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Preservice teacher Professional Experience Course Date

Madeleine Green EDUC 3061 29/05/2019

APST focus areas addressed:

Standard 1.4 - Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.
Design and implement effective teaching strategies that are responsive to the local community and cultural setting, linguistic
background and histories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.

Explanation of current knowledge and understanding:

The University of South Australia’s course, ‘Teaching and Learning in Aboriginal Education’ provided
information that would benefit me as a future educator to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
students to be successful in the classroom. Within the course, it was depicted that all students, Aboriginal
and non-Aboriginal are to be educated with decency, empathy and fairness. Educators need to understand
the history and culture of the Aboriginal community so that students feel more involved with the school
whilst still being connected to their ancestors.

In efforts to close ‘the gap’ (of health, education and other fundamental daily aspects of life) that is still
prevalent between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students, educators must not only recognise its cause and
effect, but to develop strategies that will assist students in lifting school outcomes within a safe learning
environment. Implementing Aboriginal culture within the classroom will assist students to express their
traditions (including non-Aboriginal students) and to develop empathy and respect, whilst reducing the use
of stereotypes and discrimination.

Explanation of how this demonstrates APST focus area graduate level

The evidence statement based on the content and analysis of the University of South Australia’s course
Teaching and Learning in Aboriginal Education, demonstrates the APST standard 1.4 ‘Strategies for teaching
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.’ It presents an understanding of the cultural needs of
students in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community as well as how school settings can adapt to
suit their learners from all cultures. With particular focus on the teacher being persistent to understand and
teach students about the accurate history and continuing culture that is still prevalent in Australia, the
students will reciprocate the positivity and continue to thrive in their learning. The course also
demonstrated that teachers need to promote reconciliation in order to be committed to closing the gap,
which comes with understanding and acceptance.

Pre-service teacher sign/date 29/05/2019

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