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Photo by Alexandru Zdrobău on Unsplash

ct iv e s .
ss O bj e

s t o r i es in
C o m p l ete
1. ie s.
s t o r
video s t o ry.
a sho r t
r i t e
2. W
PAST Consecutive
actions or
SIMPLE. situations in the

We arrived at the
airport and
checked in


PAST Longer actions in
the past:
We were having
dinner when my
mom called me

S + were /was +
v+ing + C +link +
past simple
PAST To talk about the
earlier past:
When we arrived at
the airport we
realized we had
left the passports.

S+ had +vpp +c.

PAST To talk about
longer continuous
PERFECT actions :
CONTINUOUS. We had been flying
for about 2 hours
when the captain
told us to fasten
our seat belts.
Create your own
Complete the story using the past simple, past perfect,
or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

It was (be) Tuesday evening and I was getting (get) ready to go to bed
when the phone rang (ring). To my surprise it was (be) my friend
Peter. He was calling (call) from his mobile and he was very
annoyed because he had lost (lose) his keys and he couldn´t
(cannot) get into his flat. He thought (think) he had left (leave)
them at work but now it was midnight and the office was closed so
he couldn´t (cannot) get in to check. Luckily I had the keys to his
flat because a month before he had given (give) me a spare set so
that I could look after his cat while he was on holiday. When he
finally arrived (arrive) to pick them up, it was three o'clock in the
morning, and I was lying (lie) on the sofa fast asleep.
Complete the story using the past simple, past perfect,
or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

It was (be) Tuesday evening and I was getting (get) ready to go to

bed when the phone rang (ring). To my surprise it was (be) my
friend Peter. He was calling (call) from his mobile and he was very
annoyed because he had lost (lose) his keys and he couldn’t
(cannot) get into his flat. He thought (think) he had left (leave)
them at work but now it was midnight and the office was closed so
he couldn’t (cannot) get in to check. Luckily I had the keys to his
flat because a month before he had given (give) me a spare set so
that I could look after his cat while he was on holiday. When he
finally arrived (arrive) to pick them up, it was three o'clock in the
morning, and I was lying (lie) on the sofa fast asleep.
Complete the story using the past simple, past perfect,
or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

It was be Tuesday evening and I was getting ready to go to bed when

the phone rang. To my surprise it was be my friend Peter. He was
calling from his mobile and he was very annoyed because he had
lost his keys and he couldn't’ get into his flat. He thought he left
them at work but now it was midnight and the office was closed so
he couldn’t get in to check. Luckily I had the keys to his flat
because a month before he given me a spare set so that I could look
after his cat while he was on holiday. When he finally arrived to
pick them up, it was three o'clock in the morning, and I was lying
on the sofa fast asleep.
Complete the story using the past simple, past perfect,
or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

It was (be) Tuesday evening and I was getting (get) ready to go to bed
when the phone rung (ring). To my surprise it was (be) my friend
Peter. He was calling (call) from his mobile and he was very
annoyed because he had lost (lose) his keys and he could not
(cannot) get into his flat. He had tough (think) he had left (leave)
them at work but now it was midnight and the office was closed so
he could not (cannot) get in to check. Luckily I had the keys to his
flat because a month before hehad given (give) me a spare set so
that I could look after his cat while he was on holiday. When he
finally arrived (arrive) to pick them up, it was three o'clock in the
morning, and I was lying (lie) on the sofa fast asleep.
Dani D.
Complete the story using the past simple, past perfect,
or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

It was (be) Tuesday evening and I was getting (get) ready to go to bed
when the phone rang (ring). To my surprise it was (be) my friend
Peter. He was calling (call) from his mobile and he was very
annoyed because he had lost (lose) his keys and he could not
(cannot) get into his flat. He thought (think) he had left (leave)
them at work but now it was midnight and the office was closed so
he could not (cannot) get in to check. Luckily I had the keys to his
flat because a month before he had given (give) me a spare set so
that I could look after his cat while he was on holiday. When he
finally arrived (arrive) to pick them up, it was three o'clock in the
morning, and I was lying (lie) on the sofa fast asleep.
Juan S.
Complete the story using the past simple, past perfect,
or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

It _was (be) Tuesday evening and I was getting (get) ready to go to

bed when the phone rang (ring). To my surprise it _was (be) my
friend Peter. He was calling (call) from his mobile and he was very
annoyed because he_had lost (lose) his keys and he_could not__
(cannot) get into his flat. He _ thought_ (think) he had left (leave)
them at work but now it was midnight and the office was closed so
he_could not_ (cannot) get in to check. Luckily I had the keys to
his flat because a month before he_had given_ (give) me a spare set
so that I could look after his cat while he was on holiday. When he
finally arrived (arrive) to pick them up, it was three o'clock in the
morning, and I __lying__ (lie) on the sofa fast asleep.
Dani R.
Complete the story using the past simple, past perfect,
or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

It was (be) Tuesday evening and I was getting (get) ready to go to bed
when the phone rang (ring). To my surprise it was (be) my friend
Peter. He was calling (call) from his mobile and he was very
annoyed because he had lost (lose) his keys and he could not
(cannot) get into his flat. He thought (think) he had left (leave)
them at work but now it was midnight and the office was closed so
he could not (cannot) get in to check. Luckily I had the keys to his
flat because a month before he had given (give) me a spare set so
that I could look after his cat while he was on holiday. When he
finally arrived (arrive) to pick them up, it was three o'clock in the
morning, and I was lying (lie) on the sofa fast asleep.
Complete the story using the past simple, past perfect,
or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

It was_ (be) Tuesday evening and I _was getting (get) ready to go to

bed when the phone rang_ (ring). To my surprise it _was (be) my
friend Peter. He called_ (call) from his mobile and he was very
annoyed because he had lost (lose) his keys and he couldn’t
(cannot) get into his flat. He thought (think) he had left_ (leave)
them at work but now it was midnight and the office was closed so
he couldn´t (cannot) get in to check. Luckily I had the keys to his
flat because a month before he had given (give) me a spare set so
that I could look after his cat while he was on holiday. When he
finally arrived (arrive) to pick them up, it was three o'clock in the
morning, and I lay (lie) on the sofa fast asleep.
Complete the story using the past simple, past perfect,
or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

It was (be) Tuesday evening and I was getting (get) ready to go to bed
when the phone rang (ring). To my surprise it was my friend Peter.
He had been calling (call) from his mobile and he was very annoyed
because he had lost (lose) his keys and he could not (cannot) get
into his flat. He thought (think) he had left (leave) them at work
but now it was midnight and the office was closed so he could not
(cannot) get in to check. Luckily I had the keys to his flat because
a month before he had given (give) me a spare set so that I could
look after his cat while he was on holiday. When he finally arrived
(arrive) to pick them up, it was three o'clock in the morning, and I
was lying(lie) on the sofa fast asleep.
Complete the story using the past simple, past perfect,
or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

It _was _ (be) Tuesday evening and I _was getting__ (get) ready to

go to bed when the phone _rung__ (ring). To my surprise it _was_
(be) my friend Peter. He_was calling_ (call) from his mobile and he
was very annoyed because he__had lost__ (lose) his keys and
he_could not_ (cannot) get into his flat. He _thought_ (think)
he_had left_ (leave) them at work but now it was midnight and the
office was closed so he_could not__ (cannot) get in to check.
Luckily I had the keys to his flat because a month before he_had
given__ (give) me a spare set so that I could look after his cat
while he was on holiday. When he finally _arrived_ (arrive) to
pick them up, it was three o'clock in the morning, and I _was
lying_ (lie) on the sofa fast asleep.
Complete the story using the past simple, past perfect,
or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

It was (be) Tuesday evening and I was getting (get) ready to go to

bed when the phone rang (ring). To my surprise it was (be) my
friend Peter. He was calling (call) from his mobile and he was very
annoyed because he had lost (lose) his keys and he couldn´t
(cannot) get into his flat. He thought (think) he had left (leave)
them at work but now it was midnight and the office was closed so
he couldn´t (cannot) get in to check. Luckily I had the keys to his
flat because a month before he had given (give) me a spare set so
that I could look after his cat while he was on holiday. When he
finally arrived (arrive) to pick them up, it was three o'clock in the
morning, and I was lying (lie) on the sofa fast asleep.
Complete the story using the past simple, past perfect,
or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

It ____ (be) Tuesday evening and I ____ (get) ready to go to bed

when the phone ____ (ring). To my surprise it ____ (be) my friend
Peter. He____ (call) from his mobile and he was very annoyed
because he____ (lose) his keys and he____ (cannot) get into his
flat. He ____ (think) he____ (leave) them at work but now it was
midnight and the office was closed so he____ (cannot) get in to
check. Luckily I had the keys to his flat because a month before
he____ (give) me a spare set so that I could look after his cat
while he was on holiday. When he finally ____ (arrive) to pick
them up, it was three o'clock in the morning, and I ____ (lie) on the
sofa fast asleep.
Complete the story using the past simple, past perfect,
or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

It ____ (be) Tuesday evening and I ____ (get) ready to go to bed

when the phone ____ (ring). To my surprise it ____ (be) my friend
Peter. He____ (call) from his mobile and he was very annoyed
because he____ (lose) his keys and he____ (cannot) get into his
flat. He ____ (think) he____ (leave) them at work but now it was
midnight and the office was closed so he____ (cannot) get in to
check. Luckily I had the keys to his flat because a month before
he____ (give) me a spare set so that I could look after his cat
while he was on holiday. When he finally ____ (arrive) to pick
them up, it was three o'clock in the morning, and I ____ (lie) on the
sofa fast asleep.
Complete the story using the past simple, past perfect,
or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

It ____ (be) Tuesday evening and I ____ (get) ready to go to bed

when the phone ____ (ring). To my surprise it ____ (be) my friend
Peter. He____ (call) from his mobile and he was very annoyed
because he____ (lose) his keys and he____ (cannot) get into his
flat. He ____ (think) he____ (leave) them at work but now it was
midnight and the office was closed so he____ (cannot) get in to
check. Luckily I had the keys to his flat because a month before
he____ (give) me a spare set so that I could look after his cat
while he was on holiday. When he finally ____ (arrive) to pick
them up, it was three o'clock in the morning, and I ____ (lie) on the
sofa fast asleep.
Complete the story using the past simple, past perfect,
or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

It ____ (be) Tuesday evening and I ____ (get) ready to go to bed

when the phone ____ (ring). To my surprise it ____ (be) my friend
Peter. He____ (call) from his mobile and he was very annoyed
because he____ (lose) his keys and he____ (cannot) get into his
flat. He ____ (think) he____ (leave) them at work but now it was
midnight and the office was closed so he____ (cannot) get in to
check. Luckily I had the keys to his flat because a month before
he____ (give) me a spare set so that I could look after his cat
while he was on holiday. When he finally ____ (arrive) to pick
them up, it was three o'clock in the morning, and I ____ (lie) on the
sofa fast asleep.
Complete the story using the past simple, past perfect,
or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

It ____ (be) Tuesday evening and I ____ (get) ready to go to bed

when the phone ____ (ring). To my surprise it ____ (be) my friend
Peter. He____ (call) from his mobile and he was very annoyed
because he____ (lose) his keys and he____ (cannot) get into his
flat. He ____ (think) he____ (leave) them at work but now it was
midnight and the office was closed so he____ (cannot) get in to
check. Luckily I had the keys to his flat because a month before
he____ (give) me a spare set so that I could look after his cat
while he was on holiday. When he finally ____ (arrive) to pick
them up, it was three o'clock in the morning, and I ____ (lie) on the
sofa fast asleep.
Complete the story using the past simple, past perfect,
or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

It ____ (be) Tuesday evening and I ____ (get) ready to go to bed

when the phone ____ (ring). To my surprise it ____ (be) my friend
Peter. He____ (call) from his mobile and he was very annoyed
because he____ (lose) his keys and he____ (cannot) get into his
flat. He ____ (think) he____ (leave) them at work but now it was
midnight and the office was closed so he____ (cannot) get in to
check. Luckily I had the keys to his flat because a month before
he____ (give) me a spare set so that I could look after his cat
while he was on holiday. When he finally ____ (arrive) to pick
them up, it was three o'clock in the morning, and I ____ (lie) on the
sofa fast asleep.
Complete the story using the past simple, past perfect,
or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

It ____ (be) Tuesday evening and I ____ (get) ready to go to bed

when the phone ____ (ring). To my surprise it ____ (be) my friend
Peter. He____ (call) from his mobile and he was very annoyed
because he____ (lose) his keys and he____ (cannot) get into his
flat. He ____ (think) he____ (leave) them at work but now it was
midnight and the office was closed so he____ (cannot) get in to
check. Luckily I had the keys to his flat because a month before
he____ (give) me a spare set so that I could look after his cat
while he was on holiday. When he finally ____ (arrive) to pick
them up, it was three o'clock in the morning, and I ____ (lie) on the
sofa fast asleep.
Complete the story using the past simple, past perfect,
or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

It ____ (be) Tuesday evening and I ____ (get) ready to go to bed

when the phone ____ (ring). To my surprise it ____ (be) my friend
Peter. He____ (call) from his mobile and he was very annoyed
because he____ (lose) his keys and he____ (cannot) get into his
flat. He ____ (think) he____ (leave) them at work but now it was
midnight and the office was closed so he____ (cannot) get in to
check. Luckily I had the keys to his flat because a month before
he____ (give) me a spare set so that I could look after his cat
while he was on holiday. When he finally ____ (arrive) to pick
them up, it was three o'clock in the morning, and I ____ (lie) on the
sofa fast asleep.
Complete the story using the past simple, past perfect,
or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

It ____ (be) Tuesday evening and I ____ (get) ready to go to bed

when the phone ____ (ring). To my surprise it ____ (be) my friend
Peter. He____ (call) from his mobile and he was very annoyed
because he____ (lose) his keys and he____ (cannot) get into his
flat. He ____ (think) he____ (leave) them at work but now it was
midnight and the office was closed so he____ (cannot) get in to
check. Luckily I had the keys to his flat because a month before
he____ (give) me a spare set so that I could look after his cat
while he was on holiday. When he finally ____ (arrive) to pick
them up, it was three o'clock in the morning, and I ____ (lie) on the
sofa fast asleep.
Complete the story using the past simple, past perfect,
or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

It ____ (be) Tuesday evening and I ____ (get) ready to go to bed

when the phone ____ (ring). To my surprise it ____ (be) my friend
Peter. He____ (call) from his mobile and he was very annoyed
because he____ (lose) his keys and he____ (cannot) get into his
flat. He ____ (think) he____ (leave) them at work but now it was
midnight and the office was closed so he____ (cannot) get in to
check. Luckily I had the keys to his flat because a month before
he____ (give) me a spare set so that I could look after his cat
while he was on holiday. When he finally ____ (arrive) to pick
them up, it was three o'clock in the morning, and I ____ (lie) on the
sofa fast asleep.
1. Write a short
story. It can either 3. Publish it on
be true or invented. Padlet for the rest
2. You must try to to read it
tell it such a
convincing way that icaesber/6he06yeqgv
your partners think 0q9fn0
it's true DEADLINE: SEP 13TH
a n i n s e rt
You c
t u r e s a nd
o m i z e y our
t o m a k e it
story i n g to
e r e s t
more int

Photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash


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