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5 Principles of Teaching
PTCP-R. Palma Activity No.1

1. A song or verse describing a Professional Teacher:

Everyday you greet your students with a smile upon your face.
Though paperwork the night before seemed like a grueling race.

Money’s not your motivation, it’s the love for what you do.
You hear that special calling to which you always will stay true.

Your students are your dedication, devotion is to them.

To you each child’s unique and special, a beautiful little gem.

Some days are just demanding and frustration takes its course.
Then you see those little faces, their inspiration is your force.

Each day you’re in your classroom reminds you why you’re there.
Making differences in children’s lives with whom your heart you share.

There’s a special pride in teachers, and a love for what you do.
And appreciations are always shared between those little lives and you!

2. One example of an act of bullying in a classroom is of verbal type which is identified as

indirect bullying. Example of this is, when a Bully or aggressor spreads negative and offensive
rumors about the bullied person or victim. Cursing, gossiping and defamation belong to this type
of act of bullying.
These acts of bullying will greatly affect the teaching-learning situation in a school, in a
sense that students who had been seriously bullied will be having serious difficulties in
concentrating and paying attention in class because of bullying and the fear associated with it.
Bullying during formative school years can have long-lasting effects. Students who are bullied
may have poor academic performance as their interest and participation in school decreases,
and unexplained injuries and self-destructive behavior can occur. Additionally, these types of
acts or events will give additional difficulties to the teachers and facilitators alike, on how to
assess the situations, how to provide school policies and solutions, and how to fully enforce laws
and regulations in relation to bullying without harming the psychosocial and cognitive
consciousness of both the aggressor and the victim. Friends and classmates of the student who
is bullied may feel powerless to help, guilt over not standing up for the target, and fearful of
becoming the next target.

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