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The Boston Gazette  

Redy, Bridget, Miracle October 31st, 2019

Last Battle   Article Headline 

by: Bridget by: Name

September 28, 1781 was the day it Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
started. At the beginning there was only adipiscing elit. Mauris vel aliquet nibh. Duis
9000 British troops against 7800 French adipiscing ut ante id pretium. Sed lobortis
including 9200 of our troops. So we already diam odio, vel hendrerit dui blandit ornare.
had a major lead with a total of 17000 Nunc in erat pellentesque, feugiat nibh
troops. George washington helped us so sollicitudin, aliquet ligula. Fusce sit amet
much to achieve this great victory and we augue turpis. Aenean sed nisi sit amet augue
should be thankful for our friends the French tempus lobortis. In fringilla sagittis dolor, et
for almost doubling our numbers. We took imperdiet purus consequat quis. Etiam
the right side and the french took the left. eleifend sed ligula in pharetra. Integer
We met up with the french in Road interdum neque ut orci sodales hendrerit.
Vivamus vestibulum, nunc dictum pharetra
Island so they could help. They went together
molestie, velit nunc porta risus, non
towards New York from there soon after. We tincidunt neque nisl a leo. In hac habitasse
got the british surrounded! We were at the platea dictumst.Quisque ornare purus ut
top of the hill on this one. A few days later nunc molestie, a semper ante dapibus.
our troops were located in Yorktown virginia Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum
Article Headline  primis in faucibus. Quisque ac massa sit
starting a siege on the British. More days by: Name
amet odio mattis viverra. Ut magna massa,
passed and we bombarded the enemy and
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur malesuada vitae feugiat et, venenatis ac
the Continental Army took out the last of tellus. Pellentesque ultrices, lorem sed
adipiscing elit. Mauris vel aliquet nibh. Duis
their defenders so we close range fired and adipiscing ut ante id pretium. Sed lobortis vulputate varius, nunc mi mollis massa, vel
took out more of their people. 3 days later a diam odio, vel hendrerit dui blandit ornare. faucibus justo mi ut nunc.
Britsh officer raised a white flag we have all Nunc in erat pellentesque, feugiat nibh
been longing for. On october 19th. Our sollicitudin, aliquet ligula. Fusce sit amet
officers signed the paper saying that the augue turpis. Aenean sed nisi sit amet augue
Britsh surrendered! We have won! tempus lobortis. In fringilla sagittis dolor, et
imperdiet purus consequat quis. Etiam
eleifend sed ligula in pharetra. Integer
interdum neque ut orci sodales hendrerit.
Vivamus vestibulum, nunc dictum pharetra
molestie, velit nunc porta risus, non
tincidunt neque nisl a leo. In hac habitasse
platea dictumst.Quisque ornare purus ut
nunc molestie, a semper ante dapibus.
Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum
primis in faucibus. Quisque ac massa sit
amet odio mattis viverra. Ut magna massa,
malesuada vitae feugiat et, venenatis ac
tellus. Pellentesque ultricies, lorem sed Thomas Gage early life by miracle rogers
Fun Facts   vulputate varius, nunc mi mollis massa, vel
Thomas gage was the second son of viscount
By:Bridget faucibus justo mi ut nunc.
gage. Thomas gage was born in1719 or 1720
1. Many adults back then suffered from and died on april 1 1787 in England. He died
tooth loss because they didn't think it of natural causes. The nobleman's status
was that important to clean their would serve him well in life. He used this
teeth. Most of the colonists didn't power to advance his political and military
standing. Gage was very popular in the
have enough nutrients to stay healthy.
army. The most known war that thomas
The poor wiped them with cloth, and gage fought in was in the french and indian
the rich went to get them cleaned. war
Toothpaste was not a thing.
2. England servants wore blue clothes.
Dyed with indigo to show they are
servants and not “commoners”.
Who was alexander hamilton
3. There was obviously no toilet paper.
Alexander Hamilton was born on January
At the beginning most of then used
11th 1755 and Nevis British West Indies and
corn cobs, but later on they found out
died on July 12th 1804.He was most known
that old newspaper worked and
as a key figure in the ratification of the US
functions better. The first “splinter
free” toilet paper was created AFTER
What side was he on
the flush toilet!
Alexander was with the Americans when he
4. Dinner was actually in the middle of
fought in the american Revolutionary war
the day like lunch now. It was the
“biggest” meal. At the end of the day
What made alexander hamilton a hero
Alexander Hamilton served this country in
they ate supper which was a lighter very many ways. Reason 1 being that he
meat. fought in the aerican Revolutionary war
5. The average height for a male back against the british. He led the americans the
then was 5’8. Their beds, doorways, victory against the british. Reason 2 is
and tables where shorter then Alexander Hamilton expressed himself in
everything now. many ways That most people wouldn't even
6. For an anti aging cream, the woman think about doing . Reason 3 is he Helped
rubbed bacon grease or egg whites on shaped our country into what it is today He
there face. created the first bank to help citizens .
7. As for the brows, they used
lead-based cosmetics causing hair
loss. Then they used mice fur to glue
on their face as eyebrows. Most of the
time the glue didn't stick well, so they
had to make sure that the men didn't
8. A popular pet to have where squirrels,
and sugar gliders. Mostly among
children, the squirrel was the first pet.
People did have domestic dogs, but
they were used on the farm. Other
animals that became domestice
where birds, and deer.
9. A lot of people wore wigs because
most people suffer from hair loss
10. The men would have other shirts to
wear for when they are hunting. This
is to camouflage, and to not get their
nicer clothes dirty and towarn.


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