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Minerals Engineering 111 (2017) 209–221

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Improving urban mining practices for optimal recovery of resources from e- MARK

Fiseha Tesfayea, , Daniel Lindberga, Joseph Hamuyunib, Pekka Taskinenb, Leena Hupaa
Åbo Akademi University, Johan Gadolin Process Chemistry Centre, Piispankatu 8, FI-20500 Turku, Finland
Aalto University, School of Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, Vuorimiehentie 2 K, FI-00076 Espoo, Finland


Keywords: In this article, current progress in urban mining related to e-waste recycling is reviewed and associated state-of-
Solid waste the-art recycling technologies are evaluated. As sufficient volume of e-waste is a limiting factor for its recycling
Recycling economy, the need for the establishment of effective e-waste collection mechanisms, particularly for small sized
Resource efficiency End-of-Life (EoL) devices, is emphasized in terms of the need for effective government policies, increased public
Circular economy
awareness, economic incentives, establishing industry-funded co-regulatory agreements, etc. Feasible options for
e-waste recycling through pyro- and hydro-metallurgical process routes are reviewed. Deficiencies in e-waste
recycling chains are highlighted, and recommendations to improve the current very low collection rate of small
sized EoL devices such as mobile phones are made. Optimization of the recovery of the critical metals and energy
through different processing options is discussed.

1. Introduction issues related to hazardous materials from the WEEE.

WEEE represents one of the largest sources of waste in the world
Manufacturing of recyclable products and efficient recovery of re- with the highest growth rate per year (Cucchiella et al., 2015; Tuncuk
sources such as chemicals, materials, and energy from waste streams et al., 2012). The recovery of precious metals and energy from these
are the key enablers of the circular economy. In this framework, the EU products therefore represents a significant economic opportunity.
aims to be able to recycle 65% of its municipal waste by 2030 However, current recycling technologies and business models have
(European Commission, 2015). In order to facilitate this move, besides limited ability to recover these resources, and associated recovery rates
designing recyclable products, planning effective waste collection me- remain relatively low (Cucchiella et al., 2015). In order to address the
chanisms and developing innovative recycling technologies are essen- scarcity of the critical metals’ primary resources and environmental
tial. issues, developing innovative technologies, and business strategies for
Today, increasing metals demand, the scarcity of primary resources processing complex feed materials from e-waste streams in more energy
and earth’s intrinsic limitations pose a challenge to the valuable metals efficient and environmentally friendly manner is essential.
production system. In order to supplement scarce natural resources, In this article, current progress in urban mining is reviewed and the
urban mining such as the recovery of critical metals from waste of associated major metals recycling technologies are evaluated. The need
electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE) through sustainable re- for the establishment of effective End-of-Life (EoL) electrical and elec-
cycling processes is evolving. The United Nations Environment Program tronic equipment (EEE) collection mechanisms is highlighted in terms
(UNEP) is also calling for an urgent re-think of metals recycling prac- of government policies, increased public awareness, economic in-
tices as global demand for these critical metals continues to soar. The centives, and installation of separate collection facilities at public
sustainable recycling practices enhance the critical metals production places. Main features of the hydro- and pyro-metallurgical process
while managing environmental issues related to hazardous waste and routes including their advantages and disadvantages are evaluated.
emissions. Therefore, improvements in waste collection, treatment, and Recommendations to optimize the recovery of the critical metals and
recycling in an energy efficient and environmentally friendly manner energy are discussed in detail.
contribute both to a healthy economy and environment. Fig. 1 shows
integrated urban mining at the core of a circular economy model that
closes the metals loop, recovers energy, and manages environmental

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (F. Tesfaye).
Received 29 April 2017; Received in revised form 17 June 2017; Accepted 21 June 2017
Available online 30 June 2017
0892-6875/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Tesfaye et al. Minerals Engineering 111 (2017) 209–221

has been found to have the highest recycling economic value

(Cucchiella et al., 2015). In 2014, the study also suggested that the
potential revenue that could be achieved from efficient recycling of the
generated WEEE from the selected 14 EEE (LCD notebooks, LED note-
books, CRTTVs, LCDTVs, LEDTVs, CRT monitors, LCD monitors, LED
monitors, cellphones, smart phones, PV panels, HDDs, SSDs and tablets)
in EU alone to be €2.15 billion, and in future with increasing volumes of
mobile phones, CRT monitors, and LCD notebooks the revenue may rise
to €3.67 billion. Smart phones, mobile phones, CRT monitors, and LCD
notebooks and TVs represent the e-waste streams with the greatest
economic recovery value (Cucchiella et al., 2015). However, as e-waste
is also classified as hazardous material, it should be handled properly.
After collection, the e-waste has to be transported to disassembling
plants where materials separation and sorting processes are conducted.
This process includes removal of hazardous substances (Nowakowski,
Recovering materials from e-waste is more profitable than proces-
sing primary raw materials largely due to the energy efficiency asso-
ciated with e-waste recycling. According to Boliden Rönnskär
(Skelleftehamn, Sweden), extracting metals from e-waste requires only
from 10 to 15% of the total energy required in metals extraction from
ore concentrates. According to the Commodities Research Unit of UK
report in 2011, EU is globally the leading e-waste recycler with a rate of
35% per year, e-waste recycling rate of USA is 27% per year (Namias,
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram for an ideal circular economy model that closes the metals 2013).
loop, recovers energy, and contributes to the environmental protection.

1.1.1. Classification and composition of e-waste

1.1. E-waste According to the Association of Plastics Manufacturers in EU
(APME), average materials consumption in EEE are 38 wt% ferrous,
The production of EEE is one of the fastest growing domains of the 28 wt% non-ferrous, 19 wt% plastics, 4 wt% glass, 1 wt% wood, and
manufacturing industry globally. In response to the fast advancement in 10 wt% others (APME, 1995). The United Nations University (UNU,
technology, the demand for EEE has increased dramatically. The high 2017) reported that the electronic industry consumes about
diversity of EEE coupled with a rapid obsolescence of products, due to 290.30 tonnes of Au and 6803.89 tonnes of Ag every year. Thus, despite
advancement in technology that lead to continuous supply of devices its common classification as a waste, e-waste constitutes considerable
with better features, and an increasing level of household equipment amounts of secondary resource. As shown in Table 1, the average
have led to an exponential increase in e-waste (Research and Markets, grades of Cu, Au, Ag, and Pd in e-waste are significantly higher than
2015). The EU WEEE directive classifies e-waste as electrical or elec- those grades in mined ores.
tronic equipment which is discarded including all components which Metals in e-waste can be grouped into five major categories as de-
are part of the product at the time of discarding (European Parliament, scribed in Table 2. The extraction of precious metals, platinum group
2003; BIO Intelligence Service, 2013). The EU WEEE directive cate- metals, and base metals from e-waste is a major economic drive due to
gorizes e-waste into ten different classes from large household appli- their associated value. Printed circuit boards (PCBs) are the most pre-
ances to automatic dispensers. Currently, between 2.72 · 107 and cious part in e-waste streams. PCBs are found in electrical and electro-
4.54 · 107 tonnes of e-waste per year is generated globally with major nics appliances such as TVs, computers and mobile phones. For ex-
share from USA, China, EU, and Australasia, and this number is rising ample, flat screens contain one or more PCBs equipped with electronic
by about 3–5% annually (Cucchiella et al., 2015; UNU, 2017). Recently, components and connectors. Considerable amounts of precious metals
UN reported that United Kingdom (UK), United States of America are contained both in the components and connectors as well as in the
(USA), EU, and China generated about 1.18 · 106, 0.91 · 107, 1.00 · 107, solders (Buchert et al., 2012). For example, PCB from an LCD TV con-
and 1.00 · 107 tonnes of e-waste in 2012, respectively (Research and stitutes 575 mg of Ag, 138 mg of Au, and 44 mg of Pd (Buchert et al.,
Markets, 2015; UNU, 2017). UN also estimated the global volume of e- 2012). In general, precious metals in PCB account for more than 80% of
waste in 2012 to have been 4.54 · 107 tonnes (Research and Markets, the total intrinsic value even though their composition in e-waste is less
2015), of which USA and China contributed for 32% of the total (UNU, than 1 wt% (Park and Fray, 2009). PCBs are also embedded into other
2017). In EU e-waste has been projected to increase by 45% between
1995 and 2020 (European Parliament, 2003). Table 1
Driven by rising incomes and high demand for new gadgets and Weight distribution of PMs, PGMs, and BMs in e-waste (Kumar et al., 2017; Hagelüken,
appliances, countries in the Emerging Market Economies such as China 2006).
and India are expected to become significant e-waste producers in the
E-waste Fe Al Cu Plastics Ag (ppm) Au (ppm) Pd (ppm)
next decade (Robinson, 2009). A new UNU (UNU, 2017) research
(wt (wt (wt (wt%)
shows that the average increase in e-waste across 12 East and South- %) %) %)
East Asian countries, including China, between 2010 and 2015 was
63% (∼7.71 · 106 tonnes), with a total of 1.18 · 107 tonnes of e-waste, TV-board 28 10 10 28 280 20 10
PC board 7 5 20 23 1000 250 110
which is 2.4 times the weight of the Great Pyramid of Giza.
Mobile phone 5 1 13 56 3500 340 130
E-waste has a complex composition of ferrous, non-ferrous, plastic Portable audio 23 1 21 47 150 10 4
and ceramic materials. It is characterized by its significant amount of DVD-player 62 2 5 24 115 15 4
valuable metals. The presence of valuable metals in e-waste such as Au, Calculator 4 5 3 61 260 50 5
Ag, Pt, Ga, Pd, Ta, Te, Ge, and Se makes it attractive for recycling. Average EEE – – 13.8 – 1009 127 51.6
Ore/mine – – 0.6 – 215.5 1.01 2.7
Based on an economic assessment made on selected 14 EEE in EU, Au

F. Tesfaye et al. Minerals Engineering 111 (2017) 209–221

Table 2 3. E-waste collection for recycling

Classification of main elements in e-waste that should be either recovered or handled
properly (Hagelüken, 2006).
The first phase in the recycling chain is collection and consolidation
Group Designation Major elements of e-waste. This phase of the recycling chain is basically logistics;
however, it requires a high awareness level of consumers who need to
Precious metals PMs Au and Ag return EoL EEE to proper collection centers for recycling. Efficiency in
Platinum group metals PGMs Pd, Pt, Rh, Ir, and Ru
municipal waste collection plays a vital role in urban mining. Generally,
Base metals BMs Cu, Al, Ni, Sn, Zn, and Fe
Metals of concern MCs Hg, Be, In, Pb, Cd, As, and Sb the collection can be done in different scenarios including stationary
Scarce elements SEs Te, Ga, Se, Ta, and Ge and mobile methods, each with different variants. The responsibility of
e-waste organizations and waste collection companies is to assure all
resources required for these activities considering cost minimization
e-waste such as controllers in washing machines, but with lower per- (Nowakowski, 2017). The equipment must be collected separately and
centages of key materials (Reuter et al., 2013; Copani and Rosa, 2014). any treatment is done after delivery to the disassembling plant. The
Researchers (Ogunniyi et al., 2009) summarized data reported be- stationary collection points include municipal waste collection centers,
tween 1991 and 2006, and observed that PCBs are composed of max- various shops, service points and places where special environmentally-
imum 40 wt% metals, 30 wt% plastics, and 30% ceramics. PCBs are focused events are organized. Other forms of collection are provided
coated with base metals (BMs) such as Sn, Ag or Cu to make them along streets as the curbside collection or by resident requests
conductive. Polymers and industrial plastics are the other major con- (Nowakowski, 2017). The forecast of a type of the e-waste to be col-
stituents of PCBs that contain polyethylene, polypropylene, epoxies, lected is difficult. It can vary depending on the lifestyle of specific area,
and polyesters. Large numbers and various kinds of small components season, etc. A detailed report from Defra shows that the differences
are attached to PCBs. During the recycling process, generally, PCBs are between different administrative areas can be significant (DEFRA,
crushed into small sizes (< 2 mm) and various techniques including 2007).
magnetic, electrostatic, electrowinning, and selective dissolution are Environmental issues should be taken into consideration during a
implemented to separate the components (Ogunniyi et al., 2009; container-loading sequence which may involve LCD, plasma, and CRT
Puckett et al., 2002; Luda, 2010; Moltó et al., 2009; Wienold et al., TVs, and monitors. These items should be handled with care to avoid
2011; Jie et al., 2008; Veit et al., 2006; Li et al., 2007; Lu et al., 2008). the release of hazardous substances in compliance with EN 50625-1 -
Isolation of hazardous metals from e-waste and the optimization of the Collection, logistics and treatment requirements for e-waste. A special
recovery of PMs are the most important goals in the recycling process. container for CRT TV transportation was proposed by (Gamberini et al.,
The loss of PMs during the recycling chain will adversely affect eco- 2009). Total e-waste collection rate in Europe are mainly on good or
nomics of the process. After PMs, Cu is the next highest valuable metal even excellent levels when compared to the current annual collection
to be extracted from e-waste (Hagelüken, 2006). requirement of 4 kg per inhabitant. However, when collected amounts
of e-waste are compared to the EEE amounts put into the market
(POM), as shown in Fig. 2, there is still room to improve the collection
2. Objectives and methodology rates (Ylä-Mella et al., 2015).

The current article focuses on a comprehensive and selective review

of optimal recovery of valuable metals and energy associated with e- 3.1. Awareness and incentives for recycling
waste recycling. The present critical metals recycling industry as well as
the challenges for future improvements in the industrial processes are Raising awareness is presently key to successful e-waste manage-
described. Recommendations for improved metals and energy re- ment and recycling. A survey made in Finland by Ylä-Mella et al. (2015)
coveries from small sized e-waste such as smart phones and tablets are may indicate that EU consumers’ awareness of the importance and
made. The need for revolutionary move for increased collection of small existence of waste recovery system is high. For small sized EoL devices,
sized EoL EEE for recycling is emphasized from EU consumers’ point of particularly, this awareness has not been translated into recycling be-
view. Contents in this article may serve as useful sources for the re- havior due to inadequate waste management system that promote the
cycling industry, investors, scientific community, and policy makers return of < 10 kg EoL devices such as mobile phones and tablets. We
regarding profitable and environmentally friendly e-waste manage- use the term EoL to emphasize on those EEE neither discarded nor in
ment. use, but remain in possession of end-users.
To achieve good collection rates of e-waste, the most important

Fig. 2. Collection rate of e-waste in EU and Norway in 2010

as a percentage of the average weight of EEE put on the
market (POM) in the three preceding years (2007–2009),
data adopted from Environmental Data Centre on Waste

F. Tesfaye et al. Minerals Engineering 111 (2017) 209–221

factor is ensuring the participation of consumers. Providing up-to-date

information and increased publicity on prevailing recycling practices is
needed, in order to raise public awareness related to e-waste recycling.
Managing small sized EoL devices such as mobile phones should be
done through establishment of industry-funded co-regulatory agree-
ments, good government policies, effective advertisement for public
awareness, economic incentives, and installation of separate collection
facilities at public places such as shopping centers. Economic incentives
may include providing free collection services including transportation
of EoL equipment to collection or recycling centers. A good example is
Finland’s major recycling company, Kuusakoski Oy, which provides free
collection services with some coupons for those consumers calling for
EoL equipment delivery. Consumers can also return their EoL EEE to the
retailers in association with buying a new corresponding device.
In 2007 about 2.273 kt of mobile phones became obsolete in
Germany, of which by 2010 only ∼5% of all mobile phones were sent
Fig. 3. A typical dismantling facility where parts of e-waste are separated into different
to controlled recycling facilities (Buchert et al., 2012). According to bins based on their materials content, adopted from Benefits of going green (2017).
Nokia’s consumer survey in 2011, only 9% of respondents claimed to
have delivered their used mobile phones to a proper recycling system shredding and crushing of e-waste. These kinds of materials contain
(Tanskanen, 2012). It can also be assumed that this value applies to valuable metals such as Cu and Au. Mixing the fine-grained materials
smartphones and note books. A telephone company in Finland (DNA with reaction agents and fluxes, and then palletization of them creates
Plc., 2017) which gives rebate for returned partly or fully functioning appropriate feed material for a smelting process to recover the valuable
mobile phones, sets a target to collect up to 20% of used mobile phones metals (Friedrich, 2017).
in the near future. As with flat screens and notebooks, the whereabouts The non-metallic fractions of PCBs are mainly composed of ther-
of the remaining devices cannot be stated with certainty. However, in moset resins and glass fibers. Thermoset resins cannot be re-melted due
general, it can be assumed that a large proportion of the mobile phones to their chain structure. However, chemical processes that include ga-
which are not collected are stored by the consumers over longer periods sification, pyrolysis, supercritical fluid de-polymerization, and hydro-
of time, resulting in delayed EoL management. In addition, the ease genolytic degradation can be applied for producing chemicals and fuels
with which small sized devices can be binned plays a role in the im- (Guo and Xu, 2009). In pyrometallurgical processes these non-metallic
proper disposal via municipal waste. fractions directly serve as sources of fuels and reducing agents.
In this preprocessing step the application of pyrolysis allows the
4. E-waste recycling protocols and processing technologies release materials which are attached to organic matters. This process
enables enrichment of the metallic fraction while removing halides and
The major reasons for e-waste processing are increasing resource hazardous organics without loss of the valuable metals. Thermal energy
and energy efficiencies as well as eliminating the hazardous effects of e- released in the process can be recovered through integrated steam
waste on the environment. E-waste recycling consists of three main networks. Reduced carbon and energy contents during pyrolysis means
steps: collection, preprocessing, and recovery of valuable materials and also making the subsequent pyrometallurgical processes more con-
disposal of non-recyclable residues (Meskers et al., 2009). For the re- trollable. Another advantage of the pyrolysis step prior to the smelting
covery of metals from e-waste, various treatment options based on process is the recovery of critical metals, particularly, In and Ga via
conventional physical separation, hydro- and pyro-metallurgical pro- volatilization (Friedrich, 2017).
cesses are available. The recycling methodology broadly comprises
shredding, sorting, grading, compacting, baling, or processing segre-
gated plastics and metal components, followed by separation, identifi- 4.2. Recycling processes
cation, and testing as relevant (Ari, 2016). Each step is critical for the
recovery of metals, and the recycling economy in general. E-waste Pyrometallurgical processing techniques such as conflagrating,
collection is mainly facilitated through good policies, and increased smelting in a plasma arc furnace, drossing, sintering, melting, and
social awareness, etc. The goal of the EU WEEE directive is to increase various solid-liquid-gas reactions at high temperatures for recovering
the collection rate of e-waste from 65% by 2012 to 85% by 2016 BMs and PMs from e-waste are the conventional methods used in the
(European Parliament, 2003; BIO Intelligence Service, 2013). Compo- past two decades. In these processes, scraps are crushed and liquefied in
nents of e-waste are sorted at the collection facility where useable ones a furnace or in a molten bath to remove plastics, in which the refractory
are returned to the consumer supply chain. oxides form a slag phase together with other metal oxides. Recently, Cui
and Zhang (2008) reviewed the process of metals recovery from e-waste
4.1. Preprocessing and physical separation streams, including hydro- and pyro-metallurgical processes. They re-
ported that hydrometallurgical processes are more predictable and
Preprocessing of e-waste is one of the most important steps in the controllable compared to pyrometallurgical processes. However, hy-
recycling chain. It involves manual dismantling of the discarded drometallurgical process routes have certain limitations in recovering
equipment to isolate individual components. Dismantling enhances PMs efficiently, at industrial scale. Therefore, industrial scale optimal
sorting of components into batches rich in specific valuable metals. recovery of PMs can be better achieved through pyrometallurgical
During the early stage housing, wiring boards, and drives, and other process steps, which make these process routes more economical and
components are disassembled in the manner shown in Fig. 3. Me- eco-efficient compared to the hydrometallurgical process routes (Cui
chanical processing is an integrated part of this stage where e-waste is and Zhang, 2008).
shredded into pieces using e.g. hammer mills (Meskers et al., 2009). Through the pyrometallurgical process routes Noranda in Quebec,
Metals and non-metals are separated during this stage using techniques Canada, recycles about 0.91 · 105 tonnes of e-waste per year
like those used in the mineral dressing, e.g., screening, magnetic, eddy (Veldbuizen and Sippel, 1994). During this process, materials entering
current, and density separation techniques. Compaction can be applied the reactor are immersed in a molten metal bath at about 1250 °C,
to fine-grain materials, such as, filter dusts that occur during the which is churned by a mixture of O2-rich air (up to 39% oxygen), this

F. Tesfaye et al. Minerals Engineering 111 (2017) 209–221

effectively reduces energy consumption due to combustible substances developed for the hydrometallurgical treatment of e-waste (Tuncuk
in the feed. In this process, impurities including Fe, Pb, and Zn are et al., 2012).
converted to oxides, forming silica-based slag aided by the agitated
oxidation zone, followed by cooling and milling of the slag for further 4.2.2. Pyrometallurgical process routes
recovery of metals prior to its disposal. The PMs containing Cu matte is State-of-the-art smelters and refineries can extract valuable metals
tapped and transferred to converters to obtain liquid blister copper. The from secondary sources and separate or contain hazardous substances
PMs including Au, Ag, Pt, and Pd together with SEs and Ni constitute efficiently. It is for this reason that current e-waste recycling at in-
about 0.9%, which are finally recovered through electrorefining process dustrial scale is mainly done through pyrometallurgical process routes
at the anodes. (Antrekowitsch et al., 2006). Such recycling facilities can close the loop
Pyrometallurgical processing for the recovery of metals from e- of valuable metals while reducing environmental impacts arising from
waste is widely applied by Boliden Rönnskär (Skelleftehamn, Sweden) large quantities of e-waste. In these process routes, after dismantling
(Lehner, 1999). E-waste blended with Pb-concentrates is processed in a and separation, incineration, pyrolysis, and smelting in furnaces are
Kaldo reactor (Cu-rich e-waste in E-Kaldo reactor) with skip-hoist as- typical processes. In these pyrometallurgical smelting processes, metals
sisted feeding and the required oxygen for combustion in oil-oxygen are separated by exploiting their chemical and metallurgical properties,
burner is provided through an oxygen lance in the system, while off- e.g., PMs are segregated into a solvent metal phase (Cu or Pb). Partial
gases are subjected to additional combustion air at around 1200 °C recovery and purity of PMs are achieved within these pyrometallurgical
(Leirnes and Lundstrom, 1983). A standard gas handling system re- routes. Therefore, subsequent hydrometallurgical and electrochemical
covers thermal energy through the integrated steam network. The techniques are necessary to extract pure metals from BMs. Plastic
mixed Cu-alloy produced by the Kaldo furnace is processed in a copper components of e-waste cannot easily be recycled due to the presence of
converter for recovery of valuable metals (such as Cu, Ag, Au, Pd, Ni, flame retardants, pigments and assorted types of plastics. However,
Se, and Zn), while the dust content (containing Pb, Sb, In, and Cd) is smelting processes can utilize the energy content of the plastics. Energy
subjected to other processing operations to recover the metals. usage is reduced due to the combustion of these plastics and other
flammable materials in the e-waste feed, which partially substitute the
4.2.1. Hydrometallurgical process routes role of coke and oil as a reducing agent and energy source (Cui and
Various investigators studied the extraction of PMs and BMs from e- Zhang, 2008; Van Schaik and Reuter, 2014).
waste using hydrometallurgical process routes (Veit et al., 2006; The metal fractions separated during preprocessing of e-waste are
Chehade et al., 2012; Dhawan et al., 2008, 2009; Delfini et al., 2011). composed of Fe, Al, Cu, Pb and PMs. After Fe and Al, Cu and Pb are the
These process routes are based on traditional hydrometallurgical main constituents of a typical e-waste. Therefore, it is logical to send e-
technology of metals extractions from their primary ores with only waste to smelters that accept Cu/Pb scraps. Currently, Cu and Pb
minor modifications to suit secondary raw materials. Similar steps of smelters work as e-waste recyclers for the recovery of Pb, Cu, and PMs.
acid (mostly organic or sulfuric) or caustic leaching are employed for In these pyrometallurgical processes, e-waste/Cu/Pb scraps are feed
selective dissolution of PMs from e-waste. The pregnant solution is into a furnace, in which metals are collected in a molten bath and
purified for the enrichment of metal content. Selectivity of the process oxides form a slag phase layer.
ensures that gangue materials are separated from valuable metals. The Both primary and secondary copper smelters are adopted to extract
isolation of metals of interest is conducted through solvent extraction, PMs from e-waste partly due to their well-stablished gas cleaning units.
adsorption and ion exchange processes. Finally, metals are recovered In this case, Cu smelting processes are more environmentally friendly
from solution through electrorefining (electrometallurgy) or chemical compared to Pb smelters where cleaning of generated toxic fumes are
reduction processes (Safarzadeh et al., 2007; Ritcey, 2006; Yang, 1994; not fully established (Anindya et al., 2013). Copper smelting facilities
Shamsuddin, 1986; Tavlarides et al., 1985). According to (Paretsky situated near urban areas minimize the cost of e-waste transportation,
et al., 2004), hydrometallurgical processes have some advantages over and therefore lower the recycling costs. In these processes, PMs are
pyrometallurgical processes due to the more exact, predictable and recovered through conventional electrorefining processes where they
controllable processes. are segregated in anode slimes (Anindya et al., 2013). These Cu
Solvents especially halides, cyanides, thiourea (most recently), and smelting routes which either produce matte or black copper are usually
thiosulfates are used for the leaching of PMs from their ores. Factors used for e-waste recycling. In the primary copper smelting, copper
including redox potential, pH, temperature, and stirring control the matte (∼40–60% Cu) and blister copper (∼98.5% Cu) are produced.
dissolution of metals from their primary ores. The recovery of PMs from Furthermore, blister copper is refined to produce anode copper (∼99%
the leached solution is carried out by cementation, solvent extraction, Cu). In the black copper processing route (secondary copper smelting)
adsorption on activated carbon, and ion exchange methods. Similar crude copper is produced during a reduction process in electric arc
techniques could be employed for extracting metals from e-waste, furnaces and is refined by oxidation process in a converter. The black
however, its complex nature makes the process complicated compared copper smelting process consists of reduction and oxidation cycles.
to extraction from ores. Experimental work on leaching reagents for the Impurities are mostly segregated into the vapor phase and are dis-
recovery of metals from e-waste is summarized by Tuncuk et al. (2012). charged in the off gas (Anindya et al., 2013).
A hydrometallurgical method for recovering PMs from e-waste has
been proposed by Park and Fray (2009). In their study they have used 4.2.3. Limitations of hydro- and pyro-metallurgy process routes
aqua regia as leachant with a fixed ratio of 1/20 between metals and Laboratory scale hydrometallurgical processes have been success-
leachant was exercised. They extracted Ag and Pd during the first stage fully used to recover PMs from e-waste. However, these processes have
with 98% and 93% recovery, respectively. They applied a liquid-liquid limitations that restrict their industrial scale application. These lim-
extraction method with toluene resulted in a recovery of 97% Au (Park itations include low speed of the process and relatively less profitability
and Fray, 2009). By applying thiourea leaching on e-waste for 120 min due to time and other resources compared to the pyrometallurgical
(Ficeriová et al., 2008), they reported to have achieved recovery of 97% processes (Cui and Zhang, 2008; Hilson and Monhemius, 2006; La
Au and 94% Ag. HNO3, H2SO4, and HCl-based solutions are commonly Brooy et al., 1994). The mechanical processing of e-waste for efficient
employed for dissolving PMs from e-waste. From the leachants, PMs are dissolution is time consuming may cause a loss of up to 20% PMs. There
recovered by employing methods similar to those used in the mineral are also losses of PMs during dissolution and subsequent steps. In ad-
industry. A two-stage process based on oxidative acid leaching of base dition, leachants such as cyanide and concentrated acids are hazardous
metals (Cu, in particular) followed by leaching of precious metals using and should therefore be used with extreme safety conditions. Chloride
cyanide, thiosulfate, thiourea or halide as lixiviant(s) can be suitably containing acids also consume large amounts of water for washing the

F. Tesfaye et al. Minerals Engineering 111 (2017) 209–221

Table 3
Summary of selected pyrometallurgical processes for recovering valuable metals from e-waste. TSL: top submerged lanced (Khaliq et al., 2014).

Industrial processes Metals recovered Main process features

Umicore’s process Au, Ag, Pd, Pt, Se, Ir, Ru, Rh, Cu, Ni, Pb, Isasmelt smelting, copper leaching & electrowinning and PMs refinery
In, Bi, Sn, As, and Sb

Outotec’s Ausmelt TSL and Kaldo Zn, Cu, Au, Ag, In, Pb, Cd, and Ge Copper scrap and e-waste recycling with various refining steps downstream

Boliden Rönnskär smelters Cu, Ag, Au, Pd, Ni, Se, Zn, and Pb Smelting in Kaldo reactor, upgrading in Cu and high PMs recovery by copper refining

Noranda process Cu, Au, Ag, Pt, Pd, Se, Te, and Ni Smelting of e-waste and Cu concentrate. Electrorefining for metal recovery

Boliden Rönnskär smelters tests Cu and PMs PC scrap feeding to Zn fuming process, plastics are used as reducing agents, PMs are
segregated in Cu and are recovered at later stage

Umicore’s trials Au, Ag, Pd, Pt, Se, Ir, Ru, Rh, Cu, Ni, Pb, Plastics from e-waste is tested as sources of energy and reducing agent during smelting
In, Bi, Sn, As, and Sb

Dowa mining Kosaka Japan Cu, Au, and Ag E-waste TSL smelting in a secondary copper process

LS-Nikko’s recycling facility, Korea Au, Ag, and PGMs metals Recycling in TSL smelting followed by electrolytic refining

Day’s patent PMs, Pt, and Pd Smelting in plasma arc furnace at 1400 °C. PMs collected in BM. Ag and Cu used to collect

Aleksandrovich patent PGMs and Au Scrap combustion in a BM with carbon reduction

Aurubis recycling Germany Cu, Pb, Zn, Sn, and PMs Smelting of Cu and e-waste in TSL, black Cu processing and electrorefining

chlorides away, making it unfavorable for industrial scale applications. Recycling metals from e-waste also provide significant energy
Halide leaching needs special equipment made of stainless steel and saving compared to most processes for metals extraction from primary
rubbers due to strong corrosive acids and oxidizing conditions. The use resources. According to Cui and Forssberg (2003), the recycling of Al,
of one of the most efficient leachant for Au, thiourea, is limited in Au Cu, Fe, Pb, and Zn saves 95%, 85%, 74%, 65%, and 60% of the total
extraction due to its high cost and consumption. Moreover, further energy required to extract them from their ores, respectively. Therefore,
developments are required to improve the current technology of recycling of metals from e-waste has direct impact in reducing the
thiourea-based Au leaching. The consumption of the alternative lea- greenhouse gas emissions due to the reduction of the usage of energy
chant thiosulfate is comparatively higher and the overall process is sources such as burning coke. It has also been reported that recycling of
slower, which limits its application for Au extraction from both ores and 10 kg Al not only provides a 90% energy saving but also prevents 20 kg
e-waste. of CO2(g) and 0.11 kg of SO2(g) emission, as well as 13 kg less gen-
Although a large investment is required for installing integrated e- eration of bauxite residues (Kumar et al., 2017).
waste recycling plants with optimal recovery of valuable metals and
controlled and safe hazardous gas treatment, pyrometallurgical pro-
5. Selected smelters and processes for recycling e-waste
cesses are generally considered as more economical, eco-efficient and
maximize the recovery of PMs (Hagelüken, 2006; Cui and Zhang,
Currently, industrial processes for recovering metals from e-waste
2008). One of the limitations in this process is that Al and Fe cannot be
are based on combined pyro-, hydro-, and electro-metallurgical pro-
recovered since they oxidize and dissolve into the slag. In addition,
cesses. In pyrometallurgical processes, e-waste is often blended with
smelting cannot recover components such as chips or bare fiberglass
other materials and incorporated into the primary/secondary smelting
boards. Even though plastics that cannot also be recovered in this
processes. Copper smelting is the main process route for e-waste re-
process, they replace fossil fuels as a source of energy. Smelting of flame
cycling where PMs are collected in copper matte or black copper. In the
retardants and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) present in e-waste leads to the
final stage of Cu production, i.e., in the electrorefining process, pure Cu
formation of dioxins, requiring special emission controls. During
metal is produced and the PMs are separated as anode slimes where
smelting, instant burning of fine dust of organic materials can occur
they are recovered through electrometallurgical and/or hydro-
before reaching the metal bath. In such cases, agglomeration may be
metallurgical processes. Currently, various industrial processes are used
required to effectively harness the energy content and also to minimize
globally to extract metals from e-waste including the Umicore integrate
the health risk posed by these fine dust particles. Ceramic components
smelting and refining facility in Belgium, the Noranda process in
and particularly alumina and aluminum in e-waste if not effectively
Canada, Boliden Rönnskär smelters in Sweden, Kosaka recycling plant
removed before smelting can cause increased volume of slag generated
in Japan, the Kayser (Aurubis) recycling system in Austria, and the
during the smelting process in furnaces. This increased volume of slag
Metallo-Chimique N.V plants operating in Belgium and Spain. A sum-
can cause loss of PMs from BMs. Generally, as the e-waste feed mate-
mary of selected industrial processes with their list of valuable metal
rials are complex, advanced process control and optimization of the
recoveries is given in Table 3.
smelting and refining processes are required.

5.1. The Boliden Rönnskär and Noranda e-waste recycling

4.3. Environmental benefits and energy saving
Boliden Rönnskär (Skelleftehamn, Sweden) is world’s largest re-
The e-waste stream contains many hazardous materials such as Hg, cycler of Cu and PMs from e-waste (Borell, 2015). Most of the e-waste
Cd, Pb, Cr, As, Be, poly/brominated flame retardants, ozone depleting sent to Rönnskär comes from EU and North America (Park and Fray,
chemicals such as chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) (Balde et al., 2015). Disposal 2009). Fig. 4 shows metals production flowsheet of Boliden Rönnskär
of these hazardous materials in landfills or incinerating them in the tra- with integrated e-waste recycling in its Cu and Pb hydro- and pyro-
ditional methods produce harmful effects to the environment. Therefore, metallurgical processes. The main steps in the Boliden Rönnskär smel-
the recycling industry plays a vital role in the environmental protection ters are drying, roasting, smelting, converting, and refining, as sche-
by taking the hazardous waste into a controlled processing system. matically shown in Fig. 4. A variety of scrap from the non-ferrous and

F. Tesfaye et al. Minerals Engineering 111 (2017) 209–221

Fig. 4. Process flow sheet of the Boliden Rönnskär (Skelleftehamn, Sweden) smelter, modified from Borell (2015). The feed materials, useful end products, and the integrated e-waste
materials flow are encircled with red, green, and dashed lines, respectively. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)

electronic industry is introduced into the process at different stages 6. Case study: recycling small sized EoL EEE
depending on the purity and requirement of the final product. For in-
stance, high Cu containing scrap is fed into the converting process di- In 2014 more than 1.8 · 109 cell phones were sold globally (Scott,
rectly through the E-Kaldo plant, but the low-grade e-waste is fed into 2014). According to the current small sized EoL EEE handling practices,
the Kaldo furnace together with Pb-concentrate, as shown in Fig. 4. As within a few years (< 5 years) ∼ 44% of them could end up “hi-
of 2012, the annual production capacity of Boliden Rönnskär’s (Skel- bernating” in drawers, ∼49% will be resold and passed on, ∼4% may
leftehamn, Sweden) smelters is ∼1.18 · 105 tonnes of e-waste (Borell, end up in landfills, and only ∼3% may reach proper recycling facilities.
2015). The feed material of the Kaldo converter consists of blended Pb- The same recycling practices applies to the latest smartphones, note-
concentrates and e-waste that are combusted with the supply of oxygen books, and tablets too; although as a relatively new product group they
and oil. have not yet reached the EoL stage in large quantities. When an ef-
The Kaldo furnace at Boliden Rönnskär, to which the e-waste is fed, fective EoL small sized EEE collection is applied, basically, they will
produces mixed Cu-alloys (black copper) to be treated in a copper make the most profitable e-waste recycling. Valuable materials content
converter to produce a blister copper. The blister copper is then cast of smart phones can be compared to tablets, perhaps with even higher
into anodes and refined to recover the valuable metals including Cu, percentage of the valuable metals for a given weight (Buchert et al.,
Ag, Au, Pt, Pd, Ni, Se, and Zn. The volatile metals such as Pb, Sb, In, and 2012; Geyer and Blass, 2010). Generally, smart phones, notebooks, and
Cd are deported into the off-gas stream that is recovered by a separate tablets, together with desktops and servers, are one of the most valuable
process step. The off gases are treated for sulfuric acid and SO2(g,l) e-waste categories (Reuter et al., 2013). Even if structurally and func-
production. tionally different, notebooks seem to gradually lose market shares in
The Noranda (Royn-Noranda, Canada) process is another major favor of tablets. From the recycling point of view, this trend could be
commercial pyrometallurgical plant that recycles e-waste. The feed positive as tablets have a higher content of valuable metals than no-
materials to this process are composed of e-waste and Cu-ore con- tebooks (for a given weight), which exist in both the screen and the
centrates. In this recycling facility ∼0.91 · 105 tonnes of e-waste per embedded PCBs. However, their compactness makes recycling more
year are recycled (Veldbuizen and Sippel, 1994). In this plant, blends of complex (Buchert et al., 2012), which requires modifications in the
e-waste and copper concentrate is fed into the molten bath at 1250 °C prevailing recycling processes. The most valuable components in these
and the process temperature is maintained by injecting oxygen. Energy products are PCBs, Hard Disk Drives (HDDs), LCD, and LED screens
usage in the Noranda reactor is reduced due to the combustion of (Reuter et al., 2013; Copani and Rosa, 2014).
plastics in the e-waste feedstock. During the oxidation process, im- Smart phones, like tablets, are also quickly substituting the tradi-
purities including Fe, Pb, and Zn are converted into oxides, and dissolve tional mobile phones especially among the younger consumer group. In
into a silica-based slag, and PMs are segregated in liquid copper. The 2010, ∼7.7 · 106 smartphones were sold in Germany alone, with
slag is cooled and processed for the recovery of metals before disposal. growth up by 161% compared to those sold in 2009 (Buchert et al.,
The blister copper is refined in the anode furnace and cast into anodes 2012). According to a market report from (Statistic Brain, 2015)
with purity of 99.1% Cu. The remaining residue (0.9%) contains va- 3.6 · 109 smart phones and 2.0 · 107 e-book readers were sold globally in
luable metals including Au, Ag, Pt, Pd, Ni, Se, and Te. Finally, PMs are 2015. The average lifespan of videogame console, laptops/notebooks,
recovered through electrorefining process. tablets, and mobile phones is about 5 years (Ely, 2014). According to

F. Tesfaye et al. Minerals Engineering 111 (2017) 209–221

these lifespan data the EEE sold in 2015 will produce the corresponding wastes arising from the products placed on the market by the producers,
volume of e-waste by 2020. Given the rapidly advancing technology, and producers are liable for the costs of the waste management. Even
supplying products with even better features, the sold devices may though this extended producers responsibility works well for big sized
become obsolete earlier than the estimated lifespan. EoL EEE such as refrigerators, it is not effective in collecting small sized
However, given their small sizes, which do not require much space EoL EEE such as smart phones.
for storage, there is still a tendency by customers to keep the small sized An example for some of the efforts that should be made to collect
EoL EEE under their desk instead of returning them to controlled re- mobiles is a Finland’s telephone company (DNA Plc., 2017) which of-
cycling centers. This leads to a lack of using potentially reusable com- fers a rebate when an old mobile is exchanged for a new one. At their
ponents embedded in these equipment, and lack of the appropriate store, the rebate value of a device is checked, and the IMEI number of
volume for a profitable recycling. The reasons given by consumers also the returned mobile phone is entered in the returns system. Non-func-
suggest that this trend can be changed. For example, the reasons often tioning mobiles are delivered to their e-waste recycling partners. They
given by consumers for not returning EoL mobile phones are mainly ‘I are also targeting to collect up to 20% of used mobile phones in the near
don’t know where to return’ and/or ‘I have not got to do it yet’ (Ylä- future.
Mella et al., 2015). The lack of volumes makes recyclers less interested
in treating these products, which is why specific processing technolo- 6.3. Recycling of the small sized e-waste
gies are not yet available at industrial level.
There is no conventional recycling technology that processes all
6.1. Composition of critical metals in the small sized e-waste sorts of e-waste. Various metallurgical process routes are currently
being implemented to recover metals from e-waste streams.
The estimated composition of critical metals embedded in smart- Nevertheless, due to the complexity and variety of e-waste and ever
phones sold in Germany in 2010 is presented in Table 4. Statistical changing compositions with advancing technologies for EEE produc-
reports from Sheffield Hallam University shows that each mobile phone tion, new processes or improvements in the current recycling technol-
sold in 2014 contains about 300 mg of Ag and 30 mg of Au. This means ogies are required. Alternative process flow sheets proposed to process
for every 10,000 mobile phones 3 kg and 0.3 kg of Ag and Au, re- small sized e-waste such as mobile phones, notebooks and tablets are
spectively, is contained. The Au and Ag used to manufacture the phones presented in Fig. 6. In the dismantling phase, it is important to remove
sold in the same year worth more than $2.5 billion (Scott, 2014). A the cobalt-containing Li batteries which should go to separate to battery
telephone company in Finland (DNA Plc., 2017) reported the average recycling plants. Currently, mobile phones are normally fed into pyr-
metal contents in a tonne of mobile phone scrap (excluding batteries) as ometallurgical plants such as in Umicore's facility in Belgium
3.5 kg of Ag, 0.34 kg of Au, 0.14 kg of Pd, and 130 kg of Cu. These (UMICORE, 2007), including the Li batteries. This process primarily
average compositions of different mobile phones reported by DNA Plc. recovers BMs and PMs. Li batteries which contain one of the critical
(2017) are higher than the amounts presented in Table 4, which is only metals in EU, Co, in compounds such as LiCoO2 need to be processed
for the composition in smartphones. In 2012 the United Nations Uni- separately. In the pyrometallurgical process of mobile phones, after the
versity (UNU, 2017) reported that 290.30 tonnes of Au and more than removal of Li batteries, direct incineration and smelting is advanta-
6803.89 tonnes of Ag are being used annually to produce PCs, cell geous to increase the recovery of both PMs and energy.
phones, tablets and other new electronic and electrical products Metals recovery from Li batteries has been recently studied by
worldwide, which add up to more than $21 billion in value each year. several authors (Li et al., 2013; Shin et al., 2005), for which the general
process flowsheet is also presented in Fig. 6. Most Li battery systems use
an electrolyte containing high-grade lithium salts such as lithium hex-
6.2. Collection of the small sized EoL EEE afluorophosphate (LiPF6) and cathode compounds such as LiCoO2,
LiNiO2 or LiMn2O4, and graphite as the anode (Chagnes and Pospiech,
The major efforts in managing the collection of small sized EoL 2013). Li batteries with the anode-cathodes combination of graphite-
devices such as mobile phones should be directed towards establishing LiCoO2 powers most of the current portable electronic devices (Li et al.,
industry-funded co-regulatory agreements. In order to collect the ap- 2013). Therefore, Li batteries of mobile phones, notebooks and tablets
propriate volume of small sized EoL devices for recycling strict gov- are sources of one of the critical metals in EU, Co. Currently, there is
ernment policies, effective advertisement for public awareness, eco- intense research on strategies to recycle Li batteries based on selective
nomic incentives, installing separate collection facilities at public places leaching and selective recovery by solvent extraction (Li et al., 2013).
and shopping centers, and dedicated social events related to municipal Leaching permits efficient dissolution of spent electrodes. The appli-
waste management are important, as illustrated in Fig. 5. Most devel- cation of bioleaching processes is also under investigation as an alter-
oped countries have legislations mandating EEE manufacturers and native process route. Currently, solvent extraction is the most favorable
importers to collect EoL EEE based on the principle of extended pro- technology and this review shows that efficient metal separation can be
ducers responsibility. For example, based on the EU WEEE directive, the achieved. At present, there are no recycling processes that can recycle
Finnish waste legislation that entered into force in 2005 prescribes the next generation Li batteries, with complex cathode materials such
producers of EEE to organize the recycling and waste management for as LiNi1−xCoxO2, LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2, LiMn1.5Ni0.5O4,
LiMn1.42Ni0.42Co0.16O4, Li3V2(PO4)3, LiMnPO4, LiCoPO4 and LiFePO4.
Table 4 This also strongly indicates that research in the area of Li batteries
Compositions of selected valuable metals in smartphones, with the corresponding amount
of the valuable metals in all smartphones sold in 2010 in Germany (Buchert et al., 2012).
recycling extends into the future. There is a need to develop cost ef-
fective and efficient processes to recover selectively such combinations
Metal Metal per Metal potential from Components as: Li-Ni-Co, Li-Mn-Co, Li-Mn-Ni, Li-Mn-Ni-Co, Li-V, Li-Mn, Li-Co and
smartphone in (g) smartphones sold in Germany Li-Fe.
in 2010 in (g)

Co 6.300 4.85 · 107 Battery 7. Discussion

Ag 0.305 2.35 · 106 PCB
Au 0.030 2.31 · 105 7.1. Improving e-waste collection for recycling
Pd 0.011 8.50 · 104
Nd 0.050 3.85 · 105 Loudspeaker
Pr 0.010 7.70 · 104 magnet Sufficient volume is a limiting factor in e-waste recycling economy.
A detailed techno-economic analysis of (Ghodrat et al., 2016) on

F. Tesfaye et al. Minerals Engineering 111 (2017) 209–221

Fig. 5. Mechanisms to enhance the collection rate of small sized EoL


valuable metals recovery from e-waste through embedded black copper reduces disposal in landfills while enhancing resource efficiency. Ac-
smelting route suggests that the minimum plant capacity for econom- cording to the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) (UNU, 2017),
ically feasible process is above 3.0 · 104 tonnes per year. This critical currently, up to 90% of the world’s e-waste worth nearly $19bn is either
volume could be slightly lower when contributions of energy sources in illegally traded or end up in landfills each year. In its revised legislative
e-waste such as plastics are fully considered in the processing costs, as proposals on waste, EU sets a maximum of 10% municipal waste dis-
suggested by Cui and Zhang (2008) and Van Schaik and Reuter (2014)). posal in landfills by 2030 (European Commission, 2015).
A profitable urban mining approach attempts to recycle as many ma- E-waste collection for recycling can mainly be facilitated by ap-
terials as possible, thus, efficiency in waste collection is vital. Effective propriate government policies, effective advertisement to increase
e-waste recycling that involves high collection rate and optimal re- public awareness, and installation of separate collection facilities at
covery of values also helps to minimize the amount of hazardous ma- public places. Government policies regulate the behavior of both or-
terials to be disposed in landfills. Fig. 7 shows e-waste collection, reuse, ganizations and societies regarding what they can do to enhance re-
and recycling in the context of the circular economy that eliminates or cycling. Raising consumers’ awareness regularly will eventually lead to

Fig. 6. Schematic process flow sheets for e-waste recycling that consist of mobile phones, notebooks, tablets, etc. Dashed line arrows indicate optional processing steps. Li batteries
recycling process was adopted and modified from Li et al. (2013).

F. Tesfaye et al. Minerals Engineering 111 (2017) 209–221

Fig. 7. Schematic of e-waste collection, reuse, and recycling; including the < 10% (European Commission, 2015) target set by the EU for municipal waste disposal in landfills.

more environmentally sound behavior and, ultimately, improves e- be placed on the recycling of the large amounts of Li batteries, which
waste collection efficiency. The responsibility of e-waste organizations powers almost all small sized EEE, separately (Hagelüken, 2005).
and waste collection companies is to ensure the availability of all re- In e-waste recycling the complexity and inhomogeneity of the input
sources required for these activities, such as bins, containers, collection material also offer several challenges. Less noble trace elements such as
vehicles and staff, taking into account cost minimization. Fig. 5 illus- SEs tend to be lost in the slag and are consequently almost impossible to
trates some of the mechanisms that can be applied to significantly in- recover. Recoveries of SEs, which exist as traces in the e-waste, require
crease the quite low small sized EoL EEE collection rate to above the special recovery technology (Ari, 2016). Other traces of critical metals
critical volume of e-waste for a profitable recycling. Efforts in managing in e-waste such as Ta, Ga, In, Nd, and Pr need basic research including
small sized EoL devices such as mobile phones should also be through quantification of their composition in e-waste as well as whether their
establishing industry-funded co-regulatory agreements. Financial in- recovery through the conventional recycling processes is feasible
centives may also be used to stimulate recycling behavior, such as (Buchert et al., 2012).
providing rewards for each returned item, in cooperation with EEE
stores. This has already been proven i.e., the rebate offered by DNA Plc. 7.2. Selection of processing routes: pros and cons
(2017) for customers returning their partially or fully working mobile
phones when purchasing a new one enhanced collection of small sized Currently, e-waste recycling is predominantly done through pyr-
EoL devices. ometallurgical process routes (Antrekowitsch et al., 2006). The steel
One of the many reasons that lead to consumer retention of the industry takes the ferrous fractions for the recovery of Fe, and the
small sized EoL devices such as smart phones that handles mobile secondary aluminum industry takes the Al containing fractions. Thus,
banking and other personal data is insecurity. Effective education and combining recycling plants for recovery of metals such as Fe, Al, Cu,
assurance of uninstalling software of the EoL devices to be offered by and PMs nearby cities with utilization of waste energy from the plants
retailers to their customers will ultimately make customers feel secured to provide heating and electricity to the cities seems an attractive op-
to hand in their EoL devices. This will eventually result in high col- tion for sustainability. However, it is worth noting that during me-
lection rates of the EoL devices. Fig. 8 shows the engagement of cus- chanical separation of Fe, Al and plastics containing parts from e-waste,
tomers in the producers-retailers-recyclers loop. Strong cooperation in there is a risk of losing the PMs. Particularly PMs are closely tied up
the loop will lead to: with the non-ferrous metals and plastics in the PCBs. Thus, the accep-
tance of Fe, Al, and plastics in the Cu smelting process routes may
• permanent change in consumers’ attitude which makes it un- enhance the overall recovery of PMs. In the case of mobile phones re-
acceptable to throw EoL devices among mixed waste, cycling, for the same reason of losing PMs with Fe, Al, and plastics,
• efficient management of flows of collected EoL devices (reuse, re- Huisman and Stevels (2006) reported that the direct smelting route for
cycle, recovery). mobile phones without dismantling is a more eco-efficient solution
compared to the indirect smelting of disintegrated mobile phone com-
The most important measure to initiate recycling of mobile phones, ponents. However, the Li batteries should be separated before smelting
notebooks, and tablets is clearly to raise the current very low collection in the furnace to enhance the recovery of Co via a separate process
rate. There are nowadays some promising processes for recovering Co (Hagelüken, 2005). Most of the integrated e-waste recycling plants di-
from the Li batteries as shown in Fig. 6. However, because of the lack of rectly use PCBs in the smelting furnaces, which have many advantages
volumes, recyclers are not interested in treating these product group including:
and specific processes are not yet further developed. Based on the
prevailing recycling practices and our observation, we suggest the • maximized segregation of PMs into the Cu fraction, resulting in their
process flowsheet with two processing options to be adopted for re- optimal recovery, and
cycling small sized e-waste such as cell phones, smart phones, note- • reduced energy demand for smelting since plastic components in e-
books and tablets, as illustrated in Fig. 6. E-waste recycling using the waste partially replace coke as an alternative source. The non-me-
proven Cu smelting routes enables the recovery of not only Cu but also tallic components also serve as reducing agents.
the PMs by up to 95% (Buchert et al., 2012). Great emphasis should also

F. Tesfaye et al. Minerals Engineering 111 (2017) 209–221

Fig. 8. Schematic of effective small sized EoL EEE collection

with a full engagement of consumers in the producer-re-
tailer-recycler loop.

When recycling through pyrometallurgical process routes, it is also recovery of PMs from e-waste streams through sustainable recycling
recommended to apply pyrolysis in the preprocessing steps. Pyrolysis processes have emerged. The sustainable recycling practices address the
helps to release metals which are attached to organic matters and en- scarcity of primary resources and reduce consumption of energy while
riches metallic fractions while removing halides and hazardous or- managing environmental issues related to hazardous substances in the
ganics with no loss of the valuable metals. Thermal energy released in e-waste stream. Therefore, recycling of e-waste is important for both
the process can be recovered through integrated steam networks. resource efficiency and waste management. However, e-waste recycling
Reduced carbon and energy contents during pyrolysis makes the sub- is limited due to challenges such as insufficient collection, higher
sequent pyrometallurgical processes easier to control (Friedrich, 2017). transportation cost or lack of integrated and automatic smelting and
Critical metals, particularly, In and Ga can also be recovered in the refining facilities nearby urban areas. Practically, the most limiting
pyrolysis step via volatilization (Friedrich, 2017). A complete under- factor is volume of the collected e-waste, for which feasible options for
standing of pyrolysis mechanisms can help to develop fully integrated recycling can be significantly limited.
autothermal smelting operations. In the current study, Deficiencies in e-waste recycling chains are
In general, efficient (> 95%) recovery of precious metals cannot be highlighted, and recommendations for improved metals and energy
achieved through pyro- or hydro-metallurgy, but can be achieved recoveries from small sized e-waste such as smart phones and tablets
through a combination of smelting in furnaces at high temperatures, are made. The need for the establishment of effective e-waste collection
followed by hydro- and/or electro-metallurgical processes. Practically, mechanisms are emphasized from EU perspective in terms of appro-
PMs are better recovered with a combination of pyro-, hydro-, and priate government policies, effective advertisement for public aware-
electro-metallurgical processes. Pyrometallurgical integrated process ness, and installation of separate collection facilities at public places.
routes are beneficial for segregating and upgrading valuable metals in Optimization of the recovery of materials and energy from e-waste,
the BMs from e-waste. These are further treated by hydrometallurgical while addressing environmental issues is a vital outcome.
processes to recover PMs. Industrially, IsaSmelt, Kaldo, Rotary, and Currently, pyro- or hydro-metallurgical or a combination of both
Plasma Arc Furnaces are used for segregating the critical metals in the processes are used for recovering valuable metals from e-waste.
BMs. Fundamentally, hydrometallurgical process routes are similar to those
used in the minerals processing industry, which include leaching and
metal extractions from leachates. Pyrometallurgical process routes are
8. Conclusions considered to be more economical and eco-efficient particularly for the
recovery of PMs, which result in considerable loss when applying only
E-waste contains a significant amount of valuable metals, and also hydrometallurgical processes. One of the benefits of pyrometallurgical
hazardous substances. Therefore, it is considered both as economically process routes is that the non-metallic fractions can be used as fuels and
sound secondary resource and an environmentally problematic. Also, reducing agents. Application of pyrolysis prior to the pyrometallurgical
due to its increasing volume at an alarming rate and the strict en- processes is recommended due to the possibility to recover metals like
vironmental regulations, the traditional methods of managing e-waste In and Ga by volatilization, enrichment of metallic parts while re-
with disposing in landfills, burning in incinerators or exporting abroad moving halides and hazardous organics with no loss of the valuable
for disposal are no longer options. Fortunately, the presence of critical metals, and reduction of organics content for a more controllable
metals in e-waste and increasing demand for the metals as well as smelting (Friedrich, 2017), with partial recovery of energy. The thermal
complexities of the currently available primary resources make e-waste energy that is generated in the pyrolysis and pyrometallurgical pro-
recycling an attractive option. Moreover, it is efficient in terms of re- cesses can be effectively recovered through integrated steam networks.
source management by closing the metals loop, once high recoveries Limitations in applying the pyrometallurgical processes include
can be achieved effectively. Consequently, urban mining such as the

F. Tesfaye et al. Minerals Engineering 111 (2017) 209–221

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