Effects of Metropolitan Land Use On Water Quality in Zing Local Government Area, Taraba State, Nigeria.

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Journal of Environment and Waste Management

Vol. 7(1), pp. 345-355, September, 2020. © www.premierpublishers.org, ISSN: 0274-


Research Article

Effects of Metropolitan Land Use on Water Quality

in Zing Local Government Area, Taraba State,
Daniel Godwin Shenpam, PhD
Department of Geography, College of Education, Zing, Taraba State, Nigeria
E-mail: shenpamgodwin@yahoo.com; phone: +2348167876732

The aim of this study is to determine the effects of Zing metropolitan land use on Zing River
water quality in Taraba State, Nigeria. Water samples were collected from three sample points
and analyzed to determine the level of pollution of water in the River. Parameters such as
temperature, pH, turbidity, TDS, Nitrate, Nitrite, phosphate, chloride, fluoride, iron, zinc and E-
Coli, were considered. Water samples were purposively and carefully select and collected to
ensure that the samples were upstream, within and downstream of the land use types
respectively. The study adopted descriptive statistics. Result showed that the major sources
of pollution in Zing Rivers are agricultural run-off, run-off from urban center, local craft
industrial effluents and discharges from commercial and residential houses. This may lead to
water borne/Water related diseases in the study area. The finding showed that the variety and
level of pollution in Zing River is related to the size of population and land use activities going
on at various parts of the metropolis from where it receives run-off and pollutants.

Keywords: Surface, Water Quality, Metropolitan, Zing, Land use, River.


The land use within the watershed has great impacts on affects the services provided by the riparian ecosystem
the water quality of rivers. The water quality of rivers may services (Chu et al. 2013). Anthropogenic activities such
degrade due to the changes in the land cover patterns as agriculture, deforestation and urbanization have been
within the watershed as human activities increase. identified as the main drivers of land use and land cover
Changes in the land cover and land management change which affects the quality of water bodies (Li et
practices have been regarded as the key influencing al. 2014). These activities singularly or jointly impact the
factors behind the alteration of the hydrological system, quality of water resources. The land use, therefore, within
which lead to the change in runoff as well as the water a watershed has a great impact on the water quality and
qualit.( Juan et al, 2013) quantity of rivers (Li et al. 2014).
Water pollution is one of the several critical issues facing
the world in both developed and developing countries. The knowledge of the relationship between land use and
Surface water resources around the world are under water quality of rivers helps in identifying threats to water
increasing threats of pollution especially rivers (Mul et quality. Identifying this relationship is relevant for effective
al. 2015). The quality of water resources is affected by and sustainable surface water quality management
natural and anthropogenic activities (Matshakeni 2016) especially in minimizing the pollutant loads in the water
which may render it less valuable for human use. body (Chu et al. 2013).

Studies have shown that natural and human activities have Surface water pollution remains a major problem
resulted in land use and land cover (LULC) changes which worldwide, caused by both natural processes and
Shenpam DG 346

anthropogenic activities {Noori et al., 2010). Evaluation of quality of River Benin reported high BOD and low DO
surface water quality in drinking water sources is important values at the discharge point of the wastes into the River.
as they can be one of the main pathways for the The impact of point source pollution from sewage
dissemination of toxic chemicals and pathogenic treatment oxidation pond on a receiving stream was
microorganisms. Identifying the source(s) of contamination studied by Ogunfowokan et al. (2005). The researchers
and developing appropriate management strategies is observed significant elevation of water indices such as pH,
essential to minimizing potential public health risks. The BOD, nitrate, phosphate and TSS. It is well known that
surface water quality in a region can be affected by both oxygen depletion in water bodies could cause fish death
point and nonpoint sources of pollution (Lodder et while increase in BOD signifies high load of organic matter.
al.,2010). Also, organic matter decomposition in surface water
produced inorganic nutrients such as ammonia, nitrate and
The quality of any body of surface or ground water is a phosphorus with resultant effects of eutrophication and
function of either natural or human influences or both. other serious ecological problems of such water body
Without human influences, water quality would be (Ogunfowokan et al., 2005). Taiwo (2010) has also
determined by the weathering of bed-rock, minerals, the observed high water quality parameters of a stream in
atmospheric processes of evapor-transpiration and Abeokuta due to direct discharge of poultry wastes into the
deposition of dust and salt by wind, natural leaching of stream. The use of pesticides and fertilizer for bumper food
organic matter and nutrients from soil, hydrological factors production is a well-known policy of several Governments
that lead to run-off, biological processes within the aquatic all over the world. However, agriculture remains the major
environment that can alter the physical and chemical source of nitrate and phosphate pollution of surface water.
composition of water. Globally, the most prevalent water Nitrate in drinking water is detrimental to infant health due
quality problem is eutrophication, a result of high-nutrient to the disease known as methemoglobineamia (Taiwo,
loads (mainly phosphorus and nitrogen), which 2010).
substantially impairs beneficial uses of water. Major
nutrient sources include: agricultural run-off, domestic This study is aimed at determining the land use/ types and
sewage, industrial effluents and atmospheric input from how they affect the water quality of river of Zing in Zing
fossils fuel and bush burning (UN water, 2011). local government

Water quality index (WQI) is a mathematical tool which has The Study Area
the ability to provide a single number for the large
quantities of water data in a comprehensive manner The study was conducted in Zing local government area,
(stambuk-giljanovic, 1999). Therefore, it is a simple tool for of Taraba state, Nigeria. Zing local government area lies
decision making on the quality and possible uses of a between latitude 8o 45’ and 9o 10’ N and longitude 11o35’
given water body (Bordalo et al., 2007). Physical and 11o 50’E. It is bounded to the east and north by Mayo-
measurements are those that include water temperature, belwa and Jada local government areas of Adamawa state
depth, flow-velocity, flow-rate and turbidity. These are all and to the west and south by Yorro local government area
useful in analyzing how pollutants are transported and of Taraba state. It has land area of 867km 2 and a
mixed in the water environments, and can be related to population of 127,362 inhabitants with an annual growth
habitat requirements for fish and other aquatic wildlife. For rate of 3.0 percent, (NPC, 2006). Zing local government
instance, some fish have specific temperature has ten (10) political wards. The traditional authority is the
requirements, and cannot tolerate water that is either too “kpanti Zing” who also serves as the custodian of the
cold or too hot. Chemical measurements include a wide culture of the people. The predominant or major tribe in the
range of chemicals and chemical properties. Most water study area is the Mumuye. Other minor tribes are Kuteb,
chemistry tests measure concentration, defined as Hausa, Yandang, Igbo among others.
milligrams of chemical per liter of water (Mg/l). Even the
purest water has countless chemicals and it would be Climate, Vegetation, Soil and Relief
impossible to measure them all (Bordalo et al., 2007).
The climate of the area is typically a tropical climate
Waste management is a major problem in most developing marked by dry and rainy seasons. The mean annual
nations of the world including Nigeria (Taiwo, 2011). rainfall of the area ranges from 819-1761mm. It is spread
Indiscriminate disposal of municipal wastes remains a over seven months, April to October. The onset of the rain
major threat to surface water pollution in Nigeria. In most in April is in low amount but, increases gradually reaching
cases, sewage and waste water from homes are routed a maximum in August. The amount drops gradually with
into the rivers and streams. Jaji et al. (2007) found cessation in October.
elevated water quality parameters in some sampling
locations of Ogun River. These were partly attributed to the The natural vegetation of Zing is savannah grassland belt,
activities of abattoir located close to the River at a notable particularly in Guinea savannah sub- region, characterized
market in Abeokuta metropolis. The work of Arimoro et al. by scattered, deciduous trees with broad leaves and tall
(2007) on the impact of sawmill activities on the water grasses in some areas. The major soil types of the study
J. Environ. Waste Manag. 347

area are the hydromorphic and ferruginous tropical soils. Water Sample Collection
The soil is highly influenced by local variation in altitude
and human interference. The soil type is a mixture of loamy The study was carried out during rainy and dry season to
and sandy, and on the hilly terrain we have deep loamy determine the effect of metropolitan land use on surface
soils found between rocks. Along the banks of streams and water quality of Zing local government area; (September,
rivers are clay loam soils which support the growth of a 2019 and January, 2020). Three sampled points with three
variety of crops in the area. In terms of relief configuration, samples each were purposively and carefully selected and
the study area can be categorized in to two zones; high collected to ensure that the samples were collected
land range mountain and low lands. The high land occupy upstream of land use type, within the land use type and
the southern region stretching from west to south in chains down - stream respectively. As a stream drain from the
of mountain with elevation ranging from an average of earth surface, it carries the residues from land. Run off
1,800-2,400 meter high forming the Atlantica, shebshi and from different land use type may be enriched with different
Adamawa Massifs ranges. The low land which occupies kind of contaminants. E.g. run off from agricultural land use
about 60% of the region hosts most of the settlement in the may be enriched with nutrients and sediments. Likewise,
region. run off from highly developed urban areas may be enriched
with rubber fragments, heavy metals as well as sodium
Population and Socio-economic Activities and sulphate. As a result, the quantity and quality of water
available for run-off and stream flow as well as the
Zing local government has a population of 127,363 as at physical, chemical, and biological processes in receiving
the 2006 census. Noted for it’s rich agricultural water bodies may be affected. There are four kinds of
endowments some of the agricultural produce found in human activities carried out in the study area: the pig meat
zing include Yam, Bambaranut, Guinea corn, cows, sheep, processing area in sabon-layi, the local drink processing
goats, pigs and poultry which constitute the livestock area in Angua-lafiya, domestic pig range house area in
resources of the area. Due to its largely cosmopolitan set both the two zones and the grinding mill which are elevated
up, zing local government is a suitable area for small and area that drained their waste products with run off through
medium scale industrial enterprise. It is a potential area for the main streams that pass across the region. The General
agro-allied ventures most especially meat and milk Hospital and Zing motor park borders this area (zone) to
processing, flour and grains mills, stone crushing/ the east. The major concern of significance to the
polishing, ceramics and so on. Zing local government has contributions in the river are grinding Mills, local drink
a large concentration of agricultural practice which processing company, dog meat processing company, pig
involves the production of varieties of crops and live range houses and refuse disposal to the river channels.
stocking with cottage (local) industry concentration
especially in area of local drinks production, cake baking, Channel flows were selected based on the land use types.
meat processing, and milk processing and so on. Most of The points where channels conveyed water from the land
these establishments empty their wastes into zing streams use type drain into the river (stream) were taken as a
and rivers through point sources or run-off (non-point reference point to assess changes in water quality arising
source), thereby affecting the water quality rivers or from land use type. Water sample were randomly picked
streams in the area. from each sample point. The sample points were Angua-
lafiya (x1), Sabon-line (x2) and Angua-mayanka (x3)
Land Use respectively.

Two major land use types were classified in the study area Sample analysis
namely built- up (comprising of roads, highways, buildings,
and other paved surfaces), cultivation (Comprising of Water quality parameters include temperature, pH,
cultivated farmlands. Turbidity, Total dissolved solid, were determined using
portable field electronic meters. Kasagua meter model UC
– 23 was used to determine pH values.
Measurement of Acidity or Alkalinity of the Samples
In this research work, data were collected from both the (pH)
primary and secondary sources. A primary source of data
is a direct report of an individual who actually observed or This was analysed using Wagtech WE30200 pH meter.
participated in it (Meredith et al. 2007 in Daniel, 2016). In The water samples pH test was conducted by dipping the
this research work, data were got through direct electrode into the water sample at about 2 – 3 cm, stirred
observation. Water sample were collected and analyzed. once and reading allowed to stabilize. Calibration of the pH
Secondary sources are the publication of different kind meter was conducted on daily basis at three points using
such as textbooks, journals, magazines, newspapers and pH 4, 7 and 10 standard solutions.
so on. Encyclopedia, library, internet and other source of
documented materials were used.
Shenpam DG 348
Turbidity This colour is destroyed by fluoride ion to give a pale
Turbidity was measured using Wagtech WE30140 Potalab yellow. The content was mixed and allowed to stand for 5
turbidity meter. The turbidity measurement was conducted min for full colour development. The colour produced is
by placing the meter on a flat surface, filling a clean sample directly proportional to the fluoride concentration and was
vial to mark, then placed well in a sample and the vial measured using Wagtech WE10441 Potalab photometer
covered with light shield cap. The display reading was 7100 at 570 nm wavelength. Percentage (%)
recorded as sample turbidity. Calibration of the turbidity transmittance obtained was converted to mg/l F with the
meter was conducted on a daily basis using Cal 1: aid of fluoride calibration chart. The photometer was
800NTU; followed by Cal 2: 100NTU; then Cal 3: 20NTU calibrated with the water sample to be tested. The
and finally Cal 4: 0.02NTU standards. detection limit of the method is 0 - 1.5 mg/l.
Nitrate/Nitrite Iron was measured by using Wagtech spectrophotometer.
Nitrate was determined via reduction method and the The photometer is calibrated with the water sample to be
resulting nitrite determined by reaction with sulphanilic tested. The test was simply carried out by adding iron
acid in the presence of N- (1-naphathyl)-ethylene diamine tablet (alkaline thioglycolate) to a 10 ml sample of the
to form reddish dye. Detection limit of the method is 0 – 20 water sample. The content was allowed to stand for 1min
mg/l. The reduction stage was carried out by adding to allow full colour development. The colour produced is
unique Zinc-based nitra test powder and nitri test tablet to directly proportional to the iron concentration and is
20 ml of the water sample to be tested in a nitra test tube. measured using the Wagtech photometer at 570 nm
Nitra test tablet aids rapid flocculation after one minute wavelength. The percentage (%) transmittance obtained
contact period and inverting the tube content 3 or 4 times. was converted to mg/L Fe with aid of iron calibration chart.
Then 10 ml of the clear solution was carefully decanted Laboratory Based Analysis
and nitricol tablet was added, crushed and mixed to
dissolve. The content was mixed and allowed to stand for Collected water samples were preserved for laboratory
10 minutes to allow full colour development. The intensity based analyses of nutrients and heavy metal. Samples for
of colour produced is directly proportional to the nitrate heavy metals analyses were collected in acid rinse glass
concentration and was measured using Wagtech and plastic bottles and stored at room temperature in
WE10441 portable microbiological and physic-chemical Modibo Adama University of Technology (MUATECH),
water quality testing laboratory (Potalab) photometer Yola, Chemistry Department Laboratory. Nutrients that
7100. The percentage (%) transmittance obtained was were determined in the samples included nitrate, nitrite
converted to concentration with aid of nitra test calibration and total phosphate. In the laboratory, analyses were
chart and mg/L NO3 obtained by multiplying the result by performed according to procedures for water and water
a factor of 4.4. The photometer was calibrated with the analysis (Greenberg et al, 1992 in John, Robin, Andrew
water sample to be tested. Sandra, 2013). Analyses were performed in MUATECH
Chemistry Laboratory. Table 1 shows the parameters that
Fluoride were analysed and the FEPA (now Federal Ministry of
Fluoride was analysed by adding Zirconyl chloride and Environment) permissible limit standard. Analyses were
Eriochrome cyanine reagents tablets to a 10 ml sample of conducted for rainy and dry season (September, 2019 and
the water in acid solution to form a red coloured complex. January, 2020).

Table 1: shows FEPA permissible limit

S/N Parameters Unit FEPA Limits
A Physical
1 Temperature Celsius Ambient
2 pH - 6.5 – 8.5
3 Turbidity NTU mg/1 1.0
4 TDS Mg/1 500
B Chemical
5 Nitrate Mg/1 10.0
6 Nitrite Mg/1 1.0
7 Phosphate Mg/1 5.0
8 Chloride Mg/1 1.0
9 Fluoride Mg/1 0.00 (WHO 1.5)
C Heavy metal
9 Iron Mg/1 10.0
10 Zinc Mg/1 5.0
11 Faecal coliform Mg/1 0.00
12 Fluoride Mg/1
Sources: Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA) now Federal Ministry of Environment, 2018.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Tables 1 and 2. Table 1 contains the results of the analysis
of water samples collected during rainy season in
Water samples collected from the channel of the zing September; 2019 while Table 2 is results collected in dry
metropolitan river at various points were analyzed. The season (January, 2020), respectively. Results of analysis
results of the laboratory analyses were presented in for rainy and dry season are presented in Tables 1 and 2


Location Parameters Unit Water quality Test PEPA/WHO standards
Angwan lafiya A. Physical:
Temperature Celsius 22.1 Ambient
pH - 7.1 6.5-8.5
Turbidity NTUmg/l 7.9 1.0
TDS Mg/l 30.0 500
B. Chemical:
Nitrate Mg/l 3.01 10.0
Nitrite Mg/l 1.0 1.0
Phosphate Mg/l 1.35 5.0
Chloride Mg/l 0.7 1.0
C. Heavy metal:
Iron Mg/l 0.75 10.0
Zinc Mg/l 0.13 5.0
Fluoride Mg/l 4.4 1.5
D. Biological:
Faeca coliform Mg/l 3.51 1.5
Angwan Sabon–layi A. Physical:
Temperature Celsius 25.4 Ambient
pH - 8.6 6.5-8.5
Turbidity NTU Mg/l 30.5 1.0
TDS Mg/l 120 500
B. Chemical:
Nitrate Mg/l 4.21 10.0
Nitrite Mg/l 3.01 1.0
Phosphate Mg/l 4.38 5.0
Chloride Mg/l 25.0 1.0
C. Heavy Metals:
Iron Mg/l 3.73 10.0
Zinc Mg/l 1.43 5.1
Fluoride Mg/l 5.5 1.5
D. Biological:
Faeca coliform Mg/l 10.8 1.5
Angwan Mayanka A. Physical:
Temperature Celsius 24.8 Ambient
pH - 10.01 6.5-8.5
Turbidity NTU Mg/l 105 1.0
TDS 298 500
B. Chemical:
Nitrate Mg/l 23.16 10.0
Nitrite Mg/l 0.023 1.0
Phosphate Mg/l 7.92 5.0
Chloride Mg/l 37.0 1.0
C. Heavy metals:
Iron Mg/l 1.0 10.5
Zinc Mg/l 1.97 5.0
Fluoride Mg/l 5.7 1.5
D. Biological:
Faeca coliform Mg/l 30.83 1.5
Shenpam DG 350

Table 3: Result for Dry Season, 2020

Location Parameters Unit Water quality Test result FEPA/WHO standards
Angwan lafiya A. Physical:
Temperature Celsius 24.9 Ambient
pH - 7.73 6.5-8.5
Turbidity NTUmg/l 38 1.0
TDS Mg/l 25.7 5.00

B. Chemical:
Nitrate Mg/l 19 10.0
Nitrite Mg/l 13 1.0
Phosphate Mg/l 1.34 5.0
Chloride Mg/l 0.3 1.0
C. Heavy metals:
Iron Mg/l 0.5 10.0
Zinc Mg/l 0.3 5.0
Fluoride Mg/l 8.0 1.5
D. Biological:
Faeca coliform Mg/l 14.6 1.5
Angwan Sabon–layi A. Physical:
Temperature Celsius 25.6 Ambient
pH - 8.32 6.5-8.5
Turbidity Mg/l 14.0 1.0
TDS Mg/l 71 500
B. Chemical:
Nitrate Mg/l 2.724 10.0
Nitrite Mg/l 0.273 1.0
Phosphate Mg/l 3.51 5.0
Chloride Mg/l 73 1.0
C. Heavy Metals:
Iron Mg/l 0.06 5.1
Zinc Mg/l 7.1 1.5
Fluoride Mg/l
D. Biological:
Faeca coliform Mg/l 16.50 1.5
Angwan mayanka A. Physical:
Temperature Celsius 23.3 Ambient
pH - 7.51 6.5-8.5
Turbidity Mg/l 42 1.0
TDS Mg/l 53 500
B. Chemical:
Nitrate Mg/l 13.24 10.0
Nitrite Mg/l 0.401 1.0
Phosphate Mg/l 1.21 5.0
Chloride Mg/l 57 1.0
C. Heavy metals:
Iron Mg/l 1.19 10.5
Zinc Mg/l 0.1 5.0
Fluoride Mg/l 6.5 1.5
D. Biological:
Faeca coliform Mg/l 18.06 1.5
J. Environ. Waste Manag. 351

Temperature: agree with the work of Williams and Richard (2001), that
says land use activity of an area has effect on its pH value
The temperature of water influences the chemical and at giving time especially agricultural runoff and dumping of
biological processes and the aquatic life present in water refuse along water channels.
bodies. The amount of sunlight, rainfall, air, temperature;
ground discharge, and thermal point sources all influence Turbidity:
surface water temperature. Increase water temperature
lowers the amount of dissolved oxygen available for The turbidity of water is a measure of the extent to which
aquatic plants and algae. Also, the toxicity of pollutants the intensity of light passing through is reduced by
tends to intensify with an increase in temperature. From suspended or colloidal matter. Although total suspended
Tables 2 and 3, temperature reading of Angua-lafiya in dry solids affects turbidity, the degree of turbidity in water is
season was 24.9 while in rainy season, was 22.1. In not equal to the concentration of suspended solid. Other
Sabon-layi the reading for dry season was 25.6, while in sources of turbidity are microorganisms, algae, dead plant
rainy season, it was 25.4. In Angua-mayanka, temperature matter, silica PR, other mineral substance, clay, silt and
reading for dry season was 23.3, while in rainy season was fibers. Excessive turbidity affect ecosystem in many ways.
24.8. For example, it reduced the penetration of light therefore,
reducing photosynthesis and the productivity of aquatic
This shows that the two sample points (Angua-lafiya and plants which in turn reduce the amount of food available to
Angua-mayanka) are within the ambient point of 25. fishes. The low visibility can make difficult for the fish to
Sabon-layi sample point had a temperature of 25.4 for find food.
rainy season and 25.6 for dry season which is slightly
above the acceptable limit for temperature. The raise in From Tables 2 and 3 above, turbidity reading of Angua
temperature of Sabon layi may be attributed to the land liafiya in dry season was 38NTU mg/1 while, in rainy
use activities going on within the zone. Agricultural land season it was 7.9 mg/1. In Sabon layi, the reading for dry
use in the upstream around Angua - lafiya, residential and season was 30.5 mg/1 while in rainy season it was
commercial activities may be as a result of urban runoff 140mg/1. In Angua mayanka the turbidity level for dry
from this area that must have attributed to the slightly season was 105 while, in rainy season it was 53 mg/1. This
increase in temperature in Sabon layi. This finding agreed tends to suggest that Zing River is highly affected during
with the work of IPPC (2007), that says higher temperature dry season and rainy season following the events of
reduce dissolved oxygen level which can have an effect on rainfall. This agrees with the work of Obasi and Balogun
aquatic life. It also opined that higher temperature could (2001) that says Nigerian rivers are generally turbid with
affect recreational use of lake and rivers or productivity of high concentration of suspended silt particularly during
fisheries. rainy season which may results from surface runoff from
agricultural, industrial and residential waste most
pH: especially in urban setup.

The measurement of pH in water is the measurements of Total dissolved solid:

the negative logarithm of the hydrogen iron concentration.
The pH scale ranges from 1 to 14 and value of 7 is neutral. Total dissolve solid (TDS) in water consists of dissolved
Acidic conditions have a pH value less than 7 and basic minerals salt that changes the physical and chemical
condition have a pH greater than 7. The measurement of properties of the water. A high concentration of TDS in
pH of surface water is important because many pollutants water is a concern for purveyors because it alters the taste.
increase in toxicity with change in pH. High TDS concentrations also exert osmotic pressure in
water purification systems in hospital and industries and
From Tables 2 and 3, pH of Angua-lafiya for dry season exert osmotic pressure on the stream ecosystem.
was 7.73 while, in rainy season it was 7.1. In sabon layi, From the Tables 2 and 3, the TDS reading of Anguwa
the pH reading for dry season was 8.32 while in rainy lafiya sample point for raining season was 25.7mg/l while
season, it was 8.6. In Angua-mayanka, pH reading for dry in dry season it was 30.1. In Sabon-layi, the TDS reading
season was 7.51 while, in rainy season it was 10.1. This for dry season was 53mg/l, and rainy season reading was
shows that Angua-lafiya has neutral pH value of 7.1 during 298The result of TDS in all the three sample points with
dry season and 7.73 in rainy season which tend to be seasonal variation are within the permissible limit of a
slightly basic. The pH values of Sabon-layi and Angua- required standard which agreed with the work of UN water,
mayanka for dry and rainy season were above permissible (2011) that says domestic waste, agricultural, industrial
limit (i.e they are all basic). This may be attributed to waste production, mining, power generation, forestry practices
disposal and dumping of refuse and other unwanted and other factor can alter the chemical, biological and
materials into the draining channels during dry season and physical characteristic of water.
surface runoff from residential, commercial and
agricultural land use during the rainy season. This tends to
Shenpam DG 352
Nitrate plus Nitrite: The highest value recorded in Angua mayanka may be
attributed to the presence of agricultural land and surface
Nitrate plus nitrite presents the oxidized form of nitrogen in run off from residential and commercial land use of the
the stream. When a compound is oxidized, it loses an study area. This was in line with the work Odukuku (2005)
electron. They are found in surface water as a result of that says high phosphate concentrations could result into
waste water discharge, run off from land use and enrichment of the receiving water bodies thereby leading
application of fertilizers, and ground water polluted by to ecological disaster.
fertilizers. Nitrate concentration in surface waters tend to
be higher than nitrite because nitrite rapidly oxidizes to Heavy Metals:
nitrate. They are primary nutrients for routed aquatic plants
and algae and are concern for water users. From Tables 2 Heavy metals include arsenic, cadmium, chromium,
and 3, the values for nitrate and nitrite for dry season was copper, iron, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel and zinc.
19 and 13, while the rainy season was 3.01 and 1.01. In The presence and concentrations of these trace elements
Sabon-layi, the result for nitrate and nitrite for dry season in the water column and bottom sediment may reflect the
was 2.724 and 0.273 while during rainy season it was 4.21 concentrations found in resident aquatic organisms.
and 3.01. In Anguwa-mayanka the values of nitrate and As shown in Tables 2 and 3, Anguwa-lafiya recorded the
nitrite during dry season was 13.24 and 0.401 and the value of 0.5 and 0.3 for iron and zinc during the dry season
rainy season was 23.16 and 0.023, and the values of 0.75 and 0.13 for rainy season. In Sabon-
layi, the value of iron and zinc for dry season was 1.054
This tends to show that, nitrate plus nitrite in all the sample and 0.06 while during rainy season it was 3.73 and 1.43.
points during the dry and rainy season were within the In Anguwa-mayanka the reading of iron and zinc for dry
permissible limit as seen in Tables 2 and 3, except nitrate season was 1.19 and 0.1 respectively. This shows that the
in Angua mayanka sample point. Result for nitrate in values of iron and zinc in all the three sample points were
Angua mayanka sample point in the dry season was 23. within the permissible limit. The presences of iron in the
16mg/l and 13.214mg/l for rainy season (see Tables 2 and sample points may be as a result of runoff from the
3). This may be attributed to the agricultural land within and grinding mills in the study area and mechanic workshop
above the zone and surface run off from commercial and present at Zing garage. This agreed with the work of
pig range house around Sabon line residential area. This Tennesse Valley Authority, (2003) that says impervious
was in line with the work of Kelvin, (2011) on impact of surface water collected and accumulate pollutants
agriculture on water pollution. The use of pesticide, deposited from atmosphere, leaks and cars, or derived
fertilizer application, dumping of organic waste at a place from other activities washed into the storm sewer system
can raise the level of nitrate and nitrite in both terrestrial and from there into streams and or rivers.
and aquatic ecosystem.
Fluoride is found naturally in soil, water and food. It is also
As shown in Tables 2 and 3, chloride reading of Angua produced synthetically for use in drinking water,
lafiya for dry season was 0.7 while for rainy season it was toothpaste, mouth wash and various chemical products.
0.3. In Sabon-layi, the chloride reading for dry season was Tooth decay is one of the most common health problem
0.5 while rainy season was 0.2. In Anguwa-mayanka, the affecting children, many people worldwide cannot afford
chloride for dry season was 0.9 while the reading for rainy the cost of regular dental checks, so adding fluoride can
season was 0. It shows that the values of chloride at all the offer saving and benefits to those who need them.
sample points were within the permissible limit; therefore However, concerns have arisen regarding fluoride’s effect
has no effects on human health in the study area. This is on health including problems with bones, teeth and
in line with the work of Ahmed Salisu (2016) that says neurological development. Excessive exposure to fluoride
chloride value below permissible limit has no effect on has been link to a number of health issues.
human health. From Tables 2 and 3 above, fluoride reading of Anguwa-
lafiya in dry season was 8.5 while rainy season it was
Phosphate: 4.4mg/l. In Sabon layi, the fluoride reading for dry season
was 8.5 while in rainy season it was 5.5. In Anguwa
From the Tables 2 and 3, the value of phosphate in mayanka, the fluoride reading was 6.5 while in rainy
Anguwa-lafiya was 1.34 during dry season while in rainy season, it was 5.7. This shows that fluoride values for all
season was 1.35. In Sabon-layi, the reading for dry season the sample points in both rainy and dry season are above
was 3.51 while the result for rainy season was 4.38. permissible limit therefore, it has effect on human health in
Anguwa-mayanka recorded 1.21 for dry season and 7.92 the study area. One of the problems causes by the fluoride
during the rainy season. All the values from the three is the fluorosis of human health in the area. This tend to
sample points are within the acceptable value of agree with the work of Ahmed Salisu Hausan, (2016) that
phosphate for both dry and rainy season except Anguwa- says high level of fluoride content can cause fluorisis on
mayanka which recorded the highest value of 7.92 which human teeth, problems of bones and neurogical
is above the required standard of phosphate. development (see plate 1) below:
J. Environ. Waste Manag. 353

Plate 1: Dental mottled person from Zing

Source: General Hospital Zing, Taraba State, 2019.

Faecal Coliform (E-coli) CONCLUSION

An indication of the sanitary quantity of a water body is This paper has reviewed the water quality assessment and
determined from faecal coliform bacteria counts. Faecal monitoring of surface water in Zing Local Government
coliform bacteria are used as an indicator of faecal Area of Taraba State. The major sources of pollution in
contamination and of the possible existence of water borne Zing River is the agriculture run-off, local industrial
disease pathogens. This is because coliform bacteria are effluents and discharges from urban center and surface
derived from the digestive tract of mammals. Source of run-off which can be group under the point source (PS)
faecal coliform in surface water are untreated water, falling and non-point source (NPS) of pollution. Human activity of
septic system, and animals waste. High faecal coliform the metropolis has effect on the quality of Zing River which
counts can render the affected water body unsuitable for leads to its pollution. This shows that Zing River is polluted
swimming. as shown from the result. The research has found that
cases of water borne and water related diseases are on
From Tables 2 and, faecal coliform reading of Anguwa the increase in the study area as seen from oral source.
lafiya during dry season was 14.6 while rainy season, it
was 3.51. In Sabon layi, the value of faecal coliform The finding shows that the variety and level of pollution in
recorded for dry season was 16.50 while rainy season was Zing River is related to size of population and Land use
10.08. In Anguwa-mayanka, the reading for faecal coliform activities on the various part of the metropolis from where
of dry season was 18.06 while it was 30.83 for rainy it receives run-off and pollutants. Like most other
season It shows that all the three sample points have high countries, the provision of quality water to the ever
level of faecal coliform (E. coli) which affects human health increasing population of Nigerians cannot be over
in the study area, most especially the case of typhoid fever, emphasized. Without an adequate water supply, the
dysentery, hepatitis, (water borne diseases) and malaria millions of Nigerians will suffer, agriculture will be
fever (water related disease) that is prevalent in Zing as hampered, and the recreational industry will suffer.
revealed by the inhabitants of the study area through oral Therefore, a system that monitors the changing quality of
interview. This tend to agree with the work of Obasi and the surface-water resources is highly necessary, and must
Balogun, (2011) that says both rural and urban centers be put in place by all Federal and State Agencies
where water is in short supply, the incidence of water concerned. Water quality monitoring is therefore, pertinent
borne diseases such as typhoid, cholera, dysentery and for provision of data baseline that will be useful for policy
gastroenteritis is high due to contamination of the water makers and stakeholders to formulate policy that will
supplies. Water supply in Zing town is grossly inadequate favour protection and management of water resources.
most especially during the dry season. Because of this, The issue of surface water pollution needs to be addressed
residents of Zing metropolis have no choice than to rely on urgently by the Government to safeguard the public health.
any available means of water for domestic use hence the
river may be the only alternative for them. This account for
the high prevalence of water born and water related RECOMMENDATIONS
diseases in the study area.
The following recommendations are put forward:
Shenpam DG 354

1. There is an urgent need for the establishment of a the water quality and fish communities of Benin River,
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