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Lecture 4: Z-transform
Lecture 5: Analysis of LTI systems in the z-domain
Duration: 6 hrs
Lecture 4
The Z-transform (ZT)

 Duration: 3 hrs
 Outline:
1. Definition of ZT and region of convergence (ROC)
2. Properties of ZT
3. Inversion of ZT
Definition of ZT

For a DT signal x[n] = …, x[-2], x[-1], x[0], x[1], x[2], …

The (bilateral) Z-transform of x[n] is defined to be

 Sum goes
 
X ( z )  ZT x[n]   x[n] z n over all
n  

Assume that values of z exist such that the summation

converges. Here z takes values in the complex plane
Poles and zeros of Z-transform

X ( z )  ZT x[n]   x[ n ] z n

n  

Poles pk  X(pk) = ∞
Zeros zk  X(zk) = 0

If we rewrite:
• Poles are roots of denominator polynomial D(z)
• Zeros are roots of numerator polynomial N(z)
Note: find these after canceling any common factors – and do this for
polynomial in z (not in z-1)
Region of convergence (ROC)

ROC: set of all values of z for which X(z) converges

Note: always cite a z-transform together with its ROC
We will find the ROC for these cases:
1. Right-sided signal (x[n] ≠ 0, n > n0)
2. Left-sided signal (x[n] ≠ 0, n < n0)
3. Two-sided signal (x[n] ≠ 0, -∞ < n < +∞)
4. Finite-duration signal (x[n] ≠ 0, n1 < n < n2)
Right-sided signal


Ex 1: Find X(z) for x[n] = anu[n]

(causal signal)
Right-sided signal

If x[n] is not causal then X(z) will not converge at z = ∞

 we can’t include ∞ in the ROC
Ex 2: Find X(z) for x[n] = u[n+1]
Left-sided signal


Ex 3: Find X(z) for x[n] = -anu[-n-1]

(non-causal signal)
Left-sided signal

If x[n] has non-zero values at some n > 0, then X(z) does

not converge at z = 0  we can’t include 0 in the ROC
Ex 4: x[n] = u[-n+1]
Two-sided signal

Two-sided signal = Left-sided signal + right-sided signal


Ex 5: Find X(z) for x[n] = anu[n] + bnu[-n-1]

Finite-duration signal

Ex 6: Find X(z) for x(n)  (n  m)

X( z)   (n  m)z
n  
z m

δ[n-m]  z-m

ROC: all of z, except:

z = 0 if m > 0
z = ∞ if m < 0
Finite-duration signal

Ex 7: Find X(z) for x[n] = {1, 2, 5, 7, 0, 1}

Signal ROC
Signal ROC
Lecture 4
The Z-transform (ZT)

 Duration: 3 hrs
 Outline:
1. Definition of ZT and region of convergence (ROC)
2. Properties of ZT
3. Inversion of ZT

ax[n]  by[n]  aX ( z )  bY ( z )

The new ROC is the intersection of ROC{X(z)} and ROC{Y(z)}

If aX(z) + bY(z) cancels pole then the new ROC is bigger

Time shifting

x[n  n0 ]  z  n0 X ( z )

The new ROC is the same as ROC{X(z)} except for z = 0 if

n0>0 and z = ∞ if n0<0

Delay of k means that the Z-transform is multiplied by z-k

Example of applying the time-
shifting property

Determine the ZT of the signal:

 
w[n]  (1) n  (3) n 5 u[n  5]
Convolution of two signals

Z Y(z) =
y[n]  x[n]  h[n]  X ( z ) H ( z )

The new ROC is the intersection of ROC{X(z)} and ROC{Y(z)}

If poles cancel zeros then the new ROC is bigger
Example of applying the
convolution property

Compute the convolution of the signals:

x1[n] = -δ[n+1] + 2δ[n-1] + δ[n-2] + δ[n-3]
x2[n] = 2δ[n] + 2δ[n-1] + 2δ[n-2]
Lecture 4
The Z-transform (ZT)

 Duration: 3 hrs
 Outline:
1. Definition of ZT and region of convergence (ROC)
2. Properties of ZT
3. Inversion of ZT
Inverse ZT formula

The inverse ZT is defined by

2j C
n 1
x[n ]  X ( z ) z dz

Counterclockwise contour integral is along a closed path in

the z-plane.

LTI case: can avoid integration – use easier methods

Partial fraction expansion

Y ( z)
Distinct poles: rk  ( z  pk )
z z  pk
Partial fraction expansion

Multiple-order poles:
Table of ZT pairs

(n )  1
(n  m)  z  m
a n u[n ] 
na u[n ] 

(z  a ) 2
az (z  a )
n 2 a n u[n ] 
(z  a ) 3
z ( z  a cos )
a cos(n)u[n]  2

z  2az cos   a 2
az sin 
a sin(n)u[n]  2

z  2az cos   a 2
Examples of partial fraction expansion

2 z  5z
Distinct poles: X ( z)   z  3
( z  2)( z  3)
Divide X(z) by z, to “save” z for later

X(z) 2z  5 (z  2)  (z  3)
 
z (z  2)(z  3) (z  2)(z  3)
1 1
  , | z | 3
z3 z2
 x (n )  (3n  2 n )u (n )
Examples (cont.)
Multiple-order poles: X( z )  , z 2
(z  2)(z  1) 2

X( z ) 1 A B C
    , | z | 2
2z (z  2)(z  1) 2
z  2 z  1 (z  1) 2

A(z  1) 2  B(z  1)(z  2)  C(z  2)  1

A  1; B  1; C  1;
 z z z 
X( z)  2    2
, | z | 2
 z  2 z  1 (z  1) 
x(n)  2(2  1  n)u(n)
Examples (cont.)

z 4
Time-shift W ( z)  2  z  3
property z  2z  3

Divide W(z) by z, to “save” z for later

W(z) z 5 z 5   14 1
 5
 2    4
z z  2z  3 (z  1)(z  3)  z  1 z  3 

1 n 5 1 n 5
w[n ]   (1) u[n  5]  (3) u[n  5]
4 4
Examples (cont.)

Given h(n) = anu(n) (|a|<1) and x(n) = u(n).

Find y(n) = x(n)*h(n)
z z
X( z)  | z | 1 ; H(z)  | z || a |
z 1 za
Y(z)  X(z).H(z)  | z | 1
(z  a )(z  1)
a z 1 z
  | z | 1
1  a z  a 1  a z 1

1  a n 1
y[n ]  u[n ]
1 a
Examples (cont)

Find the output y(n) to an input x(n) = u(n) and an LTI

system with impulse response h(n) = -3nu(-n-1)

z z
X ( z)  | z | 1 ; H ( z )  | z | 3
z 1 z 3
1 3
 z z
Y ( z)  2  2 1 | z | 3
z 1 z  3

1 3 n
y[n]   u[n]  (3) u[n  1]
2 2

Prob.1 Find the ZT and ROC of the following signals:

a ) x[n ]  (1  n )u[n ]
b) y[n ]  (1) 2 u[n ] n n

c) v[n ]  n  1
2 3
1 n 1
u[n  1]
d) h[n ]    (u[n ]  u[n  10])
1 n

Prob.2 Given the following ZT, find the inverse ZT of each function:

a ) X(z)  | z | 2
(1  2z 1 )(1  z 1 ) 2
1  3z 1
b) X ( z )  1 2
| z | 2
1  3z  2z
1 2
1 1  6z  z
c) X ( z )  1 2 1
| z | 2
4 (1  2z  2z )(1  0.5z )

Prob.3 Find x(n)*h(n)

a ) x[n ]    u[n  1] ,
1 n
4 h[n ]  [1  ( ) ]u[n ]
1 n

b) x[n ]  u[n ] , h[n ]  [n ]  ( ) u[n ]

1 n

c) x[n ]  ( ) u[n ] , h[n ]  cos(n ).u[n ]

1 n

d) x[n ]  nu[n ] , h[n ]  2 u[n  1]

Lecture 5
Analysis of LTI systems in the Z-domain

 Duration: 3 hrs
 Outline:
1. Transfer function
2. LTI system properties from transfer function
3. Using ZT to solve the difference equations
Transfer function

For system impulse response h(n), its ZT is often called

Transfer Function H(z)

Consider H(z) = N(z)/D(z)

The roots of N(z): system zeros

The roots of D(z): system poles

D(z) = 0: characteristic equation

Transfer function from difference equation


k 0
k y[n  k ]  b r x[n  r ]
r 0
 a
k 0
k z Y ( z )  b r z X ( z )

r 0

Y(z)  r
b z r

Y(z) = X(z) . H(z) H(z)   r 0


X(z) k
k z
k 0
Lecture 5
Analysis of LTI systems in the Z-domain

 Duration: 3 hrs
 Outline:
1. Transfer function
2. LTI system properties from transfer function
3. Using ZT to solve the difference equations
LTI system properties from
transfer function

 Causality:
h[n]  0 n  0

 h(n) is right-sided signal  ROC of transfer function is

outside the poles

| z | rmax

 For the causal system, the numerator of H(z) can not be of

higher order than the denominator
LTI system properties from
transfer function

 Stability: 

 h[n]
n  
 

  
H( z )   h[ n
n  
]z n
| H(z) |  | h[
n  
n ]z n
|   | h[
n  
n ] | | z n

Unit circle |z| = 1  | H(z) | | h[n] |
n  

The ROC of transfer function includes the unit circle

A causal LTI system is BIBO stable, provided that all poles
of H(z) lie inside the unit circle
Example of causality and stability

Given an LTI system:

2 z 2  1.6 z  0.9
H ( z)  3
z  2.5 z  1.96 z  0.48

The poles of H(z):

p = [1 -2.5 1.96 -0.48];  r = 1.2 0.8 0.5

r = roots(p)
1. |z|>1.2: causal, unstable
2. 0.8<|z|<1.2: noncausal, stable
3. 0.5≠|z|<0.8: noncausal, unstable
Lecture 5
Analysis of LTI systems in the Z-domain

 Duration: 3 hrs
 Outline:
1. Transfer function
2. LTI system properties from transfer function
3. Using ZT to solve the difference equations
Using Z-transform to solve the difference


k 0
y[n  k ]   b r x[n  r ]
r 0

1. Take the bilateral ZT of equation

2. Find the output in the Z-domain, Y(z)
3. Use inverse ZT to get the output y(n) from Y(z)
Example of solving the difference equation

Find the output y[n] of the system having output-input equation:

y[n]  3y[n  1]  2y[n  2]  x[n]

Example of solving the difference equation

Take the bilateral ZT of the equation:

y[n ]  3y[n  1]  2 y[n  2]  x[n ]
 Y (z)  3z 1Y(z)  2z 2 Y(z)  X(z)
1 z
 Y (z)(1  3z  2z ) 
1 2

9 z3
1 z 1
 Y(z) 
9 z  3 1  3z 1  2z 2
1 z z2
 Y(z) 
9 z  3 z 2  3z  2

a) Is the causal system below stable BIBO?

1  2 z  2z  z
1 2 3

H(z) 
(1  z )(1  0.5z )(1  0.2z )
1 1 1

b) Determine its impulse response.


We want to design a causal LTI system with the property that if

the input is x[n] = (0.5)nu[n] -0.25(0.5)n-1u[n-1]
then the output is y[n] = (1/3)nu[n]
a) Find H(z) and then h(n) of a system that satisfies the
foregoing conditions
b) Find the difference equation that characterizes this system
c) Determine if the system is stable


The step response of an LTI system is

s[n] = (1/3)n-2 .u[n+2]
a) Find H(z) and sketch the pole-zero plot
b) Determine h(n)
c) Check if the system is causal and stable

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