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Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________

Directions: Write a sentence to complete the story.

1. I have a dog named Biscuit.

2. He’s brown and has big flRppy ears.

3. I play fetch with him in my backyard.

4. _______________
5. What color is Biscuit and what kind of ears does he have?

Draw a picture of your pet in the box below.

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Answer Key

Directions: Write a sentence to complete the story.

1. I have a dog named Biscuit.

2. He’s brown and has big flRppy ears.

3. I play fetch with him in my backyard.

4. _______________
I give him dog treats to eat.

Biscuit sleeps in my room. .
5. What color is Biscuit and what kind of ears does he have?

He is brown and has big floppy ears. .
Draw a picture of your pet in the box below.

© Copyright. 2014. All rights reserved.

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