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T e a c h e r’s n o t e s 1

The Fox

by D H Lawrence

he Fox is a short story by one of England’s most Their lives together were full of passions and storms, but
T famous writers. It was written in 1922, not long
after the end of the First World War.
they stayed together for the rest of Lawrence’s life. They
travelled widely, living in Germany, Ceylon (now Sri
Two women, Banford and March, live together on an Lanka), Australia, America and Mexico. They lived fully
isolated farm in the south-west of England. Banford is and mixed with people from all walks of life, giving
small, thin and ill. March is tall and strong. Both are about Lawrence great insight into how people interact with each
thirty and neither is married. They are not very successful other. They had many literary friends, including Aldous
farmers. They lose a lot of chickens to the fox. They try to Huxley, Bertrand Russell and Katherine Mansfield. All the
shoot the fox but he is too quick for them. time Lawrence wrote energetically - short stories, novels,
poems, essays.
Then one day a human fox comes to the farm - a young
man of about twenty. He has come back from Canada. Lawrence loved the natural world and believed that
His name is Henry, and he used to live on the farm when modern man was becoming alienated. People had

he was a boy. He is interested in the two women and their become too materialistic and had lost touch with their
lives, and soon March, the strong one, becomes his prey. inner selves. And much of his work is about men and
He slowly circles round her until she cannot say no. women trying to release their spontaneous feelings.
Banford tries to keep March but Henry is too clever for Suffering from ill health all his life, Lawrence was
her. diagnosed in Mexico as having advanced tuberculosis.
Henry begins to hate Banford and finally he kills her, He and Frieda came back to Europe and settled in Italy
although it seems to be an accident. Henry and March where he wrote Lady Chatterley’s Lover. He could not find
marry and prepare to leave for Canada. But Henry is still a publisher because of its sexual content and free use of
not satisfied. He wants to possess March completely, but ‘impolite’ words. It was privately printed in Florence in
he cannot. She will not give up her independent spirit. 1928 but not published in England in its uncut form until
1960 after a notorious court battle between the publisher,
Penguin Books, and the crown. Lawrence died soon after
ABOUT D H LAWRENCE its publication in Italy, in 1930, at the age of 44.

David Herbert Lawrence was the first English novelist

from a genuine working class background. He was born in BACKGROUND AND THEMES
1885 in Nottinghamshire. His father was a coal-miner and
his mother was a teacher. His mother gradually came to The Fox is set in 1918 just after the end of World War I in
resent his father because he did not share her intellectual the south-west of England. Although there are no specific
interests, and the family home was full of tension. references to contemporary events in this Penguin
Lawrence, one of five children, was always very close to adaptation, some background information helps to
his mother. She had great ambitions for him to rise out of explain how the story comes about.
his poor background and do something great. Lawrence It was not unusual for these two women in their thirties
had to leave school at 15, however, and work as a clerk. to live together without men. The war had taken away the
But later he won a scholarship to train to be a teacher at men of their generation. Women had had five years to
Nottingham University. He wrote his first novel, The White learn to live without men - working the land and working
Peacock, in 1911. with their hands. When Henry comes to the farm and
When Lawrence’s mother died he became very ill, makes light work of March’s chores, it has a powerful
however, and gave up teaching. His most famous novel, impact on them because they are not used to a man’s
Sons and Lovers, written at this time in 1913, is largely strength.
autobiographical and deals with the deep love between Henry was born in Cornwall in the west of England, and
mother and son and how it conflicts with the sexual love lived there as a boy. He then moved with his grandfather
between son and other women. to a farm, which was probably in Devon. It is on this farm
Lawrence soon fell in love. He ran away with Frieda von that the two women March and Banford now live. Henry
Richthofen, the wife of one of his teachers at Nottingham. must have been 14 or so when he left England for

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Penguin Readers Factsheets 2
T e a c h e r’s n o t e s
Canada. He then fought in France and has just returned each window and looked in. He stayed out of the light. He
from the war. He is now stationed with the army at was like a fox.
Salisbury Plain, some 100 kilometres away from the farm. In pairs, students choose one or two animals. They make
Lawrence often uses animals in his writing to try to sentences using each animal to explain what someone is
explain feelings and states of mind that are hard to like, as in the example above. When they have finished,
invite pairs to read out their work.
describe in words. The idea of man as animal also
symbolizes the close relationship between man and ACTIVITIES AFTER READING A SECTION
nature that Lawrence idealizes. In this story, there is a real Pages 1-13
fox and a metaphorical fox. The real fox looks at March March and Banford are best friends. But they are very
just as Henry looks at her. They know she cannot beat different from each other. Ask students to work in pairs.
them. If March were an animal she would be a rabbit - the Tell them to think of two famous people who are very
prey. different - different ages, families, interests, jobs. Students
The fox has a special place in English life because of fox imagine that these two people are best friends. They
hunting. Fox hunting symbolizes the aristocratic way of make up a short conversation between them. Ask
students to act their conversations in front of the class.
life in the countryside, and Lawrence would surely have
been on the side of the fox. But during the war fox hunting Pages 14-25
was banned, so fox numbers increased and foxes Divide the class into six groups. There are six pages of
text in this section. Give each group a page. Ask them to
became braver, as March and Banford discover. The fox is tell the story of their page. They can write four or five
a quick, clever creature and very hard to shoot. It soon sentences in the present tense. They cannot use dialogue.
learns to fool the farmer by taking one route to the chicken Tell students to write each sentence on a different piece of
shed and a different route on its way home. It will wait for paper. They give their sentences to another group. Groups
hours for the wind to be in the right direction. It is indeed put the sentences in the right order. Then get groups to
cunning and sly. read their summaries, in the correct page order.
Much of Lawrence’s work deals with the theme of one Pages 26-37
person trying to dominate another emotionally. We see At the end of the book, Lawrence writes about Henry: ‘He
both Banford and Henry struggling to dominate March knew that he had her now.’ In groups, ask students to talk

about this question. Then have a class discussion.

and keep her love and her loyalty. And even when Henry
wins in the end, he is still not satisfied. He can see that What did Henry do to get March?
March has kept her independence as an individual, but he
wants her to give herself up completely to him.
Put students into groups. Ask them to talk about this
Lawrence was a great thinker and sometimes his novels question:
become more like lectures. His short stories, like The Fox,
In what ways is Henry like a fox? Think of as many ways
are in some ways better than his novels because he is as possible.
forced by the short story format to keep the style and
Then have a class discussion. Write students’ ideas on
structure simple. In his shorter works, he lets the literature the blackboard.
tell the story.

Communicative activities Glossary

It will be useful for your students to know the following new words.
The following teacher-led activities cover the same They are practised in the ‘Before You Read’ sections of exercises at
sections of text as the exercises at the back of the reader, the back of the book. (Definitions are based on those in the Longman
and supplement those exercises. For supplementary Active Study Dictionary.)
exercises covering shorter sections of the book, see the Pages 1-13
photocopiable Student’s Activities pages of this Factsheet. ago (adv) in the past: a year ago = a year in the past
These are primarily for use with class readers but, with the corner (n) this is where two walls meet
exception of discussion and pair/groupwork questions, farm (n) people live here, and grow food and have animals
can also be used by students working in a self-access fox (n) this animal looks like a dog and has a big tail (see below). It
centre. kills smaller animals
like (prep) the same as
tail (n) this is at the end of an animal’s back
Introduce the idea of animals as symbols for human too (adv) more than you want: too hot, too cold
behaviour and character as follows. Write these animals voice (n) you make this sound when you speak
on the board: fox, horse, cat, dog. Add any others that
Pages 14-25
students know. Ask students to think of adjectives that
kiss (v) to touch a person with your mouth
they associate with each of these animals. Write their
suggestions on the board. For example: fox - clever, Pages 26-37
quick, quiet; horse - strong, fast; cat - unfriendly, cold, axe (n) people cut down trees with this thing
intelligent; dog - friendly, good, warm. Now introduce the heart (n) this is in your body. People love and hate with it.
phrase ‘like a ...’. Give an example: soon (adv) in a short time

The man walked quietly round the house. He stopped at

Published and distributed by Pearson Education

Factsheet written by Jane Rollason
© Pearson Education 2000 Factsheet series developed by Louise James
Penguin Readers Factsheets level

Student’s activities 1

The Fox 3
Students can do these activities alone or with one or more
other students. Pair/group-only activities are marked. 4

Activities before reading the book
1 Read the introduction on page v of your book and 2 Look at these answers. Write the questions.
answer these questions. (a) Bailey Farm.
(a) How many people are there in the story? (b) Because she’s too busy. ELEMENTARY
(b) How do you think the story will end? (c) Because they suddenly hear a man’s voice.
(c) What difficulties did D. H. Lawrence have as a (d) William Grenfell.
3 Answer these questions.
(d) What difficulties did he have as a man?
(a) What is wrong with the chickens on the farm?
2 These sentences are about the writer. Put the words
in italics into the past tense. (b) Why do you think Banford and March sometimes
do not speak for two or three days?
D. H. Lawrence is one of the most famous English (c) Why does March see the fox when she looks at
language writers of the last hundred years. He Henry?
(a) ...................... (be) born in a small village in (d) Why does March stay in a dark corner when
Henry is there?
England. He (b) ...................... (leave) school when
(e) Why does Banford like Henry at first?
he (c) ...................... (be) 15 and (d) ......................
4 Which animals do you think these people are most
(work) in an office. Later he (e) ...................... (go) to

university. There he (f) ...................... (learn) how to Banford March Henry
teach. He (g) ...................... (fall) in love with the Find any new words in your dictionary.
wife of one of his teachers. Her name
Pages 7-13
(h) ...................... (be) Frieda von Richthofen and
1 Answer these questions.
she (i) ...................... (be) German. They
(a) Why doesn’t March want to marry Henry?
(j) ...................... (run) away to Germany. They
(b) Why does Banford stop liking Henry?
(k) ...................... (get) married in 1914. After the
2 How can March stop the fox? Think of ideas. Show
fighting in Europe (l) ...................... (end), they them to a student. Are your ideas the same?
(m) ...................... (leave) Britain again. They
(n) ...................... (go) to Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), PAGES 14 - 25
Australia, America and Mexico. They Pages 14-18
(o) ...................... (meet) many people. They 1 Put these sentences right.
(p) ...................... (know) many other writers. (a) March hears the sound of the fox singing
Lawrence (q) ...................... (write) lots of books and outside.
stories. He (r) ...................... (write) about people’s (b) When March saw the fox, it had a smile on its
feelings and about love. Lawrence (s) ......................
(c) Henry kisses March on her arm.
(be) always ill, and he (t) ...................... (die) when
(d) March tells Banford that they are going to marry.
he (u) ...................... (be) only 44.
2 Make sentences.
3 Look at the fox on the front of the book. Write a (a) March is thinking
sentence about it. Use these words:
ears eyes nose (b) March suddenly stands
(c) March brings
(d) Banford goes
Activities while reading the book
(i) up.
PAGES 1 - 13 (ii) about the wind.
(iii) out of the room.
Pages 1-6
(iv) in some bread and milk and tea.
1 On page 3 March meets the fox. What are they
thinking? Write a conversation between them. (For 3 On page 18 Banford says, ‘It’s not right’. What is she
this activity, the fox can talk!) talking about? Why does she think this?

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Student’s activities

4 Banford also says, ‘Perhaps she knows you too well.’ 3 Look back to page 21. Banford thinks Henry will kill
What do you think she means? her. Answer these questions. Talk about them to a
Pages 19-25
What happens at the end of the story?
1 Answer these questions.
Do you think it is really an accident?
(a) Banford says ‘He wants me to die’. Why does
Do you think that Henry really kills her?
she think this?
Does Banford want Henry to kill her?
(b) Why does March cry when she looks at the dead
fox? 4 Is life with Henry going to be easy for March? What
will life in Canada be like?
(c) Henry didn’t tell March that he wanted to go
back to Canada. Why? 5 You are March. What will you do? Will you stay in
England? Will you go to Canada? Talk to a student.
(d) Why does March carry all Banford’s things?
(e) Why does Henry want to see March tonight?
2 Work with a student. Write some sentences about an Activities after reading the book
animal. Don’t write the name of the animal. Give the
sentences to your partner. He or she says the name of 1 Read these sentences about the story. Do you think
the animal. they are right?
PAGES 26 - 37 (a) The Fox is a story about two people. These two
people are fighting for one person’s love.
Pages 26-33
(b) The fox is important in the story because it
Put these words in the right places. shows us Henry’s feelings.
cries kisses pretty marry heart bed wife (c) March is a strong woman. She understands her

heart and her feelings.

(a) March wears a dress. She wants to look ..................
(d) The writer likes Henry but he doesn’t like
for Henry. Banford.
(b) Banford won’t go to .................. because she 2 Can you answer these questions? Do not look at your
doesn’t want to leave March and Henry downstairs. book!
(c) Banford .................. because March goes outside (a) What is the name of March and Banford’s farm?
with Henry. March loves Henry more than she loves (b) What does Henry look like?
(c) Who lived at the farm before March and
(d) Henry puts March’s hand on his .................. . Banford?
(e) Henry .................. March on the mouth. (d) Henry tells Banford that he and March want to
(f) March says she will .................. Henry. She wants to get married. He tells her when they are eating
....................... .
be his .................. .
(e) The dead fox’s tail is ....................... and black.
Pages 33-37
(f) What colour is March’s dress?
1 March feels different when Henry is away. She can
think better. Talk with a student and answer this (g) Henry leaves the farm. How many days later
question: does he get March’s letter?

Do you think March loves Henry? (h) What colour is Henry’s face when he reads the
2 Put these sentences in the right order.
(i) How does Henry get back to the farm again?
(a) Henry thinks the tree is going to hit her.
(j) How many chickens are standing near the tree
(b) She stops near the tree. when Henry cuts it down?
(c) The tree falls on Banford.
(k) When do Henry and March marry?
(d) Henry takes the axe from March.
(e) Banford says the tree won’t hit her. She says she
knows what she’s doing.
(f) Banford runs after the chickens under the tree.
(g) He tells her the tree is going to hit her.

Published and distributed by Pearson Education

Factsheet written by Jane Rollason
© Pearson Education 2000
Factsheet series developed by Louise James

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