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Dear Grandmother,
We are in a summer camp in Mavrovo. We are going to stay here for ___________

days. The weather is _______ and ________. Sometimes at night it

gets very _______. I wear a __________, _______ and


Sometimes when its very hot a wear a _________. We usually eat

___________ for breakfast. Tomorrow we are going to go to the lake. We are going to

_________ in the lake. On Saturday we are going to go camping. We are

going to sleep in a __________. I want to see a __________ or a

_________. Our teacher says we can find some wild _____________.

There are a lot of _________ and _________. It is really beautiful.

I. Read the text above and write T (true) or F (false) next to each sentence.

1. They are in Ohrid. ________

2. The weather is windy and rainy. _________
3. They usually eat sandwiches for breakfast. ________
4. They are going to go skiing. ________
5. They are going to sleep in a cabin. ________
6. They are going to find some wild strawberries. ________
7. There are beautiful cars and streets in Mavrovo. ________
8. They are going to stay in Mavrovo for 10 days. ________

II. Find the sentences in with a future meaning (going to) and translate them into
your mother tongue.
1. _____________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________
III. Match the words and the pictures and then color them according to the
instructions below.
1. swimsuit

2. cabin
3. handbag

4. suitcase

5. motorbike
6. Swimming trunks

Color the motorbike green; color the cabin yellow ; color the suitcase red ; color the
swimming trunks blue ; color the handbag orange ; color the swimsuit purple

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