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Reading Assignment - Scrum Methodology

o Please review the scrum slides discussed during the class and read
the scrum-guide. Create a one-page table with definitions for the
following items of the scrum methodology:
§ Scrum Team
§ Product Owner
§ Development Team
§ Scrum Master
§ Scrum Events
§ Sprint
§ Sprint Planning
§ Daily Scrum
§ Sprint Review
§ Sprint Retrospective
§ Scrum Artifacts
§ Product Backlog
§ Sprint Backlog
§ Increment
o Complete the reading of the Scrum Guide and PMBOK vs. Scrum files. Provide
a one-page table comparing the SCRUM methodology vs. the PMI Body of
2. Reading Assignment – Google Scrum Application
Read the how Google isusing the Scrum methodology discussed during the class
(see attachment scrumpapers.pdf starting at 169/202) Ssh! We are
adding a process… (at Google)

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