Salud Mental Versus Enfermedad Mental: Una Perspectiva de Educación para La Salud

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American Journal of Health Education

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Mental Health v. Mental Illness: A Health

Education Perspective

Mark J. Kittleson

To cite this article: Mark J. Kittleson (2019) Mental Health v. Mental Illness: A Health
Education Perspective, American Journal of Health Education, 50:4, 210-212, DOI:

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Published online: 03 Jun 2019.

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2019, VOL. 50, NO. 4, 210–212


Mental Health v. Mental Illness: A Health Education Perspective

Mark J. Kittleson
New York Medical College


Mental health is different than mental illness. Yet, public and professional’s views of mental health Received 5 December 2018
often confuses the two terms. This commentary explores what mental health is, what components Accepted 21 December 2018
consist of a mentally healthy person, and how one can improve and enhance mental health
among youth.

I congratulate Dr. Eddy and the Editorial Board of the approach to this dimension of health. While there may be
American Journal of Health Education in the creation of discussion on the results of failure to deal with these
this special issue on Mental Health. Never before has activities (heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure) it is
the topic of mental health been more timely and perti- typically not the health educator’s first thoughts in discuss-
nent in our society. However, I am concerned that our ing physical health. Health Education (and health promo-
profession may be confusing mental health with mental tion) is a prevention-focus discipline that looks at ways to
illness. Even the call for the Special Issue in the promote physical health, rather than just deal with diseases.
American Journal of Health Education, “Mental Health Yet, when the topic of mental health is broached,
as a Chronic Disease Issue” implies mental illness. there is a tendency to focus on the illness aspect.
Issues such as suicide, addictive behavior, depression, Whereas those issues associated with mental illness
ADHD and mood disorders are illnesses, and are just are important, let’s not be confused that this is mental
a subset of mental health. health. We should focus on the positive aspect of men-
Nearly 30 years ago, I authored an article in which tal health – much like in the example above regarding
I did a comparison on personal health textbook’s dis- physical health. Our educational effort should be to
cussion on mental health.1 Most of the content in the help promote mental health, not provide information
“mental health” chapter was on mental illness. on illness areas only.
Although the content has changed in personal health Let me be clear. Mental illness is important; it is
textbooks, there is still a tendency to confuse mental critical; it is a major concern in our country. Issues
illness with mental health. Ask either the public or such as depression, suicide, addictions, and the variety
professionals what mental health is and they both are of mental illnesses are important to discuss, educate,
likely to cite issues that are mental illness – many of the and treat. Funding is absolutely critical to assist indivi-
items that are listed in this call for papers. Professions duals suffering from such issues. However, like the
like Social Work are taking the lead (with financial physical health above, mental health should focus on
support) to deal with the mental health of various those issues that promotes mental health.
populations – in reality, they are dealing with mental Again, using physical health as an example, what
illness. Mental Illness, and strategies to combat it, are does it take to be physically healthy? Exercise, eating
very important. However, as health educators, we right, maintaining good weight would be some of the
should not fall into the trap of confusing mental illness main answers. Now let’s ask, what does it take to be
as mental health. mentally healthy? Do we as a profession have clarity to
So what is mental health? Let me give an example respond to this? I believe we do have clear criteria to
using a different dimension of health – physical health. what constitutes a mentally healthy person (besides
When health educators are asked about their thoughts being absent of a mental illness).
on physical health, there is a tendency to talk about issues In the 1987 article mentioned earlier, it stated that
such as exercise, diet, and weight control. These are items there were several dimensions to positive mental health:
that tend to “promote” physical health – a positive a) a positive self-image, b) effective decision-making

CONTACT Mark J. Kittleson New York Medical College, Department of Public Health, 19 Skyline Drive, Valhalla, NY 10595
© 2019 SHAPE America

skills, c) expressive communication skills, and d) of people unlike themselves. The classroom and
awareness of one’s value’s system. These areas were the family can be used to examine values and
inadequately discussed in the personal health textbooks ways to create an awareness of how these values
in 1989 (coverage is much better in today’s general have been instilled.
health textbooks). The article also stated that coping (4) Effective Communication Skills. The ability to
was an important part of mental health, and acknowl- teach students effective communication skills,
edged that textbooks did a sufficient job discussing this including the use of “I” statements, are critical
topic within the stress management chapters. Since that to one’s mental well-being. Anybody who has
article was published, two additional components been involved in a relationship with poor com-
would be added to dimensions of positive mental munication skills can attest to the difficulties
health: a) assertiveness training, and b) risk-taking. this causes in one’s life. Again, teachers and
These concepts are expanded below.2 parents play a critical role in helping teach
children how to effectively communicate.
(1) A Positive Sense of Self-Esteem/Self-Worth. (5) Effective Coping Skills. Teaching students
As a profession, how do we instill this compo- how to deal with stresses are essential to one’s
nent? Parents and teachers play a critical role. mental health. Within this component, one
There are four major components that assist would include assertiveness training and peer-
students to create a positive sense of self: 1) resistance skills. Whereas the classroom can be
A sense of connectiveness – ensuring that the an excellent setting to expose students’ ways to
child has groups to be affiliated with (ie, family, cope, it is also important that parents play
sports, church); 2) Power – possessing the abil- a critical role through their modeling on deal-
ity to make choices that impact them; 3) ing with stress.
Uniqueness – the quality of feeling special; 4) (6) Assertiveness Training. Assertive training is
Modeling – having role models (ie, sports her- a type of behavior training to provide skills to
oes, teachers, coaches). Each of these areas can allow people to stand up for themselves.
clearly be discussed in a classroom setting or Assertiveness is the middle ground between
through parenting activities. being passive and aggressive behavior. Having
(2) Effective Decision-Making Skills. Part of assertiveness training skills provides
learning decision-making skills is acknowled- a framework for students to stand up for issues
ging the consequences of such decisions – both they believe in, reduce the consequences of
short term and long term, along with negative bullying and allows students to minimize
and positive consequences. Generally speaking, aggressive behavior.3
mentally healthy people have a mechanism to (7) Risk-Taking Skills. Research has shown that
make decisions. People who are not mentally it is important to let students know that it’s
well often have difficulties making decisions, okay to take risks.4 We’re not talking suicidal
and are often paralyzed when forced to make or unprepared risks. Risks can be categorized
a decision, or they make a decision that leads to as physical risks (ie, climbing a mountain;
severe negative consequences. Again, numer- running a marathon; skydiving; camping),
ous activities exist for teachers and parents to intellectual risks (ie, taking a new job; going
help provide direction on how to improve to college; or listening to a different person’s
a child’s decision-making process. view point), and emotional risks such as ask-
(3) Values Awareness. Values awareness is the ing brave questions, giving brave answers or
process to understand one’s values, where giving brave statements to those close to us
they come from, and how they were developed. (this component closely relates to effective
An important part of this component is to communication skills). Risks keep people
allow youth to understand the vast difference sharp, challenged, and allows a sense of
in values in our society – perhaps it will encou- accomplishments. All one has to do is to
rage tolerance among differing views from this ask an individual who has done some activ-
pluralistic society. All one has to do is to read ities such as sky-diving why they did it. They
the headlines in today’s newspapers to realize talk about the exhilaration, the excitement, or
that many people in our society are intolerant the ability to face a challenge. Long-distance

legend George Sheehan said that long- address these behavioral-based issues to prevent. For
distance running was a way for a person to example, bullying is an excellent example of
challenge themselves and to prove themselves a behavioral-based issue. An article may talk about its
a hero to themselves. He stated prevalence, destructive consequences, or costs to
society. I would hope that there would be as much
time to discuss ways to reduce or prevent the incident.
“… I want to be challenged. I want to find out whether Hopefully, the “components” of mental health outlined
or not I am a coward. I want to see how much effort above could serve as a mechanism to address these
I can put out … what I can endure … if I measure up.
Running allows that.” In Sheehan’s opinion, complet-
ing a marathon may be exhausting, but the mental
boost to one’s life is enormous.5
Disclosure statement
Obviously, each risk-taking area (Physical Risks; No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.
Emotional Risks; Intellectual Risks) needs good pre-
paration. One would never go sky-diving without
proper training and equipment. In addition, appro-
priate preparation for those engaging in both emo- Mark J. Kittleson
tional and intellectual risks needs to be done.
So what does this have to do with this special issue
of the American Journal of Health Education? For each
of these articles, I ask the following questions: “What 1. Kittleson MJ. Mental health vs. mental illness:
can health education do about this?” a philosophical discussion. Health Educ. 1989;20:40–42.
2. Donnelly J, Eburne NC, Kittleson MJ. Mental Health:
In many instances, there is nothing we can do (if
Dimensions of Self-Esteem and Emotional Well-Being.
mental illness is the focus). A person suffering from Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon Publishers; 2000.
clinical depression needs medication and/or profes- 3. Assertiveness training. Encyclopedia of mental
sional counseling. The best that a health educator disorders.
can do is to recognize potential signs of depression. Assertiveness-training.html. Updated 2018. Assessed
A person suffering from addiction also needs pro- December 20, 2018.
4. Benefits of positive risk-taking. Frontier support.
fessional care. Again, little that health educators can
do to treat…we are not trained in that area. As with positive-risk-taking/. Published February 16, 2017.
depression, hopefully, we can be aware of signs that Accessed December 20, 2018.
would allow us to encourage professional health. 5. George A. Sheehan quotes. AZ Quotes. https://www.
I would hope that the articles, besides explaining the
Accessed December 20, 2018
problem, would allow significant coverage on how we

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