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Version 2.0

November 2005

.2005 œ INTERTEC Co Ltd

All rights reserved

The product and manual including all his parts is protected by copyright. The documentation and
programs are in the present subject form of a license agreement and may be employed exclusively
in accordance with this license agreement. Every further on utilization, that is approved not
specially of the law of Copyright, needs the previous approval of the INTERMEDIA Co Ltd.
This is valid in particular for copy, processing, and translation, the saving as well as for the use in
electronic systems

The Soft and hardware denotation employed in the documentation as well as trademarks of the
respective companies be subject to in general trademark, flag or patent-protection that is
recognized with that.

The information contained in this document and specifications can be changed without previous

Edition: November 2005


Tel.: (02) 23212190

Fax.:(02) 23219577


Preface .............................................................................................................................................. 4

1. Introduction of InterMedia............................................................................................................ 4

1.1. How is the system built up? ................................................................................4

1.2. Possible applications and representation contents .........................................6

2. The installation preparation...........................................................................................................6

2.1. Scope of delivery ..................................................................................................6

2.2. Sensor ...................................................................................................................... 6

2.3. General requirement .............................................................................................7

2.4. PC system configuration......................................................................................7

3. Installation..................................................................................................................................... 7

3.1. General Installation...............................................................................................7

3.2. Installation of the hardware ................................................................................8

3.2.1. Installation of the Frame grabber card ..................................................8

3.2.2 Cable connection.........................................................................................9

3.2.3 Whole system installation sample .........................................................10

3.3. Installation of the software ................................................................................10

3.3.1. Frame grabber card driver......................................................................10

3.3.2. Installation of the InterMedia ................................................................13

4. Adjustment of InterMedia ...........................................................................................................16

4.1. Introduction ..........................................................................................................16

4.2. Setting of the InterMedia Software .................................................................17

5. Important tips to InterMedia .......................................................................................................20

5.1.Tips to the list of the components .....................................................................20


The present guidebook describes the interactive "glass window mouse system" InterMedia,
from the InterTec Co. Ltd. You receive a full instruction about the installation of the hardware and
software components. Furthermore examples of different possible applications and representable
contents at the POI and POS are also introduced.

1. Introduction of InterMedia

With InterMedia, you get the unique possibility to transform a windowpane into an interactive
communication and presentation surface. Information about products or different services can be
called up in an effective and immediate acting way for 24 hours through a simple fingertip
pressing on the surface of the windowpane. The operation is simple and opening up intuitively.

The adjustment and installation of the system‘s hardware-and software are required before the
start of an interactive presentation surface. The hardware of the system includes a PC, a sensor, a
data-/video projector and an acrylic rear-projection screen. Furthermore an infrared-module is
used for an optimal illumination.

1.1. How is the system built up?

InterMedia is unique in his functionality and independent of the art of applications. All
technical components are protected inside the Shop.

A projection screen made from acrylic is stuck onto the backside of the Windowpane and the
image is projecting through a date-/video projector behind onto the projection screen.

The operation is enabled by the sensor. With the aid of InterMedia driver software, the
movements of fingertip are sensed and transformed into the mouse controls.

The sensor of the InterMedia systems could be fixed with the added mounting accessory in a
certain distance to the projection screen. For the optimal performance, an infrared-module lights
up the projection screen from top of the screen.

The following preliminary drawings show the possible schematic constructions of the system.

. Ceiling installation

Glass window
Acrylic screen
Computer with frame grabber card

. Station installation


lass window
Acrylic screen
Computer with frame grabber card
Holding case

1.2. Possible applications and representation contents

With InterMedia, you get the unique communication tool. Different and versatile possibilities of
the use can combine themselves with an impressive customer addressing.

. Advertising and information medium

. Interactive shop window, TV with Infotainment program
. Way control system in Shops and into fairs
. Enterprise presentations in entrance field
. Self-manifestation medium for promotions and events

Whether in the shop behind the window pane, or installed in variable forms on fairs and
events, with always current information, your customer themselves can decide which
products, news or services they would like to find out.

Representation contents could be HTML pages with GIF-and JPEG graphics or other
Flashed-and PowerPoint -animation as well as videos in AVI-and MPEG formats.

2. The installation of preparation

2.1. Scope of delivery

In the scope of delivery the following components are contained:

1 x Sensor
1 x PCI Frame grabber card
1 x Driver software InterMedia, CD-ROM
1 x Video signal cord BNC
1 x Serial Port cable
1 x Infrared-module

2.2. Sensor

The sensor is used to sense the fingertip movement on the screen surface, with which the mouse
control is then enabled.
Fig.3 is the backside of the sensor and Fig.4 is the front side, which will be set to face the

Fig. 3 Fig. 4

Power socket with switch and fuse

BNC video connector
Serial Port connector
Electric cooling Fan

2.3. General requirement

Fundamentally all projectors, which are connectable with a PC, can be employed. We
recommend however a projector with at least 2000 ANSI lumen light power for an optional
presentation. In addition you need an acrylic projection screen. Please note that the
InterMedia-system will not function on thermal coating glass.

2.4. PC system configuration

. Processor Intel Pentium IV up to 2,8 GHz FSB 800 / Hyper threading active
. 512 MB DDR RAM PC 400
. PC compatible to the PCI 2.1 specifications
. USB interface
. Serial Port
. CD -ROM disk drive
. Microsoft Windows operating system 2000 / XP
. All other technical components correspond to the current standard

3. Installation
The following chapter describes the installation of the hardware and the software components.

3.1. General Installation

All function hardware components can be fitted compactly into a case designed individually,
which facilitates the common electrical connection each other.

System installation:


The projection screen is absolutely without connections to electrical socket. It is glued inside
the windowpane with a double adhesive tape.

By using an interactive projection screen of 50 — inch, it needs the following measurements and

. Along the edge of the projection screen of outside (User page) 1,10m to 1,20 m
. Distance of the sensor to the projection screen is approx. 1,20m -3,00m. The height could be
1.5 m around the screen center.

3.2. Installation of the hardware

3.2.1. Installation of the Frame grabber card

. Step.1 Open the IMAVISION Video Series box and take out the frame grabber card inside

Fig. 6

. Step.2 Plug the card into the PCI slot of the PC and close the PC box

Fig. 7
3.2.2 Cable connection

After the screen, projector and sensor are correctly installed, the whole system can be now
interconnected by cables. Here only the sensor related cable connections are introduced.

Step. 1. Connection to PC with serial port cable and Video cable

Fig. 8
Step.2. Connection to sensor

Fig. 9

3.2.3 Whole system installation sample

Fig. 10
60 inch Screen

In the real installation case, the distance between sensor and screen is 3m and the height
from sensor to screen center is 1.5m. The PC is placed in a hidden cabinet.

3.3. Installation of the software

Before you install the driver software InterMedia, it is important that all necessary drivers are
installed before. Please follow this instruction therefore step by step.

3.3.1. Frame grabber card driver

After installation of the Frame grabber card, you are requested for the new start of the PC to
install the corresponding drivers. Please go further for this purpose as follows.

. After the start of the operating system, please insert now the InterMedia CD. As in Fig.11, it is
required to install the driver for the Daheng CG300 video capture.

Fig. 11
. Please confirm this window with —Next>“

Fig. 12
. Please click the Browse button and choose
the .\Frame Grabber Card Driver\DH-CG300\Win2000_XP in the CD -ROM disk drive.
Confirm this window with —Next>“.

Fig. 13

. Please confirm this window with —Continue Anyway“ button.

Fig. 14
. Please confirm this window with —Finish“ button

After the installation of the Daheng CG300 video capture, you will be asked to install the
Daheng audio capture driver. Please do the steps in the same way as above instructions.
When the two drivers have been finished, it is requested to restart the computer.

Fig. 15
. Please confirm this window with —Yes“.
Then the frame grabber card is ready to use.

3.3.2. Installation of the InterMedia

Browse the CD-ROM drive disk and get into the folder —InterMedia“. In the folder, double
click the setup.exe file and then the installation start.

Fig. 16

Fig. 17
. Please confirm this window with —Next>“

Fig. 18

. Please choose your installing destination folder and confirm this window with —Next>“

Fig. 19

. Please click the —OK“ and then confirm this window with —Next>“

Fig. 20
. Please confirm this window with —Finish“

Fig. 21
When finished, you will see the InterMedia appear in program menu, desktop and task bar as in
Fig. 21.
Now the InterMedia are ready to be in service

4. Adjustment of InterMedia
The following chapter explains how to arrange the hardware and software of InterMedia.

4.1. Introduction

Please start the software with a left mouse double click on the InterMedia Link on your desktop.
The following program window will occur.

Fig. 22

When clicking on the program icon, a popup menu appears.

Fig. 23
There are 6 items in the popup menu.
About: when selected, a version dialog will appear.
Screen Border: when selected, the screen area can be defined by a blue rectangle in a camera
Calibration: when selected, the mouse will jump to five reference positions in order to guide
you to calibrate the system.

Parameters: when selected, a parameter-setting dialog will jump out.

Mouse Enable: when selected, it enables the mouse to be controlled by finger touch.

Exit: Exit the program.

Do now the following steps to make InterMedia run.

4.2. Setting of the InterMedia Software

. Step 1. Adjustment of the hardware

Right click on the InterMedia icon on the right side of the task bar and the InterMedia popup
menu will appear. If choose the —Screen Border“ item, the —Screen Border“ dialog will come out.

From dialog, you will see the image of screen from camera inside the sensor (Fig.24). In order
to achieve best performance of the system, please try to keep the following rules.

. Adjust the sensor position or orientation and keep the screen in the middle of the image.
. Make the sensor front side surface parallel to the screen surface, which is key to the precision
of the system. Watch the image and let the screen four borders looks like in the same surface
or parallel to the image window border
. Press your finger on the screen and find out weather the finger shape is sharp enough to be

seen. Otherwise please change your environment infrared lighting condition, for example,
open your curtain, switch on or install a lighting device with infrared spectrum. The finger
shape must be visible in order for the system to work properly.

. Step 2. Define the screen area

Fig. 24
Some blue connected lines appear in the Video screen. Normally it would look like a blue
rectangle. This rectangle can be moved by using Drag & Drop in the 4 corners of it, as indicated
by the red points. (See Fig. 24)

Please move the rectangle so that the whole projection image area is covered with it. (See
Fig.24) The rectangle shows the driver Software where the borders of the screen are. If these
borders would be bigger than the projection screen, the software could not work properly.

Notes: The blue rectangle covers only the projection image area, not the whole screen.

Fig. 25

. Step 3. Parameters setting

Fig. 26
- Fine position: explained in next section
- IR Level: It is used to control the Infrared illumination from the sensor.
Set the value according to the sharpness of the finger shape in —screen
border“ image window.
- Threshold: The value of 450 can satisfy most of the case. If the
sensitivity of the cursor is not good, please lower the value otherwise
improve it if cursor is not stable even if the —Sensitivity“ is set to Low.
- Mode: —Auto“ will simplify your setting and make the parameter setting
finished immediately. —Manual“ setting will optimize your system
- Sensitivity: Set up the cursor response time.
- Mouse Enable: when checked, the InterMedia will function together
with mouse when it is started. Otherwise please always enable the
InterMedia from the popup menu.

When finishing the setting, please confirm with —OK“.

. Step 4. Cursor Position Calibration

After you have done well work until now, the mouse pointer will finally be calibrated.
Therefore please do the following steps.

- Press the —Calibration“ in the popup menu as in Fig. 27.

- The mouse pointer will now jump to the left top corner.

- Now, please touch the projection screen with your finger, where the
mouse pointer is placed.
- If the InterMedia Software has accepted the calibration point, it will jump
to the next one.
- Do now the same for the other calibration points. Altogether there should
be 5 calibration points (4 in the corners, 1 in the center of the screen).
- After finishing the calibration, the cursor will jump to the center. Then
please enable the mouse in the popup menu as in Fig.28

. Fig. 27 Fig. 28
After the calibration, if there are some position errors between finger and mouse pointer on the
topside of the screen, please correct it with the —Top“ setting in —Fine Position“ frame in the
parameter-setting dialog. If the position errors appear at the bottom of the screen then change the
—Bottom“ value of the —Fine position“.

Now the system is ready to use.

5. Important tips to InterMedia

In this chapter special care that must be taken are provided to you, as well as problem solutions
and mistake elimination methods.

5.1.Tips to the list of the components

Please pay attention during the installation of the components to ensure the ambient light
sufficient on the user side, so that a shadow of the finger to be recognized is to be seen on the
video picture. The best light around should be natural light, because this does not cause any spot
effect on the projection screen.

Copyright .2005 InterTec Co. Ltd


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