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Friday | October 2, 2020

Supervisors entertain idea of using trust fund

interest for possible operations shortfall
Artesia receives go-ahead on emergency siren project By law, su-
pervisors can
new base amount for next year’s
BY YUE STELLA YU If they decide such, supervi- The trust fund was estab- withdraw up to Supervisors approved sors would be diverging from lished following the sale of Bap- 3 percent of the Wednesday an annual with-
the tradition of designating the tist Memorial Hospital-Golden fund balance — drawal of $1,119,492, the larg-
Lowndes County Board of money solely for capital im- Triangle in 2006. Supervisors evaluated Aug. est withdrawal to date.
Supervisors discussed at a provement projects. invested all $30 million from 31 each year — The $1.1 million, Billingsley
Wednesday meeting the pos- The discussion came about the fund into stocks and bonds to “improve the Billingsley said, can be used to prevent a
sibility of using gains from the after supervisors, who serve under state law in 2013 (estab- county” as long fiscal shortfall at the end of the
county’s $30 million-plus trust as fund trustees, learned from lished specifically for the Lown- as the withdrawal doesn’t de- year when county funds begin
fund in case the county experi- outgoing County Administrator des County trust fund) and have plete the corpus, or principal. to dry up and tax collections
ences a financial shortfall near Ralph Billingsley the use of the witnessed the investment grow Following the withdrawal, the have yet to arrive.
the end of the year. funds is at their discretion. for most of the past seven years. rest of the balance becomes the See SUPES, 3A

OCH shows $3.2M Hundreds of absentee ballots already

operational requested, cast for general election
deficit in 2020; Barksdale, Rook both say
budgets surplus voter turnout promises to
for 2021 be high amid pandemic,
presidential race
Hospital expects more
inpatient, clinic visits

over next 12 months There are more than

40,672 registered voters
in Lowndes County, with
more people registering
OCH Regional every day, Circuit Clerk Te-
Medical Center op- resa Barksdale said.
erated at a deficit of “And I think they’ve
$3.2 million for Fis- all been in the office this
cal Year 2020, which week,” she told Columbus
ended Wednesday, Exchange Club, of which Isabelle Altman/Dispatch Staff
according to budget she is a member, at its Taneisha Malone, a deputy clerk at Lowndes County Circuit Clerk’s Office, assists
documents present- weekly meeting at Lion a voter with an absentee application and ballot at the Lowndes County Court-
ed at Tuesday’s spe- Russell Hills Center on Thursday. house Thursday afternoon. Circuit Clerk Teresa Barksdale spoke with Columbus
cial-call board of trustees meeting. The deadline to register Exchange Club Thursday about the absentee voting process, including the Monday
for the Nov. 3 general elec- deadline and the many requirements for the absentee ballots to be counted.
Some of the deficit came from
the increase in tax deductions out- tion is Monday. With both “We have seen a substantial turnout ing on, many voters fitting state require-
pacing revenue growth by more a special runoff election Rook for absentee voting so far, and we antici- ments — 65 or older, have a disability,
than $2 million. However, some rev- to fill the recently vacated pate … turnout to remain consistent until required to work during Election Day
enue losses came from public fear House District 37 seat in the state Leg- Election Day,” he said. or will be outside the county on Election
of catching COVID-19, Chief Finan- islature next week and the presidential Oktibbeha County also has a special Day — have opted to vote absentee, they
cial Officer Susan Russell said. election coming up, Barksdale said, the runoff election to fill the recently vacated said.
“We’ve heard multiple depart- clerks in her office have been extremely District 15 Senate seat. The deadline to “I also believe there’s more interest
ment directors say that people are busy this week. As of Wednesday, they register for that and the District 37 House this year compared to previous elections,
delaying care because of COVID,” had received 1,100 requests for absentee race have already passed, but absentee and these are the two driving forces be-
she said. ballots for the general election alone. voting for those runoffs also is underway. hind the increased turnout this year,”
Russell and OCH CEO Jim Jack- In Oktibbeha County, which has more Presidential election years almost al-
than 30,000 registered voters, Circuit Rook said.
son could not be reached for com- ways see twice the turnout that state or
ment Wednesday when asked if Clerk Tony Rook told The Dispatch his Though those wanting to vote absen-
local elections do, Barksdale said during
they expect the hospital to make up office has received about 800 or 900 re- tee may do so by mail — and, in a change
her presentation at Exchange Club, but
that lost revenue during Fiscal Year quests for general election absentee bal- she and Rook both said this year’s turn- from previous years, can have their en-
2021. The budget, which the trust- lots since circuit clerks’ offices through- out promises to be high even by those velope postmarked on or before Election
ees approved unanimously on Tues- out the state began receiving the ballots standards. Day and still counted as long as it is re-
See OCH, 3A last week. With the COVID-19 pandemic still go- See BALLOTS, 3A

Jeana Whitacre,
left, and Cindy Columbus nurse practitioner beats
Robertson pose
for a portrait in
their office at
cancer with upbeat, tenacious attitude
Baptist Memorial
Hospital-Golden Whitacre: ‘We refuse to let it beat us’
Triangle Family
Medicine clinic
BY YUE STELLA YU nurse slowly pushed the
in Columbus on bright-red Adriamycin
fluid — nicknamed “Red BREAST CANCER

Thursday. The
pair of friends eana Whitacre dread- Devil” — into her veins. AWARENESS MONTH
are both breast ed the “Red Devil.” “When they got it out
cancer survivors During the sum- to put in my IV,” she said,
and nurse practi- mer of 2019, she sat on “I was like, ‘Oh, here we
tioners. They have
her chemotherapy chair go.’” like lump in her right
known each other
for 14 years. in Birmingham, Ala- A few months before, breast when she was
Yue Stella Yu/Dispatch Staff bama, and watched as the Whitacre had felt a pearl- See WHITACRE, 6A


1 Which country does not border the Sunday MEETINGS
Caribbean Sea — Belize, Costa Rica, ■ Oktoberfest Online: The Episcopal
Oct. 5: Lowndes
El Salvador or Panama? County Board of Su-
2 Which of these is not a film starring Church of the Resurrection in Starkville
pervisors meeting,
penguins — “Happy Feet,” “Surf’s Up” hosts this virtual event to benefit the
9 a.m., Lowndes
or “Rango”? J.L. King Center, Casserole Kitchen
County Courthouse,
3 What Japanese company makes and ECR Discretionary Fund from 6-9
many of the world’s zippers?
David Johnston p.m. at Online auc-
4 What is the name for the short LowndesCountyMis-
Fourth grade, Annunciation tions, bratwurst/homemade pretzels
sheaths on the end of shoelaces — sissippi/
meals to go, live music, T-shirts.

71 Low 44
aglets, ferrules or holsters? Oct. 6: Columbus
High 5 What rocks are the proion — igne- City Council, 5 p.m.,
ous, metamorphic or sedimentary? Thursday, Oct. 8 Municipal Complex,
Full forecast on Answers, 6B ■ Downtown Art Walk: Columbus’
page 3A. rescheduled Downtown Art Walk from ofColumbusMS/
5:30-7:30 p.m. features multiple Oct. 7: Columbus
INSIDE artists in and outside participating
businesses (bring cash or check for
Municipal School
District Board
Classifieds 5,6B Obituaries 5A art), live music, promotions and a review meeting,
Comics 3B Opinions 4A decorated face mask contest. Main Railyn Smith is a freshman 11:30 a.m.,
Crossword 6B Religion 4B Street Columbus, 662-328-6305, or at New Hope High School. She Brandon Central
141st Year, No. 174 Dear Abby 3B Columbus Arts Council, 662-328-2787. enjoys painting. Services


2A FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2020 The Dispatch •

Trump says he and first lady tested positive for coronavirus

White House physician said the president is expected to continue The diagnosis marks a dev-
astating blow for a president
paign schedule, but with small,
socially distanced crowds. He
carrying out his duties ‘without disruption’ while recovering who has been trying desper-
ately to convince the Ameri-
also regularly wears a mask
in public, something Trump
BY JILL COLVIN said he and Mrs. Trump were We will begin our quarantine can public that the worst of the mocked him for at Tuesday
AND ZEKE MILLER quarantining. The White House and recovery process immedi- pandemic is behind them. In night’s debate.
The Associated Press physician said the president is ately,” Trump tweeted just be- the best of cases, if he develops “I don’t wear masks like
expected to continue carrying fore 1 a.m. “We will get through no symptoms, which can in- him,” Trump said of Biden.
WA S H I N G - out his duties “without disrup- this TOGETHER!” clude fever, cough and breath- “Every time you see him, he’s
TON — Pres- tion” while recovering. Trump was last seen by re- ing trouble, it will likely force got a mask. He could be speak-
ident Donald Still, Trump’s diagnosis porters returning to the White him off the campaign trail just ing 200 feet away from me, and
Trump said early was sure to have a destabiliz- House on Thursday evening weeks before the election and he shows up with the biggest
Friday that he ing effect in Washington and and did not appear visibly ill. puts his participation in the mask I’ve ever seen.”
and first lady Me- around the world, raising ques- Trump is 74 years old, putting second presidential debate, There was no immediate
lania Trump have tions about how far the virus him at higher risk of serious scheduled for Oct. 15 in Miami, comment from the Biden cam-
tested positive had spread through the high- complications from a virus that into doubt. paign on whether the former
for the coronavi- est levels of the U.S. govern- has infected more than 7 mil- Trump’s handling of the vice president had been tested
rus, a stunning announcement ment. Hours before Trump an- lion people nationwide. pandemic has already been since appearing at the debate
that plunges the country deep- nounced he had contracted the The president’s physician a major flashpoint in his race with Trump or whether he was
er into uncertainty just a month virus, the White House said a said in a memo that Trump against Democrat Joe Biden, taking any additional safety
before the presidential election. top aide who had traveled with and the first lady, who is 50, who spent much of the summer protocols. Trump and Biden
Trump, who has spent much him during the week had tested “are both well at this time” and off the campaign trail and at did not shake hands during
of the year downplaying the positive. “plan to remain at home within his home in Delaware because the debate, but stood without
threat of a virus that has killed “Tonight, @FLOTUS and I the White House during their of the virus. Biden has since masks about 10 feet apart for
more than 205,000 Americans, tested positive for COVID-19. convalescence.” resumed a more active cam- the 90-minute event.

High demand for flu shots?

Experts hope to avoid ‘twindemic’
‘This year I think everyone is wanting al,” Dr. Daniel Jernigan of
the Centers for Disease
18 million to 19 million
doses, and this year or-
to get their vaccine and maybe Control and Prevention
told The Associated Press.
dered more. As German
Health Minister Jens
wanting it earlier than usual’ “If you’re not able to get Spahn put it: “If we man-
Dr. Daniel Jernigan of the Centers for Disease your vaccination now, age, together, to get the flu
Control and Prevention don’t get frustrated” but vaccination rate so high
keep trying. that all 26 million doses
BY LAURAN NEERGAARD way, between 194 million Pharmaceutical giant are actually used, then
AP Medical Writer and 198 million for the Sanofi Pasteur, which is I’d be a very happy health
U.S. alone — seemingly supplying nearly 250 mil- minister.”
October is prime time plenty considering last lion doses worldwide in- Spain purchased extra
for flu vaccinations, and year just under half of cluding 80 million for the doses in hopes of vaccinat-
the U.S. and Europe are adults got vaccinated and U.S., says it has shipments ing far more older adults
gearing up for what ex- there usually are leftovers. staggered into November. and pregnant women
perts hope is high de- Still, there’s no way Vaccine maker Seqi- than usual, along with key
mand as countries seek to to know how many will rus is exploring if it could workers in health facilities
avoid a “twindemic” with seek shots this year and squeeze out “a limited and nursing homes.
COVID-19. some people occasionally number of additional dos- In contrast, Poland,
“There’s considerable are finding drugstores or es” to meet high demand, which last year had
concern as we enter the clinics temporarily out of said spokeswoman Polina 100,000 doses go unused,
fall and winter months stock. Miklush. didn’t anticipate this fall’s
and into the flu season Be patient: Flu vaccine Brewing flu vaccine is high demand and is seek-
that we’ll have that dread- ships gradually. Less than time-consuming. Once ing more.
ed overlap” of flu and the half has been distributed production ends for the The good news: The
coronavirus, Dr. Anthony so far, and the CDC and year, countries can’t sim- same precautions that help
Fauci of the U.S. National manufacturers say more is ply order more — making stop spread of the corona-
Institutes of Health said in transit. for a stressful balancing virus — wearing masks,
Thursday. He got his own “This year I think ev- act as they guess how avoiding crowds, washing
flu shot earlier this week. eryone is wanting to get many people will roll up your hands and keeping
A record number of flu their vaccine and maybe their sleeves. your distance — can help
vaccine doses are on the wanting it earlier than usu- Germany usually buys block influenza, too.

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH is in charge of arrange- Vera Bland, Edward J. both of Columbus,
OBITUARY POLICY ments. Deal Jr. and Eddie Deal; Angela Gray of Craw-
Obituaries with basic informa-
tion including visitation and
Mr. Deal was born and siblings, Lawrence ford, Irene Dancy of
service times, are provided Sept. 1, 1932, in Nox- Deal, Emmitt Bailey Brooksville and Lakee-
free of charge. Extended ubee County, to the and Rev. Thomas Earl ta Harris of Indianap-
obituaries with a photograph, late Annie Bailey and Deal. olis, Indiana; siblings,
detailed biographical informa- Willie L. Deal. He was He is survived by Mary Ford of Chicago,
tion and other details families formerly employed with his wife, Cora Jean Illinois, Willie Bell Deal
may wish to include, are avail- Beneke Corporation Coleman of Columbus;
able for a fee. Obituaries must of New Orleans, Esther
and as a farmer. He was children, Daniel Deal
be submitted through funeral
a member of Pleasant of Savannah, Georgia, Long of Tuscaloosa,
homes unless the deceased’s Alabama, James Bailey
body has been donated to Grove Full Gospel Pearlie Deal of Cin-
science. If the deceased’s Church. cinnati, Ohio, Richard Sr. of Columbus and
body was donated to science, In addition to his Deal of Nashville, Ten- Calvin Deal of Gon-
the family must provide official parents, he was pre- nessee, Johnny Dixon, zales, Louisiana; 23,
proof of death. Please submit
ceded in death by his Eloise Dooley both of grandchildren; and 40
all obituaries on the form pro-
vided by The Commercial Dis-
wife, Lauretha S. Deal; Macon, Pamela Bran- great-grandchildren.
patch. Free notices must be children, Debra Deal, don, Natashea Brown See OBITUARIES, 5A
submitted to the newspaper
no later than 3 p.m. the day
prior for publication Tuesday
through Friday; no later than 4
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday
edition; and no later than 7:30
a.m. for the Monday edition.
Incomplete notices must be re-
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m.
for the Monday through Friday
editions. Paid notices must be
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion
the next day Monday through
Thursday; and on Friday by 3
p.m. for Sunday and Monday
publication. For more informa-
tion, call 662-328-2471.

Edward Deal Sr.

ward “Ed” James Deal
Sr., 88,
died Sept.
22, 2020, at
her resi-
will be at Deal Sr.
11 a.m.
in Pleasant Grove Full
Gospel Church Cem-
etery, with John Cox
officiating. Visitation is
from 2-6 p.m. today, at
Carter’s Funeral Ser-
vices. Carter’s Funeral
Services of Columbus
The Dispatch • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2020 3A

Continued from Page 1A
“We are always tight on funds The method, said both John Record withdrawal Billingsley, however, advised Supervisors decided to table
in November, December,” said Holliman of District 3 and Leroy against it. Withdrawing the $1.1 the discussion until January,
The growth in this year’s
Billingsley, who officially retired Brooks of District 5, would al- million and depositing it in the citing concerns that the raise
profits, Billingsley said, is due
from his position on Thursday. low the county to borrow money county’s bank account would would be an unbudgeted item.
to a robust stock market during
“This would go toward covering from its own bank account for fi- guarantee 2.83 percent of inter- The county approved its Fiscal
the past year and a solid fund
whatever that shortfall is.” nancial shortfalls without paying est earnings, he said, but with- Year 2021 budget Sept. 15.
balance from last year.
According to a legislation any interest. out knowing what the market Pushing the issue until next
The fund balance as of Aug.
signed into law in 2014, the funds “Instead of borrowing short- would look like in six months, year is because January is the
31 was $37.3 million, which rep-
“shall be available for appropria- term (loans), we can use that leaving the funds invested beginning of a new cycle for ser-
resents a 10.6-percent increase
tion and spending on designated money to get us till January and could be risky. vices such as Medicare, social
from the $34.8 million last year.
‘special’ projects or purposes, as February after the taxes come “None of us can judge what security and retirement, Sand-
With $1.1 million withdrawn —
determined by the supervisors.” in,” Holliman said. “Then we put the performance is going to be,” ers told The Dispatch.
The use of the withdrawn funds that money in that fund, and we the maximum amount super- In other business, super-
he said.
each year is at the supervisors’ use it for capital improvements.” visors can withdraw this year visors unanimously voted to
— the new corpus will be $36.2
discretion, meaning they can use
it however they see fit, said Sen.
District 4 Supervisor Jeff
Smith told The Dispatch he million. Supes table public defender commit to a grant match to fund
an emergency siren in Artesia,
Chuck Younger (R-Columbus) thinks reserving the money for The investment, Billingsley pay raise, approves funding which the town of roughly 700
after consulting an attorney for a shortfall would also be a good said, is worthwhile. for Artesia emergency siren people direly needs, said Arte-
the Senate. idea. “We have a real nice gain In other business, supervi- sia Mayor Jimmy Sanders.
There is no written policy at “Rather than go borrowing on the investment,” Billingsley sors tabled a request from Cir- The siren in town was bro-
the county level dictating the money and pay interest on it, said. “It’s been a game changer cuit Court Judge Jim Kitchens ken a year and a half ago, Jim-
investment of that money, Bill- that money could be used until for us.” for a pay raise for his five public my Sanders told The Dispatch.
ingsley said. But traditionally, the money comes in from the tax Over the past seven years, defenders. Whenever a storm rolled in,
supervisors have always invest- returns and allow us to replenish Billingsley said, the funds have The last raise for public de- he said, he relied on calls from
ed the withdrawn profit in capital that money back into its origi- generated roughly $12 million fenders was in 2010, when their Emergency Management Ser-
improvement projects, and he nal account,” he said. “It makes in profit. Since 2014, supervi- monthly pay rose from $2,744 to vices Director Cindy Lawrence.
still recommends doing so. The sense. … I 100 percent support sors have withdrawn more than $3,248, according to Kitchens’ “Every time something
county has roughly $1 million in it.” $6 million from the trust fund. notes. They received a “cost of would start up, she would give
the bank reserved for capital im- District 2 Supervisor Trip “By growing the fund, we living raise” of $104 a month, us a call and we would try to in-
provement projects, and the $1.1 Hairston, however, said rely- can somewhat keep up with in- along with other county employ- form the community,” he said.
million this year would grow that ing on the withdrawal to fill the flation,” he said. “And the buy- ees, in 2017. Their annual salary The grant, issued by the
fund. shortfall would be “irresponsi- ing power on (the funds) we can now sits at $38,976, an amount U.S. Department of Agricul-
This year’s withdrawal, Bill- ble.” pull out will still be good.” not including health insurance ture Rural Development and
ingsley said, could go toward the “You don’t know what that In previous years, the county and benefits. approved last week, would cov-
debt payments on the county’s draw could be,” he said. “We may withdrew money from the trust Kitchens said the pay raise er a total cost of up to $26,000,
$2.6 million horse park complex not have $1 million to draw from. fund to improve county-owned would be “appropriate,” espe- said George Crawford of the
or the sports complex, on which You certainly don’t want to have buildings, build a new E911 cially considering the public Golden Triangle Planning and
the county pays a $100,000 note that as an ongoing budget item center and renovate the soccer defenders’ workload and their Development District. The fed-
each year for roughly eight years. of revenue you depend on every complex in downtown Colum- good performance. eral government will shoulder
Some supervisors told The year.” bus, The Dispatch reported. “In the old days, (public de- 75 percent of the cost, and the
Dispatch they would support Holliman said he thinks the During Wednesday’s meet- fenders) didn’t have to do a lot county will afford the rest. Jim-
the idea of using the withdrawn supervisors will decide on an in- ing, Sanders asked Billingsley if in the lower courts,” he said. my Sanders told The Dispatch
funds to fill the year-end financial vestment plan by Oct. 15. trustees can withdraw the funds “There’s more responsibility the estimated total cost of the si-
gap and replenish the capital im- District 1 Supervisor Harry six months after the evaluation on the … public defenders and ren system is roughly $24,000,
provement funds later using tax Sanders did not return The Dis- date — the longest they can retail councils to do preliminary which means the county is on
revenue collected in the spring. patch’s inquiry about the matter. wait — instead of right away. hearings and matters like that.” the hook for roughly $6,000.

Continued from Page 1A
day, projects a $709,000 not respond to The Dis- $36.5 million, and the of its CARES spending. 2020 after paying off sev- bills covered by the insur-
operational surplus even patch’s inquiries about year’s projected final total He said Tuesday that eral debts for technology ance program, Russell
as the COVID-19 pandem- how the hospital spends was $35.8 million. Jack- hospital administrators and equipment. said, and the CARES Act
ic continues. some of its non-operation- son said in July that hos- are trying to determine Additionally, Medicaid implemented a 2-percent
The budget is based on al revenue. pital employees had been if they can use some of patients have had their increase in Medicare pay-
projected numbers of pro- Revenue to support hoping for raises in light the CARES money for COVID-related hospital ments to physicians.
cedures and patient days, the projected $709,000 of their work during the some of the expenses on
which Russell acknowl- surplus for FY 2021 is ex- pandemic. the $11.2 million capital
edged are difficult to pre- pected to come from inpa- The FY 2021 budget equipment budget, which
dict due to the pandemic. tient care and an expected does not include the $13 the board also approved
Predicted increases in increase in visits to OCH’s million the hospital re- unanimously.
procedures, patient days several clinics in FY 2021. ceived from the federal “If we see that we’re
and resulting revenue The new budget also cuts Coronavirus Aid, Relief, nearing the deadline
during FY 2021 include expenses, the most signif- and Economic Security (next year) of retaining
the divisions of respirato- icant being a decrease in Act (CARES Act), Rus- that money and we feel
ry therapy and labor and employee benefits. The sell said. The hospital has confident from our con-
delivery. Meanwhile, few- FY 2021 budget projects spent more than $5.1 mil- sultant that that’s a prop-
er emergency room and almost $1 million less lion of the CARES funds er use of the money, we’ll
physical therapy visits are than the FY 2020 budget, so far. go ahead and purchase
expected, as the hospital although the expected Jackson said in July (some equipment),” Jack-
has seen so far during the actual total for FY 2020 is that much of the CARES son said.
pandemic. only $228,000 more than money is in an escrow ac- The capital equipment
The $3.2 million oper- the FY 2021 projection. count, meaning it can’t be budget includes $4 mil-
ational deficit far exceeds Russell and Jackson applied to the hospital’s lion for electronic medi-
the $260,000 shortfall the did not say which benefits income statements until cal records software “for
FY 2020 budget project- are being cut or how this the hospital can prove planning purposes,” Rus-
ed, according to the docu- will affect hospital em- “valid COVID expenses,” sell said.
ments. About $900,000 in ployees. since the purpose of the The hospital also proj-
non-operational revenue The budget also allows money is to “offset the in- ects an expense of $1.75
brought the hospital’s net for $38 million in salaries cremental cost of treating million in debt service for
loss to $2.3 million, but and wages, while the FY COVID patients” and the FY 2021, a decrease from
Russell and Jackson did 2020 budget allowed for hospital has to justify all roughly $2 million in FY

Continued from Page 1A
ceived up to five business to contain the spread of register to vote can do so office by Monday. We’ve
days after Election Day — COVID-19 and keep voters until closing on Monday, been getting a lot of that,
there is a “stringent set of safe and comfortable in the Barksdale said — includ- and a lot of changes.”
requirements” that, if not office. Those same safety ing Saturday from 8 a.m.-
followed correctly, signifi- measures will be in place at noon.
cantly increases the chanc- the actual polls on Election “Do get out and vote. Do
es the vote will not count, Day, Barksdale said, with encourage people to get
Rook said. poll workers distributing out and vote,” she said. “Do
Those requirements in- pens that also function as encourage young people to
clude having a notary sign styluses, so that voters can get out and vote if they’re
the ballot and envelope as sign polling books and vote not registered. If you know
well as the voter. The ap- without their fingers touch- somebody that’s not regis-
plications also have to be ing the computer screen. tered but will be 18 by Nov.
filled out properly with the Those who still need to 3, please get them into the
ballot and application sent
in a separate envelope,
Barksdale said.
That’s why both she
and Rook recommend vot-
ers who can visit the circuit
clerks’ offices in person if
they want to vote absentee.
“We encourage you to
come to the office if you
can,” Barksdale said. “It’s
just so much better and
clearer to the voter when
we do it. I know some peo-
ple just can’t get out, and
I know some people are
not getting out and I un-
derstand that. But we just
really encourage people to SOLUNAR TABLE
The solunar period indicates

come to the office because peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Fri. Sun.
we’re there 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Major
and four Saturdays out of Major 1:36p 2:16p
Minor 8:02a 8:55a
this month (from 8 a.m.- Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

The Dispatch
Both Lowndes and
Oktibbeha circuit clerks’
offices have implemented
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
safety measures such as Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
increased cleaning and Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
hand sanitizer, masks and/ POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
or face shields for clerks The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
and social distancing be- Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
Report a news tip:
tween voters and workers
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Diagnosis puts Trump in even better position
to galvanize support for masks
he news that President from the virus. the first cases emerged in the alone, the President exerts now in a position to send, re-
Trump and First Lady At age 74, the President is U.S. There is little value in enormous influence and it’s ally for the first time, a clear,
Melania Trump have among those who are par- rehashing the many times the certainly no different where even-handed message about
tested positive for COVID-19 ticularly vulnerable to the President has minimized the President Trump is con- the importance of taking
lit up news websites and social most severe outcomes, but he seriousness of the virus, con- cerned. proper preventative measures.
media when it was announced benefits from having access tradicted medical experts and His skepticism about the In Mississippi one out of
early Friday morning. to the best medical care in made unsubstantiated claims virus is reflected by the atti- every 1,000 citizens has died
Americans everywhere the world. The President’s about testing, treatment and tudes and actions of millions from COVID since March.
should put away partisan doctor said the President is the availability of a vaccine. of Americans. We hope, too, that Gov. Tate
attitudes and wish the Presi- not suffering any effects from His cavalier attitude about Now that the President has Reeves will take this moment
dent and First Lady a full and the virus and will be able to safety measures such as tested positive for the virus, to reflect on his decision
speedy recovery. continue to perform his duties mask-wearing and social those attitudes and actions Wednesday to lift the state-
The news came as it often while under quarantine for an distancing is well-document- may change. After all, if wide mask mandate. Health
does with the President, via unspecified amount of time. ed. He has continued to hold the President, whose White officials have warned of seri-
an early-morning tweet by the Assuming that the Presi- rallies drawing large crowds House has had access to daily ous consequences of easing
President, hours after it was dent and First Lady do make to confined spaces. At those testing and the finest medical mask mandates, especially as
reported that presidential ad- a full and speedy recovery, rallies, audiences reflected care, can contract the virus, we head into winter.
viser Hope Hicks had tested there may be a silver lining in the President’s attitude, no one is immune to it. Let’s hope that the full
positive for the virus. play here. declining to wear masks and In light of all this, it will recovery of the President
Trump now becomes one of Throughout the pandemic, sitting close to each other. be difficult for the President and First Lady will galvanize
the more than 7 million Amer- the President has downplayed Trump mocked Democratic to minimize the threat of the America’s determination
icans who have contracted the the seriousness of the virus, Party nominee Joe Biden’s re- virus going forward. to follow the precautions
virus over the past 300 days. even to the point of withhold- fusal to hold large campaign As someone whose influ- we know will help fight
As of Friday, Over that time, ing information about the rallies, as well. ence surpasses that of any the spread of this awful
208,000 Americans have died seriousness of the virus when By virtue of the office other American, Trump is pandemic.

Our history is far too
valuable to let it crumble
and whither away
Vicksburg is unbelievably
blessed and challenged in so
many ways when it comes to its
While today our local economy
flourishes off the tourism indus-
try, driven by our history, that
industry itself comes with both a
cost and a responsibility.
Recently, a number of historic
homes — some that are bed and
breakfasts — have been put on
the market. Their current owners
have found it tremendously diffi-
cult in recent years, particularly
in the past few months during
the COVID-19 pandemic, to turn
their beloved ventures into con-
stant moneymakers.
The Balfour House, one of the
more iconic and historic homes
in Vicksburg, hit the market after
out-of-town owners felt they could
no longer care for the home.
And this week, the owners of the
Cedar Grove Mansion Inn and
Restaurant — among the more
stately properties in Vicksburg —
closed on the sale of the property
to someone they hope can proper- CAMPAIGN 2020
ly care for the facility.
There is no doubt the bed
and breakfast industry has its
challenges, but this year, has put
It’s late, but there’s still time
those small profit margins in the n their first debate, the going to exploit, for political What happened on that stage in
best of years under tremendous president of the United purposes, my opponent’s Cleveland?
strain. With international travel States, challenged by youth, and inexperience.” The insults, the interruptions, the
all but cut off due to pandemic the former vice president, Came then the kicker. “I name-calling and the yelling became
restrictions and the overall drop performed poorly — even by might add, Mr. Trewhitt ... the story of the debate, the “worst in
in tourism as a whole, those who his own estimation. that it was Seneca, or was it presidential history,” a “dumpster fire”
invested so much time and money If memory serves, an Cicero ... that said, ‘If it was in which Trump, Biden and moderator
are now wondering if their invest- instant poll showed that the not for the elders correcting Chris Wallace were all complicit, with
ments are worth any additional American people, by 47-43, the mistakes of the young, Trump fingered as the instigator.
investment. thought Walter Mondale had there would be no state.’” Millions of Americans likely walked
That said, these homes, these bested Ronald Reagan in the “Fritz” Mondale joined away saying, “What a mess!” More
beloved relics of a time and archi- Louisville debate where the in the laughter. The cloud difficult to imagine is that undecided or
tecture are too important to not president made such gaffes Patrick Buchanan that had hung over Reagan’s Trump-leaning voters would have come
just the tourism industry but to as citing the high cost of the campaign since Louisville away saying, “That’s the leader we’ve
the ability to learn and appreciate military’s “food and ward- lifted. And we all knew it, been looking for.”
our own history. robe.” even a media that wanted to see Rea- Trump has two debates left to
These homes, inns and By week’s end, reflecting the press ganism repudiated. achieve the goals he failed to achieve in
mansions must be preserved, commentary, 80% of the country was Rereading Reagan’s reply of 36 years Cleveland.
protected and prosper. If not, of the view that Mondale had crushed ago, one can see that it was not spon- He and his campaign need to tie
they will be lost to development Reagan. taneous, but a product of preparation. Biden to the repellent elements of the
and lost to time. Far too often in Democrats were cheering Mondale And the old actor knew how to deliver Democratic Party and their radical
our city’s history, buildings of as “The Louisville Slugger.” the lines. The age issue instantly van- agenda on remaking an America that
historic importance have been Among Republicans, there was real ished, and Reagan, weeks later, would the extreme left visibly detests, or to
demolished, cleared and replaced alarm. Had The Gipper “lost it”? sweep 49 states, losing only Mondale’s force Biden to repudiate those ele-
by businesses or other structures The president blamed his staff for Minnesota. ments.
that do little to honor the history stuffing him like a pelican with facts Which brings us to that less courtly Trump’s rallies continue to reflect
of the land on which they sit. that he spent much of the debate trying affair of Tuesday last. the energy, enthusiasm and affection
We cannot afford any more of to regurgitate. This set the scene for It was a debacle, and, more crucially of his followers. But in four years, the
those stories to be lost. That is the second debate in Kansas City where for Trump, a major lost opportunity. His rallies have not changed the math.
why we are excited about those Henry Trewhitt of the Baltimore Sun objective going in was to leave 90 min- For Trump to rise into competitive
who recently purchased Cedar put to Reagan the question raised by utes later with several goals achieved. range, Biden must fall, and Trump must
Grove. While they have not said the first debate: First, show, by contrast with the Joe appear the necessary and only alterna-
much of their plans, they have a “Mr. President, I want to raise an Biden on stage beside him, that he was tive, even to folks who are not that fond
history and a connection to that issue that I think has been lurking out the stronger, superior leader to handle of him.
facility’s past and we expect they there for two or three weeks and cast it the pandemic and economic crises Trump’s assignment in the next
have big plans for its future. specifically in national security terms. of 2020, and the racial crisis that has two debates: Link Biden to the people
It is our hope that those who You already are the oldest president erupted since the Memorial Day death — and their agenda — in his coalition
find it within their heart, soul in history. And some of your staff say of George Floyd. whom the national majority detests.
and pocketbook to buy these you were tired after your most recent Second, to let the country see itself Make Joe repudiate both. And let
properties have the wherewithal encounter with Mr. Mondale. I recall that Biden was too weak — and too Biden’s performance expose his own
to invest in them and ensure yet that President Kennedy had to go captive to the Bernie-AOC-BLM-antifa inadequacies.
their preservation for years and for days on end with very little sleep radicals — to deal with the crisis creat- The presidency hinges upon whether
decades to come. during the Cuban missile crisis. Is there ed by the criminal elements that have Trump can succeed in this. And the
Vicksburg’s history began long any doubt in your mind that you would ravaged the cities of Portland, Seattle next two presidential debates will likely
before the Siege of Vicksburg and be able to function in such circumstanc- and Minneapolis. give us the answer.
has continued far beyond it. We es?” Trump’s need was to show that while Patrick J. Buchanan, a nationally
are a community of more than Reagan stepped into the pitch: he may have lost the Mr. Nice Guy com- syndicated columnist, was a senior advi-
one story and the buildings that “Not at all, Mr. Trewhitt, and I want petition of 2020, in the situation we are sor to presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald
line our streets tell that story. you to know that also I will not make in now, the nation needs a strong leader Ford and Ronald Reagan. His website is
Vicksburg Post age an issue of this campaign. I am not — not a good buddy.
The Dispatch • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2020 5A

Continued from Page 2A

Janie Young Syrina Dora Mr. Powell was born In addition to her Ariel Wang Bend, Indiana, to the
COLUMBUS — MEMPHIS, Tenn. — April 5, 1954, in West parents, she is survived STARKVILLE late Cora Katherine
Janie B. Young, 64, died Syrina Rena Dora, 35, Point, to the late Johnny by her children, Pari- — Ariel Wang, 34, Hayes Talboon and
Sept. 26, died Sept. 26, 2020, at Lee Powell and Jannie sha Colom and Christo- died Sept. 30, 2020, Walter Herman Petrie.
2020, at her her residence. Lee Powell. He was pher Sherman; siblings, at North Mississippi He was a veteran of
residence. Graveside services previously employed as Larry M. Vaughn and Medical Center of the United States Air
Grave- will be at 2 p.m. Sat- a painter with Babcock Derwin Johnson; and Tupelo. Force in which he was
side ser- urday, in Pilgrim Rest and Wilcox. three grandchildren. Services will be held an instructor pilot and
vices will M.B. Church Cemetery He is survived by his at a later date. Welch fighter pilot. He was
be at 1 p.m. of Brooksville, with siblings, Robert L. Pow- Christine Conner Funeral Home of formerly employed
Saturday, the Rev. Michael Tate ell, Bettye Lue Powell COLUMBUS — Starkville is in charge as an AF ROTC in-
in Memo- Young officiating. Visitation is and Janie Mae Powell. Christine Davis Con- of arrangements. structor with Foley
rial Gar- from 2-6 p.m. today, at ner,76, Ms. Wang was a High School and was a
dens, with Maxine Hall Carter’s Funeral Ser- Walter Johnson Jr. died Sept. cashier at OEC restau- member of First United
officiating. Visitation is vices. Carter’s Funeral COLUMBUS — Wal- 28, 2020, rant. Methodist Church.
from 2-6 p.m. today, at Services of Columbus ter “Walt” Lee Johnson at Baptist She is survived by In addition to his
Carter’s Funeral Ser- is in charge of arrange- Jr., 53, died Memorial her mother, Suzi Pon- parents, he was pre-
vices. Carter’s Funeral ments. Sept. 22, Hospi- der of Starkville. ceded in death by
Services of Columbus Mrs. Dora was born 2020. tal-Golden his step-father, Clem
is in charge of arrange- Dec. 8, 1984, to Tom- Services Triangle. Walter Petrie Talboon.
ments. mie Sharp and Sharon will be at Grave- Conner
STARKVILLE — He is survived by his
Mrs. Young was Hughes. 11 a.m. Sat- sides ser- Walter Herman “Pete” wife, Martha Jean Ros-
born Sept. 12, 1956, In addition to her urday, in vices will be at 2:30 p.m. Petrie, 89, died Sept. brugh Petrie; children,
in Columbus, to the parents, she is survived Bethlehem Saturday, in Memorial 16, 2020. Jean Elizabeth Wind-
late W.C. Young and by her siblings, Antenio Cemetery. Johnson Jr. Gardens Cemetery, Welch Funeral sor, Anne Collord,
Lessie Young. She was Johnson of Garland, Visita- with the Rev. Michael L. Home of Starkville is Cherylyn Osthagen,
formerly employed as Texas, Tommy Sharp of tion is from 1-6 p.m. Cox officiating. Visi- in charge of arrange- Lora Hanson and
a waitress with Ryan’s East St. Louis, Illinois, today, at Lee-Sykes tation is from 1-5 p.m. ments. Gweneth Petrie; sister
Restaurant and was a Yolanda Dora of Jack- Funeral Home. Lee- today, at Hairston and Mr. Petrie was born Christine Bare; and six
member of Full Gospel son, Alphonso Hughes Sykes Funeral Home of Hairston Funeral Home. Aug. 19, 1931, in South grandchildren.
Ministries. Jr of Oxon Hill, Mary- Columbus is in charge Hairston and Hairston
In addition to her land, and Akedio Sharp of arrangements. Funeral Home of Co-
parents, she was pre- of Fort Worth, Texas. Mr. Johnson was lumbus is in charge of
ceded in death by her born to the late Walter arrangements.
and Mary Jane Johnson
brother, W.C. Young Jr. Pearlie Gillespie Sr. He attended public
Mrs. Conner was
She is survived by NOXUBEE COUN- born Oct. 11, 1943, in
her children, David schools in Lowndes Columbus, to the late
TY — Pearlie Gillespie,
Young of John Creek, County. Annie Pearl Miller
69, died Oct. 1, 2020.
Georgia and Corey In addition to his par- Davis and Luther Davis.
Arrangements are
Young of Columbus; ents, he was preceded She was a member
incomplete and will be
siblings, Mary Turner, in death by his siblings, of Friendship M.B.
announced by Carter’s
Daisy Young, Pamela Gregory Johnson, Pat- Church.
Funeral Services of
Turner, Nancy Harris, rick Johnson and henry She is survived by
Annie Holt, Angela Nicholson. her children, Terance
Young, James C. Young He is survived by Conner, Tanjiala Dis-
Gloria Cummings
Mary Beth Winders
all of Columbus and his wife, Emmer Lou muke both of Columbus
WEST POINT — Kidd; children, Drucilla
Randy L. Young of Gloria Jean Cummings, and Torlaf Conner of
Dallas, Texas; and four Vassar, Marcoria Rice, Baton Rouge, Louisi-
69, died Sept. 26, 2020, Timothy Kidd all of Mary Beth Arnold Winders, age 78, of
grandchildren. at North Mississippi ana; siblings, Gennette
Columbus, Kenyartha Roberson of Columbus, Columbus, MS, passed away October 1, 2020, at
Medical Center of Tupe- Smith of Macon, Malik Trinity Healthcare.
Keith Miller lo. Johnson of Starkville
Ella Mae Gordan of
Memorial services will be Saturday, October
CALEDONIA — Graveside services Birmingham, Alabama
and Tina Turner of and Ella Louise Mor- 3, 2020, at 11:00 AM at Memorial Gunter
Keith Miller, 58, died will be at 11 a.m. Caledonia; siblings, Peel Chapel 903 College St. location with
Sept. 29, 2020, at his Saturday, in Dixie ris of Madison; five
Carolyn Guyton of Lou- grandchildren; and two Rev. Mel Howton officiating. The interment
residence. Community Cemetery isville, Kentucky, Patri- will immediately follow at Egger Cemetery in
A memorial service of Woodland, with great-grandchildren.
cia Smith, Roger Taylor, Caledonia, MS. Visitation will be from 10:00 AM
will be held at a later the Rev. Herbert Ivy Pallbearers will be
Lionel White all of until the time of the service.
date. Otts Funeral officiating. Visitation Willie B. Ellis, Timothy
Macon, Milton Johnson Mrs. Winders was born May 7, 1942, in
Home of Sulligent, will be from 10:30-11 Rush, Michael Rush,
of Springfield, Missouri Columbus, MS, to the late James Clifton and
Alabama is in charge of a.m. prior to services at Klaus Gore, Jemaine
and Jasin Johnson of Mildred Andrews Arnold. She was a graduate
arrangements. the cemetery. Carter’s Latham, Tony Jones,
Radcliff, Kentucky; and of Caledonia High School and member of the
Mr. Miller was born Mortuary Services of Raymond Jones and
15 grandchildren. Caledonia United Methodist Church. Mrs.
June 19, 1962, in Amo- West Point is in charge Larry Keen.
Winders worked as a nurse for Baptist Memorial
ry, to the late Joseph of arrangements.
Henry Miller and Mary Mrs. Cummings was
Carla Roby Hospital for 25 years and also worked as a hospice
COLUMBUS — Car- nurse for a number of years. She had a God given
Blanche Taylor. He born Sept. 7, 1951, in talent for taking care of people and animals in
la Deborria Roby, 54,
attended Lamar County Clay County, to Willie need.
High School and was Ed Mosley and the late Survivors include her daughter, Diane Holtman
formerly employed as a Francis Chandler Mos- (Marty Holtman) of Caledonia, MS; son, Marty
mechanic and an auto ley. She was self-em- Pennington (Angie Pennington) of Caledonia,
side ser-
body repairman. ployed. MS; and grandchildren, Emily Sprouse (Nathan
vices will
In addition to his par- In addition to her fa- Sprouse), Jacob Holtman, Macey Pennington,
be at 2 p.m.
ents, he was preceded ther, she is survived by Brooke Hall (Corey Hall) and Kane Doty.
in death by his brother, her children, Derrick Memorial donations may be sent to Columbus
in Union
Jonathan Miller. Cummings of Cedar Lowndes Humane Society, American Kidney
Cemetery. Roby
He is survived by his Bluff, Erick Cummings, Foundation, or other charitable organizations.
Visitation Barbara Nance
children, Jared Keith Rochelle Westbrook is from noon-6 p.m. Graveside Services:
Miller and Jessie Miller both of Pheba and Trac- Saturday, Oct. 3 • 2 PM
today, at Lee-Sykes
both of Vernon, Ala- ey Crayton of Guntown; Friendship Cemetery
Funeral Home. Lee- 2nd Ave N. Location
bama. siblings, Willie Earl Sykes Funeral Home of
Mosley of Meridian, Columbus is in charge Mary Beth Winders
Frankie Humbers James Mosley of Pen- of arrangements. Visitation:
Saturday, Oct. 3 • 10-11 AM
Sign the online guest book at
SULLIGENT, Ala. — sacola, Florida, James Mrs. Roby was College St. Location
Frankie Humbers, 62, Cunningham of Pheba, born June 27, 1966, Memorial Services: College Street • Columbus, MS
Charles Knox of Hous- Saturday, Oct. 3 • 11 AM
died Sept. 27, 2020, at in Columbus to Lil- College St. Location
North Mississippi Med- ton, Eddie Pearl Lyons, lie Ruth Vaughn and Burial
Annie Harrie both of Egger Cemetery
ical Center-Gilmore of

Nita Walsh
Larry D. Vaughn. She College St. Location
Amory. Montpelier, Supora was a graduate of S.D.
A private family Coleman of Pheba, Lee High School and
graveside service will Tammy Pierce of Var- attended Jackson State
be held in Lovejoy daman, Joyce Chandler Nita Faye Walsh, 73, of Columbus, MS
University. She was
Cemetery. Otts Funeral of Philadelphia, Penn- passed away Wednesday, September 30, 2020, at
formerly employed in
Home of Sulligent is sylvania, Betty Douglas Windsor Place, Columbus, MS.
dentistry and was a
in charge of arrange- of Mantee and Wanda A graveside service will be Saturday, October
member of Elizabeth
ments. Jean Wofford of Eupora; 3, 2020, at 2:00 PM at Yellow Creek Baptist
Baptist Church.
Mr. Humbers was 20 grandchildren; and Church Cemetery, with Bro. Kenny Gardner
born July 24, 1958, in 10 great-grandchildren. officiating.
Vernon, Alabama, to Mrs. Walsh was born on April 5, 1947, in
the late Frank Humbers James Powell Noxubee County, MS to the late Laura Viola
and Nora Bell Egger. WEST POINT — Sanders Mordecai and James Ernest Mordecai.
He was a graduate of James Henry Powell, Mrs. Walsh graduated from Noxubee County
Winfield City High 66, died Sept. 27, 2020, High School and East MS Community College.
School and was previ- at her residence. She was employed at the University of New
ously employed with a Graveside services Orleans for many years. She moved back to
mobile home plant and will be at 3:30 p.m. Noxubee County, MS to take care of her mother,
as a truck driver. Saturday, in Strong later working as a mail carrier for U.S. Postal
In addition to his par- Hill Church Cemetery, Service. Nita was married to William “Bill”
ents, he was preceded Walsh, Jr. from 1971 until his death in 1986. Her
with the Rev. Cedric N.
in death by his siblings, soul mate in later years was James Kinard.
Dean officiating. Visita-
In addition to her parents, Mrs. Walsh is
Roosevelt Humbers, tion will be from 3-3:30
preceded in death by her husband, William
Steve Humbers and p.m. prior to services at
“Bill” Walsh; brothers, Thomas Jasper Mordecai,
Patricia Madden. the cemetery. Carter’s
Edgar Mordecai, Robert Mordecai and James
He is survived by his Mortuary Services of
Mordecai; and sister, Jewel Saarinen.
brother, Terry Hum- West Point is in charge
Mrs. Walsh is survived by many nieces,
bers of Guin, Alabama. of arrangements.
nephews and cousins; and friends made while
living at Trinty Independent Living facility,
Columbus, MS.
The family would like to say a special thanks to
Trinity Independent, Windsor, Halcyon Hospice
and Baptist Memorial Hospital-GT.
Send in your church event! Memorials may be made to Trinity Healthcare
Email Center- Sunday Fund 230 Airline Road Columbus,
Subject: Religious brief MS 39702.
Compliments of
Lowndes Funeral Home
6A FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1A
about to take a shower. especially Cindy and my
The feeling was odd, she husband, gave me is re-
thought. Busy with work, ally what got me through
however, she did not im- it,” she said. “I feel like I
mediately pay attention. could conquer the world.”
On April Fool’s Day After her last chemo-
2019, Whitacre — a therapy, Whitacre stood
38-year-old nurse practi- in front of the cancer
tioner at Baptist Medical center and held high a
Group Golden Triangle sign that read, “It’s my
Family Medicine in last day of CHEMO”
Columbus — received an and “Cancer tried. But I
ultrasound test. Before kicked ass!”
the radiologist informed
her of the bad outlook, ‘A whole new outlook’
Whitacre looked at the
Being a health worker
screen and thought:
Yue Stella Yu/Dispatch Staff and a cancer patient at
“That does not look
Jeana Whitacre holds up signs her friends made to the same time, Whitacre
cheer her on during her chemotherapy to battle breast said, is scary.
Days after, she was cancer. Whitacre was diagnosed with Stage I Triple “You know how bad it
diagnosed with Stage I Negative Breast Cancer in April 2019. She is now can be or how good it can
Triple Negative Breast roughly a year cancer-free. be,” she said. “It’s always
Cancer, an aggressive
a fear that you just know
type that could reoccur said she gained from her the age of 58. Both her
too much. … It gave me
usually within five years family, friends and her mother and daughter, she
said, had it. She had both a whole new outlook on
after removal, she said. coworkers at the Colum-
“I really thought it bus clinic. breasts removed and has cancer patients, and on
was an April Fool’s Day The day before been on long-term medi- patients in general.”
(joke). I wanted to believe Withacre’s first surgery, cation for five years. Except for days when
it was,” Whitacre said. Kendryn and her softball Whitacre said Robert- she underwent and
“It was just kind of a team at West Point High son is among her biggest recovered from surger-
shock, and I was like, School played a game supporters. The 63-year- ies, Whitacre showed up
‘OK, where do I go from and held a silent auction old nurse practitioner to work for her patients
here?’ It was almost like in her honor, she said. keeps a wristband on her as usual. With them
… ‘Pinch me. I’m in a Kendryn painted the tail office desk that reads, in mind, she avoided
nightmare.’” of her hair pink, she said, “#FightlikeJeana.” receiving cancer treat-
But soon, Whitacre and the family wore pink Whitacre, Robertson ment in Columbus so she
sprinted to action. She T-shirts in solidarity. said, is “special” to her. wouldn’t bump into them.
was going to fight it. Whitacre’s friends “She’s like my child,” “Because I want them
“(My husband and I) and coworkers also Robertson said, choking to know that I’m still as
knew right then that we offered support in their up. “She’s just somebody strong as everyone. I can
were going to tackle this own ways. She wears a that’s been there and take care of them. That’s
and beat it,” she said. necklace — a gift from done that, knows exactly what I’m supposed to do,”
“We refuse to let it beat her friend in Houston, how you feel. … We can she said. “I just didn’t
us.” Mississippi — that spells almost look at each other want them worrying that,
Whitacre received her out “survivor” in Morse and know if you are hav- ‘My provider is gone.’”
first surgery to remove code. The clinic staff ing a bad day.” In hindsight, Whitacre
both of her breasts on made her “boobie cakes,” And helping Whitacre said she had “never
April 16, then another the she said, and they sent felt like God’s will at play, been so ready for the
next week. She started her cards with inspira- Robertson said. end of something.” Early
her chemotherapy on tional messages written “He puts people in detection and a positive
June 6 at the Bruno Can- on them. your life when they need attitude, she said, are
cer Center in Birming- “They had a little pack to be there,” she said. keys to a successful fight
ham — a monthslong that was like inspirational “God had a place for me against cancer.
process that ended on cards that each one of here, for her, if for no Whitacre said she
Sept. 12. them wrote,” she said. other reason.” wants to write a book
To fight the side ef- “They made it into a little Whitacre is now about her experience.
fects from the treatment, book that said, ‘For Tits roughly a year can- On her fifth cancer-free
Whitacre ordered ice and Giggles.’” cer-free. Looking back, anniversary, she said she
packs online to prevent Cindy Robertson, she said she could not will celebrate.
her fingernails from Whitacre’s coworker and have persisted without “Once I hit my five-
falling off. friend for 14 years, was the support she received. year mark,” she said, “I’m
Sometimes, however, diagnosed with breast “The funny, kick-ass going to have a party. A
she could still be under- cancer five years ago at attitude that most people, survivor party.”
prepared for what came
her way. On June 18,
Whitacre was driving
home when her then-
3-year-old son, Dylan,
said from the backseat:
“Mama, your hair is
falling out.”
Hesitant, she stroked
her hair. A strand fell off
onto her lap, her pink
That night, she sat on
the front porch as her
husband, Dustin, shaved
her head clean with his
clippers. The couple
cried. So did Dylan and
his brother Colt, 13, and
sister Kendryn, 14.

‘I feel like I can

conquer the world’
But Whitacre marched
on, with the strength she

BY BEN PORTNOY Clarita, California, while his mother, Annette, ran
track in high school. Mid-
STARKVILLE — K.J. dle sister Tiffany, a mara-
Costello never dreamed thon runner who qualified
of concluding his college for the U.S. Olympic trials
career in a tiny corner of ahead of the since-post-
northeast Mississippi. poned Tokyo Olympics,
He’s a California kid is the most prolific of the
tried and true. Costel- bunch: She’s current-
lo’s hair is poetically ly training for the 2024
bleached blonde, though Olympic Games.
not quite long enough “She runs close to 100
to emit clichéd compar- miles a week in training,”
isons to famed Golden Kevin explained. “She
State signal caller Ron- loves running — not like
nie “Sunshine” Bass. As mom or dad, but she’s our
a kid, he spent much of runner.”
his childhood on the golf The youngest of three
course at the Coto de siblings, K.J. and Tiffany
Caza Golf and Racquet are separated by just 11
Club, even winning a ju- months, while eldest-sis-
nior tournament over a ter Paige is nearly three
future University of Flor- years his senior. The trio
ida golfer. are close. Kevin says they
His demeanor too spend ample time togeth-
mimics the calm, cool Chris Parent/LSU Athletics er when home in Cali-
and collected Califor- Mississippi State quarterback K.J. Costello (3) never dreamed of concluding his college career in a tiny corner of fornia and speak on the
nian in him. He’s poi- northeast Mississippi. But he now takes over at quarterback for a football-crazed program in Mississippi State phone almost every day.
that is hyped following its win at LSU. Costello, or Kevin Jr.,
gnant in his wording,
thoughtful in his break- of Palo Alto where the after a win over then-No. that’s inspired me and is similarly tight with the
nnn man with whom he shares
downs of questions from next Thiels and Musks 6 and defending national I’ve respected, as well,”
reporters and mature in wander the collegiate champion LSU might be Costello said at his first a name. Kevin coached
That athletic suc- K.J. in football, basketball
the way he carries him- grounds, Costello finds just good enough to drop press availability Sept.
himself in the Deep a bomb on the seersuck- cess came to Costello and baseball as the head
self for a 23-year-old kid 15. “I’ve definitely seen
from north of Los Ange- South. Trading his Car- er-clad, bow tie-wearing shouldn’t be all that sur- coach or right below it
coming to the SEC, you prising. until high school. Today,
les and west of Bakers- dinal red for maroon, Southeastern Confer-
field. he now takes over at ence fraternity. know, the slogan they His father, Kevin, the pair FaceTime every
But after a four-year quarterback for a foot- “I think from Day 1, always say, ‘It means played quarterback for night between 11 p.m.
career at Stanford, in ball-crazed program in the effort and attitude of more.’ I’ve seen it just in two years at College of and midnight.
the ever-buzzing town Mississippi State that this team is something the day-to-day practice.” the Canyons in Santa See COSTELLO, 2B


Columbus New Hope volleyball sweeps Caledonia in Dig Pink Game

nia as the Trojans earned
their second straight-set

Center Hill NEW HOPE — They

had to try it.
win over their rivals this
season. Set scores were 25-
12, 25-16 and 25-14.
New Hope volleyball Thursday’s contest was
coach Allison Woolbright the fourth annual Dig Pink
knows that late-season Game featuring the two
The Columbus High
adjustments can often go Lowndes County schools.
School football team is
awry, but when she and All proceeds, including
still trying to just control
assistant Becky Hudgins concessions, donations and
what it can control.
realized the Trojans’ 5-1 raffle tickets, went to the
“We don’t try to put the
rotation was leaving the Side-Out Foundation to fur-
cart before the horse,”
team without a blocker on ther the research and treat-
Falcons coach Joshua Pul-
the front row and leading ment of Stage IV breast
phus said. “We just want
to frustration on the back, cancer.
to try to be perfect each
they decided it was time for “It’s just really good be-
a change. ing able to come out here
For Pulphus, that
means not looking ahead The Trojans, realizing and win for such a good
at the games to come on last Saturday’s tournament cause,” Annie Woolbright
the schedule: Grenada, at Hartfield Academy didn’t said.
West Point, Lafayette and matter for district stand- The Trojans won a Dig
more. ings or postseason seeding, Pink contest for the first
Instead, the Falcons switched to a 6-2 scheme, time since the game was
(1-3) must focus solely on bringing Marlee Davis in first hosted at Caledonia in
Friday’s contest at Center as a second setter alongside 2017, earning some retri- Theo DeRosa/Dispatch Staff
Hill (3-1) as both teams Annie Woolbright. So far, bution for a sweep at their New Hope senior middle blocker Micaela Hudgins (13) turns back a shot from Caledonia
hope to improve to 2-0 in the decision has paid off. rivals’ hands last season. in Thursday’s match in New Hope. The Trojans won in straight sets.
MHSAA Class 5A, Region “Having three blockers But Caledonia graduated team this year.” better given its familiarity with 15 kills, while Madys-
1 play. and three hitters on the seven seniors, and New Caledonia coach Sa- with facing New Hope and on McBrayer and Megan
“You work hard all sum- front row really has helped Hope brought back its
mantha Brooks noted that watching the Trojans play. Neeb added five apiece.
mer, you work a lot during our back row,” coach Wool- whole roster.
her team picked up wins “I feel like overall, we New Hope came out swing-
your football career just to bright said. “They’re get- Thursday, the Trojans’
in the middle school and played our game, but we ing early by winning the
go and play in big games ting touches and being able experience paid off.
to defend the ball a little bit junior varsity games earli- did not match up with their first eight points and took
like this,” Pulphus said. “They’ve lost a lot of
better.” players, but they’ve al- er Thursday, so the night quick offense,” Brooks the first set 25-12.
“We’re excited just to go Caledonia’s best show-
New Hope’s new scheme ways been a good team,” wasn’t “a complete loss,” said.
back up there and get ing was in the second set,
certainly hit its stride Woolbright said. “We just but she expected her var- Daylyn Nettles led the
ready to play another Fri- See VOLLEYBALL, 2B
day.” Thursday against Caledo- happened to be the better sity squad to play a bit high-powered Trojans
Columbus heads into
the game with a defense as
strong as any in Class 5A
and an offense that broke
Catching up with the Arkansas Razorbacks
out a bit against New Hope BY GARRICK HODGE really good defense and with an ACL injury. It five started last year
in last week’s 23-7 win. Q: Obviously it sur- Arkansas has a young was tough on Felipe and there’s no continu-
A whole host of Falcons prised everybody with offensive line. Franks to make sure
earned touches, and many ity there at such a key
STARK VILLE –– Arkansas leading Geor- guys were lined up cor-
had solid games. Bob Holt has covered position. Obviously he
gia at halftime last week Q: Ra- rectly pre-snap. Those
Pulphus said the Fal- Arkansas and the South- doesn’t have the sup-
before the Razorbacks keem Boyd are all things with new
cons will have to play even eastern Conference for porting cast here he did
eventually fell. What did seems to players are a work in
better than that to have a the Arkansas Democrat at Florida, but I’m sure
you see from that per- be one of progress, but honest-
shot against the Mustangs Gazette for many years. he’d rather play here
formance? the more ly Arkansas just has to
on Friday. He took some time to
A: They did put a reliable play better. than ride the bench. If
“We’re excited to see speak with The Dis-
scare into them. Arkan- backs in Arkansas didn’t have a
how we respond this patch ahead of Missis-
sas’ defense played well the SEC, Boyd Q: You quarterback like Franks
week to what they did last sippi State’s home open-
week,” he said. “Hopefully er against Arkansas on at a lot of different posi- yet he mentioned last week, the game
we can take it and not just Saturday. tions. The offense real- st r uggled Feleipe
might have been even
be settled but be better In a conversation ly struggled to get out to get going against Franks,
of the shadows of the Georgia. What do you the Flori- worse. There may have
— be more explosive, see with The Dispatch that been a few more turn-
how our guys react with also will appear on the goalposts as they say. think they can do to get da trans-
newspaper’s podcast, Georgia made a quar- him going against Mis- fer, how overs. A guy like Franks
the ball in space.”
Bully Banter, Holt dis- terback change and that sissippi State? much val- Franks gives them a quality,
kind of rallied them. A: Well, not playing ue is there SEC-like quarterback.
New Hope (1-3) at Lake cussed the Razorbacks’
performance against Georgia eventually put Georgia is going to help, in having
Cormorant (2-1) Georgia last week, what the hammer down, they no offense to Mississip- a guy like him under To listen to the rest of
Lake Cormorant might can be done to get run- got a blocked punt and a pi State. Arkansas’ two center who’s played so
be 0-1 in Region 1-5A play the interview with Bob
ning back Rakeem Boyd pick six. Special teams guards were making many SEC games?
when New Hope travels to really struggled and the their first starts, their A: It’s been huge, Holt, listen to Bully Ban-
going and more.
face the Gators on Friday, This interview has offense did too, which center started last year because quarterback ter, which can be found
but Trojans coach Wade been edited for length really isn’t a surprise at guard, and their right here has been a revolv- wherever podcasts are
See FOOTBALL, 3B and clarity. because Georgia has a tackle missed last year ing door. Before Franks, available.
2B FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1B
making a stand early to “For our students here enth-grade math teacher, Thursday.
lead 8-6. But New Hope at New Hope, anytime you Heather Henry. “To me, it’s a really scary
netted five points in a row, beat Caledonia, it’s a pretty Henry beat the disease thing,” Coach Woolbright
Nettles had a monster kill big thing,” Woolbright said. the year before Woolbright said. “It’s just something
to push the lead to 15-10 “We had a lot of kids here was in her class, and the that women have to, unfor-
shortly thereafter, and the because it was Caledonia New Hope setter got to see tunately, think about and
Trojans pulled away once and all.” her teacher recover and im- do what they can to protect
again. They had little issue But in the Trojans’ hud- prove. themselves.”
in the third set, winning it dle after the match, Wool- “It was really cool seeing Thursday’s Dig Pink
25-14 to claim the match. bright reminded her play- her get back in action and event involved raising mon-
The Trojans’ effort was ers that their opponents go back to her daily routine ey to beat the disease, and
good to see from a team remain their friends off the like she just couldn’t really both schools delivered.
that often tends to play to court and outside the gym. do,” Woolbright said. Coach Woolbright said
the level of its competition, She implored New Hope to Woolbright was playing money was still coming
coach Woolbright said. stay classy in victory, just with Henry in her mind
in from New Hope as of
But the Trojans showed as Caledonia did in its prior during Thursday’s Dig
Wednesday and won’t be
they were the better team wins, for the sake of sports- Pink Game, and she wasn’t
counted to the weekend,
Thursday. manship. the only one. Brooks hon-
“I think we played really ored her grandmother, but the high quantity and
“Last year, we were in quality of Thursday’s raf-
well,” Woolbright said. “I Katherine Becker, who
that position of not being fle prizes was a great sign.
think our energy from the survived the disease.
the winner, and this year it Caledonia raised over
very first ball was high, and Coach Woolbright said her
was us,” Woolbright said. $2,600 by Wednesday night
I think they kept it at that grandmother died from
“Who knows next year alone, and its players devot-
level all night.” breast cancer, and several
New Hope’s perfor- what it’ll be?” other family members and ed themselves to the event.
mance excited its sizable friends have been affected. “It’s just such a neat
crowd, which was as big as ‘Our ultimate goal’ It was clear from the cause,” Brooks said. “I felt
could be under a 25 percent When the calendar hits Trojans’ pink jerseys to the like the girls really dove
capacity limit. As always, October — Breast Cancer posters hanging on the side in and worked hard to get
the rivalry win was a “great Awareness Month — An- and back walls of the New raffle prizes and to earn
feeling” for the Trojans, nie Woolbright says she Hope gym that breast can- money, and that was our
their coach said. often thinks about her sev- cer was on everyone’s mind ultimate goal.”

Continued from Page 1B
“That’s usually when later at home against Ore- “I was rehabbing, I delivered the knockout
we get all caught up after gon. Whipping a pass out think, harder than any- blow — a 24-yard tear-
the day and just see how of the backfield, Costel- one else in the country drop pass into the back
the day went and just kind lo’s throwing thumb two to three times per right corner of the end
of touch base on some smacked into a helmet day,” Costello said. “Lit- zone with 3:39 remain-
stuff,” Kevin said. in front of him. Soldier- erally 8, 12, 4 o’clock, ev- ing.
Boasting an athletic ing through what Kevin ery single day, probably With a flick of the wrist
background and a family believes was later diag- overdoing it, for four or and a toe tap, Costello
keen to watch him com- nosed as a fracture, his five months.” called game.
pete, Costello picked up thumb was three times Player-run practic- “It’s a vertical,” Costel-
football early. He played its normal size by game’s es in June and July at lo said of the route Mitch-
quarterback and line- end. nearby Starkville High ell ran. “Everyone in the
backer for his local flag “He wanted to stay in,” School or, when possible, country runs verticals,
football team before pro- Kevin said. “He wanted at the Leo Seal Jr. Foot- but when you’ve just
gressing into pads and to play.” ball Complex began in thrown three or four
later to the middle and Costello played two earnest upon his arrival or six passes in a row
high school ranks. more games at Stanford in Mississippi. Strength leading up to that play,
He arrived in Palo Alto — a win over Arizona and conditioning coach that defensive back ran
as the fourth-highest rat- and a loss to Colorado — Tyson Brown also pushed around the field quite a
ed Cardinal quarterback though a lingering shoul- Costello and the rest of bit. He’s not playing the
signee since 247sports der issue also limited his the Bulldogs through same way he was on that
began rating recruits. effectiveness. With his labor-intensive summer first play. We were will-
Those ahead of him? degree in hand and look- workouts in preparation ing to attack him.”
High-four-star prospect ing for a way to further for fitness needed to run His high school
Keller Chryst and future his NFL draft prospects, the air raid. coach, Harry Welch, who
NFL signal-callers Trent Costello spoke with Stan- Going about his busi- watched the game on
Edwards and Andrew ford head coach David ness with a quiet confi- television back in Coto de
Luck. Shaw about exploring dence, Costello quickly Caza, wasn’t shocked at
Costello bided his the transfer portal. Kev- gained trust among his the performance. Welch,
time with the Cardinal, in says Shaw was open to teammates. He and Bran- a 42-year high school
redshirting his first year the idea and would wel- don product Will Rogers coaching veteran in Cali-
on campus before start- come K.J. back should he even set out teaching fornia who notched more
ing seven games during want to return. what they expected to be than 250 career victories,
his redshirt freshman Entering the portal in Leach’s offense. had seen Costello as a
campaign. A breakout mid-December, Costello Costello was loose- lanky middle schooler
sophomore season fol- was quickly sought after. ly trained in the gun- watching practice at San-
lowed. He passed for over Among those interested? slinging system having ta Margarita. He oversaw
3,500 yards and tossed Washington State and watched Washington the transition of incum-
29 touchdowns to just 11 head coach Mike Leach. State tape during his bent starter Kyle Sweet,
interceptions, earning All but assured he’d time at Stanford. He who eventually played
second team all-Pac-12 conclude his career in also received film from for Leach at Washington
honors. Pullman, following in the MSU’s video staff of Min- State, from quarterback
“In spurts he looked steps of Gardner Min- shew, former Texas Tech to receiver to make space
as good as anybody in shew II’s mustached run quarterback and current for Costello under center.
America (playing) quar- through the Pac-12 the USC offensive coordina- He watched as Costello
terback,” Stanford head year before, Costello and tor Graham Harrell and tossed touchdown pass-
coach David Shaw said of his family had planned a former Cougar quarter- es of 85 and 95 yards on
Costello at Pac-12 Media visit to the Palouse in ear- back Anthony Gordon to the first two throws of his
Days in July 2019. ly January. Then things watch over the summer. high school starting ca-
Costello’s redshirt ju- went dark. The Costellos “By the time I got here, reer as a sophomore. He
nior year was supposed didn’t hear from Leach Leach’s kind of mentali- respected when Costello
to be simple. He’d finish or the recruiting staff for ty gave me a new wind,” refused to be taken out
his degree in political sci- between 48 and 72 hours. Costello said Tuesday. “I of a game despite flu-like
ence and hopefully play In the interim, Leach was like that old-school kind symptoms that saw him
well enough to consider at his vacation home in of stuff.” vomit through his face-
an early entry into the Key West signing on to mask on the field, before
NFL draft. Pro day, the fill Joe Moorhead’s job in he wandered back toward
combine and, ultimately,
nnn the huddle.
draft night would ensue. Having settled on “He’s always handled
In a perfect world, he’d In a non-COVID-19- the physical and the in-
the Cougars given their
be a first-round pick. His afflicted world, Costello’s tellectual and the mental
belief in Leach, his air
bank account would read first start in the maroon (and) emotional chal-
raid system, and the in-
eight figures before his and white would’ve come lenge supremely,” Welch
telligence he brings to a
23rd birthday. Sept. 3 against New Mex- told The Dispatch. “He’s
quarterback room, the
Things began accord- ico. Instead, the SEC’s a great kid, now he’s not
family briefly regrouped
ing to plan. Costello rejiggered slate served the second coming, but
then pivoted. A visit to
torched Northwestern him a shot at defending a wonderful young man
Starkville followed. So
for 152 yards and a touch- national champion LSU and a pretty darn good
too did Costello’s public
down on 16-of-20 passing in Death Valley. quarterback.”
commitment to MSU on
in less than two quarters By now, the narra- For Costello, the win
Feb. 3. For the first time
of play to open the sea- tive is stuff of legend. over LSU in Baton Rouge
in his life, Costello was
son. Then came the hit. Costello torched the Ti- is behind him. His first
leaving California for, of
With less than 10 sec- ger defense for an MSU appearance at Davis
all places, rural Missis-
onds remaining in the and SEC single-game re- Wade Stadium awaits
second quarter and the cord 623 yards and five Saturday against a sneak-
Cardinal near midfield, touchdowns. He became ily improved Arkansas
Costello dropped back to nnn the first quarterback in team. Kevin and Annette
pass. With no one open, history to eclipse 500 will be in attendance, as
he stepped into the pock- Costello arrived at yards at Tiger Stadium. they were at Tiger Stadi-
et, crossed the line of MSU on June 1 eager to He and Mike Leach’s air um a week ago.
scrimmage, scrambled compete. raid offense sailed into A year after plans for
for a few yards and went He never had to en- the bayou and put cannon Costello’s future went
into a slide. Northwest- dure surgery for his ball-sized holes in the haywire, he’s promptly
ern defensive lineman thumb, but vigorous persistent narrative that captured college foot-
Earnest Brown IV then physical therapy ensued the air raid can’t function ball’s consciousness
flew toward him, lead- each morning to boost in the ground-and-pound in a matter of a week.
ing with the crown of his flexibility. Sessions with physicality of the SEC. Raised in Rancho Santa
helmet, nearly decap- private trainers near his There were mishaps, Margarita, matured in
itating the then-junior home in Rancho Santa sure. Costello surren- Palo Alto and thriving in
quarterback. Costello Margarita ensured his dered two interceptions Starkville, it’s easy to for-
was helped off the field physical fitness and bol- and two fumbles in a get Costello has only de-
and was diagnosed with a stered his agility. Days nearly debilitating man- livered one week’s worth
concussion. concluded bouncing be- ner. But like a prize fight- of eye-popping stats, but
The final blow to his tween two different quar- er ceremoniously rising the California kid seems
once-promising Stanford terback coaches in the from the mat, the former right at home in the Mag-
career came three weeks area. Stanford signal-caller nolia State.
The Dispatch • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2020 3B

Football ON THE AIR

Continued from Page 1B Saturday
Tackett said he and his critical for the loser. when the two teams anything can happen in Central.
11 a.m. — Missouri at Ten-
team won’t take their oppo- “Either one of us com- square off again Friday in Region 1-5A road games, Quarterback Colton
nent lightly. ing out with the win would Lee County. and the Green Wave must Gardner, running back nessee, SECN
Tackett remembers give us some momentum “Every year is differ- stay prepared for any sce- Branson Robinson and 11 a.m. — South Carolina at
Lake Cormorant’s sea- going forward in the dis- ent, so you have to stay nario they might face Fri- several defenders who Florida, ESPN
son last year — wins over trict,” Tackett said. prepared the best you day at Saltillo. can fly around will lead 11 a.m. — TCU at Texas, FOX
Grenada and Center Hill To get that victory, New can,” Chambless said. the Mustangs’ charge 11 a.m. — Baylor at West
en route to a playoff ap- Hope will have to handle With four straight Starkville (4-0) Friday. Starkville, of Virginia, ABC
the Gators’ spread offense,
pearance. The Gators
kept the score within two featuring a strong running
state championships un-
der its belt, West Point
at Germantown (3-1) course, counters with
Florida State commit
2:30 p.m. — Texas A&M at
Alabama, CBS
Top-ranked Starkville is
touchdowns against even- back in Jaiden Gray and all comes into Friday’s game Luke Altmyer and Mis- 2:30 p.m. — Memphis at
riding high off last week’s
tual state champion West 77 inches and 292 pounds about as prepared as a sissippi State pledge Am- SMU, ESPN2
38-20 win at No. 2 South Pa-
Point — a week after they of Mississippi State com- team can be to face the ariyon Howard. 2:30 p.m. — Texas Tech at
nola, and the Yellow Jackets
cruised to a 34-0 win at mit Gabe Cavazos, who winless Tigers, who went Jones said he hopes
know they can’t afford a Kansas State, FS1
New Hope. offers quarterback Telvin just 1-11 last year. Plus, the Jackets will keep
letdown Friday at German- 2:30 p.m. — UNC at Boston
“They’re still a power Amos a big target. the Green Wave have al- their unbeaten season
town. College, ABC
team within our district ready replaced last year’s “Every week is import- going and won’t suffer 3 p.m. — Ole Miss at Ken-
right now,” Tackett said. West Point (3-1) three-headed rushing at- ant,” coach Chris Jones a letdown on Friday in tucky, SECN
With the Trojans’ 23-7 at Saltillo (0-3) tack of Brandon Harris, said. Madison.
6:30 p.m. — Arkansas at
loss at Columbus last West Point handled Dantariyus Cannon and This week could be “Hopefully we come
Mississippi State, SECN
week, both schools claim Saltillo 34-7 last season Jimothy Mays with three especially so on the road out this week and have a
6:30 p.m. — Auburn at Geor-
an equivalent district re- at Hamblin Stadium, but new talented rushers: Ja- against a Germantown good game come tomor-
gia, ESPN
cord thus far, making Fri- Green Wave coach Chris Kobe Pate, Chris Ivy and team that won its first row, but we understand
day’s game important for Chambless knows that Cameron Young. three games before last that we can’t come out 6:30 p.m. — LSU at Vander-
the winner — and just as doesn’t count for much Still, Chambless said, week’s loss to Warren half cocked,” he said. bilt, SECN

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: very nice). She one who should be gone. They
Years ago, I has mentioned to often complain or compare the
met a man friends that I’m things I do to something they
through golf, and one of only a few would have done.
we developed a remaining friends, My parents raised me to be
casual friendship. and she appreci- independent and take care of
I lost track of him ates it very much. myself, but all they do is show
for a few years, Now I know why! me that I don’t matter. My niece
but when I heard How do I “break shares that opinion. She thinks
his wife was up,” Abby? I don’t I’m not raising my son right.
being treated with want to be around (Mind you, she’s only 20 and
chemo for cancer, him anymore. — doesn’t know her behind from
ZITS I took them food ANONYMOUS IN her elbow.)
and offered my THE WEST I want to leave, but finances
support. As our DEAR and obligations prohibit me.
friendship grew ANONYMOUS: What can I do to make them
stronger, we be- Because your see that I’m doing everything
gan playing more Dear Abby friend doesn’t fit I can? — NOT VALUED IN CALI-
golf and became in with the other FORNIA
“refriended.” He’s a good golfer, guy friends, no rule of etiquette DEAR NOT VALUED: I
but very serious, and he whines says you must continue to invite am sorry for what you are
constantly on the course. I him. I wish you had mentioned experiencing. The thing about
have kidded him about it, and what he whines about when you being compared to a deceased
he acknowledges it to a small golf with him. If it is his wife’s person (or two) is there is a
degree. precarious health, it may be tendency to idealize the dearly
He’s also joined at the hip that he needs to vent in a can- departed. That you are being
with his wife, so much so that cer support group rather than given short shrift for your ef-
GARFIELD when I invited him to our cabin
for a guys’ weekend, he asked
with you. If it’s the golf game,
then you will have to decide
forts is sad. I think it’s time to
speak up and let your feelings
if his wife and dog could come whether he’s such a valuable be known. As to your niece, the
along. I nixed the dog and golf partner that you need “expert” on child care, tune her
reluctantly agreed to the wife. him. If other members of your out as you would with static on
A year later, I invited him again, golf group no longer want him your radio.
but without his wife because there, it would be a kindness to
two other friends were coming socialize with him and his wife Dear Abby is written by
and it was guys only. He came, less often rather than abandon Abigail Van Buren, also known
but he didn’t really fit in. them. If the shoe was on the as Jeanne Phillips, and was
Fast-forward to now. Our other foot, isn’t that what you founded by her mother,
friendship continues, but his would want? Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear
whining has grown much worse, DEAR ABBY: My siblings died Abby at or
and he can’t go anywhere a couple of years apart, and my P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles,
without his wife (although she’s parents treat me like I’m the CA 90069.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Oct. you don’t like what you do for someone with a problem today,
2). You’ll wrap up a messy bit comfort, then make it easy you’ll probably also have a few
of the past and put the last for yourself to try some other solutions they can choose from,
chapter in your rearview. New options, no judgment. as well as a backup plan that’s
friends step in right on cue with TAURUS (April 20-May 20). probably better than plan A.
just the sort of fun you prefer. Wrestling with problems is the LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
You’ll make a trade and come way to grow strong. The problem You probably know what’s best
out on top. In December, you will meet you with resistance all for your loved ones, but that’s
have a reason for celebration. over, but it’s only in your weaker beside the point. Just listen-
Family makes you so proud. areas that you will feel it. Know ing and being there with your
BABY BLUES Remarkable changes in June that you’re being made stronger. strongly supportive presence
give you the means to start a GEMINI (May 21-June 21). will help more than you might
project. Leo and Pisces adore No one can be liked by every- imagine.
you. Your lucky numbers are: 2, one, but you come pretty close VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
22, 13, 5 and 18. today. Even those who don’t Sometimes, all that’s needed to
ARIES (March 21-April 19). believe as you do, or who are in make things work is a jostle -- a
It is the most natural thing in an opposing position, will offer little shove, a jog to the left, a
the world to do what brings you you respect and kindness. swerve to the right. Be flexible,
comfort. The unnatural part CANCER (June 22-July adaptable, experimental and
is judging yourself for this. If 22). If you’re going to come to ready.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
You’ll say “yes,” even though it
means extra work for you, even
though it’s out of your way, even
though it makes no financial
BEETLE BAILEY sense. Why? Because you’re
guided by something stronger
than logistics and money.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). Today plays out like a dra-
ma, not because of any exciting
fireworks but because of the
use of exquisite and extraordi-
nary tension, which won’t get
relieved any time soon.
21). The quickest way to earn
trust is to give it. After you gain
someone’s trust, you don’t need
to keep asking for or earning it.
MALLARD FILLMORE It will be given again and again.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). Cruel opposition has a
way of unifying opposing forces.
This is why the leaders will paint
the other side as villains, even
though down deep everyone
knows most people are about
the same mix of good and evil.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). You have your own cosmic
runner these days. Like an
office runner who feels underuti-
lized when only asked to pour
coffee, your angels are itching
FAMILY CIRCUS for a juicy assignment.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). You prefer it when a
person’s role in your life is easy
to define, even though, recently,
that has not been the case at
all. You’ve opened your mind to
new possibilities.

Give up the ghost

4B FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2020 The Dispatch •

Trump debate comment pushing RELIGIOUS BRIEFS

Black Americans, others to vote Pastor’s 6th Pastoral Anniversary Celebrate Recovery
Providence M.B. Church Columbus will
host their Pastor’s 6th Pastoral Anniver-
The Assembly Church, 2201 Military
Road, and Meadowview Church, 300 Linden
‘I hear the ghost of voter Roberson, CEO of the Detroit nonprofit
Focus: Hope.
sary at 11 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020.
The public is invited to attend the drive
Circle in Starkville, host Celebrate Recovery
at 6 p.m. every Sunday at The Assembly
suppressionists past. It’s Trump tried to walk back his debate
comments on Wednesday, but the mo-
through celebration of Pastor Gilbert and Church (next to Lowe’s) and at 6 p.m. every
First Lady Dollie Anderson. Tuesday at Meadowview Church. Get help,
the same soup. It’s just ment when he told one far-right group to
“stand back and stand by” had already
healing and support for any habit, hurt or
hang-up using the Christ-centered 12 steps.
warmed over now.’ been cemented in the minds of many Mississippi State
Eric Sheffield, a Black real estate Americans, experts and activists say. A School Ministry Prayer for Youth
developer in Atlanta day after the debate, the president said he Mississippi State School of Ministry
Every second and third Saturday, Pleas-
didn’t know the group but that it should will be taking applications for enrollment
ant Ridge Faith Center hosts a prayer for
BY K AT STAFFORD, JAY REEVES “let law enforcement do their work.” into their online degree granting program.
the youth from 2-3 p.m.
AND CHRISTINE FERNANDO During the debate, he also urged Earn your Certification, Associates,
The Associated Press his “supporters to go into the polls and Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Degree in
watch very carefully because that’s what Religious Studies. We are an accreditation Prayer, Free Coffee
DETROIT — When President Don- has to happen.” School of Ministry authorized through Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church,
ald Trump refused to outright condemn Eric Sheffield, a Black real estate de- State of Mississippi and Federal Govern- 2221 14th Ave. N., hosts free coffee and
white nationalists in this week’s presi- veloper in Atlanta whose parents hail ment. Our degrees are for ecclesiastical a prayer community outreach service from
dential debate and urged his supporters from the Deep South, said Trump’s com- purposes only. We accept transcripts and 8-9 a.m. every fifth Saturday. For informa-
to monitor polling sites, Portia Roberson ments reminded him of the Jim Crow era. your life experience also can also be used tion, contact Jesse Slater, 662-328-4979.
was reminded of earlier eras when Black “I hear the ghost of voter suppres- for degree granting purposes. For further
Americans were intimidated at the polls sionists past,” said Sheffield, 52. “It’s the information feel free to call 662-425- Radio Program
to deter them from voting. same soup. It’s just warmed over now.” 8443 Apostles Patrick Perkins invites the pub-
Roberson, a 51-year-old Black woman It’s not just Black Americans who lic to tune in to WTWG, radio 1050 AM for
who lives in Detroit, found the comments
chilling — but also felt a renewed resolve
took notice — and umbrage — at the
president’s debate comments. Similar
CANCELED UNTIL FURTHER Perfecting the Saints Broadcast, Wednes-
days 8:30 a.m.
to vote. concerns are also reverberating among NOTICE Forgive and Live
For many Black Americans and other Forgive and Live meets from 6-7
people of color, Trump’s comments in
Americans from other backgrounds, said
Anna Mach, a biracial Filipino American p.m. every second and fourth Tuesday Women Prayer, Worship Service
of each month in the downtown YMCA Church of the Eternal Word, 106 22nd
his debate with Democratic challenger woman who is a master’s student at the
Board Room and every third Wednes- St. S., holds a prayer and worship service
Joe Biden were a harsh reminder that University of Denver.
day at Vibrant Church Cafe. Inquire and every Thursday from 5-6 p.m. Call Marie
the nation has yet to fully grapple with “I’m disgusted and angry and terri-
seek information to succeed spiritually, Nabors, 662-549-4322 or 662-329-1234,
systemic racism laid bare this year by fied by those comments,” Mach, 22, said.
physically and financially and be eager to for prayer requests.
protests against police killings of Black “But I’m not surprised.”
people, the coronavirus pandemic, and Since the coronavirus, which first be a blessing to the community, churches
the resulting economic fallout. flared in China, spread to the United and families through the Word of God. Prayer Ministry
But they were also a call to action. States, Mach said she’s seen a surge in The public is invited to attend. For more New Beginning Everlasting Outreach
“I hope that we take some of that frus- hate directed toward Asian Americans. information, call Pat Fisher Douglas, 662- Ministry invites the public to call in with
tration, anger and sadness that we’ve all Trump himself has been criticized for 251-5899. their prayer requests at 662-327-9843.
been feeling for the better part of 2020, referring to COVID-19 as the “Chinese
and use it to motivate ourselves to go to virus.” Fellowship Dinner, Youth Service Prayer Service
the polls and make sure we vote and vote “I’m worried there will be more hate Pleasant Ridge Faith Center, 923 Ridge Church of the Eternal Word, 106 22nd.
for candidates who really reflect what crimes from white supremacists,” she Road, hosts a fellowship dinner and youth St. S., Columbus, holds prayer service
Black folks need in this country,” said said. service every third Sunday. Thursday nights 5-6 p.m. Contact Marie Na-
bors, 662-549-4322. Church service times:
Gospel Book Club Sunday school 10 a.m.; Sunday worship
11:15 a.m.; Tuesday Bible study 7 p.m. For
Friendship M.B. Church, 1102 12th
Ave. S., invites the public to join its information, call Pastor District Elder Lou
Community Gospel Book Club from 6-7 Nabors, 662-329-1234.
Hiring likely slowed in September for 3rd straight month p.m., on the fourth Friday of each month,
to study and share views of the Holy Bible. Fitness Transformations
BY CHRISTOPHER When the Labor De- tember proves accurate, Open to all ages and ethnicities. For more The Transformational Church, 2301 Jess
RUGABER partment issues its Sep- it would mean that the
AP Economics Writer
information, call Barbara Mattison or Lyons Road, hosts boxing lessons Mondays
tember jobs report, econo- economy has regained Lillian Murray, 662-570-5595. and Wednesday from 5-7 p.m., weight-loss
WASHINGTON — A mists predict it will show a only slightly more than boot camp Tuesdays and Thursdays 5-7
critical snapshot of the job gain of 850,000, according half the 22 million jobs Grief Support Group p.m. and both on Saturdays 9-11 a.m.
market and the economy to a survey by data provid- that vanished when the The Oil of Joy for Grief and Mourning
to be released Friday is er FactSet. That would pandemic flattened the offers a grief support group at 6 p.m. Youth Fellowship
expected to show a fur- mark a third straight economy in early spring. every second Thursday of the month at The Transformational Church, 2301 Jess
ther slowdown in hiring monthly slowdown, after Should job gains continue United Christian Baptist Church, 232 Lyons Road, hosts Youth Fellowship from
as the nation’s viral case- June’s 4.8 million job gain, to remain below 1 million Yorkville Road East. “Making your grieving 7-8:30 p.m. every Tuesday. Games, prayer,
load creeps higher and as July’s 1.7 million and Au- a month, it would take un- journey easier.” For more information, call service, food, and more. Transportation
government financial aid gust’s 1.4 million. til late 2021 or 2022 to re- 662-327-0604 or e-mail unitedchristian@ available. For information, call Iris Rober-
has faded. If the forecast for Sep- coup them all. son, 662-295-7456.
ROBIN MARIE JONES MCMIL- GATEWOOD. Defendants other Chancery Clerk of Lowndes

LEN PLAINTIFF than you are unknown. County, Mississippi, to the un-
dersigned Co-Executrixes of the


Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
You are to mail or hand deliver
a copy of a written Answer
either admitting or denying
Estate of Thelma A. Knighton,
deceased, notice is hereby giv-
en to all persons having claims

CAUSE NO: 2020-411-S

The Starkville Dispatch and Online
each allegation in the Petition
to JEFFREY C. SMITH, whose
address is Post Office Box
against the estate to present
the same to the Clerk of this
Court for administration and re-
648, Columbus, MS 39703- gistration according to law with-
SUMMONS 0648. To place ads starting at only $12,
in (90) days from the first pub-
lication of this Notice or they
call 662-328-2424 or visit
will be forever barred.
FROM THE DATE OF FIRST PUB- of September, 2020.
You have been made a Defend- LICATION. THE DISPATCH n CDISPATCH.COM n FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2020 n 5B
ant in the suit filed in the Court /s/Nora Green NORA GREEN,
by Robin Marie Jones McMil- You must also file the original CO-EXECUTRIX
len, Plaintiff seeking a divorce of your Answer with the Clerk of
from you. this Court within a reasonable /s/Dail Benson GAIL BENSON,
Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal afterward
time Notices and you are Legal Notices
CO-EXECUTRIX General Help Wanted

You are required to mail or summoned to appear and de-
SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE'S NO- ADVERTISEMENT TO BID hand deliver a written re- fend against the Petition for KYLE B. AINSWORTH, MSB Licensed Cosmetologist
TICE OF SALE sponse to the Complaint filed Determination of Heirs at 9:00 #9543 Needed! No booth rent. No
You are hereby invited to sub- against you in this action to o’clock a.m. on the 9th day of Rogers, Ainsworth & Williams, clientele needed. For more
Call us: 662-328-2424 WHEREAS, on September 21,
2009, Janet L. Chesser and
mit a sealed bid (or at the Bid-
der’s option, electronically sub-
Robin Marie Jones McMillen,
Plaintiff, whose street address
November 2020, in the
courtroom of the Clay County
567 Highway 51, Suite B info, call or text 662-312-
Dale D. Chesser, wife and hus- mitted Bids) for “Asbestos is 396 Elm Drive, Columbus, Chancery Courthouse at West Ridgeland, MS 39157 8727 or email
Legal Notices band executed a certain deed Abatement of Hunt School”. Mississippi 39701. Point, Mississippi, before the (601) 969-7777
of trust to Scott R. Valby, Trust- Bids will be received from con- Honorable Joseph N. Studdard
SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE'S NO- ee for the benefit of Mortgage tractors at the Columbus Muni- YOUR RESPONSE MUST BE and in case of your failure to Publish: 10/2, 10/9 & FIELD SERVICES, INC.
TICE OF SALE Electronic Registration Sys- cipal School District, Brandon MAILED OR DELIVERED NOT appear and defend, a judg- 10/16/2020
LATER THAN THIRTY DAYS ment will be entered against in Boligee, AL is seeking
tems, Inc. as beneficiary, as Central Services Center loc-
nominee for Franklin American ated at 2630 McArthur Drive, AFTER THE 2ND DAY OF OCTO- you for the things demanded in IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF the following positions:
WHEREAS, on September 8,
2017, Fawdil A. Djebbar, un- Mortgage Company, its suc- Columbus, MS 39705, until BER, 2020, WHICH IS THE the Complain. You are not re- *Hydraulic Mechanics
married man executed a cer- cessors and assigns which 2:00 P.M., Thursday, Novem- DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICA- quired to file an answer or oth- SIPPI *Diesel Mechanics
tain deed of trust to Denise deed of trust is of record in the ber 5, 2020, and then publicly TION OF THIS SUMMONS. IF er pleading to the Complaint, *Heavy Equipment Oilers
McLaurin, Trustee for the bene- office of the Chancery Clerk of opened and read aloud. YOUR RESPONSE IS NOT SO but you may do so if you de- IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- *Mill Right Workers
fit of Regions Bank d/b/a Re- Lowndes County, State of Mis- MAILED OR DELIVERED, A sire. TATE OF THELMA A. *Electrical Cable Pullers
gions Mortgage which deed of sissippi in Book 2009 at Page Single stipulated sum bids will JUDGMENT BY DEFAULT WILL KNIGHTON, DECEASED
trust is of record in the office 22515; and be received for all work re-
quired by the Contract Docu- FOR THE MONEY OR OTHER THE SEAL OF SAID COURT, on 205-336-8401.
of the Chancery Clerk of CASE NO. 2020-0177 F
Lowndes County, State of Mis- WHEREAS, MidFirst Bank has ments in accordance with the RELIEF DEMANDED IN THE this the 30th day of Septem-
sissippi in Book 2017 at Page heretofore substituted Shapiro Instructions to Bidders. COMPLAINT. ber 2020. NORA GREEN AND DAIL BEN- NEW, SMALL, fast growing
20018; and & Brown, LLC as Trustee by in- SON PETITIONERS business looking for skilled
strument dated August 21, Instructions to Bidders, Form of You must also file the original Cindy Egger Goode
of your Response with the CINDY EGGER GOODE, Chan-
carpenter or laborer. Must
WHEREAS, Regions Bank Dba 2020 and recorded in the Bid, Form of Contract, Form of SUMMONS
aforesaid Chancery Clerk's Of- Contract Bond, Drawings, Spe- Clerk of this Court within a cery Clerk be knowledgeable or will-
Regions Mortgage has hereto-
fore substituted Shapiro & fice in Book 2020 Page cifications and other Contract reasonable time afterward. Lowndes County, Mississippi ing to learn in all aspects
Brown, LLC as Trustee by in- 20684; and Documents may be examined of carpentry and mainten-
strument dated August 13, at the following locations: Issued under my hand and the By: Shantrell W. Granderson , TO: ANY AND ALL PERSONS ance. Email resume to
2020 and recorded in the WHEREAS, default having been seal of this Court, this the 30th D.C. CLAIMING TO BE HEIRS AT LAW
aforesaid Chancery Clerk's Of- made in the terms and condi- 1. Office of the Architect, Eley day of September, 2020. OF THELMA A. KNIGHTON, DE-
fice in Book 2020 Page tions of said deed of trust and Guild Hardy Architects, P.A., PUBLISH: 10/2/2020 CEASED AND CHILDREN OF
20681; and the entire debt secured thereby 1091 Tommy Munro Drive, /s/ Cindy E. Goode WAYNE McDANIEL, DECEASED
WHEREAS, default having been
made in the terms and condi-
having been declared to be due
and payable in accordance with
the terms of said deed of trust,
Biloxi, Mississippi 39532.

2. ABC Plan Rooms, Gulfport

Chancery Clerk of Lowndes
County, Mississippi
You have been made a Defend-
ant in the suit filed in this
tions of said deed of trust and MidFirst Bank, the legal holder and Jackson, Mississippi. Court by Nora Green and Dail
the entire debt secured thereby of said indebtedness, having By: /s/ Tina Fisher SERGEY GRISHIN PLAINTIFF Benson, Co-Executrixes of the Ads starting at $25
having been declared to be due requested the undersigned 3. AGC Plan Rooms, Gulfport Estate of Thelma A. Knighton,
and payable in accordance with Substituted Trustee to execute and Jackson, Mississippi. Publish: October 2, October 9, vs. deceased, seeking a determin-
the trust and sell said land and & October 16, 2020 Apts For Rent: North
the terms of said deed of trust, ation of the true and lawful
Regions Bank Dba Regions property in accordance with the Bid documents are being made JENNIFER LYNN SULKESS DE- heirs at law of said Thelma A.
Mortgage, the legal holder of terms of said deed of trust and available via hard copy or CD at NOTICE TO QUALIFIED PUBLIC FENDANT Knighton. FOX RUN APARTMENTS
said indebtedness, having re- for the purpose of raising the UTILITY CONTRACTORS AND 1 & 2 BR near hospital.
quested the undersigned Sub- sums due thereunder, togeth- m. Interested bidders should SUPPLIERS CIVIL ACTION NO. 2020-0010- You are summoned to appear $595−$645 monthly.
stituted Trustee to execute the er with attorney's fees, log-in or register for a free ac- CV1C and defend against the com- Military discount, pet area,
trust and sell said land and trustee's fees and expense of count to view and order Bid FRANKLIN TELEPHONE COM- plaint or petition filed against pet friendly, and furnished
property in accordance with the sale. Documents. All plan holders PANY, INC., SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION you in this action at 9:00 corporate apts.
terms of said deed of trust and are required to have a valid DELTA TELEPHONE COMPANY, o’clock a.m. on the 18th day of 24−HOUR PROFESSIONAL
for the purpose of raising the NOW, THEREFORE, I, Shapiro & email address for registration. INC., THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI November, 2020, in the
sums due thereunder, togeth- Brown, LLC, Substituted Trust- The cost of the bid documents CELLULAR SOUTH, INC., GYM. ON SITE SECURITY.
courtroom of the Clay County
er with attorney's fees, ee in said deed of trust, will on are non-refundable and must TELEPAK NETWORKS, INC. TO: JENNIFER LYNN SULKESS Courthouse at 365 Court ON SITE MAINTENANCE.
trustee's fees and expense of October 8, 2020 offer for sale be purchased through the web- Street, West Point, Mississippi, ON SITE MANAGEMENT.
sale. at public outcry and sell within site (digital and hard copies). Notice is hereby given pursu- You have been made a Defend- before the Honorable Rodney 24−HOUR CAMERA
legal hours (being between the Questions regarding website re- ant to Section 77 3 16 of the ant in the suit filed in this Faver and in case of your fail- SURVEILLANCE. Benji &
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Shapiro & hours of 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 gistration and online orders Mississippi Code of 1972, as Court by Sergey Grishin, ure to appear and defend a Ashleigh, 662−386−4446.
Brown, LLC, Substituted Trust- p.m.), at the Southeast Door of please contact Plan House at amended, (Act) by each of the Plaintiff, seeking compensat- judgment will be entered
ee in said deed of trust, will on the County Courthouse of (662) 407-0193. above named companies (to ory, punitive, and special dam- against you for the money or
October 15, 2020 offer for sale Lowndes County, located at the extent they are covered by ages against you for alienation other things demanded in the MILITARY SQUARE APTS.
at public outcry and sell within 505 2nd Avenue North, Colum- All proposals must be on file said section) to each qualified of affection, intentional inflic- complaint or petition. Remodeled units 1−4
legal hours (being between the bus, MS 39701, to the highest with the Columbus Municipal contractor and supplier who de- tion of emotional distress, and bedrooms. Military, police
hours of 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 and best bidder for cash or cer- School District prior to the sires to have its name added negligent infliction of emotion- You are not required to file an officers, fireman & SSI.
p.m.), at the Southeast Door of tified funds the following de- opening time as stated above. to the separate list maintained al distress. You are the single answer or other pleading but Discounted rates. Come
the County Courthouse of scribed property situated in All proposals must be sealed by each utility of contractors defendant in this action. you may do so if you desire.
Lowndes County, State of Mis- and clearly marked on the out-
check us out! Call Joyce for
Lowndes County, located at and suppliers qualified to per- showing. 662−549−9873.
505 2nd Avenue North, Colum- sissippi, to-wit: side of the envelope as indic- form contracts within the scope You are required to mail or Issued under my hand and the
bus, MS 39701, to the highest ated “Asbestos Abatement of of proposed utility projects hand deliver a written re- seal of said Court, this 28th
and best bidder for cash or cer- A tract of land containing 1.6 Hunt School” to be opened on covered by said Act to advise sponse to the Complaint filed day of September, 2020. Apts For Rent: West
tified funds the following de- acres, more or less, located in {insert bid date here}. Envel- the particular public utility against you in this action to C.

scribed property situated in the Southeast Quarter of the opes not so marked are sub- above named of said desire by Maison Heidelberg, Attorney for CINDY EGGER GOODE, CHAN-
Lowndes County, State of Mis- Northeast Quarter of Section mitted at the risk of the Bidder a writing mailed certified mail, the Plaintiff, whose U.S. mail- CERY CLERK
sissippi, to-wit: 25, Township 16 South, Range and the School District as- return receipt requested, to

ing address and street ad- (SEAL)
18 West, Lowndes County, Mis- sumes no responsibility for the such utility at the addresses dress is 207 W. Jackson By: Tina Fisher, D.C.
A part of Square No. 67 North sissippi, and being more partic- premature opening of same by shown below. Any requests to Street, Suite 200, Ridgeland,
of Main Street in the City of ularly described as follows, to- any School District employee. be added must clearly identify Mississippi 39157. KYLE B. AINSWORTH, MBN
Columbus, Mississippi, more wit: the legal name of the contract- 9543 Apartments & Houses
particularly described as fol- At the Bidder’s option, in lieu or/supplier and its mailing ad- YOUR RESPONSE MUST BE Rogers, Ainsworth & Williams,
lows: Beginning at the Southw-
est corner of Square No. 67
Beginning at the Southeast of submitting a physical sealed
corner of the Northeast Quarter Bid, electronic bids may be
dress and the utility or utilities
to which said request is direc-
567 Highway 51, Suite B
1 Bedrooms
North of Main Street, and from
this initial point, running East
of Section 25, Township 16
South, Range 18 West,
submitted at www.eleyguild- Bids shall
ted. Further, each request
must include a brief descrip-
Ridgeland, MS 39157
(601) 969-7777
2 Bedroooms
parallel with Second Avenue
North, 55 feet; thence running
Lowndes County, Mississippi;
and run thence West for 30
be received electronically until
the date/time as stated above.
tion of the contractor or suppli-
er, a detailed description of the
LICATION OF THIS SUMMONS. Publish: 10/2, 10/9 &
feet to a fence corner on the For any questions relating to
North parallel with Eleventh
West right-of-way of a public the electronic bidding process,
services offered and appropri- IF YOUR RESPONSE IS NOT 10/16/2020 Furnished & Unfurnished
Street North 165 feet; thence ate references which establish MAILED OR DELIVERED, A
1, 2, & 3 Baths
running West parallel with road known as Buck Egger please call Plan House at its ability and qualifications to JUDGMENT BY DEFAULT WILL
Second Avenue North, 55 feet; Road and the INITIAL POINT OF (662) 407-0193. Electronic perform contracts for construc- BE ENTERED AGAINST YOU
Lease, Deposit
thence running South 165 feet BEGINNING of the property submittal of Bids is not re- tion, extension and/or repair of FOR THE MONEY OR OTHER
to the point of beginning. The herein described; from said ini- quired. facilities of the public utility
same being a part of Lot 1 and tial point of beginning, run within the scope of said Act
COMPLAINT. & Credit Check
being leasehold property from thence North 86 degrees 45 The Owner reserves the right to and for which it desires to be
the Trustees of Franklin minutes West along a fence for waive any informalities and to listed. You must also file the original Call us: 662-328-2424
Academy leased for a term of
99 years from August 1, 1920,
530 feet to an iron pin; thence reject any or all bids.
run North 04 degrees 00
minutes East for 130 feet to Each bidder must deposit with
Send requests to be added to:
of your response with the Clerk
of this Court within a reason-
Accounting / Finance
renewable forever. LESS AND able time afterward.
EXCEPT THEREFROM that cer- an iron pin; thence run South his bid (or upload at Bidders Utility Contractors and Suppli- Apts For Rent: Other
tain tract of land recorded in 86 degrees 45 minutes East Option), security in the amount, ers List Manager for Issued under my hand and the WANTED: BOOKKEEPER.
Deed Book 470 at page 56 for 300 feet to an iron pin; form and subject to the condi- (Insert name of Company to seal of Court, this the 14th day Experience necessary.
and that certain tract of land thence run North 85 degrees tions provided in the Instruc- which directed) of September, 2020.
27 minutes East along a fence tions to Bidders. Performance Call for details,
recorded in Deed Book 1228 at Attention: Mrs. Whitehead
page 549 of the land records line for 230 feet, more or less, and Payment Bonds will be re- 1018 Highland Colony Parkway, 662-574-4221
LOWNDES County Circuit Clerk
of Lowndes County, Mississippi to a point on said West right-of- quired from the successful bid- Suite 700
way; thence run South 04 de- der. Bidders shall comply with Ridgeland, MS 39157
General Help Wanted
By: Ann Marie Langford
I WILL CONVEY only such title grees 00 minutes West along law of the State of Mississippi Deputy Clerk
as vested in me as Substi- said West right-of-way for requiring Certificate of Re- with a separate copy mailed P.O. Box 31 RETAIL STORE needs entry
tuted Trustee. 136.2 feet, more or less, to sponsibility. direct to the President Columbus, MS 39703 level employee. Part time,
the point of beginning. of each company to which the (SEAL) flexible hours, ideal for loc-
WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on Resident contractors shall, in request is directed al college student. Mail let-
this 1st day of September, The above described property accordance with laws of the as follows: Prepared by: ter of introduction to
2020. was conveyed as two tracts of State of Mississippi, be gran- TRHESA B. PATTERSON (MS
land in those certain deeds re- ted preference over non-resid- President
Blind Box 676 c/o The
Bar #102635) Commercial Dispatch
Shapiro & Brown, LLC corded in Deed Book 486 at ents in the award of this con- (Insert Name of Company) Heidelberg Patterson Welch
SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE page 63 and Deed Book 1090 tract in the same manner and 1018 Highland Colony Parkway, PLLC P.0. Box 511
at page 723, all in the land re- to the same extent as provided Suite 700 207 W. Jackson Street, Suite Columbus, MS 39703.
Shapiro & Brown, LLC cords of Lowndes County, Mis- by the laws of the state of Ridgeland, MS 39157 200
1080 River Oaks Drive, Suite sissippi. domicile of the non-resident. A Ridgeland, MS 39157
B-202 non-resident contractor shall PUBLISH: 10/2/2020 601-790-1588 Telephone
Flowood, MS 39232 I WILL CONVEY only such title attach to his proposal a copy of
(601) 981-9299 as vested in me as Substi- his resident state's current law IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF
tuted Trustee. pertaining to such state's treat- LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- PUBLISH: 9/18, 9/25 &
ment of non-resident contract- POSITION OPENING for a
214-216 11th Street North SIPPI 10/2/2020
Columbus, MS 39701 WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on ors. kennel technician.
20-026468 this 27th day of August, 2020. Experience with animals is
The successful bidder must ad- ANE WARD GATEWOOD, DE- highly preferred.
Publication Dates: Shapiro & Brown, LLC here to the Owner’s policy con- LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- We are located in West
September 18, September 25,
October 2 and October 9, 2020
SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE cerning non-discrimination
without regard to race, creed,
Point, MS. Please contact Read local.
Shapiro & Brown, LLC color, age, sex, national origin
DAVID WARD GATEWOOD, AD- IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- us for more information at
1080 River Oaks Drive, Suite or handicap. No bidder may
LEGAL NOTICE B-202 withdraw his bid within sixty KNIGHTON, DECEASED
CAUSE NO.: 2020-00150-JNS
Flowood, MS 39232 (60) days after the actual date Medical / Dental
Notice of Sale of contents of (601) 981-9299 of the opening thereof. CASE NO. 2020-0177 F
self storage unit. Pursuant to SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION
Mississippi Code Ann. Section 861 Buck Egger Road BOARD OF TRUSTEES NORA GREEN AND DAIL BEN-
fer for sale and sell to the 20-026474 SCHOOL DISTRICT
highest bidder, for cash, the TO: THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AT NOTICE TO CREDITORS
contents of the following cli- LAW OF OLIVIA DIANE WARD
Publication Dates: September Run: Friday, October 2, 2020 GATEWOOD, DECEASED
mate controlled storage units: 11, September 18, September and Friday, October 9, 2020 Letters Testamentary having
25 and October 2, 2020 been granted on the 15th day
Unit D8 Christopher W Prather, You have been made a Defend- of September, 2020, by the
705 4th St. S., Columbus, MS IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF ant in the suit filed in this Chancery Clerk of Lowndes
39701. THE FOLLOWING VEHICLES LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- Court by DAVID WARD GATE- County, Mississippi, to the un-
HAVE BEEN ABANDONED AT SIPPI WOOD, in a suit to determine dersigned Co-Executrixes of the
The aforementioned Lessees COREY HERRING AUTOMOTIVE, heirship of OLIVIA DIANE WARD Estate of Thelma A. Knighton,
have rent due on the self stor- 1230 GARDNER BLVD, COLUM- ROBIN MARIE JONES MCMIL- GATEWOOD. Defendants other deceased, notice is hereby giv-
age unit which remains unpaid BUS, MS. LEN PLAINTIFF than you are unknown. en to all persons having claims
and to whom proper notice has against the estate to present
been given according to law. 2001 BUICK LESABRE VS You are to mail or hand deliver the same to the Clerk of this
The contents of the above unit VIN# 1G4HP54K514274372 a copy of a written Answer Court for administration and re-
will be sold at public auction on JOHN ANDREW MCMILLEN DE- either admitting or denying gistration according to law with-
October 7th 2020 at 213 2004 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE FENDANT each allegation in the Petition in (90) days from the first pub-
Alabama St, Columbus, MS at VIN# 1J4GX48S14C385462 to JEFFREY C. SMITH, whose lication of this Notice or they
8:00 AM. Winner bidder will CAUSE NO: 2020-411-S address is Post Office Box will be forever barred.
clean out said Unit at U-Stor In- 2007 CHEVY IMPALA 648, Columbus, MS 39703-
side, 213 Alabama St, Colum- VIN# 2G1WT58K779205196 SUMMONS 0648. SO NOTICED, this the 28th day
bus, MS 39702. of September, 2020.
OCTOBER 2020 AT 7:30 A.M. You have been made a Defend- LICATION. /s/Dail Benson GAIL BENSON,
All notices must be AT COREY HERRING AUTOMOT- ant in the suit filed in the Court CO-EXECUTRIX
IVE, 1230 GARDNER BLVD., by Robin Marie Jones McMil- You must also file the original
emailed to COLUMBUS, MS 39702. len, Plaintiff seeking a divorce of your Answer with the Clerk of KYLE B. AINSWORTH, MSB
classifieds@ from you. this Court within a reasonable #9543
PUBLISH: 10/2, 10/9 & time afterward and you are 10/16/2020 You are required to mail or summoned to appear and de-
the best& deals.
hand deliver a written re- fend against the Petition for 567 Highway 51, Suite B
sponse to the Complaint filed Determination of Heirs at 9:00 Ridgeland, MS 39157
against you in this action to

Buy. Sell. Discover.

o’clock a.m. on the 9th day of (601) 969-7777
Robin Marie Jones McMillen, November 2020, in the
Plaintiff, whose street address courtroom of the Clay County Publish: 10/2, 10/9 &
is 396 Elm Drive, Columbus, Chancery Courthouse at West 10/16/2020
Mississippi 39701. Point, Mississippi, before the
Honorable Joseph N. Studdard
YOUR RESPONSE MUST BE and in case of your failure to
MAILED OR DELIVERED NOT appear and defend, a judg-
LATER THAN THIRTY DAYS ment will be entered against
AFTER THE 2ND DAY OF OCTO- you for the things demanded in
BER, 2020, WHICH IS THE the Complain. You are not re-
DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICA- quired to file an answer or oth-
TION OF THIS SUMMONS. IF er pleading to the Complaint,
YOUR RESPONSE IS NOT SO but you may do so if you de-

In the Classifieds section.

RELIEF DEMANDED IN THE this the 30th day of Septem-
COMPLAINT. ber 2020.

On the web: • Or call: 662-328-2424

You must also file the original
of your Response with the
Clerk of this Court within a
reasonable time afterward.
Cindy Egger Goode
cery Clerk
Lowndes County, Mississippi
Issued under my hand and the By: Shantrell W. Granderson ,
6B Friday, October 2, 2020 The Dispatch •
Apts For Rent: Other Garage Sales: Southside Garage Sales: Other


3266 Hwy 69 S. Across
797 SANDERS Mill Rd.,
Steens. Big sale + 2 sheds!
Vehicles ON THE WEB
HISTORIC DOWNTOWN from Kingdom Vision Fri: 7−4 & Sat: 7−10.
Ads starting at $25 Church. Oct. 1−4, 7a−until. Please wear mask. Ads starting at $12 Visit
The more you buy the
CONDOMINIUMS NOW Farms & Timberland better your deal! Baby/ Campers & RVs for a printable copy of
AVAILABLE − 2BR 2BA adult clothes, furniture,
& 1BR 1 1/2 BA RENT
FROM $1000−$1350 BURGESS FARM FOR shoes, Flo Rider muffler set these puzzles.
SALE. We are accepting −$100, & more.
sealed bids for the right to
purchase 470 +/− acres of Garage Sales: East Ads starting at $12
ENTRANCE, PRIV prime Noxubee County
farmland & mobile home 912 BENNETT AVE. Sat.,
PARKING, GRANITE Oct. 3rd. Starting @ 7a. Bargain Column
COUNTER TOPS, located on Highway 388,
BEAUTIFUL FLOORING, Brooksville, MS up to & not
later than Friday, October Garage Sales: North FREE FIREWOOD 15 oak
SS APPLIANCES, cuttings. Must be split. 24"
WASHER/DRYER, 9, 2020 10:00a.m. The 2007 45 Luxury Newmar
parcels are 153−18− 1323 15TH ST. N. Sat, in length. Pick up & they’re Essex Diesel Pusher 30K
WATER AND SEWER yours. Call 662−327−3518
INCLUDED. 001.00, 40 acres & 153− 7am−12pm. Coats, shoes, miles. Sale price $34,500,
18−001.01, 431.60 household items & more. or 662−386−6774. Everything works properly
acres. The bids will be No early birds, please. on it. TEXT 2283672671
opened at 10:00 a.m. at NEW BALANCE tennis
the office of Ricky Walker, HUGE SALE. 4494 Ridge shoes. Excellent condition.
Attorney−at−Law, 2962 $20. Will text pics.
COLEMAN Community
Rd., Thurs. & Fri. 8a−6p,
Jefferson Street, Macon, Sat. 8a−1p. Furn., clocks, Text 662−549−9192.
MS. After all bids are tools, fishing, books, h/h,
RENTALS opened, the top 3 bidders Firewood / Fuel
will have the opportunity to
make a second bid. The
Ads starting at $12
1 BEDROOM right to reject any & all bids 2−3 FAMILY SALE.
Various lengths.
2 BEDROOMS is reserved. Accepted bid @ 7502 Highway 45 N. 662−295−2274. Travel & Entertainment
must be approved by Columbus, MS.
3 BEDROOMS Probate Court. Send all Oct 3, 2020. 7am until. Lawn & Garden PUBLIC CATFISH POND
bids to Ricky Walker,
© The Dispatch

Attorney−at−Law, P.O. Box Garage Sales: New Hope 130 Hillcrest Dr

Catfish contest Oct. 1−
DEPOSIT 427, Macon, MS 39341. $1 Sale. 31. $200 for most YESTERDAY’S ANSWER
AND For more information call
Judy or Stan Miller, 29 Country Side Lane Sat.
Oct. 8th−10th. 8a−5p. weight. $100 for Big

1069 New Hope Rd.,
CREDIT CHECK 601−260−7712 or 6a−11a. Assorted items, Columbus.
Fish. 2 drawings for
$50 valued prizes. Call
Sudoku is a number- Yesterday’s answer
662−418−8266. misc. furn. and more. 662−251−6665. placing puzzle based on
662−386−8591 for
662-329-2323 Lots & Acreage details. Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis
witha several
num- 2 4 8 6 7 9 3 5 1
given numbers.puzzle
801 HUGHES Rd Sporting Goods 9 5 3 8 4 1 2 6 7
The object

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

Sat. 6a−11a. Clothes,
2411 HWY 45 N 1.75 ACRE LOTS dishes, curtains & more! ED SANDERS GUNSMITH based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 7 6 1 5 2 3 4 9 8
COLUMBUS, MS Good/Bad Credit Options.
Open for season! grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 4 9 2 1 3 8 6 7 5
Good credit as low as 20%
down, $499/mo. Eaton HUGE YARD SALE Tue−Fri: 9−5 & Sat: 9−12 PUBLIC CATFISH POND
@ 130 Hillcrest Drive. given
so thatnumbers.
each row, eachThe 1 7 6 9 5 4 8 2 3
Houses For Rent: North Land, 662−361−7711. 1409 Beersheba Rd. Sat. Over 50 years experience!
Open Tues−Sat, 7a−5p object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
Repairs, cleaning, refin−
numbers 3 8 5 2 6 7 9 1 4
contains the1same to 9 number
7a−until. Toys, boys 662−386−8591
ishing, scopes mounted &
zeroed, handmade knives.
Call for pricing. the empty spaces so 8 2 9 4 1 5 7 3 6
only once. The difficulty 5 3 4 7 9 6 1 8 2
Country living in the city. 180 acres in Liberty Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North that each row, each
2br, large bath, kitchen/ Community. Good hunting YARD SALE 10/3 6−12 @ level increases from
& road systems. $850/ 1130 Mt. Vernon Rd. Lots
of West Point, turn right on column and each 6 1 7 3 8 2 5 4 9
dining combo, new paint, Mondayboxtocontains
Did you
Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn
flooring & appliances. acre. Other tracks of stuff! 3x3 Difficulty Level 10/01

left on Darracott Rd, will
$650/month plus deposit available. Call 205−799− the same number only once. The difficulty level
see sign, 2.5mi ahead
& lease. No Pets! No HUD! 9846 or 205−695−2248. Garage Sales: Starkville shop on left. increases from Monday to Sunday.
662−549−1884 662−494−6218.
MULTI FAM 6149 Oktoc

Garage Sales
Mobile Homes for Rent Rd, Fri, Sat, Sun. Oct. 2−4,
8−5. Antiques, collectibles,
kitchen, bedding, home
3BR/2BA MH in New Hope. decor, furn, jewelry. Cash
$650 dep + $650/mo. No
Two free signs only, masks, soc. dist.
This paper was
pets, quiet area. Leave full reqrd. No early birds.
name & message,
205−712−6697. Estate Sales
Garage Sales: Other printed in the
of Donald Edward Walden 182 Sanders Lane. Lots of
toddler boy clothes, toys , The Dispatch
& Mary Beth Walden
Halloween decor, lots h/h in downtown
305 Hospital Dr. You’ll find the best deals
Fri. & Sat. 9a−4p & items and much more!
when you advertise Columbus.
Sun. 1p−4p.
Have a rental property? and shop here!
View pics @ 55 Oakwood Dr.,

List it here for fast results. Brooksville. 10/3, 7:30am.
Beard & Walker Estate 25+ tables & food booths!
Sales. Come shop with us!

Service Directory
Promote your small business starting at only $25
Five Questions:

1 El Salvador
Carpet & Flooring General Services General Services Lawn Care / Landscaping

2 “Rango”
Bucket truck & stump LAWN SERVICE
removal. Free est. Mowing, cleanup,
Serving Columbus landscaping, sodding,
since 1987. Senior & tree cutting.

citizen disc. Call Alvin @ 662−356−6525
"We’ll go out on a limb for Tree Services
DAVID’S CARPET & WORK WANTED: Licensed Work from a bucket truck.
& Bonded. Carpentry, minor
electrical, minor plumbing,
Call Jimmy Prescott for free 4 Aglet
Fall Special: 4 Rms $99 insulation, painting, demo− estimate, 662−386−6286.
1 Room − $50 lition, gutters cleaned,
2 Room − $70 pressure washing, land−

5 Sedimen-
3 Rooms − $90 scaping, cleanup work.
Carpet−Rugs−Tile−Cars 662−242−3608. Are you a painter?

Call for more info! Advertise here!

Whether you’re buying

1 Hold tightly
5 Smart
9 Indy entrant
11 Fills with

or selling we’ve got

13 Saw
14 Coral island
15 Half a saw-

what you’re looking for.

16 Olive filler
18 Walks un-
20 Pointer
21 Deli fixture

Make classifieds 22 Basics

23 Mantra
sounds DOWN shine”

your first stop. 24 Part of RSVP

25 Scout’s base
27 Of the
1 Political crime
2 Hams’ needs
3 Casual reply to
24 Action star
25 Complains
kidneys “How are you?” 26 God of light
29 Phone down- 4 Coat rack part 27 Harry’s friend
load 5 Dollars, in 28 Least valid
30 Charon, e.g. slang 30 Awaits
32 On the move 6 Loathe 31 Lecturer’s aid
34 Moody music 7 Words of 33 Green hue
35 Kilt design understanding 37 Pop’s boy
36 Up to now 8 Boston player
38 Gooey stuff 10 Pushes away
39 Informal 12 Feeds the
40 Bills in tills pigs
41 Squirrel’s 17 Hot blood
cache 19 Pack down
22 “— No Sun-

Place your ad today

to get fast results.

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