities stipulated in the JERITP specifications shall be considered 2s minimum requirements by the CONTRACTOR for the preparation of the relevant project ITP's. Vital equipment in this sense ‘equipment which are on the critical path, need to be ordered within the first three months of the detailed engineering phase and have very specific requirements of the Licensors. COMPANY will incorporate their participation (Hold, Witness and Report points) in the ITP of the CONTRACTOR. The number of hold and witness points are usually significantly higher compared to level 2. 1.2. The following minimum inspection Levels for CONTRACTOR's supplied 1.3. equipment & nj3terials shall be used and are given in Appendix 1 for Equipment and Table Q of this Attachment for Materials. CONTRACTOR shall submit its Vendor's Inspection and Test Plans according to these minimum inspection levels. Reference is made to the JERITP-A-00002 in case of conflicts. JERITP-A-00002 is to be considered by the CONTRACTOR as general inspection philosophy of the project. General Requirements: 1.3.1. COMPANY reserves Its right to nominate its own Resident Inspector continuously monitoring the work for any above inspection level 2 For pipes, vaives, fittings as well as their prefabrication, the inspection levels shown in TABLE Q of this Attachment shall apply, 1.3.3 For fabrication of pipe spools, structural steel, instrument & control, and miscellaneous items, the inspection leveis TABLE Q of this Attachment shall apply. 1.3.4. Inspection of electrical equipment shall follow the requirements stated in Appendix 2 of this Attachment. CONTRACTOR shall use as minimum during the QA/QC s the relevant inspection requirem ints as per JERITP specification. 1.3.5 Appendix 1 of this Attachment provides the minimum Inspection Level er tagged equipment in the CONTRACTOR's scope of work. 1.3.8 CONTRACTOR shall submit its Vendors Inspection and Test Plans according to the minimum inspection levels in Table Q and JER Inspection and Test Plan, JERITP-A-000002. 1.3.7 Any deletions or additions to the provisional Equipment List in Appendix 1 to this Attachment which are within the scope of the Contract shail incur additional inspection requirements and it shall be CONTRACTOR's responsisilty to identify the appropriate inspection levels required. 1 Q-VI-20f17 SCHEDULE “Q" JER IK LSTK (PACKAGE 5A) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 ATTACHMENT VI APPENDIX _1- PACKAGE 5A _(INTERCONNECTING/FLARE/PCS/ELECTRICAL SYSTEM) - EQUIPMENT LIST i | ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION INSPECTION | REMARKS. | LeveL L | COOLING SYSTEM - Common Parts i T Pumps: | 501-G-0001-A Blow-Down Pump _ 3 | [504-G-0001-8 Biow-Down Pump 3 501-G-0001-C Blow-Down Pump 3 i T Basins T I '501-BA-O001 Blow-Down Basin (Common System) | 3 | [501-BA-0002 ‘Cooling System Septic Tank 3 I [501-BA-0003 | Cooling System Holding Tani. 3 | 501-BA-0001/X-07-A_| Sluice Gate 3 | '501-BA-O001/K-01-8 | Sluice Gate 3 I i 1 Package Units T +) | '501-X-0001 Electro Chiorination Package (Common 2 | System) | | 501-X-0001/S-01 | Self Cleaning Filter 3 l 501-X-0001/S-02__| Manual Basket Filter 3 I 501-X-0001/-01 | 5% HCL Solution Tank 3 | ‘501 -X-0001/T-02 | Hypochioritee Solin Degassing Tank 3 5OT-X-0001N-01 | 33% HCL Eductor ai { [501-x-0001/G-01 | Acid Washing Pump | 3 i '501-X-0001/G-02-A_| Sodium Hypochlorite Soin Dosing 3 7 Pump | 501-X-0001/G-02-8 | Sodium Hypochiorite Soin Dosing __| 3 | Pump | | 501-X-0001/G-02-C | Sodium Hypochiorite Solin Dosing 3 { | Pump i | 5O1-X-0001/K-01-A | Air Blower | 3 [ 501-X-O001/K-01-8 | Air Blower | 3 | | 501-X-0002 eas ees Package (Common 3 | tem) 501-X-0002/0-01 Scale Inhibitor Dosing Drum | 3 1 501-X-0002/G-01-A _| Scale Inhibitor Dosing Pump | 3 | (01-X-0002/G-01-B _| Scale Inhibitor Dosing Pump | 3 | (01-X-0002/G-01-C _| Scale Inhibitor Dosing Pump | 3 1 t [ T I [ I I I [ Q-Vi-30f17 Se ILE “¢ JER IK LSTK (PACKAGE 5A) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 ATTACHMENT VI ITEMNO. | ITEM DESCRIPTION INSPECTION | REMARKS | } | LEVEL Cooling System - Cooling Water 1 { Heat Exchangers | 501-E-1007-A Saline / Soft CW Exchangers (PHE) 2 (Cireut 4) | 501-E-1001-A/S-01 | Saline CW Fier 2 501-E-1001-8 Saline / Soft CW Exchangers (PHE) 2 | | (Cireutt 1) 501-E-1001-5/S-01 Saline CW Filter 2 501-E-1001-C Saline / Soft CW Exchangers (PHE) z (Circuit 1) 501-E-1001-C/S-01__| Saline CW Filter Zz | 501-E=1001-D | Saline / Soft CW Exchangers (PHE) 2 | (Circuit 1) [BOTET00T-DIS-O7__| Saline CW Filter gmaneril 501-E-1001-£ Saline / Soft CW Exchangers (PHE) 2 (Circuit |) 501-E-1001-2/S-01 | Saline CW Filter z | 501-E-1001- Saline / Soft CW Exchangers (PHE) 2 (Circuit 1) 501-E-1001-F/S-01 Saline CW Filter 2 [S01-E-1001-G Saline / Soh CW Exchangers (PHE) 2 | | | (Circuit 1) | | [501-E-1001-G/S-01 Saline CW Filter Z j 501-E=1001-H ‘Saline / Soft CW Exchangers (PHE) 2 (Circuit 4) 501-E-1001-H/S-01__| Saline CW Filter 2 501-E-1001-J ‘Saline / Soft CW Exchangers (PHE) 2 (Circuit 1) B01-E-1001-JS-01 | Saline CW Filter Pe I Vessels, | 1 a 501-D-1001 ‘Soft CW Expansion Vessel (Circuit 1) 3 1 om I Columns: 501-CT-1001 Saline Cooling Tower (Circuit 1) 2 | (Pumps: | [501-G-1007-A Saline CW Pump (Circuit 1)_ 3 | 501-G-1001-3 Saline CW Pump (Circuit 1) 3 [ 501-G-1001-C ‘Saline CW Pump (Circuit 1) 3 T 501-G-1001-D Saline CW Pump (Circuit 1) 3 i '501-G-1002-A ‘Soft CW Pump (Circuit 1) 3 | 301-G-1002-3 ‘Soft CW Pump (Circuit 1) 3 1 a Q-VI-40f17 ‘SCHEDULE ‘C" JER IK LSTK (PACKAGE 5A) CONTRACT NO. 3000285433 ATTACHMENT VI { ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION | INSPECTION | REMARKS | LeveL B01-G-1002-6 Soft OW Pump (Circuit 1) i [S01-G-1002-5 Soft OW Pumo (Circuit 1) 3 t { 1 [Basins | 501-BA-1001 Saline Cooling Tower Basin (Circuit 1) 3 | 501-BA-10011X-01-A_| Sluice Gate | 3 501-BA-1001/X-01-8 | Sluice Gate | 3 ‘501-BA-1001/X-01-C | Sluice Gate 3 '501-BA-1001/X-07-D_| Sluice Gate | 3 '501-BA-1001/X-07-E _| Sluice Gate | 3 | '501-BA-1001/X-01-F_| Sluice Gate l 3 '501-BA-1001/X-07-G | Sluice Gate El 501-BA-1001/X-01-H_| Sluice Gate 3 i Package units | 1 )501-X-1001 | Non-Oxidant Biocide Treatment ] 3 1 | | Package (Circult 1) | | BOI-X-1001/0-01 Non-Oxidant Biocide Eductor (Circuit 1) | 3 501-X-1002 Corrosion Inhibitor Treatment Package | 3 (Circuit 1) | BOIX- 100/501 Corrosion inhibitor Eciuctor (Circuit 1) | 3 | | | [Filters i 1 [501-S-100% Slipstream Soft CW Filter (Circuit 1) 3 | ! Cooling System - Cooling Water 2 | j T i | [Heat Exchangers | | T 501-£-2001-A Saline 7 Soft CW Exchangers (PHE) 2 ] (Circuit 2 [501-E-2001-W/S-07_| Saline CW Filter 2 1 501-E-2001-8 Saline / Soft CW Exchangers (PHE) 2 (Circuit 2) | 501-£-2001-8/8-01 _| Saline CW Filter 2 | Saline / Soft CW Exchangers (PHE) 2 | (Circuit 2) | 501-E-2001-C/S-01__| Saline CW Filter 2 I 501-E-2001-D Saline / Soft CW Exchangers (PHE) 2 | (Circuit 2) [501-E-2001-D/S-01 | Saline CW Filter 2 I ‘501-E-2007 ‘Saline / Soft CW Exchangers (PHE) 2 (Circuit 2) | [501-E-2001-E/S-01 | Saline CW Filter 2 I We Q-VI-5 of 17 SCHEDULE “a” JER IK LSTK (PACKAGE 5A) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 ATTACHMENT VI ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION INSPECTION | REMARKS : LEVEL [B0r-E-2007-F | Saline 7 Soft OW Exchangers (PHE) z | (Circuit 2) 501-E-2001-F/S-01 Saline CW Filter = 501-E-2001-G Saline / Soft CW Exchangers (PHE) 2 I (Circuit 2) (BOr-E-2007-G/S-07 _| Saline CW Fitter 2 501-E-2001-H Saline / Soft CW Exchangers (PHE) 2 | (Circuit 2) [501-E-2001-H/S-01 Saline CW Filter Zz [501-E-2001-J Saline / Soft CW Exchangers (PHE) 2 | (Circuit 2) [Boi-E-2007-JS-07 | Saline CW Filter z [S01-E-2001-K Saline / Soft CW Exchangers (PHE) 2 (Circuit 2) [501-E-2001-K/S-01 | Saline CW Fitter { pues A 501-E-2001-L ‘Saline / Soft CW Exchangers (PHE) 2 | (Circuit 2) | 501-E-2001-L/S-01 | Saline CW Fitter a | 501-E-2001-M Saline / Soft CW Exchangers (PHE) - (Circuit >) 501-E-2001-WS-01 _| Saline CW Filer z I I t Vessels | 501-D-2001 Soft CW Expansion Vessel (Circuit 2) 3 Columns 1 [Sor-cr-2007 Saline Cooling Tower (Circuit 2) 2 Pumps I '501-G-2001-A Saline CW Pump (Circuit 2) 3 '501-G-2001-8 | Saline CW Pump (Circuit 2) 3 '501-G-2001-C [Saline CW Pump (Circuit 2) 3 501-G-2001-D | Saline CW Pump (Circuit 2) 3 501-G-2001-E [Saline CW Pump (Circuit 2) 3 501-G-2001-F ‘Saline CW Pump (Circuit 2) 3 501-G-2002-A [Soft CW Pump (Circuit 2) 3 501-G-2002-3 | Soft CW Pump (Circuit 2) 3 501-G-2002-C [Soft CW! Pump (Circuit 2) 3 [501-G-2002"1 [Soft CW Pump (Circuit 2) 3 | 501-G-2002- | Soft CW Pump (Circuit 2) 3 I 501-G-2002-F [Soft CW Pump (Circuit 2) 3 I wo Q-VI-60f 17 SCHEDULE "a" JER IK LSTK (PACKAGE 5A) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 ATTACHMENT VI ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION INSPECTION | REMARKS LEVEL Basins '501-BA-2001 Saline Cooling Tower Basin (Circuit 2) 3 t '507-BA-2001/X.01-A_| Sluice Gate 3 I 501-BA-2001/K-01-8 | Sluice Gate 3 T '507-BA-2001/K-01-C_| Sluice Gate 3 { 501-BA-2001/K-01-D | Sluice Gate 3 i 5O1-BA-2001/X-01-E | Sluice Gate 3 501-BA-2001/X-01-F _| Sluice Gate 3 [507-BA-2001/X-01-G | Sluice Gate 3 501-BA-2001/X-01-H_| Sluice Gate BI ee 501-BA-2001/X-01-H_| Sluice Gate I 501-BA-2001/X-01-J_| Sluice Gate 3 501-BA-2001/X-01-K_| Sluice Gate 3 '501-BA-2001/X-01-L_| Sluice Gate 3 501-BA-2001/X-01-M | Siuice Gate 3 [507-BA-2001/X-01-N_| Sluice Gate 3 '501-BA-2001/X-01-Q | Sluice Gate 3 | Package Units | '501-X-2001 Non-Oxidant Biocide Treatment 3 | Package (Circuit 2) BOT DOOTI-OT Non-Oxidant Biocide Eductor (Circuit 2) 3 | 501-X-2002 Corrosion inhibitor Treatment Package 3 ] (Circuit 2) BO1-X-2OORII-01 Corrosion inhibitor Eductor (Circuit 2) 3 | Filters 501-5-2001 Slipstream Soft Cwilter (Circuit 3) aI | Flare System I Stacks [601-SK-1001 Hydrocarbon Flare (Train 1) 1 [01-SK-1002 Hydrocarbon Flare (Train 2) i I 601-SK-2001 [Aci i i Vessels i [601-D-1003 Hydrocarbon Flare Water Seal Drum 2 1 (rain 1) €01-D-1004 Hydrocarbon Flare Water Seal Drum 2 | (Train 2) | 601-D-2007 [Acid Flare KO Drum: 2 I Ww Q-VI-7 of 17 SCHEDULE "0" IK LSTK (PACKAGE 5A) CONTRACT Ni 1235433 ATTACHMENT VI ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION INSPECTION | REMARKS LEVEL 01-D-1007 | Hydrocarbon Flare KO Drum (Train 1) 2 {601-D-1002 Hydrocarbon Flare KO Drum (Train 2) 2 601-D-2002 Acid Flare Oil Seal Drum 2 [ ['607-D-0001 Water Pit (Train 1) I 3 [p01-D-0002 | Water (Train 2) { 3 | I T [ T T [Pumps | [601-G-1007-4 Hydrocarbon Flare KO Drums Pump Bi (Train 1) 601-G-1007-B Hydrocarbon Flare KO Drums Pump | 2 (Train 1) | 601-G-1002-A Hydrocarbon Flare KO Drums Pump 2 (Train 2) 01-1025 | Hydrocarbon Flare KO Drums Pump 2 | (Train 2) 601-G-2007-A ‘Acid Fiare KO Drum Pump 2 601-G-2001-8 ‘Acid Flare KO Drum Pump 2 601-G-0007-A [Water Pit Pump (Train?) 3 (601-G-0001-B [Water Pit Pump (Traini) ! 3 ['601-G-0002-4 Water Pit Pump (Train 2) 3 [601-G-0002-5 ‘Water Pit Pump (Train 2) I 3 { | | { i | Clean Water Collection T { Pumps i 611-G-0001-A [Clean Storm Water Pump 3 611-G-0001-3 [Clean Storm Water Pump | 3 [(611-G-0001-C [Clean Storm Water Pump I 3 611-G-0001-D ‘Clean Storm Water Pump 1 3 { 611-G-0002-4 ‘Clean Storm Water Pump 1 3 { 611-G-0002-8 ‘Clean Storm Water Pump | 3 | [617-G-0002-C [Ciean Storm Water Pump I 3 | [617-G-0002-D [Clean Storm Water Pump | 3 { t T I [ | Basins T [ [611-BA-0007 Ciean Water Lifting Basin 3 | 61 7-BA-0002 [Clean Water Lifting Basin [ 3 { t l Ww Q-VI-8 of 17 a SCHEDULE “Q” JER IK LSTK (PACKAGE 5A) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 ATTACHMENT VI ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION INSPECTION | REMARKS | LEVEL Oily Water Collection Pumps I 621-G-0007-A [Oily Storm Pump 3 I 621-G-0001-B [Oily Storm Pump 3 621-G-0001-C | Oily Storm Pump 3 T €21-G-0002-A [Olly Storm Pump 3 621-G-0002-8 Oily Storm Pump 3 (621-G-0002-C Oily Storm Pump 3 621-G-0004-A Oil Pump 3 621-G-0004-8 ‘Oil Pump 1 3 621-G-0005-A ‘Oil Pump. 1 3 | 621-G-0005-8 (Oil Pump T 3 621-G-0007-A Oily Water Pump 5 621-G-0007-8 Oily Water Pump 3 I 621-G-0008-A Oily Water Pump 3 { 621-G-0008-8 Olly Water Pump 3 t 621-G-0008-A Oily Water Pump 3 | 624-G-0009-5) | Olly Water Pump g 621-G-0010-A ‘Olly Water Pump 3 621-G-0010-5 Oily Water Pump 3 621-G-0012-A Oily Water Pumps | 621-G-0012-8 Oily Water Pumps 3 | 621-G-001A [ Oily Water Pumps 3 | [621-G-0013-8 | Olly Water Pumps 3 | I Basin | 621-BA-0001 Olly Water Lifting Basin 3 | (621-BA-0002 Olly Water Lifting Basin { 3 621-BA-0004 ‘Slop Oil Pit { 3 [621-BA-0005 ‘Slop Oil Pit T 3 621-BA-0008 Segregation Basin 3 [ | 621-BA-0009 Slop Oil Pit I 3 | } Package units: | 621-X-0001 Oil Skimmer I 3 [621-X-0002 Oil Skimmer [ 3 621-X-0004 Oi Skimmer | 3 | { I | (Tanks, sphere { 621-T-0001/X-01 ‘Oily Water Tank Skimmer 2 | 621-T-0002/K-01 | Oily Water Tank Skimmer 2 621-T-0001 Oily Water Tank | 2 621-T-0002 Oily Water Tank T 2 yw Q-VI-9 of 17 SCHEDULE *Q” JER IK LSTK (PACKAGE 54) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 ATTACHMENT VI ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION INSPECTION | REMARKS | | LEVEL | interconnecting System T Vessels I | 691-D-0001 Instrument Air Tank Farm West Header 3 | | Hold-up Drum i | | | 691-D-0002 Instrument Air Tank Farm East Header 3 Hold-up Drum | 651-D-0008 inn Pumps 691-G-0003 3 1 Transfer Pipeline System [Package units | Pig Lifting Davit 3 | | Pig Lifting Davit 3 | Pig Lifting Davit, [amanaeS ta j ] | | Miscellaneous | I I 801-Z-1001-A Jet-A1 Scraper Launching Station | 3 | 801-2-1004-8 | Sales Gas Scraper Receiving Station _| . 801-2-1005-5 LPG(C3+) Scraper Receiving Station |S | I END OF APPENDIX 1 ae Q-Vi-100f17 SCHEDI Y JER IK LST (PACKAGE 54) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 ATTACHMENT VI APPENDIX 2 - PACKAGE 54 EQUIPMENT INSPECTION LEVEL T ] ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION | TEN | REMARKS 1 | PIPE, FITTINGS AND VALVES - ABOVEGROUND PIPE & FITTINGS i T.1___| Pipe & iting (Materials & Fabricated) - 3 | | Carbon Stee! ie Pipe & Fitting (Materials & Fabricated) - Alloy 3 1 { & Stainless Steel [Ts [Pipe - ATR. | z 14 Pipe & Fitting - Nonmetallic | 3 | 1.5 | Instrument Tubing & Fittings - All Types & | = | Materials | | 16 __| Flanges - Al Types z [ Alloy Pipe and Fittings Fabricated | [ | 2 I | VALVES: 1.7 | Valves - Carbon Steel - All Types 3 1.8 | Valves - Alloy & Special Materials - All Types 3 | 1.9 | Valves - Nonmetallic 3 | 7.10 | Erection Materials 3 T | | | | | Small Bore Piping Addition - 132" and Smalier | 3 | [Anchor Sots 3 I Bolts & Nuts 3 | [Gaskets 3 | 1 2 | STRUCTURAL STEEL 21 | Steel Structures a | (= 22 T Ladders, Cages, and Platforms (Civil) 3 I [— 23 Ladders, Cages, and Piatiorms (Equipment) 3 | 2.4 Stee! Pipe Supports t 3 | ; / 3___ INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS CONTROL SYSTEMS. |" “37 Process Control System (PCS) 1 [3.2 | Emergency Shutdown System (ESD) 1 I 3.3 Programmabie Controllers (PLC) | 1 T 34) ‘Analyzer and Analyzer Systems | 2 | | PROCESS CONTROL | | 3.5 | Control Vaives Zors | dep. onsize 3.8 | Relief Valves Zor3 | dep. on size 3.71 Actuators 3 i 3.8__ instrument Vaives i 3 | END OF TABLE Q OF ATTACHMENT VI TO SCHEDULE “a” Q-VI-11 of 17 Yn SCHEDULE "O° ER IK LSTK (PACKAGE 5A) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 ATTACHMENT VI TABL! ACKAGE 5A - MATERIAL 1 ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION INSP TON | REMARKS | 1__| PIPE, FITTINGS AND VALVES - ABOVEGROUND PIPE & FITTINGS T.1___| Pipe & Fitting (Materials & Fabricated) - 3 | Carbon Stee! T2__| Pipe & Fitting (Materials & Fabricated) - Alloy 3 & Stainless Steel 13 | Pipe- ATR 3 1.4 | Pipe & Fitting - Nonmetallic 3 1.5__| Instrument Tubing & Fittings - Al Types & 3 | Materia's 16 Flanges - All Types 3 I } [Alloy Pipe and Fittings Fabricated | | i I | VALVES | T7__| Valves - Carbon Steal - All Types 3 1.8 | Valves = Alloy & Special Materials - All Types 3 | 1.9 | Valves - Nonmetallic 3 | [4.10 [Erection Materia 3 ! | { {_ ‘1.11 T Small Bore Piping Addition - 13" and Smatier | 3 | [112 T Anchor Bolts 3 [1137 [Botts & Nuts | 3 | Gaskets 3 | 2 STRUCTURAL STEEL | | [24 Steel Structures 3 | | 22° Ladders, Cages, and Platforms (Civil) 3 2.3 | Ladders, Cages. and Platforms (Equipment) _| 3 | 2.4 Steel Pipe Supports ! 3 | 3 ___| INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS CONTROL SYSTEMS 3.1__| Process Control System (PCS) 1 [32 [Emergency Shutdown System (ESD) 1 3.3 Programmable (| ontroliers (PLC) 1 3.4 | Analyzer and Analyzer Systems | 2 | PROCESS CONTROL | 3.5 __| Control Valves | Zora | dep. on size 3.6 __| Relief Valves 2or3 | dep. on size | 3.7 | Actuators 3 I | 3.8__| Instrument Vaives 3 I Ye END OF TABLE Q OF ATTACHMENT VI TO SCHEDULE “C” Q-Vi-120f 17 Vs SCHEDULE “a” ATTACHMENT VI 2. JER IK LSTK (PACKAGE 5¢/ CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 Quality Requirements 2.1 Asa minimum, CONTRACTOR shall assign, or require its Subcontractor to assign COMPANY approved Inspectors to the WORK in accordance with the following table. With COMPANY approval, inspectors may be qualified to inspect more than one discipiine; in this case, however, inspector may not fulfil more than one full time position at a time. truction, Pre-commissioning and Commissioning Phase Project Specific vy Construction Phase Inspector Requirements Construction | Primary inspectors, c _ | Pre-commissioning Boe Sos papers, Sepeccee cde pe civivStructural Earthwork | One [1] inspector per 15 | One {1} insrictor for | Not applicable earthwork machines or | each five one inspector per 50 ‘subcontractor labourers. inspectors Foundations One [} inspector per 25 | Same as above One [1] part time carpenters + iron workers U/G piping One [1] inspector per 15 | Same as above One (1] part time installers Structures One [1] inspector per 25 | Same as above One [1] part time carpenters + iron workers Mechanical Equipment’ One [1] inspector per 25 | One [1] inspector for | One [1] inspactor per mechanical workers: | each ten [10] 25 workers subcontractor [Discipline inspectors | Dependent] Welding Carbon Stee! | One [1] inspector per__| One [1] inspector for | One [1] inspector per | ten [10] welders and/or | each five [5] 25 works [Discipline | fitters subcontractors | Dependent] | inspectors | Alloy ‘One [1] inspector per | One|] inspector for _| One [1] inspector per eight [8] welders and/or | each five [5] | 20 works [Discipiine fitters | subcontractors Dependent] _inspectors he Q-Vi-130f 17 \ SCHEDULE “Q” ATTACHMENT VI JER IK LSTK (PACKAGE 5A) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 Construction Phase inspector Requirements | One [1] inspector per | One [1] inspector for | Primar Inspectors. Pre-commissioning Comstucton, (Con :actor or (Conteeee & Commissioning Discipline Su tor) Inspectors. Inspectors _——<—< a Heat Treatment One [1] part time five [5] heat treat crews | each two [2] subcontractor inspectors Others Instrumentation | One [1] inspector per | One [1] inspector for | One [1] inspector per forty [40] each five [5) 25 works [Discipline instrumentation ‘subcontractors Dependent] technicians/engineers | inspectors and/or one [1] inspector per three [3] instrumentation crews. Communication | One|] inspector per | One[t] inspector for | One {1] inspector per | forty [40] labourers each five [5] | 25 works [Discipline and/or on\' [1] inspector | subcontractors Dependent] per three [3] inspectors instrumentation crews. Coating One [1] inspector per | Onef] inspector for | One [1] inspector per three (3) coating crews. | each five [5] 25 works [Discipline | subcontractors Dependent] inspectors QC Engineers | One [1] QVQC on Oy owe Engineer for Electrical’ | E7oene' oF Instrumentation! ae Communication osumen soy Communication i OVERALL One [1] QV/;QC One [1] QA Manager | One [1] QA Manager Manager! each Sub- Contractor ‘One [1] Deputy QA/QC | QA/QC Manager at|QA/AC Manager at Manager/Each Sub | Site Site Contracto; One [1] Inspection Supervisor per 15 inspector per discipline | One [1] Inspection | Supervisor per 15 | inspector per Q-Vi- 14 0f 17 SCHEDULE “Q" JER IK LSTK (PACKAGE 5A) CONTRACT NO. 3000235433 ATTACHMENT VI - CONTRACTOR shall assign, or require two (2) Inspectors, i.e., one electrical and 23 24 ‘one mechanical, suitably qualified to check calibration of instrumentation Equipment at the WORK Site locations. Hydrotests CONTRACTOR shall submit Hydrostatic Test Packages prior to conducting hydrostatic tests of piping, pipelines and equipments for COMPANY review and approval. The hydrostatic test shall comply with JERES-A-004 and JERES-L-105, Other Project Specific Requirements: 2.4.1. For equipment items not identified above, CONTRACTOR shall bring it to the attention of COMPANY to assign the appropriate inspection level, 4 2.4.2 For package units that include various disciplines (mechanical, welding, electrical and instrumentations) such as compressors, co- generation, boilers, chemical dosing, anti-foaming, corrosion/scale inhibitors etc., CONTRACTOR shall assign additional Inspectors during applicable work activities for mechanical, welding, electrical, instrumentation and refractory inspections, CONTRACTOR shall assign a Lead Inspector who shall be a qualified mechanical inspector. 24.3 CONTRACTOR shall submit for COMPANY approval CONTRACTOR's QA/QC Organization Chart stating the following: + The name of each COMPANY approved (as per Schedule Paragraph 5.1) CONTRACTOR's QA/QC personnel * Mobilization Date: CONTRACTOR shall mobilize his COMPANY approved CONTRACTOR's QA/QC personnel ten (10) working days prior to the start up of the construction activities of their discipline. This period is intended for the ispector to familiarize himsett with the CONTRACT scope of work as well as the Standard a’ d Specifications. * CONTRACTOR shall update this Organization Chart on a monthly basis. 2.4.4 COMPANY shall be entitled to have the Company Representative or his nominee(s) to schedule and conduct quality assessment of CONTRACTOR's quality functions and obligations 2s outlined in Schedule Q. The quality assessment schedule will be communicated to the Contractor at least one month prior to the schedule quality assessmentis). Q-Vi-150f 17 SCHEDULE “Q” ATTACHMENT VI 245 246 JER IK LSTK (PAC! 5A) Ci ST NO. 143. CONTRACTOR's QA/QC inspectors shall be fully dedicated to carry out their assigned field inspection activities. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all his QA/QC office paperwork, records keeping and updates shall be copied to COMPANY Technical Clerks. PMI technician shall be qualified and Certified as an ASNT AT Level 1 technicians with at least one year experience in using the PMI instrument technicians shall demonstrate his working knowledge to COMPAN/ by operating the approved PMI instrument on a representative sample of the alloy materials with 100% correct assessment as the performance criteria. The instrument operator shall work to a written procedure and shall have been trained to use the instrument in accordance with that procedure. Training shall be documented and available for COMPANY review. 2.4.7 PMI inspector shall have, at least, three years experience as a PMI technician working directly for Oil, Gas and Petrochemical industries, PMI inspector shall demonstrate his working knowledge to COMPANY by operating the approved PMI instrument on a representative sample of the alloy materials with 100% correct assessment as the performance criteria. The PMI inspector shall have been trained to use the instrument and interpret the result to the applicable standards. Training shall be documented and available for COMPANY review. END OF ATTACHMENT VITO SCHEDULE: Q-VI- 16 of 17

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