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1. Which statement best describes the principle of reversibility?

a) Changing training duration prior to competition

b) Changing training intensity prior to competition
c) *The loss of training benefits with reduced performance
d) The loss of muscle glycogen due to increased training demands

2. Which of the following best demonstrates the principle of progressive?

a) Ensuring that an athlete's HR is below 70-80% if MHR during each session
b) *Gradually increasing the weight & number of reps for strength training exercises
c) Participating in a variety of activities to develop a range of muscle groups
d) Scheduling 1-2 training sessions each week to maximize training benefits

3. The principle of specificity is best illustrated by:

a) Lifting heavy weights to increase aerobic performance
b) Power walking to improve arm strength
c) Doing push-ups to reduce waistline size
d) *Doing sit-ups to increase abdominal strength

4. If you are walking at a pace that causes your heart to beat less than 50% of its maximum heart rate,
which FITT principle variable do you need to change to improve your cardiorespiratory endurance?
a) Frequency
b) *Intensity
c) Time
d) Type

5. Momentary muscle exhaustion, or training to failure, refers to _____________.

a) Strength training when you want to "bulk up"
b) *Lifting a weight that is appropriately challenging (for the number of repetitions you are
c) Body builders
d) Lifting a weight that is too heavy and may cause injury

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