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1. Identify and describe the elements and principles of art.

Elements of Art

Line – a continuous mark made on a surface by a moving point

Color – consist of hue, intensity, and value

Value – the lightness and darkness of a color

Shape – an enclosed area defines and determined by other art elements

Form – a 3-dimensional object or something in a 2-dimensional artwork that appears to be 3-


Space – the distance or area between, around, above, below, or within things

Texture – the surface quality or feel of an object

Principle of Art

Balance – the way the elements are arranged to create a feeling of stability in a work

Emphasis – the focal point of an image, or when one area or thing stand out the most

Contrast – a large difference between two things to create interest and tension

Rhythm – a regular repetition of elements to produce the look and feel of movement

Pattern – repetition of design

Unity – when all the elements and principles work together to create a pleasing image

Variety – the use of differences and change to increase the visual interest of the work

Proportion – the comparative relationship of one part to another with the respect to size,
quantity, or degree

2. Explain in writing the role and effect of the visual arts in societies, history, and other world cultures.

The role of art in the society is without a doubt very significant. The relationship between art
and society in the modern day is very strong. The term art embodies a number of aspects
including both the performing and visual art, such music as well as dancing among many other
areas. All these forms of art impact on the society in an imperative way, including establish the
way the people in the society feel and act (Laycock, 2005). The diverse types of art that exist in
the planet today have had to change the lives as well as ways of living of different people in a
significant manner.

Art is a perception of a thing or a person, it comes from knowledge and emotions and is
translated through a chosen medium. Artists continuously draw inspiration from their
environment and recreate in their own expression. Art then communicates its message to an
audience. It is a bit encrypted but to those people whose eyes are open for a deeper meaning of
life will understand.

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