Assessment Activity 1

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PTCP - Palma Prof. Ed. 7 - Assessment of Student Learning

The course BS in Electrical Engineering, like any other Engineering courses, teaches students
critical and analytical thinking, learning through trial-and-error, calculated steps by steps method, and
hypothetical approach in problem solving following established norms and standards, while engaging
student’s curiosity and imagination. In relation to the teaching and learning process, these skills and
methods are needed by an educator or a mentor to fully compensate for the need of students to learn
theoretically and through hands-on approach in developing their skills and further advancing acquired
knowledge. Furthermore, Electrical Engineering is a course, a field of study that focuses on subjects
such as Drafting and Drawing, Sciences, Physics, Computer and Mathematics. In which case, some of
these subjects are the fundamental subjects of learning in schools, both primary and secondary levels,
as well as technical-vocational and the recently implemented K12 system. Therefore, Electrical
Engineering graduates who have acquired these techniques and methods of approach, will have the
knowledge and capability to contribute as an educator or a learning facilitator.


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