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There is a new project whose overall goal is to increase the agriculture income of small

landholding farmers. The farmers are supported with technical training/inputs and are technically
backstopped by several mobile field visits. With this given information develop a M&E plan
which would assess the project impact.

The project aims to increase the agriculture income of small landholding farmers and it does so
via training activities. Let us develop monitoring and evaluation through following steps:

1. Input level
The resources put into the program. Example of monitoring indicator: Budget delivery rate.
It tells whether you are using the resources that have been allotted to the program.

Technology, human resources

2. Activity level
The actions taken that are the actual content of the program.
Example of monitoring indicator: Proportion of training sessions completed compared with the
expected number of training sessions. If this proportion is high, it is more likely that enough
farmers have attended the training sessions.

3. Output level
The direct results of the program activities on its direct targets.
Example of monitoring indicator: Share of targeted farmers who completed the course. If the rate
is close enough to the target, then it is likely that enough people have been trained to make a
difference in terms of changing previous practices.

4. Outcome level
The consequences of the program’s outputs that are expected to obtain the expected impact.
Example of evaluation indicator: Share of trained farmers that have adopted the new practices. If
the rate was very low, you would need to commission a study or an evaluation to understand why
it was low.

5. Impact level
The changes that the program is expected to provoke. Example of evaluation indicator:
Productivity Rate. It explains to what extent was the productivity of small farmers contributed to
increase their agriculture income.
The project aims to increase the agriculture income of small landholding farmers and it does so
via training activities. Let's develop monitoring and evaluation through following steps:

1. Input level

The resources put into the program. Example of monitoring indicator: Budget delivery rate. It
tells whether you are using the resources that have been allotted to the program.

2. Activity level

The actions taken that are the actual content of the program. Example of monitoring indicator:
Proportion of training sessions completed compared with the expected number of training
sessions. If this proportion is high, it is more likely that enough farmers have attended the
training sessions.

3. Output level

The direct results of the program activities on its direct targets. Example of monitoring indicator:
Share of targeted farmers who completed the course. If the rate is close enough to the target, then
it is likely that enough people have been trained to make a difference in terms of changing
previous practices.

4. Outcome level

The consequences of the program’s outputs that are expected to obtain the expected impact.
Example of evaluation indicator: Share of trained farmers that have adopted the new practices.

5. Impact level

The changes that the program is expected to provoke. Example of evaluation indicator:
Productivity Rate. It explains to what extent was the productivity of small farmers contributed to
increase their agriculture income.

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