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This book attract me so much because of the title , The Geography of

you and me, Geography means nature and relative arrangement of

places and physical features, so I was thinking ‘maybe the genre of this
story is traveling and romance base of it’s book cover’
The book is about Lucy who has live in New York for her entire
life and doesn’t really know where is her home, because her parents
head on international adventure without her, Lucy felt so lonely and
because of that their is a part of her that wants to travel somewhere, it
doesn’t matter where… just somewhere ---- and there is Owen. Owen
just moved in New York because his dad recently took the building
super position. Just like Lucy, Owen wants to go everywhere but he
ended up in New York
And that’s where the story starts. Owen and Lucy meet in elevator,
in New York City, It’s a very cliché story, because the elevator suddenly
went blackout. Then after they got out, they spend their night exploring
the city, after that night they go back to their previous lives before the
blackout happens. After that, Lucy moved to a different country and the
two of them tried to maintain their friendship even though they are
thousands of miles apart, there is something that brings both of them
back to that day, the way they’re stuck in the elevator, even though they
so far from each other, they still held a tiny hope, that one day they
would see each other again
after a lot of heartbreaks and pains they meet again. Owen make a
surprise visit in Lucy’s new home, so Owen and Lucy asked each other
what are the things they didn’t know about each other. after that they go
out and see the stars.but The sad part is, after that happy and sweet
scene, they knew that they need to go back on their previous life, but
they promised each other to meet again.maybe in New Zealand,
London, Paris, or Alaska and they can wander around the tundra like a
couple of penguins

I really enjoyed reading this novel because it’s about the two
characters, and their different lives and how they comeback to each
other after that periods of times, even though the two of them loves to
travel, and when they do the traveling, all they think about is the place
where they met and the little time they spent together and that’s the cute
thing about this story. Unlike other novels , this story don’t have major
drama and it’s so easy to read
There are obviously some romantic elements in this book, some
people might find them cheesy or corny but, I think they are unique and
cute. I like them as a character, Owen is so caring ,thoughtful and hurt.
He missed so many things in his life and Lucy, she was so shy and
alone, she needed someone to fulfill the void in her life, and ofcrs. I
loved the way they communicate via postcards
Title: The Geometry of you and me

Characters: Lucy Patterson

Owen Buckly
Charlie and Ben Petterson (Lucy’s Brother)
Liam (Lucy’s new friend)

Settings: New York (Where Owen and Lucy Meet)

London (Lucy’s new home)
Times Square (Where Owen and his father celebrate)
Tahoe (Owen’s second postcard/ Owen’s new house)
Arthur’s seat (The first place where Liam took Lucy)

Summary: Lucy lives on the twenty-fourth floor. Owen lives in the basement. It's
fitting, then, that they meet in the middle -- stuck between two floors of a New
York City apartment building, on an elevator rendered useless by a citywide
blackout. After they're rescued, Lucy and Owen spend the night wandering the
darkened streets and marveling at the rare appearance of stars above Manhattan.
But once the power is back, so is reality. Lucy soon moves abroad with her
parents, while Owen heads out west with his father.
The brief time they spend together leaves a mark. And as their lives take them to
Edinburgh and to San Francisco, to Prague and to Portland, Lucy and Owen stay in
touch through postcards, occasional e-mails, and phone calls. But can they --
despite the odds -- find a way to reunite?

Conflict: the conflict of the story is when Lucy and Owen live New York and how
their relationship grow even in long distance

Theme: Romance and Traveling

Name: Keith Trissiah Q. Morta
Section: 9-Nobility

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