Reinier M. Gabuna: Sample Task: Research

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Section: PTCP – R. Palma
Subject: Prof. Ed. 7 Assessment of Student Learning
Quiz/Activity No.: (Sample Rubrics-Complex Performance Assessment)
Sample Task: Research

1. Description of Task: Students will conduct interviews and will be working in the library
researching careers. These will be self-selected and the research will be incorporated into an
informative speech. The student must choose a specific career (not just doctor, but type of
doctor, etc.) They will be answering the following questions:
a) What qualifications or special training are required for your career?
b) What are the job prospects for your career (# of jobs available compared to number of
c) What are the benefits of working in your career?
d) What are the disadvantages?
2. Students will record this information on note cards and source cards that will be turned in.
3. Criteria:
• number of sources
• variety of sources
• balance of sources
• appropriateness of sources
• accuracy of citation

15 Points 10 Points 5 Points 0 Points
No. of Sources Uses at least Uses at least two Uses at least one Uses no sources in
three (3) sources (2) sources in (1) source in addition to the
in addition to the addition to the addition to the interview
interview interview interview
Variety Uses at least one All same type of
book and one source
Balance No more that 50% No more than 70% or more of
of info comes 70% of info comes the info comes
from one source from one source from one source
Appropriate All sources are Uses statistics
recent (5 years or from one or more
less for articles sources too old to
and 10 years for be reliable.
books) for
Citation All sources cited Minor mistakes Inconsistently No citation
correctly but consistent cited or major

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