Predicting Homework

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Making predictions

1. It was a beautiful day, Nicole and Pablo found a good spot in the park;
they spread a blanket over the grass. Then they took lots of food out of
their basket.
What do you think they probably did next?
_ gave thanks for the food and ate
Why do you say that?
because after having the food outside they thanked them for having that
space for them and having dinner as a family
2. This was the ideal moment Pablo had been waiting for, everything was
so romantic and he was so in love, all he could think about was having
a life and a family with Nicole, he kissed her and then he got down on
one knee, he put his hand inside his pants right pocket and started
taking out a small box.
What do you think happened next?
__ he proposed marriage______
Why do you say that?
because he took out of his pocket a little box, with a ring
3. Jeff looked out of the window. it was snowing outside! he asked his
mom if he could go outside and play with the other kids. After his
mother answered; he quickly started getting dress.
What do you think he probably did next?
he went out to play with the other children
Why do you say that?
because he dressed quickly so it means that if he gave him permission
4. Maria had just mopped the floor,; it was wet and slippery. Just then,
her little brother ran through with his socks on. Maria tried to stop
him, but it was too late.
What do you think happened next?
his brother fell
Why do you say that?
because maria did not manage to warn him

5. The puppy was playing around with his favorite ball, when the ball fell
off the balcony, the puppy started crying and then Gregory got up from
his chair.
What do you think he probably did next?
I hit him and then he went for his ball
Why do you say that?
because he was making too much noise, but he knew it was his favorite

6. The student was frantically trying to finish his homework; so he could

send it to the teacher, the teacher had giving the class a deadline for
the homework, and the deadline was going to be over in less than 5
What do you think happened next?
he can't finish his homework
Why do you say that?
because he had enough time but he left everything for the last minute

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