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Shaira Jean T.

SocEcon YC 1

1 How various media platforms (tv, radio, internet, print media,

social  media)  change the world?

As a person of the up and coming generation, I don’t know what life is like without social
media. I believe that social media is definitely changing the world because of its key role
in business, social life and entertainment. Social media has just begun to take
communication to the next level by opening up new opportunities for people to converse
and interact. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Delicious and Flickr, to name a
few, have changed the way the world works, illustrating how interactive communication
has strengthened communities and societies as a whole. Societies have become
dependent on social networking sites because once people realized how this concept
could change the way information was being produced and reproduced no one wanted
to let it go to waste. Social media has been changing the world rapidly from the minute it
was developed and is going to be a fundamental part of everyday life for a long time.
Social media offers advantages for gaining important information like breaking news. It
has changed the world so much that I can now go to Facebook or Twitter to find the
information I need, and the information is made accessible faster than is provided by
broadcast or print media because social networking sites can be updated in real time.

Businesses realize the importance of social media as well as seen in departments

dedicated to social media activities to expand and advance their initiatives. Also, there
is the fact that I can receive information about almost anything via social media which
makes me wonder how we ever lived without it.Social media is also accommodating to
the person using it and communicating through it. For example, on Twitter there are
updates on breaking news stories such as Egypt or celebrities and sports teams, which
allows people with a wide range of interests to utilize one tool to become more
knowledgeable overall.

Since the rise in popularity of social media and the use of technology for
communication, many businesses realize that they can now reach audiences through
social media 10x faster than they could have before social media. In the past,
businesses reached target audiences through traditional and alternative advertising
such as billboards, magazines, television and radio, but now they choose social media
sites for their core communication efforts.

2 In what way these media platforms help the world to be integrated?

Thanks to the creation of various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, and LinkedIn,  individuals from across the globe have been afforded the
opportunity to interact with people both inside and outside of their own communities.
Social media can facilitate peace by encouraging valuable dialogue between people
from different ethnic, religious, and political backgrounds. This dialogue can, in turn,
alter attitudes, change perceptions, and encourage increased tolerance & mutual
understanding between ethnic groups who would otherwise never have had the
opportunity to engage with one another

3)    Does religion serve as an instrument of peace or conflict? Justify your


For me, it is an instrument of peace because if you are really a true believer of your
religion you will realize that despite of the diversity you need to respect other religion as
well. You must embody the teachings and practices of your religion because religion do
not promote war but peace and understanding to each mankind. Even though some
religious affiliations were dragged and discriminated specially when there is war, some
people labels the terrorists as a muslim. However its not the religion itself that creates

4)    Does terrorism have religion? Justify your answer.

No, terrorism has no religion because it is all about violence, war and chaos. Terrorism
is the product of corrupt minds, hardened hearts, and arrogant egos, and corruption,
destruction, and arrogance are unknown to the heart attached to the divine. Islam or
Christianity is a religion of tolerance and peaceful coexistence with all of humanity both
as individuals and communities. Islam and Christians views people as honored
creatures without regard for their religion, race, or color. 
It is both false and unjust to think that Islam is the cause of terrorism just because it is
carried out by groups who associate themselves with Islam; otherwise this claim would
be call for the destruction of all religions.

5)    How globalization changes your society’s religious practices and tradition in 


In general, the change that I observed is that:

-- There are new emerging religious groups nowadays and most of them even knock
at you door to introduce their religion and educate you about it. However, it may sound
uncomfortable but unlike Roman Catholic that you are baptized to be called a Christian,
it is you and your family who chose your religion and not the way where some people
encouraged you to join theirs.

---There are broadcast mass that you can watch on a television without going to church.
You can just stay at home an attend the mass virtually. There are mass from Vatican
City that is sometimes live and you can watch it on the internet.
6)    How does religion helps solve the global conflict and promote global peace?

Religious affiliation and conviction often motivates religious communities to advocate

particular peace-related government policies. Religious communities also directly
oppose repression and promote peace and reconciliation. Religious leaders and
institutions can mediate in conflict situations, serve as a communication link between
opposing sides, and provide training in peacemaking methodologies. This form of
religious peacemaking garners less public attention but is growing in importance.
Interfaith dialogue is another form of religious peacemaking. Rather than seeking to
resolve a particular conflict, it aims to defuse interfaith tensions that may cause future
conflict or derive from previous conflict. Interfaith dialogue is expanding even in places
where interreligious tensions are highest. Not infrequently, the most contentious
interfaith relationships can provide the context for the most meaningful and productive
7)    What global-city characteristics induce multinational companies to choose a 

        certain global city as the location for their headquarters?

The headquarter is crucial for the overall functioning of MNCs. Importantly, operating at
low organizing costs is of paramount significance for any MNC as this has a direct effect
on MNCs’ performance. A global city has wealth, power and influence to other countries
as well as hosts the largest capital markets. Moreover, a city that has wealthy
multinational companies, good infrastructure, better economy, well-educated and
diverse populations and powerful organizations as well as a good political structure that
are linked to the other parts of the world like nowhere else is considered to be global. A
global city, therefore, is the world’s most important and influential city that covers the
dimensions of the globalization. These dimensions are cultural experience, business
activity, human capital as well as political engagement. London, New York, Paris, Rome
and Tokyo are one of the most well-known global cities as it provides global
competitiveness for its citizens and companies.

8)    Is there a city in Mindanao that exhibits the attributes of a global city? If yes,

       are these attributes? Why?

The attributes of a global city are:

Home to major stock exchanges and indexes
Influential in international political affairs
Home to world-renowned cultural institutions
Service a major media hub
Large mass transit networks
Home to a large international airport
And Davao city exhibits some of these attributes. Davao City’s remarkable ordinances
such as the No Smoking and No Firecrackers and Fireworks ordinances made it
popular nationwide. It also helps that these are observed quite diligently by the
Dabawenyos making the ordinances a success and the city an attractive place for
people outside Davao City as a tourist destination or even as an investment area.As the
city continues to progress, it does not only attract tourists but as well as investors who
have seen the business and economic potential of Davao City. Just recently, the Taiwan
External Trade Development Council (Taitra) visited Davao City and held a conference
at Marco Polo Davao wherein their latest technology and products were displayed in an
exhibit. During the said conference, as well, they signified interest in showing
Davaoeños how they innovate to improve their technology in trade and manufacturing.
9 What role will migration play in 21st Century demographic change? Will the 

       societies benefit from migration in 21st century?

Economic and demographic disparities will shape the mobility of labor and skills
during the 21st century. Richer societies and some emerging economies are already
experiencing rapid population aging, while working-age populations will continue to
grow in other emerging economies and in most low-income countries. Despite these
trends, many highly developed countries and emerging economies continue to assume
that today’s demographic realities will persist. International migration and internal
mobility are one way of addressing the growing demographic and persisting economic
disparities. When they move, most migrants manage to improve their income, access to
education, or personal security, as well as contributing to the welfare of their regions of
origin. Yet migrants are also at risk of being exploited or experiencing discrimination.
While migration cannot mitigate all of the labor market challenges and economic
disparities of the coming years and decades, smart migration, integration, and
nondiscrimination policies will have substantial implications. Future migration policies
should aim at reducing the direct and indirect costs of migration while maximizing the
possible benefits of migration. When developing these policies, it is crucial that decision
makers consider and invest in long-term solutions that can be adapted to meet the
changing needs of their economies and societies.
10) In your own point of view, what is sustainable development? 

Based from our lesson, sustainable development is a development that meets the
needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their
own needs. Sustainable development is the need of the present time not only for the
survival of mankind but also for its future protection. Making development sustainable is
a difficult task because it means that we also need to adapt current methods that are
already being used to make current business sustainable as well as achieving
sustainable development.

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