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D&D Adventure Template for (DP)

Name of your adventure:

Adventure synopsis (three sentences that sum up what will happen during your adventure):

The players found a ziggurat, then entered and started to explore the rooms until they found the
big bad evil guy. after they found the big bad evil guy they then fought and defeated the big bad evil

What are you hoping will happen to the party during this adventure?

For the players to uses as much potions and spell scrolls as possible before the fight was over

Non Player Characters in your game:

Character Name: Character Type, Level: Personality:
trellax illithilich He thinks that he is so strong
that the adventurers can't touch
his and he is evil
Monsters in your game:
Monster: Type (undead, drake, etc.) Challenge Rating:
Undead barbarian 1 Undead Level 17 barbarian

Undead barbarian 2 Undead Level 17 barbarian

Locations in your game:

Name of place: Type (forest, town, swamp): How important is it?
Ziggurat Ziggurat in underdark Not very important

Rewards in your game:

Type of Reward (treasure, boon): How it is achieved: What it does:
Ziggurat Defeating the big bad evil guy It’s a building

Reflection: How did your adventure go? Did it go the way you wanted it to? What did not work the
way you were hoping? What happened that was cool that you weren’t expecting? What might you
do differently in the future?

The adventure went fine. It went relatively the way i wanted. I did not expect kinte doing the stuff he
did. Something cool i didn't expect was the banishing of one of the undead barbarians. Something i
would do differently would be make the adventure more interesting rather than just a endurance

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